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Practice Exercise 1

Directions (Q. 1-14): The following line chart shows the ratio of export to import of five compa-
nies A, B, C, D and E in years 2000 to 2004.
2 A
1.75 B

1.5 C
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

The following Radar graph shows the projected % increase in export in year 2005 with respect to
2004. (It is assumed that the import in year 2005 is equal to the import in year 2004.)




1. In which year was export of company E the maximum?

1) 2000 2) 2002 3) 2003 4) Cant say
2. The difference between export and import of company D is the maximum in the year
1) 2000 2) 2001 3) 2002 4) Cant say
3. In year 2003 the difference between export and import is minimum of company
1) A 2) D 3) C 4) Cant say
4. The export of company A in year 2001 is what percentage more/less than that in year 2000?
1) 24% less 2) 17% more 3) 11% less 4) Cant be determined
5. The export of company C is twice that of company D in year 2001. The import of company D in year
2001 is 70 million more than the export. The import of company C in year 2001 is
1) 280 million 2) 220 million 3) 240 million 4) 180 million
6. The trade deficit of company B in year 2003 is 75% more than the trade deficit of company A. The
ratio of import of company B to that of company A in year 2003 is
1) 13 : 5 2) 4 : 9 3) 6 : 3 4) 7 : 2
7. If the ratio of export of company E in 2003 to that in 2004 is 4 : 5, the combined ratio of export to
import of company E in year 2003 and 2004 together is
1) 30 : 19 2) 17 : 9 3) 34 : 13 4) 29 : 16
8. The total transactions (export + import) of companies A, B and C in year 2004 are in the ratio 3 : 4
: 2. The export and import of companies A, B and C in year 2004 together are in the ratio of
1) 334 : 213 2) 226 : 179 3) 174 : 97 4) None of these
9. The ratio of export to import of company C in year 2005 as per the projection is
1) 6 : 7 2) 6 : 5 3) 4 : 3 4) 4 : 5

10. Total transaction (ie export + import) of company E in year 2003 is 33 1 % lower than the total
transaction of company E in year 2004. Then the ratio of export to import of company E in the year
2003 and 2004 together is
1) 28 : 17 2) 17 : 28 3) 27 : 17 4) 3 : 2
11. If the projected growth in export of company C and company D together in year 2005 is 40% with
respect to the previous year, the ratio of export to import of company C and D together in year 2004
1) 9 : 15 2) 7 : 10 3) 9 : 11 4) 5 : 6
12. As per the projection, how many companies have the import more than the export in 2005?
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) None
13. If the exports of companies C, D and E in year 2004 are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 2, the overall % increase
in the export of company C, D and E as per the projected percentage increase in 2005 is
1) 48.3% 2) 54.6% 3) 57.8% 4) 64.8%
14. If the difference between export and import of company A is 60% more than that between export
and import of company B in year 2004, the difference between export and import of company B is

what % more/less than that of company A in year 2005?
1) 7.5% less 2) 11.6% more 3) 15% less 4) 17.4% more
Directions (Q. 15-18): The following pie-charts show the revenue (income) and profit of MG Fi-
nance for the financial year 2004-05.
Share of Revenue (incom e) Share of Profit

12% Fertilisers Others
Tube 22.5%
EID Parry Tube
Fertilisers 9.5%
12% Investments
45% 23.0%
EID Parry
15. The profit from Tube Investments is what % more than the profit from Fertilisers?
1) 4.5% 2) 5.5% 3) 6.6% 4) Cant be determined
16. The expenditure of Fertilisers is what % more than the expenditure of Tube Investments?
1) 24% 2) 36% 3) 48% 4) Cant be determined
17. The minimum expenditure of MG Finance is in
1) Fertilizers 2) Others
3) Carborundum Universal 4) Cant be determined
18. If the total revenue of the company in the financial year 2004-05 is Rs 6250 crores and the total
profit of the company is Rs 600 crores, the profit of which type of investment has the maximum for
per rupee revenue?
1) Fertilizers 2) Carborundum Universal
3) EID Parry 4) Tube Investments
Directions (Q. 19-22): The following graphs show the result of a survey. Refer to the graphs to
answer the questions that follow.

Consum er's Requirem ent from liquid soaps (in %)







Skin care Fragrance Freshness Cleansing Action
Reasons For Trial Reasons for Use

K KUNDAN Recomme-



Low price

Word of
Used it

25% 15% New to

Sachets Market
15% 35%

19. If 5000 users were questioned for the survey, in which 8% required fragrance and freshness, 3%
required skin care and fragrance, 7% required skin care and cleansing action, 3% required cleans-
ing action and freshness, and 5% required all the qualities from the liquid soap, how many people
required only skin care from liquid soaps? (There are no consumers who required exactly three
qualities from liquid soaps.)
1) 1800 2) 1750 3) 1600 4) 1900
20. If 4200 people were covered under the survey, what is the ratio of the people who tried the soap
because of recommendation and those who did so because of size?
1) 5 : 3 2) 3 : 5 3) 8 : 5 4) 5 : 8
21. What per cent of the people who tried the soap because of recommendation continued using it for
a similar-mentioned purpose?
1) 80% 2) 95% 3) 85% 4) 90%
22. If 7800 people were covered under the survey, what is the difference between the number of
people who use the liquid soaps because it is new to market and the number of people who use it
because of its advertisement?
1) 1750 2) 1560 3) 1800 4) 1500
Answers and explanations
1. 4; Only the ratio of export to import of each of the companies is given. Therefore it cant be deter-
2. 4; Only the ratio of export to import of each of the company is given. Therefore we cant find in
which year the difference between export and import of company D is maximum. It depends
upon the constant involved in each of the ratios.
3. 2; This question is similar to the above problem but we have to find the minimum difference. The
minimum difference between export and import will be when Export = Import, ie ratio = 1.
Hence company D.
4. 4; Different constants are involved in the ratios of export and import of company A in year 2001
and 2000. Therefore we cant determine.
5. 3; Let K 1 and K 2 be present in the ratio of export to import of company C and company D in year
Export of company 7
Import of company 4

Export of company C = 7K 1
Import of company C = 4K1
Similarly, export of company D = 3K 2
Import of company D = 4K 2
According to the question,
3K 2

K1 6
7K1 6K 2 .... (1)
K2 7
Also, 4K 2 3K 2 70 K 2 70
6 6
As per (1) K1 K 2 70 60
7 7
Import of company C = 4K1 4 60 240 million.
6. 4; Let K 1 and K 2 be present in the ratio of export to import of company A and company B respec-
tively in year 2003.
Export of company A = K 1
Import of company A = 2K1
Export of company B = 3K 2
Import of company B = 4K 2
Trade deficit (Import Export) of company A = K 1
Trade deficit of company B = K 2
According to the question,
K 2 K 1 1

K 2 K1
Import of company B 4K 2 4 7

Import of company A 2K1 2K1 2
Required ratio = 7 : 2
7. 1; Let K 1 and K 2 be present in the ratio of export to import of company E in 2003 and 2004 respec-
Export of company E in 2003 = 5K1
Import of company E in 2003 = 4K1
Export of company E in 2004 = 2K 2
Import of company E in 2004 = K 2
According to the question,
5K1 4
25K 8K

2K 2 5 1 2

K1 8 K .8
K1 2
K 2 25 25

8K 2
5 2K 2
25 90 30
Required ratio = 30 : 19
8K 2 57 19
4 K2

8. 2; Let K 1 , K 2 and K 3 be present in the ratio of export to import of companies A, B and C respec-
tively in year 2004.
Total transaction (export + import) of company A = 3K1 2K1 5K1
Total transaction (export + import) of company B = 5K 2 4K 2 9K 2
Total transaction (export + import) of company C = K 3 K 3 2K 3
According to the question,
5K1 3 9K 2 4
9K 2 4 2K 3 2

20K1 27K 2 18K 2 8K 3

K1 : K 2 27 : 20 K 2 : K 3 8 : 18 4 : 9
K1 : K 2 : K 3
27 : 20 :
4 : 9
K1 : K 2 : K 3 108 : 80 : 180 54 : 40 : 90

Total export of companies A, B and C 3K1 5K 2 K 3

Total import of companies A, B and C 2K1 4K 2 K 3

3 54 5 40 90 452 226

2 54 4 40 90 358 179
Required ratio = 226 : 179
9. 2; Let K 1 be present in the ratio of export to import of company C in year 2004.
Export of company C in year 2004 = K1
Import of company C in year 2004 = K1
From the radar graph,
% increase in export of company C = 20%
20 6K 1
Export of company C in 2005 = K 1 1 100 5 .

Import of company C in 2005 = K 1 (same as that of 2004)

Required ratio = 5 6 : 5
K1 5

10. 1; Let K 1 and K 2 be present in the ratio of export to import of company E in years 2003 and 2004

Total transaction of company E in year 2003 = 5K1 4K1 9K1
Total transaction of company E in year 2004 = 2K 2 K 2 3K 2
According to the question,

K1 2
9K 1 3K 2 1 2K 2

K2 9

5 2
Total export of E 5K1 2K 2 9 28
Total import of E 4K1 K 2 2 17
4 1
Required ratio = 373 : 212
11. 3; % growth in export of company C in year 2005 w.r.t. 2004 = 20%
and, % growth in export of company D = 50%
But companies C and D together have increased by 40% . Obviously, 40% is the weighted mean
of 20% and 50% .
20% 50%
10 20
1 : 2
Ratio of export of company C to company D in year 2004 = 1 : 2
Let K 1 and K 2 be present in the ratio of export to import of companies C and D in year 2004.
Export of company C = K 1 ; and import of company C = K 1
Export of company D = 3K 2 ; and import of company D = 4K 2

K1 1
and, 2K 3K
3K 2 2 1 2

K1 3

K2 2

Export of company C and D K1 3K 2

Required ratio =
Import of company C and D K1 4K 2

K 2 3K 2
2 9 : 11
3 11
K 2 4K 2
12. 4; In year 2004, only company D has import less than export. From year 2004 to 2005 export of the
company D increase by 50% .
Therefore, no company has import more than export as per the projection.
13. 1; As per the projected percentage increase, the overall % increase
1 3 2 290
20 50 60 48 .33 %
6 6 6 6
14. 2; Let K 1 and K 2 be present in the ratio of export to import of companies A and B respectively in

year 2004.
Difference between export and import of company A in year 2004 = 3K1 2K1 K1
Difference between export and import of company B in year 2004 = 5 : 4 = 5K1 4K 2 K 2
According to the question,

K 1 K 2 1

60 8
K1 K 2
100 5
160 24K 1
Export of company A in 2005 = 3K 1
100 5

Export of company B in 2005 = 5K 2 9K 2
Difference between export and import of company B = 9K 2 4K 2 5K 2
Difference between export and import of company A = K1 2K1
14K 1 14 8K 2 112K 2

5 5 5 25

112K 2
5K 2
25 100 1300
Required % = 112K 2 = 11 .6%
11.6% more than that of A.
Practice Exercise 2
Directions (Q. 1-5): Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.
The following bar graph gives age-wise as well as offence-wise distribution of male offenders in
England and Wales in the year 2003. Value written on the top of each bar gives the total number of
offences in thousands occurring in that particular category of offence.

Percentage of male offenders

Ov er 16

60 14-16



Burglary Theft Robbery Violence Others

Category of offence

1. The second highest number of crimes is committed by the boys in the age group
1) 10-12 2) 12-14
3) 14-16 4) Over 16
2. Which of the following conclusions is true?
1) Boys in age group 14-16 commit more burglaries than theft.
2) Boys in age group 12-14 are the most violent.
3) In the boys over-16 age group the number of burglaries committed is more than that of violent
4) Burglary is the second most common offence amongst the juvenile delinquent below the age of
3. If the total offences were shown by a pie-chart what sector angle would approximately represent
1) 10 2) 3
3) 24 4) 65
4. The total number of offences committed by those over 16 is greater than the total number of
offences committed by those in the age group of 12 to 16 by
1) 10% 2) 5%
3) 26% 4) 1%
5. If no child committed more than one offence, given that the total number of boys in the age group
10-12 was 1457682, what was the approximate percentage of children who were away from crime
in that age group?
1) 5 2) 82
3) 87 4) 96
Directions (Q. 6-11): Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.
Statewise area and production of tobacco
(A = Area in 000 hectares; P = Production in 000 tonnes)
Note: Figures in brackets show the percentage share of Virginia Tobacco.


State 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002


Andhra Pradesh 209.7 262.8 198.7 190.6 171.6 154.9 169.4 164 182.8 192.5
(66) (60) (78) (71) (74) (61) (7.5) (67) (75) (67)
Gujarat 81.5 125.3 74.6 153.6 114.7 174.9 121.5 185.2 113 209.5
Karnataka 42.1 30.5 43.5 29.6 44.5 26.6 51.6 33.9 50.8 30.5
(24) (24) (23) (23) (29) (25) (30) (21) (31) (30)
Tamil Nadu (TN) 11.3 16.7 12.7 19 12.9 19.1 14.5 22.4 17.2 26.1
West Bengal 14.9 14.5 13.2 12.7 12.7 11.5 18.9 17.4 14.1 13.3
(3) (2) (4) (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Others 63.9 43.8 66.6 48.3 69 51.5 75.6 57.9 70.4 53.4

All India Total 504.4 493.6 409.3 453.8 425.4 438.5 451.5 480.8 448.3 525.3

6. In which of the following years was the productivity (tonnes per hectare) of tobacco in Andhra
Pradesh greater than one?

1) 1998-99 2) 1999-2000
3) 2000-2001 4) 2001-2002
7. The all-India percentage share of Virginia Tobacco in the total tobacco production in 1997-1998
was approximately
1) 50 2) 86 3) 33 4) 27
8. If in 2002-2003 the area under cultivation of tobacco was increased to 18,000 hectares in Tamil
Nadu, the tobacco production would then approximately be (in 000 tonnes, assuming productivity
in 2002-2003 remains the same as in 2001-2002):
1) 32.6 2) 16.3
3) 25 4) 27.3
9. Tobacco production in which of the following States increased consistently over the five-year
1) Karnataka & TN
2) Gujarat & TN
3) Karnataka & Gujarat
4) W Bengal & TN
10. Total production of Virginia Tobacco was higher in which year?
1) 1997-1998
2) 1998-1999
3) 2000-2001
4) 2001-2002
11. Which of the following is true?
1) Production of Virginia Tobacco is increasing every year in Andhra Pradesh.
2) Production of Virginia Tobacco is second highest in year 1999-2000.
3) Production of Virginia Tobacco in West Bengal is decreasing.
4) All-India productivity of Tobacco is minimum in year 2000-01.
Directins (Q. 12-16): Refer to the line graph below and answer the questions that follow.
14 2100
No. of distributors Turnover 1950

No. of distributors (in lakhs)

12 1800
Turnover (Rs crores)

10 1500

8 1000 1200
6 900
4 600
300 600
2 300
0 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Turnover in 2002 (in Rs No. of distributors in 2002

Rank Company
Crores) (in lakhs)
1. Wamay 472 3.65
2. Codimare 165 4.95
3. Nova 110 0.68
4. Balife 78 0.2

12. What is the average simple annual growth rate of turnover of direct selling business in India
during the given period?
1) 42%
3) 78%
2) 60%
4) 137.5%
13. If Wamay and Nova were the only companies in the direct selling business in India till 1998 with
the Wamay market share three times that of Nova, then what is the percentage growth in Novas
turnover during the given period?
1) 10% 2) 15.6%
3) 35% 4) 46.7%
14. Balife was launched in 2000. Since then, the number of its distributors is increasing by 25%
every year and its turnover by 20% . Then what was the turnover-to-number of distributors ratio of
Balife during its launching year?
1) 36120 2) 39820
3) 42320 4) 45720
15. Which of the following is definitely false?
1) The ratio of turnover to number of distributors is maximum for Balife during 2002.
2) Top four companies together have more than 80% of total number of distributors in the direct
selling business in India during 2002.
3) There are not more than 18 companies in direct selling business in India during 2002.
4) None of these
16. During which year, has the ratio of turnover-to-number of distributors shown maximum percent-
age increase over the previous year?
1) 1999 2) 2000
3) 2001 4) 2002
Directions (Q. 17-20): Refer to the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow.
Given below is the data of a consumer confidence survey.

28 32
II I Jaipur II I Jaipur
(35, 24) (17, 23)
21 24
14 (16, 11) 16 Kolkata
Bangalore (-8, 8)
Kolkata (29, 5)
7 8
(0, 1)
0 0
III Delhi IV III Delhi(-5, -6) Mumbai IV
Bhubaneshwar (-9, -10) (0, -2)
7 (-7, -1) (2, -3) 8
Coimbatore Ahmedabad Coim- batore (11, 16)
14 (-18, -17) (-5, -16) 16 (8, 11)
(-16, -13)
24 24
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 20 15 10 5 0 10 15 20
PSI (Gain/Loss) over January 2004 PSI (Gain/Loss) over September 2004

FEI Future Expenditure Index

PSI Present Situation Index
CCI Consumer Confidence Index
17. For how many cities has PSI changed from a positive value to negative value?
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
18. How many cities have shown greater than or equal to 100% change in FEI?

1) 2

1) Ahmedabad
2) 3

2) Kolkata
3) 4

3) Delhi
20. For how many cities, FEI as well as PSI decreased over the period?
1) 3

Answers and explanations

2) 4 3) 5
4) 5
19. Which of the following cities have CCI more than 1 during September 2004?
4) Bangalore

4) 6

Please note that the bar chart gives the % distribution of each age group in various kinds of
1. 3; For all kinds of offences, the percentage of crimes committed is the highest in the age group
over 16 and second highest in age group 14-16. Thus, number of crimes is second highest in
the age group 14-16. Hence, (3).
2. 4; Statement 1:
Not true, as the percentage of boys committing burglaries and thefts is almost the same, but
the number of thefts is much more than burglaries. Thus, thefts would be more than burglaries
in the age group 14-16.
Statement 2:
Note true, as the boys in the age group over 16 are the most violent.
Statement 3:
For age group over 16:
Number of burglaries = 35% 82 28.7 thousand
Number of violent acts = 55% of 53 29.2 thousand
Hence, this is not true.
Statement 4:
Below the age of 12, the most common offence is theft, followed by burglary. Hence, this state-
ment is true.
3. 2; Total offences = 82 + 238 + 4 + 53 + 74 = 451 thousand.
4 360
In a pie-chart the angle of the sector representing robberies = 451
4. 4; Total number of offences in 000 in the age group over 16
35 40 50 55 60
= 82 238 4 53 74
100 100 100 100 100
29 95 2 29 44 199
50 45 40 40 35
In age group 12 to 16 = 82 238 4 53 74
100 100 100 100 100
41 107 2 21 26 197
5. 4; Number of crimes in age group 10 to 12
15 15 10 5 5
= 82 238 4 53 74
100 100 100 100 100
= (12 + 36 + 0.4 + 3 + 4) 1000 55 1000 55000
Percentage of children committing crimes = 100 4 %
Percentage of children away from crimes = 100 - 4 = 96% .
6. 4; In the row of Andhra Pradesh choose the year in which P > A.
262.8 0.6 30.5 0.24 14.5 0.02
7. 3; 100 33%

8. 4; 261
. 27.3 (Assuming same productivity).
9. 2; Gujarat and Tamil Nadu both show increasing trends of production.
10. 1; As Andhra Pradesh is the sole biggest contributor, it is sufficient to note that in 1997-1998 the
production of Virginia Tobacco in AP was greater than in any other year by a significant margin.
11. 3; The production of Virginia Tobacco is decreasing every year in West Bengal.
1950 300 1650
12. 4; Average annual growth rate = 100 = 137.5% .
300 4 12
13. 4; Novas turnover in 1998 = 300 = Rs 75 crores
Novas turnover in 2002 = Rs 110 crores
110 75 35 100
Percentage growth = 100 46 .7%
75 75
14. 3 At 25% per annum, the number of distributors increases by 56.25% in two years. At 20% per
annum, the turnover increases by 44% in two years.
Turnover-to-number of distributors for Balife in 2000
78 100 lakh
1.44 7800 1.5625
= 42318
0.2 lakh 1.44 0.2
15. 3; Nothing can be inferred about statement 1 as data is given for only top 4 companies.
Statement 2 is definitely true as top 4 companies have approximately 85% of total number of
Total turnover of top 3 companies = 472 + 165 + 110 = Rs 747 crores
Turnover of all other companies = 1950 - 747 = Rs 1203 crores
Number of companies in the direct selling business will be minimum if all companies other
than top 3 companies have turnover almost equal to the turnover of fourth company, ie Balife
Minimum number of companies (excluding top 3) = 15 .4 16
Minimum number of companies = 16 + 3 = 19
Statement 3 is definitely false.
16. 2;

Year Ratio (approx) Percentage increase

1998 25000 -
1999 11500 -ve
2000 15600 4100/115 > 30%
2001 17100 1500/156 < 10%
2002 17400 300/17100 < 10%
17. 2; Only for Delhi, PSI has changed from 2 to 9, ie positive value to negative.
18. 4; City % Change in FEI
Jaipur 100 100 %

5 16 2100
Bangalore 100 100%
5 5
11 2 1300
Mumbai 100 100 %
11 11
1 8
Kolkata 100 700 % 100 %
1 6
Bhubaneshwar 100 500 % 100 %
17 11 600
Coimbatore 100 100 %
17 17

16 13 300
Ahmedabad 100 100 %
16 16

3 6 300
Delhi 100 100 %
3 3
Only Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Coimbatore have less than 100% change in FEI.
Required number of cities = 8 3 = 5
19. 3; To have CCI more than 1, |FEI| must be greater than |PSI| during the given period. Only Delhi
has [FEI] more than |PSI|.
20. 2; FEI and PSI of Jaipur have decreased from (35, 24) to (17, 23) over the period.
Similarly, FEI and PSI of Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi have decreased over the period.
Total no. of cities = 4.
Practice Exercise 3
Directions (Q. 1-5): Refer to the pie-charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Monthly income and expenditure for a semi-government institute



Go vernment
Students 35%

Wages Awards
55% 5%

Reno vation
Ins titute

There are some constraints:

i) Income from students can be used for awards and facilities; otherwise it has to be kept aside.

ii) Renovation can be done only with donation from institute.
iii) Government and institutes contributions do not increase even if any new course is intro-
duced for/till first 2 years.
1. If governments contribution was Rs 10 lakh and the management could save Rs 60000, then
what would be the expenditure on wages? (approximately)
1) Rs 1504000 2) Rs 1538000 3) Rs 1602000 4) Rs 1571000
2. The total income is Rs 35 106. The percentage utilization of the income from the students is
100% . If expenditure on awards and facilities is met only with income from students, then what is
the total expenditure? (approximately)
1) Rs 31.5 106 2) Rs 35 106
3) Rs 39 10 4) Rs 40 106
3. Approximately what is the ratio of the expenditure on facilities to that on wages?
1) 5 : 11 2) 11 : 6
3) 6 : 11 4) Cannot be determined
4. If no money is spent on renovation then the income and the expenditure are the same, otherwise
there is a shortage of Rs 650000. Then what is the total income?
1) Rs 72 105 2) Rs 65.7 105 3) Rs 59.5 105 4) Rs 54.5 105
5. Students contribution is totally used in awards and facilities but Rs 2 10 6 is still left. Find the
total expenditure (in Rs).
1) 5 106 2) 7.5 10 6 3) 4106 4) Data inadequate
Directions (Q. 6-10): Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.
In the game of basketball, points for the correct throws are 1, 2 or 3. In a match the number of
attempts to basket the ball and accuracy are given for all players of the team below. Indian Railways
players are A, B, C, D and E.
100 25

80 20

60 15

40 10

20 5

1-pointer attempts (%) 2-pointer attempts (%)

3-pointer attempts (%) Total number of attempts

1-pointer 2-pointer 3-pointer
A 66.66 33.33 20
B 100 66.66 100

C 75 75 100
D 88.88 100 50
E 100 71.42 83.33

6. How many points were scored by player A?

1) 13 2) 19 3) 21 4) 39
7. What was the accuracy of the most accurate player? (Accuracy means no. of baskets per attempt.)
1) 78% 2) 80%
3) 83% 4) 87%
8. What percentage of total points was scored by player D?
1) 13% 2) 21% 3) 30% 4) 37%
9. What percentage of total points was scored through 2-pointers?
1) 22% 2) 32% 3) 42% 4) 52%
10. Point scored by all players from 3-pointers is what percentage (approx.) more/less than those from
1) 15% more 2) 10% less
3) 15% less 4) 10% more
Directions (Q. 11-15): Refer to the graphs below and answer the questions that follow.
Graph (i) shows volumewise share of various companies in car market in India, for March 2004.
Graph (ii) shows total number of cars sold since October 2003 to March 2004.
Graph (iii) shows ratios of market prices of cars of the companies which are written next to each
price of Bajaj car
other, ie = 0.66
price of Toyota car
Graph (i)


Graph (ii) Graph (iii)
Num ber of cars sold (in thousands)
80 2.5
70 2
50 1.5
40 1.1
30 1
0.66 0.625
0 0
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Toyota Bajaj Maruti Honda M&M
2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004

11. What is the share of M&M in total sale (in Rs) of cars in March 2004?
1) 32% 2) 48% 3) 60% 4) Cannot be determined
12. If Toyota had 20% share in volume in November 2003, then what is the ratio of its sales (units) in
November 2003 to that in March 2004?
1) 11 : 10 2) 8 : 5 3) 44 : 25 4) None of these
13. If a Honda car costs Rs 2.5 lakhs, then what were the sales of Bajaj cars in March 2004?
1) Rs 125 crores 2) Rs 160 crores 3) Rs 250 crores 4) Rs 300 crores
14. How many cars cost more than the average price of cars in March 2004 among the given group of
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) Cannot be determined
15. If the cost of Bajaj car is Rs 108000 less than that of M&M, then the income from the selling of a
car by Maruti is what % more/less than that by Honda in March 2004?
1) 60% less 2) 50% less 3) 40% more 4) 25% less
Directions (Q. 16-20): The following table shows the percentage population above poverty line
and ratio of male to female above and below poverty line for states A, B, C, D and E in year 2003.

% population above Ratio of male to female

Name of State
poverty line Below poverty line Above poverty line
A 72 4:3 4:5
B 64 8 : 10 9:7
C 56 6:5 13 : 15
D 84 7:9 11 : 10
E 76 5:7 9 : 10
16. In which state is the maximum male population below poverty line?
1) C 2) B
3) A 4) Cant be determined
17. If the female population below poverty line in state D is 6.3 million, find the female population
above poverty line.
1) 38 million
2) 28 million
3) 40 million
4) 42 million
18. If the female population above poverty line in state A is 3.6 million more than the female popula-
tion above poverty line in state D, find the difference between total population of State A and state
1) 9 million
2) 8 million
3) 10 million
4) Cant say
19. If the percentage of male population below poverty line in state C and state E together is 15% , find
the % male population above poverty line in states C and E together.
1) 45.2% 2) 32.4% 3) 37.8% 4) Cant say
20. If the female population above poverty line in state C is greater than the female population above
poverty line in state B, which of the following is definitely true?
1) Population of state C < population of state B
2) Population of state C > population at state B

3) Population of state C = population of state B
4) Cant say

Answers and explanations

1. 2; Governments contribution = 35% of the total income
10 6 100
Total income = 2857143
Savings = Rs 60000 Total expenditure = Total income - savings = 2857143 - 60000 = 2797143.
Expenditure on wages = 55% of total expenditure 1538429.
2. 3; From condition (i), 100% income from students is utilized.
income from students = expenditure on awards and facilities.
40% of income = 36% of expenditure.
100 40 6 6
Expenditure = 36 100 35 10 388889 3900000 39 10
31 6
3. 3; Facilities-to-wages ratio =
55 11
4. 2; From the given information, total income = total expenditure - 9% of total expenditure
= total expenditure - 650000
= 650000 650000 6572222 6570000
5. 4; Let the total income be Rs x and total expenditure be Rs y.
According to the question,
40% of x 36% of y = 2 105
But we cant find the value of y.
Hence, data inadequate.

No. of attempts for Number of baskets

Player Player
1-pointer 2-pointer 3-pointer 1-pointer 2-pointer 3-pointer

A 6 9 5 A 4 3 1

B 3 6 1 B 3 4 1

C 8 4 3 C 6 3 3

D 9 3 6 D 8 3 3

E 4 14 6 E 4 10 5

Total 30 36 21 Total 25 23 13
6. 1; Points scored by player A = 4 1 + 3 2 + 1 3 = 4 + 6 + 3 = 13
Player A has overall accuracy of around 40% with quite a low accuracy of 3 pointers.
With total 20 attempts, assuming average score of 2 per attempt, approximate score would be
0.4 2 20 = 16.
7. 2;

P layer A B C D E

Accuracy 8/20 = 0.4 8/10 = 0.8 12/15 = 0.8 14/18 < 0.8 19/24 < 0.8
Players B and C have the maximum accuracy of 80% .
8. 2; Total points = 25 1 + 23 2 + 13 3 = 25 + 46 + 39 = 110
Points scored by player D = 8 1 + 3 2 + 3 3 = 23
Percentage of points scored by player D = 110 100 21 %
Approximately 20% of total attempts were made by player D with the same accuracy (approxi-
mately) as the other players except A, whose accuracy is quite low. Hence, player D must have
scored approximately 20% of total points.
9. 3; Number of points scored through 2-pointers = 2 23 = 46
Percentage of points through 2-pointers = 110 100 42 % .
10. 3; Total points scored from 3-pointers = 13 3 = 39
Total points scored from 2-pointers = 23 2 = 46
46 39
Required percentage = 100 15 .2%
11. 1; From graph (iii)
Price of Bajaj 2 Price of Maruti
5 Price of Honda Price of M & M
; ; 2; 1.1
Price of Toyota 3 Price of Bajaj 8 Price of Maruti Price of Honda
If price of Bajaj car is 8x, then prices of Toyota, Maruti, Honda and M&M cars are 12x, 5x, 10x
and 11x respectively.
From graph (i),
Percentage shares of Honda and Toyota are 12.5% each while those of Bajaj, M&M and Maruti
are 25% each.
Sales of M&M cars (in value) in 2004 = 11x 50000
25 12.5
Total sales (in value) = (8x + 11x + 5x) 50000 + (12x + 10x) 50000
100 100
25 25
= (24x + 11x) 50000 = 35x 50000
100 100
Percentage share of sales of M&M cars = 100 32 %

Sales of Toyota in November 2003 100 220 44

12. 3; Sales of Toyota in March 2004 12.5 125 25

13. 3; If a Honda car costs Rs 2.5 lakhs, then a Bajaj car will cost 0 .625 Rs 2 lakhs.
Sales of Bajaj cars in March 2004 = 50000 2 = 25000 lakhs.
14. 3; Ratio of price of all the given companies is

Toyoto : Bajaj : Maruti : Honda : M & M
3 : 2
8 : 5
1 : 2
10 : 11
3 8 1 10 : 2 8 1 10 : 2 5 1 10 : 2 5 2 10 : 2 5 2 11
240 : 160 : 100 : 200 : 220 12 : 8 : 5 : 10 : 11
Volumes of production of Toyota, Bajaj, Maruti, Honda and M&M in March 2004 are in the ratio
Let x be present in the ratio of the price of each of the cars.
12x 1 8 x 2 5 x 2 10 x 1 11x 2 70 x
Average price in March 2004 = 8.75 x
1 2 2 1 2 8
Therefore the prices of Toyota, Honda and M&M are greater than the average price of all cars in
March 2004.
15. 2; From solution (11) : Ratio of market prices is Bajaj : M&M = 8x : 11x
11x 8x = 3x = 1,08,000
x = 36,000
Now market price of Maruti = 5x = 180,000
Market price of Honda = 10x = 3,60,000
required answer = 50% .
Quicker Approach:
Ratio of price of Honda to Maruti = 2 : 1
2 1
Required ratio = 100 50 %
Note: There is no need of the cost of Bajaj car in March 2004.
16. 4; Total population of each of the states is not given. Hence data inadequate.
17. 2; part of 16% 6.3 million
9% 6.3 milion
10 6.3
part of 84% ie 40% 40 28 million.
21 9
18. 1; At first glance, data seems inadequate for the question.
Let total population of state A and state D be x and y respectively.
Female population above poverty line in state A = part of 72% of x = 40% of x.
Female population above poverty line in state D = part of 84% of y = 40% of y.
According to the question,
40% of x 40% of y = 3.6
40% of x y 3.6
x y = 9 million
Note: If percentages are different then we cant solve the problem.
19. 2; Percentage male population below poverty line in state C = part of 44% = 24%
and that in state E = part of 24% = 10%

Combining both states, we have 15% male population below poverty line.
It means that 15% is the weighted mean of 10% and 24% .


Therefore, total populations of C and E are in the ratio 5 : 9.
Now, % male population above poverty line in state C = part of 56% = 26%
and that in state E = part of 76% = 36% .
26 5 36 9 130 324 454
Required % = 32 .4%
59 14 14
20. 4; Let the total population of state C and state B be x and y respectively.
According to the question,
15 7
part of 56% of x > part of 64% of y
28 16
30% of x > 28% of y
x > y or x < y or x = y.
Practice Exercise 4
Directions (Q. 1-5): Read the information to solve the questions.

Num ber of bikes produced by Hero Honda Market share of bikes for year
2001 (Market Size - 1,50,000 bikes)
20000 Others CD100
30% 35%
15000 Splendor
10000 CBZ

5000 CBZ
0 20%

2000 2001

1. If Hero Honda company wants all its CBZ which are produced in 2000 and 2001 to be sold then
what should have been the number of CBZ produced in 2001?
1) 15,000 2) 18,000
3) 17,000 4) Indeterminable
2. If in 2001 Yamaha accounts for 8% of market share, what per cent of Others category does it
account for?
1) 24% 2) 25%

3) 26 % 4) 28%
3. If Hero Honda plans to launch a new model Crazy in 2002 and if the market increases by 20% and
the market share of Hero Honda increases by 10% , then what is the minimum number of Splen-
dor that needs to be produced to meet the demand?
1) 27,000 2) 25,000
3) 25,500 4) Indeterminable
4. If in 2002 LML enters the market and is able to capure 30% of the 50,000 market then what is the
percentage difference between market share of LML and Splendor? (assuming percentage mar-
ket share of Hero Honda models and Others is the same as in the previous year)
1) 24.5%
2) 19.5%
3) 12%
4) None of these
5. If the market share of Others remains the same, what is the total number of Bajaj bikes sold in
2001, if Bajaj enters as a new player in market in 2001 and has the same market share as Hero
1) 52,500 2) 53,500
3) 52,000 4) 54,000
Directions (Q. 6-11): Following graph gives details about the fortunes of the company Mul-
tiple Investment. Productivity is given here as the produced value per employee in 00000 $.
Profitability is defined here as the profit as a percentage of produced value. The number of em-
ployees is given in 00s.

91 92 93 94 95

Profitability Productivity No. of employees

6. What was the percentage change in the production in the given period for Multiple Investment?
1) 78% 2) 86% 3) 68% 4) 92%
7. Which year showed the sharpest change in production?

