The document provides an update on fuel prices in South Africa as of July 5, 2017. It lists the retail and wholesale prices for petrol and diesel in Gauteng and the coastal region. It also includes the single national maximum retail price and data on the basic fuel price, press release contribution, and unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 3, 2017. The next price adjustment is scheduled for August 2 and will be based on the average unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 27, 2017.
The document provides an update on fuel prices in South Africa as of July 5, 2017. It lists the retail and wholesale prices for petrol and diesel in Gauteng and the coastal region. It also includes the single national maximum retail price and data on the basic fuel price, press release contribution, and unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 3, 2017. The next price adjustment is scheduled for August 2 and will be based on the average unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 27, 2017.
The document provides an update on fuel prices in South Africa as of July 5, 2017. It lists the retail and wholesale prices for petrol and diesel in Gauteng and the coastal region. It also includes the single national maximum retail price and data on the basic fuel price, press release contribution, and unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 3, 2017. The next price adjustment is scheduled for August 2 and will be based on the average unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 27, 2017.
The document provides an update on fuel prices in South Africa as of July 5, 2017. It lists the retail and wholesale prices for petrol and diesel in Gauteng and the coastal region. It also includes the single national maximum retail price and data on the basic fuel price, press release contribution, and unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 3, 2017. The next price adjustment is scheduled for August 2 and will be based on the average unit over/under recovery from June 30 to July 27, 2017.
Petrol Diesel (*) Diesel (*) Ill Par 95 ULP & LRP 0.05% S 0.005% S
Gauteng Pump Price as from 05/07/2017 1 286.000 1 097.330 1101.73 657.088
Coastal Pump Price as from 05/07/2017 1 237.000 1 058.630 1 063.030 599.188 Single National Maximum Retail Price 841.000 BASIC FUEL PRICE - 03/07/2017 (SA c/l) 529.777 519.640 524.761 PRESS RELEASE BFP CONTRIBUTION 572.670 545.630 550.030 UNIT OVER/(UNDER) RECOVERY (SA c/l) - 03/07/2017 42.893 25.990 25.269 519.315 Press Release R/$ 6.141 6.141 549.388 543.128 AVERAGE BASIC FUEL PRICE 30/06/2017 - 03/07/2017 525.834 515.519 520.485 23.813 AVERAGE UNIT OVER/(UNDER) RECOVERY 30/06/2017 - 03/07/2017 46.836 30.112 29.545 551.606 514.897 Next price adjustment on 02/08/2017 to be 28.232 based on the average unit over/(under) recovery for 30/06/2017 - 27/07/2017 SOURCE : DoE
These figures are supplied by parties external to Business Day. Business Day will not warrant the accuracy of the figures.