Hydraulics: The Basics of Pump/Filter Sizing
Hydraulics: The Basics of Pump/Filter Sizing
Hydraulics: The Basics of Pump/Filter Sizing
Hydraulics is the study and understanding of the behavior In-Ground Size Gallons*
of liquids at rest and in motion. We are concerned with 12 ft x 24 ft Rectangle 11,861
water, and the following characteristics of our application: 16 ft x 32 ft Rectangle 21,086
18 ft x 36 ft Rectangle 26,687
1. How much water do we have (Pool Capacity)? 20 ft x 40 ft Rectangle 32,947
2. How fast can we safely move the water (Turnover Rate and Water Velocity)? *Average Depth: 5.5 ft
3. How much resistance will this water meet while moving through the system
2. Flow Rate
(Friction Loss)?
While the actual flow rate of a pump is based on the total resistance of the system
4. How will we overcome this resistance (Pump/Filter Sizing)? as described below, the desired flow rate must be calculated to verify it will satisfy
Turnover Rate and Water Velocity requirements.
Following are step-by-step instructions to answer these
four questions and ultimately determine the proper size 2A. Turnover Rate
The turnover rate for a swimming pool is the amount of time required to circulate
pump or filter for virtually any installation. Below each the entire volume of water through the system once to meet reasonably clean,
step is a calculation based on the following example: 16 ft safe water standards. The minimum recommended turnover rate is twelve (12)
by 32 ft rectangular pool, 3 ft to 8 ft deep, 2" suction side and hours, however an eight (8) to ten (10) hour rate is quite common. Check with local
return side plumbing. Existing 1 HP pump; filter gauge reads regulations for the minimum required turnover rate.
10 PSI (clean). Based on the pools capacity and the desired turnover rate, the minimum rate at
1. Pool Capacity which the water must be circulated in Gallons Per Minute (GPM) is calculated
To determine total gallons, we must first calculate the surface area of the pool in as follows:
square feet: A. Minimum Flow in Gallons per Hour (GPH)
A. Surface Area ____________ gallons ____________ hours = ____________ GPH
(pool capacity) (desired turnover rate) (minimum flow,gallons per hour)
for standard plumbing supplies such as pipe, elbows, fittings, etc. can be found
using published reference tables. Friction loss for equipment such as filters,
heaters, and chlorination systems can be found in charts and/or curves provided
by the manufacturer. The sum of all the resistance is called Total Dynamic Head
(TDH) and is typically measured in Feet of Water or Feet of Head.
A properly sized pump will have the ability to overcome the Total Dynamic Head
of the system while, at the same time, providing flow that will satisfy Turnover
Rate and Water Velocity requirements.
For new installations, it is possible to calculate TDH very accurately by using
reference tables and manufacturers data to determine the friction loss asso-
ciated with every component in the circulation system.
For existing installations, we are often unable to determine the total amount of
pipe and fittings its underground. Therefore, what follows is a simplified
rule-of-thumb means of determining Total Dynamic Head.
We will need to add the resistance from the vacuum (suction) side of the exist-
ing pump to the resistance of the pressure side of the pump. Note this assumes
the Static Suction Lift (i.e. vertical distance from the center of the pumps
impeller to the surface of the water) is offset by the water returning to the pool.
A. Friction Loss (Vacuum)
_________inches of mercury x 1.13 ft of water = _________ft of water
(vacuum reading) (total resistance, vacuum)
Typically, however, a vacuum reading will not be available, therefore, the table
below provides Common Head Loss Factors for todays high-efficiency pumps.
Pump Size Head Loss Factor*
3/4 HP 4.5 to 5.5 ft of water
1 HP 7 to 9 ft of water
1 1/2 HP 10 to 12.5 ft of water
2 HP 13.5 to 16 ft of water
*Assumes 2" suction line, not to exceed 40 ft long, minimal fittings, one (1) 2" valve and full-rated pumps.
Total Dynamic Head: 9 ft of water + 23 ft of water = 32 ft of water 4B. Pump Sizing, Existing Installations
4. Pump Sizing For existing installations, use the Total Dynamic Head calculated from the
We now have all the information necessary to select the proper size pump Friction Loss on the Vacuum and Pressure side of the pump.
and/or filter and then proceed based on new vs. aftermarket installations. Total Dynamic Head ____________ ft of water
A pumps performance data is provided in GPM (output) vs. Feet of Head Using the manufacturers performance curve for the existing pump, find the
(resistance). The specific performance data for Hayward pumps can be found flow that corresponds to the Total Dynamic Head. This is the actual flow at
in the Pump Section, pages 7-16. which the pump is currently operating, which may or may not meet Turnover
4A. Pump Sizing, New Installations Rate and Water Velocity requirements. Verify the actual flow rate is between
the minimum flow based on the Turnover Rate and the maximum flow based
For new installations, use the desired flow rate and Total Dynamic Head on the Water Velocity.
calculated from tables and manufacturers data:
Total Dynamic Head: 32 ft of water (assume to be the same as
Desired Flow ____________ GPM determined above)
Total Dynamic Head ____________ ft of water If the actual flow rate does not meet the Turnover Rate and Water Velocity
Using Hayward Pump Performance Curves or Tables, identify which pumps requirements, you must either modify the system to add or remove restrictions
performance comes closest to matching the point where the Desired Flow (e.g. use less restrictive plumbing fittings and/or equipment) or vary the flow by
intersects with the Total Dynamic Head. changing size of the pump.
If you increase or decrease your flow for any reason, your resistance will Saving Money by Saving Energy
increase or decrease respectively. You cannot read horizontally across Depending upon utility rates, pool characteristics, and equipment selected,
the curve at the same Total Dynamic Head to choose another pump. it is possible to recoup the premium cost of an upgrade from a standard pump
You must create a system curve based on the following relationship: to an energy efficient pump in the first year of operation.
For example, a system featuring an energy efficient high performance pump
drawing 5.34 amps at 230 volts where the local utility rate is $0.12 per kWh
will cost you approximately $1.78 over a 12 hour period per day. A standard
pump drawing 7.0 amps will cost you approximately $2.32 per day or an
extra $197 annually!
Use this worksheet to help determine your energy savings:
A. Motor Amp Rating A
B. Voltage (e.g. 115 volts or 230 volts) B
C. Local Energy Rate ($ per kWh) * C
D. Approximate Power Usage (Watts) = A x B D
E. Kilowatts = D / 1000 E
F. $ per hour = E x C F
_________ft of water x (______ GPM ______GPM) 2 = ______ft of water
(current friction loss) (new flow rate) (current flow rate) (new friction loss) G. Hours of Operation G
H. Cost per Day = F x G H
Choose the minimum and maximum flow rates based on Turnover Rate and
Water Velocity and calculate the corresponding friction loss using the formula J. Monthly Cost = H x 30 J
above. Plot each combination of friction loss and flow to create the system curve. K. Yearly Cost = H x 365 K
Current Flow: 70 GPM *Refer to your utility bill to determine locate rate