1) 92 2) 93 3) 94 4) 95
8. Which year showed the sharpest increase in profits?
1) 92 2) 93 3) 94 4) 95
9. In which year were the profits per employee the highest?
1) 91 2) 93 3) 94 4) 95
10. In how many years has the profitability shown an inverse trend to that of the number of employ-
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
11. Which of the following years has the lowest profits per employee?
1) 92 2) 93 3) 94 4) 95

Directions (Q. 12-16): The tabular data given below gives the information about the adult
population (in lacs) in the four different regions of a city in 1996 along with the death and birth
rates in the respective regions.

Birth Rate
Region I
Region II
Region III
Region IV
Death Rate 0.5% 2% 1% 3%

12. What was the total adult population of all the four regions combined?
1) 81 2) 83 3) 85 4) 98
13. What was the number of deaths in the given year for regions I and II? (in thousands)
1) 35 2) 43 3) 49 4) 54
14. Which region had the highest population growth rate in the given year?
1) Region I 2) Region II
3) Region III 4) Region IV
15. Which region had the highest number of births?
1) Region I 2) Region II
3) Region III 4) Region IV
16. Which region had the lowest number of deaths?
1) Region I 2) Region II 3) Region III 4) Region IV
Directions (Q. 17-20): Refer to table below and answer the questions that follow.
BSNL announced a cut in STD rates on 27.12.2001. The new rates and slabs are given in the
table below and are to be implemented from 14.01.2002. Assume you are given this question
on 01.01.2002.

Rates (Rs/min)
Peak Rates Off Peak
(in km)
Old New Old New
50-200 4.8 2.4 1.2 1.2
200-500 11.6 4.8 3.00 2.4
500-1000 17.56 9.00 4.5 4.5
>1000 17.56 9.00 6.00 4.5
17. The maximum percentage reduction in costs will be experienced for calls over which of the follow-
ing distance (in km)?

1) 50-200 2) 200-500 3) 500-1000 4) >1000
18. The percentage difference in the cost of a set of telephone calls made on the 13th and 14th
January having durations of 4 minutes over a distance of 350 km, 3 minutes for a distance of 700
km, and 3 minutes for a distance of 1050 km is (if all the three calls are made in peak times)
1) 51.2% 2) 51.75% 3) 59.8% 4) Cant be determined
19. If one of the three calls in Q. 18 were made in an off peak time on both days, then the percentage
reduction in the total cost of the calls between 13th and 14th January will
1) Definitely reduce
2) Definitely increase
3) Depend on which particular call was made in off peak time

4) Cant be determined
20. A person talks for a certain no. of minutes at peak rates and off peak rates on 13.01.2002 for 50-
200 km distance such that his averge cost of talking per minute is Rs 3.7/minute. Find the least
time that he talked (assuming he talks only in multiples of a minute).
1) 27 minutes 2) 43 minutes 3) 36 minutes 4) Cant say
Answers and explanations
1. 4; We dont know the market share of 2000. We cant find the number of CBZ sold in year 2000.
2. 3; x% of 30% of total = 8% of total
8 100 2
x 26 %
30 3
3. 4; We dont know the percentage distribution of Hero Honda models in 2002.
4. 2; % market share of LML = 30% and percentage share of Splendor = 70 10 .5%
Required percentage difference = 30 10.5 = 19.5%
5. 1; Others have 30% share.
Bajaj has 35% share.
Hero Honda has 35% share (as percentage shares of Bajaj and Hero Honda are the same).
and 35% of 150000 = 52500.
6. 1; Production = Productivity No. of employee
The increase was from 9 10 = 90 to 16 10 = 160. So 100 78% .
7. 4; In 1995 both the productivity and the number of employees showed the sharpest increases.
Since the production is given as the product of these two, 95 had the sharpest incease in

8. 2; Profit in 1991 = 12% of 9 105 10 10 2 1080 105

Profit in 1992 = 11% of 8 10 12 10 1056 10

5 2 5

Profit in 1993 = 12% of 8.5 10 13 10 1326 10

5 2 5

Profit in 1994 = 10% of 8.5 10 15 10 1275 10

5 2 5

Profit in 1995 = 10% of 10 10 16 10 1600 10

5 2 5

1326 1056
% change in profit for 1992-93 = 100 25 .56 % .
1600 1275
% change in profit for 1994-95 = 100 25 .50 % .
9. 1; See the previous soln.

Profit per employee in year 1991 is maximum.
10. 3; In 92 and 94 the trends shown by productivity and number of employees were inverse.
11. 3; In 92 the profit per employee was 1056/12, and in 94 the value was 1275/15. The value of 94
is the smaller one.
12. 4; Simply add up all the figures of the male and female populations of the four regions and the
answer comes to 98 lacs. Otherwise the numbers are all odd except 98, and from the figures,
there are two odd numbers; therefore the sum has to be even.
13. 3; To find the number of deaths of region I and II, just find 0.5% of 22 and 2% of 19. The sum comes
to 49 thousand.
14. 3; The highest growth rate is of region III, which is 12 - 1 = 11% .
15. 3; Region III, which has a population of 23 lacs and a birth rate of 12% , will have the highest

number of births.
16. 1; The lowest number of deaths is of region I, which is 0.5% of 22 lacs.
17. 2; Clearly, for 200-500 km distance there is maximum percentage reduction.
4 11.6 3 17.56 3 17.56 4 4.8 3 9 3 9
18. 2; Required % = 100
4 11.6 3 17.56 3 17.56
151 .76 73 .2 78 .56
100 100 51 .75 %
151 .76 151 .76
19. 1; Definitely reduce.
20. 3; On 13.01.2002 old rate was applicable.
Rs 3.7/minute is the weighted mean of Rs 4.8/min and Rs 1.2/minute.
Peak rate Off peak
4.8 1.2
2.5 1.1
25 : 11
Since 25:11 cant be simplified further,
Therefore the least time that he talked = 25 + 11 = 36 minutes.
Practice Exercise 5
Directions (Q. 1-5): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Figure (i) Figure (ii)
Total custom ers = 1350000

Idea 8%

15% Orange

Airtel Reliance
17% 18%

Figure (iii)



Orange BPL


Figure (i) shows share of various telecom companies in Indian market.


Figure (ii) shows % of pre-paid and post-paid customers of various plans of various companies.
Figure (iii) shows average number of SMS sent in a day (x-axis) by customers and its cost in Rs (y-
1. What is the ratio of the number of BPL pre-paid plan 2 customers to the number of Idea post-paid
plan C customers?
1) 9 : 10 2) 10 : 9 3) 40 : 9 4) 9 : 40
2. Which of the following is true?
I. The total income of Airtel through SMS in a day is Rs 33 lakhs.
II. The number of Dolphin pre-paid plan 1 customers is equal to that of AT&T post-paid plan C
III. The amount collected by Reliance through SMS is greater than that by Orange, in a week.
IV. The number of Orange post-paid customers is equal to the number of Idea pre-paid customers.
1) Only I 2) Only I and III 3) Only II and IV 4) Only I, III and IV
3. What is the difference between the number of BPL post-paid plan A customers and that of Idea pre-
paid plan 3 customers?
1) 0.79 lakh 2) 0.87 lakh 3) 0.95 lakh 4) 1.13 lakhs
4. Orange and BPL pre-paid customers send 4 SMS in a day. Then what is the approximate ratio of
the incomes of Orange and BPL from SMS service given to post-paid customers?
1) 1 : 2 2) 2 : 3 3) 1 : 3 4) 2 : 5
5. Reliance announced an attractive offer for pre-paid customers and 20% of BPL post-paid custom-
ers accepted this new offer. Then what would be the ratio of the numbers of pre-paid and post-paid
customers for Reliance?
1) 5 : 13 2) 5 : 7 3) 7 : 9 4) 7 : 13
Directions (Q. 6-10): Refer to the bar-graphs below and answer the questins that follow.
Movement of share prices of four companies in five trading sessions and the volumes on these
Share Price
Goetze Raasi Cement Kesoram Cement Tata Telecom


31.7.97 1.8.97 4.8.97 5.8.97 6.8.97



31.7.97 1.8.97 4.8.97 5.8.97 6-8.97

Goetze Raasi Cement Kesoram Cement T ata T elecom

6. Which of the following scrips shows the highest increase in the share price between 31/7 and 6/
8 and by how much?
1) Goetze 9.5 2) Raasi 11
3) Tata Telecom 7 4) Kesoram 10
7. Which of the following scrips clocks the highest turnover on 31/7?
(Turnover = Volume Share price)
1) Goetze 2) Raasi 3) Kesoram 4) Tata Telecom
8. Which of the following sets of scrips has shown an increase in volumes from 31/7 to 6/8?
1) Goetze, Raasi 2) Raasi, Kesoram
3) Kesoram, Goetze 4) Raasi, Tata Telecom
9. What is the percentage change in the turnover of Tata Telecom from 31/7 to 6/8?
1) -5% 2) -9% 3) 5% 4) 9%
10. The price of which of the following scrips shows the highest percentage increase from 31/7 to 6/
1) Goetze 2) Raasi 3) Kesoram 4) Tata Telecom
Directions (Q. 11-15): Refer to the pie-charts below and answer the questions that follow.
YEAR 1999-2000


Indus trial
develo pment Adminis tr-
Agriculture External
14% atio n
23% bo rro wings 23%
9% Debt
s ervicing

borro wings Direct taxes Defence
17% 18% 11%


Cus to ms
Excis e Agriculture
21% 32%

debt servicing cost

11. If debt service ratio = , by what percentage should agricultural income rise
national income
(keeping all other incomes constant) so as to bring the debt-service ratio to 7.5% ?
1) 7% 2) 29% 3) 40% 4) 125%

12. If it is known that out of total external borrowings, 65% is spent on industrial development, 28%
on defence, and the rest on debt servicing, then what is the component of foreign finance in
industrial development? (Assume rupees earned = rupees spent)
1) 74% 2) 53% 3) 42% 4) 27%
13. If the total collection by way of direct taxes in 1999-2000 was estimated at Rs 123,000 million, how
much extra money was pumped into the agricultural sector during 1999-2000? (Assume rupees
earned = rupees spent)
1) Rs 20,000 million 2) Rs 47,000 million 3) Rs 61,500 million 4) Rs 72,000 million
14. If the internal borrowings are to be decreased by 50% , by what per cent should the rupee earned
from other resources be increased if external borrowings cannot be increased?
1) 14.5% 2) 20% 3) 30% 4) 17%
15. If the sectoral allocation is to change so that our country spends as much on industrial develop-
ment as on agriculture (with total spending on industrial development and agriculture remaining
the same), then the allocation of agricultural sector should reduce by approximately
1) 28.13% 2) 17% 3) 36% 4) 28%

Answers and explanations

Number of BPL prepaid plan 2 customers 0.2 0.1 10
1. 2; =
Number of Idea postpaid plan C customers 0.09 0.2 9
2. 2; Number of Airtel customers = 0.17 1850000
Total income of Airtel through SMS = 7 1.5 0.17 1850000 33,00,000
Statement I is true.
Percentage of Dolphin pre-paid plan 1 customers = 15 0.15 = 2.25%
Percentage of AT&T post-paid plan C customers = 8 0.15 = 1.2%
Statement II is false.
Amount collected by Reliance through SMS in a week (A) = 0.18 1850000 1 8 7
Amount collected by Orange through SMS in a week (B) = 0.13 1850000 1.5 3 7
A > B Statement III is true.
Percentage of Orange post-paid customers = 0.13 40 = 5.2% .
Percentage of Idea pre-paid customers = 0.09 40 = 3.6%
Statement IV is false.
3. 4; Number of BPL post-paid A customers = 0.2 0.35 1850000
Number of IDEA pre-paid plan 3 customers = 0.09 0.1 1850000
Difference = (0.07 - 0.009) 1850000 = 0.061 1850000 1.13 lakhs.
4. 1; Orange and BPL pre-paid customers send 4 SMS in a day.
3 100 4 60
Average number of SMS sent in a day by Orange post-paid customers = 1.5
6 100 4 30 48
Averate number of SMS sent in a day by BPL post-paid customers =

70 7
Income from Orange post - paid customers 15
. 15
. 13 40 13 90 39 1
= 48
Income from BPL post - paid customers 2400 80 2
2.5 20 70
5. 3; In overall customer base, percentage of Reliance pre-paid customers = 18 0.35 = 6.3%
Percentage of Reliance post-paid customers = 18 0.65 = 11.7%
Increase in Reliance pre-paid customers in terms of percentage of overall customer base
70 20
= 20 2.8%
100 100

New percentage of Reliance prepaid customers = 6.3 + 2.8 = 9.1%
. 7
Ratio = .
11.7 9
6. 2; By observation, Raasi Cement shows the highest increase in the share price.
7. 2; By observation, it is either Tata or Raasi.
Tatas turnover = 20,000 42 = Rs 840,000
Raasis turnover = 15,000 58 = Rs 870,000
Hence, Raasis turnover is highest on 31/7.
8. 3; By observation, it is Goetze and Kesoram.
9. 3; Tatas turnover on 31/7 was Rs 840,000. On 6/8, it was 49 18,000 = Rs 882,000.
882000 840000
Percentage change = 5%
10. 3; By observation, it is either Raasi or Kesoram.
69 58
For Raasi, % increase = 19%
50 415.
For Kesoram, % increase = 20%
Debt servicing cost
11. 2; Debt service ratio =
National Income
To bring down the ratio from 8% to 7.5% , national income must rise by ,
16 1
ie 100 6.67%
times, ie by
15 15
All other income except Agriculture remains constant.
Agricultural income should rise by 100 29%
12. 3; External borrowing = 9% of resources available.
65% of external borrowings spent on industrial development
= 9% 5.85% of total resources.
Assuming the budget to be a zero-deficit one, ie rupee earned - rupee spent = 0, we find the
proportion of foreign finance (external borrowings) in industrial development
= 100 42% .
13. 3; Again, assuming a zero-deficit budget, 18% of rupee earned = 123,000 million.

Extra money pumped = 32% - 23% = 9% , which is 123,000 = Rs 61,500 million..
14. 1; Internal borrowings are decreased by 50% .
Internal borrowings = 0.5 17 = 8.5
External borrowings cannot be increased.
Rupee earned by other resources should increase by 100 = 14.5%
15. 1; Total spend on agriculture and industry = 32 + 14 = 46%
If total spendings on industry and agriculture are the same then 23% will be spent on each.

Required reduction = 100 2813%
Practice Exercise 6
Directions (Q. 1-4): These questions are based on the graphs given below.
Percentagewise break-up of the shareholding pattern of United Lever
(for the period 20th Nov to 20th Dec 2003)

FII Others
4% 14%

General Motors



GDR = Global Depository Receipts

FII = Foreign Institutional Investors
Market value of a United Level share from Market value of a General Motors share from
20th Nov to 20th Dec of 2003 (in $) 20th Nov to 20th Dec of 2003 (in $)
370 450

290 300
230 200
20th Nov 27th Nov 4th Dec 12th Dec 20th Dec 20th Nov 27th Nov 4th Dec 12th Dec 20th Dec

1. What is the percentage increase in the value of GMs holding in United Lever from 10th Dec 2002
to 10th Dec 2003, given that the value of GMs holding in United Lever as on 10th Dec 2002 was
124.88 million dollars and the difference in the value of the shares of United Lever held in the
form of GDRs and that of those held by FIIs as on 15th Dec 2003 was 17.84 million dollars?
1) 100% 2) 200% 3) 300% 4) Cannot be determined
2. What is the number of shares of United Lever held by Others as on 20th Dec 2003, given that the
difference in the value of the shares of United Lever held by GM and Mutual Funds/Banks as on
20th Dec 2003 was 250 million dollars?
1) 2.75 million 2) 3 million 3) 3.5 million 4) Cannot be determined
3. Which of the following statements are true as per the graphs given?
1) The market value of a United Lever share is directly proportional to the market value of a
General Motors share.
2) The peak value attained by the United Lever share is exactly 80% of the peak value of the
General Motors share during the period 20th Nov to 20th Dec 2003.
3) The percentage decrease in the value of the United Lever scrip from 12th Dec to 20th Dec 2003
is less than the percentage decrease in the value of the GM scrip from 27th Nov to 20th Dec
4) None of these
4. The number of shares held by Mutual Funds/Banks on 29th Dec is what % more/less than the
number of shares held by Others on 12th Dec in United Lever?
1) 39% more 2) 17% less 3) 24% more 4) Cant be determined
Directions (Q. 5-9): These questions are based on the table given below.

Fuel Price on Fuel
No. of Engine Max. Front Rear Boot Tyre Wt
tank Road (in consu-
Model cylin- displace- Power Suspe- Suspe- space Size (in (with
cap. Rs lakh mption
ders ment (cc) (bhp) nsion nsion (litres) mm) Fuel in
(litres) in Delhi) (km/L)
M800 8 796 39 60 H LS 120 90 1.8 20 740


Siena 16 1600 100 140 MS ITA 250 90 4.5 10 1500
Corsa 16 1392 70 200 MS ITA 230 110 4.8 10 1400
Astra 16 1810 80 300 H MS 300 110 5.2 15 1500
Mondeo 16 2600 120 100 H MS 600 120 9.6 6 1750
Sonata 16 2600 120 250 MS ITA 750 120 13.5 8 2200
Ikon 16 2400 90 170 H MS 750 100 6.2 12 1300
Baleno 8 1900 65 290 MS MS 800 90 7.5 10 1750
Mercedes 16 3800 220 420 MS LS 1100 140 35 5 3000
Bolero 16 3500 140 300 LS LS 1600 150 5.3 8 3500
Armada 16 2500 90 250 ITA ITA 1800 160 7 14 2200
Corolla 16 2200 130 200 LS MS 800 120 18.6 15 1800
Octavia 8 2300 170 175 MS ITA 900 110 12.1 12 2000
H = Hydraulic; LS = Leaf Spring; MS = Mcpherson Struts; ITA = Independent Trailing Arm
Engine displacement (in cc)
5. If Cylinder size (in cc) = , what is the maximum cylinder size among
Number of Cylinders
the vehicles having a maximum power of less than 100 BHP?
1) 124.6 2) 237.5 3) 182.1 4) 287.5
6. What percentage of the cars given in the table cannot finish a rally race which involves 2 legs
each of length 900 km, given that each car is allowed to refuel only once during the rally after the
start (all cars start the rally with a full tank of fuel)?
1) 25% 2) 26% 3) 27% 4) 28%
7. How many cars here have a boot space-to-fuel tank capacity ratio of more than 2.9 and whose
price is less than Rs 8 lacs?
1) 9 2) 8 3) 7 4) 5
8. If all the cars are ranked on the basis of the number of revolutions of the tyre required to cover a
distance of 1 km (top ranker makes the least number of revolutions), then find the average fuel
consumption for the top six ranked cars?
1) 11.66 km/litre 2) 9.33 km/litre 3) 10.20 km/litre 4) 6.54 km/litre
9. What is the ratio of the number of vehicles which have a kerb weight of less than 1200 kg and also
use at least one leaf spring in their suspension to the number of vehicles whose engine displace-
ment (in cc) is more than their kerb weight (in kg)?
1) 5 : 14 2) 1 : 3 3) 2 : 5 4) 6 : 13
Directions (Q. 10-13): These questions are based on the table and the graph given below.

Statistics of Credit Card Expenditure (CCE) and Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) for
various countries
Country P CE (billion $) CCE as % of PCE*
India 320 0.5
South Korea 214 36.0
Taiwan 195 12.0
Indonesia 100 1.8

Hong Kong 96 19.0
Thailand 64 4.0
Philippines 60 2.7
Malaysia 38 11.5
Singapore 12 40.0
Statistics regarding Credit Card usage in various countries
Credit card spending per card

2500 2500

2000 2000
(in $)

1500 1500
1000 750 1000
500 750
500 500

India Taiw an Indonesia Hong Thailand Philippines Malaysia Singapore South
Kong Korea
Nam e of country
* All cards are used only for PCE.
Note: PCE is part of Gross Domestic Expenditure.
10. Assuming that every card holder has only one card, what is the total number of credit card holders
in India?
1) 3.2 lacs 2) 4 million 3) 7.5 lacs 4) None of these
11. If the Gross Domestic Expenditure (GDE) of the country whose CCE as a percentage of PCE is the
highest, is Rs 2,400 billion dollars, then what percentage of the GDE of that country is spent
through credit cards?
1) 40% 2) 20% 3) 2% 4) 0.2%
12. What is the female population of Thailand given that the number of males and the number of
females in Thailand are in the ratio of 3 : 1 and the number of credit cards in Thailand is 40% of
the total population?
1) 2.56 million 2) 3.2 million 3) 0.8 million 4) Cannot be determined
13. What is the value of the global gold market provided that India accounts for a sixth of it and 20% of
the card spend in India is on purchase of gold, which in turn accounts for 5% of the total gold
purchased in India?

1) $ 22.6 billion 2) $ 60.5 billion 3) $ 38.4 billion 4) Cannot be determined
Directions (Q. 14-18): Refer to the chart below and answer the questions that follow.
The given diagram shows the number of hours taken to complete the various activities involved
in constructing a house. Also, the sequence of the letters shows which activity is preceded strictly
by which activity. For example, flooring takes 4 hours and can be done only after joisting.


14. If a certain sequence of operations must take exactly one day, what operation must follow FOUND?
1) Walls 2) Joists 3) Pour 4) Scape
15. In the sequence which takes one day, the process of roofing is replaced with the process of floor-
ing. What relation does the time taken now have with the time taken in the minimum time-
taking sequence?
1) Greater than the minimum time-taking sequence
2) Less than the minimum time-taking sequence
3) Both are equal
4) No relation
16. If A and I are always to be included, which of these are essential operations?
1) Dig 2) Found
3) Scape 4) There is more than one essential operation.
17. If all the operations are to be covered such that one always moves from node to node, and no
operation is repeated, then which node will one end at, if the conditions given in the question are
1) H 2) F 3) I 4) Such a sequence is not possible.
18. What is the time taken by the sequence requiring the maximum time as a percentage of the time
taken by all the operations together?
1) 48% 2) 50% 3) 46% 4) 44%
Directions (Q. 19-23): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Transport of goods in India in 2001 Commodities Transported
(in Rs crores)

Railw ays Minerals

23475 Others 45
Water 85
Others Products
3577 80

K Roads

Zonal Distribution of Railways

Northern Railway


Western Railway 33%
Southern Railway 26%
Eastern Railway 15%
North-Eastern Railway 9%
19. What is the central angle corresponding to water in the pie-chart showing various modes of
1) 36 2) 40 3) 45 4) 60
20. What per cent of the total transport of goods in India is contributed by Northern Railway?
1) 6% 2) 5% 3) 7.5% 4) Cannot be determined
21. If 40% of white goods are transported by roads, what per cent of goods transported by roads consist
of white goods?
1) 26% 2) 55.5% 3) 38.5% 4) 15.5%
22. If half of the minerals are transported by Eastern Railway, what per cent of goods carried by East-
ern Railway consists of food products, white goods and metal products?
1) 26% 2) 74% 3) 48% 4) Cannot be determined
23. In 2002, due to an increase in economic activity, total transporation of goods increases by 7% but
the distribution of goods transported remains the same. Transport by Railways increases by 15%
and the share of Western Railway increases to 38% . If 60% of goods transported by Western Rail-
way consists of Food Products, what per cent of Food Products are transported by Western Railway?
1) 50% 2) 22% 3) 35% 4) 38%
Answers and explanations
1. 2; Difference in GDR and FII in 2003 is 17.84 mn dollars, which represents 2% of United Levers
total share value.
1% = $ 8.92 mn
100% of United Lever in 2003 = $ 892 mn
892 42
GMs holding in 2003 = $ 374 .64 mn
374.64 124.88
Increase in value of GMs holding from 2002 to 2003 = 100 200%
2. 3; Difference in the holding of GM and MF/Banks = 4%
4% of holding = $ 250 mn
250 100
100% of holding = $6250 mn
Value of 1 United Lever share on 20th Dec 2003 = $ 250
6250 mn $

Total no. of shares of United Lever on 20th Dec 2003 = 25 mn
250 $
25 14
Number of shares held by others = 3.5 million.
3. 3; Clearly, the market value of United Lever is not in tandem with GM market value. Hence
choice (1) is false.
Peak value of United Lever is 330 as against peak value of GM, which is 400. The percentage is
more than 80% .
Hence choice (2) is also false.
The percentage decrease in United Lever from 12th Dec to 20th Dec

80 8
100 25 %
330 33
The percentage decrease of GM from 27th Nov to 20th Dec is 100 = 25%
United Lever scrips decrease is less than GMs decrease.
4. 4; Since the total value of shares of United Lever on 20th Dec and 12th Dec is not given, hence
data inadequate.
5. 2; For Torque to be maximum the value of Engine Capacity should be as high as possible and the
number of cylinders as low as possible.
This is true in the case of Baleno.
Torque = 237.5
6. 2; The total distance of 1800 km has to be covered using only one refuelling. For example for M800
Total distance travelled on Full Tank = 60 20 = 1200
M800 can cover a distance of 2400 km on one additional fuelling.
The number of cars that can complete the rally is 14.
The number of cars that cannot finish the rally is 5.
% of cars that do not finish the rally = 19 100 26 .31 %
7. 4; By inspection, the number of cars satisfying the condition is 5.
8. 2; The car that requires the least number of revolutions has the largest tyre size. Hence cars with
the maximum tyre size are ranked from 1-6. The cars that get this ranking are Armada (1),
Bolero (2), Mercedes E-320 (3). Corolla, Sonata and Mondeo have equal tyre size and hence
complete the top six.
14 8 5 15 6 8
Average fuel consumption = = 9.33 km/litre
9. 2; The number of vehicles where weight is less than 1200 kg and which use a Leaf Spring in their
suspension is 5. The number of vehicles whose engine displacement is more than their kerb
weight is 15.
The ratio is 5 : 15 = 1 : 3
320 0.5
10. 4; Total amount spent through cards = = $ 1.6 bn
$1.6 bn
Average amount spent per card in India =
16000 100000
Total number of cards =
Total number of cards = 3200000 = 3.2 mn

(1 bn = 1000 mn; 1 mn = 10 lacs)
11. 4; Country with highest card spend percentage is Singapore.
12 40
Total amount spent by cards = $4.8 bn
Amount spent by cards as a percentage of GDE = 100 0.2%
64 4
12. 3; For Thailand, amount spent by credit cards = $2.56 bn

$2.56 bn
Total number of credit cards =
25600 100000
Total number of credit cards = = 1280000 = 12.8 lacs
Credit cards are 40% of total population
12.8 100
Total population = 32 lacs
32 1
Number of females = 8 lacs = 0.8 mn
320 0.5
13. 3; Total amount spent by card in India = $1.6 bn
$1600 mn 20
Gold purchased through credit cards = $320 mn
$ 320 mn is 5% of the Indian gold market.
320 100
Total value of gold purchased in India = $6400 mn
India is 1/6 of the Global Market.
Global mrket = 6400 6 = $ 38400 mn = $ 38.4 bn
14. 3; The sequence which takes a total time of 24 hours is A B C E G H I.
In this path, the operation POUR follows FOUND.
15. 3; The given sequence takes 24 hours. If the process of roofing is replaced with that of flooring, it
now takes 21 hours. The sequence which takes minimum time takes 21 hours (A - B - C - E - I).
Thus, both are equal.
16. 4; If A and I are to be included, any sequence taken must always include DIG and FOUND. Thus
there is more than one essential operation.
17. 4; A sequence which covers all operations in such a way that no operation is repeated is a se-
quence like A B C E C D F H G E I H. However, the question specifies that E
cannot precede C.
18. 2; Time taken by sequence requiring maximum time = 26 hours. (A-B-C-E-G-H-I)
Total time for all operations = 52 hours.
Required percentage = 100 = 50%
19. 2; Total goods transported by all modes = Rs 65952 crores
Central angle corresponding to Water in the pie chart showing various modes of transport

= 360 = 40.
20. 1; Northern Railway forms 17% of total goods transported by railways in India.
17 23475 100
Required percentage = 100 65952
= 6%

60 40
21. 4; White goods transported by roads 65952 = Rs 4396.8 crores
360 100

4396 .8
White goods as percentage of goods transported by road = 100 15 .5% .

22. 4; The composition of various goods transported by Eastern Railway is not given. Although the
question includes Food Products, White Goods and Metal Products, the share of other goods is
not known.
23. 3; Total transport of goods = 65952 1.07 = 70568.64 crores
Transport of food products = 70568.6 = 17642.16 crores
Transport of goods by Railways = 23475 1.15 = Rs 26996.25 crores
Transport of goods by Western Railway = 26996.25 10258 .58 crores.
Food Products transported by Western Railway = 60% of 10258.58 = 6155.15 crores
6155 .15
Percentage of Food Products transported by Western Railway = 100 35 % .
17642 .16
Practice Exercise 8
Directions (Q. 1-2): Refer to the pie-charts below and answer the questions that follow.

Revenue of Jet Airways 2000-2002

Year Total cost as a percentage of revenue Total revenue (Rs crore)

2000-01 85 12562

2001-02 94 15872

A break-up of airline costs

Aircraft spaces
Engine Insurance 4% Salaries & w ages Passenger
maintenance 1% 5% service fee
5% 8%

Landing, parking Financial charges
and other f ees 3%
Of fice &
Catering administration
8% 9%
Selling distribution

Aircraf t f uel Lease rentals 1%
36% 11%

Note: The break-up of the airline costs is the same in both the years.
1. What is the percentage change in the Landing, Parking and Other fees in 2001-02 over 2000-01?
1) 20% 2) 30% 3) 40% 4) 45%
2. What is the average cost of the Passenger Service Fee and Aircraft Spaces for both the years (in
Rs crores)?
1) 1385 2) 1536 3) 1825 4) 1575

Directions (Q. 3-6): Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.
Given below is the production cost and the price per unit of a product and also the number of units
produced at that cost and price.

Units 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Price per unit (Rs) 22 19 17 16 14 12 11 10

Cost per unit (Rs) 21 18 16.5 15 13.25 11 9 8.5

Value = Quantity (Price - cost)

3. For the quantity with how many units is the value highest and how much is it?
1) 200, 200 2) 400, 600 3) 350, 700 4) Cant be determined
4. If the factory operated in such a manner that it produced 50 units on first day and then 100, 150,
....... 400 till the 8th day, what was the value (average) generated per unit of the product in the
period of 8 days?
1) Rs 1.23 2) Rs 1.46 3) Rs 1.09 4) Rs 1.14
5. What has been the average daily growth rate in the value for the given period (Use the data from
the previous question)?
1) 74% 2) 29% 3) 136% 4) 157%
6. Which of the following is not true?
1) The highest cost-to-price ratio is at a production of 150 units.
2) The average cost-to-price ratio for the given 8 levels is approximately 0.927 : 1.
3) Average value for the given 8 levels is approximately Rs 276.5.
4) All the above are false.
Directions (Q. 7-9): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Given below are two pie charts and a bar graph. The first pie chart gives the usage (in percentage)
of leading Indian toothpaste brands, and the second pie chart gives the usage of leading Indian mouth-
washes as a percentage of the total usage of all mouthwashes. The bar graph gives the sales as well
as usage of mouthwashes, toothpastes and dental powder as percentages of population in Kolkata.

Assume that the individual distribution of mouthwashes and toothpastes in the Others category is
very small. Do not assume that all graphs represent the same total number of people.

Usage o f To o thpaste s
Usage of M outhwashes
3% 8%
3% 5%

82% 2% 4%
2% P S U 67% J HL3%
1% 2%
2% CF
DW 2%
M IN 2%

Total population = 50 million

Total population = 55 million

80 68
% of population

60 53.5
40 31.2
30 21.4
Mouthw ashes Toothpastes Dental Pow ders

Sales Usage
7. What is the ratio of the total usage of the top 4 brands of mouth washes to the total usage of
toothpastes in Kolkata?
1) 0.4 2) 0.5 3) 0.6 4) 0.7
8. If in Kolkata the sales of mouthwashes goes up by 20% , the sales of toothpastes goes down by 19%
and the sales of dental powder goes up by 24% , then by what per cent will the total sales (of
mouthwashes, toothpastes and dental powers) increase or decrease?
1) 16.4% decrease 2) 15.3% increase 3) 14.4% decrease 4) 14.8% increase
9. A number Ni is defined such that Ni is equal to the difference between the number of people using
the ith ranked mouthwash and the ith ranked toothpaste. The 1st ranked toothpaste/mouthwash
is the one that has the highest sales. Consider the Others category as one category.

If N i = number of people in Kolkata who are prospective dental powder users, then what is the
i 1
ratio of the number of prospective dental powder users to the current users of dental powder in
Kolkata? (If two ranks are same, consider the first one in the clockwise direction to be the higher
ranked one).
1) 0.39 2) 0.57 3) 0.23 4) 0.46

Directions (Q. 10-11): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.

Office Office staff



Distribution of workforce

Number of People (in hundreds)

50 50
44 45 45
40 40

2000 2001 2002 2003

Men Women

The above graphs are related to a companys statistics of its workforce. The workforce and men-
women census for a given year is taken on 31st December in that year.
10. What was the net per cent increase in the number of women from the beginning of 2000 to that of
2003, and its ratio to the net per cent decrease in the number of men, for the same period?
1) 28.5% , 2.85 2) 28.5% , 2.14 3) 42.8% , 2.14 4) 42.8% , 2.85
11. While making the workforce distribution chart for 2002, John, a junior executive, noticed some-
thing interesting. He noticed that the percentages of senior executives, office helpers and mid-
level staff were in arithmetic progression. John also knew that people of his designation were
always one-fourth of the workforce. Find the value of , , , for the year 2002. John also knows
that there are 1125 senior executives in 2002.
1) (30, 90, 150, 90) 2) (45, 90, 135, 90) 3) (60, 90, 120, 90) 4) (15, 90, 165, 90)
Directions (Q. 12-13): The following table gives the number of households in a country during
the period 1970-90 and the pie charts below show the distribution of households based on the
number of children for the years 1970 and 1990. Refer to the table and pie charts to answer the
questions that follow.

No. of households No. of households No. of households

Year Year Year
(M illion) (M illion) (M illion)

1970 120 1978 132 1986 150

1972 123 1980 135 1988 155

1974 126 1982 140 1990 160

1976 129 1984 145

1970 1990

3 Children Children
No Child 25%
35% No Child

2 Children
2 Children
1 Child
1 Child

12. Which of the following statements about the households is true?

1) There were more households with children in 1970 than in 1990.
2) There were more households with 3 or more children in 1970 than in 1990.
3) The number of households with two children decreased slightly from 1970 to 1990.
4) None of the above
13. Assuming that the average number of children per household in 1970 was 3, how many house-
holds were without any children in 1970?
1) 24 million
2) 42 million
3) 14 million
4) Cannot be determined

Directions (Q. 14-16): Refer to the following bar graph and pie chart to answer the questions
that follow.
The following bar graph shows the percentage of banks of different sectors providing Internet
Banking facilities (five types of services)
Rural Development Banks P rivate Sector Banks
100 Regional Banks Co-operative Banks





Online Loan Online Credit Card Online Deposit Online Corporate Online Bill
Application Application Application Cash Management P ayment

Number of banks offering Internet Banking service in India (Total Banks = 600)

Private 22%
ment Banks
Co- 20%


14. What is the ratio of the number of Regional Banks providing Online Deposit Application to total
number of Regional Banks?
1) 9 : 7 2) 7 : 9 3) 3 : 4 4) 4 : 3
15. The difference between the number of Private Sector Banks providing Online Bill Payment and
the number of Regional Banks providing Online Corporate Cash Management is
1) 171 2) 152 3) 165 4) 185
16. If the names of Rural Development Banks and Private Sector Banks are interchanged, what will
be the difference in Rural Development Banks providing Online Credit Card Application after
interchanging with original value?
1) 30 2) 10 3) 12 4) 6
Directions (Q. 17-21): These questions are based on the following table which provides the
profile of the batch of students of 2001 at IIM Bangalore.
Male Female Total
147 33 180
19-24 24-26 >26 Total
115 60 5 180
Qualification (Graduate in)
Engg/Tech Engg/Tech
Arts Commece Science Total
(Non IIT) (IIT)
27 43 27 52 31 180
Work Experience (in months)
0 < 12 12-24 24-36 36-48 > 48 Total
88 23 21 33 13 2 180
17. If all but 9 girls have no work experience, then the boys with no work experience at all form what
percentage of the total students?
1) 35.5% 2) 36.3% 3) 12.2% 4) 43.3%
18. If all the commerce and arts graduates in the batch take finance as their specialization, what
percentage of the batch comprises finance specialists?
1) 38.88% 1) 38.5% 3) 33.33% 4) Cannot be determined
19. If all the students with 3 years and more experience are engineering graduates and are more
than 24 years in age and all of them except 4 are from the IITs then what is the ratio of IITians to

non-IITians among the <3-year work experience category?
1) 11: 4 2) 5 : 12 3) 11 : 24 4) Indeterminate
20. If all those with a non-Engg background are less than 24 years in age, then what percentage of
those less than 24 years are engineers?
1) 21.6% 2) 15.6% 3) 18.4% 4) 10%
21. If the batch of 2002 has 21.2% more girls than the previous batch, 10% of the girls are from an
Engg (IIT) qualification and 20% of the girls are from Engg (non-IIT) background, then what is the
ratio of the non-Engg girls to the total strength of the batch?
1) 15.5% 2) 13.3% 3) 17.2% 4) Cannot be determined

Answers and explanations

1. 3; Total cost for 2000-01 = 0.85 12562 Rs 10680 crore
Total cost for 2001-02 = 0.94 15872 Rs 14920 crore
Landing, parking and other fees for 2000-01 = 0.04 10680 Rs 430
Landing, parking and other fees for 2001-02 = 0.04 14920 Rs 600

Percentage change =
100 40%
2. 2; Total cost of aircraft spaces 0.04 (10680 + 14920) Rs 1024
Total cost of passenger fees 0.08 (10680 + 14920) Rs 2048
Average = Rs 1536 crore.
3. 3; The values generated in all the quantities are
(22 - 21) 50 = 50
(19 - 18 ) 100 = 100
(17 - 16.5) 150 = 75
(16 - 15) 200 = 200
(14 - 13.25) 250 = 187.5
(12 - 11) 300 = 300
(11-9) 350 = 700
(10 - 8.5) 400 = 600
So, 350 and 700 is the answer.
4. 1; The total quantity produced in 8 days: 50 + 100 + ..... + 400 = 1800 units.
And the value generated = 50 + 100 + 75 + 200 + 187.5 + 300 + 700 + 600
Average value generated per unit = Rs 2212.5 = = Rs 1.23.
5. 4; From Rs 50 it went up to Rs 600 in given 7 days.
So, 1100% is the growth in 7 days.
Average daily growth rate = 157%
6. 4; (1) is true. is the highest.
112.5 121
(2) is also true as the average cost is and average price is .
8 8
(3) is also true as it is = 276
(4) is not correct.
7. 4; The top 4 brands of mouthwashes are VIC, TGV, GN and GHB, which account for a total of
8 + 7 + 5 + 4= 24% = 50 = 12 million.

Total usage of toothpastes = 55 = 17.16 million
Required ratio = 0.699 0.7 .
8. 2; Sales of mouthwashes goes up to 68 1.2 = 81.6%
Sales of toothpastes falls to 14.8 0.81 = 11.988%
Sales of dental powder goes up to 21.4 1.24 = 26.536%
Initial sales = 104.2%
New sales = 120.124%

. 104.2
Percentage change = 100 = 15.28% .
9. 1; N1 (Others category) = 36 - 33.5 = 2.5 million
50 33.5
N 2 = 4 - 1.6 = 2.4 million (COL and VIC)
N 3 = 3.5 - 1.2 = 2.3 million (BAL and TGV)
N 4 = 2.5 - 1.1 = 1.4 million (CLO and GN)
N 5 = 2 - 1.8 = 1.2 million (PEP and GHB)
N 6 = 1.5 - 0.8 = 0.7 million (PRO and HG)
N 7 = 1 - 0.7 = 0.3 million (NEE and JHL)
N 8 = 1 - 0.7 = 0.3 million (MIN and CF)
N 9 = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5 million (PSU and DW)

Ni = 2.5 + 2.4 + 2.3 + 1.4 + 1.2 + 0.7 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.5 = 11.6 million
i 1
Current users of dental powder = 55 = 29.43 million.
The required ratio = = 0.39.
45 35
10. 1; Percentage increase for women = 100 28.5%
50 45 1
Percentage decrease for men = 100 100 10%
50 10
Ratio = 2.85.
11. 2; Since the number of Senior Executives (S), the number of office helpers (H) and the number of
mid-level staff (M) are in AP, we can write:
S = a - d, H = a, M = a + d
As junior executives are one-fourth of the workforce,
90 0 360 0
S + H + A = 360 - 90 3a = 270 a = 90 = 90
1125 1125
Percentage of senior executives = 100 100 12.5%
5000 4000 9000

360 45
d = 45 M = 135. Hence, (2).
12. 4; Let us examine the statements
Statement 1: Number of households with children :
120 100 35
in 1970 : million 78 million
160 100 40
in 1990 : million = 96 million

This statement is not true.
Statement 2: Number of households with 3 or more children:
120 25
in 1970 : million = 30 million
160 20
in 1990 : million = 32 million
Statement 3: Number of households with 2 children:
120 20
in 1970: million = 24 million
160 18
in 1990: million = 28.8 million
This statement is also not true. Hence statement 4 is true.
120 35
13. 2; Number of households without children in 1970 = = 42 million.
(The information that the average number of children per household in 1970 was 3 is not
required for answering the question).
14. 3; Number of Regional Banks providing Online Deposit Application = 132 99
99 9 3
Required ratio = .
132 12 4
75 3
Quicker Approach: Required ratio =
100 4
15. 1; Number of Private Sector Banks providing Online Bill Payment = 240 204
Number of Regional Banks providing Online Corporate Cash Management = 132 33
Required difference = 204 - 33 = 171.
16. 1; Number of Rural Development Banks providing Online Credit Card Application originally
= 120 6
Number of Rural Development Banks providing the same function after interchanging
= 240 36
the required difference = 36 - 6 = 30.

17. 1; Total number of girls = 33
with work experience = 9
No work experience = 24 girls
Boys with no work experience = 88 - 24 = 64
percentage of boys with no work experience = 64/180 100 = 35.5%
18. 4; All commerce and arts graduates take finance as specialization but nothing is mentioned about
others. Apart from arts and commerce graduates, others may opt finance.
Hence, cant be determined.
19. 2; Students with >3 years experience = 13 + 2 = 15
IITians with >3 years experience = 15 - 4 = 11
IITians with <3 years experience = 31 - 11 = 20

Non-IITians with >3 years experience = 4
Non-IITians with <3 years experience = 52 - 4 = 48
Answer = 20 : 48 = 5 : 12
20. 2; Non-Engg background = 180 83 = 97
Number of students who are <24 years old = 115
115 97
Engineers = 100 = 15.6%
Choices are far apart, so you can rule out options (1), (3) and (4)
21. 4; Data regarding strength of boys in the batch of 2002 is missing. As a result, we cannot estimate
the total strength of the batch of 2002. Therefore, the answer cannot be determined.
Practice Exercise 7
Direction (1-5): The bar graphs give the percentage increase in income and expenditure of
various types of banks during a period of 2 years. Refer to the graphs to answer the questions
that follow.

% increase in incom e over the last year % increase in expenditure over the last year
50 44 45 42
45 1998-99 1999-00
40 1998-99 1999-00
40 37
25 20
17 20 17
20 15 15
14 13 12
15 12 15 11
10 10
5 5

0 0
PSU Banks Old Pvt New Pvt Foreign PSU Banks Old Pvt Banks New Pvt Foreign
Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks

1. Let the income of the PSU Banks in 1997-98 be equal to Rs 500000 crores. If the expenditure of
PSU Banks in 1999-00 is equal to the income of PSU Banks in 1997-98, then the income of PSU
Banks in 1999-00 will be what per cent more than the expenditure of these Banks in 1998-99?
1) 32% 2) 44%
3) 56% 4) 64%
2. If the expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1997-98 is equal to their income in that year and is equal

to Rs 30000 crores then, in 1999-00, what is the difference in income and expenditure for the
foreign Banks?
1) Rs 1500 crores 2) Rs 2000 crores
3) Rs 15000 crores 4) Rs 20000 crores
3. Let the income of New Pvt. Banks in 1998-99 be Rs 4000 crores. If the expenditure of New Pvt.
Banks in 1998-99 is the same as their income then the difference in incomes of New Pvt. Banks
in 1998-99 and 1999-00 will be what per cent of the difference of expenditures of New Pvt. Banks
in 1998-99 and 1999-00?
1) 52% 2) 76%
3) 84% 4) 118%
4. In 1998-99, if the income of PSU Banks is twice the expenditure of Foreign Banks then what will
be the ratio of the income of PSU Banks to the expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1999-00?
1) 1 : 2 2) 21 : 10
3) 5 : 1 4) 1 : 5
5. In 1998-99, if the income of Foreign Banks is four times their expenditure, then what will be the
ratio of the income to the expenditure of the Foreign Banks in 1999-00?
1) 1 : 4 2) 4 : 1 3) 5 : 1 4) 1 : 5
Directions (Q. 6-9): The bar graph shows the oil reserves and the line graph shows the esti-
mated number of years for which the reserves will last at the present oil extraction rates for
various countries. The pie-chart shows the % distirbution of the oil reserves regionwise. Refer to
the following graphs to answer the questions that follow.
K Latin America

Reserves by region %


1) 0.4
North America
Middle East

6. What is the ratio of oil extracted by Saudi Arabia to that by Mexico per year (in billion barrels)?
2) 2.67
3) 3.16 4) 15.23
7. If the oil reserves held by Saudi Arabia form 32% of the share of Middle East countries then what
percentage share of global oil reserves is in Iraq?
1) 20.92% 2) 16.82%
3) 12.08% 4) 9.6%
8. What will be the difference between countries extracting maximum amount of oil to those ex-
tracting minimum amount of oil? (in billion barrels)
1) 2.57 2) 2.85
3) 2.14 4) 1.98
9. The ratio of the number of years for which the reserves will last to the total available reserves in
billion barrels is maximum for
1) USA 2) Saudi Arabia
3) Azerbaizan 4) Iraq
Directions (Q. 10-15): These questions are based on the following table.
Expected market of four brands of automobiles in the four metros
(In terms of percentage of number of units sold)

M umbai Delhi Calcutta M adras

1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997
PAL-Peugeot 32 27 38 35 40 42 26 35
DCM-Daewoo 42 35 33 26 31 28 41 33
Opel Astra 19 27 24 32 23 23 29 26
Mercedes-Benz 7 11 5 7 6 7 4 6

10. What will be the average percentage increase in the market share of Opel Astra in the metros?
1) 25% 2) 9.5%
3) 16% 4) 5.5%
11. PAL-Peugeots sales in the four metros have been
I. always more than those of Opel Astra.

II. always maximum in Calcutta.
III. always increasing.
1) I only
2) I and II only
3) I, II and III
4) II only
12. If the combined sales of all four is expected to go from 11000 to 12500 in Mumbai between 1996
and 1997 the increase in Mercedes-Benzs revenues will show a _____ per cent growth, if the price
were to go up by 12% in 1997.
1) 10% 2) 50%

3) 75% 4) 100%
13. Given that the cost of a PAL-Peugeot and a DCM-Daewoo is same, an Opel Astra costs twice as
much as a PAL-Peugeot, and a Mercedes-Benz is twice as costly as a PAL-Peugeot, the net rev-
enue from the four metros was maximum for
1) PAL-Peugeot and DCM-Daewoo
2) Opel Astra
3) Mercedes-Benz
4) Cannot be answered
14. If in 1996 sales were 11000, 10000, 9000 and 8000 respectively in the four metros, then the
following are almost equal:
1) PAL-Peugeot sales in Mumbai and Calcutta
2) DCM-Daewoo sales in Delhi and Madras
3) Opel-Astra sales in Mumbai and Madras
4) Mercedes-Benz sales in Delhi and Calcutta
15. The combined share of Opel Astra in Mumbai and Madras is 22% . The sales volume of Opel Astra
in Mumbai is how many times that in Madras?
7 5
1) 2)
3 4
3) 4) None of these
Directions (Q. 16-20): These are based on the following pie-chart given below:
Contributions of different companies to the turnover of Prudential Group of companies

Prudential Prudential
Services Prudential Services Prudential
16% Bank 14% Bank
24% 23%

Finance Prudential
19% Finance
Prudential Prudential Prudential
Consultants Insurance Prudential Insurance
8% 33% Consultants 31%

1990 1995
1990: Prudential Insurance turnover was Rs 27 bn.

16. If the turnover of Prudential Insurance remained almost unchanged, the group turnover in 1995
was almost Rs
1) 87 bn 2) 93 bn 3) 90 bn 4) 89 bn
Answer the questions 17 to 20 with reference to the data in question 16.
17. The turnover of Prudential Finance increased by
1) 20% 2) 30% 3) 45% 4) 60%
18. If 40% of Prudential Consultants revenue came from project exports, its income from domestic
activity was (in 1990)
1) 1 bn 2) 2 bn 3) 3 bn 4) 4 bn
19. The number of companies whose turnover decreased in 1995 as compared with 1990 was

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
20. The company which showed the biggest percentage drop in turnover is
1) Prudential Consultants 2) Prudential Insurance
3) Prudential Services 4) Prudential Bank

Answers and explanations

1. 4; Income of PSU Banks in 1997-98 = Rs 500000 crores
Income of PSU Banks in 1998-99 = 500000 1.15 = Rs 575000 crores.
And income of PSU Banks in 1999-00 = 575000 1.17 = Rs 672750 crores.
Now, expenditure of PSU Banks in 1999-00 = Rs 500000 crores.
Expenditure of PSU Banks in 1998-99 = = Rs 409836 crores.
Income is more than expenditure by 672750 - 409836 = Rs 262914 crores.
(672750 409836) 262914
Required % = 100 100 64.15%
409836 409836
2. 2; Here, expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1997-98 = Rs 30000 crores.
Expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1998-99 = 30000 1.04 = Rs 31200 crores.
Expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1999-2000 = 31200 1.11 = Rs 34632 crores.
And income of Foreign Banks in 1997-98 = Rs 30000 crores.
Income of Foreign Banks in 1998-99 = 30000 1.09 = Rs 32700 crores.
Incomes of Foreign Banks in 1999-2000 = 32700 1.12 = Rs 36624 crores.
required difference = 36624 - 34632 = Rs 1992 crores
3. 3; Income of New Pvt. Banks in 1998-99 = Rs 4000 crores
Income of New Pvt. Banks in 1999-00 = 4000 1.37 = Rs 5480 crores
Difference = 5480 - 4000 = Rs 1480 crores
Again, expenditure of New Pvt. Banks in 1998-99 = Rs 4000 crores
Expenditure of New Pvt. Banks in 1999-00 = 4000 1.44 = Rs 5760 crores
Difference = 5760 - 4000 = Rs 1760 crores
Required percentage = 100 = 84
4. 2; Let the expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1998-99 = Rs x crores
Then income of PSU Banks in 1998-99 = Rs 2x crores
Then income of PSU Banks in 1999-00 = 2x 1.17 = Rs 2.34x crores
And expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1999-00 = x 1.11 = Rs 1.11x crores
2.34x 2.1
Required ratio = 1.11x 1 = 21 : 10.
5. 2; Let expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1998-99 = P
Then income of Foreign Banks in 1998-99 = 4 P

And income of Foreign Banks in 1999-00 = 4P 1.12 = 4.48 P
Expenditure of Foreign Banks in 1999-00 = P 1.11 = 1.11 P
4.48P 4
required ratio = 1.11P 1
6. 2; Reserves of oil held by Saudi Arabia is for 88 years.
It means Saudi Arabia extracts 3 billion barrels of oil per year.
28 3
Similarly, for Mexico = 1.12 billion barrels of oil per year; thus required ratio is 2.67 .
25 112

7. 4; For Saudi Arabia percentage of global oil reserves is

For Iraq it would be

120 = 9.6.
66 = 21.12

8. 2; The oil extraction of Saudi Arabia is 3 billion barrels per year while that of Azerbaijan is 0.15
billion barrels per year. Hence the difference will be 2.85 billion barrels.
9. 3; The ratio of the number of years for which the reserves will last to the total available reserves
in billion barrels is maximum for Azerbaijan, ie 34 .
10. 3; Average increase in market share of Opel Astra:
27 19
Increase in Bombay = 100 = 42%
Similarly, Increase in Delhi = 33%
Increase in Calcutta = 0%
Increase in Madras = = -11%
Thus average increase = (42 + 33 + 0 11)/4 = 16% .
11. 4; Only statement II holds good as of all the metro sales of PAL, it is maximum in Calcutta.
12. 4; Sales of Mercedes-Benz in 1996 = 7% of 11000 = 770 and in 1997 = 11% of 12500 = 1375. Since
the prices increase by 10% , revenue in 1997 will be 1.12 1375 = 1540; a growth of 100% from
13. 4; As the number of units sold is not known, the question can not be answered.
14. 2;

PAL Mumbai: 11000 32% = 3520 Calcutta: 9000 40% = 3600

DCM Delhi: 10000 33% = 3300 Madras: 8000 41% = 3280
Opel Mumbai: 11000 19% = 2090 Madras: 8000 29% = 2320
Mere Delhi: 10000 5% = 500 Calcutta: 9000 6% = 540

The closest is the sales of DCM.

15. 1; 22% is the weighted mean of percentage sale of Opel Astra in Mumbai and Madras respectively.
Mumbai Madras
19% 29%
7 3
Required ratio of sales volume = 7 : 3.

Sales volume in Mumbai is 3 times that in Madras.
16. 1; Prudential Insurance turnover = Rs 27 billion, which forms 31% in 1995.
Thus total turnover in 1995 = 27 = 87.09 = 87 bn.
17. 3; In 1990, turnover of Prudential Insurance = 27 bn, which forms 33% of total turnover.
Total turnover = 27 = 81.8 bn. = 82 bn.
Prudential Finance turnover increased by (26% of 87 - 19% of 82)/19% of 82 = 45% .

18. 4; In 1990, income of Prudential Consultants =

Thus domestic income = 60% of 6.56 = 3.93 = 4 bn.

19-20: Decrease of Prudential Consultants =

Decrease of Prudential Services =


6.56 5.22
82 = 6.56 bn

100 20%

16% of 82 14% of 87
16% of 82
7% drop.
Thus there is decrease in turnover of Prudential Consultants and Prudential Services only.
19. 2 20. 1
Practice Exercise 9
Directions (Q. 1-4): The following bar graph shows the total Indian Export (in $ billion) during
a period of 8 months. The pie chart shows the breakup of this Export during this period. Refer to
the graphs to answer the questions that follow.






30% 16%


1. The exports of Textiles and Others in the month of July is approximately equal to the exports of
Gems & Jewellery and Others in the month of
1) April 2) August 3) October 4) November
2. What is the ratio of the exports of first four months to those of the last four months?
1) 1.12 2) 0.89 3) 1.5 4) 0.75
3. If the target for the export of Gems and Jewellery for the complete year is set at $120 billion, then
what should be the total value of exports of the same for the remaining four months (assume
April-March as the Financial Year)?
1) $ 46 billion 2) $ 38 billion 3) $ 32 billion 4) $ 44 billion
4. If the government charges 12% tax on all exports of Textiles and 15% on Gems and Jewellery,
what is the revenue earned from these sectors during the given eight-month period?
1) $ 15 billion 2) $ 18 billion 3) $ 22 billion 4) $ 25 billion
Directions (Q. 5-10): The following tables show the percentage distribution of Indias popula-
tion by age group and sex in the given years. Refer to the tables to answer the questions that
(All figures are percentages of Males/Females to respective total)
1901 1911 1921 1931
M ale Female M ale Female M ale Female M ale Female
0-4 12.5 13.3 13.3 14.3 12.1 13.2 14.7 16.0
5-9 14.0 13.8 13.8 13.8 14.8 15.0 13.3 12.8
10-14 12.7 10.9 11.7 10.0 12.5 10.8 12.0 11.2
0-14 39.2 38.0 38.8 38.1 39.4 39.0 40.0 40.0
15-24 16.5 17.2 16.7 17.6 16.0 16.8 17.9 19.2
25-34 17.2 17.5 17.2 17.5 16.9 17.3 16.4 16.2
15-34 33.7 34.7 33.9 35.1 32.9 34.1 34.3 35.4
35-44 12.6 12.2 12.6 11.9 12.6 11.9 11.9 11.0
45-59 9.9 9.6 9.9 9.4 10.1 9.5 9.9 9.4
35-59 22.5 21.8 22.5 21.3 22.7 21.4 21.8 20.4
60 and above 4.6 5.5 4.8 5.5 5.0 5.5 3.9 4.2
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

1941 1951 1961 1971
M ale Female M ale Female M ale Female M ale Female
0-4 13.2 14.0 13.1 13.7 14.7 15.5 14.3 15.1
5-9 13.6 13.6 12.6 12.9 14.6 14.9 15.0 15.1
10-14 11.3 10.8 11.4 11.3 11.6 10.8 12.7 12.1
0-14 38.1 38.4 37.1 37.9 40.9 41.2 42.0 42.3
15-24 18.1 18.3 18.9 19.1 16.3 17.1 16.5 16.7
25-34 15.9 16.3 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.5 13.5 14.6
15-34 34.0 34.6 34.3 34.4 31.5 32.6 30.0 31.3

35-44 12.1 11.6 12.0 11.3 11.4 10.6 11.4 11.0
45-59 10.9 10.5 11.1 10.6 10.7 9.8 10.7 9.4
35-59 23.0 21.1 23.1 21.9 22.1 20.4 22.1 20.4
60 and above 4.9 4.9 5.5 5.8 5.5 5.8 5.9 6.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

5. For both the sexes in the given years, the most thickly populated age group is
1) 0-14 2) 35-59 3) 15-34 4) 15-24
6. The total number of times a 1: 1 ratio of male to female percentage is displayed in any age group
(all the mentioned groups) is
1) Four 2) Three 3) Five 4) One
7. If the population in 1961 was 400 crores, the difference between the number of males and females
is highest in which of the given age groups?
1) 0-4 2) 10-14 3) 35-44 4) 45-59
8. In the given tables, how many times is the percentage value for any group (in any year) above
1) 36 2) 44 3) 48 4) 50
9. Over the given period (1901 - 1971), the least number of males and females belong to which of the
following age groups?
1) 0-4 2) 45-49 3) 10-14 4) 60 and above
10. If the total population in the age group 0-4 years in year 1971 is 14.68% , find the sex ratio (ie ratio
of males to females) in year 1971.
1) 21 : 19 2) 37 : 29 3) 17 : 13 4) 29 : 27

Directions (Q. 11-13): The following bar graphs show the data regarding Export, Production
and Per Capita Availability of Coffee. Refer to the graphs to answer the questions that follow.

215 800

Production (million kg)

210 700
Export (million kg)

185 100
180 0
1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85

Years Years

Per Capita Availability


(in grams)





1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85


11. If the area under coffee production was less by 10% in 1984-85 than that in 1983-84, then the rate
of increase in productivity of coffee in 1984-85 was
1) 4% 2) 27% 3) 2.3% 4) 13.6%
12. Which year, except 1980-81, represents the highest proportion of coffee exported by India out of its
1) 1983-84 2) 1982-83 3) 1984-85 4) 1981-82
13. The population of India in 1983-84 was
1) 395 million 2) 790 million 3) 1,185 million 4) 670 million
Directions (Q. 14-17): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The table below provides certain results of a survey taken among 46 people. The parameters are:
gender, number of servants owned, and age of the participants. The first number in each cell is the
number of people in the that group. The minimum and maximum age of people in each group is given
in brackets. For example, there are 10 female participants with 0 servant and among these 10 the
youngest is 34 years old, while the oldest is 46.

No. of Servants M ale Female Total

0 2(38, 38) 10(34, 49) 12
1 2(32, 32) 16(35, 63) 18
2 4(32, 33) 4(27, 40) 8
3 4(32, 33) 4(27, 40) 8
Total 12 34 46
14. The percentage of participants aged less than 40 years is at least
1) 35% 2) 16.67% 3) 43% 4) 27%
15. Given the information above, the percentage of people older than 35 can be at most
1) 69.6% 2) 73.33% 3) 30% 4) 90%
16. The percentage of people that fall into the 35-to-40-years age group (both inclusive) is at least
1) 10.86% 2) 26.67% 3) 8.33% 4) 6.67%
17. The maximum no. of persons having at least two servants and age at least 35 years is
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 0

Directions (Q. 18-20): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The correspondence coming to a certain office can be classified under various headings. The
following table shows the percentage distribution of such correspondence over time. The total num-
ber of correspondence received during December 1998 was larger than the number received in June
1999. The total number of correspondence received during September 1998 was larger than the num-
ber received in March 1999.

Category Sep - 98 Dec - 98 M ar - 99 Jun - 99

Business 40 33 19 17
Feedback 25 30 37 44

Government 11 19 5 17
Products 3 3 10 6
Advertisement 4 7 10 12
Stocks 5 6 11 2
Inventory 12 2 8 2
18. In which category was the percentage of correspondence increasing but at a decreasing rate?
1) Feedback 2) Stocks 3) Advertisement 4) Cannot be determined
19. In the Government category, the number of the correspondence received in December 1998 as
compared to June 1999
2) was larger 2) was smaller 3) was equal 4) Cannot be determined
20. In the Feedback category, the number of corespondence received in September 1998 as compared
to March 1999
1) was larger 2) was smaller 3) was equal 4) Cannot be determined

Answers and explanations

1. 3; Export of Textiles and Others in July = 32 = $12.8 billion
Export of Gems and Jewellery and Others in October = 28 = $12.8 billion.
Quicker Approach: Now here the trick is to realize that since for Textiles and Others, we are
calculating 40% of $32 billion for July, the only month where we would get a near equal for
exports of Gems and Jewellery and Others, accounting to 46% of the exports basket, would be
for a month in which the total exports is just near but less than that of July. Hence directly from
observation, we can mark on the month of October.
2. 1; Export for the first 4 months (Apr-July) = 35 + 22 + 42 + 32 = $ 131 billion
Export for the last 4 months (Aug-Nov) = (38 + 18 + 28 + 33) = $ 117 billion
Ratio = 131/117 = 1.119 1.12.
3. 1; Gems and Jewellery export for the first 8 months (Apr-Nov) of the year = 0.3 248 = $74.4 billion.
Total value of the exports for the remaining 4 months (Dec-Mar) of the year
= Target - $74.4 billion = $120 - $74.4 = $45.6 billion $46 billion.
4. 2; Textile exports over the period = 0.24 248 = $59.52 billion.
Gems and Jewellery exports over the period = $74.4 billion
Revenue from Textile exports = 0.12 59.52 = $7.14 billion
Revenue from Gems and Jewellery exports = 0.15 74.4 = $11.16 billion.
Total revenue from these sectors = 7.14 + 11.16 = 18.3 $18 billion.
5. 1; 0-14 years is made up of three groups, viz 0-4, 5-9, 10-14. It gives the maximum percentages.
6. 1; If we refer to the table, we get the ratio 1 : 1 between male and female 4 times.
In 1911, age group 5-9.

In 1931, age group 0-14.
In 1941, age groups 5-9 and 60 & above.
7. 4; In 1961, for 0-4 group, difference = 15.5 - 14.7 = 0.8
For 10-14 group, difference = 11.6 - 10.8 = 0.8
For 35-44 group, difference = 11.4 - 10.6 = 0.8
But for the age-group 45-59, it is more than this value.
8. 3; It is more than 20% for age groups 0-14, 15-34 and 35-39, for males and females in all the years,
i.e. 8 3 2 or 48.
9. 4; Clearly, the least number of males and females belong to age group 60 and above.
10. 1; Let the total population of males and females in 1971 be X and Y respectively.

According to the question,
14.3% of x 15.1% of y
100 14.68
x y
14.3x 15.1y 14.68x 14.68y
0.42y 0.38x
x 0.42 21

y 0.38 19
Quicker Method: By the method of alligation,
14.68% is the weighted mean of 14.3% and 15.1% .
14.3 15.1
0.42 0.38
21 : 19
Total coffee production
11. 4; Productivity = Area under production . Let area under production in 1983-84 be x hectares.

Productivity in 1983-84 = .
660 733
Productivity in 1984-85 = [Area is less by 10% ] = .
0.9x x

733 645

x x 88 100 13.6%
Rate of increase in productivity in1984-85 = 645 645 .

Exports in that year

12. 1; Proportion of coffee exported in any year = Production in that year .

Calculate and check with the value to get the answer as 1983-84.
13. 2; Per capita availability in 1983-84 = 545 gram = 0.545 kg.
Total production of coffee - export of coffee
Per capita availability = total population

645 - 210 millionkg

Total population = = 798 million (approx).

Option (2) is closest to this value.
14. 1; Minimum number of participants aged less than 40 = 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 1+ 4 + 1 = 16
Percentage = 100 35% .
15. 1; Maximum number of participants older than 35 = 2 + 9 + 15 + 3 + 3 = 32
Percentage = 46 100 < 70% .

16. 1; Minimum number of participants that fall into 35 to 40 years age group = 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5
Percentage = 100 = 10.86% .
17. 3; Maximum no. of participants having age at least 35 years and at least 2 servants = 3 + 3 = 6.
18. 3; By observation we can say that the percentage of correspondence is increasing for both Feed-
back and Advertisement, but it is increasing at a decreasing rate for Advertisement.
19. 1; Correspondence in Government category for December 1998 = 0.19 [December 1998 total].
Correspondence in Government category in June 1999 = 0.17 [June 1999 total].
19% of December 1998 total > 17% of June 1999 total.
Correspondence in Government category was greater in December 1998.
20. 4; Number of correspondence in September 1998 > March 1999.
For feedback in September 1998 = 0.25 [September 1998 total]
For feedback in March 1999 = 0.37 [March 1999 total]
Since we de not know the exact amount of correspondence in both the categories, we cannot
compare the values.
Practice Exercise-10
Directions (Q. 1-3): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The data below shows the rankings of twenty-five companies on the basis of various parameters as
shown below.

Total Income Net Profit Net Worth NPM RONW ROCE

Rank Companies
2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004

2004 Rs Crore % chg Rs Crore % chg Rs crore % chg % % %

1 Tata Sons 4410.86 35.39 863.29 20.97 3396.38 25.91 19.57 25.42 14.55

2 Tata International 1970.32 -9.28 -830 108.15 -7.13 -0.42 -7.67 -2.92

3 Teech Pacific (India) 1772.39 40.95 26.9 -9.1 87.79 43.76 1.52 30.64 12.11

TV Sundram
4 1754.07 4.79 34.28 101.7 130.95 7.76 1.95 36.18 11.96
Iyengar & Sons

5 Nirma Consumer Care 1604.4 -12.76 0.39 77.27 3.13 13.82 0.02 12.46 0.99

6 Bennett, Coleman & Co. 1457.18 19.95 49.73 -75.85 910.14 5.52 3.41 5.46 5.46

7 Haldia Petrochemicals 1434.91 15.686 -501.55 614.09 -44.96 -35 -81.67 -9.24

8 Toyota Kirloskar Motor 1695.26 22.25 -102.01 452.38 -18.41 -6.02 -22.55 -12.25

9 Adani Wilmar 1166.78 179.11 11.63 5.73 58.42 58.84 1.00 19.91 11.67

10 Ford India 1064.79 -60.52 321.87 -15.83 -5.68 -18.8 -3.87

11 Gitanjali Gems 1032.47 -74.87 21.9 -51.72 207.94 11.77 2.12 10.53 4.71

12 Hero Cycles 985.04 5.38 68.56 83.46 264.36 24.06 6.96 25.93 16.4

13 Riddisiddhi Bullions 952.67 130.67 0.21 505.5 1.85 190.41 0.02 11.55 3.12

14 Samsung Electronics 941.81 44.36 4.91 -4.11 34.94 16.36 0.52 14.06 6.43

15 Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co. 889.54 5.07 11.45 -5.99 280.65 3.75 1.29 4.08 1.57

16 Allanasons 562.87 -0.4 4.78 33.87 64.51 1.82 0.55 7.42 5.75

17 Honda Siel Cars India 855.45 18.89 26.48 235.3 12.68 3.1 11.25 5.22

18 Bharat Aluminium Co. 826.96 -17.88 18.76 588.06 -2.98 2.27 3.19 2.42

19 Lafarge India 816.46 69.31 -14.39 649.73 137.02 -1.76 -2.21 -1.06

Reliance Ports &

20 806.67 49.23 -20.97 491.38 -4.09 -2.6 -4.27 -0.69

Tractors & Farm

21 805.42 -6.13 23.83 -0.96 416.18 5.16 2.96 5.73 4.51

22 Bhushan 805.12 34.38 26.18 13.28 240.84 12.16 3.25 10.87 4.06

23 Jaypee Cement 1200.44 117.88 63.39 245.05 26.05 5.28 25.87 6.88

24 Essar Power 1140.51 -15.21 62.39 -34.35 781.71 21.29 5.47 7.98 2.77

25 Bharti Cellular 725.73 38.96 98.63 16.05 287.89 42.15 13.59 34.26 4.64

1. In how many companies was the percentage change for net worth greater than the percentage
change for total income?
1) 13 2) 20
3) 12 4) 16
2. Which of the following is true?
1) The percentage ROCE for the top five companies is always less than the percentage RONW.
2) The percentage ROCE for the top five companies is always greater than the percentage RONW.
3) The percentage ROCE for the top five companies is greater than the percentage RONW for only
one company.
4) None of the above is true.
3. Which of the following statements is not true?
1) As many companies are ranked above RiddhiSiddhi Bullions as below it.
2) The net worth as a percentage of total income for Hero cycles is 26.8%
3) If the top ten companies were ranked on the basis of net profit, from highest to lowest, the fifth-
ranked company would be Adani Wilmar.
4) All are true
Directions (Q. 4-6): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given beow.
Each point in the graph below shows the profit and turnover for a company. Each company belongs
to one of the three industries: Service, Shipping and Banking.


4. For how many companies does the profit exceed 10% of the turnover?
1) 8 2) 7
3) 6 4) 5
5. For how many banking companies with a turnover of more than 2000 is the profit less than 300?
1) 0 2) 1
3) 6 4) 7
6. An investor wants to buy stocks of only banking or shipping companies with a turnover of more
than 1000 and profit exceeding 10% of turnover. How many choices are availiable to the investor?
1) 6 2) 7
3) 4 4) 5
Directions (Q. 7-9): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The following table shows the data about ages, height and weight of randomly selected 100 chil-
dren of CATMOS Montessori. Table 1 provides data about ages of the children. For the age given in the
first column, the second column gives the number of children not exceeding that age.
For example, the first entry indicates that there are 9 children aged 4 years or less. Tables 2 and
3 provide data on the heights and weights respectively on the same group of 100 children in a similar
format. Assuming that an older child is always taller and weighs more than a younger child, answer
the following questions.
Age (years) Number Height (cm) Number Weight (kg) Number
4 9 115 6 30 8
5 12 120 11 32 13
6 22 125 24 34 17
7 35 130 36 36 28
8 42 135 45 38 33
9 48 140 53 40 46
10 60 145 62 42 54
11 69 150 75 44 67
12 77 155 81 46 79
13 86 160 93 48 91
14 100 165 100 50 100

7. What is the number of children of age 9 years or less whose height does not exceed 135 cm?
1) 48 2) 45 3) 3 4) Cannot be determined
8. How many children of age more than 10 years are taller than 150 cm and do not weigh more than
48 kg?

1) 16 2) 40 3) 9 4) Cannot be determined
9. Among the children older than 6 years but not exceeding 12 years, how many weigh more than 38
1) 34 2) 52 3) 44 4) Cannot be determined

Directions (Q. 10-12): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
Natures Best Juices (NBJ) is in the business of manufacturing fruit juices. NBJ buys APPLE,
MANGO, GRAPE, ORANGE and LITCHEE juice. ORANGE juice can be made by adding artificial flavour
to APPLE and MANGO juice in equal proportions. Similarly, LITCHEE juice can also be made by APPLE
and GRAPE juice. Among other juices, NBJ sells MIXED JUICE (formed by mixing GRAPE and MANGO

juice in the ratio 70 : 30), TROPICAL DELIGHT JUICE (formed by mixing equal amounts of ORANGE
and LITCHEE juice) and SUMMER SONG juice (formed by mixing equal amounts of ORANGE and GRAPE
juice). The following table provides the price at which NBJ buys the juices.
APPLE 20.00
MANGO 25.00
GRAPE 15.00
ORANGE 22.00
10. The cheapest way to manufacture TROPICAL DELIGHT juice would cost
1) Rs 19.50 per litre 2) Rs 19.75 per litre
3) Rs 20.00 per litre 4) Rs 20.25 per litre
11. SUMMER SONG can be manufactured by mixing
1) MIXED JUICE and APPLE in the ratio 14 : 10
2) MIXED JUICE and APPLE in the ratio 3 : 1
3) MANGO and LITCHEE in the ratio 1 : 1
4) APPLE, MANGO and GRAPE in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2
12. Assume that TROPICAL DELIGHT, MIXED JUICE and SUMMER SONG each sell for the same price.
Which of the three is the most profitable to the manufacturer?
3) SUMMER SONG 4) Data is insufficient
Directions (Q. 13-17): Answer the questions on the basis of information given below.
The following radar graph shows the percentage increase in the sale of companies A, B, C, D and E in
year 2004 with respect to previous year.




13. Which company has the maximum sale in year 2004?
1) A 2) C 3) E 4) Cant be determined
14. The ratio of sale of companies A, B, C, D and E in year 2003 is 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 6. Find the overall %
increase in the sale of all the five companies together in year 2004.
1) 46% 2) 54% 3) 59% 4) 64%
15. The overall % increase in the sale of company C and company D together is 55% in year 2004.
Find the ratio of sale of company C and D in year 2004?
1) 80 : 13 2) 192 : 17
3) 84 : 31 4) 192 : 53
16. If the ratio of sale of company C, D and E in year 2004 is 5 : 3 : 4 then find the overall % increase

in the sale of company C, D and E together from 2003 to 2004 (approx.).
1) 41% 2) 39% 3) 54% 4) 46%
17. The overall % increase in the sale of companies B & C together is 57% and that of companies C &
D together is 47% in year 2004. Find the ratio of sale of companies C, D and E in year 2003.
1) 3 : 7 : 23 3) 5 : 9 : 13
3) 6 : 7 : 11 4) None of these

Directions (Q. 18-20): Read the following information given below and answer the questions
that follow.
The Shyam Dairy company is setting up a plant for manufacture and sale of flavoured milk. The
investment of the plant is Rs 10 crores (to be invested in plant, machinery, advertising, infra-
structure etc).
The following table shows the cost of different bottle sizes.

Sale Dealer
Bottle size Bottling cost Cost of liquid Transportation cost
Price Margin
300 ml Rs 2 Rs 8 10 paise per bottle Rs 14 Rs 1.5
500 ml Rs 5 Rs 10 15 paise per bottle Rs 21 Rs 2
1.5 lit Rs 10 Rs 25 20 paise per bottle Rs 52 Rs 5
18. For which bottle should Shyam Dairy try to maximise sale to maximise its profit (assume that the
total number of litres of flavoured milk sold is constant irrespective of break-up of the sales in
terms of the bottle size).
1) 1500 ml bottle
2) 500 ml bottle
3) 300 ml bottle
4) Cant say
19. If the company sells only 300ml bottles in the first year, how many bottles shoud it sell to recover
the investment made in the first year only?
1) 41.66 106 2) 35.84 10 6
3) 44.56 106 4) Cant say
20. If the ratio of sales of 300ml bottles to that of 500ml bottles is 4 : 1, and there is no sale of 1500ml
bottles, how many 500ml bottles will be required to recover the investment?
1) 17.96 106 2) 24.8 10 6
3) 7.43 10 6 4) Cant say

Answers and explanations

1. 1; The percentage change to net worth is greater than the percentage change for total income in
13 companies.
2. 3; The percentage ROCE for the top five companies is greater than the percentage RONW for only
the company Tata International.
3. 3; 1st to 5th are: Tata Sons, Bharti, Hero, Jaypee and Essar respectively.
4. 2; Draw a line from the bottom left corner to top right corner. The symbols lying above the line are
ones in which profit exceeds 10% of turnover. There are 6 such companies.
5. 3; Six companies lie below 300 profit and more than 2000 turnover.
6. 4; Only five companies fulfil the requirement.

7. 2; Number of children aged 9 years or less = 48
Number of children having height 135 cm or less = 45
Thus 45 children satisfy both conditions.
8. 1;

Number of children
age > 10 years 40
height > 150 cm 25
weight > 48 kg 9

Thus required number of children = 25 9 = 16.

9. 3;

Number of children
12 years > age > 6 years 55
weight > 38 kg 67

Required number of children = 67 23 = 44.

10. 2; TROPICAL DELIGHT juice would cost minimum when its constituents have the minimum pos-
sible price. TROPICAL DELIGHT is made by mixing equal amounts of ORANGE and LITCHEE.
We have the following possibilities:
From the table we have the minimum cost Rs 1975.
11. 4; The possible combinations for SUMMER SONG are given below.

Combination Ratio

12. 2; From Q. 10 we have: the least possible price for TROPICAL DELIGHT is Rs 19.75 per litre.
Similarly, least possible price for MIXED JUICE is Rs 18 per litre (when GRAPE + MANGO are
mixed in the ratio 70 : 30). And least possible price for SUMMER SONG is Rs. 18.5 pre litre (when
ORANGE + GRAPE is mixed in the ratio 1 : 1).
Hence profitability is maximum for MIXED JUICE .
13. 4; Only the percentage increase in the sales of each of the company is given, not the previous
years sale. Hence data inadequate.

14. 2; The overall % increase in the sales of all the five companies together
5 4 3 2 6
80 50 60 30 40
20 20 20 20 20
20 10 9 3 12 54 %
15. 1; 55% increase in the sales of company C and D together is the weighted mean of 60% and 30% .
60% 30%
25 5
5 : 1 (Ratio of sale in year 2003)
Sale of company C in year 2004
Sale of company D in year 2004

100 80
130 13
Required ratio = 176 : 13
16. 4; Let K be present in each of the ratios.
2004 2003
C 5K 5K 3.12
D 3K 3K 2.3
E 4K 4K = 2.8
Total 12K 8.2K
12K 8.2K 3.8K
The overall % increase = 100 = 100 46%
8.2K 8.2K
17. 1; Similar to solution of Q. 15.
50% 60% 60% 30%
57% 37%
3 : 7 7 : 23
B : C : D 3 : 7 : 23
18. 3; Profit from one 300ml bottle = 14 (2 + 8 + 1.5 + 0.1) = Rs 2.4
Profit from one 500ml bottle = 21 (5 + 10 + 0.15 + 2) = Rs 3.85

Profit from one 1500ml bottle = 52 (10 + 25 + 0.20 + 5) = Rs 11.80
Selling 1500ml from 300ml bottles we get 2.4 5 = Rs 12 as profit.
Similarly, selling 1500 ml from 500ml bottles we get = 3.85 3 = Rs 11.55 as profit
Selling 1500ml from 1500ml bottle we get Rs 11.80 as profit.
Therefore, Shyam Dairy should maximise the production of 300ml bottles. (As the number of
litres is constant)
19. 1; Let no. of bottles it should sell be x.
Cost of production of x bottles = x (2 + 8 + 0.1 + 1.5) = 11.6x
Fixed cost = 108

Now, to recover the cost
10 8 11.6x 10 8
14 x 41.66 10 6 bottle
x 2.4
Quicker Approach: From solution of Q. 18.
Profit per bottle = Rs 2.4
Total no. of bottles to sell =
20. 3; Let K be present in the ratio.
The overall selling cost of 300 ml and 500 ml (where they are sold in the ratio 4 : 1)
4 14 1 21 77
= 15 .4 .
4 1 5
Cost of production of 300ml bottle = Rs 11.6
Cost of production of 500ml bottle = Rs 17.15
4K 11.6 K 17.15 10 8
Now, 15.4
4K K
77K 46.4K 17.15K 108 13.45K 10 8

K 7.43 10 6 bottles
Practice Exercise 11
Directions (Q. 1-6): These questions are based on the following information regarding the
price changes that a certain pharmaceutical company is considering for its products.

P roduct Existing Price (Rs.) Revised P rice (Rs.)

Antacid 1.50 2.50
Anti-Hypertensive 10.00 12.50
Expectorant 18.00/bottle 24.00/bottle
Anti-Asthmatic 20.00 26.00
Anti-Pyretic 5.00 8.00
Anti-Flatulent 7.50 9.00
The prices for all the products except Expectorant are the prices of 10 tablets.

1. A man is prescribed a combination of Antacid and Anti-Hypertensive in the ratio 2 : 3 for the first
week and of Anti-Hypertensive and Anti-Flatulent in the ratio 3 : 4 for the second week. The
purchased all the medicines under the existing price. His expenditure in the second week is
what % more than in the first week?
1) 24% more 2) 18% less 3) 26% more 4) Data Inadequate
2. If a family has a hypertensive and an asthmatic patient, where the person with hypertension has
to consume three tablets of Anti-Hypertensive per day and the asthmatic patient has to take two
tablets of Anti-Asthmatic every alternate day, what will be the increase in expenditure on the two
patients for 30 days?
1) Rs 40.50 2) Rs 42.75 3) Rs 46.50 4) Rs 38.50

3. What is the percentage increase in the expenditure of a person for one year if he consumes 32
tablets of Antacid in one week?
1 1 2
1) 7 % 2) 6 % 3) 6 % 4) None of these
2 2 3
4. A person is prescribed to take two spoonfuls of Expectorant thrice everyday for a period of 20
weeks. Assuming that each bottle of Expectorant contains 90 spoonfuls, find the expenditure ac-
cording to the existing prices.
1) Rs 200 2) Rs 180 3) Rs 168 4) Rs 240
5. A person is prescribed a combination of Anti-Pyretic and Anti-Asthmatic such that he has to take
one of these before breakfast, the other after lunch and the one he had at breakfast after dinner
also; if he consumed an Anti-pyretic at the end of the dinner on the 7 th day of the course, he
started the course with
1) Anti-Asthmatic 2) Anti-Pyretic
3) Not possible to determine 4) None of the above
6. In the question no. (1), average cost per tablet for the first week is what % less than the average
cost per tablet for the second week?
1) 17.9% 2) 22.35% 3) 24.5% 4) Cant say

Directions (Q. 7-11): These questions are based on the pie diagrams given below.
Shefali, a first-year student of management from a well-known institute of management in
western India, was doing her internship with a leading public sector bank in India. Her project
involved analyzing the market shares of various Indian companies that manufacture and sell
fuels and lubes. Halfway through her project, she managed to collect the following information
from the sales figures of various companies:

Percentage shares of various companies Percentage shares of various compani es

in total sales of l ubes (by val ue) i n total sal es of fuel s (by value)
OT HERS 10% 10%

20% P HCL




Total sales of lubes for the year Total sales of fuels for the year
2000-2001 = Rs 22,400 crores 2000-2001 = Rs 11,200 crores
Shefalis project guide, after reviewing the above information, pointed out the fact that the above
figures were inclusive of the considerable volumes of inter-company sales that occur every year.
Therefore the correct market shares of the companies should be arrived at after deducting the
inter-company sales figures from the present figures. Shefali then further collected the follow-
ing information regarding the inter-company sales.


Sale value as a percentage of the total sales of the selling company






PHCL Fuels 20 20 20
Lubes 10 25 40
PBCL Fuels 30 10 35
Lubes 15 5 25
OTHERS Fuels 10 5 10
Lubes 15 5 15
7. By approximately what percentage did Shefali overestimate the correct value of the total sales of
1) 135% 2) 200% 3) 110% 4) 180%
8. If the correct sales figures are considered, then which of the following has the largest percentage
share by value of the sales of fuels and lubes put together?
9. If for any company, Sales - Purchases = Profit, then neither fuels nor lubes were profitable for
10. Assuming the information given in the above question to be true, which of the following had the
maximum profitability for fuels?
11. Which of the following had the second largest percentage share by value when the correct sales
figures of fuels and lubes put together are considered?
Directions (Q. 12-15): Refer to the pie-charts below and answer the questions that follow.
The following pie-charts represent the shareholding pattern of various investor groups in the
company XYZ Ltd as on 31.03.1999 and 31.03.2000 respectively.


31-3-1999 FIIs 31-3-2000

15% FIIs

P ublic
Public 30%

25% Govt.
MF Ins titutio ns
10% 25%
MF Promoters P ro mo ters
15% 10% 15%

Market Price = Rs 138 per share
Market Capitalisation = Rs 559 cr

1) 10% 2) 15%
Market Price = Rs 167 per share
Market Capitalisation = Rs 846 cr
Market capitalisation (market value) = Number of outstanding shares Market price of share.

12. The number of outstanding shares have increased by what percentage from 31.03.1999 to

3) 25% 4) 30%
13. If you have more than 50% shareholding in a company, then you can control the management of
that company. Then, which of the following statements is are true?
In 1999 (i.e. the year ending on 31.03.99)
I. Management control can be with a coalition of two investor groups.
II. Management control can be with FIIs.
III. Management control can be with promoters.
1) I only 2) II only
3) III only 4) All three
14. Market value of shares held by FIIs has gone up by what percentage from 31.03.1999 to 31.03.2000?
1) 200% 2) 100%
3) 50% 4) 5%
15. If the FIIs together cannot hold more than 24% of outstanding shares, then what is the maximum
value of shares that the FIIs can purchase as on 31.03.2000?
1) 2 lakhs 2) 0.2 lakhs
3) 2 crore 4) 20 lakhs
Directions (Q. 16-19): Refer to the graph below and answer the question that follows.
XYZ Ltd manufactures locks.

97 160
Sales Expenses
96 140

Expenses (in Rs lakh)

Sales (in per cent)

90 40

89 20

88 0
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

The above graph shows the sales revenues of XYZ Ltd. in terms of percentage of target achieved
and the expenses in Rs. lakhs for the years 1996 to 2000. The target sales were constant at Rs.
180 lakhs over the period.
16. In which year did the company earn the most profit?
1) 1996 2) 1997 3) 1998 4) 1999
17. What is the maximum drop in sales between any two consecutive years?
1) Rs 1.2 lakhs 2) Rs 4 lakhs 3) Rs 5.4 lakhs 4) Rs 6.3 lakhs
18. During the 5-year period, what is the highest ratio of sales to expenses?
1) 1.2 2) 1.9 3) 1.4 4) 1.64
19. What is the increase in sales (in Rs lakhs) from 1999 to 2000?

1) 6.20 2) 10.80 3) 8.00 4) 8.64

Directions (Q. 20-24): Following graph shows the production at different plants (A, B, C, D) of
Torrent Ltd for four years. Ordinate is production figures in 000 MTs.
20 A B C D
1993 1994 1995 1996

(i) Capacity utilization = Production 100 / Capacity

(ii) Production is undertaken uniformly during the year.
(iii) Capacity of four plants (in 000 MTs) in 1996 is as follows: A = 222, B = 160, C = 180, D = 190
(iv) Raw material availability at the plants in 1996 is to produce following quantities (000 MTs):
A = 123, B = 148, C = 185, D = 198
20. Which plant has the highest capacity utilization in 1996?
1) B 2) A 3) D 4) C
21. Plant D operated only for 8 months in 1993. What would have been the capacity utilization in 1993
if the plant had run for the entire year? [Total capacity of D in 1993 = 190000 MTs]
1) 60% 2) 50.67% 3) 40% 4) 70%
22. If plant C operated at 60% capacity utilization in 1993 and 80% in 1994, what was the capacity
addition during that period?
1) 20 2) 15 3) 25 4) Nil
23. What is the maximum possible production, taking into account raw material availability con-
straint in 1996?
1) A-222, B-160, C-180, D-190 2) A-123, B-148, C-185, D-198
3) A-123, B-148, C-180, D-190 4) A-123, B-148, C-180, D-198
24. In 1996 bonus is to be given to employees of the plant which produces at least 25% of total com-
pany production and which achieves capacity utilization of more than that achieved by the whole
company. Which plants received the bonus in 1996?
1) C & D 2) B, C & D 3) D 4) None of these

Answers and explanations

1. 4; The constant present in the first week combination is either similar or different from the

constant present in the second week combination. Hence we cant find the expenditures of first
and second weeks.
Hence data inadequate.
2. 1; Three tablets/day would mean the hypertensive has to be taken 90 times in 30 days.
The increase is of Rs 2.50 for 10 tablets
Hence increase will be of 2.50 9 = 22.50 for 90 tablets
Asthmatic has to consume 30 tablets.
increase = 6.00 3 = 18.00
total increase = 22.50 + 18 = 40.50.

1.00 2 2
3. 4; 100 100 66 % .
1.50 3 3
4. 2; He has to consume = 2 3 7 20 = 840 spoonfuls
90 spoonfuls --- 1 bottle
840 spoonfuls ---- 10 bottles
(since he cannot buy 9 bottles)
Hence expenditure according to the existing prices = 10 18.00 = Rs 180.
5. 3; Since he may change the order in which he takes the tablets, it is not possible to determine.
2 1.5 3 10 1 33
6. 2; Average cost per tablet for the first week = = 0 .66
23 10 5 10

3 10 4 7 .5 1
Average cost per tablet for the second week 0.85
34 10

0.85 0.66 1900

Required % = 100 22 .35 %
0.85 85
7. 1; To arrive at the correct value of the total sales of fuels the inter-company sales figures should
be subtracted from the present total sales.
To be subtracted from 100% :
PRL 50 + 10 +40 = 100% , i.e. has sold all its sales to other companies only correct sales = 0%
OICL 15 + 20 + 10 = 45 (100 45)% of 30% = 16.5%
PHCL 20 + 20 + 20 = 60
(100 - 60)% of 25% = 10%
PBCL 30 + 10 + 35 = 75
(100 - 75)% of 20% = 5%
OTHERS 10 + 5 + 10 = 25
(100 - 25)% of 15% = 11.25%

Actual sales = (0 + 16.5 + 10 + 5 + 11.25) = 42.75% of given sales

100 42.75 100 135 %

% by which total sales of fuels were overestimated =
42 .5
8. 3; The correct sales figures = (100 - % sales to other companies) % share of total sales given
= (100 M) p (say)
M should be minimum and p maximum. By observation, this is true for OICL in case of fuels
and for PBCL for lubes.
(Note that OTHERS and PRL are eliminated.)

Calculations between PBCL and OICL:
OICL = (100 45) 30% 25 + (100 60) 15% S
(where S = sales of lubes and since sales of fuels = 25) 45
For PBCL = (100 75) 20% 25 + (100 45)% 30% S 0.275S
Clearly, it is maximum for OICL.
9. 3; We need to find that company for which total sales are less than total purchases = S P is
minimum (and ve)
i.e. S is minimum and P is maximum.
S is from the pie chart and P is the sum of purchases obtained from the columns in the table.

By mere observatio,
OTHERS have purchased far more than any of the rest.
And its sales are also minimal for both lubes and fuels.
10. 2; For maximum profitability, Sales - Purchases should be maximum.
S P must be maximum.
For ICL, the total purchases are 17.5% [i.e. 50% of PRL + 20% of PHCL + 30% of PBCL + 10% of
Profitability = 30 17.5 = 12.5%
Similarly, for PHCL, profitability = 25 8.25 = 16.75%
For PBCL, profitability = 20 12.5 = 7.5%
And for Others, there is negative profitability.
11. 1; The correct sales figures for fuels have already been calculated in solution (7) and in similar
manner we calculate those of lubes.
OTHERS [100 -(15+5+15)] 25% = 16.25%
PHCL [100 - (10+25+40)] 20% = 5%
OICL [100 - (20+40)] 15% = 6%
PBCL [100 -(15+5+25)] 30% = 16.5%
Now total sales of lubes = that of fuels
values for above are
OTHERS 8.125%
PHCL 2.5% (of total sales of fuels)
PBCL 8.25%
The total correct sales value of fuels and lubes put together:
OTHERS 11.25 + 8.125 = 19.375%
PBCL 5 + 8.25 = 13.25%
OICL 16.5 + 3 = 19.5%
PHCL 10 + 2.5 = 12.5%
OTHERS is second in terms of (correct) total value of sales of fuels and lubes put together.

559 560
12. 3; Number of outstanding shares as on 31.03.1999 = 4 cr.
138 140
846 850
Number of outstanding shares as on 31.03.2000 = = 5 cr.
167 170
54 1
Therefore, percentage increase in outstanding shares = 25% .

4 4
13. 1; It is clear that Public (35% ) and Govt Institutions (25% ) can form a coalition and control man-
14. 2; Market value of shares held by FIIs as on 31.03.1999 = 15% 559 84
Market value of shares held by FIIs as on 31.03.2000 20 % 846 169
169 84 85
Percentage increase = 100 = 100 100 % .
84 84
15. 4; Total outstanding shares as on 31.03.2000 = 5 cr. FIIs can buy 4% more as they already hold
20% of the shares, i.e.

5 cr = 0.2 cr = 20 lakhs.
16. 4; Calculating the sales revenue and the profit, year 1999 has the highest profits.
Year Revenue (Sales) Cost P rofit
1996 (93.2% of 180) 168 110 58
1997 (95.3% of 180) 170 150 20
1998 167 135 32
1999 164 100 64
2000 173 125 48
17. 2;

Sales Percentage of target Difference

1996 93.2
1997 95.3 2.10%
1998 93.1 -2.2%
1999 91.2 -1.9%
2000 96 4.80%

Since the year 1997-1998 has the largest fall of 2.2% of Rs. 180 lakhs, the value is Rs. 3.96
18. 4; Calculate from table in solution 16. Highest ratio is 1.64 for year 1999.
96 91 .2
19. 4; Increase in sales = 180 = Rs 8.64 lakh.
20. 3; Capacity utilization for the plants is
A = 75 100/222 33.8%
B = 135 100/160 85%
C = 145 100/180 80%
D = 170 100/190 90%
21. 1; Plant D produced 75 (000 MTs) in 1993 in 8 months. If the plant had been operative throughout
the year it would have produced 12 75/8 = 112.5 (000 MTs)
The capacity utilization = 112.5 60%
22. 2;

Year % Capacity Utlz. Total Capacity

1993 60 85 100/60 140
1994 80 124 100/80 = 156.25
Increase in capacity 15
23. 3; Using both the constraints: Capacity of four plants: A = 222, B = 160, C = 180, D = 190; and Raw
material availability at the plants in 1996 is to produce following quantities (000MTs): A = 123,
B = 148, C = 185, D = 198. Hence minimum value between Capacity and Raw material availabil-
ity is the maximum production possible. Hence answer option is (3).
24. 4;

Plant Capacity considering constraints Actual Production % Utilization
A 123 75 61
B 148 135 91
C 180 145 81
D 190 170 90
Total 641 525 82
25% of Total 131.25
Only B & D satisfy the given condition.
Practice Exercise 12

Directions (Q. 1-6): These questions are based on the following information.
The bar graphs show the coal reserves of various nations in metric tonnes where as the line
graph shows the number of years up to which the reserves would last. Data for the bar graphs have to
be read from the left side of the Y-axis and those for the line graph have to be read from right side of

the Y-axis.

Africa Asia
8% Africa 16%
America 8%

Australia 35%

Share of the continents in the world Breakup of the share of various continents
population of 6 billion in the global coal resource
1. What is the expected average consumption of coal per annum per thousand people in India if
Indias population is 50% of Asias population? (Assuming that the world population remains con-
1) 3 gm 2) 3 kg 3) 0.003 gm 4) 30 kg
2. By how much (in metric tonnes) is the coal reserve of America more than that of Asia, if Kenya
and South Africa contribute to 37.5% of Africas coal reserves?
1) 524 2) 434 3) 334 4) 234
3. By how many kg is the annual average consumption of coal of Korea more than that of Libya?
1) 1450 2) 1740 3) 1850 4) 2050
4. If after 50 years, the world population increases by 12.5% (with each continent having the same
share of the world population), by how much per cent will the average per annum per capita
consumption of coal in Germany change, if it is known that out of every 10 persons in Europe,
approx 3.33 live in Germany? (Use data from previous question if required.)
1) 6.83% 2) 7.7% 3) 9.41% 4) 12.32%
5. If the European nations plan to sell off 41% of their coal reserves equally to the nations of other
continents (except to Africa), then the total coal reserves of India and New Zealand will increase
by what percentage? (Given that India has 13.8% of Asias coal reserves and New Zealand has
6.4% of Australias coal reserves. Use data from previous question if required.)
1) 20% 2) 25% 3) 27.23% 4) 31.62%
6. The difference between the ratio of coal reserves of Africa to those of Asia and the ratio of coal
reserves of Europe to those of Australia is
1) 1.21 2) 1.35 3) 1.0 4) None of these
Directions (Q. 7-12): These questions are based on the following information.
The table shows the numbers of persons commuting between different cities of India in five con-
secutive years (in thousands).
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Mumbai to Pune 9372 11252 6127 12345 9877
Delhi to Bangalore 10765 8328 7056 9362 13125
Kolkata to Raipur 12823 11675 13157 14106 16132
Pune to Delhi 7352 9137 11346 13451 15769
Chennai to Mumbai 8767 10789 12523 14323 16239

% share of various m odes of transport M odes of road transport

26.2% Taxi

Road Private
55.0% 16.9%
Govt Bus
Air 32.6%

Modes of rail transport Percent share of various airline services

Special ANZ
7% Airw ay
Superf ast 18%
P assenger
43% Jet Airw ays
7. In 1995, what is the difference (in thousands) between the number of people commuting by De-
luxe buses and that of those by Jet Airways?
1) 8522 2) 10145 3) 9132 4) 8738
8. What is the percentage change from percentage increase in the number of persons going by
Deluxe train from Mumbai to Pune from 1991 to 1992 to the percentage increase in those going by
Indian Airlines from Pune to Delhi?
1) 10.21% 2) 20.21% 3) 15.42% 4) 30.42%
9. If a Sahara Airlines ticket from Chennai to Mumbai costs Rs 3800 and a deluxe train A/C ticket

from Pune to Delhi costs Rs 2375, what is the difference in revenues generated (in crore rupees)
by Sahara Airlines and Indian Railways on these routes over the period? (Assume that all trains
are run by the Indian Railways.)
1) 320 2) 291.5 3) 250 4) 190.9
10. What is the percentage increase in the number of people travelling by ANZ Airways over the
1) 45% 2) 34% 3) 58% 4) 62%
11. What is the ratio of the number of people travelling from Mumbai to Pune (from 1991 to 1993) by
Deluxe Trains to that of those travelling from Chennai to Mumbai (from 1993 to 1995) by Indian
1) 0.41 2) 0.53 3) 0.32 4) 0.25
12. What is the highest percentage growth in the number of persons travelling by passenger train
between two consecutive years?
1) 20.89% 2) 26.64% 3) 32.12% 4) 30.21%
Directions (Q. 13-18): These questions are based on the following information.
The following graphs and pie chart indicate the economic condition of, a dotcom
company, over five years (1996-2000).
Rs in crores


1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
0 50 100 150
Years Rs crore

Gross profit for all five years (Rs 50 crore), before depreciation and tax

2000 18%
The net profit is calculated as (G D T)
where G = Gross profit
1997 D = Depreciation
T = Tax
Depreciation and Tax are calculated on the
1999 Gross profit.
13. If in 1996, there was 6.25% depreciation and 13.75% tax deduction, then the net profit in 1996 (Rs
crore) was
1) 5.21 2) 6.82 3) 7.29 4) 6.0
14. For which year was the ratio of turnover to gross fixed assets is the maximum?
1) 1997 2) 1998 3) 1996 4) 2000
15. What is the percentage increase in the ratio of gross fixed assets to gross profit from 1996 to 1999?
1) 96% 2) 135% 3) 236% 4) 310%
16. If in 1998, there was 9.65% depreciation and 11.63% tax deduction, then the ratio of net profit in
1998 to that in 1996 works out to
(Use data from previous questions if required.)
1) 0.92 2) 0.68 3) 1.82 4) 2.97
17. For which year was the ratio of turnover to gross profit the maximum?
1) 1996 2) 1998 3) 1999 4) 2000
18. For how many years is the ratio of (gross fixed assets + turnover) to gross profits lesser than the
succeeding year?
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
Directions (Q. 19-22): Refer to the tables below:
The following tables give information related to fertilisers (nitrogen and phosphate).

Fertilizer output in Nineties

Nitrogen Phosphates
Year Cap. util. (%) Cap. util. (%)
(lac tonnes) (lac tonnes)
1990-91 69.93 85.80 20.51 74.50
1991-92 73.01 88.50 25.62 93.10
1992-93 74.30 88.00 23.06 82.10
1993-94 72.31 83.90 18.16 64.30
1994-95 79.45 91.20 24.93 88.30
1995-96 87.77 96.90 25.58 90.60
1996-97 (Est.) 90.23 97.00 26.80 91.00

Year Fertilizer consumption (lac tonnes)

1990-91 125.46
1991-92 127.28

K KUNDAN 1992-93
19. By what percentage was consumption of fertilizers greater than the production of fertilizers in the
year 1992-93?
1) 22 2) 23 3) 25 4) 26
20. What was the increase in total production capacity of phosphate fertilizers between 1991-97?
1) 1.5 lac tonnes 2) 2 lac tonnes 3) 2.5 lac tonnes 4) 1 lac tonnes
21. Total fertilizer production in 1995-96 was what percentage of total fertilizer consumption (approxi-
1) 78 2) 79 3) 77.5 4) 78.5
22. Between 1990-96, production of nitrogen fertilizer was what percentage of total consumption of
1) 50 2) 45 3) 60 4) 65

Answers and explanations
1. 1; Expected per annum consumption of coal in ndia = = 4.8 metric tonnes per year
Population of India = 50% of (53% of 6 billion) 1.6 billion
expected average consumption of coal per annum per thousand people

4.8 metric tonnes 4.8 10 6 kg
0.003 kg = 3 gm.
1.6 billion
1.6 10 9
2. 3; Total coal reserves of S Africa and Kenya = 90 + 60 = 150 metric tonnes
But 145 = 37.5% of Africas coal reserves

So, Africas coal reserves

150 8 400
metric tonnes
Again, 400 = 22% of global coal reserves
So, the global coal reserves = 1820 metric tonnes
required difference = 19% of 1820 metric tonnes 346 metric tonnes
3. 2; Annual average consumption of coal in Korea = = 3.55 metric tonnes
Annual average consumption of coal in Libya = = 1.81 metric tonnes
required difference = 1.74 metric tonnes = 1740 kg.
4. 2; Present population of Germany = 33% of (8% of 6 bn) 0.16 bn
Present average consumption of coal per annum per capita in Germany
145 10 6
= 0.013 gm.
70 0.16 10 9
Amount of coal consumed in Germany in 50 years = 50 103 .6 metric tonnes
So, amount of coal left = 41.4 metric tonnes.
After 50 years, population of Germany = (1.125) (0.16) 0.18 bn
After 50 years, average per annum per capita consumption = 20 0.18 10 6 kg 0.012 gm.

13 12
% change = 13 100% = 7.7%

5. 1; Total coal reserves of European nations = 19% of 1820 346 metric tonnes
Amount of coal sold off by European nations = 41% of 346 142 metric tonnes
So, increase in the coal reserves of the three continents (except Africa)
= = 47.33 metric tonnes.
Originally, the coal reserves of Asia = 291 metric tonnes
and the coal reserves of Australia = 146 metric tonnes
So, the original coal reserves of India and NZ = 13.8% of 291 6.4% of 146
49.5 metric tonnes.
Now, the increased coal reserves of Asia = 291 + 47.33 = 338.33 metric tonnes
and the increased coal reserves of Australia = 146 + 47.33 = 193.33 metric tonnes
Now, the increased total coal reserves of India and N.Z = (13.8% of 338.33) + (6.4% of 193.33)
59 metric tonnes.
59 .43 49 .5
So, the % increase in the total coal reserves of India and NZ = 20%
49 .5

19 22
6. 3; The required difference = = 2.375 1.375 = 1.0.
8 16
7. 4; Total number of people commuting in 1995 = 71142.
Number of people commuting by road = 55% of 71142 = 39128.
So, the number of people commuting by deluxe buses = 27.8% of 39128 = 10878.
Number of people commuting by air route = 18.8% of 71142 = 13375.
So, the number of people commuting by Jet Airlines = 16% of 13375 = 2140.
Hence, the required difference = 10878 - 2140 = 8738.
8. 2; Number of persons going by deluxe train from Mumbai to Pune in 1991
= 17% of (26.2% of 9372) = 417.
Number of persons going by deluxe train from Mumbai to Pune in 1992
= 17% of (26.2% of 11252) = 501.
% increase in the number of persons going by deluxe train from Mumbai to Pune from 1991
501 417
to 1992 =
417 100% = 20.14% .

