Project Set Up: - Video - Early Life - Musical Influence - Influence On The World
Project Set Up: - Video - Early Life - Musical Influence - Influence On The World
Project Set Up: - Video - Early Life - Musical Influence - Influence On The World
- Video
- Early Life
- Musical Influence
- Influence on the World
Because when Martin Luther King Jr gave his legendary "I have a
dream" speech, Dylan wasn't just in the audience, he was on stage a
few feet from Dr King, having just sung "Only a Pawn in Their Game"
and "Blowin' in the Wind".
- Charity work
- Influence on my life
- Achievements
- Musical Expert
Early Life:
His maternal grandparents, Ben and Florence Stone, were Lithuanian Jews who arrived in the
United States in 1902.[7] In his autobiography, Chronicles: Volume One, Dylan wrote that his
paternal grandmother's maiden name was Kirghiz and her family originated from Kazman district of
Kars Province in northeastern Turkey.[8]
Dylan's father, Abram Zimmerman an electric-appliance shop owner and mother, Beatrice
"Beatty" Stone, were part of a small, close-knit Jewish community. They lived in Duluth until Robert
was six, when his father had polio and the family returned to his mother's hometown, Hibbing, where
they lived for the rest of Robert's childhood. In his early years he listened to the radiofirst to blues
and country stations from Shreveport, Louisiana, and later, when he was a teenager, to rock and
Musical Influence: