World07 05 17
World07 05 17
World07 05 17
Heres My CARD
Heres My guide to local
businesses and
CARD service providers.
Rooted in Vermont:
Uniting All Vermonters
Around Local Food
page 7
Student on the News
pages 8-9
Celebrating 30 years!
2017 Awards
page 9
Weather Heights Downstreet creates and sustains
by Roger Hill access to safe, decent and affordable homes
page 33
and builds strong and diverse communities.
May not be available in all papers
Autosaver Group
The WORLD July Coupon Book Learn more at
Lift Chairs
(in stock)
starting at
Stahler Furniture
Changing your Home, One Room at a Time
I-91 Exit 23, 469 Broad St., Rt. 5, Lyndonville, VT M thru F 9-5, Sat. 9-3, Closed Sun.
standing achievement. tains and stunning scenery, and is just three
This is a huge accomplishment for us, miles away from Central Vermont Medical
she says. Getting to five stars took a lot of Center. Barre Gardens offers a full program of
commitment, follow-up, and follow-through, activities for its residents every day of the
and we could not have done it without our week, as well as 24-hour nursing care, and
incredible staff, some of whom have worked physical, occupational and speech therapy.
in this building for over thirty years. Priority Health Group is a leading provider
The 96-bed skilled nursing facility is oper- of rehabilitation and skilled nursing services
ated by Priority Healthcare Group and pro- focused on hiring professional and caring staff
vides short-term rehabilitation and long-term and providing the highest level of care while
579 South Barre Road, Barre care. Situated at the top of a hill, it is a warm,
homey place, overlooking majestic moun-
treating each resident like they would their
own mother or father.
New Catamount Solar owners (L-R): Liz Smithies, Andrew Wible, HOURS:MON.-FRI. 7-6
$ 95 ONLY
Chris Sparadeo, Brent Lafreniere TANK
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MONDAY TO FRIDAY SATURDAY With this coupon, With this coupon, 30 lb., 100 lb.
now through July 31, 2017 now through July 31, 2017 Lift Trucks & RVs!
7:00AM - 5:00PM 7:00AM - NOON
Catamount Solar of Randolph is pleased to announce that
the following four employee-owners have joined their worker
cooperative in 2017: Liz Smithies, Reception, Accounting
Assistant; Andrew Wible, Residential Installation Manager; BE
Chris Sparadeo, Solar Installer; and Brent Lafreniere, Master
Electrician. NO. MRAE ANYWH HRU
Catamount Solar was established in 2011 as an LLC orga-
nized as a worker cooperative. Rather than just employees, all
company workers are members of (or on track to become
members of) the cooperative, sharing its ownership responsi-
bilities and receiving compensation dependent on company
profit, and in proportion to their contributed labor. As an
with purchase
added perk for achieving the status of Coop Member,
Catamounts employee-owners each are entitled to make an
of Large
annual $1000 direct donation to the non-profit of their choos- Cold Brew Coffee
ing from Catamount Solar as part of the companys Five
Percent for Community program. LOTS
Dr. Ally Bogan to Leave Join us for an Informational Session and discover if
Hardwick Chiropractic Morgan Orchards is the place youll want to call home!
After working beside Drs Grace Johnstone and Rick Thursday, July 13 ~ 9-10:30 a.m.
Eschholz for the last five years, Dr. Ally Bogan will be leav-
ing Hardwick Chiropractic at the end of July. Ally has loved Menig Nursing Home Conference Room (lower level)
being a part of the Hardwick Chiropractic team and will miss 215 Tom Wicker Lane, Randolph Center
serving this community. RSVP by July 10
She will be joining her husband, Dr. Andrew McCanse, at
Precision Chiropractic in Williston. This transition is defi-
nitely bitter sweet, as she is excited to start this new chapter
alongside her husband in practice, where she will be focusing
on pediatric and prenatal care. (802) 728-7888 |
Bogan would like to express her deep appreciation for all
the patients and their families who have given her the oppor- Randolph Center, Vermont
tunity to provide care for them and allow her to do the work
she loves. She is honored and grateful to have shared the last
five years being a part of peoples healing.
focused drivers.
shepherd the new program through Vermont oping rules for licensing dental therapists.
At 55 mph, that's like driving Techs governance processes, including a The rules will lay out the steps a graduate of
the length of an entire football presentation to the Vermont State College an accredited dental therapy education pro-
field with your eyes closed. Systems Board of Trustees, was the schools gram will need to follow in order to become a
Dain Herring first order of business. Vermont Tech is
pleased that Dr. Cheyanne Warren, working
licensed dental therapist in Vermont; and how
to keep that license in good standing through-
INSURANCE ADVISOR WHAT IS CELLCONTROL? most recently as a staff General Dentist for out their career. In addition, the Board is
The Noyle Johnson Group has Cellcontrol is an enforceable safe driving The Health Center in Plainfield, VT, has working toward establishing rules that would
partnered with Ohio Mutual Insurance solution that can disable the ability to text, agreed to take on this leadership role. In addi- allow dental therapists from other states to
Group to help curb distracted driving. tion to developing the program, Dr. Warren practice in Vermont.
email, Tweet, post to Snapchat and Facebook, will develop the curriculum and seek accredi- With significant steps being taken that
Were raffling off 20 Cellcontrol devices, which are take selfies and much more while driving. tation for the program from the Commission advance dental therapy practice in the state,
designed to limit cell phone distractions so that you & on Dental Accreditation (CODA) the accred- Vermont is well on its way to providing
your family are safer on the road. Added bonus: you may 2 WAYS F A C E B O O K : iting body for the Colleges current dental access to dental care for the tens of thousands
Noyle Johnson Group hygiene programs. I look forward to making of Vermonters without it as well as improving
qualify for certain discounts on your auto policy with TO ENTER WEBSITE: the Dental Therapy program and curriculum a the distribution of care around the state, said
Ohio Mutual by using Cellcontrol for your young drivers! RAFFLE reality. The momentum has been strong which Moulton.
Noyle W. Johnson Insurance Sawyer and Ritchie Agency Berg, Carmolli & Kent
119 River St., Montpelier, VT
198 Route 2 W., Danville, VT
83 Washington St., Barre, VT
Ten Towns to Get Help to Develop Forest Action Plans
The Vermont Town Forest Recreation FPR Recreation Program, the Vermont
Planning Community Assistance Program has Agency of Commerce and Community
selected 10 communities to receive help with Development and UVM Extensions Vermont
developing town forest recreation and stew- Tourism Research Center.
ardship action plans. To be eligible for assistance, towns were
THANK YOU FOR SAYING The recipients are Bradford, Hartford, required to have, or to soon acquire, a pub-
Hardwick, Huntington, Marshfield, licly owned parcel of land suitable for a town
I SAW IT IN Middlebury, Richmond, Wells, Weathersfield forest. In addition to providing a letter of sup-
and Woodbury. Each town will work with a port from municipal officials, each applicant
multidisciplinary team of foresters, commu- was asked to identify a group willing to
nity planners and other experts, who will spearhead the efforts locally such as a conser-
provide advice and technical support, valued vation commission, tree board or a new ad
Forrer, outreach specialist with the Vermont diverse, Forrer points out, including for
Urban and Community Forestry (VT UCF) watershed protection, wildlife habitat, forest
Program. More than 168 municipalities own products, outdoor classrooms and neighbor-
more than 67,000 acres of forestland, all open hood gathering places. This program seeks to
for public benefit. increase the capacity of communities to plan
The project is funded through a grant from for Vermonts growing forest-based recre-
the U.S. Forest Service and requires an in- ation industry, now worth $187 million annu-
kind match of volunteer hours, such as public ally, and develop new resources to support
education and community engagement. It is sustainable town forest stewardship and for-
sponsored by VT UCF, a collaborative effort est-based recreation.
of University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Action plan development and community
and the Vermont Department of Forests, planning for each town are expected to be
Parks and Recreation (FPR). Partners are the completed by Nov. 1, 2018.
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page 4 The WORLD July 5, 2017
1970 Vermont Rt. 14 South | East Montpelier, VT 05651
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont Customer
Service Team Members Earn Top Awards from -LIF E C ARE
National Service Quality Management Group SUPPORT END -OF
Three members of the Blue Cross and Blue center in achieving SQM world-class certifi- Providing comfort at the end of life.
Shield of Vermont (BCBSVT) customer ser- cation for three consecutive years. Her team-
vice team recently received national awards work and leadership skills resulted in addi-
for their outstanding service to BCBSVT tional SQM accolades for BCBSVT as a top-
members. performing Blue Plan for first-call resolution
Emily Fair, director of customer service, for two years running, Hamilton says.
received national recognition from Service As the Ulysses Master Coach, Willett is
Quality Management (SQM) group with an responsible for the coaching standards of
award for First Call Resolution (FCR) BCBSVTs customer service initiatives. She
Leadership. This award signifies Fairs com- supports the individual coaching needs of
mitment to improving customer satisfaction team leaders and managers, and provides $25 minimum per participant $50 per driver/$75 driver and passenger
levels and her dedication to providing an out- strategic insight and ongoing support of the
standing customer service experience for coaching and development model across vari-
Vermonters. ous departments. Willett also serves as a
Emily is a driving force behind first call health and wellness role model and teaches a
resolution here at Blue Cross and Blue Shield high-energy, well-attended Jazzercise class at Enter to WIN a REGIS
of Vermont. Her leadership skills, and will- BCBSVT. She resides in Barre. 17 Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster BY AU TER
ingness to share her teams best practices, Madison Blow received an award for (approximately $8,500 retail value) from Wilkins Harley-Davidson in South Barre, Vt. FOR A G. 1
translate to other world-class call centers Customer Service Representative of the Year OR Trade toward the bike of your choice OR $5,000 cash T-SHIR REE
across the United States and Canada, shares in recognition of her commitment to quality Tickets: $100 each (only 100 tickets to be sold) T!
Catherine Hamilton, vice president of con- care and customer service satisfaction. Raffle winner is responsible for tax, title, registration and pick-up. Color and model dependent on availability.
sumer services and planning. SQMs accolade reveals Blows dedication Learn more and register at:
Fair has been notable in her dedication to to BCBSVT members. Every day, she embarks OR CALL (802) 728-2726
improving customer satisfaction levels on extensive research initiatives, outreach to LEAS
through first call resolution initiatives. Her providers and works interdepartmentally to Sponsored by
diligence towards her co-workers, and all ensure customer satisfaction. She is willing to
Vermonters, is clear in her daily work at call providers, work with our integrated health
BCBSVT. Fair has worked for BCBSVT for team and network with other local constitu-
20-years. She resides with her family in East
Janalee Willett received SQMs award for
Supervisor of the Year for her commitment to
ents to get answers.
Madison is passionate about helping each
caller resolve his or her specific concern. In
doing so, she has completed countless hours
We're Open in Barre!
quality care and customer service satisfac- of research on behalf of our members to get
tion. actionable results. She is intent on helping Enjoy Our Large Sit-Down Caf
Willett has worked for Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Vermont for 17 years. She is cur-
others, while modeling excellent customer
service values to her co-workers, notes
& Drive-Thru
At Jiffy Mart! BE
rently BCBSVTs customer service supervi- Hamilton. 350
sor and a Ulysses Master Coach. She super-
vises BCBSVTs call center and has experi-
SQM selected Blow as the Customer
Service Representative of the Year from a NO. MRAE ANYWH-THRU
ence in employee coaching and develop- pool of 24 finalists from across the United BAR ERE!
ment. States and Canada. Blow has worked for
Janalees excellence in leadership aided BCBSVT for almost two years. She lives in
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermonts call Barre City.
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Rte. 2 1/2 mile E. of the Roundabout Montpelier, VT In the Capitol City Kia Building
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page 6 The WORLD July 5, 2017
Rooted in Vermont: Andrea L.
Uniting All Vermonters Around Local Food Gallitano, P.C.
Vermonters were farming, gardening, fishing, and hunting Attorney At Law
long before there were craft beers and gourmet burgers.
Traditions like gardening, hunting, fishing, and foraging are as 301 North Main Street, Suite 2
core to Vermonts local food movement as purchasing local Barre, VT 05641
food from farmers, restaurants, schools, and stores. Rooted in (802) 622-8230
Vermont is a grassroots movement that empowers all Practice areas include: tenant disputes
Vermonters to be a part of the local food movement. commercial and real estate employment, insurance,
Vermonters are proud of tradition and our way of life.
transactions collections, and permitting
business formation issues
Local food connects us to the land, to our history, and to our buy/sell arrangements wills/trusts
communities. Rooted in Vermont is a movement to help all
stock purchase agreements probate administration and
asset sales litigation
Vermonters see local food as their ownnot because it is a leasing guardianships
trend, but rather a part of our history and who we are as
Vermonters, says Rachel Carter, communications director for
the Vermont Farm to Plate Network a network of over 300
organizations who are nurturing the Rooted in Vermont move-
ment as a component to implementing Vermonts Farm to
Plate food system plan.
Rooted in Vermont Celebrates How Vermonters Acquire
and Enjoy Local Food You'll Flip Over
Growing and foraging; purchasing directly from a farmer or
at the store; hunting or fishing; eating at schools, institutions
Our 2-Sided
or restaurants serving local food; picking up food at a food Mattress!
shelf; or just sharing Vermont food and drinks with friends
and neighborsthese are all examples of being Rooted in
Vermont and can be experienced in any Vermont community The Rooted in Vermont grassroots movement celebrates how all
or online by following or using the hashtag Vermonters acquire and enjoy local food and intends to increase
consumer demand so more Vermont food can be available and
#RootedinVermont. accessible where most Vermonters shop.
Our family has been hunting, making maple syrup, and QUEEN SET
growing our own veggies for years and thats how we eat local ences all come into play when Vermonters make decisions Locally Owned & Operated By Mike & Amanda P.
food. I love that Rooted in Vermont includes these traditions about food purchases, says Carter. But a little goes a long 97 US Rt. 302 Barre-Montpelier Rd 802-479-0671
in the local food movement. When more Vermonters can see way! The power really lies with Vermonters to change the
their own values and traditions being celebrated and recog- system by demanding more local food where we shop so that
nized, they will be more likely to seek out and purchase local we have more in-state control about the food available to us
foodsespecially when they understand how it will benefit and more economic opportunities for our families.
our state, shares Liz Perreault, a Plainfield, Vermont resident Increased consumer demand sends a signal to the market-
who follows Rooted in Vermont on Facebook. place for more local food to be produced, distributed, and
Rooted in Vermont has followers from all over the state on available to Vermonters. Local food sales currently account
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In fact, Vermonters from all for $6.9% ($189 million) of total food sales in Vermont. If
regions of Vermont and how they enjoy local food are featured 10% of the food purchased in Vermont was locally produced,
on the Facebook page every Wednesday. it would equate to $300 million staying in the Vermont econ-
What constitutes a Vermonter? omy. Purchasing local products keeps more money here in
Anyone who lives and works in Vermont, says Carter. Vermont, in turn creating jobs, supporting the in-state supply
The intention of the Rooted in Vermont movement is to cre- chain, protecting our family farms, and making local food
ate unity among all people who make their home in the Green more accessible to more Vermonters.
Mountains without judgement about how they acquire and Im excited to see the local food movement grow, espe-
enjoy foodor any judgements for that matter. We are trying cially because increased demand for local food means more
to shift the local food narrative on social media and in family farms and local businesses can be successful and will
Vermont communities to be inclusive and invite all Vermonters make more local food available at regular grocery stores and
to share how they are Rooted in Vermont. small town convenience stores, shares Perreault. Rooted in
Increasing Consumer Demand in Local Food Vermont matters to Vermonters because it will help keep more
As more Vermonters engage in the Rooted in Vermont money in our state and hopefully create more jobs. So many
movement, grassroots outreach efforts will encourage ways to Vermonters struggle with a high cost of living and I think we
demonstrate increased demand in local food. can all get behind Rooted in Vermont and building a stronger
Cost, convenience, availability, and different food prefer- Vermont economy.
For year: Justin Goulet, Ashley Pelkey, and in applied science degree become a commissioned Army
The following students were named to the through the Community College Reserve Officer upon gradua-
Deans List at Paul Smiths College during Elizabeth Scott of Barre; Charles Isvak of of the Air Force. Breer is the tion. Minuteman Scholarship
Graniteville, Vt. She is a 2012 Ambassadors letter of endorse-
Nathan Lafont of East Barre; and Patrick of Randolph; Ashley Nelson of Waterbury graduate of Union 32 High ment. For further information
White of Danville. Ctr; Pavin Parrish of Rochester; Kayla School, East Montpelier, Vt. go to
Sean Kidder, Hannah King, Aidan Kresco, Owen Kresco, Brady Lamberti, Emily
Lamberti, Payton Lamberti, Madison Lantange, Kayla LaPrade, Alyssa Larivee,
Emily LaRose, Chloe Lee, Savannah Light, Isaac Lobb, Noah Long, Rayna Long,
Haley MacAuley, Sage MacAuley, Aiden Madison, Taite Magoon, John Malnati,
Bryson Martin, Kiana Martin, Jamison Mast, Chloe Mattson, Jonathan Maurice,
Phillip Maurice, Riley McAllister, Ned McCarthy, Brayden Murphy, Clara
Murray, Lucy Norris, Brandon Noury, Gabriel Obrey, Evan Orr, Mason Otis, Ryan
Partridge, Madison Pembroke, Colton Perkins, Landen Pickel, Zoey Pickel, Ella
Pitonyak, Halle Pletzer, William Poirier, Bretton Powers, Isabel Preston, Michael
Rea, Matthew Redmond, Nathan Romeo, Alaina Rueda, Ryan Sanborn, Anastasiya
Simonenko, Jameson Solomon, Samuel Starzec, Natalie Taylor, Reese Thayer,
Andrew Trottier, Tavarius Vance, Riley Vincent, Abigail Violette, Molly Violette,
Chandler Wallin, Josiah Welch, Benjamin White, Demetrius Wickenheiser, Samuel
Wilcox, Emily Wilson, Abigail York, and Charlotte Young.
502 N. Main St. 707 Stonecutters Way
476-4156 223-2335
92 S. Main St. Barre VT 800-696-9663 800-698-0078
05641 479-7909
1-800-498-7909 802-223-5757 ST. JOHNSBURY WAITSFIELD
249 Bay St. 154 Carroll Road
1 mile north of 748-2341 496-2424
From Simple Refresh to On June 24, 23 campers ages 4-12 took to Travis Mercy Memorial Skatepark at the Barre Town
East Montpelier Village 800-696-2666 800-462-4475
Recreation Area to hone their skateboarding skills during the two-hour free camp. Participants
Full Renovations, Offering Budget
Friendly to High Quality on Rt. 14 (follow signs) received a new helmet at the camp. Instructors Curtis Ritchie, Andy Richter, and Toni Chuchillo shared
their years of skateboarding experience with the very appreciative campers.
3 col x 8.75
page 8 The WORLD July 5, 2017
Salutatorian: Gianna Somarriba Algebra 1: Camryn Fewer Algebra 1 H: Elizabeth Poirier
Class President: Parker Nolan SHS Project Grad Scholarship Parker Nolan
SHS Project Grad Scholarship Erin Paterson Geometry: Jill Tosi Geometry H: Gavin Glosser
Class Vice President: Shannon Brodie Algebra 2: Kassidy Swift Algebra 2 H: Zoe MacDonald
Class Secretary: Isaac Hilton-VanOsdall Student Council Richard D Lussier Parker Nolan
The American Gift Fund Cameron Gilwee Precalculus: Emma Poirier STMPF: Logan Kennedy
Class Treasurer: Emily Corkery Statistics: Cody Gosselin AP Statistics: Chris Toborg
The American Gift Fund Denver Heath
The American Gift Fund Isaac Hilton-VanOsdall AP Calculus: Anna Beach
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY 2017: Baylee Boucher, Brynn Boucher, UVM MATH EXAM Top Scorer at SHS: Chris Toborg
Kaitlyn Chaffee, Dino Dobrilovic, Catherine Dune, Craig Farnham, US Figure Skating Awards Kaitlyn Chaffee
Cameron Gilwee, Cody Gosselin, Isaac Hilton-VanOsdall, Taylor US Figure Skating Awards Catherine Dune
US Figure Skating Awards Cameron Gilwee WELLESLEY COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: Anna Beach
Isabelle, Marisela Isak, Julia Jaminet, Julia Keene, Erik Kindestin,
Dominick LaCasse, Brittany Laskowski, Jacquelyn Lowe, Caitlin Ma- UVM Scholarships Julia Jaminet CLARKSON UNIVERSITY AWARD: Whitney Renaud & Ryan Tacey
honey, Alexandra Marek, Chloe Martin, Kaylee Martin, Sadie Murner, UVM Scholarships Dominick Lacasse
Virginia Brown Scholarship Parker Nolan UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER AWARDS: Katelyn Alger, Alison
Parker Nolan, Yvonne Otis, Savanna Ouellette, Emily Pierce, Anna Ahearn, Connor Coache, Cassidy Whitley
Ryan, Jessica Scott, Gianna Somarriba, Isabel Thornton, Christopher Youth Activities Council Scholarship Shannon Brodie
Toborg, Adam Tosi, Jacquelyn Winkler Youth Activities Council Scholarship Carlie Harris R.I.T. MEDALS: Logan Kennedy & Anna Beach
Amy Goodell Memorial Scholarship Patrick Lucey Alumni Athletic Award Denver Heath AWARDS: Alexis Schafer & Makenna Taylor
Amy Goodell Memorial Scholarship Elana Paddock Alumni Athletic Award Jessica Scott
Barre Tournament Committee/ Alumni Salutatorian Award William Bigglestone SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS AWARDS: Cameron Gilwee,
Concession Scholarship Dominick Lacasse Alumni Valedictorian Award Gianna Somarriba Gianna Somarriba, Anna Beach
Barre Tournament Committee/ Bianchi-Fisher Scholarship Isabel Thornton
Concession Scholarship Erin Paterson Bianchi-Fisher Scholarship Madison Hewitt VISUAL ARTS AWARDS
Barre Education Assoc. Carroll & Elizabeth White Mathematics Award Christopher Toborg Emerging Artist: Aubrey Benoit, Jack Blaisdell, Anthony Boswell,
Kimberly Douse Memorial Award Hannah Fuller Chuck Chatot Memorial Scholarship Collin Morin Kaylea Greenslit, Dawson Lamore, Frederick LaPan, Kyle Proteau,
Barre Education Assoc. Cossette Laffargo Memorial Scholarship Craig Farnham Makenna Taylor, Jillian Tosi, Izzy Usle-Wolfel
Kimberly Douse Memorial Award Julia Jaminet Cossette Laffargo Memorial Scholarship Peter Maurice Creative Thinker: Jared Berry, Jordan Boyea, Nathan Gueidon,
Barre Elks Club Natalie Dunn Elizabeth H. Smith Award Isabel Thornton Spencer Marshall, Ashley Raycraft
Barre Elks Club Brittany Laskowski Eva G. Smith Wright Memorial Scholarship Parker Nolan Outstanding Artists: Otto Emmons, Yvonna Guyette, Logan Ken-
Barre Elks Club Parker Nolan Eva G. Smith Wright Scholarship Marisela Isak nedy, Haley Kerin, Kia Matikainen, Peter Maurice, Chyenne Rielly,
Barre Town Scholarship Parker Nolan Eva G. Smith Wright Scholarship Julia Keene Isabel Thornton, Nicholas Velau
Barre Town Tim Crowley Scholarship Kaitlyn Chaffee Gregg Thygesen Hockey Memorial Scholarship Bradley Romeo
Charles Semprebon Scholarship Kaylee Martin Irene Mannheim Memorial Scholarship Madison Hewitt MARTHA MORRIS LIBRARY AWARDS MOST BOOKS READ:
CVMC Auxiliary Scholarship Marisela Isak Joseph Alan Livendale Memorial Scholarship Garrett Moore Senior: Peter Maurice Junior: Ben Light
CVMC Auxiliary Scholarship Taylor Marsh Joseph Alan Livendale Memorial Scholarship Danielle Petrie Sophomore: Lillian Riddle Freshman: Matt Bailey
Dante Bogni Math Science Award Christopher Toborg Kerri B. Shaneberger Memorial Award Lauren Cleveland Librarians Choice: Vanessa Greig
Dante Bogni Memorial Award Cameron Gilwee Marilyn Gray Athletic Scholarship Jacqueline Lowe
Dante Bogni Memorial Award Isaac Hilton-VanOsdall Pinky Bartlett Memorial Scholarship Julia Jaminet HISTORY AWARDS:
Dante Bogni Memorial Award Parker Nolan SHS Class of 1950 Sara Dickinson Highest Achievement Awards
Dante Bogni Memorial Award Jacqueline Winkler SHS Class of 1951 Carlie Harris Grade 9 Bryanna Giacherio Grade 10 Emma Poirier
Dr. Ernest V. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Baylee Boucher SHS Class of 1951 Ashley Henry Grade 11 Megan MacIver Grade 12 Cameron Gilwee
Dr. Ernest V. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Cody Gosselin SHS Class of 1966 Memorial Awards Taylor Marsh Jeff Maher Award: Camden Child
Dr. Ernest V. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Jacqueline Lowe SHS Class of 1966 Memorial Awards Parker Nolan
Dr. Ernest V. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Chloe Martin SHS Class of 1966 Memorial Awards Adam Tosi SCIENCE AWARDS - Outstanding Performance in a Science Class:
Dr. Ernest V. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Jessica Scott SHS Class of 1970 Memorial Scholarship Jonathan Lucey Cameron Gilwee, Jessica Scott, Jacquelyn Lowe, Baylee Boucher,
Dr. Ernest V. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Gianna Somarriba SHS Class of 1970 Memorial Scholarship Morgan Williams Elizabeth Poirier, Kelsey Nolan, Makenna Taylor, Kaylee Martin,
Dr. Fischer & Dr. Ziegler Scholarship Sydney Jarvis Thurman W. Dix Engineering Scholarship Dominick Lacasse Gianna Somarriba, Madison Heath, Lia Rubel, Ashley Houle, Makayla
Edith & Nathaniel Gould Scholarship Brittany Wood Tomasini Sportsmanship Award Alexandrea Holland Boisvert, Jamie Heath, Emily Cetin, Emma Poirier, Zoe Macdonald,
Elizabeth Campbell Cameron Ferry Tomasini Sportsmanship Award Garrett Moore Kennen Soriano, Kaitlyn Chaffee, Kloey Taylor, Damian Smith, Jen-
Elizabeth Campbell Alexis Piro Willey D. Smith Family Scholarship Jacqueline Winkler nifer Knowles, Akshar Patel, Erik Kindestin, Baylee Lawrence, AJ
Erma Monti Memorial Scholarship Alexandrea Holland Castellanata, Casey Payette, Brianna Storti, Paxton MacAuley, Lillian
Fitz Vogt Scholarship Kaitlyn Chaffee SHS AWARDS ASSEMBLY WINNERS - MAY 27, 2017 Riddle, Samantha Gill-Owen, Faith Redmond, Brittany Laskowski,
Fothergill, Segale & Valley Scholarship Brittany Laskowski Anna Beach, Cassidy Whitley, Matt Tacey, Gavin Glosser, Jackson
ENGLISH/DRAMA AWARDS Pierson, Madison Henderson
Frank M. Corey Memorial Award Cheyenne Steventon Journalism: The Polished, Published, and Proven Award is hereby
George H. Phinney Memorial Scholarships Craig Farnham granted to Jacquelyn Winkler for having her letter to the editor
George H. Phinney Memorial Scholarships Yvonne Otis 2018 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY
published in the Burlington Free Press. Alison Ahearn, Katelyn Alger, Anna Beach, Lauryn Bedard, Patrick
George Martin Robins Memorial Scholarship Dino Dobrilovic The Brightest Future in the Field of Journalism Award is hereby
George Martin Robins Memorial Scholarship Anthony Yeung Brock, Anderson Brown, Zachary Bullock, Tyler Chaffee, Camden
granted to Garrett Moore for being accepted into the Digital Jour- Child, Kayla Crowningshield, Randi Dudley, Otto Emmons, Jordan
Granite Center Garden Club Emily Pierce nalism and New Media program at St. Thomas University in New
Ira & Nathalie Robinson Scholarship Sadie Murner Fecher, Erika Felch, Kaylea Greenslit, Erica Hammarstrom, Logan
Brunswick. Kennedy, Monica Longchamp, Sadie Lozier, Megan MacIver, Rachel
Kenneth & Dorothy Low Scholarship Brynn Boucher Junior English Prize Awards: Rachel Maurice & Frederick LaPan
Kenneth & Dorothy Low Scholarship Savanna Ouellette Maurice, Josh Morrill, Kendra Neddo, Kelsey Nolan, Katherine
Vermont Young Playwrights: Carli Harris, Will Bigglestone, Julia Norwood, Stella Otis, Whitney Renaud, Sarah Rouleau, Jeff Steinman,
Laurence C. Campbell Memorial Scholarship Alexandra Marek Arguin
Lillian Riddell Dempsey Scholarship Catherine Dune Ryan Tacey, Kloey Taylor, Logan Taylor, Cassidy Whitley, Alyssa
Poetry Out Loud: Savanna Ouellette, Will Bigglestone, Connor Wilcox
Lyman F. Amsden Scholarship Cody Gosselin Coache
Jr Memorial Scholarship Julia Jaminet SCHOLASTIC S AWARDS CLASS OF 2017
New Inductees: Julia Arguin, Maddy Cooley, Zoe Macdonald, Paxton Abigail Beach, William Bigglestone, Baylee Boucher, Brynn Boucher,
Masons Award Erin Paterson MacAuley, Taylor Winter, Hannah McMahon, Izzy Usle, Will Biggle-
Mutuo/Italian Heritage Scholarship Isabel Thornton Kaitlyn Chaffee, Catherine Dune, Craig Farnham, Noah Friedrichs,
stone, Xavier Haigh, Jeffrey Steinman Cameron Gilwee, Cody Gosselin, Makenna Harris, Isaac Hilton-
Mutuo/Italian Heritage Scholarship Adam Tosi CURRENT MEMBERS: Colleen Couture, Angela Garcelon, Baylee
P.E.O. Chapter A VT Catherine Dune VanOsdall, Marisela Isak, Julia Jaminet, Erik Kindestin, Dominick
Lawrence, Emily Pierce, Zoe Atkins, MJ Chouinard, David Toborg, Kat Lacasse, Brittany Laskowski, Jacquelyn Lowe, Caitlin Mahoney, Alex-
Patrick Gray Memorial Scholarship Abigail Beach Norwood, Savanna Ouellette, Christopher Toborg
Principals Award Mackenzie Kuban andra Marek, Chloe Martin, Kaylee Martin, Parker Nolan, Yvonne Otis,
Honors Thespians: Julia Jaminet, Carli Harris, Isaac Hilton-VanOs- Savanna Ouellette, Danielle Petrie, Emily Pierce, Anna Ryan, Jessica
Red Sox Scholarship Catherine Dune dall, Chloe Martin, Parker Nolan, Shannon Brodie
Ronald J. York Memorial Scholarship William Bigglestone Scott, Gianna Somarriba, Isabel Thornton, Christopher Toborg, Adam
Ronald J. York Memorial Scholarship Nicholas Blow Tosi, Braxton Williams, Jacquelyn Winkler, Brittany Wood, Anthony
Ronald J. York Memorial Scholarship Isaac Hilton-VanOsdall AWARD WINNERS: Jeffrey Steinman & Sarah Rouleau
Ronald J. York Memorial Scholarship Dominick Lacasse
SHS Class of 1979 Scholarship Natalie Dunn Jay Trombley Award Mr. Chris Liff
MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS AWARDS 2017 Staff Person of the Year Cheryl Cloutier
SHS Class of 1979 Scholarship Melanie McLean For Outstanding Performance in a Math Class:
SHS Class of 1979 Scholarship Yvonne Otis 2017 Educator of the Year Shannon Lessley
Connections: Josh Stowe Foundations: Emmalee Davis
Cruise Control
just Lake Champlain Chocolates
8:30AM-8:00 P.M.
achievments! "Eat More Kale" Gear
purchased from closing Dodge Dealers. And more!
Caroline S. Earle, PLC
107 State Street -Bill
2009 Dodge NitroDoyle
4X4 1 mile north of 65 Main Street, Montpelier
& a Whole Lot More!!! * includes $3500 in rebates
Stop in and register for a chance to win a New 2009 Dodge,
Chrysler or Jeep vehicle during our Appreciation Event.
Appreciation Event Ends June 17, 2009!!!
ON DONATIONS - NO DROP OFF commit to all four days of camp. Performance on Saturday,
August 19 at 1:30 p.m.
NEEDED: Household Items Library News -Special Guest Camps
The following camps were made possible by a grant from
(Dishes, Knick-Knacks, etc.) Montpelier the Vermont Community Foundation.
American Harmony Singing: (Ages 6-14) Barre-Montpelier
- Monday, July Rd. 47
135 Main St, Montpelier, VT 05602 802-223-3338 10Friday,
BY~ July 14 | 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.(across from Fassetts bread
Route 302 Between
Join Katie Trautz for this mini-camp workshop to learn the
Childrens Department: 802-223-4665 Barreharmonies of American Folk Music. Pre-registration required
& East Barre
Public Library Crafts & Conversation: Every Wednesday from 1-3 p.m.
Stop in or stay a while during this friendly DIY craft and con-
versation time. All levels of crafty folks welcome to share tips,
MAGIC MAZE Groton Free Public Library News ideas & good cheer!
Build Your Own Buttery Feeder: Friday, July 7 at 4 p.m. Attraction Passes Available for Loan: WOW! We now of-
Build a better world for pollinators! Entice beautiful butteries fer numerous passes for free and reduced admission: Billings
into your yard with this fun buttery feeder. Learn which but- Farm & Museum, Birds of VT Museum, Echo Center, Fair-
SUDOKU teries like which foods, then build your own buttery feeder banks Museum & Planetarium, Lake Champlain Maritime
to take home. Led by guest presenter, Jacqueline A. Soule. All Museum, Shelburne Farms, VT State Parks, and VT Historic
ages welcome! (Under 5 with participating adult). Space is Sites. Many thanks to our Friends of the Library group and the
limited be sure to register in advance! sponsoring institutions for these opportunities!
Comic Book Workshop: Be Your Own Hero. Saturday, July All of our programs are free and open to residents of all
15 at 10 a.m. Learn the basics of drawing a gure and making towns.
a simple, four-page comic book. Create a super hero version Find us on Facebook (Groton Free Public Library), groton-
of yourself based on what youre good at, what you love do-, 802-584-3358.
ing and what youre here to do! Led by guest presenter, Ericc Open M (2:30-7) W (10-4) F (2:30-7) Sat (10-12).
July 5- Color your own building (add an LED light) and ower
FEAR KNOT pot, and ll it with potting soil and ower seeds.
KAKURO July 12- Create Blinking Bugs with clothes pins & pipe clean-
July 19- Make a Buttery Feeder with Jaqueline Soule.
July 26- E-textile Baseball Caps: Sew a LilyTiny with LED
lights onto a white baseball cap.
Weekly Story Times: June 19- August 10 at 10 a.m.
Babies & Toddlers Storytime: Newborns through 36 The Beaver: Superb Engineer of Nature, Ages 5 and up.
months. Mondays 10 a.m. Friday, July 14 at 10 a.m. Beavers can change their environ-
Stimulate your babys developing intellect with rhymes, ments which allows them to live in safety but also supports a
songs, stories and lap games. wide variety of animals and plants who live near their habitats.
Mr. K. will have a variety of artifacts on hand for you can see
Preschool Storytime: 3-6-year-olds.Thursdays 10 a.m. the beavers world up close and personal. Call the library at
Keep your preschooler entertained with picture books, in- 244-7036 to register.
SUPER CROSSWORD teractive play, music and crafts.
DCF Book Club: Tuesday from 6-7. Ages 4-7. Please call
Special Programs for Baby, Toddler & Pre-school the library to register. 244-7036.
Families: July 11 - The Evil Wizard Smallbone by Delia Sherman.
AB2: Books Come to Life with Music & Dance with Ra- (Books available for checkout by 6/20)
chel ODonald. August 8: The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. (Books avail-
Thursday, July 13 10 a.m. Join Rachel ODonald of AB2 able for checkout by 7/11).
(Active Body Active Brain) for a creative music and move-
ment based exploration of early literacy skills. Using a wide Adult Program:
variety of music, props and rhythm instruments, we will ex- The Waterbury Library is pleased to be bringing the first
plore dance and music based on a childrens book. of three business workshops this summer. On Monday, July
17 from 3-4 p.m., Paige Johnson of Insights Marketing So-
Jubal Harp: Harp & Song with Judi Byron lutions will present Social Media for Business: Finding your
Monday, July 17 10 a.m. Join Judi Byron with her semi- Niche. Social media isnt always second nature to everyone,
Clarsach (little harp in Scottish Gaelic) and her wee harp- and if you are one of those who struggles with or question
even smaller, perfect for a child to hold but not a toy! Judi will social medias validity, this workshop can help to sort through
weave harp tunes and sing-songs for the little ones and give your resistance, your frustrations, and your questions. Top-
them a chance to play the harp themselves! If the weather is ics include: What is the point of social media and should you
nice, we will be outside in the garden. bother? What platforms should you use and how? The answers
to these questions will be based on your industry, your brand
Maker Programs: Wednesdays 1:30-3 p.m. Ages 7-11. personality and your resources, and will help you to find your
Please call the library at 244-7036 to register for any of the niche in the social media world. Free. Participants should reg-
programs. ister online through Insights at
page 10 The WORLD July 5, 2017
Around the World in 80 Days is the Original Amazing Race
Our approach will assure some serious silliness, inventive
hi-jinx, and bucket-loads of laughter, but all grounded in the
truth, and the truthful absurdities of being human, stated
director Kathleen Keenan about Lost Nation Theaters upcom-
ing rendition of Around the World in 80 Days. To pump up
the hilarity, well be using the best bits of Vaudeville, with a
dash of Monty Python and a sprinkling of Saturday Night
The story is set in 1872, when the energy-dependent indus-
trial age was hitting its stride. And in the spirit of the Industrial
Revolution, its a show that takes all sorts of gadgets and
tricks, at a fast-pace, a little ragtag, but with just enough
WorthenBlock by James Secor - 2016
sophistication to make it all look planned. Its coming, July
6-23, at Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall Arts Works of 23 Artists on Display
in Summer Juried Exhibit at
Around the World in 80 Days tackles a story that seems Lost Nation Theater will be putting on a rendition of Jules Vernes
impossible to show on stage: stoic, fearless adventurer Phileas
Fogg wagers his mens club that he can succeed at travelling
classic Around the World in 80 Days, starting Thursday. Photos cour-
tesy of Robert Eddy, First Light Studios T.W. Wood Gallery
the world in a mere 80 days. The bet puts his fortune and life the show is Courtney Wood (most recently seen as Sylvia, the The T. W. Wood Gallery at 46 Barre St. in Montpelier is
at risk along with his fearless sidekick (and servant) dog in Sylvia), Nick Wheeler (The Baker, Into the Woods), pleased to announce the Summer Juried Show exhibit of
Passepartout. Its a story of a madcap adventure with zany NYCs (and Actors Equity member) Stephanie LaVardera, Vermont artists work. Works of 23 artists are in the show that
means. New England Youth Theatres Doran Hamm, and Californias includes Jan Brough, Frank DeAngelis, Linda Di Sante, Craig
Transportation around the globe including sinking ships, Lara Foy. Around the World in 80 Days had been called Line, Maggie Neale, Susan Riley and James Secor along with
stampeding elephants, runaway trains and ice sledges adds Exceptionally Witty by the Guardian, Absolutely Goofy many others. The exhibit runs from July 11 through September
and Charming, with Action and Hilarity to Spare by the 8 with an opening reception on Thursday, July 13 from 5-7
to the hilarity of this show. Along the way, the duo encounters p.m. in coordination with the opening reception of the Essex
countless dangers, the blind pursuit of Fogg for a robbery he Boston Globe, and A Fizzy and Winning Lark by the NY Art League exhibit. The reception is free and will offer an
didnt (or did he?), commit, as well as a discovery of romance Times. opportunity to meet many of the artists and enjoy refresh-
which takes some of the starch out of stuffy Phileas. LNTs production of Jules Vernes Around the World in 80 ments and live music.
Lost Nation Theater has assembled its Quick Change Days, adapted by Mark Brown is riotous fun for all ages. Jurors for the Summer Juried Show include August Burns,
Comedy Dream Team of designers. Joining Keenan are sce- See it: Show Duration: ThursdaysSundays, July 06 - July a painter specializing in figurative art and portraiture. August
nic designer Claiborne H Coyle (39 Steps, Eurydice, Richard 23. Curtain is 7:30 p.m. Thu-Sat; 2 p.m. Sun. painted Governor Peter Schumlins official portrait which is
III), costume creator Charis Churchill (39 Steps, Hound of the Show Pricing: $10 - $30 on permanent exhibit at the Vermont State House. Ellis
Baskervilles), lighting designer Janine Woods Thoma (Hound Students & seniors (age 65): $5 Off. Youth (11 and under) Jacobson, well known for his widely exhibited sculpted masks
of the Baskervilles, Poe) sound designer Frank DiSalvo Jr always $10. (6 & under admitted at discretion of theater, and his original comedy theater and has presented arts enrich-
(Treasure Island, Hound of the Baskervilles) and properties infants and toddlers not admitted.) ment workshops throughout Vermont. He is the After School
designer Laura Gist (Hound of the Baskervilles, Chitty Chitty Lost Nation Theater is wheelchair accessible, offers an Arts Director at the T.W. Wood Gallery. David Schutz, the
Bang Bang). assisted listening system, and large print programs. Vermont State Curator. His office oversees the ongoing care,
And then there are the performers. With only five actors, Call! Go Online! Or get tickets at the City Clerks Office on conservation and interpretation of the historic Vermont State
this show calls for a load of creativity and a light-speed, tal- the first floor of Montpelier City Hall. You can also take a House and its collections of fine art, decorative art and his-
chance on getting tickets at the door. (1 hour before curtain). toric furnishings. He oversees management of the State
ented group of players. The cast will be using theatrical rules House as a museum, along with rotating art galleries at the
of the ridiculous to entertain as they transform in and out of For tickets & information: call 802-229-0492, or visit lostna- Vermont Supreme Court and the Governors Office in the
characters that the fearless duo meets along the way. Cast in Pavilion.