Number of persons going by Indian Airlines from Pune to Delhi in 1991
= 46% of (18.8% of 7352) = 636.
Number of persons going by Indian Airlines from Pune to Delhi in 1992
= 46% of (18.8% of 9137) = 790.
% increase in the number of persons going by deluxe train from Pune to Delhi from1991 to
790 636
1992 =
636 100% = 24.21% .

24 .21 20 .14
% change in % increase =
20.14 100% = 20.21% .


9. 2; Number of people travelling from Chennai to Mumbai by Sahara Airlines over the period
= 20% of (18.8% of 62641)= 2355 thousands.
Total revenue generated by Sahara Airlines over the period on the Chennai to Mumbai route
= Rs (3800 2355) thousand = Rs 8949000 thousand Rs 895 crores.
Number of people travelling from Pune to Delhi by deluxe train over the period
= 17% of (26.2% of 57055)= 2541 thousand.
Total revenue generated by Indian Railways over the period on the Pune to Delhi route
= Rs (2375 2541) thousand = Rs 6034875 thousand Rs 603.5 crores.
the difference in the revenues generated = Rs 291.5 crores.
71142 49079
10. 1; Just simply calculate 100 = 45% (approx.)
11. 3; Number of people travelling from Mumbai to Pune from 91 to 93 by deluxe trains
= 17% of (26.2% of 26751) = 1191 thousand (approx.)
Number of people travelling from Chennai to Mumbai from 93 to 95 by Indian Airlines = 46% of
(18.8% of 43085) = 3726 thousand (approx.)
So, the required ratio = = 0.32
12. 2; The highest % growth in the total number of people is from 93 to 94.

Number of people travelling by passenger trains in 1993 = 43% of (26.2% of 50209) = 5657
Number of people travelling by passenger trains in 1994
= 43% of (26.2% of 63587) = 7164 thousand
7164 5657
So, the required % growth =
5657 100% = 26.64% .

63857 50209
OR just calculate
50209 100 = 26.69%

13. 2; Gross Profit of the company in 1996 = 18% of 50 = Rs 9 crores
Net Profit of the company in 1996 = 9 (6.25 + 13.75)% of 9 = Rs 7.29 cr.
14. 3
15. 4; Gross Fixed Assets of the company in 1996 = Rs 10 crores.
Gross Profit of the company in 1996 = 18% of 50 = Rs 9 crores.
So, the ratio of Gross Fixed Assets to the Gross Profit of the company in 96 = = 1.11
Gross fixed assets of the company in 1999 = Rs 50 crores.
Gross Profit of the company in 1999 = 22% of 50 = Rs 11 crores.
So, the ratio of Gross Fixed Assets to the Gross Profit of the company in 1999 = 4.5

4.5 1 .11
So, the required % increase = 100 310%
16. 1; Gross Profit of the company in 1998 = 17% of 50 = Rs 8.50 crore.
Net Profit of the company in 1998 = 8.5 (100 9.65 11.63)% = 6.7 cr
From soln (13), Net profit of the co. in 1996 = Rs 7.29 cr
required ratio = 0.92
17. 2; We have to compare ratio of Turnover (T) to Gross Profit (GP) for the years mentioned in the
The ratios for different years are as follows:
50 50
For 1996, required ratio =
18 % of 50 18 x
Similarly, for 1997
15 x
17 x
28 x
Its obvious that the ratio is maximum in 1998 because only it is more than 6.
18. 3; For the years 96, 97 and 99, the required ratio is less than the succeeding years.
19. 3; For 1992-93:
Production = 74.30 + 23.06 = 97.36
Consumption = 121.55
121 .55 97 .36
Percentage lead of consumption over production = 100 25 %
97 .36
Production 20.51
20. 2; Production capacity in 1991 = 28
Capacity utilisation 0.7450

26 .8
Production capacity in 1997 = 30 .
Hence increase in capacity = 30 28 = 2.
21. 4; Total fertilizers production in 1995-96 = 87.77 + 25.58 = 113.35
Total consumption in 1995-96 = 144.36
113 .35
required percentage = 144 .3 100 78 .5%
22. 3; Production of nitrogen fertilizers from 1990-96
= 69.93 + 73.01 + 74.3 + 72.31 + 79.45 + 87.77 = 456.77
Consumption of fertilizers from 1990-96
= 125.46 + 127.28 + 121.55 + 123.66 + 135.64 + 144.3 = 777.89
Production 456.77
Required percentage = Consumption 100 777.84 100 60%

Practice Exercise 13
Directions (Q. 1-6): The following charts give data about the total and segment-wise mar-
ket shares of all the rubber companies in India, for the year 1995-1996.

All Segments 1995-96 Truck & Bus Segment

Ceat Others Ceat
16.5% 39.8% Others



Modi Apollo Modi
Apollo Rubber
Rubber 16%
8.3% Dunlop 8.3% 14%

Car Segment
Two- and Three-Wheelers
Ceat Others
21.3% 28.9%

MRF Ceat
Apollo 22% 17%

Modi 5%
Modi Others
Rubber 49%
MRF 5%
Apollo 2.6%

The total sales of Apollo in 1995-96 were Rs. 1245 crore; this was because of a 25% growth over the
previous years sales. Apollos sales in the car segment was Rs 208 crore. The truck and bus
segment conssitituted 40% of the total sales in 1995-96.
1. Apollos sales in the two-and three-wheelers segments was Rs
1) 82 crore 2) 75 crore 3) 70 crore 4) Cant be determined
2. The sales in the truck and bus segment exceeded those in the car segment by
1) 50% 2) 75% 3) 100% 4) 150%
3. Which of the following had the maximum value of sales?
1) Apollo in truck & bus segment 2) Ceat in two- and three-wheelers
3) Ceat in car segment 4) Modi Rubber in all segments
4. The sales by MRF in the truck and bus segment was
1) Rs 840 crore 2) Rs 1384 crore 3) Rs 1020 crore 4) Rs 1395 crore
5. Apollos sales in 1994-95 was
1) Rs 996 crore 2) Rs 1156 crore 3) Rs 750 crore 4) None of these
6. If the sales of Car segment and Two- and Three-Wheeler segments are mixed, the overall share of
Ceat is 18.7% in year 1995-96. The total share of Two- and Three-Wheeler segment is what %
more/less than that of the Car segment?
1) 13.7% less 2) 44.4% more 3) 37.7% more 4) Cant be determined

Directions (Q. 7-12): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Household Consumptions (%) during 2001-02
India Thailand Singapore
Food and beverages 48 37 14
Clothing 4 13 4
Rent and utilities 12 10 16
Health expenditure 5 7 6

Transport and communication 13 13 22
Education 4 9 17
Household equipment 3 8 7
All except above mentioned expenses are savings
No. of households (in crores)
Monthly income per household (in rupees '000)


India Thailand Singapore

7. What is the difference between the average annual spendings per household on clothing in India
and in Singapore during 2001-02?
1) Rs 1200 2) Rs 9120 3) Rs 7920 4) Rs 28440
8. What percentage of average household savings in Singapore during 2001-2002 is the average
household savings in Thailand?
1) 10.7% 2) 22.1% 3) 32.1% 4) 50%
9. By what percentage is the average monthly spendings per household on education in Thailand
more than that on health expnditure in India during 2001-2002?
1) 80% 2) 140% 3) 280% 4) 584%
10. The number of households in Thailand is expected to grow by 15% next year while the average
monthly salary per household is expected to fall by 13% . If the percentage distribution of house-
hold expenditures remains the same, what will be the total monthly expenditure on rent and
utilities next year?
1) Rs 6920 crores 2) Rs 6540 crores 3) 7600 crores 4) Rs 8740 crores
11. Which of the following is true for the given three countries during 2001-2002?
1) Average monthly expenditure per household on food and beverages is maximum for India.
2) Total annual household expenditure on health is maximum for Thailand.
3) Total annual household expenditure on household equipment is maximum for India.
4) None of these
12. Find the percentage household consumption on education of India and Thailand together.
1) 7.1% 2) 6.8% 3) 8.2% 4) Cant say

Directions (13-17): Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.


K 12.47

Indias domestic passenger car sales in January-December 2003; total = 4.84 lakh units
1. Maruti Udyog Ltd 2. Hyundai Motors India Ltd
3. Tata Motors Ltd 4. Ford India Ltd
5. General Motors Ltd 6. Honda Seie Cars India Ltd
7. Hindustan Motors Ltd 8. Fiat India Pvt Ltd
9. Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd 10. Daimler-Chrysler India Pvt Ltd

13. In 2003, how many units are sold by companies other than those given in the chart?
1) 2320 2) 1810 3) 3805 4) 2830
14. How many units of cars were sold by the given companies in the year 2002?
1) 480000 2) 420340
3) 382120 4) 342140
15. If annual percentage change remains the same for Ford India Ltd and Hindustan Motors Ltd for
the year 2004, then what will be the difference between the numbers of cars sold by these two
companies in year 2004?
1) 9740 2) 11400 3) 10739 4) 12742
16. In year 2002, how many companies sold more than 10000 cars?
1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 2
17. What percentage of combined sales of General Motors Ltd, Fiat India Pvt Ltd and Tata Motors Ltd in
year 2003 is the combined sales of Hindustan Motors Ltd, Ford India Ltd, Hyundai Motors Ltd?
1) 100% 2) 80% 3) 120% 4) 95%
Directions (Q. 18-20): The following line chart shows the percentage increase in the sale of
companies A, B, C, D and E in year 2002 with respect to year 2001.
60 60
40 40
Value %

30 30
-10 A B C D E
Nam e of Com pany

18. The ratio of sales of company A, B, C, D and E in year 2001 is 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 6. Find the overall %
increase in the sale of all the five companies together.

1) 33% 2) 37% 3) 39% 4) 42%
19. If the overall percentage increase in the sale of companies B and C together is 19% in year 2002,
find the ratio of sale of companies B and C in year 2001.
1) 11 : 7 2) 34 : 21 3) 17 : 14 4) Cant say
20. Which company has the maximum sale in year 2002?
1) E 2) B 3) D 4) Cant say

Answers and explanations

1-6: In the beginning, please note that all the pie charts add up to hundred, so the shares given are
the per cent shares. Apollos share in all segments is 8.3% in 1995-96 = Rs 1245 crore.

Total sales in 1995-96 = (1245) (100)/8.3 = Rs 15000 crore;
Apollos share in car segment is 5.2% = Rs 208 crore.
Total sales in car segment = (208) (100)/5.2 = Rs 4000 crore;
Total sales in trucks & buses segment = 40% of total sales = (40) (15000)/100 = Rs 6000 crore;
Total sales in two- & three-wheeler segment = (15000 - 4000 - 6000) = Rs 5000 crore.
1. 2; Apollos sales in two- & three-wheeler segment = (1.5) (5000) / 100 = Rs 75 crore.
2. 1; Sales in the truck & bus segment exceeded that in the car segment by = (6000 - 4000) (100)/
(4000) = 50% .
3. 4; Apollos sales in truck & bus segment = 16% of 6000 = Rs 960 crore.
Ceats sales in two- and three-wheeler segment = 16.9% of 5000 = Rs. 845 crore.
Ceats sales in car segment = 21.3% of 4000 = Rs. 852 crore.
Modi Rubber sales in all segments = 8.3% of 15000 = Rs 1245 crore
Among the above, Modi Rubber sales in all segments is the maximum.
4. 3; MRF sales in truck & bus segment = (6000) (17)/(100) = Rs 1020 crore.
5. 1; Apollos sales in 1994-95 = (1245)/(1.25) = Rs 996 crore.
6. 2; 18.7% is the overall share of Car segment and Two- and Three-Wheeler segment. Therefore as
per the method of alligation discussed in theory part:
18.7% is the weighted mean of 21.3% and 16.9% .
Car Segment Two- and Three-Wheelers Segment
21.3% 16.9%
1.8 2.6
9 : 13
Now, total sales of the Two- and Three-Wheeler Segment is greater than that of the Car seg-
13K 9K 400
Required % = 100 44.4%
9K 9
7. 3; Average annual spending per household on clothing in India during 2001-2002
= 2500 12 = Rs. 1200.
Average annual spending per household on clothing in Singapore during 2001-2002
= 19000 12 = Rs. 9120.

Difference = 9120 - 1200 = Rs. 7920.
Alternative Method:
Since percentage shares of spending on clothes are the same,
4 4
difference = (19000 - 2500) 12 = 16500 12 = Rs 7920.
100 100
8. 1; Household savings in Singapore and Thailand are 14% and 3% of household income respec-
Ratio of total household savings in Thailand and Singapore during 2001 -2002
= Ratio of % of household savings Ratio of average household income
3 9500 3

= = 0.107, i.e. 10.7% .
14 19000 28

9. 4; Average monthly spending per household on education in Thailand = 9500 = Rs 855.
Average monthly spending per household on health in India = 2500 = Rs 125.
855 125
Required % = 100 584 %
The former is 584% = (6.84 1) 100) more than the latter.

10. 3; Number of households in Thailand next year = 8 1.15 = 9.20 crores.

Average monthly salary per household next year = 9500 0.87 = Rs 8265.
Total monthly expenditure on rent and utilities next year
= 8265 9.20 Rs 7600 crores.
11. 4; Statement (1) is false as for Thailand, average monthly expenditure per household on food and
beverages is maximum.
Statement (2) is false as total annual household expenditure on health is maximum for Singapore.
Statement (3) is definitely false for India.
12. 1; Nos. of households in India and Thailand are in the ratio 17 : 8.
Monthly incomes per household in India and Thailand are in the ratio 2.5 : 9.5 = 5 : 19
17 5 0.04 8 19 0.09 100 3.4 13.68 100 7.2%
Required % =
17 5 8 19 237
13. 2; Total number of units sold by the given companies
= 248.23 + 91.63 + 76.22 + 14.04 + 12.47 + 12.38 + 10.07 + 8.34 + 7.69 + 1.12
= 482.19 = 482190
Total number of units sold = 484000.
Cars sold by companies other than those given in the chart = 484000 - 482190 = 1810.
14. 3;
Sales in 2002 (in '000)
Maruti Udyog Ltd 192.42
Hyundai Motors India Ltd 75.1
Tata Motors Ltd 51.85
Ford India Ltd 10.71
General Motors Ltd 5.74

Honda Seil Cars India Ltd 9.52
Hindustan Motors Ltd 13.25
Fiat India Pvt Ltd 22.54
Toyota Kirloskar Motors Pvt Ltd 0.26
Daimer-Chrysler India Pvt Ltd 0.73
Total 382.12
15. 3; Sales of Ford India Ltd in 2004 = 14.04 1.31 = 18.3924

Sale of Hindustan Motors Ltd in 2004 = 10.07 0.76 = 7.6532
Difference = 18392 - 7653 = 10739.
16. 1; Refering to the table from soln of Q 14 we can find that only 6 companies managed to sell more
than 10000 cars in year 2002.
17. 3; In 2003, combined sales of Hindustan Motors Ltd, Ford India Ltd and Hyundai Motors Ltd
= 10.07 + 14.04 + 91.63 = 115.74
Combined sale of General Motors Ltd, Fiat India Pvt Ltd and Tata Motors Ltd
= 12.47 + 8.34 + 76.22 = 97.03
115 .74
Required % = 100 = 119.28 120%
97 .03
5 4 3 2 6 660
18. 1; Required percentage increase = 25 40 15 30 60 33 %
20 20 20 20 20 20
19. 2; 19% increase is the weighted mean of 40% and 15% . The base year is 2001.
40% 15%
34 21
Required ratio of sales of companies B and C in year 2001 = 34 : 21.
20. 4; Since, sales of company in year 2001 is not given. Hence, data inadequate.
Practice Exercise 14
Directions (Q. 1-4): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Out of 100 people who took CAT last year, 3 got a call from IIM - A, 7 from IIM - B, 13 from IIM - C
and 17 from one or more of the other IIMs (L, K and I). Every person who had a call from IIMs A, B & C
also had a call from one of the other IIMs (L, K & I). Only one person was lucky enough to get a call from
A, B and C. 5 people had calls from both B and C, and nobody had a call from only A and C. 2 people had
calls from both A & B.
1. How many people had a call from IIM - C, but not from A or B?
1) 10 2) 9 3) 8 4) 7
2. How many people received a call from any one or more of the IIMs L, K & I but not from A, B and C?
1) None 2) 1 3) 3 4) Data insufficient
3. In all, how many people received calls from the IIMs?
1) 17 2) 18 3) 20 4) 33
4. What is the minimum number of people who have received calls from at least 3 IIMs?
1) 1 2) 2 3) 5 4) 6

Directions (Q. 5-8): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
The following pie charts give the data regarding the world-wide tea and coffee production for the
year 1999-2000.

Tea in m n tonnes Coffee in m n tonnes

(Total 685 m n tonnes) (Total 408 m n tonnes)

Sri Brazil 19%
Lanka 24%
22% Sri Lanka
China India 21%
25% 22% China

Price movement of tea and coffee (US $ per tonne)








Coffee T ea

5. The tea production of India exceeded its coffee production by ...... % .

1) 60 2) 54 3) 75 4) 82
6. The average value of Japans tea production during 1999-2000 was ....... (in billion US $).
1) 35.5 2) 26.25 3) 40.25 4) Cant be determined
7. If 30% of the worlds tea and 20% of the worlds coffee was produced in the month of May then the
value of production of these two commodities for the month of May would be ....... (in billions of US
1) 396 2) 356 3) 508 4) 459
8. Brazils tea production exceeded that of Indonesia and Japan put together by ........ % .
1) 200 2) 156 3) 240 4) 298
Directions (Q. 9-11) Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.
Volum e grow th (%)
50 B - Segment C - Segment

40 42

20 15

10 6
0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003

All the models under a particular segment follow the same trend as that of the entire segment.
M odel price (Rs lakh) 2001 2003

Maruti Esteem
Tata Indigo
Ford Ikon
Hyundai Accent
Honda City
Mitsubishi Lancer
9. The volume of Ford Ikon cars is 670000 in 1999. Then, what is the collective cost of all Ford Ikons
in year 2001?
1) Rs 8044625 lakh 2) Rs 4480625 lakh 3) Rs 44506150 lakh 4) Rs 804462 lakh
10. If for Maruti 800, which is a segment B car, the volume is 530000 in 1999, then what is the
difference between the volumes of Maruti 800s and Ford Ikons in year 2002? (Refer data from
previous question.)
1) 186000 2) 219800 3) 161000 4) 147000
11. If the volume of B segment cars is the same as that of C segment cars in 1999 as well as in 2004
and there is no increase in the volume of B segment cars in 2004, then what must be the in-
crease in the volume of C segment cars in 2004?
1) 22.22% 2) 36.66% 3) 43.33% 4) 30.73%
Directions (Q. 12-15): Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.
The number of students in five Engineering Colleges P, Q, R, S and T is 20 boys and 20 girls each.
The table gives the average marks obtained by each boy and girl in five subjects from these colleges.
Subject M ax. Colleges
M arks P Q R S T
Physics 200 145 170 160 150 120 130 165 170 155 160
Applied Mechanics 200 100 110 90 100 100 110 100 90 130 120
Mathematics 200 120 110 95 85 130 130 75 80 130 135
Computer 200 105 125 110 120 115 115 85 90 140 135
Electronics 200 100 100 100 70 110 100 100 110 120 130
12. In which of the following subjects did girls have the highest average marks?
1) Computer 2) Electronics 3) Mathematics 4) Physics
13. Which of the following Engineering colleges has the least pooled average (of boys and girls) in all
1) S 2) P 3) Q 4) R
14. Which of the following Enginnering colleges has the highest difference between the marks scored

by the girls in Mathematics and that by the boys in Applied Mechanics?
1) Q 2) P 3) R 4) S
15. What was the difference between the Mathematics marks of boys of college P and girls of
college R?
1) 120 2) 130 3) 100 4) None of these
Directions (Q. 16-20): Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.
Salary range for an organisation for all male and female employees

Range (in Rs) M ales Females

Salary < 3000 70 45

3000 < Salary < 5000 140 90
5000 < Salary < 8000 48 28
8000 < Salary < 12000 16 8
12000 < Salary < 20000 9 3
20000 < Salary 3 1
16. What is the approximate average monthly income of males in the organisation?
1) Rs 6248 2) Rs 5840 3) Rs 7102 4) Data Insufficient
17. What is the minimum average monthly income (approximately) of the female employees who do
not earn less than Rs 3000?
1) Rs 4077 2) Rs 3946 3) Rs 4388 4) Data Insufficient
18. What is the ratio of the maximum average monthly salaries of all the male employees to all the
female employees who earn equal?
1) 19 : 10 2) 5 : 4 3) 4.5 : 3.0 4) Data Insufficient
19. What per cent of the total employees earn less than Rs 12000 but more than or equal to Rs 5000 as
their monthly salary?
1) 17.4% 2) 21.7% 3) 19.8% 4) Data Insufficient
20. Which of the following cannot be deduced from the given data?
1) On an average, out of 66 employees in the organisation approximately 25 are females.
2) Less than 3% employees of the organisation earn more than Rs 20000 per month.
3) Majority of the employees earn more than or equal to Rs. 3000 but less than or equal to Rs 5000
as per months salary.
4) Both (1) and (2)
Answers and explanations

1 1 1

0 4

1. 3; 8 people had a call from IIM-C, but not from A or B.
2. 2; From the figure nA B C = 16
All these people got a call from one of L, K, I
Total who received call from L, K, I = 17 17 16 = 1 person received a call from one of L, K and
I and not from A, B or C. Hence (2).

3. 1; Since every person who received calls from A, B, or C also received calls from L, K and I and the
total from L, K, I is 17, it follows that in all only 17 people received calls.
4. 4; All those who received a call from more than one of IIMs A, B and C, also received a call from at
least one among L, K, and I. This is the minimum number of people receiving calls from at least
three IIMs.
1 (A, B, and C) + 1(A and B) + 4(B and C) = 6 people minimum.
5. 3; Tea production in India = 22% of 685 = 151
Coffee production in India = 21% of 408 86.
151 86
Required percentage = 100 75 %

6. 4; Since we do not know which months tea was produced and sold in Japan, average value cannot
be determined. Hence, (4)
7. 4; (30% of 685 1400) + (20% of 408 2100)
(30 700 14) + (20 400 21) = (294000 + 168000) million $
= 462000 106 $ = $462 billion. The nearest option is 459.
8. 3; Brazils tea production = 24% of 685
Indonesia and Japans tea production = 7% of 685
24 7%
of 685
243% .
% excess = 7% of 685
9. 2; Volume of Ford Ikon in 1999 is 670000
Volume in 2000 = 670000 1.25 = 837500
Volume in 2001 = 837500 1.00 = 837500
So, total cost of all Ford Ikons = 837500 5.35 = Rs 4480625 lakhs.
10. 2; From the previous question,
volume of Ford Ikon in 2001 = 837500
and volume of Ford Ikon in 2002 = 837500 1.15 = 963125
Volume of Maruti 800 in 2002 = 530000 1.5 0.85 1.1 = 743325
So, required difference = 963125 - 743325 = 219800
11. 4; Let the volume in 1999 be 100 for both the segments.
Volume of B segment cars in 2004 = 100 1.5 0.85 1.1 1.42 1.00 = 199.155 = 199
Let percentage increase in the volume of segment C cars be x in 2004.
x 1 x
Volume of C segment cars in 2004 = 100 1.25 1.00 1.15 1.06 1 100 = 152

Equating the volumes, 1521 199 x 30.92% .
Note: Use the multiplying factor where necessary.
12. 4; Average marks obtained by girls from all Engineering colleges is as follows:
1 1
Average marks in Physics = (170 150 130 170 160 ) = (780 ) 156
5 5
Similarly, average marks in Applied Mechanics = 106, Mathematics = 108, Computer = 117 and
Electronics = 102.
Hence, the average is highest for Physics.
13. 1;
Enginnering Average M arks of Average M arks of P ooled Average
Colleges Boys Girls M arks
P 114 123 118.5



The minimum pooled average marks is from college S.


14. 3; 130 100 = 30 is the highest difference in college R.


15. 4; Required difference = (130 120) 20 = 200.

16. 4; Unless we know the exact salary of the employees, we cant calculate the average salary.
17. 1; As we are talking about the minimum average salary, we will assume the minimum value of
the range for each group. For example, 90 females will have Rs 3000 as the minimum salary
and 28 female employees will have Rs 5000 as the minimum salary.
90 3000 28 5000 8 8000 3 12000 1 20000
Rs 4077
90 28 8 3 1
18. 4; We do not know exact salaries of those 3 male employees and 1 female employee who earn more
than Rs 20000. So we cant say anything about this.
19. 4; Total no. of employees = 461
No. of employees who earn more than or equal to 5000 but less than 12000
= 48 + 28 + 16 + 8 = 100
required % = 100 21 .7%
20. 3; There are 286 male employees and 175 female employees in the company. (1) and (2) are easily
inferred from the data but (3) is not, as we cannot find the number of employees earning more
than or equal to 3000 but less than or equal to 5000.
Practice Exercise 15
Directions (Q. 1-6): These questions are based on the following information.
Use data from previous questions if required.
The bar-graph gives the amount spent by India on defence equipment purchase over different
years. The values mentioned above are in US dollars. For fighter planes and Others, the values are in
crores while, the values for AK-47 guns and tankers are in lakhs.
4000 Fighter Planes Tankers AK-47 guns Others

1985 1990 1995 2000

The following table gives the sources of Indias purchase of defence equipment for the year 1995.

Country Value of Purchase (in billion US $)

Russia 12
Sweden 3
North Korea 2

Britain 2
Others 1.34
The following pie-chart gives the breakup of expenditure (in billion US $) involved in purchase of
different fighter planes in the year 2000.




3 Mig-29
1. The average price of all the purchased fighter planes combined together is $20 million in 1985.
The average price of a plane increases by $1 million every year. What is the increase in the no. of
fighter planes bought in 2000 as compared to 1985?
1) 300 2) 350 3) 400 4) Indeterminable
2. Sukhoi is a fighter plane bought only from Russia. In 2000, price of a Sukhoi becomes $50 million
after witnessing an increase of 25% over its 1995 value. The expenditure on Sukhoi in 2000 also
increased by 33.3% over the expenditure in 1995. The no. of Sukhoi aircraft purchased in year
1995 is what percentage of the total number of Sukhoi aircraft purchased in year 2000?
1) 79.5% 2) 84.25% 3) 93.75% 4) Indeterminable
3. What is the average price of all other aircraft excluding Sukhoi in 1995?
1) $ 20 m 2) $ 24 m 3) $ 30 m 4) Indeterminable
4. In the year 2000, 60% of the amount spent under Others was utilized for importing electric
fencing equipment for the Indian border with its neighbouring countries. India has a land border
of 10000 km with its neighbouring countries, of which 30% is land bordering with Pakistan. Fur-
ther, installation, maintenance, labour and other charges of Rs 5 million per km were required.
What was the total amount spent on the entire process of fencing the Indo-Pak border? (Given 1
US $ = Rs 45)
1) Rs 6.9 billion 2) $ 6.9 billion 3) $ 6.06 billion 4) $ 5.73 billion
5. In 2000, purchases from Britain increased by 50% . So, what per cent of total purchases is done
from Britain in the year 2000?
1) 5.5% 2) 6.5% 3) 8% 4) 10%

6. The AK-47 is a fast and light machine gun. For every purchase of an AK-47, 1000 rounds of free
bullets are distributed as a complimentary gift. The price of an AK-47 is $ 0.016 million in 1990.
How many free bullets were obtained for free in the year 1990?
1) 5 million 2) 5 lakhs 3) 4 million 4) 4 lakhs

Directions (Q. 7-11): These questions are based on the following pie-charts.

Noodles: Market Size Cheese: M arket Size Ketchup: Market Size

Rs 350 crores Rs 115 crores Rs 61 crores
Vadilal Verka Others
11% 9% 15%

Ramen Vijaya Others
20% 14% 5% Maggi
Maggi 45%

7. In the chart of cheese, what is the difference Amul

between the central angles formed by Amul and
1) 180 2) 186 3) 189 4) 178
8. A town named Khanapur is exactly representative of the total market for these products, except
that it is one-thousandth the size of the total market. If it has a population of 52000 people, what
is the average total per capita expenditure (in Rupees) on these three items?
1) 97 2) 110 3) 105 4) 101
9. The elders in Khanapur recalled that a couple of decades ago, when the population of the town was
just 30000 (present population = 52000), they used to spend Rs 125 per capita for these items as
well as bread. At that time, the total market share of bread must have been ______ lakh rupees.
Assume per capita expenses growth at 1% p.a.
1) 7.15 2) 7.51 3) 8.15 4) Indeterminable
10. If Kissan diversified into the Noodles market, capturing 15% of the market held by Maggi, what
would be the share of Kissan in the entire food market given (Rs crores)?
1) 75 2) 65 3) 70 4) 72
11. If Maggi produces Superior and Ordinary types of its products - noodles and ketchup - in the ratio
of 3 : 2 and 7 : 3 respectively, find the total market share (in Rupees crore) of the Ordinary type of
products of Maggi.
1) 119.3 2) 124.3 3) 109.3 4) 115.3

Directions (Q. 12-14): These questions are based on the following bar graph. Data from ques-
tions may be used in subsequent questions.
The FMCG com pany incentive pay

Incentives to Sales Force Incentives to w orkers

% of net profit



1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

12. If the total incentive given to workers and the sales force in 1991 was Rs 14 lakhs what was the
net profit of the company in that year?
1) Rs 50 lakh 2) Rs 1 crore 3) Rs 90 lakh 4) Rs 1.5 crore
13. In 1992 the net profit increased by 25% over the previous year. What was the amount (in Rs lakhs)
disbursed by way of incentives to the workers?
1) 13.5 2) 14.5 3) 15.625 4) 16.5
14. In 1993 the net profit increases by 20% over the previous year. If each member of the sales force

received Rs 10000 by way of incentive, how many people constituted the sales force?
1) 42 2) 52 3) 62 4) 72
Directions (Q. 15-17): The following pie-charts show the Exports and Imports of India. Refer to
the graphs to answer the questions that follow.

EC 41%
Others 25% Japan
33% 8%

Japan 16% 12%
10% EC

Exports from India Imports to India

15. Out of the total exports to Russia, the export earnings from watches amounted to US $ 1.5 million.
So Indias total imports are more than its exports. This statement
1) is true 2) is false
3) requires data on total exports to Russia 4) is uncertain
16. If 50% of the exports to Japan now get diverted to the EC, then the exports to EC would increase by
20% . This statement
1) is true 2) is false
3) requires data on exports to Japan and EC 4) is uncertain
17. If total exports are one-tenth the total imports, what is the deficit in Indias trade with Japan as a
percentage of trade deficit with Russia?
1) 59% 2) 63% 3) 159% 4) uncertain
Directions (Q. 18-20): The following table shows the marks obtained by 100 students in Maths,
Science and the average of the two subjects.

M arks obtained out of 100

0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
Maths 9 13 17 38 23
Science 12 16 18 32 22
Average of the two subjects 11 17 19 34 19

18. Find the number of students who got 60% or more marks in both subjects.
1) 15 2) 61 2) 53 3) Cant be determined
19. If to qualify in the examination one has to secure a minimum of 60% marks in either of the
subjects, find the least number of students who have qualified the examination.
1) 53 2) 54 3) 61 4) Cant be determined
20. If to qualify in the examination one has to secure a minimum of 60% marks in both subjects, find
the maximum number of students who have qualified the examination.
1) 15 2) 54 3) 32 4) 53

Answers and explanations

1. 3; In 1985, amount spent on fighter planes is $ 400 crore = $ 4000 million. So, no. of planes bought
= 200 . In 2000, average price becomes $ 35 m (increase of $ 1 m per year from 1985). In
2000, amount spent on fighter planes = 2100 crores = 21000 million. So, no. of planes bought =
= 600. So, increase in the no. of planes bought = 600 200 = 400.

2. 3; In 1995, the average price of Sukhoi aircraft = 50 40 million
100 25
In 1995, total amount spent on Sukhoi aircraft
= 8 billion = 6 billion US $ = 6000 million US $

Total number of Sukhoi aircraft purchased = 150
And, the total number of Sukhoi aircraft purchased in year 2000 = 160 million
Required % = 100 93 .75 % .
3. 2; In 1995, spending on other planes = $ 12b $ 6b = $ 6b. Other aircraft bought = 400 150 = 250
(from previous solution).
Hence, average price of other planes = = $ 24 m.
4. 4; In 2000, total amount spent on Others is $ 30b. 60% of 30 = $ 18 b is spent on purchasing
electric fencing equipment. Equipment required for fencing Pakisan border with India = 30% of
$ 18 b = $ 5.4 billion.
Land border with pakistan = 30% of 10000 = 3000 km
So, other costs = Rs 3000 5 million = Rs 15000 million = Rs 15 billion
=$ = US $ 0.33 billion.
So, total costs = 5.4 + 0.33 = $ 5.73 b.
5. 1; In 1995, purchase from Britain = $ 2b.
It increased by 50% , so purchase from Britain becomes $ 3b for 2000.
In 2000, total purchases = 21b + 0.4b + 0.12b + 30b = $ 51.52b.
So, required % = 100 approx. < 6% = 5.5% .

6. 1; In 1990, no. of AK-47 bought =
m = 5000.

So, no. of free bullets = 5000 10 3 = 5 million bullets.

7. 1; Amul and Vadilal hold 61% and 11% of the cheese market respectively. This is a difference of
50% , ie a difference of 180 between the respective central angles.
8. 4; The total market for cheese, ketchup and noodles is 526 crores. Khanapur has a market which

the total market, ie 52.6 lakhs. As the population of Khanapur is 52000, the average

total per capita expenditure is 101.15.
9. 4; The rate of expansion is not given. Therefore we cant calculate the total market share.
10. 3; If Kissan diversified into the noodles market and captured 15% of Maggies share, Kissans total
share would be (45% 61) + (15% of 80% 350) = 27.45 + 42 = 69.45.
11. 1; Maggies market share for ketchup and noodles is 40% 61 = 24.4 and 80% 350 = 280 respec-
tively. The share of ordinary ketchup is 24 .4 7.32 and the share of ordinary noodles is
280 112 . So the total market share of ordinary products is 119.3.
12-14: From the data given we can deduce the following information:

Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

% P to sales force 2% 2.5% 2.75% 4% 6% 8%
% P to workers 12% 12.5% 12.75% 13% 13.5% 13.5%
Total % P 14% 15% 15.5% 17% 19.5% 21.5%

12. 2; In 1991, 14% of profit amounted to Rs 14 lakhs. So total profit was Rs 1 crore.
13. 3; In 1992 net profit increased by 25% and amounted to Rs 1.25 crores. The amount dispersed to
workers is 12.5% , ie Rs 15.625 lakhs.
14. 1; In 1993 net profit increased by 20% to become Rs 1.25 1.2 = 1.5 crores and the number of
2.75 % of 1.5 crore
people in the sales force = 42
15. 4; It is not possible to calculate either Indias total imports or its total exports. So, the validity of
the given statement cannot be determined. Option (3) also cant be the answer as not only total
exports to Russia, but also total imports from it should be known. So, it is uncertain.
16. 1; If 50% of exports to Japan, ie 5% of the total exports, are diverted to the EC, the exports to the EC
become 30% of total exports. This is an increase of 20% . So, the given statement is true.
17. 3; Let imports be = 1000y; then exports = 100y. Trade deficit with Japan = 80y 10y. Trade deficit
with Russia = 60y 16y. So, trade deficit as % = 44y 100 160% .

