Innovation Project: Deadline: 11 June 2017 Objectives
Innovation Project: Deadline: 11 June 2017 Objectives
Innovation Project: Deadline: 11 June 2017 Objectives
The goal of this project is to get you to think about real innovation, and puts great emphasis on group
work. In this exercise, your group is required to find a technology and to use the course materials to
analyze the potential business scenario for adopting the technology to the market. This project is worth
50% of your final mark; 20% Mid Term Report & 30% Final Report.
The Innovation Project is based on the Technology Commercialization Model proposed by Goldsmith
(2005). We have chosen specific areas within the model for you to assess in your report (see Figure 1)
considering materials covered during this course and hours of work. Your study will be limited to
desktop study (there will be no field work). A breakdown of the expected outcome in your report will be
presented in the next section.