Línea de Tiempo
Línea de Tiempo
Línea de Tiempo
1 14
1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800
3 8
2 7
1. Do not insert or remove entire rows (This will mess up
the labeling order in the chart).
2. Edit the yellow cells. You can copy and paste, delete,
insert, and sort, as long as you do not insert or delete
entire rows.
To delete an event
1. Delete the Year and Event in columns B and C,
2. If the timeline includes 0, make the Year be a value off
the X-Axis scale.
- Or -
1. Delete the year and event.
2. Move all the other events up.
3. Modify the data series so that the last events in the
column are not included in the graph.
To add an event
1. Do not insert a row. Just copy the last row of the table
down as many rows as you need.
2. Modify the data series to include the additional rows.
3. Edit each new data point label, referencing the correct
1800 cell in column G. This is done by clicking on the data
points in the chart. Then click on the specific data label
that you want to edit (this should highlight just the single
data point). Then, with the data point selected, type "="
then select the cell containing the Label (in column G).