Tablet Publisher: - Instructions
Tablet Publisher: - Instructions
Tablet Publisher: - Instructions
eDocker Tablet Publisher -installation............................. 3
Activation.......................................................................... 4
Deactivation...................................................................... 4
Installation of InDesign tools........................................... 4
What to do in InDesign..................................................... 5
If you start from scratch (suggested method)................ 5
Use existing layout - Method A....................................... 5
Use existing layout - Method B.......................................6
Create Article structure..................................................... 7
Export with eDocker Tablet Exporter............................... 7
3. eDocker will be downloaded to your computer. Choose Open in Application Install window.
4. After few seconds, you will be asked if you are sure you want to install. Click Install button.
5. Exept Installation location (or change it if you want) and click continue.
Activation Deactivation
1. Open eDocker Tablet Publisher (if its not yet open). 1. Click Info-icon on the top right corner of eDocker window
2. Click Register (you must have your Key 2. Click De-Activate button
from activation email at this point) 3. Confirm you want to Deactivate License
Now you cant use eDocker in this computer anymore, but you
can re-use your Key in another computer.
After this eDocker opens and you can use it normally. Remeber that you can install eDocker a admin user but when you perform acti-
vation, you have to logged in as an actual user who is going to use eDocker.
1. Download eDocker.zi
2. Unzip it, you will have a folder called eDocker
3. Copy that folder to your InDesigns application folders Script>Scripts Panel directory
4. After that you will see eDocker tools in your Window>Utilities>Scripts panel.
NOTE! Panels look little different NOTE! You have to copy all 5 files to
in Windows but content is iden- Scripts panel
What to do in InDesign
If you start from scratch (suggested method)
1. Create new file and use following values (mark with red). NOTE! Slightly different values for
landscape and portrait pages!
1. Open indd-file
2. If Facing Pages in on, toggle it off from File>Document Setup. If that change will cause you troubles with your layout, you can try to
leave it on as well.
3. Convert the shape of your pages to match iPads screen shape (3:4). You can do that with eDocker_iPadPageSizeConverter script that
ships with eDocker. Open Window>Utilities>Scripts panel and double-click the name of the script.
Multipage Importer
TIP! If you want to have exact page size for your document, create new 1004x768 InDesign
file and place your existing indd or pdf document to that page with eDocker_MultiPageIm-
porter script. The script will create as many pages as you have in your original document
and places those pages separately into a new document. After that you may continue as
1. Create new layout with correct page sizes (see previous page).
2. Open Window > Utilities > Scripts and double-click eDocker_MultiPageImporter script
3. Select the PDF file you want to use as source for your eDocker Project
4. Make proper settings in opening window and click OK.
TIP! if your PDFs shape does not match to iPads screen and
there is space on marginals, try to uncheck Fit to Page and Scale
Imported page with percentahe of 102-105%.
Tablet-publications may have pages laid out horizontally and vertically. You can create that page structure in InDesign by using sections.
1. Mark the starting pages of your articles with Start Section mark.
2. Select the thumbnail of the proper page and Choose Numbering&Section Options from Pages panels flyout menu.
3. Make sure that Start Section is checked.
4. Click OK, a small triangle should appear above page thumbnail.
NOTE! Add section mark also to articles with one page (see pages
2, 3 and 4 at image above)
In order to be able to import your project to eDocker Tablet Publisher, you first have to export it properly.
2. InDesign starts the conversion process. If your Document Transparency Blend Space is set to be CMYK, you will receive a following
alert but thats not going to be problem later, you can continue by clickin OK.
3. Next you will have a window where you can define some settings for the export
a) Check zoomable if you want to use new better zoom later in Tablet Publisher*
b) Choose quality, use at least High Quality -setting
c) Click Output Destination -sections Browse button jand define a target loacation. Always create an empty folder for materials
d) Click Export
IMPORTANT! If you use Zoomable feature, you MUST
use Baseline as Format Method! Better zoom doesnt work
NEW! a
1. After opening eDocker, you will be in Library. Click small +-icon on bottom-right corner. Choose Import Archive if you used Package fea-
ture in Tablet Exporter, otherwise choose Import Folder
2. Choose the .edtp archine or folder you created earlier with tablet exporter (previous page, 3b)
3. Click Select/OK.
4. eDocker creates a html5 publication for you and adds it to library
Use Sort by -featue to change the way
eDocker shows your publications on library
Show/Hide thumbs
Back to Issue
NOTE! Use #article number to point some other a. insert URL and
article instead of external www-address (#5 Poster (optional)
points to 5th article etc) OR
b. insert local
iframe con-
tent inside ZIP-
* Iframe is a window, where you can show html-content on the top of the page.
This way!
4. Edit X/Y-positionig, Height and/or Width, define a poster image for video. Poster will be visible when video is not running.
Editing hyperlinks/iframes
1. Open page with inserted hyperlink/iframe to page editor
2. Mouseover grey element placeholder
3. Pen and X icons are appearing top-right corner - click pen to open Hyperlink/Iframe Details window, click X to remove element
4. Edit X/Y-positionig, Height and/or Width and URL where hyperlink points or iframe loads its content from.
After you have finished editing your publication, you can start publishing process.
1. Go to Issue Lightbox.
2. Click Publish icon on bottom-right corner of Lightbox
3. Publish window will open. Activate your target platforms (Desktop and/or iPad)
4. If you activate desktop option, you have 3 additional options to choose for all computer users
Desktop Viewer - browser based viewer that uses whole screen width and same page structure than iPad versio
Tablet Simulator - same as previous but packaged to tablet look-a-like environment
Link to Flip-Page magazine - link to any URL
After you have published your project locally, its time to upload it to server. You can do that with any free or paid FTP-client software.
Naming policy
When you publish your project, you always upload the whole folder eDocker created for you. The name of the folder is also a part of the
final address. So if you had your project inside a folder named ipadmag and you upload it to your server you end up
having your publication at address Its simple as that.
eDocker creates automatically html5-offline capability to your publication. It means that after first visit iPad users may read your publica-
tion even if they dont have active internet connection.
If you want to offer then that possibility, you have to make sure that your server is configured to exept .manifest filetypes. Without that
your server does not recognize the cache.manifest file where all the cached files are listed.
Contact your server administrator to check this out well before you want to publish!
NOTE! All the features in your publication are not supporting offline use. For instance usage of videos and iframe contents requi-
res active online mode.
eDocker PDF2TABLET is new method to convert PDF file to .edtp format which can be opened and finalized in eDocker Tablet Publisher
without 3rd party softwares like Adobe InDesign.
Its possible to use eDocker PDF2TABLET as a standalone application (MacOS 10.6 or newer only) or as an online service at
Mac users
Installation of PDF2TABELT stanalone application for Mac
1. Use download link provided you by email, download -package to your Desktop.
2. UnZip the package, you will get an .app file called eDocker PDF2TABLET.
3. Drag and drop it to your Applications folder.
If you want to transfer your license from one computer to another, you have to deactivate license first.
Windows users
1. Open your web-browser and go to, use ID and password provided you by email.
2. Browse in your PDF file and click Upload and convert button
3. After the conversion, download link to ready to .edtp-package will appear.
4. Right-click the link and choose Save target as or Save link as...
5. Choose proper target for the file
6. After download has completed, navigate to the target you choosed at step 5
7. Double-click .edtp file to open it to eDocker Tablet Publisher