Devmat 108: Product Description Specification Data

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100% Solids Epoxy Tank Coating

Cat. # 108KXXXX
ICI Devoe Coatings is a member of the ICI Paints World Group


Generic: Two-Component Epoxy Color: #3 Buff (108K1475), #3 Mist Gray (108K2370),
General Description: A 100% solids, two-component Oxide Red (108K7850)
epoxy coating with excellent crude oil and water immer- Finish: Semi Gloss
sion resistance. Can be applied up to 1/2'' thick on hori- Reduction Solvent: Not normally required
zontal surfaces.
Clean-up Solvent: T-10 Thinner
Typical Uses: Ideal to repair on line storage tank bot-
Weight/Gallon: 13.5 lbs./gal. (1.62 kg/L)
toms, floating roofs and fixed roofs, as well as lining for
storage tanks, waste troughs and containment areas. VOC (EPA 24): 0.3 lbs./gal. (38.7 g/L)

Also used for repair or lining of waste treatment plants Solids By Volume: 100%
and coating concrete floors. Theoretical Coverage at 1.0 Mil (25 microns) Dry:
1604 sq. ft./gal. (39.3 m2/L)
Recommended Film Thickness: 10 mils (250 microns)
dry - 10 mils (250 microns) wet.

A member of the ICI Paints World Group.

Systems: Please consult the appropriate system guide, the

particular job specification or your ICI Devoe Coatings

Industrial Coatings Specialist for proper systems using this
product. Systems must be selected considering the particular
environment involved.

Service Temperature Limits: 250F (121C) dry


Minimum Dry Time (ASTM D 1640): At 10 mils (250
microns) DFT
40F(5C) 70F(21C) 80F(27C)
To Recoat 12 hours 4 hours 2 hours
Advantages: Dry Hard >31 hours 8 hours 6 hours
Low temperature cure to 40F (5C) Max recoat self 72 hours 72 hours 72 hours
Excellent crude oil, water, and brine resistance Ventilation, film thickness, humidity, thinning, and other factors can
A member of the ICI Paints World Group.

influence the rate of dry.

Limitations of Use: When used as a floor coating, color Warning: The above table provides general guidelines only. Always consult
may change on exposure to light. your ICI Devoe Coatings Specialist for appropriate recoat windows since the maxi-
mum aged recoat time of this product may be significantly shortened or length-
ened by a variety of conditions, including, but not limited to humidity, surface tem-
perature, and the use of additives or thinners. The use of accelerators or force cur-
ing may shorten the aged recoat of individual coatings. The above recoat windows
may not apply if recoating with a product other than those listed above. If the max-

imum aged recoat window is exceeded, please consult your ICI Industrial Coatings
Specialist for appropriate recommendations to enhance adhesion. Failure to


observe these precautions may result in intercoat delamination.
Shelf Life: Over 24 months at 77F (25C) unopened
Hardness (ASTM D 3363, 7 day cure @ 77F (25C): 6H
Mix Ratio By Volume: 2 (base): 1 (converter) see
mixing instructions.
Induction: None
Pot Life: 45 minutes @ 77F (25C) & 50% R.H.
Adhesion: (ASTM D 4541) Excellent
Abrasion Resistance: (ASTM D 4060) Excellent
Humidity Resistance: (ASTM D 2247) Excellent

Back Page: 108KXXXX


All surfaces must be sound, dry, clean, free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, free of grit dust. Concrete Floors, Poured Concrete Cure at least 30
form release agents, curing compounds, loose and flaking paint and days, abrasive blast or acid etch. Prime with PRE-PRIMETM 167 or this
other foreign substances. coating thinned with T-10 thinner.
New Surfaces: Steel DEVMAT 108 Coating may be applied directly Previously Painted Surfaces: Remove old paint. Prepare surface as
to abrasive blasted steel. The steel surface must be blasted to near- described in New Surfaces.
white metal surface cleanliness in accordance with SSPC-SP10 or SSI-
Sa2 1/2 for immersion service. Blast profile on steel should be 11/2 - 2 1/2
mils (38-62 microns) in depth and be of a sharp, jagged, nature as
opposed to a peen pattern (from shot blasting). Surfaces must be


Tinting: Do not tint. optimum results. Any plural component application requires volumetric
check of the mix ratio. DEVMAT 108 Coating can also be applied with a
Thinning: Thinning is not normally required. However, up to 5% reduc- spreader, squeegee or roller. Brushing and rolling may require multiple
tion with Devoe Coatings T-10 Thinner may be utilized to enhance coats to achieve correct film thickness and/or hiding.
spray pattern or to improve wetting of fibers.
A minimum of seven days cure with ventilation at temperatures above
Mixing: DEVMAT 108 Coating is a two-component product supplied in 77F (25C) should be allowed before tank linings are put into service.
4 gallon or 1 gallon kits which contain the proper ratio of ingredients. Longer curing times with ventilation are required if temperatures are
The entire contents of each container must be mixed together. Mix the lower than 77F (25C). Do not allow coating to remain in the applica-
base portion slowly for several minutes. After mixing the base portion, tion equipment longer than 45 minutes. Flush out all application equip-
add the converter slowly with continued agitation. After the converter ment whenever there is a delay in application.
add is complete, continue to mix slowly until the system is homoge-
neous. Ventilation: Although DEVMAT 108 Coating is solventless, good venti-
lation with dry air is required for the protection of the applicator, to
Application: Optimum application properties and working life of the prevent condensation and to obtain proper coating performance.
coating are obtained when the mixed components are at 77F (25C). Ventilation should be maintained throughout the cure period. Be sure
Minimum application temperature is 50F (10C). At extreme tempera- the air in the lowest areas is constantly replaced with fresh, dry air.
tures, efforts should be made to maintain mixed material at 77F
(25C). At temperatures above 77F (25C) pot life will be dramatically Dry Time: At 70F (21C) & 50% R.H., dries to recoat 4 hours.
shortened and plural component equipment should be considered.
Clean-up: Use T-10 Thinner.
Where airless equipment is used, a 45 to 1 pump or larger and .023''
to .029'' tip size will provide a good spray pattern. Ideally, fluid hoses
should not be less than 3/8'' ID and not longer than 50 feet to obtain

For industrial use only. Keep out of reach of children. Consult Material COMPONENT HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY
Safety Data Sheets appropriate for this product for important health and 108 BASE
HMIS 108BXXXX 2 1 1
safety information prior to use. DATA 108 CONVERTER
108C0980 2 1 1
* Indicates possible chronic health hazard

Freight Classification: Paint Shipping Weight: 3 gallon kit - 46 lbs. (20.9 kg)
Flash Point: 200F (93C)
Packaging: 3 gallon kit (11.36L)
2 gallon base
1 gallon converter
108KXXXX (9/99)
Ad Stock #67021A

Cleveland, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: To the best of our knowledge, the technical data contained herein are true and
Ohio, U.S.A. accurate at the date of issuance but are subject to change without prior notice. We guarantee our product to
800-654-2616 conform to the specifications contained herein. WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY
KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Liability, if any, is limited to replacement of the product or refund of the purchase price. LABOR OR COST OF

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