Also on exhibit are works from the permanent collection.
Classified The Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday from noon to 4 p.m.
Deadline Is and by appointment. The Gallery is located at the Center for
Four Artist Teams to Present Preliminary Monday Arts and Learning in Montpelier, VT.
Before 10AM For more information contact the Gallerys Director Ginny
Design Concepts for $43,000 Public Art Callan at 802-262-6035, or go to
Installation at Fish Culture Station in Roxbury
The public is invited to attend a presenta- Billings (Tunbridge), and Andrea Wasserman
tion by four artist/artist teams of preliminary (Vershire) One of the Best Regional Theaters
concepts for a work of public art to be Team of Patty Sgrecci (Middlebury), in america
installed at the new Fish Culture Station in Stacey Stanhope (Orwell), and Susan Shannon LNT: - NYC Drama League
Roxbury. The artists will present images, (Pittsford)
Born 1977
drawings, plans, or models as available. The Sean Williams (Barre)
Roxbury project is part of the Vermont Art in The four artist finalists were chosen from a
State Buildings Program administered by the pool of 15 applicants. Following the public
Vermont Arts Council in partnership with the presentation, the Project Review Committee,
Vermont Department of Buildings and made up of building employees, community
General Services.
The meeting will be held Monday, July 10 members, and visual arts experts will meet to
at 9 a.m. at the Roxbury Village School Town determine which artist/team will be selected 5-Actor
5 Actor Zany
Zany C
omedy V
Hall, 1559 Route 12A, in Roxbury. Members to create the final work.
The Art in State Buildings Program is a
of the public are welcome to attend and are NY Times
encouraged to RSVP to Michele Bailey, partnership between the Vermont Arts Council
802.828.3294 or mbailey@vermontartscoun- and the Vermont Department of Buildings adapted
p byy and General Services. Funded by the Art in Mark Brown
The four finalists are: State Buildings Act, the program allows up to
Dan Gottsegen (Hartland) two capital construction projects be selected
Team of Evie Lovett (Putney), Elizabeth each year.
For Your Next Body Shop Needs
CALL THE Thurs-Sun
July 623
received a 100% customer
satisfaction rating and a
100% of respondents saying they
would return and would
(802) 229-0492
the Washington County Diversion Program is strong. We have introduced a segment on the swearing-in ceremony for Karen MONTPELIER 223-0928
embraced the view that good people can make poor decisions, Carroll, Vermonts newest Supreme Court Justice, marking
Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.
and look at the total person when resolving cases. As we adapt the first time that males were a minority on Vermonts
to this change we are mindful that many in the community will Supreme Court. Weather guru Sharon Meyer warned me what
have concerns over accountability, recidivism, restitution and to wear the next day. I then read Seven Days, Vermonts
public safety. We will continue to assess all cases on their prominent weekly newspaper, owned by Paula Routy and
merit, and look favorably upon outcomes without incarcera- Pamela Rolston. Online I turned to Vermonts premier digital
tion when appropriate e.g. deferred sentences, probation, or news site, VtDigger, founded and edited by Anne Galloway,
community restitution. Ultimately, in many cases it is impera- and read several stories from statehouse reporters Erin
tive to engage individuals with treatment, rehabilitation and Mansfield, Tiffany Danitz Pache and Elizabeth Hewitt.
recovery support as soon as possible. It was not so long ago that, even here in Vermont, none of
Act 61 also modified the pretrial screening of offenders. the positions above were occupied by the female of our spe-
While this has the potential to bring important information cies. In Vermont, gender equality is now accepted norm, CONSTRUCTION UPDATE
about an offender to our attention, the legislatures omission making gender justice easier to obtain. That happened because MONTPELIER TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS
of victim safety or risk of lethality in domestic assaults Vermonters consciously began judging women not by the State Street, Main Street, and VT 12 Elm Street - Work to include mill-
when assessing risk of re-offense is concerning to us. makeup of their physical anatomy, but rather by the content of ing, paving, manhole and drainage structure adjustments and extensive
As these changes come into effect, we will work closely their character. What if we decided to do that with race, as Dr. sidewalk improvements. VT 12-Northfield Street - new water, sewer, storm
with our partners in law enforcement, other state agencies, Martin Luther King, Jr. once dreamed? water improvements, sidewalks and a stabilized road base.
community organizations, and our legislators to ensure we are As an experiment, I looked around at that sea of multi- Paving Update - If it rains prior to the shift starting, Pike will use a jet dryer
able to effectively administer justice and address public safety. colored faces in the press conference and decided to ignore to dry the road before paving. The dryer is a large piece of equipment
Our offices commitment to crime victims is equal to our duty color. I focused instead on each persons accomplishments. I
that blows hot air on the paved surface and is louder than typical paving
to ensure a fair process for offenders. We strive to reach out- saw politicians of all political stripes, lawyers, reporters, stu-
comes for the community that reduce risk, while maximizing dents, teachers, parents, preachers and the myriad of labels
Northfield Street No work is planned from Saturday (7/1) thru Tuesday
(7/4). Wednesday (7/5), Dubois will be installing a water valve near the
opportunities for rehabilitation. We expect challenges ahead, that individually make up what Vermont is all about. The Derby Drive/Northfield Street intersection. Motorists are encouraged to use
but our work toward a safer, healthier, and stronger commu- room suddenly looked much different- less divisive and with Dog River Road as an alternate route.
nity will go on. great potential. WEEK OF JULY 3RD, 2017
Holly Leach, Victim Advocate That cultural change in view is the key to racial justice Night Work -
Rory Thibault, Chief Deputy States Attorney reform. Each of us must reset our point of view by acknow- Line striping crews may be working on State Street and Main Street,
Washington County States Attorneys Office
continued on page 15 weather permitting.
Bridge expansions joints will be installed on the Rialto Bridge on State
Street and the bridge on Bailey Avenue Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Main Street Roundabout Improvements (5:00 pm to 12:00 am)
The week of July 10th, crews are scheduled to start construction to
improve the Main Street roundabout sidewalk, curbing and approach
islands. Work will consist of removing and resetting the concrete approach
islands and removing the old pavement and repaving the center island.
Sidewalk and curbing between Spring Street and Main Street also will be
Contacting Congress
U.S. Rep. Peter Welch
Mailing address: 30 Main St., Third Floor, Suite 350, Burl-
ington, VT 05401
Web site:
Phone: (888) 605-7270 or (802) 652-2450
U.S. Sen. Bernard Sanders
Mailing address: 1 Church St., Third Floor,
Burlington, VT 05401
Web site:
Phone: (802) 862-0697
U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy
Mailing address: 199 Main St., Fourth Floor,
Burlington, VT 05401
Web site:
Phone: (802) 863-2525
On Being Blessed
Central Vermonts Newspaper STATE OF VERMONT
Washington Unit free, and
403 Route 302-Berlin PROBATE
the residents of
Barre, VT 05641 Docket No. 325-5-17Wnpr
Washington and north-cen-
By. G. E. Shuman
tral Orange counti
Tel.: (802)479-2582 IN RE THE ESTATE OF:
Fax: (802)479-7916 JILL M. SAHLMAN d like to know what you feel the real So, please allow me to ask once more what the word
meaning of being blessed is. I know blessed means to you. It may mean nothing, very little, or
bless you.
Publishers: Gary Hass and Deborah M. Sahlman, late of Montpelier, love my wife and all my family members very much. I might
Vermont. Two short dictionary denitions of the word bless, when
Christine Richardson. Production: Kathy estate. All creditors having claims guard from evil. Those denitions are the right ones to de-
Gonet. Copy Editor: Aaron Retherford. against the estate must present their told me that I am, truly, blessed with a great family. I could not scribe how I feel about this idea of being blessed. That is
claims in writing within four (4) agree more. All I need to do is walk around a store with our
As a CVC Gold Standard publication you may run the Gold Standard
Sales Representatives: Kay Roberts
because for me to have good bestowed upon me, there sim-
logo until your current audit expires. Should your publication
Gary Villa, Paul Giacherio. presented to me at the address evil also absolutely implies the presence of a protector or a
Conditions Agreement regarding logo usage upon audit expiration.
If you have any question please call (800)262-6392.
The WORLD is published by WORLD listed below with a copy led with beautiful face; her striking eyes, her great smile, every single
Publications, Inc. in Berlin, Vermont. The
the register of the Probate Court. trip. (She does look a bit like her grandad.) And Im so proud guardian.
WORLD is distributed free, and serves
the residents of Washington and north- The claim will be forever barred of my kids, the other eleven of our twelve grandkids, and our Yes, I have been greatly blessed with family and friends,
central Orange counties. The WORLD is if it is not presented as described
brand new great granddaughter, Londyn. Wrap that all togeth- and with many other things, as have you. For just one exam-
above within the four (4) month ple, you and I live in the freest, richest, most wonderful coun-
er with having the worlds best and most dedicated wife, a
published every Wednesday.
The WORLD assumes no financial deadline.
great upbringing with my ve siblings by loving parents, and try on planet earth. I have never felt that I am at all deserving
responsibility for typographical errors in Dated: June 23, 2017
advertising but will reprint in the following it just couldnt get much better. I am, and always have been, of that. This is, I know, because I really am not deserving of it.
Signed: Kimberly Owen,
issue that part of any advertisement in
which the typographical error occurred. Administratrix very blessed. I have not always appreciated that fact. Yet, I am here, as are you. We are blessed.
Notice by advertisers of any error must c/o David A. Otterman, Esq. One of my doctors, very recently as I was expounding, (per- Coincidentally, or not, you are likely reading this column
be given to this newspaper within five (5) Otterman and Allen, P.C. haps a bit too much,) about some great accomplishment or either on Independence Day, or at least during the week fol-
business days of the date of publication. P.O. Box 473 other of one of my kids, told me that I was very lucky. He then lowing it. Please take some time to honor in your heart the men
The WORLD reserves all rights to Barre, VT 05641
advertising copy produced by its own
Name of Publication: The WORLD
actually paused, looked momentarily at the ceiling of his of- and women who fought to bring that independence and free-
staff. No such advertisement may be ce, and said that as soon as he said the word lucky, he knew dom to our great land, and for those who have since sacriced
used or reproduced without express per- Publication Date: 7/5/17
it was the wrong word to use. I then told him that my wife to keep us free. Love your family, appreciate your country, y
mission. Address of Probate Court:
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.- Vermont Superior Court and I consider ourselves to be blessed. His immediate reply your ag, and count your many other blessings this week.
5:00 p.m.; Closed Saturday and Sunday. Washington Unit was that we really are blessed. Then he said: Its good to be I am well assured and convinced of who my bestower of
Subscriptions: $8.00/month, $48.00/6 65 State Street blessed, but its even better to realize that you are. I consider blessings, protector, and guardian is, and I thank Him for His
months, $96.00/year. First Class. Montpelier, VT 05602 that to be a very profound statement, by a very wise man. blessings, every day. I hope you do also.
page 14 The WORLD July 5, 2017
By Judy Reiss
his Sunday was a wonderful
day for me. Since, oh prob-
was sitting alone and looked sad. So, he sat down by him and
started to talk to him. I guess they had quite a good time and a BULLETIN BOARD
ably right after Christmas I long conversation and a good time was had by both of them.
have not been able to go to church. And Nick assured me that he felt bad when he had to leave
Not because I didnt want to go but because the man told him he never had any visitors and how
because I was either in the hospital much he enjoyed talking to him.
or in Mayos Rehabilitation Center. And that was when I remembered that I had been thinking
FOR: All graduates, former students, and parents/guardians of students
And believe me, it is harder to gure the same thing when I left Irene. How many residents of vari-
with disabilities and adult students with disabilities who have attended
out how to go than it sounds. But now I have been home for ous nursing homes and resident homes feel the same way? No
schools in the Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union, including
almost a month, I think, I still havent gone and now all I do is matter how good care they receive or how kind and friendly
Craftsbury Elementary and Academy, Hardwick Elementary, Hazen
feel guilty. But this very morning my very good friend Donna the nursing staff is, they arent family or close friends. And I
Union, Lakeview Union Elementary, (Greensboro and Stannard), Wolcott
Dalton called me and told me she was going to pick me up at know that you cant force them not to drop off their loved ones
Elementary, and Woodbury Elementary.
10:30 and we would go to Mass together. And we did. And and not come to see them. These days life goes by too fast
not only did we go, we met my Godmother in the parking lot, and I think that the elderly are thought of as past their prime
The educational records of all students who have graduated, dropped out,
who is a dear, dear friend who I havent seen forever! So, I and their usefulness. It is one thing to think about your old
transferred, or become ineligible for services prior to and including June
was able to go to church and visit with someone who means relatives but put yourself in their place and I am sure you will
2010 will be purged after June 30, 2017. This means that any educational
the world to me. And just as I thought my day couldnt get any think a lot differently.
records which are no longer needed to provide educational services,
better, Donna offered to take me to Northeld so I could visit So take some time and think about all those elderly folks
including psychological, medical, disciplinary, court, special education,
with my favorite resident at Mayos. who would just like to have a visitor who would be glad to
504 records, and recommendations will be destroyed. This Information
So, over hill and dale we went and surprised my dear friend have a talk and to chat about their past and their interesting
may be needed to establish eligibility for certain adult benefits, e.g.,
Irene Cook as she was nishing her lunchtime dinner. And I lives. And believe me, a 10-year-old is really a great conver-
social security. If you do NOT want this Information destroyed, please
am happy to tell you she was really surprised and very happy sationalist and Little League is more interesting to hear about
contact the respective school office before July 7, 2017.
to see us. I was also glad to see others who I knew and re- than you might think. So offer your children or their church
membered me from my stay with them. And it was then that I group or Girl Scout Troop the opportunity to go chat and visit
The district will maintain without time limitation directory Information
started to think about all the other residents. And believe it or and you will be amazed at how much both participants will
including students name, academic record, date of birth, degrees and
not, when I got home my son and his family were there, which enjoy it. Plus, todays children need to be able to share them-
awards received, date separated, attendance record, and pupil progress
included my two grandsons. As I was telling them about my selves with people who they really dont know, at least at rst!
visit to Mayo, Nicholas, my 10-year-old grandson mentioned Let them spread their wings and share all their lives and ad-
his visit to me when I cracked my head and the huge lump had ventures with someone who no longer has adventures that they
and how he had left my room and found an older man who are able to share!
Central Vermont Crime Stoppers
New On Netix
Joanne Perreault
Betty Cutler Happy Birthday,
(802)793-7417 Barre
Text or Call
3 Hour Limo Service William Joel Bruzzesi
Birthday Parties
Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties
Rides to the game
CALL NOW Girls Night Out
802.279.5342 ...endless possibilities WOMENS CHILDREN MATERNITY
On Consignment
62 River Street Montpelier 229-4002
Mon.-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4
The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits and The WORLD would like to help you wish a
special couple a Happy Anniversary. Just send their name, address & wed-
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
You clever Ewes and Rams
ding anniversary date. Each week we publish the names, plus well have
love nothing more than to
Happy Birthday!
a monthly winner for a Gift Certificate for lunch or dinner at The Quarry Dont forget...
3-5rise to aPress
Rebecca challenge. So, by all
Kitchen & Spirits in Barre. No obligation, nothing to buy. Just send an- 7-12 Emily Rappold, Plainfield means,
3-19 if you
Ruth Weeks, Barrefeel sure about
niversary names two (2) weeks prior to anniversary date, to: The WORLD, your facts, step right up and defend your side of the issue.
7-18 Mike Jacques, So. Barre 3-22 Nicholas Salvas, 25
c/o HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, 403 U.S.Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please FROM TAURUS
8-8 Gary (April 20 to May 4-1920) Youve
Elliott Ackerman, done
30, some great
provide name, address & phone number for prize notification.
8-8 recently.
Shirley Combs, Now Randolphits time to reward yourself with some-
thing wonderful, perhaps a day
8-9 Bob Evans, 63, Woodstock 4-20 at a spa or a night
Phillips, 26, E. out with
Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone someone very special.
8-16 Charlotte Edwards, Barre
Town 4-30 Lillian Kasulka, 8, E.
special a Happy Birthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. Well publish the GEMINI
8-20 (MayBarre
Rachel Salvas, 21 to June 20) You love to talk, but dont
names in this space each week. Plus, well draw one (1) winner each week for a FREE
BIRTHDAY CAKE from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Just forget
8-21 to make time to do a4-30
Chriiis little more
Darlene listening,
Callahan, 56, otherwise
send birthday names On two (2)County
weeks priorRd. 2.7 miles
to birthdate, to: Theup Main
WORLD, you
St. Montpelier
c/o BIRTHDAY could
Terry miss
Lewiston, ME
out on an important
Barre message someone
CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please provide your name, address might be Spaulding,
trying toMinot,send you.
& phone number for prize notification.Open Every Day 223-2740 8-29 Connie 5-6 Gary Villa, Washington
ME (June 21 to July5-6 22)JimYour
51, Barreindicates some
210 North Main St. Barre 802-479-7002 JUNE 30 Nicholas Joslin, 22, Williston uncertainty
9-8 Arlo Benjamin about one7 of 5-14
Lefcourt, yourSnookgoals. UseChelsea
Downing, this period of
Candy Hall, 66, Northfield Brandon LaCourse, 26 shifting
9-15 Deborah attitudes
Phillips to reassess
9-26 Aeletha Kelly, Barre
Madigan want
P., 74, and what
Please Send Us Your July Anniversaries JULY 1 Marti Elliott, Barre youre
9-28 Jessicaready to do
McLeon, 28, to get it.5-27 Candy McLeon, 71,
And Be Automatically Registered To Win A Carter L.J. Poitras, 3, Duxbury JULY 9 LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your
Hardwick social life is picking up,
Gift Certificate From The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits JULY 2 Pierce Salvas, 32, Barre and youll soon be mingling with old friends and making
Dont forget to LAST
Brock LaFrance, WEEK
20, Berlin OF THE JULY 10 new
10-5 ones.
Lisa But twixt the fun
Waterbury 6-5times, stay56,onBarre
6-3 Joey, Wby Ctr, 40
Rob Salvas, top of changing
JULY 5 Jazz-mon Bradbury, 21, Barre workplace conditions.
change this Jason Felch, 30, East Montpelier Mike Poitras, 29, Duxbury
Kay Santamore,
Plainfield(August 23 September
6-6 Heather Holmes, 50,
22) A trusted friend offers
JEFF & DAWN POITRAS, DUXBURY, 31 YEARS understanding as you vent some long-pent-up feelings.
date to the JULY 6 Ritchie Smith, 52, Barre
JULY 7 Andrew Roux, 83, Northfield JULY 11 COUPLE Now, move on from there and
11-15 Jessup Max Lefcourt, 4 7-11
making30,the changes
Thursday after Aida Kamberovic LUCKY & Amell VargaWINNING Roslyn Jacobson, 29, Waterbury 11-15 Bob Spaulding, Minot,
youve put off all this time.
Waterbury, VT
issue date... (TWINS), Big 50, Montpelier Marcus Hass, 28, Bennington LIBRA
11-19 Henry(September
Kasulka, 13, E.23 to October 22) You
7-9 Pierce Salvas, might well feel
33, Barre
Richard Grout, Bradford & JANICE
Dan Roberts SMITH
Jr., 53, Barre uneasy as you face a difcult
Mplr 7-11 situation
Marcus Hass, involving
29, someone
WEST TOPSHAM celebrate
Please call Price Choppertheir 64th
at 479-9078 and closeNeil,
11-28 to you.
Jason Lowe,
But you know youre doing the right thing, so
28, Waterbury
Wby Bennington
RICHARD & NIKKI GROUT, BRADFORD, 13 YEARS ask for Julie Fandino (Bakery Manager) or Beverlee Hutchins (Cake stick with your decision.
Decorator) by Thursday, July 6 to arrange for cake pick-up. SCORPIO
12-3 (October
Peter Lefcourt, 44, Barre23 to November 21) Youre a good
12-3 DOT!to64,others.
Calais Now is the time to allow them to be good
This Weeks Cake Winner: friends to you.
Ctr. Rely on their trusted advice to help you get
JULY 11 12-25 Jenna Companion, 19,
through an Phillips,
ANGIE & PETE DEMASI, NORTHFIELD, 13 YEARS is 80 YEARS OLD! 12-31 Chelsea 29, period.
Manassas, VA (November 22 to December 21) Family
and friends are always important, but especially so at this
1-4 Betsy Cody, 61, Barre
hectic workplace schedule, make a real
1-15 Peggy
Zurla, 54,
include them in your life.
Mail this coupon to: The WORLD Mail this coupon to: The WORLD c/o Birthday Cake CAPRICORN
1-15 Shawn Kasulka,(December
E.Mplr 22 to January 19) That project
c/o Happy Anniversary 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin youve
1-19 Kevn been
(no i)
Sare, 36,working
Cabot on is almost ready for presentation.
403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641 Barre, VT 05641 ButCaitlyn
1-27 you still need
Couture, 26, some information from a colleague be-
Just send in the entry blank below, and we will publish it in this space each week. Open to people of all ages. Just send in the entry blank below, and we will fore you can consider it done.
