Lesson 1worksheet Introduction and Present Simple

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Lerne Deutsch Language School, Kolrovo

Summer Camp 2017

Lesson 1

1. Introduction and Present simple

a) Continue the sentences. Write about yourself.

I always..
I never..
I like..
I dont like..
I am sad when..
I am happy when..

b) Continue the sentences. Write about your mother/father/sibling.

My mother/father/sibling likes ..
My mother/father/sibling hates..
My mother/father/sibling often..
My mother/father/sibling doesnt eat..

c) Continue the sentences. Write about yourself and your best friend.
We often..
We both like ..

English language teacher: Renta Marosi

Lerne Deutsch Language School, Kolrovo
Summer Camp 2017
Lesson 1

2. Jobs and professions

English language teacher: Renta Marosi

Lerne Deutsch Language School, Kolrovo
Summer Camp 2017
Lesson 1

English language teacher: Renta Marosi

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