18. 4; The particular student who got 60% or more marks in Maths may or may not get 60% or more
marks in Science. Hence we cant find the number of students who got 60% or more marks in
both subjects.
Therefore, data inadequate.
19. 3; The number of students who got 60% or more marks in any one subject qualifies the examina-

Therefore, the least number of students who have qualified the examination = 38 + 23 = 61.
20. 2; For maximum number of students to get 60% or more marks in both subjects, 32 + 22 = 54
students who got 60% or more marks in Science must get 60% or more marks in Maths.

Practice Exercise 16
Directions (Q. 1-5): These questions are based on the following information.
The following table gives information about the total mineral extraction in India (in thousand
tonnes) for different years.

Year Total Minerals extracted Iron and Coal extracted

1989 220000 22000
1990 250000 25000
1991 270000 32400
1992 230000 32200
1993 240000 24000
1994 240000 21600

1995 220000 33000
1996 240000 38400
1997 240000 43200
1998 220000 35200
1999 250000 45000
1. In which year was the percentage of iron and coal extracted with respect to the total minerals
extracted exactly twice that in 1994?
1) 1997

2) 1999
3) Both (1) and (2)
4) Neither (1) nor (2)
2. In which year was the total minerals extracted 900% more than iron and coal extracted in the
previous year?
1) 1993 2) 1994
3) 1995 4) 1996
3. How many times was the percentage share of iron and coal extraction with respect to the total
mineral extraction a multiple of three?
1) 6 2) 5
3) 4 4) 3
4. What is the average percentage share of iron and coal extracted with respect to the total minerals
extracted, for the given period?
1) 13.4% 2) 14.4%
3) 15.4% 4) 16.4%
5. How many times has the iron and coal extraction, as a percentage of the total mineral extraction,
shown a decline over the previous year?
1) Once 2) Twice
3) Thrice 4) Four times
Directions (Q. 6-9): These questions are based on the following bar graphs. These show the
passenger fares for daily services from Mumbai (in Rs).
Tata Airlines 1948









Indian Airlines 1998








6. The total fares from Mumbai to those places to which Tata Airlines did have a flight but Indian
Airlines does not, is what % of the total of fares of Tata Airlines from Mumbai to all places?
1) 20%
3) 32%
2) 10%
4) 42%
7. The total fares of flights of Tata Airlines from Mumbai to other cities in India in 1948 form what
per cent of the total fares of Indian Airlines from Mumbai to other cities in India?
1) 6%
3) 9%
2) 8%
4) 10%
8. If the annual simple rate of inflation is 7.5% , how would the fare from Mumbai to Calcutta by Tata
Airlines compare with its counterpart Indian Airlines? (Assume the rate of inflation to be con-
stant for all years)
1) Indian Airlines fare would be 4.5 times the Tata Airlines fare.
2) Indian Airlines fare would be 3.5 times the Tata Airlines fare.
3) Tata Airlines fare would be 5.5 times the Indian Airlines fare.
4) Tata Airlines fare would be 3.5 times the Indian Airlines fare.
9. Indian Airlines declared a discount of 37.5% on the fares for any person who travelled from Mumbai
to all other places in India where they have flights, within a period of one year. What will such a
person effectively have to pay (in Rs)?
1) 15000 2) 13000
3) 17000 4) 19000
Directions (Q. 10-13): These are based on the following bar graph.
(Number of Industrial Townships in 1978 is 1,60,000)

Work Force in China

% of total employment

40 1978 1991
State Enterprises Collective Urban Collectives Industrial Tow nship Private

10. Which was the first year when people were employed in private enterprises?
1) 1978 2) 1991 3) 1989 4) Indeterminable
11. If it is known that the total work force in China increases at a simple rate of 10% per annum,

then by what per cent does the number of people employed in the Urban Collectives change?
1) 150 2) 190 3) 250 4) Indeterminable
12. It can be inferred that, in absolute terms,
1) Collective agriculture has lost its charm for the work force.
2) Collective agriculture remains at the 1978 level, in terms of attracting the work force.
3) Collective agriculture has succeeded in attracting a larger work force in 1991 than in 1978.
4) None of the above can be inferred
13. How many new industrial townships have been set up in China from 1978 to 1991?
1) 150 2) 1500 3) 15000 4) Indeterminable

Directions (Q. 14-18): The following radar graphs show the Trade Growth (in $ billion) of World
and of China from the previous year for the years 1977 to 1985. Refer to the graphs to answer the
questions that follow.
1977 1977
300 600
1985 250 1978 1985 500 1978
200 400
150 300
100 200
1984 50 1979 1984 100 1979
0 0

1983 1980 1983 1980

1982 1981 1982 1981

World China

14. If the total trade of the World in the year 1976 is $ 5267 billion, what will it be in the year 1985?
1) $ 6176 billion 2) $ 6967 billion 3) $ 6965 billion 4) $ 6987 billion
15. If the total trade of China in the year 1979 is $ 1200 billion, what will it be in the year 1985?
1) $ 3456 billion 2) $ 3786 billion 3) $ 3954 billion 4) $ 3450 billion
16. What is the ratio of the total World trade to the total trade of China in the year 1985, if the total
trade of the World in 1976 is $ 5267 billion and the total trade of China in 1979 is $ 1200 billion?
1) 2 : 1 2) 3 : 1
3) 2 : 3 4) 3 : 2
17. Average world trade growth is what per cent more or less than the average trade growth of China
during the entire shown period?
1) more, 25% 2) less, 30%
3) less, 39% 4) more, 35%
18. What is the per cent increase in trade growth of China in the year 1980 over that of the same in
1) 70% 2) 10%
3) 17% 4) 80%
Directions (Q. 19-22): The following graphs show the cost of different weapons (in Rs crores) in
the year 1999. Refer to the graphs to answer the questions that follow.

Cost in year 1999 (in Rs crores)


Cost per unit

1500 1200
600 320
T-72 Smersh multi- Medium tow ed Unmanned aerial Weapon- Medium self-
barrel rocket guns vehicle mark-2 locating radars propelled guns

Cost in year 1999 (in Rs crores)
Cost per unit

200 80 200
100 10 10
Kamal anti-tank Air target Thermal imaging Assault rifles Anti-mine Global
guided missiles trainers system boosts positioning

19. India purchased 22 T-72 tanks from Russia in 1991. 10 T-72 tanks were destroyed in Kargil war
and India sold 8 T-72 tanks to Sri Lanka at Rs 5500 crore per tank. India has returned the
remaining tanks to Russia and got Rs. 300 crore per tank. On maintenance of each tank, India
spent an amount similar to their cost in 1999. The total profit/loss % for India, if India purchased
these tanks from Russia at Rs, 1000 crore per tank, is
1) 25.4% loss 2) 31.0% loss
3) 35.8% loss 4) 39.2% loss
20. India made 48 Weapon-locating radars in the year 1999 and sold 12 radars to Nepal on 20% profit,
6 radars to Australia on 16% profit, and 13 radars to Zimbabwe on 17% loss, and kept the remain-
ing radars for self-use. What was the profit/loss of India?
1) 3.2% profit
2) 3.3% loss
3) 4.0% loss
4) 4.2% profit
21. Which of the following statements is/are true for the graph?
I. The cost of the Air target trainers is approximately 1/5 of the cost of Assault rifles.
II. The cost of Anti-mine boost is double the cost of Global positioning system.
III. The cost of Smersh multi-barrel rocket launcher is thrice the cost of Thermal imaging sys-
1) Statement II only
2) Statements I and II
3) Statements II and III
4) Statements I and III
22. In the condition of sudden attack on India, Indian military is in need of 27 T-72 tanks, 6 Smersh
multi-barrel rocket launchers, 12000 Medium towed guns, 2 Thermal imaging systems and 100

Anti-mine boosts. What is the approximate cost the Indian military will have to pay for the above
1) Rs 14484800 crores 2) Rs 14464480 crores
3) Rs 14644800 crores 4) Rs 14464400 crores

Answers and explanations

1. 3; In 1994, the % of iron and coal extraction w.r.t. total mineral extraction = 100 = 9% .

In 1997, the % of iron and coal extraction w.r.t. total mineral extraction = 100 18 % .
In 1999, the % of iron and coal extraction w.r.t. total mineral extraction = 100 18 % .
In both cases, its twice the required % in 1994.
2. 2; Look for the values of total mineral extraction in a year, when it is ten times the value of iron
and coal extraction in the previous year.
In 1994, total mineral extraction = 240000.
In 1993, iron and coal extraction = 24000. So, total mineral extraction is more than iron and
240000 24000
coal extraction by 100 900 % .
3. 2; The % share of iron and coal extraction in total mineral extraction is a multiple of 3 in five
cases. In 1991 (12% ), 1994 (9% ), 1995 (15% ), 1997 (18% ), 1999 (18% ).
4. 1; The total iron and coal extraction after adding all the values = 352000.
The total mineral extraction after adding all the values = 2620000.
So, required % = 100 = 13.4 approx.
5. 3; After calculating the percentage share for every year, its seen that the decline occurs thrice: in
1993 (14% to 10% ), 1994 (10% to 9% ), 1998 (18% to 16% ).
Tata Indian
Ahmedabad 70 1700
Bhavnagar 60 1400
Calcutta 230 4800
Cochin 210
Colombo 250
Delhi 150 3600
Hyderabad 90 2400
Karachi 160 2600
Madras 160 3400
Porbandar 70
Trivandrum 240 4000

Total 1690 23900
6. 3; Tata Airlines total fare was 1690.
The fare for Colombo, Porbandar and Cochin was (250 + 70 + 210) = 530. This formed around
31% of the total fare.
7. 1; Indian Airlines total fare to cities in India was 21300. Tata Airlines total fare to cities in India
was 1280. This amount was around 6% of the fare of Indian Airlines.
8. 1; If the simple rate of inflation is 7.5% , it means that we have to pay 7.5% more over the previous
years fare. Since it is simple rate of inflation, the increase in fare every year would remain the
same. So, we can use the Simple Interest formula to calculate the total increase in price in 50
years for Tata Airlines.

In 1948, for Tata Airlines, the Mumbai-Calcutta fare was 230
Total increase = 230 50 = 862.5.
So, the fare now becomes 230 + 862.5 = Rs 1092.50.
In 1998, Indian Airlines Mumbai-Calcutta fare is 4800, which is around 4.5 times the fare
charged by Tata Airlines.
9. 1; A person travelling to all other places in the year has to pay a total of Rs 23900. A person
23900 = 15000.
availing of the 37.5% discount will have to pay just 62.5% of the total fare, ie
10. 4; Although we can definitely say that the people were employed in Private Enterprises after 1978
and before or in 1991, we do not have data prior to 1978 and intermediate years data. So, cannot
be determined.

11. 3; Let total work force in 1978 be n. Then in 1991, it will be = n 100 13 years n = 2.3n. So,

people employed in urban collectives in 1978 = 0.04n; in 1991 = 0.06 2.3n = 0.138n.

0.138n 0.04n 9.8

So change = 100 % % 245 %
0 .04n 0.04
12. 4; Option (1) does not define charm which may have different interpretations. If it means the
percentage of populace, collective agriculture is still the largest employer. Options (2) and (3)
require the actual total work force figures, which are not aailable. So, none of the given state-
ments can be inferred in absolute terms.
13. 4; The number of Industrial Townships in 1978 is known. But that for 1991 is not known (this
couldve been determined if we had data for total work force in 1991). Hence, cannot be deter-
14. 2; Total trade of World in year 1976 = $ 5267 billion.
So it will be in year 1985 = 5267 + 100 + 150 + 175 + 175 + 150 + 200 + 225 + 250 + 275
= $ 6967 billion
15. 4; Total trade of China in year 1979 = $ 1200 billion.
Trade of China in year 1985 = 1200 + 275 + 275 + 300 + 350 + 500 + 550 = $ 3450 billion
16. 1; From questions 14 and 15, we know that the total trade of World in year 1985 = $ 6967 billion
and the total trade of China in year 1985 = $ 3450 billion. Hence, the ratio = 1 : 1/2 (approxi-
or 2 : 1.
100 150 175 175 150 200 225 250 275
17. 3; Average world trade growth = 188.89 190

Average trade growth of China
100 200 250 275 275 300 350 500 550
= 31111
. 310
310 190
Required per cent = 100 39%
(275 250) 100
18. 2; Percentage growth in trade of China in 1980 = 10%
19. 3; The total cost (purchase + maintenance) of T-72 Tanks = (22 1000) +(22 2200)

= 22000 + 48400 = Rs 70400 crores.
The total earning = 8 5500 + 4 300 = 44000 + 1200 = Rs 45200 crores.
70400 45200 100
100 35 .8% .
Hence the loss % =
70400 70400
20. 2; Total cost = 48 320 = Rs 15360 crores.
12 320 120 6 320 116 13 320 83 320
Total earning = + 1440 696 1079
100 100 100 100
= Rs 10288 crores.
15360 10288
Loss percentage = 100 3.3% .
21. 4; I: The cost of Air target trainers = Rs 160 approximately.
The cost of Assault rifles = Rs 800 approximately. Hence, the cost of the Air target trainers is
th of the cost of Assault rifles. Statement I is true.
II: By visualising the graph,
the cost of Anti-mine boost is equal to that of the Global positioning system. Statement II is
III: The cost of Smersh multi-barrel rocket launcher = Rs 600 crores approximately.
The cost of Thermal imaging system = Rs 200 crores (approximately).
Hence, the cost of Smersh multi-barrel rocket launcher is thrice that of the Thermal imaging
Statement III is true.
Quicker Approach: Check the 1st condition and get the answer.
22. 4; The cost that Indian military have to pay
= (27 2200) + (6 600) + (12000 1200) + (2 200) + (100 10)
= 59400 + 3600 + 14400000 + 400 + 1000 = Rs 14464400 crores.

Practice Exercise 17

Directions (Q. 1-5): The following bar graphs shows the number of employment provided by
both public and private sectors in different industries in the year 1985, 1990 and 1995. While
the pie charts show the percentage of employment provided by both private and public sectors in
different industries in the year 2000. Refer to the graphs to answer the questions that follow.
Figure within brackets indicate the total for the corresponding year.
Public Sector Public Sector (20000)
Agricultural Mining Iron
4% Mining
Health Trading Transport



6000 12%










1000 15%
1985 (10611) 1990 (12706) 1995 (14467)

Private Sector Private Sector (10000)

Agricultural Iron Trading

Transport Agricultural
Services Mining Health
2% Services 12% Mining

18% 4%






1000 4%










1985 (6726) 1990 (6799) 1995 (7559)

1. The increase in employment opportunity in the Iron industry within the public sector from 1985-
95 formed what per cent of the private sector growth over the same period for the same industry?
1) 91% 2) 560% 3) 1785% 4) 112%
2. The number of employed persons in the industry with the largest employment share in the public
sector formed what per cent of the number of employed persons in the industry with the largest
employment share in private sector in 2000?
1) 146.25% 2) 54.5% 3) 183% 4) 192%
3. If 2 out of every 5 of those who were recruited in the public sector in year 2000 were graduates,
how many non-graduates did the public sectors transport industry recruit in that year?
1) 1912 2) 1664 3) 1800 4) 1572
Q. 4-5: Refer to the data given below to answer the questions that follow.
If the values in the year 2000 are taken as base = 100, then the values of Public Sector in the year
2005 are given below. The values of Private Sector are given within the brackets.
Agriculture = 115 (110) Mining = 100 (110)
Iron = 120 (110) Health = 120 (90)
Trading = 80 (105) Transport = 105 (80)
Services = 110 (120)
4. The Health industry in the Private sector has witnessed what per cent growth in employment
from 1990 to 2005?
1) 203% 2) 247% 3) 279% 4) 333%
5. The growth in employment within the services industry in the Private sector in 2005 has wit-
nessed what per cent deviation from the growth within the Iron industry in the Public sector in
1) -25% 2) -16.66% 3) +16.66% 4) +25%
Directions (Q. 6-11): The following line and bar graphs show the number of banking centres in
urban, semi-urban and rural areas of different states in the year 1969. Refer to the graphs to
answer the questions that folow.
Semi-urban Urban
Number of banking centres

Rural 1750
120 1020
100 650
60 460
40 10 60

Jammu &






Jammu &







6. If the banking centres have increased at a steady rate of 35% in all states of India, then what will
be the number of banking centres in Haryana in the year 1975?
1) 4840 2) 4600 3) 5630 4) 3990
7. If Kerala Government decided to increase banking centres in rural areas at 46% per year and in
semi-urban areas at 53% per year, then what will be the total number of banking centres in
Kerala in 1973?

1) 180 2) 150 3) 328 4) 282
8. If in 1969 the average number of banking centres in rural areas of Haryana, J&K, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Bihar, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh is 670, then the number of banking cen-
tres in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh will be:
1) 790 2) 400 3) 820 4) 500
9. In the year 1967, the Government decided to increase the banking centres according to the popu-
lation increase in that particular state. If according to 1971 census, the semi-urban population of
Punjab has increased by 25% from 1969, then what will be the number of banking centres that
the Government has to increase in the year 1971 in semi-urban parts of Punjab?
1) 22 2) 28 3) 50 4) 38
10. Which of the following statements is not true?
1) The number of banking centres in semi-urban areas of Jammu & Kashmir is equal to the
number of banking centres in urban areas of Rajasthan in 1969.
2) The number of banking centres in rural areas of Bihar is equal to the number of banking

centres in urban areas of Haryana in the year 1969.
3) The number of banking centres in rural areas of Rajasthan is almost 2.8 times the number of
banking centres in rural areas of Himachal Pradesh in the year 1969.
4) The number of banking centres in semi-urban areas of Himachal Pradesh is 4 times the num-
ber of banking centres in rural areas of Kerala in 1969.
11. In which of the following states the ratio of rural banking centres to total banking centres the
second lowest?
1) Bihar 2) Punjab 3) Haryana 4) Himachal Pradesh
Directions (Q. 12-15): Refer to the charts below and answer the questions that follow.

The first bar graph gives the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the per capita Gross Domestic Product
(PCGDP) and the Gross Domestic Product in constant dollar value in the year 1990 (GDPC) for the US
in various years. Here, we define PCGDP for any year as follows:
To get the value of the GDP and GDPC in dollars multiply the corresponding value in the bar graph
by 10 8 .
The second bar graph gives the number of people below the poverty level in the US for various
years. The data is given under three categories (i) All, (ii) Whites and (iii) All people of Hispanic origin.
Note that people of Hispanic origin may be whites or blacks.
To get the actual numbers multiply the values in the bar graph by 1000.
80000 45000
40000 All White Hispanic
40000 20000
30000 15000

20000 10000
0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

12. A different calculation for the GDPC takes the base year as 1975; i.e. the value of the dollar in
1975 is taken as 1. Which of the following values will be closest to the GDPC for 2000 based on this
8 8 8 8
1) 10,000 10 dollars 2) 15,000 10 dollars 3) 20,000 10 dollars 4) 25,000 10 dollars
13. In the year 2000, what percentage of the US population was below the poverty level in the US?
1) 10% 2) 16% 3) 20% 4) 25%
Additional information for questions 14 to 15:
Given below are two statements.
S1: The number of people of Hispanic origin below the poverty level increased from 1975 to 2000.
S2: The ratio of the number of people of Hispanic origin below the poverty level to the total number
of people below the poverty level increased from 1975 to 2000.
14. Which of the following is true?
1) Only S1 is true. 2) Only S2 is true.
3) Both S1 and S2 are true. 4) Neither S1 nor S2 is true.
15. Assume that 50% of the people of Hispanic origin below the poverty line were whites in 1995. Let
x be defined as the percentage of whites not of Hispanic origin who are below the poverty line with
respect to the total number of people below the poverty line. For the year 1995, which of the
following values best approximates x?
1) 65% 2) 56% 3) 47% 4) 38%
Directions (Q. 16-19): Refer to the table below and answer the questions that follow.
In the table below, data for five countries is given. The data given is about the population, the
gross domestic product (GDP) and the relative purchasing power (RPP). The RPP for a country is de-
fined as the average ratio of the amount in dollars required to buy a certain item in USA to the
amount in dollars required to buy the same item in that country. Also given are the annual percent-
age growth rates for the population, the GDP and the RPP. The growth rates may be positive or nega-
tive. Assume the following:
1) A positive annual growth rate of 7% of a particular quantity means that the quantity will double
itself in 10 years. A negative annual growth rate of 7% means that the quantity will get halved
in 10 years.
2) The doubling time for positive growth rates is inversely proportional to the growth rate. A simi-
lar result holds for the halving time.
3) For all calculations involving quantities at a later time, assume that the growth rates remain

Population Growth GDP Growth Growth

Country RPP
in million (Popln)% (billion dollars) (GDP)% (RPP )

USA 264 0 6950 2.33 1 0

West Germany 65 0 1476 2.33 1 0

East Germany 15 0 153 7 1.5 0

K India







16. The per capita income (PCI) in dollars of a country is the value of the GDP of the country in dollars
divided by its population. If we arrange the countries in increasing order of their per capita in-
comes, which of the following is correct?
1) Indonesia, West Germany, East Germany
3) Indonesia, India, USA
2) India, USA, West Germany
4) East Germany, West Germany, USA
17. Based on the figures in the table, after how many years will the per capita income of India become

equal to the per capita income of the USA? (Use data from previous question, if required.)
1) between 20 and 40 years 2) between 40 and 60 years
3) between 60 and 80 years 4) more than 80 years
18. Define a quantity called the modified per capita income (MPCI) in dollars as the product of the per
capita income in dollars and the RPP. In how many years will the modified per capita income of
India double itself?
1) 10 years 2) 15 years 3) 20 years 4) 25 years
19. Due to the reunion of West Germany and East Germany per capita GDP of East Germany in-
creased by
1) 87% 2) 91% 3) 95% 4) 100%
Answers and explanations
1. 4; In the iron industry (public sector), increase in employment opportunities from 1985 to 1995
= 1590 795 = 795.

In the Iron industry (private sector), a similar increase = 4678 - 3968 = 710.
Thus the percentage that public sector forms of private sector 795 112 % .
2. 4; Services has the public sectors largest share with 52% of 20000, i.e. 52 10400
Iron industry has the private sectors largest share with 54% of 10000, i.e. 54 = 5400

So, the required percentage = 10400 192 % (approx)
3. 3; If 2 out of every 5 are graduates then 3 out of 5 are non-graduates.
Employment in transport industry of public sector = 15% of 20000 = 3000.
So, that non-graduates recruited in transport industry of public sector = 3000 (3/5) = 1800
4. 4; Private sectors health industry figures in the year 2000 = 10000 (4/100) = 400

In the year 2005 400 90 360 and in the year 1990 = 83

100 100
The percentage increase = (360 - 83) 277 333 % (approx).
83 83
5. 1; Since the 2005 values of the index for the private sectors service industry and the public
sectors iron industry are the same (120), the 2005 percentage deviation will be the same as
the deviation for the 2000 figures.
Number of employment provided in private sector = 10000 0.18 = 1800
and number of employment provided in public Iron sector = 20000 0.12 = 2400.
Since 1800 and 2400 are in the ratio 3 : 4,
Required percentage deviation = 3 4 25 % .
6. 2; Total banking centres in Haryana in year 1969 = 100 + 10 + 650 = 760
Hence, the total number of banking centres in Haryana in year 1975 = 7601 4600.
7. 3; The number of banking centres in rural areas of Kerala in year 1969 = 60
The number of banking centres in rural areas of Kerala in year 1973
= 601 273 (approx.)
The number of banking centres in semi-urban areas of Kerala in year 1969 = 10
The number of banking centres in semi-urban areas of Kerala in year 1973

= 101 55 (approx.)
Hence, the total number of banking centres in Kerala in year 1973 = 273 + 55 = 328.
8. 1; The number of banking centres in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh
= 670 8 - (650 + 620 + 460 + 1020 + 1750 + 10 + 60) = 5360 - 4570 = 790.
9. 2; Because the population has increased by 25% from 1969 to 1971,
the banking centres have also increased by 25% .
The number of banking centres in semi-urban parts of Pubjab in the year 1971
110 137 .5 138 .
increase in the number of banking centres = 28.
10. 4; By visualising the graph, option (4) is not true for the graph.
1020 1020 102
11. 3; In Punjab ratio of rural banking centres is
110 10 120 12
650 65
Similarly, for Haryana =
110 11
460 46
For Jammu and Kashmir =
20 2
620 62
For Himachal Pradesh =
20 2
1750 175
For Rajasthan =
210 20 23
For Kerala = 6
10 1
For Bihar =
90 9
Haryana has the second lowest ratio of the rural banking centres with respect to the total
banking centres.
12. 3; Dollar value =


D1 D2
X(GDP) Y(GDPC) (Dollar Value) (Dollar Value)
(Base-1990) (Base-1975)
1975 11000 28000 2.545 1
1990 46000 46000 1 0.393
2000 68000 54000 0.794 0.312

When base is changed to 1975
1 0.794
D2 (1990 ) 0.393 D2 (2000)
2.545 2.545
For GDPC in 2000, GDPC = 68000 0.312 21000.
13. 2; The population of the US can be obtained from the first graph as GDP divided by PCGDP. This
68000 10 8
gives a value of 2.6 10 = 260 million to the year 2000. The number of people
below the poverty level for 2000 (from second graph) is 41 million.
Required percentage = 260 100 16 %

14. 3; By visual inspection of the graph, S1 is true.
Ratio of the number of people of Hispanic origin below the poverty level to the total number of
people below the poverty level in
2500 1000 1 8000 1000 1
1975 2000
23000 1000 9 41000 1000 5
The ratio is increased. This statement is also true.
15. 2; For the year 1995, we get the values 34 million, 22 million and 6 million for the total, the
number of whites and the number of people of Hispanic origin below the poverty level respec-
tively. 3 million of the people of Hispanic origin are whites. The number of whites not of His-
panic origin are, therefore, 19 million.

Required percentage = x = 100 56%
6950 7000 1476 1400
16. 4; USA 27 ; WG 22 ;
264 260 65 65
153 150 1550 155
EG 10 India 1.6
15 15 956 95
Indonesia 3.6 .
17. 4; The present per capita income (based on the table) is $27,000 for the USA and $1600 for India -
the ratio is approximately 16. All we need for the problem is the relative rate of growth of PCI for
India with respect to USA.
Growth rate for PCI (India) = 7 - 1.75 and growth rate for PCI (USA) = 2.33 - 0 = 2.33
The relative percentage growth rate is [(7 1.75) (2.33 0)] = 2.92
Now, initially the PCI of USA is 16 times that of India. We have to make it equal to 1.
The ratio is halved (PCI of USA = 8 PCI India) in 10 years = 24 years.
The ratio is further halved (PCI of USA = 4 PCI of India) in 24 2 = 48 years
Similarly, the ratio is further halved (ie PCI of USA = 2 PCI of India) in 24 3 = 72 years
PCI of USA will be euqal to PCI of India in 24 4 = 96 years.
18. 3; MPCI = Population RPP .

The annual growth rate of this quantity can be very well approximated by the growth rate of GDP
growth rate of population + growth rate of RPP
= 7 1.75 - 1.75 = 3.5% . Hence, the doubling time will be 20 years.
1476 153 1629
19. 4; Per capita GDP of West Germany and East Germany together = 20 .36
65 15 80
Per capita GDP of East Germany = 10 .2
20 .36 10 .2
Required percentage increase = 100 100 %
10 .2
Practice Exercise 18
Directions (Q. 1-5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
In the final-year exam six students S1 , S 2 , S 3 , S 4 , S 5 and S 6 obtained the percentage marks in
five theoretical papers P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 and P5 and two lab papers L1 and L 2 as shown below:

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 L1 L2 Total
S1 90 83 87 89 91 78 82
S2 98 92 59 61 50 82
S3 82 88 81 79 70 98 97 82.5
S4 835 875 78 82 90 94
S5 65 55 83 87 70 68 70.6
S6 71 69 73 67 90 80 73.25

The weightages associated with each of the theoretical papers P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 and P5 are the
same. Also, the weightages given to lab papers are the same, but different from that for theoretical
papers. The maximum score for all the papers P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , L1 , L 2 together is 600.
1. What is the maximum score for any of the theoretical papers and that for either of the lab papers?
1) 50 and 25 2) 100 and 50
2. What is S 6 s percentage score in paper L1 ?
1) 59 2) 72
3) 80 and 90 4) 50 and 90

3) 80 4) 62
3. If S1 has got the highest marks among all the students, what can be a possible score that S 4 can

get in paper P1 ?
1) 97 2) 98 3) 99 4) 96
4. S 5 s percentage score in lab paper L 2 is
1) 29.6 2) 59.2 3) 88.8 4) 44.4
5. If S 2 and S 4 finally get the same score, what is the difference between S 4 s score in paper P1 and
S 2 s score in paper P2 ?
1) 20 2) 21 3) 22 4) 23
Directions (Q 6-10): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The following diagram and table give the information regarding students writing the civil service
exam over the last few years.
Male Female
(Figures in thousand)

1200 250 200
200 350
600 1300
1100 1150
1000 950
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Details of Students Background (Figures in percentage)

Year Arts Pure science Engineering Others

2000 25.00 10.00 58.33 6.67
2001 22.22 8.80 59.25 9.73
2002 15.00 8.33 70.00 6.67
2003 18.50 5.92 71.14 4.44
2004 16.50 11.10 61.80 10.60
6. The number of students who wrote the exam saw the greatest percentage increase over the
previous year in
1) 2001 2) 2002 3) 2004 4) 2003
7. The approximate percentage change in the number of students with pure science background
who wrote the exam from 2000 to 2004 is
1) 57 2) 47 3) 51 4) 43
8. The number of female engineering graduates who wrote the exam in 2001 was approximately.

1) 1,70,000 2) 75,000 3) 1,50,000 4) Cannot be determined
9. The number of engineering students writing the exam saw the greatest increase over the previ-
ous year in
1) 2000 2) 2001 3) 2002 4) 2003
10. Which of the following statements is correct?
I. The number of students who wrote the exam from engineering background has been increas-
ing every year.
II. The percentage of female students who wrote the exam was the highest in the year 2004.
III. The number of students who wrote the exam from the Others category was the same in 2000
and 2002.
1) Both II and III 2) Only II 3) Only I 4) Both I and II

Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following table and answer the questions that follow.
The table shows the number of articles produced (P) and sold (S) by five units of a company over
the years.

1998 29 22 39 34 56 50 42 40 53 46
1999 52 45 49 43 69 64 45 37 58 51
2000 46 42 32 31 43 32 53 50 49 42
2001 56 52 54 45 52 47 62 58 55 48
2002 49 47 28 23 77 65 64 53 61 58
2003 60 55 32 27 68 61 69 62 66 62
11. What is the approximate overall percentage of rejection for unit IV for all the given years?
1) 13% 2) 21% 3) 10% 4) 17%
12. What is the average number of articles selected in the year 2002?
1) 37 2) 51.2 3) 49.2 4) 41
13. A continuous increase in production and a continuous decrease in the number of articles sold is
shown respectively by which of the following units?
1) II, IV 2) None, III 3) II, III 4) IV, None
14. What is the ratio of the total number of articles sold in 1999 to that by unit IV over the years?
1) 2 : 3 2) 4 : 5 3) 6 : 7 4) 2 : 7
15. In which year was the largest percentage of articles sold out of the articles produced by unit II?
1) 2000 2) 2001 3) 1999 4) 2003
Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following chart to answer the questions given below:
Proportion of population of five villages in 2004
Village % population below poverty line
Rampur 35 24%
Maheshpur 40 35%

Narayanpur 38 Dinapur
Dinapur 45 9%
Laxmipur 32 20%

16. In 2005, the population of Rampur as well as Dinapur is increased by 12% from the year 2004. If
the population of Rampur in 2004 was 4000 and the percentage of population below poverty line in
2005 remains the same as in 2004, find approximately the population of Dinapur below poverty
line in 2005.
1) 1510 2) 1520 3) 1535 4) 1500
17. If in 2006 the population of Maheshpur is increased by 8% , the population of Narayanpur is
reduced by 10% from 2004, and the population of Narayanpur in 2004 was 7000, what will be the
total population of Maheshpur and Narayanpur in 2006?
1) 11,550 2) 11,484 3) 11,200 4) 12,285

18. If in 2004 the total population of five villages together was 35,000 approximately, what will be
population of Narayanpur in that year below poverty line?
1) 4600 2) 4650 3) 4665 4) 4655
19. If the population of Laxmipur below poverty line in 2004 was 1240, what was the population of
Maheshpur in 2004?
1) 4600 2) 4650 3) 4750 4) 4660
20. If the population of Narayanpur is 6300 in 2004, what will be the ratio of the population of Narayanpur
below poverty line to that of Maheshpur below poverty line in that year?
1) 133 : 96 2) 122 : 95 3) 96 : 133 4) 233 : 96

Answers and explanations

1-5: Let the maximum score of each of theoretical papers be a and the maximum score of either of
lab papers be b.
For the student S 3
a b 82 .5
(82 + 88 + 81 + 79 + 70) + (93 + 97) = (5a + 2b)
100 100 100
400a + 190 b = 412.5a + 165 b
25b = 12.5 a 2b = a a = 2b
The maximum marks for all the papers together is 600
5a + 2b = 600 10b + 2b = 600 b = 50
So a = 100
1. 2
2. 1; S 6 s score in the paper

73.25 600 (71 69 73 67 90) 80 50

L1 100
100 100 100 = 439.5 370 40 = 29.5

S 6 ' s percentage score = 29 .5 59 %
(90 83 87 89 91) 100 78 82
3. 4; Total score of S1 50 = 440 + 80 = 520
100 100
S 4 s score without considering the score in paper P1 is given by
83 .5 87.5 78 82 100 90 94 50
= 331 + 92 = 423
100 100
Hence S 4 scores less than 520 - 423 = 97 marks in the papers. So S 4 can score, say, 96. Hence
choice 4.
70.6 (65 55 83 87 70) 68

4. 2; S 5 s score in lab paper L 2 is 100 600 100

= 423.6 - (360 + 34) = 29.6
29 .6
S5 s percentage score in paper L 2 is 100 = 59.2
5. 3; S 4 s score without the paper P1 is 423.
(98 92 59 61 50 ) 82
S 2 s score without the paper L 2 = 100 50 = 360 + 41 = 401
100 100
Hence if S 2 and S 4 finally get the same score, then the difference in S 4 s score in paper P1 and

S 2 s score in paper L 2 is 423 401 = 22 marks.
6-10: Total number of students in 2000 is 12,00,000
2001 is 13,50,000
2002 is 13,00,000
2003 is 13,50,000
2004 is 17,00,000
6. 3; Clearly the greatest percentage increase in the number of students writing the exam (increase
over the previous year) is in 2004.
17,00,000 13,50,000
% increase = 100 = 35 100 25 .92
13,50,000 135
7. 1; In 2000, the number (in thousand) is 1200 0.1 = 120
In 2004, the number (in thousand) is 1700 0.111 190
% change = 100 57 %
8. 4; The number of females writing the exam in 2001 is given and the number of engineering
students writing the exam can be calculated. But, the number of female engineering graduates
writing the exam cant be calculated.
9. 2; Number of engineering students writing the exam in
2000 0.5833 1200 = 700
2001 0.5925 1350 = 800
2002 0.7 1300 = 910
2003 0.711 1350 = 960
2004 0.618 1700 = 1050
Greatest percentage increase = 100 = 14.28% in 2001
10. 3; Statement I is obviously true from solution to Q. 34.
Statement II: In 2004, percentage of female students writing the exam = 100 23 .52
In 2002, the percentage was 100 26 .92
Statement II is false.
Statement III: Students from Others category writing the exam in 2000 was 1200 .
In 2002 the number became 1300 .
So statement III is false.
11. 3; The total number of articles produced by unit IV for the given years = 335
The total number of articles rejected by unit IV for all the given years = 35

Required percentage rejection = 335 100 10 .44 % 10 %
12. 3; Total number of articles selected in 2002 = 246
Required average = 49 .2
13. 4; The continuous increase in production of articles is seen in the unit IV and none of the units
show continuous decrease in the number of articles sold.
14. 2; The total number of articles sold in 1999 = 240
The total number of articles sold by unit IV over the years = 300

the required ratio = 240 : 300 = 4 : 5
15. 1; It is obvious from the table.
16. 1; Population of Dinapur in 2004 = 4000 3000
Population of Dinapur in 2005 = 3000 3360
Population below poverty line = 45% of 3360 = 45 100 1512 1510

17. 2; Population of Maheshpur in 2004 = 7000 4800
Population of Maheshpur in 2006 = 4800 5184
Population of Narayanpur in 2006 = 7000 6300
Total population = 5184 + 6300 = 11484
35 38
18. 4; Population of Narayanpur below poverty line = 35000 = 133 35 = 4655
100 100
100 24
19. 2; Population of Maheshpur in 2004 = 1240 4650
32 20
20. 1; Population of Narayanpur below poverty line = 6300 2394
24 40
Population of Maheshpur below poverty line = 6300 1728
35 100
Ratio = 133 : 96

Practice Exercise 19
Answer Questions 1 to 5 on the basis of the information given below:
The Venn-diagram shown below gives the number of students who study Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry and Biology.