Plus, we will draw one (1) couple each month for a gift certificate from The Quarry publish it in this space each week. Plus, we will draw one (1) name each week AQUARIUS
1-31 Joyce LaMountain (January
(The 20 to February 18) Dont let those
Kitchen & Spirits in Barre. No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from the Price Chopper Super Center (Berlin, negative
Plant Lady),attitudes
85, Adamant
1-31 Linda Couture, Barre
that have sprung up around you drain
(2) weeks prior to anniversary date. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks prior
to birthdate. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted. yourWayne
1-31 energies.
70, them off, and move ahead with the
con dence
Santa Rosa,that
CA you can get the job done.
ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDATE______________________________ PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Aspects favor some
DATE_______________________# YEARS______ NAME___________________________________ dedicated
2-1 fun time
Nancy Prescott,
2-6 Bob Edwards, 75
Barre for the hardworking Piscean. A nice,
2-8 Warren Lanigan plunge into the social swim can recharge your
NAMES___________________________________ AGE (this birthday)_________________________ physical
2-12 and emotional batteries.
Joe Richardson,
BORNWaterburyTHIS WEEK: You love to travel and be with peo-
ADDRESS_________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________ ple.
2-13 You Salvas,
Sandy probably Barrewould be happy as a social director on
2-14 Laura Rappold, E.
_________________________________________ ________________________________________ a cruise
2-16 Aaron Retherford (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
PHONE___________________________________ PHONE__________________________________ 2-23 Pauline Nelson,
page 16 The WORLD July 5, 2017 2-25 Meah & Mya Couture, 9,
Keep Kids In The Game
By Playing Several Of Them
A ccording to a National
Federation of State High
School Associations sports
players did. Respectively, 23
and almost 12 percent of those
injuries were characterized as
participation survey, over 1 serious. Overall, says the
million (1,085,272) high studys lead researcher, The
school students, including results of this study provide
1,954 girls, played on their further evidence of the relation-
schools football team in the ship between early sport spe-
2015-2016 school year. cialization, increased sport
Thats a lot. training volume and injuries.
Other findings: 546,428 The Risks of Repetitive-Use
boys and 429,380 girls played basketball; Injury
440,322 boys and 381,529 girls played soc- According to the American Academy of
cer; over 1 million boys and girls participated Orthopedic Surgeons, kids tendons, liga-
in outdoor track and field; almost a million ments and bones grow unevenly, making
played baseball and softball; and over 800,000 younger athletes more susceptible to muscle,
played volleyball and tennis. Swimming, tendon and growth plate injuries from repeti-
wrestling, golf and cross country also had tive stress. When growth plates -- areas of
impressive numbers. developing cartilage where bone growth
Its truly wonderful that so many young occurs -- are injured, normal bone growth can
people are active and engaged in building be disrupted. While throwing injuries of the
healthier bodies, learning about teamwork elbow and shoulder are prevalent in baseball
and forging friendships that come with par- players, overall the most common overuse
ticipating in high school sports. But (why is injuries are to the knee and foot.
there always a but?) far too many of them, The National Strength and Conditioning
from the age of 7 on, are focusing on one and Association adds: Diversification in sports
only one sport. at an early age has the potential to provide
It seems many parents and coaches have stimuli so that a childs body can adapt and
the mistaken idea that one-sport specializa- develop multiple motor skills that may cross
tion will make the child a superstar athlete over between sports. Only once the mental,
when he or she gets older. According to a physical and social aspects of a child are fully
study in Strength & Conditioning Journal, developed can specialization be considered.
thats not the case, and young athletes who Your Game Plan
specialize in one sport are risking repetitive- Introduce your children to a wide variety
use injuries that could permanently sideline of activities and sports. Teach exercises, such
them. as skipping rope, that build footwork -- a skill
Another study, in the American Journal of that can be used in many sports. Pay attention
Sports Medicine, found that athletes who to whats fun and engaging for them at each
exceeded expert guidelines by competing in stage and age. Keep pressure off as your child
their sport more than eight months of the year discovers what suits his/her interests and
and more hours per week than their age -- a abilities. Your goal is a physically fit, men-
16-year-old athlete participating for more tally sharp, happy kid.
than 16 hours per week -- were more likely to If coaches and travel teams pressure your
report an injury of any type in the previous child to commit to excessive time and prac-
year. And serious overuse injuries were com- tice, first talk to the coach and school about a
mon among young athletes who played for healthier approach and then encourage your
excessive hours a week and had little free child to find alternative ways to enjoy that
time to enjoy other physical activities. and other sports.
A third study, in Physician & Sports ***
Medicine, looked at how specialization was Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of The Dr. Oz
associated with injury patterns: The research- Show, and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief
ers found that children ages 7 to 18 who were Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness
specializing in individual sports started at a Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your
younger age (around 11) and put in more healthiest, tune into The Dr. Oz Show or
hours a week (almost 12) than kids who spe- visit
cialized in a team sport. More than 44 percent (c) 2017 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D.
of the individual sportsters experienced over- Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
use injuries, while 32 percent of the team
Sane & Sober group, Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.;
0531 to register.
click away Celebrate Recovery. Recovery for all your
Living Sober group, Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Narcotics Anonymous: When Enough is
Now Placing Your hurts/habits/hang-ups. Christ Community Enough group, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. &
Classified Or Display Church, 43 Berlin St. across from R&L Archery, Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Al-Anon: Courage to
Monday, 6-8 p.m. 476-3221. Change group, Saturdays at 5 p.m. (childcare
Ad Is Even Easier! provided). For help, or Info on special programs,
Wheelchair Basketball. Barre Evangelical Free call 479-7373.
NEVER GIVE YOUR: Church, 17 So. Main St., Every other Tuesday,
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 5:30-7 p.m. Info 498-3030 (David) or 249-7931 Green Mountain Spirit Chapter. National
CREDIT CARD NUMBER (Sandy). women bikers club. 2nd Wed. of month; info
Aldrich Public Library Activities. 6
Or any other Please
Include Washington St., 476-7550. Story Hour, BERLIN - Drop-in Meditation Sitting Group.
personal information Contact Person Mondays & Tuesdays starting 9/22, 10:30 a.m. W/Sherry Rhynard. CVMC, conf. room #2,
To someone you dont know & Payment Info
Reading Circle Book Club, 3rd Wednesdays, Thursdays, 6-7 p.m. or
VISA, MasterCard
when answering an advertisement. & Discover 6:30 p.m. Living & Learning Series, 1st 272-2736.
Sundays, 1 p.m. Senior Day, 1st Wednesdays, Barre Tones Womens A Capella Chorus.
Email us at... 1 p.m. Capital City Grange 6612 Rt 12. Mondays, 6:30-
A public service announcement
presented to you by The WORLD Central Vermont Business Builders. 9 p.m. 223-2039.
Community National Bank, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays,
8-9 a.m. Info. 777-5419. continued on next page
Secondhand News
2nd Tuesday of month, noon-1 p.m. Writing to Enrich Your Library, 584-3358. Matinees Fri. at 3:15 -- Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15
-- Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:15
Mon. thru Thurs. at 3:15 (2D)
Life: For anyone touched by cancer, 3rd Tuesday of each month, HARDWICK - Caregiver Support Group. Agency on Aging, 24-Hr Movie Line 229-0343 BUY TICKETS ONLINE AT:
noon-1 p.m. Both held at CVMC Cancer Center resource room. rear entrance Merchants Bank, 2nd Thurs of month. 229-0308
Info. 225-5449.
Central Vermont Rotary Club. Visitors & potential members Peace and Justice Coalition. G.R.A.C.E. Arts bldg (old fire-
welcome. Steakhouse Restaurant, Mondays, 6:15 p.m. 229-0235. house), Tues., 7 p.m. Info. Robin 533-2296.
Parkinsons Support Group. Woodbridge Nursing Home, 142
Woodridge Rd, third Thursdays, 10 a.m. Info. 439-5554.
Nurturing Fathers Program. Light supper included. Thurs.,
6-8:30 p.m. Registration/info 472-5229. SAMBEL'S TRUCK
Diabetes Support Program. CVMC, conf. rooms, first Thursday MARSHFIELD - Playgroup. Twinfield Preschool, Mondays, 11 NOW at
Joes Pond
Now Open (Beside
of month, 7-8 p.m., free. Info. 371-4152. a.m.-12:30 p.m. (except when school not in session). O PEN ! the
Jaquith Public Library Activities. Old Schoolhouse Common, Take Your Dinner TO GO!
Beach) Great Fo
Civil Air Patrol. At the airport (blue hangar), Tuesdays, 6-8:30
Now Open
p.m. Info at 229-5193. 426-3581. Story & Play Group, Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. CRehearsals Call Us For
At TractorAll Your
Supply on River St. Just like our
Book Group for Adults, stop by for copy of the book, 4th Take Your Catering
Anniversaries Dinner TO GO! (B-M
Great Rd.) Montpelier ETE
Broiled Haddock .....................
Ballroom Dance Classes. Union Elementary School, Six-week
Birthing Center Open House. For parents, sibs, grandparents, sessions, Tuesdays April 25-May 30, 6-7 p.m. Waltz and Foxtrot
Your hosts Bob & Brenda Sambel Baked Haddock w/seafood topping .............. $9.75Chicken Fingers......................
Fried Haddock ....................................... $9.75Fried Scallops ........................
etc. CVMC, 1st Wed. of month, 5:30-7 p.m. RSVP/Info. 371- (three weeks of each). 7-8 p.m. Rumba and Swing (three weeks of OPEN
O FOR N Broiled Haddock .................................... $9.75English Cut Prime Rib ...............
4613. FRI. & SAT.
Chicken Fingers..................................... $9.75 Choice of salad or coleslaw, fries, mash
each). Singles welcome, no experience necessary. Register: call Fried Scallops ......................................$10.75
Knee/Hip Replacement Orientation Class. CVMC, conf. Montpelier Rec. Dept. 225-8699 LUNCH English Cut Prime Rib .............................$10.75
room #3, free, 1st Thurs. of each month, 2-3 p.m. Info 371- Sunday School. For children (up to 20) to study the Bible and
LIMIT (2) PERSON PER AD Choice of salad or coleslaw, fries, mashed or baked, plus roll
4188. teachings of Jesus. Christian Science Church, 145 State St.,
Breastfeeding Support Group. CVMC Garden Path Birthing Sundays, 10:30 a.m.
Center, 1st Monday of month, 5:30-7 p.m. Info. 371-4415. Robins Nest Nature Playgroup. North Branch Nature Center. WED.-SUN. 11AM-8PM
Infant & Child Car Seat Inspections. Berlin Fire Station, free, Mondays 9:30-11:30 a.m. March 13-June 5. Fee: By donation.
first Friday of month, 12-4 p.m. Appointments required, 371- Outdoor playgroup for parents, caregivers, and children ages 0 - 5. Dining Room & Window Service Available
4198. Join us for 2 hours of spontaneous play, exploration, discovery,
BETHEL - YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program starts song, nature inspired crafts, and oral story telling. Come learn
Thursday, October 6, from 11 a.m. to noon at the United Church about the benefits of nature connection and enjoy the community 2678 River Street, Bethel (2.6 mi. on VT Rt. 107)
experience of time immersed in nature with your young ones.
of Bethel on Church Street. People at risk for developing type-2
diabetes can take steps to reduce their risk and prevent diabetes. Montpelier Kiwanis Club. Tuesdays, 6 p.m. at The Steak House.
This free program offers education and support for 25 sessions All are welcome. Info: Elliott Curtin at 229-6973.
throughout the year. Info/register: Megan at 802-728-7714. Vermont Association for the Blind PALS Group meets on 2nd
BRADFORD - Rockinghorse Circle of Support. For young and 4th Weds. at Division for the Blind Conference room at the
women with or w/o kids, childcare & transportation avail- Capital Plaza Hotel. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The PALS Group is a program
able. Wednesdays, 1-2:30 p.m., Grace Methodist Church. for visually impaired Vermonters to support their independence
Info 479-1086. within home, families, and communities. Info: Harriet Hall at 323-
New Hope II Support Group. Grace United Methodist, every
Mon., 7-9 p.m. Info. at 1-800-564-2106.
3055 or Vermont Association of the Blind office at 505-4006
Onion River Exchange Tool Library. Over 85 tools including: CANADIAN CLUB
BROOKFIELD - MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers. Moms of power tools, all sorts of hand tools including wrench kits, caulk-
kids birth through kindergarten welcome. Meal & childcare ing guns, sawzall, tall tree branch cutter, belt sander, wet vac, drop
provided. New Covenant Church, 2252 Ridge Rd., 3rd Fridays, cloths, have a heart traps, bulb planter, and tool boxes to be used
for easy carry. Plus safety gear. 46 Barre St. Open during office
6 p.m. 276-3022.
hours: W 10-2, TH 10-2. Flash Ball 1: $400.
Health-focused Group. Learn to cope w/ lifes passages. Weds,
7-8 p.m.; Info 276-3142; Dr. Alice Kempe. Rainbow Umbrella of Central Vermont, an adult LGBTQ Flash Ball 2: $1,000
Brookfield Community Singers Rehearsals. Pond Village
group, meets third Tuesdays of the month, 5:30-7 p.m., at 58 Mini Jackpot 52#'s: $3,700.
Barre St. Optional dinner afterwards. Info: RUCVTAdmin@
Church. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Four-part choral group rehearses Jackpot 55#'s: $2,100.
Wednesdays for June concert. If interested in joining, e-mail
Director Kathy Rotondi, at Friday Night Group. Open to all LGBTQ youth ages 13-22. Thursday Night
CABOT - Fiddle Lessons with Katie Trautz: Monday after-
Pizza & social time, facilitated by adults from Outright VT. Doors Open at 4:00 PM THIS WEEK'S
Unitarian Church, 2nd & 4th Fridays, 6:30-8 p.m. 223-7035 or Premies at 6:00 PM
noons, call 279-2236; Dungeons & Dragons, Fridays 3-5:30 Regular Games at 7:00 PM
p.m. All at Cabot Library, 563-2721.
CALAIS - Mens and Womens Bible Study Groups. County
Meditation, Mondays at 1 p.m.; Intro to Yoga, Tuesdays 4 p.m.;
Consults, Fridays 11 a.m. Free classes, some limits apply. All at
Road, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. 485-7577 or www.thefishermenmin-
Fusion Studio, 56 East State St. 272-8923 or www.fusionstudio.
ROUTE 14 479-9090
Just outside of Barre STEAK &
Open Mic night at Whammy Bar every Wednesday. Upcoming
events: Clint Boyd (7/6), Jess Novak (7/7), Myra Flynn (7/8),
Open Library. Open to all, books and DVDs for all ages.
Resurrection Baptist Church, open Sundays 12:30-2 p.m.
TBA (7/13), Inner Fire District (7/14), Mary Go Round and Central VT Roller Derbys Wrecking Doll Society. Intro to
Banjo Bob (7/15), The Zookeepers (7/20), The Shugarmakers roller derby, gear supplied, bring a mouth guard. First time is free.
(7/21), Blackwater Trio (7/22). Music Thursdays starts at 7 p.m., Montpelier Rec. Center, Barre St., Saturdays 5-6:30 p.m. www.
Fri/Sat at 7:30. All events are Free.
CHELSEA - Story Time. Songs, stories & crafts for children
birth to 5 years. Chelsea Public Library, Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m.
Celiac Support Group. Tulsi Tea Room, 34 Elm St., 2nd
Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m. Info. 598-9206. NIGHTLY SPECIAL
TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Nonprofit support grp. United
MSAC Public Activities: FEAST Together (communal meal),
suggested donation for seniors 60+ is $7, under 60 price is $9. JULY
Church of Chelsea, North Common, Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. 685-
FEAST Together is always available for takeout, with the same
donation and pricing. Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-1 p.m., SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY
Giffords Chronic Conditions Support Group. Join a discussion RSVP 262-6288. Piano Workshop, informal time to play & lis-
and educational group for people with chronic illnesses on ten, Thursdays, 4-6 p.m. Living Strong, group loves to sing while
Fridays 8:30-11 a.m. at the Chelsea Senior Center (in the United exercising, Mondays 2:30-3:30 p.m. & Fridays 2-3 p.m. Crafters
Church of Chelsea, 13 North Common. Free. Info/register: Megan Group, Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m. All at Montpelier Senior Activity
at 802-728-7714. Center, 58 Barre St., 223-2518.
Chelsea Historical Society House/Museum. Open 3rd A Course In Miracles study group. Everyone is welcome and
Saturdays May-October, FREE, 10 a.m.-noon. 685-4447. there is no charge. Christ Church, Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Info. 229- Served 4:00
EAST BARRE - Story Hour. Aldrich Library York Branch, 5253. to 9:30PM
Tuesdays, ages 0-3 10 a.m., ages 3-5 10:30 a.m. Info. 476-5118. Parents Group and Meet-Up. Connect with local parents to
EAST HARDWICK - Touch of Grace Assembly of God share advice & information, kids welcome. Kellogg-Hubbard OUR POPULAR SPRING MIX SALAD
Church, corner Rts. 15 &16, Pastor Matt Preston, 472-5550. Library, Hayes Rm, first Mondays, 10-11:30 a.m. Info: mamasay- TOPPED WITH A NEW CRUMBLED
Sunday a.m. worship 10:00 (incl. 11:20 childrens church); adult
Sunday School 9:00 (Sep. thru June). Tue. evening Bible study GOAT CHEESE DAILY:
Families Anonymous. For families or friends of those who have
(call for info). Wed. youth group: 5:00 dinner, 6:00 activity. issues with addiction, alcohol and/or mental illness. Bethany TOMATO & BASIL Hea
EAST MONTPELIER - Crossroads Christian Church. Mens Church, 2nd floor youth room, Mondays, 7-8 p.m. 229-6219. CRANBERRY TARRAGON O
Ministry: For Men Only group. Monday nights 7-9 p.m. Mens
Breakfast, 2nd Sat., 8 a.m. 272-7185. Sunday Service 9:30-11
Freeride Montpelier Open Shop Nights. Need help w/a bike APRICOT & THYME A Le
repair? Come to the volunteer-run community bike shop. 89 Barre
a.m. Pastor Thorsten Evans 476-8536. Church Office hours Tues St., Wednesdays 4-6 p.m., other days seasonal, donations. Info:
& Fri 9 a.m. to noon. 476-4843 Vi
Twin Valley Senior Center. 4583 U.S. Rte 2. Open Mon., Weds.,
Free Community Meals. Mondays: Unitarian Church, 11 a.m.-1
Fri., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sign up for Meal-on-Wheels Program or join p.m.; Tuesdays: Bethany Church, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Wednesdays:
us for an On-site meal at 12:15 p.m. Seniors/$5, under 60/$6. Christ Church, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Thursdays: Trinity Church,
Nobody turned away. Free bus service for seniors & disabled in 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Fridays: St. Augustine Church, 11 a.m.-12:30
six towns served. Many classes offered from bone strengthening p.m.; Last Sundays, Bethany Church, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Strawberry Shortcake Season!
to art. Donations welcomed. Info: 802-223-3322 or email info.
Grandparents Raising Their Childrens Children. Support
continued on next page BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. 223-6611
July 5, 2017 The WORLD page 19
BARRE - Studio Place Arts Exhibits. Exhibit dates: June 6 group, childcare provided. Resurrection Baptist Church, 144 Elm Al-Anon. Trinity Methodist Church, Main St., Sun., 6:15-7:30
July 8, 2017. Main floor gallery: Art Works. This group show St., 2nd Thursday of the month, 6-8 p.m. Info. 476-1480. p.m. Info. 1-866-972-5266.
is about art that invites viewers to engage and interact with the Calico County Quilters. All skill levels welcome. Call to confirm Al-Anon. Bethany Church basement, 115 Main St., Tuesdays &
work, including kinetic sculptural works and small installations location: 802-244-7001, 2nd Saturday of month (Sept. through Thursdays noon-1 p.m., Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. Info. 1-866-972-
that invite viewers to be involved in a creative process or merge June), 1-3 p.m. 5266.
with the art itself. Second floor gallery: ArtCade. An exhibit of Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA). Bethany Church base- SL AA. 12-step recovery group for sex/relationship problems.
artist created versions of PinBox 3000 presented by the ment, Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Info. 229-9036. Bethany Church, Wed., 5 p.m. Info. 802-249-6825.
Cardboard Teck Instantute. Third floor gallery: Color and
Movement by Chris Jeffrey; Painted assemblages and a light The Vermont Association for Mental Health & Addiction Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Bethany Church parlor, 115
installation. Reception: Thurs., June 8, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Recovery Advocates Weekly Breakfast. We are inviting a small Main St., Mondays, 5 p.m. Please call first: 229-9036 or 454-
group of advocates to join us each Tuesday morning from 8:30- 8402.
Summer in Abruzzo: Works by Jeneane Lunn & James 9:30 a.m. during the legislative session. Capitol Plaza Hotel Brain Injury Support Group. Unitarian Church, third Thursday
Lund. On display at the Morse Block Deli, 260 N. Main St. May Conference Room 232. Coffee, Tea, Scones, Fruit, and more! of the month, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Info. 1-877-856-1772
8 - August 15, 2017. Starting in the summer of 2011, Jim and RSVP encouraged to but never required. Just
Jeneane have been spending every minute possible of their sum- drop-in! Playgroups: Dads & Kids Playgroup, Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m.
mers in Italy. Besides eating great food, hanging out with friends and Playgroup, Saturdays, 9:30-11 a.m., both at Family Center of
Kellogg-Hubbard Library Activities. 135 Main St., 223-3338. Washington County. All held during school year only.
and walking all over the valley where they live, they spend most Story Time: Tues/Fri, 10:30 a.m.; Sit N Knit: for young knitters
of their time painting in pastels or pastel pencils and watercol- age 6 & up, Mondays, 3:30-4 p.m.; Read to Coco: Wednesdays, Kindred Connections Peer to Peer Cancer Support for Patients
ors. 3:30-4:30 p.m.; Origami Club: Thursdays, 3-4 p.m.; Read with and Caregivers. Info 1-800-652-5064 email
The Paletteers of VT June Art Show. Aldrich Public Library Arlo: Thursdays 4-5 p.m. Christian Meditation. Christ Church, Mondays, 12-1 p.m.
