RM On Flipkart
RM On Flipkart
RM On Flipkart
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In 2007, Flipkart was launched; Indian e-commerce business was taking its beginner steps. The
business is registered in Singapore, but their head office is in the city of Bangalore, India.
Sachin and Binny Bansal, who were working for Amazon, had an idea to start an e-commerce
company in India. Both of them are alumni of IIT, Delhi and are resident of Chandigarh, India.
They left their jobs in Amazon to start their own business. In a country where people have a
variety of tastes and preferences, an ecommerce start-up will always have massive challenges. In
India, people prefer to shop in person and buy goods they see and like. Today, thanks to Flipkart,
e-commerce has become one of the fastest growing sectors in India.
How it Started
Flipkart began selling books to begin with. It soon expanded and began offering a large variety
of goods. Innovating right from the start, Flipkart has been outstanding features for Indian e-
business. History In the first few years of its survival, Flipkart raised funds through venture
capital money. As the company grew in size, more funding arrived. Flipkart repaid the investors
faith with wonderful performances year after year. In the financial year 2008-09, Flipkart had
complete sales to the tune of 40 million Indian rupees. This soon increased to 200 million Indian
rupees the following year. Their last round of Fund raising had increased their value to $ 15
billion, however, as of February 2016, according to Morgan Stanley their estimated value stands
at $11 billion.
Back at the moment when Flipkart was launched, any e-business company faced two main
difficulties. One was the problem of online payment access. Not many people chosen online
payment and the gateways were not easy to setup. Flipkart undertake this problem by introducing
cash on delivery and payment by card on delivery in addition to others. Flipkart was the first to
implement the well-liked Cash on Delivery facility, which every online shopping website in
India offers as an option today. The second problem was the entire supply chain system. Deliver
goods on time is one of the most vital factor that determines the success of an ecommerce
business Flipkart addressed this issue by introduction their own supply chain management
system to deliver orders in a timely fashion. Today as it stands, Sachin Bansal is the Chairman of
the company and Binny Bansal is the CEO of Flipkart.
Flipkart also acquired few companies like Myntra.com, LetsBuy.com. etc., to better their
presence in the market. With the entry of Amazon.com in India, the competition between the
companies has seen many takeovers. Flipkarts journey from a small book e-retailer to Indias
largest e-commerce platform inspires a generation of start-ups. In a country where stereotype are
general, Flipkart managed to smash the norm and change the e-business industry in India for
ever. Flipkarts proves that if you really have a great idea, and you are a
Doer and not a thinker, success is not far off.
Introduction of the project
1. Using resource based theory to interpret the successful adoption and use of
information systems and technology in manufacturing small and medium
sized enterprise.
Cranfield University,
Research method:
From this research we can consider how resource based theory can be used to explain success
with the adoption and use of the information system and information technology in the
manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises.
This case is based on the in-depth in case study research in 12 Portuguese manufacturing SMES.
The main objective is to understand how and why factors caused different success levels.
Internet wages and online shopping are increasing day by day. Consumer form different
cultures and with different consumption values are using online shopping due to benefits
such as ease in searching ordering and comparing. Previous studies show that the online
shopping was used to check the value and quality of the products and to determine the
consumer behavior. The study was carried out using 201 consumers in turkey and United
Author: Croom.S.R
Supply strategy research unit
Warwick business school
Research method:
Emperial research.
E-business system and processes use unique platforms such as web browser internet have
an impact on the development of inter organization processes. This research focuses on
the development in E-business system and adoption and deployment in support of supply
chain management
Year: 2002
Author: Deboer L
Research method:
This research aims at contribution to the development of a conceptual model for studying the
direct and indirect impact of various forms of electronic procurement on a firms integral
purchasing costs. The benefits are illustrated by means of empirical data. By building this
model can lead us to conclude the assessment of direct impact but especially the indirect
impact of EP in far from straight forward.
Author: Elizabeth.T.Grandon
Assistant Professor
School of business and Administration
Emporia state university
Research Method:
During this research the determinant factors were examined by combining the two
independent research streams.
The factors like strategic vale and adoption of e-commerce as perceived by the top
managers in SME in the Midwest
Region if US. The main three factors that have been found to be influential in previous
research model that suggested three factors that have found to be perception of strategic
value of the other information technology. To validate the research model the information
was collected from top managers.
6. Information partnerships- shared data, shared scale
Year: 1990
Information technology helps by providing them new ways to operate. One of the important
features is about sharing the data of the customer. Through this information partnership each
company can after novel incentives and services to participate in joint market programs.
This becomes more useful for the companies by enhancing offers to the customers. This
method can make a company look small and close targeting and servicing custom markets.
From this research we can say that a clear objective can lead to an individual planning
process. These objectives tell about the goals for planning process which is assigning
tasks to resources at a certain point of time. This research focuses on the performance
parameters and objective that plays a vital role in the logistical planning process. To gain
The insight of the factors that is important when designing a new software system for
controlling and to plan the LSP operation.
In this research literature survey is performed and a framework capable of capturing the
dynamics of KPLS are introduced.
8. Unifying the fragmented modes of information system
In this survey the current develops a framework for an e-business logistic model in Taiwan. How
E-business model is helping the organzations. In this survey includes e-marketplace, logistic,
organization, and informational systems factors. Data used for this research come from a survey
of business groups, including marine and air carriers, terminal warehousing, custom brokers,
shipping centers, and marine information service providers. In this study relationships between
essential variables for e-business trading in the logistic industry. Specifically, we found that the
logistic industry in Taiwan ignores the details of purchasing procedure in e-marketplace
operation, focusing more on actual merchandise delivery, consumer satisfaction, and
downstream consumer service. In addition, the logistical industry in Taiwan also involves
employee adjustment to the new environment, support from upper management, training and,
application of information technology. The methods used in this survey are:
Questionnaires, SPSS were used for data analysis, including the analysis of reliability, multiple
regression, Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, and factor analysis.