The number of students studying the given subjects in the above given order is 64, 76, 63 and 72
1. The number of students studying only Physics is

1) 11 2) 20 3) 12 4) 14
2. What is the number of students who study Mathematics only?
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) Data insufficient
3. How many students study Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry?
1) 7 2) 6 3) 12 4) 22
4. What is the total number of students who study either Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry
and Biology?
1) 67 2) 60 3) 53 4) 45
5. The ratio of the number of students who study Physics, Chemistry and Biology to that of those who
study Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology is

1) 1 : 1 2) 11 : 13 3) 15 : 17 4) 9 : 10
Answer Questions 6 to 10: Read the data carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Details of the Indian Widget Industry

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Profit Margin 0.27 0.30 0.24 0.30 0.33 0.36

DS Ratio 0.70 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20

EXIM Ratio 0.60 0.64 0.72 0.50 0.60 0.68

Average selling price per widget

Profit margin = 1
Average cost price per widget
Industry demand (by volume) for widget
DS Ratio = Industry supply (by volume) for widget

Volume of exports of widget

EXIM Ratio = Volume of imports of widget
Note: 1: (i) Industry demand = Domestic demand + Export demand
(ii) Industry supply = Domestic supply + imported supply
(iii) The average export price per widget = The average selling price per widget
(iv) The average import price per widget = The average cost price per widget
6. Find the volume of widgets exported in the year 2004 as a percentage of the industry demand for
widgets in that year.
1) 24% 2) 65% 3) 37.5% 4) Cant be determined
7. If the total values of widgets imported in the year 2003 was Rs 300 crore, then what was the total
value of widgets exported in that year?
1) 195 crore 2) 200 crore 3) 325 crore 4) Cant be determined
8. Find the ratio of domestic demand and domestic supply in the year 2001?
1) 0.75 2) 0.30 3) 0.80 4) Cant be determined
9. If the volume of widgets imported increased by a steady 20% every year then during which of the
following periods did the volume of widgets exported increase by the maximum percentage?
1) 2000-2001 2) 2001-2002 3) 2004-2005 4) 2003-2004
10. Find the volume of the widgets imported in the year 2002 as a percentage of the industry supply
for widgets in that year.
1) 83.5% 2) 66 % 3) 37% 4) Cant be determined
Note: Questions 11 to 30 carry two marks each.
Given below is a survey conducted in four cities about people liking different film stars. The total

number of people surveyed was 2000 and they were distributed as given in the chart. The table shows
the percentage of people liking the film stars in that particular city. An individual can have liking for
more than one star.

Film Star Mumbai Delhi Kolkata Indore

62 52 44 48
Shahrukh Khan 29 32 22 27
Salman Khan 21 18 13 23

Aamir Khan 36 34 26 33
Hritik Roshan 19 26 11 29
Fardeen Khan 12 14 6 19
Percentage in 4 cities out of 2000 people surveyed.

Indore Delhi
22% 25%


11. Which city has maximum people liking Fardeen Khan in the given survey?
1) Mumbai 2) Delhi 3) Kolkata 4) Indore
12. If all the fans of Aamir Khan also like Amitabh Bachchan in Mumbai, then how many people in
Mumbai like Amitabh but not Aamir Khan?
1) 172 2) 156 3) 216 4) 148
13. If Salman and Shahrukh dont have common fans then how many of the total people surveyed in
all the four cities together like neither of them?
1) 947 2) 1023 3) 1117 4) 1069
14. What can be the maximum number of people surveyed in Delhi who dont like any of the above
film stars?
1) 240 2) 250 3) 269 4) 131
15. What can be the maximum number of people surveyed in Kolkata who like all the stars given in
the table.
1) 218 2) 21 3) 27 4) 276
Directions (Q. 16-20): The following table shows the specialisation of the students in percent-
age at the four premier B-schools in Mumbai in the year 2004.
Code B-School
C JP Jain

50% Finance
50% C
A 75%

100% 75% 50% 25%


The number of students in a B-school (in 2004) is given by the following graph.


200 160



16. In which of the following B-schools have the maximum number of students opted for finance?
1) MNIMS 2) KITIE 3) JP Jain 4) BJIMS
17. The difference between the number of sudents who opted for finance in MNIMS and JP Jain is
what per cent of the number of students who opted for systems in BJIMS?
1) 150% 2) 200% 3) 300% 4) 350%
18. If in 2005, at MNIMS the number of Marketing students increases by 10% and if the number of
students in Systems remains the same, then find the percentage increase in Finance students if
the total intake in 2005 increases by 10% at MNIMS.
1) 30% 2) 20% 3) 15% 4) 12.5%
19. The total number of students in Systems at the four B-schools forms what percentage of the total
number of Finance students at these four B-schools?
1) 78.4% 2) 73.6% 3) 70.4% 4) 58.9%
20. There exists a student exchange programme between the two institutes MNIMS and JP Jain.
During this programme 50% of Systems students from JP Jain go to MNIMS and continue their
Systems specialisation. Then find the percentage change in the Systems students at MNIMS on
account of the students exchange programme, if no student of Systems in MNIMS goes to any
other college.
1) 60% 2) 80% 3) 70% 4) 40%
Directions (Q. 21-25): The following pie-chart and the line graph represents the total number
of companies visiting the campuses of B-schools in different specialisation fields from 2000 to
2004. The different fields are as following:
Code Field
M Marketing
F Finance


K 200


100 H

44% 42%


52% H


F 45%
50 35% F = 182
F = 210 F = 187 H = 160

H = 72
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
21. On an average what percentage of the companies that visited the campuses of B-School between
2000 to 2004 were HR companies?
1) 11.4% 2) 25.04% 3) 21.2% 4) Cant be determined
22. It can be said that for every three finance companies, x number of marketing companies visited
the campuses of B-schools in the given five years. Then the value of x is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) Cant be determined
23. By what per cent on an average (compounded) is the total no. of companies visiting the campus
1) 18 2) 34 3) 29 4) 40
24. What is the difference between the number of marketing companies and that of finance compa-
nies visiting the campuses for the above five years?
1) 239 2) 309 3) 283 4) 301
25. The no. of HR companies visiting the campuses in 2002 is what per cent more as compared to that
of HR companies visiting the campuses in 2001?
1) 34% 2) 95% 3) 67% 4) 80%
Directions (Q. 26-30): Study the table given below and answer the questions.
SA RE GA MA PA is an entertaining TV programme in which some shortlisted singers perform
once every week. After listening to the singers Indian viewers cast their votes for their favourites.
The singer getting lowest no. of votes for that particular week goes out of the contest. So, next week
the no. of contestants performing reduces by one. This way the contest goes on till a single winner is
decided. The Indian viewers are divided into four regions called North India, West India, South India
and East India. In a particular week of the contest, five singers were performing named: Hemu,
Himani, Vineet, Debu and Nihira. One performance means singing one song, ie every week the
remaining contestants sing one song.
The candidatewise break-up of votes from different regions is given in the following table for that
week in which the above five singers performed.

North India West India South India East India

Hemu 06 00 51 11

Himani 19 100 10 17

Debu 09 00 18 46

Nihira 06 00 07 11

K Vineet 60

100% 100%

tition, in total how many songs were sung by the singers in the contest?
1) 78 2) 66 3) 77


4) 65
27. In the week when the above five contestants performed, who got the highest votes from Indian
1) Himani 2) Hemu 3) Vineet

26. If the single winner was decided after the performance of the 11th week from start of the compe-

4) Cant be determined

28. The contestant who will not perform next week is
1) Debu 2) Nihira 3) Hemu 4) Cant be determined
29. Among the five contestants, the one who got highest votes from the viewers of Mumbai is (Mumbai
is a city falling in the region of West India)
1) Debu 2) Hemu 3) Himani 4) Cant be determined
30. If the nos. of viewers voting from North India, West India, South India and East India are in the
ratio of 2 : 1 : 3 : 4, then by what percentage Vinits vote is more than Hemus?
1) 6.2% 2) 5.8% 3) 7.1% 4) None of these

Answers and explanations

1-5: The complete Venn-Diagram is as given below:
Mathematics Physics

2 20
8 6 6 10 Chemistry
13 7 11 2
14 9 12 4

1. 2; No. of students studying Physics only = 20.

2. 2; No. of students studying Mathematics only = 02.
3. 1; By observation only 7 students study all the 4 subjects.
4. 3; No. of students studying Physics & Maths = 5 + 6 + 7 + 9 = 27
No. of students studying Chemistry & Biology = 13 + 7 + 11 + 2 = 33.
But 7 students are common in both above.
required no. = 27 + 33 7 = 53.
5. 4; Students studying Physics and Chemistry and Biology = 7 + 11 = 18
Students studying Mathematics, Chemistry & Biology = 13 + 7 = 20
required ratio = 9 : 10
Exports Imports
6. 4; The ratio cannot be determined independent of the ratio Supply .
Supply Exports 0.60
Therefore in 2004, we can find Demand Imports as 1 .10 .
But we cannot find only .
Hence the question cant be answered.
7. 1; The value of widgets imported in 2003 = Rs 300 crores.
= Average import price per widget Volume of Imports.
= Average cost price per widget Volume of import
Now, value of widgets exported = Average selling price per widget Volume of exports.

Average cost price Volume of imports 1 1
Hence, Average selling price Volume of exports 1 0.3 0.5
Value of exports = 300 0.65 = Rs 195 crores
8. 4; Clearly, we cant determine the ratio of domestic demand and domestic supply.
9. 4; Since the imports increased by a steady percentage every year, to find the year in which the
exports increased by the highest percentage we need to consider only EXIM ratios. By the obser-
vation of data, it is the highest from 2003 to 2004.
10. 4; Data inadequate.
11. 4; Let x be the percentage of total population surveyed in any city and y be the percentage of people
surveyed in the city who like Fardeen Khan.

Then Fardeen has maximum liking in that city where x y is maximum.
For Bombay = 30 12 = 360
Delhi = 14 25 = 350
Kolkata = 6 23 = 138
Indore = 19 22 = 418
12. 2; Amitabhs fans who dont like Aamir = (62 36)% of (30% of 2000) = 26% of 600 = 156
13. 4; In Mumbai, 100 29 21 % = 50% dont like either Salman or Shahrukh.
50% of (30% of 2000) = 300
Same way: in Kolkata = 299
Delhi = 250
Indore = 220
total = 1069
14. 1; In Delhi, for calculating maximum no. of people surveyed who dont like any of the given stars,
let us assume that 52% fans who like Amitabh also like the other five stars.
So those who dont like any of the above = 100 52 48% of (25% of 2000) 240
15. 3; At maximum the required no. can be 6% of 23% of 2000 = 27.6 27
16. 1; Code No. of students who opted for Finance
A 0.5 200 = 100
B 0.375 240 = 90
C 0.25 160 = 40
D 0.5 80 = 40
Hence, MNIMS
17. 2; From the previous question,
difference = 100 40 = 60
No. of students in BJIMS studying Finance = 12.5% of 240 = 30
Ans = 200%
18. 3; Specialisation 2004 2005
Marketing (MNIMS) 200 25% = 50 50 55
Systems (MNIMS) 200 25% = 50 50
Marketing (MNIMS) 200 50% = 100
Total (MNIMS) 200 220 200
Marketing (MNIMS) in 2005 = 220 50 55 = 115
% increase in Marketing (MNIMS) = 15%
19. 3; Total students opting for Systems
25% 200 + 240 12.5% + 160 50% + 37.5 80 = 190
Total Finance students = 100 + 90 + 40 + 40 = 270
100 70 .4%

20. 2; % change =
80 50 %
200 25 %
100 80 %
21. 3; The answer can be determined and will be between 14% and 25% .
(Average of samples always lies between the lowest and the greatest sample.)
Alternative Method:
HR companies = 72 + 70 + 138 + 160 + 154 = 594
Total companies = 360 + 500 + 600 + 640 + 700 = 2800
100 21 .2%

22. 3; Total no. of Marketing companies = 162 + 220 + 258 + 256 + 364 = 1260
Total finance companies = 126 + 210 + 204 + 224 + 182 = 946
946 3
1260 x
23. 1; 360 1 700 x 18 %
Alternative Method: Compound rate of interest is always lower than simple rate of interest.
700 360 1
360 4 is less than 25% .
Answer can be only (1) since other options are more than 25% .
24. 2; From Q. No. 82, in this set it is = 1238 929 = 309.
25. 4; HR camp. in 2001 = 14 70
HR camp. in 2002 = 23 138
138 70
95 %

10th week
12 13
26. 3; The total songs = 2
+ 3 + 4
+ ... + 12
= 1 77
11th week 9th week first week 2
27. 4; We cant determine the answer because we dont know the weightage of different regions in
total votes and the data is too messed up to point out a single singer with highest no. of votes.
28. 2; Whatever be the weightage of different regions, Nihira has got lowest % of votes from all the four
So she must be getting lowest votes overall from the Indian viewers and will be out of the
context next week.
29. 3; Himani has got 100% votes of West India
She has got 100% votes from Mumbai viewers also.
60 2 0 1 14 3 15 4 6 2 0 1 3 51 11 4
30. 1; Required % =
6 2 0 1 3 51 11 4
222 209 1300
= 100 6.2%
209 209

Practice Exercise 20
Direction (Q. 1-6): Following table shows the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of India
for the given years. Make use of data from previous questions if required.
(All figures in Rs crore)
2000 1999 1998 1991 1981
Notes in circulation 192483 172541 148520 53784 13733
Govt deposits 541 68 453 94 789
Deposits of banks 80460 65359 59427 33829 4162
Other deposits 5551 6330 5239 4619 1570

Gold coin and bullion 12973 12624 13412 6654 226
Foreign assets 25294 12116 10038 14208 4320
Rupee securities 140967 145583 125956 46924 1110
Investments 3916 2916 2767 40286 1593
Loan and advances 37890 19876 13963 18516 3504
Other assets 5467 4398 6133 4103 4630
1. In the year 1999, 20% of investments of the government was in Golden forest scheme and the

same amount was expected to be invested in the year 2000. What was the share of investment for
Golden forest scheme in 2000?
1) 13% 2) 20% 3) 14.90% 4) 12.8%
2. If the percentage increase in 2001 over the previous decade is the same as that of 1991 over the
year 1981, the percentage increase in the foreign assets in 2001 over the previous year is
1) 22% 2) 15% 3) 9% 4) None of these
3. From year 1981 to year 2000, in how many years was there an increase in the number of notes in
circulation with respect to previous year?
1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) Indeterminable
4. Net liability (percentage) is defined as the percentage of net liabilities over total assets, and net
liabilities is the difference between total liabilities and total assets. In which year, out of those
mentioned above, is Net liability (% ) the maximum?
1) 1999 2) 1998 3) 2000 4) None of these
5. What is the rate of average annual compound growth rate of total assets for the decade 1981-91?
1) 20% 2) 24% 3) 18% 4) 16%
6. Textile units, steel-producing units and many manufacturing units are under Governments Other
assets. Some of these public sectors are declared as sick units of NPA (Non-performing assets).
NPA are the government undertaking units which are running at a loss. 20% of other assets in
1999 are NPA, and in 2000 one more steel-producing unit of assets equal to 120 crores is declared
as NPA. What is the percentage of NPA in 2000 with respect to the Other assets?
1) 20% 2) 15% 3) 18% 4) Indeterminable
CATS EYE - CC - 129
Directions (Q. 7-11): Following table shows the indices (index numbers) of major industrial
production in a country. All the information is tabulated taking production in 1993-94 = 100.

Index numbers of industrial production (1993-94 = 100)

W eight 1998-99 1997-98 1996-97 1995-96 1994-95

General index 100.0 143.1 137.6 129.1 122.3 108.4

Mining & quarrying 10.5 120.3 122.4 115.6 117.9 107.6
Electricity 10.2 138.4 130.0 122.0 117.3 108.5
Manufacturing 79.4 146.7 140.6 131.8 123.5 108.5
Food 9.1 134.7 133.8 134.3 129.8 121.6
Beverages etc 2.4 178.5 158.1 132.4 116.7 103.0
Cotton textiles etc 5.5 115.9 125.6 122.7 109.5 99.1
Jute textile etc 0.6 106.0 114.3 97.8 102.4 95.1

Textile products including
2.5 153.8 158.7 146.3 133.7 98.5
Wood and products 2.7 121.0 128.5 131.9 123.2 99.3
Paper and products 2.7 169.8 146.4 136.9 125.5 108.6
Leather and products 1.1 119.9 110.8 108.4 99.1 86.8
Rubber, plastic & petroleum
5.7 138.7 124.6 118.4 116.1 107.7

Chemicals and products 14.0 149.8 140.5 122.7 117.2 105.3
Non-metallic mineral products 4.4 174.6 161.4 141.8 131.7 108.0
Basic metal and alloys 7.5 139.9 143.5 139.8 131.0 113.1
Metal products 2.8 141.6 120.2 110.9 100.6 104.7
Electrical machinery etc 9.6 152.1 149.6 141.7 134.7 112.8
Transport equipment 4.0 177.9 153.8 149.9 132.8 113.2
Other products 2.6 128.4 120.4 123.8 117.7 104.4
7. Of the following data, in how many categories in 1994-95 is the industrial production more than
the production in 1993-94?
1) 15 2) 13 3) 12 4) 14
8. How many categories have shown a consistent increase in production every year in the given
period of time?
1) 10 2) 11 3) 12 4) 13
9. How many categories have shown an increase of more than 50% in production in the period of
1) 8 2) 7 3) 5 4) None of these
10. The Average index number of any category is defined as the summation of index number divided
by number of years. Which category has minimum average index number?
1) Cotton textiles 2) Paper and products 3) Mining and quarrying 4) Jute textile etc
11. In the given categories, which categories have an average index number of more than 120 points?
1) Mining & quarrying and Electricity 2) Transport equipment and Electrical machinery
3) Manufacturing and Other products 4) All of these
Directions (Q. 12-17): Study the graphs given below carefully and answer the questions that
follow. Use information given in previous question if required.
Production of selected Flow of institutional credit to
commodities (million tonnes) agriculture (Rs crores 1000)
350 Co-operatives Commercial & RRB's
Foodgrains Pulses

300 Oilseeds Sugarcane


50 5

0 0
1990-91 1998-99 1980-81 1990-91 1998-99 1999-00

Import as percentage of gross fertiliser availability (%)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120

12. Per capita net availability of foodgrain ( ) is defined as: Total foodgrain production (kg)/Popula-
tion. If in 1998-99 value of was registered as 360 and in 1999-2000 it became 400, then the
percentage increase in the population of India in the year 1999-2000 over the previous year was
1) 16.66% 2) 20% 3) 25% 4) Indeterminable
13. In the year 2000-01 value of was 420 and the foodgrain production was 250 m tonnes. What was
the increase in the population in year 2000-01 over 1990-91 (assuming that in 1998-99 was the
same as it was in 1990-91)?
1) 11 billion 2) 11 million 3) 110 million 4) Indeterminable
14. If in 1990-91, 20% of co-operative credit was sanctioned for sugarcane production then the yield of
sugarcane per 100 rupees of co-operative credit for the year 1990-91 was
1) 35 kg 2) 350 kg 3) 3500 kg 4) Indeterminable
15. Gross fertiliser consumption was registered as 150 tonnes, 200 tonnes and 250 tonnes of Nitrog-
enous, Phosphatic and Potassic respectively for the year 1998-99. Assuming that the import of
fertiliser was taken into consideration in order to fulfil the total consumption, then what was the
total fertiliser imported in 1998-99?
1) 200 tonnes 2) 250 tonnes 3) 215 tonnes 4) 260 tonnes
CATS EYE - CC - 131
16. If in 1990-91 the total production of agricultural products accounts for 52% of Gross Domestic
Product, then the Gross Domestic Product in 1990-91 was equivalent to the agricultural produc-
tion of ______. (In million tonnes)
1) 800 2) 850 3) 900 4) indeterminable
17. 30% of sugarcane was exported in 1990-91 and 33.33% yearly increase in the export of sugarcane
was reported next year. (Export rate was $ 89 per tonne). What was the change in the percentage
of the revenue generated from the export of sugarcane in 1991-92?
1) 30% 2) 33.33% 3) 25% 4) indeterminable
Directions (Q. 18-22): Figures given below show the percentage change in the key economic
indicators and major industrial growth for the period of 1996-97 to 2000-01, over the previous
year. Use data from previous questions if required.
10 30
Sof tw are
8 Consultancy

Percentage variation
6 Pharmaceutical




1996-97 1997-98
Agricultural Production
Industrial Production

1998-99 1999-00

18. Which of the following is/are true?



1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01

I) Growth of Software industries is the key contributor to the growth of Industrial production.
II) In 1998-99 Agricultural production has shown maximum change in percentage over the pre-
vious year.
III) GDP has shown consistent increase every year over the period 1996-01.
1) Only I 2) I and III only 3) I, II and III 4) II and III only
19. If index of GDP is considered as 100 in 1995-96, then how many years have GDP more than the
average GDP in the given period?
1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) None of these
20. If in 2000-01 Software contributed 15% to the total Industrial production and 10% growth was
registered in total Industrial growth next year, what should be the index for total Industrial pro-
duction in 2001-02 (considering index for Software in 1995-96 as 100)?
1) 1080 2) 1520 3) 1160 4) indeterminable
21. 80% of the Software production in 1996-97 was for international projects and this share reduced
to 70% in the year 1999-00. Percentage change in Software production for the international projects
in the given period
1) Decreased by 22% 2) Increased by 24% 3) Decreased by 30% 4) Increased by 30%
22. Which of the following statements are false?
I) Software production is the only sector which has shown continuous growth.
II) In all Industrial production over the mentioned period, the percentage change in growth is
maximum for Consultancy industry.
III) Software, Consultancy and Pharmaceutical industries contribute more than half of the total
Industrial production.
IV) Software, Consultancy and Pharmaceutical industries have shown consistent increase in
their production.
1) I & II only 2) II & III only 3) I, II and III only 4) I, II, III and IV
Directions (Q. 23-27): Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions given below
Production of paper (in lakh tonnes) by three different companies A, B & C over the years
70 A B C
















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

23. What is the difference (in tonnes) between the production of company C in 2001 and that of com-
pany A in 2004?
1) 500000 2) 5000000 3) 50000 4) 50000000
24. What is the percentage increase in production of company A from 2004 to 2005?
1) 85.71 2) 46.15 3) 84.23 4) 45.25
25. For which of the following years the percentage of rise/fall in production from the previous year is
the maximum for company B?
1) 2002 2) 2003 3) 2004 & 2005 4) 2005
26. The total production of company C in 2002 and 2006 is what percentage of the total production of
company C in 2004 and 2005?

1) 170 2) 175 3) 178 4) 180
27. What is the difference (in lakh tonnes) between the average production per year of the company
with highest average production and that of the company with the lowest average production?
1) 20.83 2) 28.3 3) 21.38 4) 22.32
Answers and explanations
1. 3; In 1999 total investment was 2916 crores. Investment in Golden forest scheme = 0.2 2916
= 583.2 crores. Next year same amount is (583.2/3916)100 = 14.89% .
2. 4; % increase in the foreign assets (1981 to 1991) = [(14208 - 4320) / 4320] 100 230% approx.
Expected foreign assets in 2001 = 3.3 14208 = 46886.4 crores.
Percentage increase in 2001 over previous year = 46886.4 - 25294/25294) 100 = 85.3% .
3. 4; In the given information, increase in circulation of notes over previous year cannot be calcu-
lated as the number of notes in circulation in 1982 is not known.
4. 4; From the given table we can calculate the net liabilities(% ):
1981 1991 1998 1999 2000

Total liabilities 20254 92326 213639 237968 279037

Total assets 15383 130691 172269 197513 226507

Net liabilities 4871 --- 41370 40455 5528

Net liability (%) 31.66% --- 24% 20.5% 23.29%

CATS EYE - CC - 133
5. 2; From the above calculation, if R is the rate of average annual growth, then
130691 = 15383 (1 + R/100)n, where n = 10. R = 24% approx.
6. 3; NPA in 1999 = 20% of 4398 = 880 crores.
NPA in 2000 = 880 + 120 = 1000 crores.
% of NPA with respect to Other assets = 100 = 18% approx.
7. 4; Number of categories can be calculated directly from the table itself.
8. 1; 10 categories of the given have shown to have consistent increase in production.
9. 3; Beverages, Textile products including garments, Paper and products, Non-metallic mineral prod-
ucts and Transport equipment are the categories out of the given, which have shown increase
of more than 50% in the period 1994-99.
10. 4; In these types of problem we can directly add the index and check for the minimum value.
No need to actually calculate the value of Average index number as the base is 5 for all the
(1) Cotton textile = 115.9 + 125.6 + 122.7 + 109. 5 + 99.1 = 572.8
(2) Paper and products = 169.8 + 146.4 + 136.9 + 125.5 + 108.6 = 687.2
(3) Mining and quarrying = 120.3 + 122.4 + 115.6 + 117.9 + 107.6 = 583.8
(4) Jute textile etc = 106.0 + 114.3 + 97.8 + 102.4 + 95.1 = 515.6

11. 2; In all categories given in the answer options, average index number is more than 120 points for
(2), that is Transport equipment = 145 and electrical machinery = 138.2.
12. 4; As the foodgrain production in 1999-2000 is not known, we cannot calculate population in 1999-
13. 3;
Year Foodgrain production in million tonnes Population in million
1990-91 360 175 486.1
2000-01 420 250 595.2
Hence increase in the population was 110 million (approx).

14. 3 Sugarcane production in 1990-91 was 240 m tonnes.
Loan = 20% of 3500 crores = 700 crores
240 m tonnes
Production of sugarcane per 100 Rs of loan = 100 3428 kg
700 crore
15. 4;

Year Nitrogenous Phosphatic Potassic

1998-99 (Consumption) 150 tonnes 200 tonnes 250 tonnes
Import (% of gross fertilisers available) 8 65 102
Import (tonnes) 11.11 78.8 126.24

I = import, C = consumption, A = Availability

For Nitrogenous, 8% .08 and Availability = Consumption Import
I 0.08
Thus, 0.08 I 150 11.11 tonnes.
C I 1.08
Similarly, we can calculate import for other fertilizers.
Total import = 11.11 + 78.8 + 126.26 = 216.15 tonnes.
16. 4; We do not know the total of agricultural production in 1990-91.
17. 4; As the export rate for the year 1991-92 is not given, so it cannot be calculated.
18. 4; Statement I is not true as the percentage contribution by Software to the total industrial pro-
duction is not given.
Statement II is true. As per the given information, agricultural production has shown maxi-
mum percentage increase over previous year in 1998-99 = {(100.1-93.1)/93.1} 100 = 8.6% .
Statement III is also correct as GDP has shown consistent increase in the given period of time.
19. 1; Considering GDP for the year 1995-96 = 100 points,

1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01

100 101 105.5 111.5 118.25 124.25

560 .5
And average GDP = 112 .1
20. 3; In 2000-01 index for software was 100 (1.10) (1.14) (1.08) (1.15) (1.02) = 159.
15% of (Total industrial growth) = 162 points.
Thus total industrial growth = (162/15) 100 = 1060 points
In the year 2001-02, 10% growth was registered.
Total industrial growth in 2001-02 = (1080 110) / 100 = 1166 approx.
21. 2; In 1996-97, 80% of 110 = 88 points.
In 1999-00, 70% of 156 = 109 points approx.

% change = [(109 88)/88] 100 = 24% increase approx.
22. 3; Only statement IV is a true statement.
23. 1
65 35
24. 1; Percentage increase of A from 2004 to 2005 100 85 .71
25. 3; Percentage rise/fall in production for B

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

11.11 20 50 50 33.33

26. 2; Percentage production = 100 175
27. 1; Average production of A = 51.66
Average production of B = 43.33
Average production of C = 30.83
Difference of production = 51.66 - 30.83 = 20.83

CATS EYE - CC - 135



Venn Diagram
Pictorial representation of sets gives most of the ideas about sets and their properties in a much easier way
than the representation of sets given in language form. This pictorial representation is done by means of dia-
grams, known as Venn Diagram.
The objects in a set are called the members or elements of the set.
If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are the members or elements of the set A.
If B = {x : x is a positive integer divisible by 5 and x < 25} or, B = {5, 10, 15, 20}, then 5, 10, 15 and 20 are the
elements of the set B.

A B (read as set A intersection set B) is the set having the common elements of both the sets A and B.
A B (read as set A union set B) is the set having all the elements of the sets A and B. A - B (read as set A minus
set B) is the set having those elements of set A which are not in set B.
In other words, A - B represents the set A exclusively, ie A B have the elements which are only in A.
Similarly, B - A represents the set B exclusively. We keep it in mind that n(A B) = n(B A) and n(A B)
= n(B A).
The number of elements of a set A is represented by n(A), but n(A - B) n(B - A)

Now, by the above Venn diagram it is obvious that
n(A) = n(A - B) + n(A B) ..... (1)
n(B) = n(B - A) + n(A B) ..... (2)
n(A B) = n(A - B) + n(A B) + n(B - A) .... (i)
Adding (1) and (2) we get,
n(A) + n(B) = n(A - B) + n(B - A) + n(A B) + n(A B)
or, n(A) + n(B) - n(A B) = n(A - B) + n(B - A) + n(A B) ... (ii)
From (i) and (ii), we have
n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) n(A B) .... (3)
Let us see some worked out examples given below:

Solved Examples
Ex. 1: In a class of 70 students, 40 like a certain magazine and 37 like another certain magazine. Find
the number of students who like both the magazines simultaneously.
Soln: We have, n(A B) = 70, n(A) = 40, n(B) = 37
Now, 70 = 40 + 37 n(A B) n(A B) = 77 70 = 7.
Ex. 2: In a group of 64 persons, 26 drink tea but not coffee and 34 drink tea. Find how many drink (i) tea
and coffee both, (ii) coffee but not tea.
Soln: (i) n(T C) = 64, n(T - C) = 26, n(T) = 34
We have, n(T) = n(T - C) + n(T C)
or, 34 = 26 + n(T C) n(T C) = 34 26 = 8
(ii) Again, we have
n(T C) = n(T) + n(C) n(T C)
or, 64 = 34 + n(C) 8
n(C) = 38
Now, n(C) = n(C - T) + n(T C)
or, 38 = n(C - T) + 8
n(C T) = 38 - 8 = 30
Venn Diagram 265
Ex. 3: In a class of 30 students, 16 have opted Mathematics and 12 have opted Mathematics but not
Biology. Find the number of students who have opted Biology but not Mathematics.
Soln: n(M B) = 30, n(M) = 16, n(M - B) = 12, n(B - M) = ?
We have, n(M) = n(M - B) + n(M B)
or, 16 = 12 + n(M B)
n(M B) = 16 - 12 = 4
Again, we have, n(M B) = n(M) + n(B) - n(M B)
or, 30 = 16 + n(B) 4
or, n(B) = 30 - 12 = 18
Now, n(B) = n(B M) + n(M B)
or, 18 = n(B - M) + 4
n(B M) = 18 4 = 14
Ex. 4: In a class of 70 students, 40 like a certain magazine and 37 like another while 7 like neither.
(i) Find the number of students who like at least one of the two magazines.
(ii) Find the number of students who like both the magazines simultaneously.
Soln: We have, total number of students = 70 in which 7 do not like any of the magazines.
For our consideration regarding liking of magazines, we are left with (70 7 =) 63 students.
Thus, n(A B) = 63, n(A) = 40, n(B) = 37

(i) The number of students who like at least one of the two magazines = n(A B) = 63.
(ii) The number of students who like both the magazines simultaneously = n(A B) = ?
We have, n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) n(A B)
or, 63 = 40 + 37 n(A B) n(A B) = 77 63 = 14
Ex. 5: In a school, 45% of the students play cricket, 30% play hockey and 15% play both. What per cent
of the students play neither cricket nor hockey?
Soln: n(C) = 45, n(H) = 30, n(C H) = 15
n(C H) = 45 + 30 - 15 = 60
ie, 60% of the students play either cricket or hockey or both.
So, the remaining (100 - 60 =) 40% students play neither cricket nor hockey.