Milne Room June 4-July 14, 2017. This is a retrospective art CHADD ADHD Parent Support Group. Childcare not avail- MARSHFIELD - Story Time and Playgroup. Jaquith Public
show. able, please make plans for your child. Woodbury College, second Library. Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Join Sylvia Smith for
CHELSEA - Moving Paint, Moving Bodies, work by Hannah Tuesday of month, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info. 498-5928. story time, and follow up with playgroup with Cassie Bickford.
Dennison, at the Chelsea Public Library, through July and Resurrection Baptist Church Weekly Events. 144 Elm St. For children birth to age six and their grown-ups. We do not hold
August. Hannah Dennison is a dance artist and director of Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Bible Study for all Ages; 11 a.m. Worship the program the days Twinfield Union is closed.
Cradle to Grave Arts and lives in the Chelsea area. Service; Wednesday, 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting. MORETOWN - Mad River Chorale. New singers welcome.
MONTPELIER - Sculpture Exhibit. Featuring contemporary Overeaters Anonymous. Bethany Church basement, Mondays Rehearsals at Harwood Union H.S., Mondays, 7-9 p.m. 496-
sculpture created by Vermont artists. Vermont Arts Council 5:30-6:30 p.m. 223-3079.
Sculpture Garden, ongoing. Good Beginnings of Central VT. 174 River St. 595-7953. Drop- MORRISVILLE - Overeaters Anonymous. First Congregational
In Hours at the Nest. 1st floor Weds, Thurs, Fri 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Church, 85 Upper Main St., Fridays at noon. Info. 888-2356.
-- The Vermont Supreme Court Gallery presents Bridging
Worlds Paintings by Hunter Eddy. 111 State St. July 12- Babywearers of Central Vermont meet up. Upstairs 4th NORTHFIELD - Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. For ages
September 29, 2017. Opening reception Wednesday, July 12 Monday 5:45-7:45 p.m. and 2nd Thursdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. Check 12-18. Readiness & Regional Technology Center, Norwich cam-
from 4-7 p.m. Facebook for last-minute schedule changes. La Leche League pus, Tuesdays, 6-8:30 p.m. Info.
-- The Vermont Governors Gallery presents A Path Well Meetup. Breastfeeding info and support. 3rd Thursdays, 9:30- Clogging & Irish Step Lessons. W/Green Mountain Cloggers,
11:30 a.m. Info: 802-879-3000. Nursing Beyond a Year Meetup. ages 8-78, donations. Sundays 5-8 p.m. 522-2935.
Traveled selected works by Ed Epstein and George 3rd Fridays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Info: 802-879-3000. Come join other
Kurjanowicz. On exhibit July 6 September 29. Opening Playgroup. United Church of Northfield, Wednesdays, 9:30-11
nursing parents in a warm, supportive environment to discuss the a.m. Held only when school is in session. Info. 262-3292 x113.
reception Wednesday, July 12 from 4-7 p.m. joys and challenges of an older nursling.
-- Essex Art League Member Exhibit. T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 ORANGE - Sunday morning service at Christ Community
Barre St. July 5-28, 2017. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, Alliance Church at 10:30 a.m. off Route 302 near the Elementary
John to 4 p.m. and by appointment. Opening reception
Mellencamp School in Orange.
FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM
Champlain July
Valley Expo 13 from
Coca-Cola 5-7 p.m.
Grand Stand
PEACHAM - Peacham Farmers Market. On the Academy
Green. 4-7 p.m. In conjunction with the Peacham Cafe which will
-- Annual
- Essex Junction, VT
Summer Juried show, works of 23 Vermont artists. be serving dinner until 7 p.m. Open through September 7.
SEP 3Wood
@ 6:30PMGallery, 46 Barre St. Opens Tuesday, July 11.
The Avett Brothers {{SOLD OUT}}
PLAINFIELD - Cutler Memorial Library Activities: Classic
-- Potters Grand Point Norththe Art of Coming Together. Vermont Arts
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT
Grace Book Club: 1st Mondays, 6 p.m; Story Time for Tots, infants
SAT, SEP 16 - SUN,Spotlight
SEP 17 Gallery. June 5-October 6. Presents a survey through pre-K. Thursdays through Aug 24, 10:30 a.m. Read to
of contemporary
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT Vermont art organized by artist networks
Miracle on South Division Street Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT Me & Creativity, grades K-3, Sundays 1-2 p.m. through Aug.
OCT 22than aesthetics or media. Open to the public and located
CHaD Hero Half Marathon
20. Tuesday Night Knitters, every Tuesday except first Tues. of
WED, JUL 5 - SAT, JUL 15 You Cant Take It With You
SUN, @ 12:00AM
in theGreen
- Hanover, and
NH conference room of the offices at 136 State
McCarthy Arts Center - Colchester, VT WED, AUG 2 - SAT, AUG 12
Comedian Bob Marley McCarthy Arts Center - Colchester, VT the month.
Shawn Colvin
SAT, NOV 11 @ 4:00PM
FRI, JUL 7 @ 8:00PM Alabama Shakes {{SOLD OUT}}
Diabetes Discussion & Support Group. Everyone welcome.
Opera House - Lebanon,- NH
Katie Loesel Geology in the Anthropocene
Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center WED, AUG 2 @ 7:00PM
My Morning Jacket Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT The Health Center conf. room, 3rd Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. Info.
and Elise Whittemore Specimens. River Arts, 74 Pleasant St. WED, JUL 12 @ 7:00PM Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats 322-6600.
June 6 - August 18. Loesel explores geological formations, includ- Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT THU, AUG 3 @ 7:30PM
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT RANDOLPH - Ongoing Health Support Groups at Gifford -
ing Plastiglomerate, a new type of rock formed by sedimentary
Jeezum Crow Festival
FRI, JUL 14 - SAT, JUL 15 Colin Hay Quit in Person Group. Giffords Tobacco Cessation Program
elements fused with plastic from the ocean. Whittemores exhibit Stateside Amphitheatre, Jay Peak Resort - Jay, VT SUN, AUG 20 @ 7:30PM
continued on next page
of woodblock prints was inspired by examining trays upon trays of Do Good Fest with Guster
SAT, JUL 15 @ 2:30PM
Paramont Theatre - Rutland, VT
John Mellencamp
dried algae specimens at the Pringle Herbarium at UVM. National Life Group Campus - Montpelier, VT FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM
RANDOLPH - Chandler Gallery presents Scale: Models to Murder for Two Champlain Valley Expo Coca-Cola Grand Stand -
consist of scale models or maquettes of pieces that have been Elvis Costello & The Imposters SUN, SEP 3 @ 6:30PM
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT
Wednesday 6 PM Barre Congregational Church 4:30 PM Rice TV Mass
made into public art by contemporary artists from Vermont and
SUN, JUL 23 @ 7:00PM Community Bulletin Board 1a 7:30 PM Lutheran 5 PM Calvary Life
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT Grace Potters Grand Point North Barre City Council 9a,12p,3p 9 PM Calvary Life
6 PM Washington Baptist Church
Kings of Leon SAT, SEP 16 - SUN, SEP 17 Democracy Now 6p 10 PM Rice TV Mass
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT 7 PM Faith Community Church
WED, JUL 26 @ 7:00PM
WAITSFIELD - 6th Annual Green Mountain Watercolor
Williamstown Select 7p, 10p Sunday
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY 8 PM Barre Congregational Church
CHaD Hero Half Marathon Thursday Community Bulletin Board 1a
Exhibition & Lareau Farms Barn Renovations. 80 out- Twiddle SUN, OCT 22 @ 12:00AM Community Bulletin Board 1a 2 AM Barre Congregational Church 9:30 PM Lutheran
10 PM St. Monicas Mass
standing watercolor paintings from artists across North FRI, JUL 28 - SAT, JUL 29 Dartmouth Green - Hanover, NH Williamstown Select 6a, 9a, 12p 3:30 AM St. Monicas Mass
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT Shawn Colvin Democracy Now 6p 4:30 AM Washington Baptist Church 11 PM Calvary Life
America! This captivating and nationally recognized exhibition The Shins SAT, NOV 11 @ 4:00PM Barre Supervisory Union 3p,7p,10p 6:30 AM Barre Congregational Monday
will be judged by internationally acclaimed watercolor artist, SUN, JUL 30 @ 4:00PM Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH Friday Church Community Bulletin Board 1a
Anne Abgott, who has received more than 100 awards and has
Community Bulletin Board 1a 8 AM Calvary Life Statehouse Programming 6a,9a,12p
For venue phone numbers, call Barre Supervisory Union 6a,9a,12p 9 AM Washington Baptist Church Democracy Now 6p
judged numerous exhibitions. Exhibition is open June 18 - July Democracy Now 6p 10 AM 1st Presbyterian Church
22, Thurs.-Sun., 12-9 p.m. The Point at 223-2396 9:00 to 5:00 Barre Town Select 3p,7p,10p 11 AM Barre Congregational
Barre Act 46 3, 7, 10p
Mon.-Fri., or visit our web site at Saturday
Community Bulletin Board 1a
12:30 PM Rice TV Mass Barre Act 46 6a,9a,12p
Barre Town Select 6a, 9a, 12p 1 PM St. Monicas Mass Statehouse Programming 3-5pm
4 PM Washington Baptist Church 2 PM Barre Congregational Church Democracy Now 6p
5 PM 1st Presbyterian Church 3:30 PM Washington Baptist Barre City Council Live 7pm
Bethel Braintree Montpelier Randolph Rochester U-32 District Towns Waterbury Schedules subject to change without notice. ALL PROGRAMING SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
ORCA Media Channel 15 6:00a Who Will Milk the Cows 3:30p Spotlight on Vermont Issues ORCA Media Channel 16 Wed, July 5
Public Access 8:00a Democracy Now! 5:00p Vote for Vermont Education Access 7:00a Vermont State House
9:00a ORCA Media Annual Meeting 6:30p Everyday People
CVTV Channel 192 BARRE, VT
All schedules are subject to
Weekly Program Schedule Weekly Program Schedule 9:00a Green Mountain Care Board change, please call us
Wednesday, July 5 10:00a All Things LGBTQ 7:00p Gay USA Wednesday, July 5 3:00p Waterbury Trustees
with questions - 479-1075.
Wednesday Opening 5:30 AM Talking About Movies
6:00a Spotlight on Vermont Issues 11:00a Veterans Voice 8:00p You and Your Health 12:00p Rumney Memorial School 6:00p Montpelier City Council 1:00 AM The Artful Word 4:30 PM Holiday Fun 6:00 AM City Room with Steven
7:30a For the Animals 12:00p Brunch With Bernie 8:30p Vermonts Environment & the 4:00p Berlin School Board Thu, July 6 1:30 AM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 5:00 PM Ghost Chronicles Pappas
3:00 AM Health Talk 6:00 PM 13 Most Haunted - MA 6:30 AM Ghost Chronicles
8:00a Democracy Now! 1:00p The Thom Hartmann Program Trump Administration 7:00p Montpelier School Board 7:00a Randolph Selectboard 3:30 AM New England Music Awards 6:30 PM Understanding PTSD 7:30 AM Gory Storytime
9:00a NOFAVT 2:00p Yoga for You 10:30p The Struggle Thursday, July 6 11:30a Vermont State House 5:30 AM The Better Part 8:00 PM Hunger Mountain Co-op 8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
2:30p Donate for Life 11:00p The Meaning of the Fourth of July 6:00 AM The Better Part 10:30 PM Issues of Aging 8:30 AM Energy Conservation
10:00a Kellogg Hubbard Library 12:00p Bethel School Board 7:00p Waterbury Selectboard 6:30 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
11:30a Bill Doyle on VT Issues 3:00p Democracy Now! Monday, July 10 3:00p Berlin School Board 8:00 AM Poetry Outloud - live broad- 2:30 AM Moose & Bears in NH 11:30 AM Will the Constitution
Fri, July 7 cast 4:00 AM Burlington Bookfest Preview 12:30 PM Lego Chat
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 4:00p Gay USA 6:00a Senior Moments 6:00p Orange SW Supervisory Union 7:00a Bethel Selectboard 4:00 PM The Better Part 4:30 AM Sustainable Living Series 1:00 PM Community Producers
1:00p Bear Pond Books 5:00p Senior Moments 8:00a Democracy Now! 8:30p Orchard Valley Waldorf School 4:30 PM The Better Part 6:00 AM Floor Hockey 1:30 PM Talking About Movies
11:00a Moretown Selectboard
3:00p Democracy Now! 6:30p For the Animals 9:00a Vote for Vermont Graduation
5:00 PM 7:00 AM Upper Valley Humane Society 2:00 PM City Room with Steven
4:00p Berlin Selectboard 6:32 PM 1st Wednesdays 7:30 AM SlowLiving Pappas
4:00p You and Your Health 7:00p Bear Pond Books 10:00a Solidarity March - LGBTQ 10:00p U-32 Graduation 8:00 PM 30 Minutes with Bill Schmick 9:00 AM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 2:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
8:00p Montpelier Planning Commission
4:30p MSAC Senior Prom 9:00p Gay USA 12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 8:30 PM Conversations with Kay 12:00 PM Moose & Bears in NH 3:30 PM Gory Storytime
Friday, July 7 Sat, July 8 9:00 PM Vermont Historical Society 1:30 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 4:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
5:00p The Struggle 10:00p Hunger Mountain Coop 1:00p Kellogg Hubbard Library 12:00p Washington Ct Supervisory Union 6:00a Vermont State House 10:00 PM The Artful Word 2:00 PM Sustainable Living Series 4:30 PM Energy Conservation
5:30p Poem City Saturday, July 8 2:30p For the Animals 4:00p CCV Commencement Ceremony 8:00a Central Vermont Regional Planning
10:30 PM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 3:30 PM Floor Hockey 6:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
Thursday 4:30 PM Upper Valley Humane Society 7:30 PM Will the Constitution
7:30p Donate for Life 6:00a MSAC Senior Prom 3:00p Democracy Now! 8:00p U-32 School Board 2:00 AM The State of Marriage 5:00 PM SlowLiving
Commission 8:30 PM Lego Chat
8:00p MSAC Senior Prom 6:30a The Struggle 4:00p Who Will Milk the Cows 3:00 AM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:30 PM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 9:00 PM Community Producers
Saturday, July 8 11:00a Randolph Selectboard 4:00 AM Taste for Life 9:30 PM Moose & Bears in NH
8:30p Talking About Movies 7:00a Take It to the Bridge 6:00p Montp Independence Day Parade 9:30 PM Talking About Movies
12:00p Vermont State Board of Education 4:00p Vermont State House 4:30 AM On the Waterfront 11:00 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 10:00 PM City Room with Steven
9:00p Senior Moments 9:00a Disaster Capitalism 7:30p Pollinator Fest 5:00 AM 2015 Cornish Fair 11:30 PM Sustainable Living Series
6:30p U-32 Graduation 6:00p Bernie Sanders Town Meetings 5:30 AM Salaam/Shalom Sunday
10:30p Veterans Voice 10:00a Vermonts Environment & the 8:00p Building a World Beyond War 10:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
8:30p East Montpelier School Board 9:00p Green Mountain Care Board 6:30 AM Yoga To Go 1:30 AM Lego Chat 11:30 PM Gory Storytime
11:30p Common Good Vermont Trump Administration 9:00p ORCA Media Annual Meeting 7:30 AM RagFest Concerts 2:00 AM Community Producers
12:00p Montpelier Independence Day 9:30p Disaster Capitalism Sunday, July 9 Sun, July 9 8:30 AM Judge Ben 2:30 AM Talking About Movies
Thursday, July 6 12:00p U-32 School Board 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 3:00 AM Vaccine Mandates
3:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
6:00a The Meaning of the Fourth of July Parade 10:30p The Struggle 7:00a Waterbury Trustees 10:30 AM Its News to Us 3:30 AM Ghost Chronicles
4:00 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
1:30p Hunger Mountain Coop 11:00p Ounce of Prevention 3:30p Montpelier School Board 10:30a Waterbury Selectboard 11:30 AM The Y Connection 4:30 AM Gory Storytime
5:00 AM Talking About Movies
7:00a VT Digger News & Brews 6:00 AM Lifelines
3:00p Waterbury Not Quite Independence 11:30p Songwriters Showcase 7:30p Calais Elementary School Board 3:00p Montpelier Development Review 12:00 PM Vermont Today 5:00 AM Green Mountain Vets for
8:00a Democracy Now! 1:30 PM The State of Marriage Peace
6:30 AM For the Animals
Day Parade 9:30p Worcester Elementary School Board 7:00 AM Authors at the Aldrich
9:00a Montpelier Independence Day Tuesday, July 11 2:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:00 AM Holistically Speaking
8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
Parade 4:30p Roman Catholic Mass 6:00a Common Good Vermont Monday, July 10 6:00p Montpelier Design Review 3:30 PM Taste for Life 6:30 AM Mountain Man Adventures
8:30 AM Green Mountain Vets for
4:00 PM On the Waterfront 7:00 AM Cuban Bridge
11:00a Waterbury Not Quite Indepen- 5:00p Washington Baptist Church 8:00a Democracy Now! 12:00p Rumney Memorial School Committee 4:30 PM 2015 Cornish Fair 8:31 AM Car Stories Peace
3:00p East Montpelier School Board 9:30 AM Holistically Speaking
dence Day Parade 6:00p Kellogg Hubbard Library 9:00a Slow Living Summit 8:00p Montpelier City Council 5:00 PM Salaam/Shalom 9:00 AM Health Talk
10:00 AM Mountain Man Adventures
6:00p Orchard Valley Waldorf School 6:00 PM Yoga To Go 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 7:30p Vermont Treasures 11:00a You and Your Health Mon, July 10 7:00 PM RagFest Concerts 10:30 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz 10:30 AM Cuban Bridge
1:00p ORCA Media Annual Meeting 8:00p All Things LGBTQ 11:30a Donate for Life Graduation 7:00a Moretown Selectboard 8:00 PM Judge Ben 11:30 AM Talking About Movies 11:00 AM Hometown Storytellers
12:00 PM Car Stories
1:30p The Artful Word 9:30p Speak Out Against Deportations! 12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 8:00p Game of the Week 11:00a Bethel Selectboard 9:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead 12:30 PM Lifelines
12:30 PM Health Talk
10:00 PM Its News to Us 1:00 PM For the Animals
3:00p Democracy Now! 11:00p VT Film Essentials 1:00p All Things LGBTQ 10:00p Parkinsons Performance Troupe 2:00p Berlin Selectboard 11:00 PM The Y Connection 1:30 PM Authors at the Aldrich 1:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
2:00 PM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
4:00p Bill Doyle on VT Issues Sunday, July 9 2:00p Best Pictures Tuesday, July 11 5:30p Montp Planning Commission LIVE 11:30 PM Vermont Today
2:30 PM
4:02 PM Truck Pull 2015 3:00 PM Talking About Movies
5:00p Disaster Capitalism 6:00a Washington Baptist Church 3:00p Democracy Now! 12:00p Vermont Youth Orchestra Tue, July 11 1:00 AM Green Mountain Care Board 5:00 PM Cuban Bridge 4:00 PM Lifelines
1:00p Montpelier High School Graduation 2:30 AM Twin St vs Granite St Derby 6:00 PM Conversations with Kay 4:30 PM For the Animals
6:00p Vermonts Environment & the 7:00a Gay USA 4:00p Montp Independence Day Parade 7:00a Vermont State House 4:00 AM WRJ Vet Center Grand 6:30 PM Vermont Historical Society 5:00 PM Authors at the Aldrich
Trump Administration 8:00a Eckankar 6:00p NOFAVT 4:00p VT State Board of Education 9:00a Bernie Sanders Town Meetings Opening 7:30 PM Its News to Us 6:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
8:00p Bethel School Board 5:00 AM Holiday Fun 8:30 PM The Y Connection 6:30 PM Green Mountain Vets for
8:00p Vote for Vermont 8:30a Hunger Mountain Coop 7:30p Bill Doyle on VT Issues 12:00p Central Vermont Regional Plan- Peace
5:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 9:00 PM Vermont Today
9:00p Nuclear Waste 10:30a Roman Catholic Mass 8:00p Take It to the Bridge ning Commission 6:30 AM 13 Most Haunted - MA 10:30 PM The State of Marriage 7:30 PM Holistically Speaking
11:00p Waterbury Not Quite Indepen- 11:00a Bear Pond Books 10:00p Who Will Milk the Cows ORCA Media Channel 17 4:00p Vermont State House 7:00 AM Understanding PTSD
8:30 AM Hunger Mountain Co-op
11:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 8:00 PM Mountain Man Adventures
Monday 8:30 PM Cuban Bridge
dence Day Parade 12:30p Take It to the Bridge Government Access 5:30p Montp Design Review Committee 11:00 AM Issues of Aging 2:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 9:00 PM Hometown Storytellers
Friday, July 7 2:30p VT Digger News & Brews Weekly Program Schedule 7:00p Montp Development Review Board 12:30 PM Green Mountain Care Board 3:30 AM Will the Constitution 10:00 PM Car Stories
10:30 PM Health Talk
3:00 PM High on the Hog 4:30 AM Lego Chat
3:30 PM WRJ Vet Center Grand 5:00 AM Community Producers 11:00 PM Talking About Movies
Community Media (802) 224-9901 Check out our Web page at Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also be viewed online at
A Pasta
cordially invite you to:
July 19 at 7:30 pm
Green Mountain Dog Club July 21 at 7:30 pm
All concerts are free for members, guest admission Dinner
Woodstock Dog Club A Pasta
is $10.00. Seniors & Students $6.00.
or visit our website at
5 - 7 p m T h eJ uUlnyit1 4a trh
i a n C h u r c h
Adamant, Vermont
Destry Rides Again Fundraiser
1 53 -07 M
p m T h e U n i t a r iM
a i n S t r e e t i n a no n
Cthpuerlci ehr
July 13 - 16
Thurs., July 13 - Sun., July 16 July14th
5-7 pm The Unitarian Church
Evening performances are Thursday, Friday and
Tunbridge Fairgrounds Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Matinees are 2:00 p.m. 5-7
$10 a1 plate
30 M
$12 day of
pma i nThe
S t rUnitarian Church
eet in Mon tpelier
Saturday and Sunday. $10 a plate
8:00AM to 6:00PM 130 Main
$5 children underStreet
12 in Montpelier
The Wind in the Willows (childrens show) $12DragonHeartVermont
day of &
vegetarian, meat, & gluten free options
Conformation Judging July 22, 23, 29, 30 $5 children under 12
salad, maincordially
dish, & dessert
DragonHeartVermont invite you &
Saturdays 2:00 & 5:00pm vegetarian, meat, & gluten free options
Obedience & Rally Sundays 2:00 pm salad,
$10 Purchase Tickets From:
a plate dish, & dessert
invite you to:
DragonHeartVermont &
$12 day of Fitness Front Desk (Kellyne)
Canine Good Citizen
A Pasta
All QuarryWorks performances are FREE.