Cronbachs value for Reliability Analysis. In winding up, the e-business model in Taiwan is
dominated by logistic, information system and organization behavior structure. Industries think
that logistics is the most significant factor towards successful e-business trading. This is because
no virtual business can maintain itself without support from an efficient logistic system. In their
studies indicate that companies in the logistic industry need to build up fine information systems
and encourage employee involvement in the construction of e-business trading. Support from
high-level management is also important for successful implementation of e-market trading
In this research it has done to check the growth of E commerce in the past and what will be the
future in review and analysis of the e-commerce logistics industry including regional analysis,
supply chain profiles and retail e-commerce logistics market sizes for the largest economies.
Many companies where included to which the rise or fall by E-commerce and also market share
was check of the companies.
Methods used to see the growth of organization by: Secondary data of organization and then
forecasting method was used.
E-commerce logistics is rapidly changing to try to keep pace with this quickly evolving
ecommerce market. Due to e-commerce the companies value maximization
In this case the survey was done on the growth of organization due to the E -
business logistic. In this survey varies companies data is been collect and then that
was analyzed, only for these companies which use E -business in logistic. The
analysis is done for past four years. They have analyzed that the companies are
investing money in it and E-business had helped the business to gain more grow in
all the regions. Methods of data collection is secondary sources like company
website and other resources
In this case after analyzing that companies are investing huge money in the e-business logistic
because they know that its create a huge profit for them in long run.
There are two major research approaches which are used Qualitative Research and Quantitative
Research, and also the primary and secondary data.
Conclusion: This research mainly focuses on the relationship between E business and logistic
Christophe Zott
In this case the theoretical foundation of value creation in the e- business by examining how
59 America and European e- business that have recently created value in their business. In
the survey they observed the sources of value creation.
This research shows that what should be the major research and development areas
regarding the e-bussiness logistics. Two phases of research was carried out in the research
method where the interviews were following by the workshop, enabled the evaluation and
prioritization of the prilliminary findings. The requirement of e-business on the national
logistics infrastructure were found to e one of the focus research areas.
University of Macelonia
From this case it is understood that e-business adoption is not exclusively a matter of resources.
The more use of e-business is due to the increased operational capatibilty as wel as increased
level of collaboration. From this research we can say that the mangers should try to inprove the
relationship with the suppliers/customers in order to do a common e-business investment and
should also aim to increase the partners commitment to use these applications.
16.Adopting new technology for supply chain mangemnet.
Author:Kirk A.Patterson
Curtis M Grimm
Thomas M Corsi
In the case e business logistic supply chain management activites and the technologies to
accomplish it have become competitive necessities in most industries, with almost daily
technology advancement globally in every part of business organization need to sychornize by
adopting and implementing new electronic commerce at supply chain technology in order to
protect market share.
E business supply chain is important for every industry noe a days. The industry success
depends on the supply chain management.
17.E-business Adoption.
Author: W.H.M.Zijm
This case is all about the research on the e-business adoption, in dutch in small and medium
sized enterprises. They talk about is it important to adopt the e-business in the process of
management. They need questionaries, primary as well as secondary sources. They conducted by
saying that it important to adopt the e-business, if the organization want to grow and satify the
customer and complete with the other organization.
18.Supply Chain Management and the Implications for Purchasing and E-
Logistics Strategy
Martha C. Cooper (The Ohio State University)
Lisa M. Ellram (Arizona State University)
YEAR: 2006
The concepts of a supply chain and supply chain management are receiving increased attention
as means of becoming or remaining competitive in a globally challenging environment.This
paper presents a framework for differentiating between traditional systems and supply chain
management systems. These characteristics are then related to the process of establishing and
managing a supply chain.
Thomas M Corsi
Year: 2003
The supply chain management and the objectives required to accomplish the objectives have
became the competitive necessities of the companies. The usage of supply chain management in
industries have become a common trend. Industries need to adopt more new an more advanced
technologies for the protection of their market share and improving the position in the market.
This research mainly focuses o the adoption of the supply chain management. This model
provides a better understanding of the supply chain technology along with the use of the
information technology.
20. An analysis of E-Business adoption and its impact on business
Author: Fang Wu
Vijay Mahajan
Sridhar Balasubramanian
Across industries, firms have adopted e-bisiness initiatives to better manage their internal
business processes as well as their interfaces with the environment. In this study, a unified
framework that captures the antecedents of e-business adoption, adoption intensity, performance
outcomes in proposed and empirically tested using data collected from senior managers in four
technology-intensive industries. Applying a framework that captures the intensity of e-business
adoption across four business process domains, the authors find that the antecedents and
performance outcomes of antecedents and performance outcomes of e-business adoption are best
studied in a process-specific context. They find that while the communication and internal
administration aspects of e-business positively affect performance outcomes, the more high
profile activites related to online order taking and e-procurment do not. The authors finding
provides the foundation for a more rigorous study of e-business.
1. Will small and medium organization will be able to held information system and
technology in manufacturing process?
2. Huge amount of money is used by organization to make their business fully E-business
and logistic?
3. Describe the coordination mechanism between e-commerce and logistics in general?
4. How to find relationship between e-commerce and logistic in business to consumers?
5. Find out the strengths and shortcoming of logistic when the company is developing e-
commerce in general?