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Saravali: Kalachakra Dasa - Basics


Kalachakra Dasa - Basics

Kalachakra dasa is (like vimsottari) a lunar nakshatra dasa,
Vedic Astrology
i.e. a dasa that is based upon the position of the moon in
Topics of Vedic
Astrology her lunar mansion.
Dasas But there are fundamental differences between kalachakra
Kalachakra Dasa and other nakshatra dasas
Motion of the Chakra
The Four Chakras
1. Kalachakra is based upon nakshatra padas
Explaining the Chakras (instead of nakshatras). The reader may recognize that
Balance at Birth Time nakshatra padas are the same as navamsas. That
Cycles of the Chakra
means that kalachakra is a navamsa based nakshatra
Gatis (Jumps)
Appendix: Chakras 2. It is a rasi dasa (instead of graha dasa), i.e. the
Sarvatobhadra dasa lords are rasis and not planets.
Yoga 3. There are different opinions about the calculation
methods. This is a problem similar to the dasas of
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jaimini astrology.
4. The dasa is extremly sensitive for birth time and
ayanamsa changes. So it is applicable only if the
native's birth time is quite accurat.

Savya and Apsavya Chakra

Each nakshatra of the zodiac gets 9 different steps of the
chakra. We have therefore 108 * 9 = 972 dasas in the

There are two main step directions of the chakra: direct and
reverse motion. The first is called savya, the second is
called apsavya.

The motion in savya is from aries to pisces. It begins

again in aries after finishing one cycle of the zodiac.
The apsavya motion is similar but reverse. So it
proceeds from pisces to aries, etc.
There are two different chakras in savya and apsavya. So
get in total 4 groups of chakras.

These groups are called

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Saravali: Kalachakra Dasa - Basics

1. Aswini group (first savya group)

2. Bharani group (second savya group)
3. Rohini group (first apsavya group)
4. Mrigasira group (second apsavya group)
Savya and apsavya nakshatras build groups of three. The
table below shows how to map nakshatras to the 4 chakras.

Number Nakshatra Savya/Apsavya Group

1 Aswini Savya 1. Aswini

2 Bharani Savya 2. Bharani

3 Krittika Savya 1. Aswini

4 Rohini Apsavya 3. Rohini

5 Mrigasira Apsavya

6 Ardra Apsavya 3. Rohini

7 Punarvasu Savya 1. Aswini

8 Pushyami Savya 2. Bharani

9 Aslesha Savya 1. Aswini

10 Magha Apsavya 3. Rohini

11 Purvaphalguni Apsavya

12 Uttaraphalguni Apsavya 3. Rohini

13 Hasta Savya 1. Aswini

14 Chitra Savya 2. Bharani

15 Swati Savya 1. Aswini

16 Visakha Apsavya 3. Rohini

17 Anuradha Apsavya

18 Jyeshta Apsavya 3. Rohini

19 Mula Savya 1. Aswini

20 Purvashadha Savya 2. Bharani

21 Uttarashadha Savya 1. Aswini

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Saravali: Kalachakra Dasa - Basics

22 Sravana Apsavya 3. Rohini

23 Dhanista Apsavya

24 Satabhisha Apsavya 3. Rohini

25 Purvabhadra Savya 1. Aswini

26 Uttarabhadra Savya 2. Bharani

27 Revati Savya 1. Aswini

There is a change of savya/apsavya after 3
nakshatras = 12 navamsas. So the odd cycles in
navamsa chart are savya, the even ones are apsavya.
Savya and Apsavya change every 3 nakshatras. But
there is savya at the end of the zodiac; so we find 6
savya nakshatras if we proceed from purvabhadra to


Group Subgroup Nakshatras

Aswini, Krittika, Punarvasu,
Aslesha, Hasta, Swati, Mula,
Savya 1. Aswini
Uttarashadha, Purvabhadra,

Bharani, Pushyami, Chitra,

Savya 2. Bharani
Purvashadha, Uttarabhadra

Rohini, Ardra, Magha,

Apsavya 3. Rohini Uttaraphalguni, Visakha,
Jyeshta, Sravana, Satabhisha

4. Mrigasira, Purvaphalguni,
Mrigasira Anuradha, Dhanista

Paramayus is the maximum span of one cycle of the
kalachakra. Paramayus means also maximum span of life.
There are 4 types of paramayus: 83, 86, 85 and 100 years.

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Saravali: Kalachakra Dasa - Basics

These values depend on the birth nakshatra and the pada.

The table shows the paramayus for savya/apsavya chakra

depending on the nakshatra pada of the birth chart.

Type/Years 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Savya Chakra 100 85 83 86

Apsavya Chakra 86 83 85 100

Duration of the Mahadasas

Rasi Lord Years

Aries, Scorpio Mars 7

Taurus, Libra Venus 16

Gemini, Virgo Mercury 9

Cancer Moon 21

Leo Sun 5

Sagittarius, Pisces Jupiter 10

Capricorn, Aquarius Saturn 4

Last modification Mon Oct 3 2005, generated by Mason on Sun Aug 6 2006

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