$5 childrencordially
12 invite you to:
Testing Sunday Call 802-229-6978 to make reservations. Email
For more information visit
vegetarian, meat, & gluten free options
salad, main dish,
$12 day of
& dessert
Adamant, Vermont Find us on
$5 children under 12 The WORLD
July 5, 2017 page 21
vegetarian, meat, & gluten free options
salad, main dish, & dessert
chicken sausages, jumbo hotdogs, kielbasa, salmon cakes, and est songs of the decade. Tickets: or call WEBSTERVILLE - Tuesday Morning Nature Walks. 44
local cooks supply seasonal salads and decadent desserts. A full 802-583-1674 for more details Brook St. 9 a.m. Join Marianne Kotch and Suzy Klinefelter for
meal costs around $10. Rain or shine. Call 223-5760 for this WILLIAMSTOWN - Art Bus Visits Ainsworth Public Library. easy to moderate walks, exploring various trails and lookouts. If
weeks menu items. 10:30 a.m. Stories and crafts to grow the imagination. All ages. we have enough people, well split into fast and slow walking
BETHEL - Firefly Arts Collective. Firefly is a regional Burning groups. All ages and newcomers are welcome. Walks last approx-
Sunday, July 9
Man organization. See description 7/4 imately an hour and a half. Dogs on leashes are welcome. If its
raining enough for an umbrella, the walk will be cancelled.
MONTPELIER - Around the World in 80 Days. Lost Nation
Theater. See description 7/6 ADAMANT - Destry Rides Again presented by QuarryWorks WOODBURY - The Social Black Bear: What Bears Have
Theater. 2 p.m. The wild west musical. Call 802-229-6978 to Taught Me About Being Human, an evening with Ben Kilham,
PLAINFIELD - Audiobook Discussion & Digital Downloads reserve free seats. author and wildlife biologist. Woodbury Town Hall, Route 14. 7 p.m.
Demonstration. Cutler Library, 151 High St. 7-8 p.m. The Black Ben Kilham, a wildlife biologist based in Lyme, NH, has devotedly
Witch by Laurie Forest. Available to download (with your library BETHEL - Firefly Arts Collective. Firefly is a regional Burning
Man organization. See description 7/4 studied the habits of black bears, and interacted with these amazing
card number) at or patrons can request animals. He and his family have accepted orphaned cubs into their
the hard-format CD audiobooks from the library. MONTPELIER - Around the World in 80 Days. Lost Nation home and successfully reintroduced them into the wild. Followed by
STOWE - Stoweflake Balloon Festival. Gates open at 4 p.m. Theater. See description 7/6 homemade refreshments. Info: Woodbury Community Library, 472-
Childrens activities, food, beer & wine, spa tent, live music, Empowering Your Intentions: Going Beyond Hopes and 5710 or
sunset launch. Wants with Fred Cheyette. Hunger Mountain Coop. 6-7:30 p.m.
WAITSFIELD - Rock of Ages: The Musical. Valley Players
Theater. 8 p.m. A celebration of classic 80s rock culture, the show
Free. Learn how to set your intentions in a way that empowers
them for both the big issues in your life and the everyday things
Wednesday, July 12
tells the story of a small town girl and a big city rocker falling in that always seem to come up. BARRE - Authors at the Aldrich: Travel Writer Nicole
love to the greatest songs of the decade. Tickets: www.valleyplay- Grubman. Aldrich Public Library. 6 p.m. Nicole is here to help
STOWE - Stoweflake Balloon Festival. Sunrise launch approx. us explore some of our areas hidden gems. She is the author of I or call 802-583-1674 for more details 6:30 a.m. Left My Sole In Vermont: A Walkers Guide and Journey Through
WAITSFIELD - Inaugural Step After Step Walk for Mental
Saturday, July 8 Health Awareness. Main Street (VT100). 7:05 a.m. (5 minutes after
Central Vermont Back Roads.
EAST MONTPELIER - Being Mortal film and discussion.
ADAMANT - Destry Rides Again presented by QuarryWorks the Marathon, Half Marathon, and Relays start). Walkers will have Twin Valley Senior Center, 4583 Rte 2. 10 a.m. The movie fol-
Theater. 2 and 7:30 p.m. The wild west musical. Call 802-229- the option of participating in a Two Person Relay (6.55 mile/leg) or lows renowned New Yorker writer and Boston surgeon Atul
6978 to reserve free seats. the full 13.1-mile Half Marathon distance. The Walk will provide an Gawande as he explores the relationships doctors have with
BETHEL - Firefly Arts Collective. Firefly is a regional Burning opportunity for members of the mental health community and others patients who are nearing the end of life. Free and open to the
Man organization. See description 7/4 to raise awareness, to battle the stigma and to raise funds to support public. Lunch will be served after the program, $5 for Seniors, $6
the work the of the Designated Agencies, Community Mental Health for persons under 60.
EAST MONTPELIER - Red Cross Blood Donation. Twin Centers, and other organizations. Info/register: www.madmarathon.
Valley Senior Center, 4583 US Rt. 2. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The need MARSHFIELD - Build a Better World Family Fun Night.
com/step-after-step/ Jaquith Public Library. 6:45-8 p.m. Teepee Building for Kids with
for blood is ongoing, so please, be generous. Give so others may
live. To sign up call Twin Valley Senior Center at 802-223-3322, WATERBURY - Northeast Fiddlers Assoc. monthly jam and Angie Barger and Joe Astik. Learn how to build a scaled down
1-800-RED-CROSS (773-2767), email twinvalleyseniors@ meet. American Legion, Stowe Street. Noon to 5 p.m. Fiddlers and teepee for kids. Materials will be provided. Be inspired to go or go to public welcome. Local food shelf donations welcomed. Info: Lee home and do it yourself.
Deyette, 802-728-5188 MONTPELIER - Lyme Magnetic Protocol with Alicia Feltus,
MONTPELIER - Around the World in 80 Days. Lost Nation
Theater. See description 7/6 Clinical Nutritionist and Health Coach. Hunger Mountain Coop.
Capital City Farmers Market. 60 State St. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Tuesday, July 11 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Learn about Biomagnetic Pairs: pairs of
magnets placed on the body to neutralize Ph creating an environ-
Capital City Farmers Market starts its 40th year with over 50 BARRE - Ice Cream Socials. Trow Hill Playground, 291 Hill St.
farmers, food producers, and craftspeople. ment where pathogens cant thrive. Come learn about Lyme
6:30 p.m. This free family event promotes play and conversation Magnetic Protocol, see if it might benefit you!
STOWE - Stoweflake Balloon Festival. Sunrise launch approx. at each of the Towns parks.
Capital City Band Free Outdoor Concert. State House lawn. 7-8
6:30 a.m. Gates open at 4 p.m. Childrens activities, food, beer & MONTPELIER - Bike Ride with GMC. Easy. 20+/- miles. p.m. Come enjoy a picnic with neighbors or meet some new friends
wine, spa tent, live music, sunset launch. Montpelier to Moretown. Leave at 10 a.m. from the parking area while enjoying this delightful Vermont musical tradition. Or, bring
TUNBRIDGE - Community Yard Sale. Parish House lawn and behind the Dept. of Labor. Contact: George Plumb, 883-2313 or an instrument and play along with the band. Info: 456-7054.
at Town Hall, Route 110. 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendor space available
at 802-889-3750. Proceeds to Tunbridge Church painting fund.
WAITSFIELD - Waitsfield Farmers Market. Mad River
Fostering Hope, Fostering Families with Anne Ward, MEd.
Hunger Mountain Coop. 6-7 p.m. Free. You have space in your
Thursday, July 13
Green. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. See description 6/10 home and space in your heart Central Vermonts children and ADAMANT - Destry Rides Again presented by QuarryWorks
Rock of Ages: The Musical. Valley Players Theater. 8 p.m. A families need you. Come learn how providing foster or respite Theater. 7:30 p.m. The wild west musical. Call 802-229-6978 to
celebration of classic 80s rock culture, the show tells the story of care for children in custody can increase the health of your com- reserve free seats.
a small town girl and a big city rocker falling in love to the great- munity. continued on next page
Corrected results for the Annual Gunner Brook Fishing Derby hosted by the Barre Fish & Game Club.
The winners were: Lillianna Hoy - Girls largest single fish; Zachary Michaud - Boys largest single fish;
1st place girls - total length - Adalynn Phoenix; 1st place boys - total lenth - Darrell Duprey; 2nd place
girls - total length - Bayleigh Richardson; 2nd place boys - total length - Brett Lane; 3rd place girls -
total length - Abigail Evans; 3rd place boys - total lenth - Logan Delude; Good Sportsmanship Award
- Hunter Bove.
Printed antlerless deer permit applications for muzzleloader season are now available at license
agents statewide. VTF&W photo by Dave Adams
One Mile
Female: Ages - 14-29
Caitlin OConnell
Two Mile
Male: Ages - 60-69
Michael Chernick 25:14
The team Disc Golf and Chill was the winner of the Barre Lions Club 4th Annual Disc Golf Four Mile
Tournament held at The Quarries Disc Golf Course in the Barre Town Forest. Nineteen teams partici- Female: Ages - 0-13
pated in this fun event to raise funds for the Sight and Hearing Fund. Gillian Smoller 39:57
Ages - 40-49
JoAnn Mugford 36:19
Male: Ages - 50-59
dent bear hound hunting to September 15. Game Clubhouse, Gun Club Road, Barre, Alex Saunders 52:32
The proposed changes stemmed from a VT Ages - 30-39
petition by the Vermont Bear Hounds Thursday, August 3 Mill River Union Ryan Murphy 46:25
Association. The Fish and Wildlife Board and High School cafeteria, 2321 Middle Road, Ages - 40-49
The meeting place is on the
bike path just beyond the
Enjoy an evening with ber storyteller at our park, Montpelier High School track.
NPR Moth Mainstage per- said Marc Edwards, park
former and four-time Moth manager. So many child-
StorySLAM winner Bill hood memories get created
Torrey as he shares stories in our state parks, and kids
from his book, The Ta Ta still do many of the things
Weenie Club July 8, 7:30 that Bill enjoyed growing up Classified
8:30 p.m. at Elmore State in Vermont: swimming, fish- Deadline Is
Park. ing, and spending time at MONDAY
Torrey will share some
hilarious adventures of a kid
The performance is free
Before 10AM
growing up and learning lifes with paid park entry ($4/
lessons in 1960s Vermont. adults) and we invite you to
While his stories are not bring a picnic dinner, go for
offensive, they are geared a swim and enjoy the park
more toward teenagers and adults. However,
if children are present, Torrey will adapt his
material to that audience.
grounds. The performance will be held in the
pavilion, or the beach house if the event of
rain. Torrey will be signing books after the
Barre Kiwanis
We are fortunate to have such a high cali- performance. FREE Family Tennis Day
Want to have fun and
Is Your Work Injury learn how to play tennis
but dont have a tennis
Keeping You On The Sidelines? racquet?
Call our Workers Compensation Attorneys Barre Kiwanis has a
1-800-INJURED (465-8733) limited supply of FREE
racquets and balls so
Local | Caring | Experienced
call early to reserve
your spot.
Free Family Tennis day
to be held,
Sat., July 15TH at the
Rotary Park Courts from
Ron Fox Kelly Massicotte Heidi Groff Pat Biggam 1:00-4:00pm.
Call to sign up.
John Quinlan 476-8796
Vern Mackey 476-3854
Paula Dolan 476-7414
First we listen, then we fight
453 Stone Cutters Way | Montpelier | Rain date Sun., July 16TH
July 5, 2017 The WORLD page 25
802-479-2582 1-800-639-9753 Fax 802-479-7916 Email: Web:
OPPORTUNITIES continued continued continued continued
Forty. Countless relationships
NEEDED NOW! Earn $1000 lier) is looking for a general for busy landscape/property Manager, This is Your Opportu- professional security officer Packet
per week! Paid CDL Train- construction laborer or carpen- maintenance company! Oper- nity To Run the Show! Must be for Part Time (33 hrs/w eekly) 1-888-406-2076
ing!! STEVENS TRANSPORT ter for various residential and ational knowledge of a Zero- experienced with Outboards, position in Barre, VT, evening
COVERS ALL COSTS! 1-877- light commercial construction turn mower and commercial shifts. Interested candidates MAKE A CONNECTION. Real
projects. Willing to train the I/Os, and Inboard. Should Be
209-1309 snow plowing experience Certified or at least had class- please contact 603-363-8200 People, Flirty Chat. Meet sin-
right candidate, but experi- necessary. Clean drivers li- for further information. gles right now! Call LiveLinks.
ence in various facets of cont- es. Must be organized and run
cense a must. Pay based on a neat shop. Pay negotiable. Try it FREE. Call NOW 1-877-
struction is a plus, including
Email Us!
experience. Apply in person WORK AT HOME AND EARN 737-9447 18+.
but not limited to framing, roof- Only want someone who can BIG BUCKS!
ing, vinyl siding, interior trim, at State Street Auto at 107
State Street, Montpelier or call and will take full responsibility Earn up to $1,000 a week MAKE A CONNECTION. Real
drywall, taping & painting, Job for satisfying Our Customers People, Flirty Chat. Meet sin-
duties will include assembly (802)229-1839. at your leisure in your own
of modular and manufactured Needs. Call Robert at Fairlee home? The probability of gain- gles right now! Call LiveLinks.
Marine 802-274-2331, Fair- ing big profits from this and Try it FREE. Call NOW 1-888- homes. Valid drivers license a
must. Benefits include retire- Classied lee, Vermont. many similar at home jobs is 909-9905 18+.
ment plan, health insurance & Deadline Is slim. Promoters of these jobs
paid holidays. Email resume Monday MR Bs CONCRETE LLC, usually require a fee to teach
to Before 10AM Looking for highly motivated you useless, and unprofit- FREE ITEMS
or mail to PO Box 703, Barre, individuals to join our grow- able trades, or to provide you
VT 05641. ing company to serve VT/NH. with futile information. TIP: $ A1-CASH PAID
Previous experience is a plus If a work-at-home program $75 TO $300+
but not required. Job require- is legitimate, your sponsor JUNK CARS, TRUCKS
ments include form and pour should tell you, for free and FOR INFO, 802-522-4279.
foundations, slabs, flat work, in writing, what is involved. If
decorative concrete, Wages you question a programs le- FREE BEWARE OF THE
depend on experience. Con- gitimacy, call the ATTORNEY VERMONT LAND TRUST
GENERALS CONSUMER Bumper Stickers, Call
tact Nick @ 802-272-2905 ASSISTANCE PROGRAM at 802-454-8561
BARRE CITY Childcare. 16
years experience. 2 slots Get a pain-relieving brace at
little or NO cost to you. Medi-
Very competitive salary and benefit package. Classes available. 802-476-3565.
care Patients, Call Health
Hotline Now! 1-800-279-6038
Property and Casualty Insurance experience required. ongoing in Barre Barre City In-Home Day-
care Accepting Reserva-
Insurance license is a plus.
Information: is opening on August 21st Lose 20 pounds in one week?
This is almost impossible!
Must be able to function in a busy and competitive 476-4679
and currently accepting res-
ervations for children ages Weight loss ads must reflect
the typical experiences of the
environment. Position requires good communication 461-8089
6 weeks through 12 years.
Quality care, affordable rates, diet users. Beware of pro-
skills, computer knowledge and being able to multi-task.
grams that claim you can lose
free meals, subsidy accepted. weight effortlessly. TIP: Clues
Learn more at
Send resume to: Visit Our Website: to fraudulent ads include or words like: breakthrough, call 473-2335.
Noyle W. Johnson Insurance effortless, and new discov-
ery. When you see words like
PO Box 279 BUSINESS these be skeptical. Before you
invest your time and money
Montpelier, VT 05601 OPPORTUNITIES call the ATTORNEY GEN-
Attn.: Betty Durkee LOOKING TO EARN A MIL-
TANCE PROGRAM, at 1-800-
LION$? Watch out for busi-
ness opportunities that make LUNG CANCER? And 60
outrageous claims about years old? If so, you and your
Lots of good used boats to 802-272-0862 Central Vermont's Best livered $210/c ord Paul Poulin DRY STONE WORK:
choose from. All of them have Selection Of Quality Tools 802-883-5563 Walls, Patios, Paths, Steps,
been Checked over by our DONS DRIVING RANGE Discount Prices! also Rebuilding Field Rock
certified technicians and are Open 10AM-7PM FIREWOOD for SALE; cut to
length, split and delivered in Boundaries. Call Padma
all in Good Operating Condi- EVERYDAY - Limited Tool Rentals -
Rte 2 E.Montpelier 802-479-3363 800-462-7656 Montpelier and Barre. Green 802-279-4311
tion so you can just go boating
and have fun. If its not reli- Used Golf equipment; $215/cord, Seasoned $300/
able, we wont sell it. Check Clubs, Balls, Shoes, & Bags. TOOLS REPAIRED cord, all Hardwood. 802-485-
them out at our website at: Very fast turn around time. 8525 FOOD GRADE Barrels totes, 802- Tool Warehouse Outlet, Barre- We have over 700 in stock
333-9745. HUNTING/GUNS/ Montpelier Rd.
QUALITY FIREWOOD, Cut/ from 2 1/2Gal275 Gal totes.
Split and Delivered.
Call for Info; Bicknell Barrels
CONSIGNMENTS. We take PLENTY OF STORAGE TRAILERS 1-800-462-7656 The Barrel Man. 802-439-
good late model boats on & CONTAINERS AVAILABLE STUMPS STUMPS STUMPS 5149/802-439-5519.
consignment. We do the sale LIVE BAIT We Grind All Stumps for rea-
and warrantyyou collect Call For Prices Shiners, Crawlers, Perch Bait
WOOD/HEATING sonable prices, Call Randy GROW THE BEST GARDEN
Two Year old black cow ma-
the cash. With our website/ and
1-877-204-3054 call anytime. EQUIP. Pickel Tree Service at 802-
479-3403/802-249-7164 nure
Route 12, Putnamville. 3-yards delivered $125.
our reputation, They usually 802-229-4246 BEWARE OF The Vermont Top Soil/cow manure mixed
sell fast and you often get as Land Trust. You shake hands 50/50 3-yards $150.
much or more than selling it
Exit 3
NEW AND used guns, muzzle with them be sure to count For Classified Also including deliver of
yourself. Fairlee Marine, 802- LEASING loaders, accessories. Snows- your fingers when you are crushed slate, stone, sand
off I-89
333-9745. ville Store, E.Braintree 802- done. 802-454-8561. and gravel.
That Works
Royalton, VT
728-5252 Sparrow Farm
1-877-204-3054 (802) 763-7876
DAVES LOGGING & 802-229-2347
Call 479-2582 or
I Saw It In
lent Supply, Cut/Split/Deliv-
Chelsea. 802-249-2368. ered. 16. $240/CORD Green.
Sparrow Farm 802-229-2347
when answering an advertisement.
