A Woman Worth - Alicia Keys
A Woman Worth - Alicia Keys
A Woman Worth - Alicia Keys
By Alicia Keys
Discussion questions
1. How do you show a person you love that he or she is worthy? Is giving money or expensive gifts the way to do it?
2. Is love related to money in any way? Do you know anyone who is married to a man or a woman because of his/her
money rather (gold-digger)?
3. What happens when you are not shown that you are valued or loved? Does this jeopardize your relationship?
Note on Worth
. The quality that renders something desirable, useful, or valuable: the worth of higher education.
. Quality that commands esteem or respect; merit: a person of great worth.
. Equal in value to something specified: worth its weight in gold.
. Deserving of; meriting: a proposal not worth consideration.
. having a value of: the fire destroyed property worth $200 million
. worthy of; meriting or justifying: if a job is worth doing, it's not worth crying over spilt milk
A) Complete the following sentences using the pictures. Listen to the lyrics and compare.
C) Match the sentences in column A with the ones in column B. Listen and check.
1. If you treat me fairy, a. Ill hold you down when shit gets rough cause baby I know youre worth it.
2. If you never play me, promise not to b. Ill give you all my goods, treat you like a real woman should. Baby I know
bluff, youre worth it.
D) Complete the following sentences with the word below. Listen and check.
She walks the __________, makes you __________all the while being __________.
Dont take for granted the ______________ that she has for you.
You will lose if you choose to refuse to put her first.
She will if she can find a man who knows her worth.
F) Follow up
You are the singer. You dated B for over a year but things You are As ex-boyfriend. You dated her over a year but
didnt work out between you so you decided to break up she decided to break up with you. She thinks you took her
with him. You think he took you for granted and didnt show for granted and says you splurged money on unnecessary
you how much he loved you. To make matters worse, he things and didnt buy her any presents. She wasnt exactly
splurged money on DVDs and expensive appliances and Ms. Perfect herself. You believe that she was a
didnt buy you anything (not even for your anniversary). materialistic girl who only cared about money and that she
You stubbornly admit that you were not very good to him didnt treat you any good either. You considered talking to
either. He calls you to see if you can get back together. her to see if you could work things out and she agreed to
meet you.
Useful language:
Useful language:
- If you had / hadnt..., I would (not) have.
- I might have been . - You are so
- You forgot. - If you had / hadnt..., I would (not) have.
- If I were you, I would. - You didnt.
- If you ., I will - Lets ., Shall we?
- I promise to.
indebted; obliged: I
am beholden to you