Ex. 6: Out of a total of 360 musicians in a club 15% can play all the three instruments guitar, violin
and flute. The number of musicians who can play two and only two of the above instruments is 75.
The number of musicians who can play the guitar alone is 73.
(i) Find the total number of musicians who can play violin alone and flute alone.
(ii) If the number of musicians who can play violin alone be the same as the number of musicians
who can play guitar alone, then find the number of musicians who can play flute.
Soln: (i) Total number of musicians = 360

15% of 360 = 54 musicians can play all the three instruments.

Given that x + y + z = 75
Now, 73 + f + v + (x + y + z =) 75 + 54 = 360
v + f = 360 (73 + 75 + 54) = 158
(ii) Now we have v = 73
The number of musicians who can play flute alone,
f = (v + f) v = 158 73 = 85
and the number of musicians who can play flute = f + x + y + 54 = 85 + 54 + (x + y)
We have x + y + z = 75, x + y = 75 - z.
As either x + y or z is unknown, we cannot find out the number of musicians who can play flute.
Hence, data is inadequate.
Ex. 7: Out of a total 85 children playing badminton or table tennis or both, total number of girls in the
group is 70% of the total number of boys in the group. The number of boys playing only badminton
is 50% of the number of boys and the total number of boys playing badminton is 60% of the total
number of boys. The number of children playing only table tennis is 40% of the total number of
children and a total of 12 children play badminton and table tennis both. What is the number of
girls playing only badminton?
Soln: Let the number of boys be x, then x + = 85 x = 50
Number of girls = 85 - 50 = 35

Directions (Q. 1-2): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
Out of a total of 240 musicians in a club, 7.5% can play all the three instruments guitar, violin and flute.
The number of musicians who can play two and only two of the above instruments is 45. The number of musi-
cians who can play the guitar alone is 60.
1. Find the total number of musicians who can play flute alone and violin alone.
1) 115 2) 117 3) 118 4) 121 5) None of these

2. If the number of musicians who can play violin only be the same as the number of musicians who can play
only guitar, then find the number of musicians who can play flute.
1) 56 2) 57 3) 162 4) Cannot say 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 3-8): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
There are five high schools A, B, C, D and E in a certain town. Total number of high school students of the
town is 1800. The strength of school A is 20% and B is 37.5% of the total number of students of the town. D and
E have equal strengths. 40% students of A know only one language - Hindi. 60% students of D know only one
language - English. There are 111 more students in B who know Hindi exclusively than the number of students
of D who know English only. 55 students of C know Hindi but not English. 15 students of D know both the
languages. The strength of C is 37.5% of the strength of A. Two-fifths of students of B know both the languages.
The number of students of C who know English but not Hindi is 40 less than the number of the same category
of B. 97 students of E know only English and 20% students of A know both the languages. 28 students of E know

both the languages.
3. What is the percentage of the number of students who know both the languages?
1) 22.33 2) 22.66 3) 22.22 4) 22.5 5) None of these
4. What is the difference between the number of students who know English and those who know Hindi exclu-
1) 250 2) 200 3) 400 4) 360 5) None of these
5. The number of students who know only Hindi of C is how many times those who know both the languages of
the same school?
2 1 1 2
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 3 5) None of these
3 3 3 3
6. Find the percentage of number of students who know Hindi exclusively.
1) 44.44 2) 55.55 3) 33.33 4) 66.33 5) None of these
7. What is the number of schools in which the number of students who know English only is more than the
average number of students who know English only?
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 5) None of these
8. What is the maximum difference between the number of students of a certain school who know only Hindi
and only English?
1) 195 2) 93 3) 165 4) 97 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 9-13): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
In a group of 1440 persons, like Coca-Cola only, 37.5% like Pepsi only and 510 like Mirinda. 6.25% of
them like all the three drinks while 6 do not like even one of the drinks. The number of persons who like both
Mirinda and Pepsi only is half the number of persons who like both Coca-Cola and Pepsi only. like both Coca-
Cola and Mirinda only.
9. How many persons like Mirinda only?
1) 174 2) 160 3) 168 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
Venn Diagram 267
10. What is the difference between the number of persons who like Coca-Cola and those who like Pepsi only?
1) 300 2) 118 3) 192 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
11. Find the percentage of number of persons who like more than one drink.
1) 27.5 2) 33.9 3) 33.75 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
12. In a class of 55 students 35 take tea, 27 take coffee and 12 take both. Find the number of students who take
neither tea nor coffee.
1) 10 2) 5 3) 15 4) 8 5) None of these
13. There are 1000 students, out of which 650 drink tea and 390 drink coffee and 30 students do not drink either
tea or coffee. How many students drink both tea and coffee?
1) 80 2) 90 3) 70 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 14-18): Following Venn diagram shows the specialisation in different fields of some
players out of 120 players.

14. What is the percentage of those players who have specialised in bowling?
1) 12.50% 2) 30%

2) 12.50%
3) 37.50%

3) 5.83%
4) Cant be determined

4) 23.33%
5) None of these
15. What is the percentage of those players who have specialised in any of the two departments?
1) 7.50% 5) None of these

16. What is the percentage of those players who have specialised in only one department?
1) 32.43% 2) 45.83% 3) 54.39% 4) 60% 5) None of these
17. In a class of 150 students, 65 play football, 50 play hockey, 75 play cricket, 35 play hockey and cricket, 20
play football and cricket, 42 play football and hockey and 8 play all the three games. Find the number of
students who do not play any of these three games.
1) 101 2) 49 3) 51 4) Cant say 5) None of these
18. In a class there are 200 students. 70% of them like Hindi, 30% like English and 20% like Sanskrit. Find the
maximum possible percentage of students who like all the three languages.
1) 20 2) 10 3) 5 4) Cant say 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 19-23): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
In the figure shown below circle I represents readers of BSC magazine, Circle II represents the students who
have joined Correspondence Course of BSC (Banking Services Chronicle), and circle III represents the students
who have joined Classroom Coaching of BSC Academy.

19. The students who have joined the Classroom Coaching but are neither readers of BSC nor associated with
BSC through Correspondence Course, are represented by the portion
1) G + D 2) G + F 3) C 4) C - (D + G + F)
20. The portion which represents the students who are readers of BSC as well as are pursuing Correspondence
Course is
1) G 2) E + G 3) A + B 4) None of these
21. Ranjan Mukherjee is a regular reader of BSC Magazine and is pursuing its Correspondence Course too but has
not joined its Classroom Coaching. Then which of the following groups does he belong to?
1) A 2) G 3) E + G 4) E
22. Priya is a regular reader of BSC Magazine, is pursuing its Correspondence Course too and is determined to
leave behind Ranjan Mukherjee after joining BSC Classroom Coaching. Then which of the following groups
does she belong to?
1) A 2) G 3) E + G 4) E
23. The readers of BSC Magazine have been represented by the portion
1) A + E + D + G 2) A + E + G 3) A 4) None of these
Directions (Q. 24-27): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
Note: Use additional information given in any question for answering subsequent questions.

24. How many students study Geography or English?
1) 108 2) 91

2) 67
3) 62

3) 52
4) 130

4) 59
5) 115
25. If 32 students study only Geography, how many students study English?
1) 63 5) Cant say

26. If there are 123 students in the class, how many students study Economics?
1) 67 2) 62 3) 63 4) 52 5) None of these
27. How many students study Economics or Geography or both but not all three?
1) 28 2) 60 3) 68 4) 54 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 28-29): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
There are 120 students in a class, who read Maths or History or English. It is known that no student can read
all three subjects. 24 read only Maths and History, 8 read only History and English and 21 read only Maths and
English. 32 read only Maths and 13 only History.
28. How many students read English?
1) 22 2) 30 3) 51 4) 54 5) None of these
29. If 9 of the students who read only Maths start to read all three subjects, find the percentage of students who
read History.
1) 50% 2) 53.33% 3) 60% 4) 40% 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 30-34): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
A survey was conducted among 770 people who speak one or more languages from among Hindi, English and
Urdu. It was also found that 500 speak Hindi, 400 English and 300 Urdu.
(i) 30% of the Urdu-speaking people speak all three languages, which is 10% less than those who speak
Hindi and English both but not Urdu.
(ii) Number of people who speak Hindi and Urdu both but not English is 33 % less than the number of
people who speak only English.
(iii)Number of people who speak English and Urdu both but not Hindi is 30.
30. How many people speak only Hindi?
1) 190 2) 170 3) 120
4) Cant be determined 5) None of these
31. How many people speak only English?
1) 190 2) 100 3) 90
4) Cant be determined 5) None of these
Venn Diagram 269
32. How many people speak Hindi and Urdu both but not English?
1) 180 2) 120 3) 90
4) 150 5) None of these
33. By what per cent the number of people who speak only Urdu is less than those who speak Hindi and English
both but not Urdu?
2 1
1) 66 % 2) 33 % 3) 40%
3 3
4) Cant be determined 5) None of these
34. By what per cent the number of people who speak only English is more than those who speak Hindi and Urdu
both but not English?
1) 40% 2) 66 % 3) 50%
4) Cant be determined 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 35-36): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
There are 200 students in graduation. Out of these 165 are supposed to study at least one of the subjects
from among Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 110 students study Physics, 80 students study Chemistry and
90 students Mathematics. 40 students study Physics and Chemistry but not Mathematics, 35 students study
Physics and Mathematics but not Chemistry and 20 students study Chemistry and Mathematics but not Physics.

35. How many students study all three subjects?
1) 10 2) 12 3) 15 4) Cant say 5) None of these
36. What is the percentage of those students who study all the three subjects with respect to those admitted in
1) 5.40% 2) 6.06% 3) 4% 4) Cant say 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 37-42): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
There are three companies A, B and C. The employees of the company speak at least one of the three languages,
viz English, Hindi and French, in following manner:
(i) In company A, 700 employees speak Hindi, 600 speak English and 555 French. In company B, 650
speak Hindi, 580 speak English and 700 speak French. And in company C, 500 speak Hindi, 600
English and 700 French.

(ii) The number of employees of company A who speak only Hindi is equal to that of company C who speak
English and French but not Hindi. It is also equal to that of company B who speak all the three lan-
(iii) The number of employees of company C who speak only French is equal to 180, which is 20% more than
the number of employees of company B who speak only Hindi.
(iv) The ratio of the number of employees of company C who speak only English to the number of employees
of company A who speak only French to the number of employees of company B who speak only
Hindi is 2 : 4 : 5.
(v) The number of employees of company A who speak only English is equal to the number of employees of
company B who speak only French, which is equal to 180, which is also 25% less than those who speak
English and French but not Hindi in company C.
(vi) The number of employees of company C who speak Hindi and French but not English is equal to the
number of employees of company A who speak Hindi and English but not French, which is equal to the
number of employees of company B who speak English and French but not Hindi.
(vii) The number of employees of company A who speak French and Hindi but not English is 165, which is
10% more than those who speak Hindi and French but not English in company C.
37. How many employees speak Hindi and English but not French in company C?
1) 130 2) 80 3) 150 4) 170 5) None of these
38. How many employees speak all the three languages in company A?
1) 145 2) 125 3) 130 4) 150 5) None of these
39. How many employees speak any two of the three languages in company B?
1) 540 2) 410 3) 670 4) Cant say 5) None of these
40. The number of employees of company A who speak English and French but not Hindi is what per cent more
than the number of those who speak only Hindi in company C?
1) 125% 2) 60% 3) 150% 4) 100% 5) None of these
41. What is the difference between the number of employees of company C who speak all the three languages and
the number of employees of company B who speak only English?
1) 10 2) 20 3) 50 4) 110 5) None of these
42. By what approximate per cent the number of employees of company B is more than that of C?
1) 4% 2) 6% 3) 8% 4) 10% 5) 12%
Directions (Q. 43-47): The following questions are based on the diagram given below:
P = Physics C = Chemistry M = Mathematics Class strength = 260.

Number of students passed in a subject

43. What is the percentage of students who have failed in all three subjects?
1) 5.8 2) 17.5 3) 35 4) 22.5 5) None of these
44. What is the percentage of students who have passed in two or more subjects?
1) 33 2) 29 3) 36 4) 25 5) 20

45. What is the percentage of students who have failed in at least one subject?
1) 96.5 2) 5.8 3) 65.0 4) 75.5 5) None of these
46. Taking any two subjects, which pair of subjects has the maximum number of students passed in at least one
of them?
1) Physics, Chemistry 2) Physics, Mathematics 3) Chemistry, Mathematics
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
47. To be promoted to the next class it is essential to pass in Mathematics and at least in one of Physics and
Chemistry. How many students are likely to be promoted to the next class?
1) 245 2) 160 3) 97 4) 48 5) Cant be determined
Directions (Q. 48-52): Answer these questions on the basis of the information given below:
(i) In a class of 80 students the girls and the boys are in the ratio of 3 : 5. The students can speak only Hindi
or only English or both Hindi and English.

(ii) The number of boys and the number of girls who can speak only Hindi is equal and each of them is 40%
of the total number of girls.
(iii)10% of the girls can speak both the languages and 58% of the boys can speak only English.
48. How many girls can speak only English?
1) 12 2) 29 3) 18 4) 15 5) None of these
49. In all how many boys can speak Hindi?
1) 12 2) 9 3) 24 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
50. What percentage of all the students (boys and girls together) can speak only Hindi?
1) 24 2) 40 3) 50 4) 30 5) None of these
51. In all how many students (boys and girls together) can speak both the languages?
1) 15 2) 12 3) 9 4) 29 5) None of these
52. How many boys can speak either only Hindi or only English?
1) 25 2) 38 3) 41 4) 29 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 53-55): Study the following information carefully and answer accordingly:
i) In a school, a total of 220 students are studying together in two sections A and B in the ratio of 5 : 6. The
students are studying only English or only Sanskrit or both English and Sanskrit.
ii) The numbers of students studying only English from section A and of those studying both Sanskrit and
English from Section B are equal and each of them is 40% of the students who are studying only English
from section B.
iii) The number of students studying only Sanskrit from section A is 30% of the number of students studying
in section B and 60% of the students studying only English from section B.
53. How many students are studying both English and Sanskrit from section A?
1) 48 2) 16 3) 40 4) 36 5) None of these
54. How many students are studying only Sanskrit from section B?
1) 36 2) 10 3) 12 4) 24 5) None of these
55. Number of students studying only English from section B is what per cent more than that of the students
studying only English from section A?
1) 150% 2) 100% 3) 75% 4) 20% 5) None of these
Venn Diagram 271
Directions (Q. 56-57): Study the following informations carefully and answer accordingly:
A survey was conducted by an agency in 25000 houses. It was found that 48% used Head & Shoulders, 48%
used Clinic Plus and 53% used Pentene Shampoo. 12% used both Head & Shoulders and Clinic Plus only and
10% used both Clinic Plus and Pentene only.
56. How many people used both Head & Shoulders and Pentene only if 8% used all the three?
1) 2750 2) 2500 3) 3000 4) 2000 5) Data inadequate
57. How many people used only Pentene if 8% used all the three shampoos?
1) 5000 2) 6000 3) 8750 4) 8000 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 58-62): Read the following data to answer the questions that follow:
In a class of 106 students, each student studies at least one of the three subjects Maths, Physics and
Chemistry. 48 of them study Maths, 51 Physics and 53 Chemistry. 16 study Maths and Physics, 17 study Maths
and Chemistry and 18 study Physics and Chemistry.
58. The number of students who study exactly two subjects is
1) 31 2) 32 3) 33 4) 36
59. The number of students who study more than one subject is
1) 39 2) 41 3) 40 4) 42
60. The number of students who study all the three subjects is
1) 5 2) 6 3) 7 4) 4

61. The number of students who study exactly one subject is
1) 45 2) 55 3) 65 4) 70
62. The number of students who study Physics and Maths but not Chemistry is
1) 9 2) 11 3) 10 4) 12
Directions (Q. 63-67): Study the following Venn diagram and answer accordingly:
The following Venn diagram represents the results of a survey conducted by a market research firm NSD Ltd
to ascertain the profiles of a sample group. The diagram below shows the number of people who are Poets,
Sportsmen, Graduates or Orators. Refer to the diagram to answer the questions that follow:

(1) P = Poets, S = Sportsmen, G = Graduates, O = Orators
(2) The figures in any region of the above diagram pertain to the only value for that region. For example, 3
persons are only (Orators + Sportsmen + Graduates) etc.
63. Number of Sportsmen who have at least three specialities is
1) 12 2) 21 3) 9 4) 30
64. Total number of people having at least one speciality is
1) 403 2) 321 3) 343 4) 340
65. Number of people having only one speciality exceeded the number of people having exactly two specialities by
1) 113 2) 111 3) 112 4) 110
66. The number of people having at least one of the described specialities for what percentage of the total sample?
1) 38% 2) 62% 3) 44% 4) Cannot be determined
67. Orators who were neither Sportsmen nor Graduates exceeded Poets who were neither Orators nor Graduates
by a margin of
1) 32 2) 61 3) 43 4) 27
Directions (Q. 68-72): Refer to the following data to answer the questions that follow:
The result of an exam is given below:
Out of 1000 students who appeared
(i) 658 failed in Physics
(ii) 166 failed in Physics and Chemistry
(iii) 372 failed in Chemistry, 434 failed in Physics and Maths
(iv) 590 failed in Maths, 126 failed in Maths and Chemistry
68. The number of students who failed in all the three subjects is
1) 178 2) 73 3) 106 4) 126
69. The number of students who failed in Maths but not in Chemistry is
1) 464 2) 392 3) 387 4) 472
70. The number of students who failed in Physics but not in Maths is
1) 318 2) 224 3) 378 4) 232
71. The number of students who failed in Chemistry but not in Physics is
1) 318 2) 198 3) 213 4) 206
72. The number of students who failed in Physics or Maths but not in Chemistry is
1) 558 2) 718 3) 628 4) 692
Directions (Q. 73-75): These questions are based on the following information:
A sports club has 80 members, out of which male and female members are in the ratio of 9 : 7 respectively.
All the members play either badminton or table tennis (TT) or both. 40% of the male members play only badminton.
20% of the female members play both the games, which is equal to the number of female members playing only
TT. Number of male members playing only TT is more than that of male members playing both the games by 3.
73. Number of female members playing badminton is what per cent of the total number of female members in the

1) 80 2) 60 3) 75 4) 40 5) None of these
74. In all how many members play TT?
1) 39 2) 15 3) 22 4) 19 5) None of these
75. How many male members play both the games?
1) 17 2) 12 3) 19 4) 16 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 76-80): These questions are based on the following information:
In a class of 84 students boys and girls are in the ratio 5 : 7. Among the girls 7 can speak Hindi and English.
50 per cent of the total students can speak only Hindi. The ratio of the number of students speaking only Hindi
to that speaking only English is 21 : 16. The ratio of the number of boys speaking English only to that of girls
speaking English only is 3 : 5.

76. What is the number of boys who speak both the languages ?
1) 4 2) 5 3) 3 4) 2 5) None of these
77. What is the number of girls who speak English only ?
1) 12 2) 20 3) 22
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
78. What is the ratio of the number of boys who speak Hindi only to that of girls who speak Hindi only?
1) 10 : 11 2) 11 : 10 3) 2 : 5
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
79. How many girls can speak Hindi ?
1) 29 2) 22 3) 27 4) 23 5) None of these
80. What is the ratio of the number of boys who speak English to that of girls who do so?
1) 3 : 5 2) 3 3) 5 : 8 4) 5 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 81-83): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a school, three languages are taught. Out of the total 600 students each one is required to study at least
one of the three, viz Gujarati, Tamil, Hindi. 20 students study all the three languages. 202 study only Hindi and
111 study only Gujarati. In all, 250 study Tamil. 57 study Hindi and Gujarati. 194 study only Tamil.
81. How many students, along with Tamil, study either Gujarati or Hindi (but not both)?
1) 36 2) 56 3) 16 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
82. In all, how many students study Gujarati?
1) 199 2) 181 3) 163 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
83. Which of the following statements is definitely true?
1) The total number of students studying Hindi cannot be less than 290.
2) The total number of students studying Hindi cannot be less than 260.
3) The total number of students studying Gujarati cannot be more than 199.
4) Not more than 93 students study more than one language.
5) None of these
Venn Diagram 273
Directions (Q. 84-88): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions:
The teachers colony has 2800 members, out of which 650 members read only English newspaper. 550 members
read only Hindi newspaper and 450 members read only Marathi newspaper. The number of members reading all the
three newspapers is 100. Members reading Hindi as well as English newspaper are 200. 400 members read Hindi as
well as Marathi newspaper and 300 members read English as well as Marathi newspaper.
84. Find the difference between the number of members reading English as well as Marathi newspaper and the
number of members reading English as well as Hindi newspaper.
1) 300 2) 200 3) 100
4) 50 5) None of these
85. How many members read at least two newspapers?
1) 600 2) 800 3) 500
4) 1000 5) None of these
86. Find the number of members reading Hindi newspaper.
1) 750 2) 980 3) 1000
4) 1020 5) None of these

87. How many members read only one newspaper?
1) 1560 2) 1650 3) 1640
4) 1540 5) None of these
88. Find the number of members reading no newspaper.
1) 150 2) 460 3) 550
4) 750 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 89-93): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
below it:
There are 2500 residents in a village. 1,375 residents from this village speak only their local language. 200
residents of the village speak the local language as well as English. The number of residents in the village who speak

the local language as well as Hindi is 625. 300 residents of the village speak all the three languages ie, English, Hindi
and the local language.
89. The number of residents who speak English as one of the languages forms what per cent of the total residents
in the village?
1) 12 2) 8 3) 20
4) 18 5) None of these
90. The number of residents who speak only the local language forms what per cent of the total number of
residents in the village?
1) 45 2) 55 3) 58
4) 40 5) None of these
91. The number of residents who speak Hindi as one of the languages is approximately what per cent of the
number of residents who speak only the local language?
1) 67 2) 70 3) 61
4) 59 5) 63
92. What is the ratio of the number of residents who speak all the three languages to the number of residents who
speak the local language as well as Hindi?
1) 12 : 55 2) 10 : 25 3)14 : 55
4) 12 : 25 5) None of these
93. If 25 more people who can speak all the three languages come to reside in the village and 45 more people who
can speak the local language and Hindi come to reside in the village, what would be the difference between
the number of residents who can speak all the three languages and the number of residents who can speak
the local language and Hindi?
1) 325 2) 330 3) 340
4) 355 5) None of these

Answers and explanations

(1-2): 2. 4; Now, given that v = 60
1. 2; 7.5% of 240 = 18 f = 117 - 60 = 57
But, the number of musicians who can play flute
= f + (x + y) + 18 = 57 + 18 + (x + y). Since x + y is
not known so, the number of musicians who can
play flute cannot be determined.
(3-8): We symbolize the number of students who know
only Hindi, ie Hindi but not English by H - E, the
number of students who know only English by E
- H, the number of students who know both the
Given that x + y + z = 45 languages by H E and the total strength of
Now, 60 + 18 + (x + y + z =) 45 + (f + v) = 240 schools by T.
or, 123 + (f + v) = 240 We have T = (H - E) + (E - H) + (H E)
Now collecting the given pieces of information and
f + v = 240 - 123 = 117 using the above formula, we get

3. 3; Required percentage


4. 2; Required difference = (600 + 400) - 800 = 200

11 2
5. 4; 55 = x 15 x = 3 33

800 400 1200 100

6. 5; Required percentage =
1800 We have, 240 + x + 540 + 510 = 1440 - 6

200 2 x
= 66 or, x = 1434 1290 = 144 and = 72
3 3 2
9. 3; The number of persons who like Mirinda only
7. 2; Average number of students who know English
= 510 (180 + 90 + 72) = 168
600 10. 5;Required difference
only = = 120.
5 = 240 + 144 + 180 + 90 540 = 654 540 = 114
So, A and D are the two desired schools. 11. 3;Total number of persons who like more than one
drink = 180 + 144 + 72 + 90 = 486
8. 1; Clearly for B, the difference is maximum and it
is (300 105 =) 195 486
Required percentage = 1440 100 = 33.75%
Venn Diagram 275
12. 2;Required number of students = 55 - (23 + 12 + (19-23):
15) = 55 - 50 = 5 19. 3 20. 2 21. 4 22. 2 23. 1
24. 1;Students studying Geography or English
= (c + 13 + a + 14) + 16 + 25 = 67 + 16 + 25 = 108
25. 1; According to the question, c = 32
a = 67 - (13 + 14 + 32) = 8
Students studying English
= 14 + 8 + 16 + 25 = 63
13. 3;Let x be the number of students who drink both. 26. 4;67 + b + 16 + 25 = 123 or, b = 123 - 108 = 15
Students studying Economics
= 13 + 15 + 8 + 16 = 52
(with the help of Q.No. 25)
27. 5;Students studying Economics or Geography or
both but not all three = (67 - 8) + 15 + 16 = 90

650 x + x + 390 x + 30 = 1000
or, x = 1000 1070 or, x = 70
14. 3;Total number of players who have specialised in
bowling = 15 + 11 + 9 + 10 = 45
Required percentage = 120 100 = 37.50% 28. 3;32 + 24 + 13 + 8 + 0 + 21 + E = 120
E = Number of students who read only English
E = 120 - 98 = 22
7 10 11
15. 4;Required percentage = 100 total number of students who read English
120 = 22 + 8 + 21 = 51
28 29. 5;Total number of students who read History

= 100 = 23.33% = 24 + 9 + 8 + 13 = 54
120 54
Required % = 100 = 45%
22 18 15 120
16. 2;Required percentage = 100 (30-34):

= 100 = 45.83%
17. 2; Number of students who play at least one game
= n(F H C) = 65 + 50 + 75 35 20 42 + 8
= 101
Number of students who dont play any of the
three games = 150 101 = 49.
18. 2;

(i) 30% of Urdu = 30% of 300 = 90

Number of people who speak Hindi and
English both but not Urdu = 100
(ii) Number of people who speak English and
Urdu both but not Hindi = 30
Therefore, Number of people who speak only
English = 400 - (100 + 90 + 3) = 180 ... (A)
S = 40 (iii) Now, with the help of (A),
For x to be maximum the othe r common Number of people who speak Hindi and Urdu
sections should be zero. Now, both but not English = 120 ... (B)
(140 x) + (60 x) + (40 x) + x = 200 Therefore, number of people who speak only
x = 20 Urdu = 300 (120 + 90 + 30) = 60 ... (C)
Required % = 10 Similarly, number of people who speak only
Hindi 500 (100 + 90 + 120) = 190 ... (D)
30. 1;From (D). From (iii),
31. 5;From (A). Number of employees of company C who speak
32. 2;From (B). only French = 180
33. 3;Number of people who speak only Urdu Number of employees of company B who speak
= 300 (120 + 90 + 30) = 60 180
only Hindi = 100 150
100 60 120
Required less % = 100 40%
100 Combining (iii) and (iv), we have
:5 = 150 :4 = 120 and :2 = 60
180 120
34. 3;Required more % = 100 50% . From (v),
120 Number of employees of company A who speak
(35-36): only English = Number of employees of company
B who speak only French = 180
Number of employees of company C who speak
English and French but not Hindi
= 100 240
Now, combining this with (ii), we have

Number of employees of company A who speak
only Hindi = Number of employees of company B
who speak all the three languages = Number of
employees of C who speak English and French
but not Hindi = 240
Let x be the number of students who study all
From (vii),
the three subjects. Then the number of students
Number of employees of company A who speak
who study only Physics = (35 x)
French and Hindi but not English = 165
Number of students who study only Chemistry
= (20 x)
Number of employees of company C who speak
Hindi and French but not English
Number of students who study only Mathematics
= (35 x) 165
100 150

Now, 110 + (20 x) + 20 + (35 x) = 165 110
or, x = 10 Now, when we combine this with (vi), the rest of
35. 1 our Venn-diagram will be filled.
10 100 37. 4;Number of employees of company C who speak
36. 5;Required % = 5% all the three languages = 700 - (180 + 240 + 150)
= 130
(37-42): Now, the number of employees of company C who
Try to depict all the given informations in Venn- speak Hindi and English but not French
diagram. = 600 - (240 + 130 + 60) = 170
A B 38. 1;Number of employees of company A who speak
all the three languages
= 700 - (240 + 150 + 165) = 145
39. 2;Number of employees of company B who speak
Hindi and English but not French
= 580 - (60 + 150 + 240) = 130
Number of employees of company B who speak
Hindi and French but not English
= 700 - (180 + 150 + 240) = 130
Total number of employees of company B who
C speak any two of the three languages
= 130 + 130 + 150 = 410
40. 3;Number of employees of company A who speak
English and French but not Hindi = 125
Number of employees of company C who speak
only Hindi = 50
125 50
Required % = 100 150%
41. 5;Required difference = 130 - 60 = 70
Venn Diagram 277
42. 2;Number of employees in company B
= 700 + 60 + 130 + 150 = 1040
Number of employees in company C
= 700 + 60 + 170 + 50 = 980
1040 980
Required % = 100 6%
Class strength = 260
Students passing in P + C + M = 9
Students pasing in P + C = 28 9 = 19
Students passing in P + M = 42 9 = 33
Students passing in M + C = 15 9 = 6
Students passing only in C = 63 19 6 9 = 29
Students passing only in M = 97 6 33 9 = 49
Students passing only in P = 85 9 19 33
= 24
Total students passing in at least one subject

= 63 + 97 + 85 28 42 15 + 9 = 169
53. 3 54. 1
43. 3;Students who have failed in all subjects
= 260 169 = 91 60 24
55. 1;Required % = 100 = 150%
44. 4;Students who have passed in two or more 24
subjects = 9 + 19 + 33 + 6 = 67 (56-57):
Required % 100 25%
45. 1;Total number of students who have failed in at
least one subject = 260 9 = 251
% value = 260 100 96.5%

46. 3;P, C = 19 + 9 + 24 + 29 + 33 + 6 = 120
P, M = 33 + 9 + 24 + 49 + 6 + 19 = 140
M, C = 6 + 9 + 49 + 29 + 33 + 19 = 145
56. 1;Let x% people use both Head & Shoulders and
47. 4;9 + 33 + 6 = 48
Pentene only.
5 Percentage of people who used only Head &
(48-52): Number of boys in the class = 80 50
8 Shoulders = (28 - x)
Percentage of people who used only Pentene
Number of girls in the class = 80 50 = 30
= (35 - x)
28 x + 12 + 18 + 8 + 10 + x + 35 x = 100
or, 111 x = 100 x = 11%
Number of people who used both Head Shoul-
ders and Pentene only = 11% of 25000
= 2750
57. 2; Number of people who used only Pentene
= 24% of 25000 = 6000
(58-62): We have
48. 4 49. 5 50. 4
51. 2 52. 3
Number of students in section A
= 220 = 100
Number of students in section B
= 220 - 100 = 120
a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 106 72. 3;Number of students who failed in Physics or
a + e + d + b = 48 Maths but not in Chemistry
c + b + d + f = 51 n P M C n C 1000 372 628
g + e + d + f = 53 (73-75):
b + d = 16; d + e = 17; d + f = 18 The whole information is as follows:
and from the standard formula, Total members : 80
n A B C n A n B n C n A B
n B C n C A n A B C
We get, 106 = 48 + 51 + 53 17 18 16 + d
d = 5. Now, all the values can be obtained as
shown in the figure and all the questions can be
58. 4;b + e + f = 36
59. 2;b + d + e + f = 41
60. 1;d = 5
61. 3;a + c + g = 65 21 7 100 80%
62. 2;b = 11 73. 1: Required per cent =

Note: This question, and its solution, is so mechanical 74. 5; 19 + 22 = 41
and direct that with proper practice, you should 75. 2;It is obvious from the above figure.
be able to solve it very quickly. (76-80):
63. 2; 2 + 7 + 9 + 3 = 21
64. 4; Adding up all the values, we get required answer
= 340.
65. 3; Only one speciality = 19 + 63 + 101 + 28 = 211
Exactly two specialities = 53 + 11 + 23 + 12 = 99
Required answer = 211 99 = 112
66. 4; The number of people having at least one speci-
ality is 340. But the total number of people sur-

veyed is not known. Hence, percentage cannot 76. 3 77. 2 78. 1 79. 1
be determined. 80. 5; 12 + 3 : 20 +7 = 15 : 27 = 5 : 9
67. 1; (53 + 19) (28 + 12) = 32 (81-83):
Let P be the set of the students who failed in
Physics, C be the set of the students who failed
in Chemistry, and M be the set of the students
who failed in Maths. Then
n(P) = 658, n(P C) = 166,
n(C) = 372, n(P M) = 434
n(M) = 590, n(M C) = 126 and
n(P M C) = 1000
68. 3;The number of students who failed in all the three
subjects = n(P M C)
n P M C n P n M n C We have been given
n P M n P C n M C A = 20, E = 111, F = 194, G = 202,
= 100 658 590 372 + 434 + 166 + 126 A + D = 57 and A + B + C + F = 250
= 106
69. 1;Number of students who failed in Maths but not
in Chemistry
n M C n M n M C 590 126 464
70. 2;Number of students who failed in Physics but
not in Maths
n P M n P n P M 658 434 224.
71. 4;Number of students who failed in Chemistry but
not in Physics
n C P n C n C P 372 166 206
Venn Diagram 279
Here, we have 86. 5; Number of members reading Hindi newspaper
A + B + C + D + E + F + G = 600 = 550 + 400 + 200 + 100 = 1250
B + C = 600 - (111 + 37 + 194 + 20 + 202) 87. 2; Number of members who read only one news-
= 600 - 564 = 36 paper = 550 + 650 + 450 = 1650.
We can get B + C through other ways also. 88. 1; Number of members reading no newspaper
Note that A + B + C + F = 250 = 2800 - (650 + 550 + 450 + 400 + 300 +
or 20 + B + C + 194 = 250 200 + 100)
B + C = 250 - (194 + 20) = 36. = 150.
81. 1; Here we need to find out the values of B and C (89-93)
together ie, 36. 89. 3; L local language, E English, H Hindi
82. 4; Here we need to find out the sum of the values of
A, B, D and E. Since value of B is not known,
hence sum of the values of A, B, D and E cant
be determined.
83. 4; Total number of students who study more than
one language = A + B + C + D = 20 + 36 + 37 = 93

84. 3; Difference = (E + M) - (H + E) = 300 - 200
90. 2
Required percentage

91. 1;Required percentage


100 20%

100 67

92. 4;Required ratio = 300 : 625 = 12 : 25

93. 5;After addition people who speak all the three
languages = 300 + 25 = 325
After addition people who speak local language
= 100

85. 4; Number of members who read at least 2 news- as well as Hindi = 625 + 45 = 670
papers = 400 + 300 + 200 + 100 = 1000. Required difference = 670 - 325 = 345.

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