SPECIAL Capitalizing more than the first 2 words, etc. 70/WORD
Run The Same DEADLINE: For The WORLD is MONDAY by 10:00 A public service announcement
Classified for AM presented to you by The WORLD
3 Consecutive Weeks-
ORD CANCELLATIONS: A classified ad cancelled before 10:00 AM
PER W MIN. Get 4th Week on Monday will receive credit for the remaining paid weeks.
$3.P5e0r Week
Per A
(Any changes void free week)
The WORLD asks that you check your ad on its first publication. If you find an error
please notify us immediately so that corrections can be made. The WORLD will not be
Polaroid Camera
responsible for more than one incorrect publication of the ad. Q: I have a Polaroid
Speedliner Land Camera,
CHECK HEADING: Model 95A. It was originally
PHONE NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________
Animals-Farm ......................500 purchased in the 1950s and is complete with leather case
Animals-Pet .........................430 and all the accessories. I would like to know its value.
LAST NAME _______________________________________________________________________________
Antiques/Restorations .........144 -- Kathleen, New York
Baby/Children Items ............140
Bicycles ...............................220
FIRST NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ Boating/Fishing ...................210 A: Most Polaroid cameras have little or no value, due to the
Building Materials................300 fact that film for them is impossible to find. According to
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ Business Items....................080 several price guides I consulted, Polaroid cameras seem to
Business Opportunities .......060 be selling in the $10 to $20 range. As with most collect-
CITY _______________________________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP _______________ Camping ..............................205 ibles, there are always exceptions. For example, collectors
Childcare Service ................030 generally focus on the 110 series, the 180 and 195. The
START DATE: ___________ NUMBER OF ISSUES: __________ Christmas Trees ..................370 SX-70 foldable cameras are selling for less than $20 in my
Class & Workshops .............103 region.
Clothing & Accessories .......130 ***
EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT THE AD TO READ Computers/Electronics ........100
Q: My cousin had a large collection of Mayfair Depression
Please print, we cannot be responsible for words we can't read. Farm/Garden/Lawn .............410
Free Ads..............................108 Glass. I have two questions: When and where was this set
Furniture..............................180 made? -- Wanda, Flagstaff, Arizona
________________________________________________________________ Garage Sales/Flea Mkt. ......145
Health ..................................113 A: The Mayfair pattern was manufactured by the Federal
________________________________________________________________ Home Appliances ................160 Glass Company in 1934. The plant was located in
Hunting/Guns/Archery.........305 Columbus, Ohio. Incidentally, the set came in three colors:
________________________________________________________________ Insurance/Investments ........090 amber, crystal and green.
Job Opportunities................020 ***
________________________________________________________________ Lost and Found ...................110 Q: We have a 1939 Philco console radio. It is in a walnut
Miscellaneous .....................150
cabinet and is the 39-116 model. I have been offered $600
________________________________________________________________ Musical ................................200
for it. -- Ken, Kentucky
Personals ............................105
________________________________________________________________ Professional Services .........540
A: Take the money and run. According to the Collectors
Rideshare ............................125
Guide to Antique Radios by John Slusser (Collector Books,
________________________________________________________________ Snow Removal Equip. .........355
Snowmobiles/Access. .........360 $19.95), your radio is worth in the $220 to $250 range.
Sporting Equipment ............250 ***
Storage................................235 Q: I sent a letter to an expert you mentioned in your col-
Support Groups ..................107 umn. After three weeks I still have not received an answer.
Tools ....................................330 I thought you should know this. -- Bob, Texas
Wanted ................................120
________________________________________________________________ Wood/Heating Equip............350
Work Wanted .......................040 A: Many of the people I mention in this column are nation-
ally and internationally known experts who receive piles of
THE COST OF YOUR AD IN THE WORLD AUTOMOTIVE mail. Many have told me that they only answer letters that
Each separate word, each phone number counts as one word Campers/Motor Homes .......845 contain a self-addressed, stamped envelope. First of all, did
Cars & Accessories ............875 you enclose a SASE? If so, be prepared to wait a reason-
Motorcycles/ATVs ...............850 able time. What is reasonable? That depends on the expert.
Number of words ____________ times 35($3.50 min.)_________________ (cost for one week) Trucks/Vans/Jeeps Access. .870 I once received an answer from an art appraiser almost a
Vintage/Classic Vehicles .....873 year after I had sent my original letter to him. Keep in
times number of weeks __________ 4 for 3 Special TOTAL COST __________________
Work Vehicles/Heavy Equip. ....855 mind, the advice youre requesting is free -- except for your
REAL ESTATE postage costs -- so be patient.
Apts./House for Rent...........630
Camps for Sale ...................650 Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive,
$ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM Comm. Rentals/Sales .........605 Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@
MasterCard Condominiums ....................680 Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr.
Apt. Blds. for Sale................685 Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor
Credit Card
Visa Homes .................................690 does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring
Number ____________________________________________________ Discover Land for Sale.......................670 return mail.
Mobile Homes .....................600
CVC#______ Vacation Rentals/Sales .......645 (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Signature __________________________________________Exp. Date ___________________ Wanted to Rent/Buy ............610
SALES Williamstown
Saturday, July 8 9am-3pm
Barre, VT
July 7-8
and garage sale, Satur-
Fluorescent Signs
Price Stickers
Also featuring the Williamstown Inventory & Tip Sheet
LAWN MOWING, *hauling* 4 FAMLY MEGA SALE Beautification pie sale, church BBQ, day July 8, 7-4. Fire engine
yard clean-up, garden, tree & Rain or Shine Historical Society Open House LARGE FAMILY YARD pedal car, furniture, jewelry,
July 8th SALE. July 15 & 16 (Sat- jewelry cabinets, glassware,
bush planting & removal, lawn Sun). Wide assortment of cast iron pans, barrels, ci- FOR
seeding. Free Estimates. Call
1 DayOnly BARRE 78 Orange St Fri 7/7- items, kids toys, clothes, der barrel, musical items, ONLY
Kyle 802-249-6270. Something for everyone Sat 7/8 9-5 Outdoor/indoor etc. 9am both days. milk cans, VT license plates, For only $1.00 more, purchase
many new items or slightly furniture, books, games, jugs, toys, tools, hunting and "Rain Insurance" (if it rains on your
SEEDLINGS, TREES, Spruce, used items. shing items, boat oars, 410 sale, The WORLD will run your ad
r, cedar, red maple, birch,
black berry, ferns, cranberry.
Lots of things for the crafter
including 2 Cricut die cutters.
toys, girls clothes, home de-
cor, youth beds, household CLIP & SAVE! shot gun, knives, deer horns,
duck & goose decoys. 29 Al-
the following week for FREE.*
*Must call by 9:00 AM Monday to
802-476-5448. Items for baby, childrent & items, much much more. pine Dr across from Norwich
University. run your ad again.
STUMPS STUMPS STUMPS 1264 Airport Rd. BARRE; Sat, 7/8, 9-3. Cor-
We Grind All Stumps for rea- Berlin, VT ner of Smith and Berlin. PORCH/YARD SALE
sonable prices, Call Randy 24 Patterson St,
7/8-7/9 Casino Rd William- Books, Furniture, Clothes, Barre, VT
Pickel Tree Service at 802- shoes and Much More! Friday & Saturday 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin
stown. Tools collectibles,
479-3403/802-249-7164 households, antiques 9-5 8-3 Barre, VT 05641
TIRED OF BARK MULCH? (802) 479-2582 1-800-639-9753
1 winter white marble chips
3/4 Pink granite chips. SERVICES SERVICES By JoAnn Derson
landscapestonesofvermont. continued * A go-green and lose weight tip: Shut off your car and walk inside banks,
co Black Rock Coal, $ CASH $ restaurants, etc. Youll burn less gas than sitting in the drive-thru, and the
East Montpelier, VT. FOR JUNK VEHICLES
FULL QUALITY walk will flatten your figure. -- S.S. in South Carolina
802-223-4385 Paying reasonable amounts
1-800-639-3197. depending on the Fluctuation
TREE SERVICE * Here is my tip: When closing a plastic bag, use a clip-type wooden clothespin with a metal
SPRING CLEAN-UP springform. It holds much better than a twist tie and takes less time and effort to use. Keep
of the market for cars and Removal & Full Tree Services,
trucks, FREE Local Scrap Stump Grinding, Hedge and a bunch in a kitchen drawer with rubber bands and other handy things. Theyre not expensive
ANIMALS/ Metal Pick-up. Call Barre, Shrubs trimming, for free es- and can be used over and over again. -- S.L. in Illinois
timates call Randy 802-479- * If you are sensitive to the smell of leftover coffee grounds, heres a tip from E.OB. in
PETS 802-917-2495, 802-476-4815,
Bob. 3403/802-249-7164 35+ years
Delaware: Line a 34.5-ounce coffee can with a plastic bag and dump the filter and grounds
experience, Fully Insured.
in it every day. Keep lid on. At weeks end, or trash day, tie up the bag and put in trash. (Or
Country $A1-CASH PAID
TO $300+
LAWN MOWING the compost pile! -- JoAnn)
LANDCARE * If youre watching what you eat, try food logging for a week. You may be taking in more
Paws For More Info, 802-522-4279 Serving Vermont
Fully Insured
calories than you think. Write
down everything you eat and
Pet Grooming &
Boarding AFFORDABLE Green-Scapes drink -- including tiny treats
East Montpelier
WEB DESIGN 802-883-5090 or spoonfuls you eat while
Radiant Heated Floors For Winter, and CONSULTING
LAWN MOWING Starting at cooking! -- and use an online
Air Conditioning In Summer Serving Vermont Business $25 or around$75 per acre. calorie counter or get a book
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE for more than 15 Years. Free Estimate. from the library. You might
Cathi Levey Bob Morin surprise yourself.
GOLDEN DOODLE PUP- 802-496-9229 802-522-9753 * M.A in Oklahoma has a
PIES MICHELS TREE SERVICE novel tank for her fish: a cof-
Chestnut brown, chocolate Fruit Tree Pruning fee pot! Its economical --
colors, low to no-shed. Fun, ANTIQUE & VINTAGE
Tree Removal most thrift stores sell glass
loyal, happy. Very socialized, CLOCKS Stone Walls Reclaimed
Professionally Cleaned & Property Line Maintenance coffee pots for $1 or less --
30-50lb adults. First shots. and easy to handle, too. She
$1000. 802-728-5291 Repaired. Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service/Fair Prices
Pickup/Delivery Available, 60 Bucket Truck w/chipper has two pots, and when its Brook- necessary to clean one, she
ClockWork Wayne, Insured
eld. H: 802-586-2223 pops the fish right into the
SOLVIT DELUXE XL Tele- (Rochester VT)
C:802-730-2645 other pot with no fuss. She
Watch for our Coupon can even transport her fish
scoping Dog Ramp. 300lb in the Worlds JUNE Coupon
easily around her apartment.
Capacity. Excellent condition,
asking $85.00.
Send your tips to Now Heres
Soldiers Transfer May Strand Pets
NEED HELP around home or
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CARPET AND available. Call Joe. 802-498- Orlando, FL 32803. DEAR PAWS
CORNER: My wife
recently received orders
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
to transfer to a new duty
Residential & Commercial station in Germany. Im
223-6490 Wallpaper removal, Dry wall excited to go with her,
Our Reputation Is Clean!
repairs and more Neat, clean
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802-793-1017. TAILS we cant take our two
cats. I dont want to
small areas, Rhett Savoie, PROFESSIONAL WINDOW BOARDING give them up to a shel-
ter, and Ive asked rela-
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done in Barre/Montpelier area. KENNEL tives nearby if they can
take them, but they cant. What can I do?
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Silver or Black, AKC, EXCAVATING Call Randy Pickel Tree radiant floor heat allowed to accompany military families to Germany when
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lines, home-raised, shots, *Custom Stone Work 249-7164 fresh air system permanent change of station (PCS). The article PCS and
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WET BASEMENT?? Your Pet in explains many of the details
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802-883-5090 forever from the outside of
If your cats are too sick or old to handle the trip, then
the Foundation. We will exca- you should look at finding them a new home. However, if
vate and install an underdrain theyre healthy, several resources are available to help you
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plan and bring them along.
Just a click away clean stone, and Filter Fabric.
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Cat boarding
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Get a certificate of health from your veterinarian as soon
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Come meet this sweet girl today! Send your tips, comments and questions to ask@
1589 VT Rte 14S East Montpelier 476-3811 (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
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July 5, 2017 The WORLD page 29
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Much of western Europe sweltered earlier in June, and the severe heat in
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STATE INSPECTIONS 1584CC, Back Rest, 9,456
miles, LED tail light, Master
KEYSTONE LAREDO 5th TTS Kit, 1 owner, $10,500.00 2005 JEEP $5,200 East Barre $ A1-CASH PAID
wheel. Top condition, many 802-917-1833 Auto Sales (866) 928-9370 UP TO $300+
extras. Must be seen. Just / 802-476-5370 For more de- JUNK CARS, TRUCKS
reduced asking $15,500. Call HONDA CB 750 Nighthawk tails text 112D to 27414 802-522-4279.
Classied Classified 508-826-3940. Brookeld, VT. 1992 Excellent condition w/
Deadline Is Advertising upgrades, 24k $1995.00 802-
2006 JEEP $9,500 East Barre
Auto Sales (866) 928-9370
Monday That Works MOTORCYCLES/ / 802-476-5370 For more de- GLASS!*
MONSTER MOTO MINI BIKE. tails text 22YQ to 27414 Windshields, doors, quarter
Before 10AM Call 479-2582 ATVS Customized for White Tails un- panels, side, rear windows,
or limited, brand new never used. 2010 DODGE $8,995 East 802-522-9140
1-800-639-9753 1981 HONDA CB750 CUS- Brigs. 79.8cc engine, Asking Barre Auto Sales 866-928-
9370/ 802-476-5370 2004 MITSUBISHI GAL-
TOM. 16,700 miles, very good $450. 508-826-3940.
shape, new tires, $1,500.00. For more Details Text 22BL ANT xer-upper or parts car,
802-454-7767. WANTED OLD JAPANESE TO 27414 $500.00 obo. 802-563-2841.
Hunter Heavy Duty 2001 GL1800 HONDA GOLD-
Z1-900 (1972-75), KZ900, 2012 DODGE $7,995 East
2004 VW Beetle
WINGMINT condition, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ Barre Auto Sales 866-928-
22,235 miles. Cruise control, 1000MK2 (1979-,80), W1-650, 9370/ 802-476-5370
six-disc CD player, many add- H1-500 (1969-72), H2-750 For more Details Text 0J5C Good condition, 115K,
ons: luggage rack; cover; pas- (1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, TO 27414
For All senger footrests; custom pin S3-400, KH250, KH400, SU-
2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 Ex-
automatic, sunroof,
striping; special safety lighting; ZUKI-GS400, GT380, HON-
Sizes must see to appreciate, beau- DA-CB750K (1969-1976), tended Cab, Long Box, 4WD
Work Truck(36916A) 6spd,
tiful, and meticulously cared CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!!
of RVs for. $8,500 OBRO. Other items 1-800-772-1142 1-310-721- Auto. Now $22,988 Cody
M&S Auto
Trucks, 0726 usa@classicrunners. Chevrolet-Cadillac, Barre-
availablerain gear, helmets, Montpelier Rd. Montpelier.
Trailers &
leather jackets, leather pants,
travel bag, arm-rests, etc.
223-6337 or 1-800-278-CODY, 802-371-0050
Your Truck All Makes/Models 2000-2016! Barre Auto Sales 866-928-
Chassis Any Condition. Running or 9370/ 802-476-5370
Specialists Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Tow- For more Details Text 0HZG
SPRING & CHASSIS ing! Were Nationwide! Call TO 27414
32 BLACKWELL ST., BARRE, VT 05641 1-802-476-4971 Now: 1-888-985-1806
VERADO 1500, Extended
Cab, Standard Box 4-Wheel
JUST296 EastGOOD AUTOS Drive LT ,(8217a) Now $25
Montpelier Rd Rt. 14 North - Barre
,988. Cody Chevrolet-Cadillac
802-479-0140 Barre-Montpelier Rd. Mont-
2005 BUICK LACROSSE pelier. 223-6337, 1-800-278-
auto., PW, PL CODY, 888-495-0672 or www.
2008 FORD F250 LX
auto., 4x4, AC, PW, PL, 8 ft. Fisher SS V-plow, 2014 CHEVY MALIBU, GM
low miles - 32K, 1 owner Certied, 6-Speed Automatic,
Nice car for the money, Now
$17,995 $15,988. Cody Chevrolet-Ca-
dillac, Barre-Montpelier Rd.
auto., loaded, leather, sunroof, one owner
223-6337, 1-800-287-CODY
$5,995 or 888-495-0672
Auto., PW, PL, AC, NY title, low miles 2015 MAZDA 3,
(STK#34916A), Automatic,
$4,495 23K, Now $14,900. Cody
Chevrolet-Cadillac, Barre-
Montpelier Rd, 223-6337,
AC, PW, PL, low miles, one owner
1-800-278-CODY or
$4,995 888-495-0672
2-door, auto., low miles 2016 CHEVY CRUISE Lim-
$5,995 ited (2263P) GM Certied
pre-owned, automatic Now
4-door, auto, PW, PL, AC
$15,988, Cody Chevrolet Cad-
dillac, Barre-Montpelier Rd,
$3,995 Montpelier. 223-6337, 1-800-
2006 FORD F150 XCAB XLT 4X4 278-CODY, 888-495-0672 or
auto., AC, PW, PL, one owner,
low miles, NY title, warranty
Trades Welcome
Prices Negotiable
Just a Sample of Many
Just Good Autos!
Passenger, Performance & Lt. Truck
acations are a great way to recharge difcult to navigate for novices.
Class B: Class B RVs are often referred to as van conver-
and get some time away from the sions. Class B are the smallest, fully enclosed campers CHANGEOVERS
daily grind. While many working
available in the motorized category. Living space is limited Mounted &
men and women take one or two in these RVs, but economy and versatility make them quite Computer Balanced
popular. Usually these campers can sleep between two and Your Tires Or Ours
vacations per year, recreational vehicle
owners can travel more often without Class C: Class C RVs are a compromise between types A
breaking the bank. and B. Class C are mid-sized with a drivers compartment WE DO STORE HOURS
Mon. - Fri. 8:30-4:30
similar to a van and a larger box in the back for the liv- FLAT Saturday 8:30-1:00
Recreational vehicles, or RVs, are often referred to as
ing area. Some come with a sleeping bunk above the cab. REPAIR Closed Sunday
Depending on the oor plan, class C campers can sleep up to
campers or motor homes. Equipped with many amenities,
ranging from kitchens to multiple sleeping areas to entertain-
10 people.
ment spaces, RVs offer many of the comforts of home.
The Recreational Vehicle Industry Association says RV ACCEPT
Towable RVs are another option and can be more afford-
ownership is currently at an all-time high. According to Dr. able because they can be pulled behind your existing vehicle.
Corner No. Main &
Richard Curtin, RV industry analyst and director of consumer Seminary Sts., Barre
Travel trailers: Travel trailers look similar to traditional mo-
surveys at the University of Michigan, 8.9 million house- torized RVs but without the driving cab. They can be hitched CALL FOR PRICES
EBT 479-1819
holds now own an RV. Thats up from 7.9 million in 2005. to the back of a vehicle. Travel trailers are popular because
Drivers considering buying an RV may have many ques- WRANGLER HANKOOK COOPER
of their versatility. Travel trailers can be ideal for those with
tions about these increasingly popular vehicles. RVs come in limited budgets but the desire to have a self-contained unit.
two main types: motorized and towable. Understanding the Pop-up: Folding camping trailers, or pop-up trailers, are
differences between the two and the various subcategories of inexpensive and lightweight. They provide many of the con-
RV can help drivers make the most informed decisions when veniences found in a basic travel trailer but in a smaller size.
purchasing their RVs. Fifth-wheel: If you own a
pickup truck, a fth-wheel
MOTORIZED trailer may be good for you.
Motorized RVs are broken down by class, including class These hitch to the top of the
A, B and C. The distinction between the classes of RV is pickup bed and have similar
based on size. features to a traditional travel
Class A: This class of motor home is very large and offers trailer.
all of the comforts youd expect from home. Many people RVs make great invest-
who purchase a class A RV plan to travel all year long. ments for men and women
Slide-outs can expand the living area when parked, and full who love the open road.
bathrooms, complete kitchens and more are the norm. Be- They also are a great way to
cause of their size, class A RVs tend to be the most expensive
and may be more vehicle than many people can afford. Their
take the entire family on an
affordable and memorable ONLY AT CAPITOL CITY KIA
large size (many look like a bus on the road) can make them
CLEANING CONDENSER Protect Your Vehicle From Winter Grime
KUSTOM - Exterior hand wash & wax
IBLE. 28,500 MILES. Never
seen a winter and only 2 own-
ers. Car fax available. EXCEL- KLASSICS
- Vacuum interior
- Dust down the dash $ 95
PRESENTS - Wash windows,
LENT condition. Silver metal- IF NEEDED
lic exterior, Black interior and PARTS EXTRA IF NEEDED inside & out Reg. Value: $134.95
black cloth convertible top. - May not be combined with any other offer - May not be combined with any other offer
Has been detailed this spring. Please present coupon at vehicle write-up. Offer good through 7/31/17. Please present coupon at vehicle write-up. Offer good through 7/31/17.
Price includes car cover and
new tires. It would be hard to Saturday, July 8 AVAILABLE AT CAPITOL CITY KIA
nd another convertible at this
low price of $11,500 or best
offer, in the condition she is
6:00 to 8:00 PM
in. Call 461-8822 to arrange a BOND FIELD - Rt. 14, South Barre
test drive.
All Are Welcome! Free Admission!
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 50/50 Drawing, Prize Give-a-ways
All Make/Models 2000-2015!
Hamburgers Courtesy of Bond Auto combined
Any Condition. Running or
Not. Competitive Offer! Free
Towing! Were Nationwide!
Ad Courtesy Of Pump & Pantry, Williamstown
with any
Call Now: 1-888-416-2330 AVAILABLE AT CAPITOL CITY KIA
Credit repair companies make
false claims and promises to
erase a trail of unpaid bills or
late payments from your credit
report. However, only time can VERM
$ 95
erase negative, but accurate Or Toll Free 1-800-639-9753 ~ Central Vermonts Newspaper
Most cars & light trucks TION
credit information. In addition, 403 U.S. Route 302 - Berlin Barre, VT 05641
federal law forbids credit re-
pair companies from collect-
Inspection only, repairs extra
May not be combined with any other offer
DUE Plus
ing money before they provide Please present coupon at vehicle write-up.
their service. TIP: If you have Offer good through 7/31/17.
questions about your credit FREE CAR WASH
history or you want to know Registration Inspection Brake Controllers We Also Inspect Campers & Trailers! WITH ANY SERVICE
how to get a free copy of your
credit report call the ATTOR- Wiring Hitches Parts Service
at 1-800-649-2424. Dont
send any money to a credit re- C-CHANNEL
pair company until you check You Dont Have To Purchase Your Vehicle Here To Take Advantage Of Our Quality Service!
it out. CAR
Got an older car, boat or RV?
Do the humane thing. Donate CORNER OF
it to the Humane Society. Call MONTPELIER, VT
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7-5
NEW & USED TIRES ALL Wed. 7-7 SAT. 8-2
SIZES, Used Rims, 802-883-
5506/272-6611 S e rv i c e & P a rt s
Thinking of buying a new or
402 VT Rt. 107 (Exit 3, I-89) So. Royalton, VT 05068
Call toll free: 866-764-7509
used car? Call to get current 1-800-877-5854
promotional pricing and local 28 Jasper Mine Rd (Exit 17, I-89) Colchester, VT 05446
dealer incentives for free. No
hassle. No obligation. Call:
The best service at the best prices. Period.
July 5, 2017 The WORLD page 35
How to avoid hot weather
We Service All
Makes & Models
Fleet & Commercial
Accounts Welcome
Extended Warranties
automotive breakdowns
The Dust Has Settled Super Saver Discount hen the weather warms, many people take to the out-
& Its A New Year. SPEND THIS... SAVE THIS...
doors to enjoy the sunshine and rising temperatures.
Summer road trips or vacations are the norm, but it is
Welcome To Our $49 TO $99 $10
important to realize that hot weather can take its toll
$100 TO $199 $20
New Facility. $200 TO $299 $30
even on a new, well-maintained vehicle.
Come Visit Our New $300 TO $499 $45
Store & Receive $500 TO $699 $60
Huge Discounts
Most vehicles. May not be combined with any
other offers or specials. Must present coupon
when order is written. Plus tax & supplies. Valid
On Regular Services only at this dealership.
$ 95
Vermont State QUICK WASH
Most Cars & Light Trucks Pass or Fail CHECK ALL FILTERS BELTS AND HOSES
See Service Advisor for Details CHECK BATTERY PERFORMANCE
Excessive heat can shorten the life of a battery because it
causes battery uid to evaporate more quickly. This, in turn,
can damage the internal structure of the battery. AAA reports
that car battery issues are the most common breakdown calls.
Its a good idea to top off a battery with distilled water if
it is the kind that requires it. Low-maintenance batteries may
not have ller caps and will not require water. Inspect the
battery for corrosion and leakage of battery acid. This could
be a sign that the battery is getting old and will need to be
Cooling systems work hard to keep the ow of air to the
engine and prevent it from overheating during warm seasons.
Compromised cooling fans or lack of coolant can be trouble-
some. To avoid overheating, check coolant levels before
getting on the road. In addition, have the cooling system
checked by a trained mechanic prior to the summer driving
season. Its a small price to pay to avoid extensive engine
damage from overheating.
Hot weather causes the pressure inside of tires to rise.
Overinated tires can wear down prematurely or result in
blowouts. The Car Care Council recommends checking tire
pressure routinely in the summer, when tires are cold. Follow
the guidelines in the owners manual for recommended air
pressure. Look for improper tread wear, weak spots or other
tire damage that may end up causing ats.
Hot weather can put extra demand on all uids and engine
components. Check transmission uid, power steering uid,
brake uid, and engine oil levels. Top off or change when
New To The Market
Sunroom, First Floor Laundry, Den, Family Room
Three Bedrooms Including Master Suite
On 1 Acre, Distant Mountain Views
Photo: 46437991 Williamstown $329,000
Contact Ann, 552-0332
New To The Market
Wed., July 5, 2017 DEADLINES: Display First
Ads Fri. 3 Floor Laundry,
PM Word AdsDen,
Mon. 10 AM
Family Room
APTS/ ROOMS/Including Master
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the fair hous-
1 Acre, Distant Mountain Views
continued continued
Williamstown $329,000 Benson Arizona, Deed RV sites
ing act which makes it illegal to adver-
tise any preference, limitation or dis-
crimination based on race, color, reli-
gion, sex, handicap, familial status or
East Barre 552-0332
1 bedroom Coun- with City Utilities(Snowbird
Approx 1200 sf of Commercial
M national origin, or an intention, to make try Apartment, available July Hill), $22,500+ www.cochise-
any such preference, limitation or dis- Space available in Barre, VT. 15. $850/mo. includes heat/ or 520-720-0824
crimination. Located on North Main Street, lights, rubbish, plowing. Call / 520-820-1678.
Additionally, Vermonts Fair Housing
and Public Accomodations Act prohib-
$975.00 per month Call 802-
899-3400 for more informa- Photo: 46351461
its advertising that indicates any prefer- tion and an application. Equal RULE OF THUMB...... on Lake Groton.
On 10.1 Acres With View, Pond
ence, limitation or discrimination based Housing Opportunity/Fair
on age, marital status, sexual orienta- Housing.
Describe your property, Call 802-476-6075 On 10.1 Acres With View, Pond
not the appropriate buyer or
Comfortable Open Floor Plan or 476-6083. Wed
tion or receipt of public assistance.
This newspaper will not knowingly renter, not the landlord, Comfortable Open Floor Plan
accept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. Our APARTMENTS Woodstove,
Just describe theLibrary
not the neighbors.
property Nook,
and Den Woodstove, Library Nook, Den
readers are hereby informed that all
ROOMS/HOUSES Three Bedroom,
youll almost always Two Bath continued on next page
obey the
Three Bedroom, Two Bath
Calais Price Just Lowered $324,000
dwellings advertised in this newspaper law.
are available on an equal opportunity
basis. FOR RENT Contact Tim, 552-0184 Calais Price Just Reduced $324,000
To file a complaint of discrimination, EMAILED ADVERTISEMENT
call the Vermont Human Rights
Commisson toll-free at 1-800-416-2010 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Contact Tim, 552-0184 ADVERTISING INSERTION OR
(voice & TTY) or call HUD toll Cabot(Danville line) on Mol- Thomas Hirchak Company
Photo: 46305581
free at 1-800-669-9777 (voice) lys Pond, $750/month plus FROM: Terra Keene
or 1-800-927-9275 (TTY).
utilites. 802-456-1204 Phone: 800-634-7653
3 bedroom Duplex Apt Barre Incredibly Spacious, Hardwood
MOBILE HOMES/ VT. Centrally Located. Dead-
RENT/SALE end street next to bike path
and City Bus Route. washer/ Living Room With New Pellet
dryer hook-up, 1/2 basement Stove COMPANY: The World
HOME, Priced to sell at
storage, large yard, Front and
back porch, garbage/plowing Finished Attic Space, Library/Den
$20,000. This 1986 65X12.5
mobile home has been exten- /lawn care included, parking Deck, Patio, Two Car Garage With
sively remodeled front to back. spot, non-smoking, no pets, Storage
Layout has one full bath, one
1/2 bath, two bedrooms, din-
1st month rent, security, refer-
ences, credit check required. Barre $189,000
ing room, large kitchen with $1100/mo available now. Contact Sammi, 793-6753
attached bar table, and liv- 802-279-0407 Incredibly Spacious, Hardwood Floors
ing room. All windows, wood EMAILED TO: sales@vt-world
oors carpet, cabinets, fridge, BARRE CITY, Newly Remod-
Living Room With New Pellet Stove
dishwasher, propane stove,
faucets, tub/shower, toilets,
eled, No pets, No smoking al- Photo: 46284631 1C=1.48; 2C=3.1; 3C=4.68; 4
Finished Attic Space, Library/Den
faucets, electric water heater, lowed/Semi-Private/lawn, nice
neighborhood, New windows. Deck, Patio, Two Car Garage With
wood siding, metal roong,
doors trim, lighting, skirting 3 Bedroom, 1bath, Washer/ Views Including Mt. Ellen, Camels
Barre $189,000
and vanities have been re- Dry Hookup. Finished Base- Hump
placed in the last 3 years. This
home comes with a 275 gal-
ment. $1,1 00/month. Utilities
not included, Oil heat/Electric
Master Suite Plus Three More Bed-
Contact Sammi, 793-6753
lon oil tank (if needed), front hot water. First, Last, Secu- rooms
steps with small deck, and
wood skirting. You will not nd
rity Deposit required, Credit Family Room With French Doors
a mobile home of this quality Check and References, Only
serious applicants apply. 802-
To Patio
and warmth anywhere. 802-
917-3615 479-5306 Attached Two Car, Detached Three
Car Garages
heat, hot water, snow removal, Barre Town Price Just Reduced
BARRE TOWN 2 bedroom,
coin-op laundry. $900/month $395,000
RENTALS/SALES 802-433-5832
Contact Michelle, 505-2050
2 Over head doors 10 High, STREET, $1050.00, 2nd Floor,
1200 sq/ft, More space avail- 2 Bdrms. 802-229-5702
able if needed. Williamstown,
VT 802-433-5832
Views Including Mt. Ellen, Camels Hump
Master Suite Plus Three More Bedrooms
Family Room With French Doors To Patio
Attached 2-Car, Detached 3-Car Garages
Updated Weekly Barre Town Price Just Reduced $395,000
Home Mortgage Rates Contact Michelle, 505-2050
Community National 6/29/17 4.000% 4.008% 30 yr fixed 0 5%
5% Bank 1-800-340-3460 3.375% 3.389% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
New England Federal 6/29/17 4.000% 4.024% 30 yr fixed 0 5% Colonial home in
% Credit Union 866-805-6267 3.250% 3.292% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
Northfield Savings 6/29/17 3.875% 3.914% 30 yr fixed 0 5%
% Bank (NSB) 3.125% 3.193% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
% VT State Employees 6/29/17 3.875% 3.914% 30 yr fixed 0 5% 81 Main St., Montpelier 229-0345
135 Washington St., Barre 476-6500
Credit Union (VSECU) 3.125% 3.194% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
1-800-371-5162 X5345
Rates can change without notice.
***APRs are based on 20% down payment. Some products are available with as little as 1-800-696-1456
5% down, with purchase of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). The cost of PMI is not
included in the APR calculations. 634-7653
July 5, 2017 The WORLD page 37
D E sellers market, with more people in the market for homes
than properties available. But sales during that time were still
outpacing sales figures from a year prior. In fact, in May
following are some trends that are helping to steer the real
estate market further.
2017, home sales in Canada increased to their highest level Smaller homes: Home sizes in the United States steadily
Luxury Rentals Available in more than five years, according to the Canadian MLS increased for decades, eventually leading to an average of
Starting at $1450/Month Systems. 2,453 square feet in 2014, according to U.S. Census figures.
Low interest rates on mortgages and more confidence in However, reported in 2015 that new construction
the economy has driven many people to make improvements homes have already begun to shrink by 40 square feet. There
to their existing homes. As is typical, the things homeowners seems to be a slight trend toward more modest homes as
are looking for in 2017 have evolved from years past. The continued on next page
V isit
$150,000 802-244-7517 Easy access to VAST and hik-
Credit!! Call NCP Travel 877- ing trails and a private grass
270-7260. MORRISTOWN: 10 +/- acres airstrip! Only $249,900 AND
$55.000 802-244-7517 owner will pay up to $3000
WARM WEATHER is Year of buyers closing costs! This
Searching for your dream home? Mention this ad Round in Aruba. The water OLD TOWN, FL 2-1/2 acres wont last!
is safe, and the dining is fan- $12,000 802-244-7517
for a FREE Hom tastic. Walk out to the beach. Call Karl for details and pics!
e 3-Bedroom weeks available.
Appraisal! Sleeps 8. $3500. email: caro- MONTPELIER: TWO-STORY
for more information. older home, pretty river view,
walk to schools and shopping.
3-bedrooms, 1-bath, food
LAND FOR SALE Septic design. Located pantry, fireplace, chandeliers,
end of Hebert Road, formal dining room, porches,
wood doors and trim. Buyer- BUILDING LOT: Danville Williamstown Brokers also welcome.
for a FREE, no commitment Mortgage Pre-Approval assessment
village, 2.15 acres, end of (near Barre Town line) 802-371-7524.
paved street, complete w/
village water/sewer, power,
NEW HOME & LAND package,
Patti Shedd cable, phone lines & views,
windswept development, Lot
Williamstown VT. $149,900.
Loan Consultant 3bdrm, 2 bath, great neigh-
2, a short distance to beautiful borhood, close to recreation,
NMLS#98725 Danville Green, $62,000. access to I-89. Dont miss
(802) 476-7000 802-563-2371 denbet@fair-
HOMES out!. 802-272-7422.
MARSHFIELD RT 232, 1 Having trouble paying your
Equal Housing Lender | Licensed Lender State of VT | NMLS#854380 14 North Main Street, Ste 5015 | Barre, VT 05641 Acre. Drilled well, septic in Full Basement, 3 BR 1.5
Cannot combine with any other offer. Minimum mortgage amount of $80,000. Must close your mortgage financing with Premium bath, large porch, .37 acre, mortgage? The Federal Trade
Mortgage. Other restrictions may apply. place, beautiful views, power Commission says dont pay
at road, 50X24 garage w/ Near Spaulding on Green St.
$170,000. 802-839-6667 any fees in advance to peo-
high ceiling in 1/2, power door ple who promise to protect
Opener. $69,500 obo.
239-494-0615 BARRE TOWN Home for your home from foreclosure.
sale, 3bdrm, large lot, pool. Report them to the FTC, the
105 Green St $130,000, nations consumer protection
Barre Voc-Tech Enterprises, Inc. $104,000 with Homestead agency. For more information,
grant if qualify call 1-877-FTC-HELP or click
Barre Supervisory Union Call Patti 802- 477-1343,
on A message from
The World and the FTC.
120 Ayers Street
Barre, VT 05641
property mart
access is flat. A good area for ATV's, X-C skiers orchards, rustic 2-BR hunting camp and a pond. Country cape on 10.4+/- primarily wooded
and hikers, too. A good place to unplug, since there VAST trail running alongside and through it. acres, a little over 1 miles from Maple Corner.
is no power or cable. 155+/- acres enrolled in Forest Propane refrigerator, stove and lights. Wood Open floor plan. Great natural light. Hardwood
Management Land use program (20 acres excluded) or kerosene heat extends the season. 1/2 Bath. flooring. Mudroom entry. Currently offers 1-level
for property tax savings. Orange $195,000. Seasonal Class 4 road access is flat. A good living with a mostly-finished attic space that
Fred Ford
22 Sunnyside Lane Williamstown, VT 05679
Shirley Luther
area for ATV's, X-C skiers and hikers, too. A good could easily be finished for additional room(s).
(Garcia 643 Apple
Road, Calais 4630652) place to unplug, since there is no power or cable. Unfinished walk-out basement. 3-season, 2-rm
802-476-6002 802-479-3356
Spring Green! Enjoy rural Vermont as its meant to be 155+/- acres enrolled in Forest Management Land guest quarters with its own kitchenette and full
enjoyed! Country cape on 10.4+/- primarily wooded use program (20 acres excluded) for property tax bath over the 2-bay garage. Screened breezeway.
acres, a little over 1 miles from Maple Corner. Open savings. Orange $195,000. Perennial gardens, stone wall accents and a
floor plan. Great natural light. Hardwood flooring. vernal pond! $299,500!
Mudroom entry. Currently offers 1-level living with Located just outside the
a mostly-finished attic space that could easily be
Hubbard Park Entrance INVEST-igate this...
Build in Cabot
finished for additional room(s). Unfinished walk-out
this year!
basement. 3-season, 2-rm guest quarters with its
own kitchenette and full bath over the 2-bay garage.
Screened breezeway. Perennial gardens, stone wall
accents and a vernal pond! $299,500!
Cabot Plains Rd: 10.29 surveyed, wooded
(Canales 23 Winter acres Street,with access drive
Montpelier MLSin# place, power at
4637933) road. Private camping site with storage shed,
Located just outside the Hubbard Park entrance,
this well-maintained 3BR babbling
homestead brook to lure
is sited onyou
0.61to sleep.
surveyed acres overlooking New to themarket
Meadows - $48,000.
section of
Montpelier. Fully-equipped MLS#4640184
remodeled kitchen with
dining area. 3-Season sunroom plus a deck AND a
screened front porch! The master BR has a skylight
and walk-in closet with deep, 57 Chatot
built-inRd: 5+/- Acres.
drawers. 2-Room Build now, drilled This well-maintained 3BR homestead is sited on ...fully-leased 5-unit residential Barre City
bedroom suite with more well, on site
built-ins andseptic
a craftssystem,
room. power at road, 0.61 surveyed acres overlooking the Meadows apartment house! Tenants pay their own heat,
Walk-out basement. old Lotsfoundation
of nook and may crannies
or may not be buildable. section of Montpelier. Fully-equipped remodeled hot water and electricity! Close to Downtown
kitchen with dining area. 3-Season sunroom amenities. More than $60,000 in improvements
storage. McIntosh apple Saletree.
subject to thirdPark
Adjacent partyhasapproval. Land is
plus a deck AND a screened front porch! The over the past 13 years! $140,000.
trails, an observation tower, situated
ball fiacross
eld andfrom Joe'shill.
sledding Pond and half mile master BR has a skylight and walk-in closet with
(Roberts 133 Church from fishing
Street, access.
Barre City MLS deep, built-in drawers. 2-Room bedroom suite
#4641111) New to market - $75,000. with more built-ins and a crafts room. Walk-out
INVEST-igate this fully-leased MLS#4643086
5-unit residential Barre basement. Lots of nook and crannies storage.
City apartment house! Tenants pay their own heat, hot McIntosh apple tree. Adjacent Park has trails,
water and electricity! Close to Downtown amenities. an observation tower, ball field and sledding hill.
More than $60,000 in improvements Whittier Hill overRd:
the Ready
past 13 to Build. Septic $349,500.
years! $140,000. design available. One mile outside village,
(Day 1670 Center Road, surveyed, permitted forMLS
East Montpelier 3 bedroom home, East Montpelier Center!
#4644189) driveway installed, power at roadside. Open 1832 vintage, 2BR, 1 bath cape farmhouse on
East Montpelier Center!area 1832forvintage,
septic 2BR,leach1location.
bath 1.9+/- acres with open meadow and mountain
views! Fully-equipped eat-in kitchen with
cape farmhouse on 1.9+/- Just reduced!
and mountain views! Fully-equipped eat-in kitchen
with open meadow
fairly-recent appliances and a picture window.
with fairly-recent appliances MLS#4360805
and a picture window. Hardwood flooring in formal dining room, living
Hardwood flooring in formal dining room, living room room and den/crafts room. Septic designed for
and den/crafts room. Septic Visit
designedOur Website
for 4-BR capacity.For Details 4-BR capacity. Stone walls and perennial flower beds. Attached 2-car barn with overhead storage,
Stone walls and perennial On flowerThese And Other
beds. Attached 2-car Listings plus shed. Just a short paved drive into the Capital City, too! $245,000.
barn with overhead storage, plus shed. Just a short
paved drive into the Capital City, too! $245,000
317 River Street Montpelier Lori Holt
802-563-6000 or 802-595-1156 223-6302
Cabot, Vermont
Jack Associates REALTOR Ext. 1
Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
July 5, 2017 The WORLD page 39
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N8S0B2U. 4
R7Y9. 3S3T6O
8 02 . 479. 3 3 6 6
6W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
Design and Draw your DREAM home for a chance to
1. Drawings must be made and submitted on paper no larger than 8.5x11 (any media)
2. Submissions must be dropped off or mailed to:
William Raveis Real Estate, 86 North Main St, Ste 2, Barre, VT 05641 by JULY 15, 2017!
3. Attach the completed Registration Form to your submission:
Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
8 02 . 479. 3 3 6 6
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
Independently Owned and Operated
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page 40 The WORLD July 5, 2017 Independently Owned and Operated