Translation in English Language Teaching
Translation in English Language Teaching
Translation in English Language Teaching
Faculty of Arts
Department of English
and American Studies
I declare that I have worked on this thesis independently,
using only the primary and secondary sources listed in the bibliography.
Authors signature
First and foremost I would like to thank my supervisor, James Edward Thomas,
M.A., for his friendly support and timely advice. My very special thanks are due to my
The present thesis aims to provide an overview of the history of the use of
translation in language teaching in order to account for the vilification of translation and
its current reappraisal. The thesis further intends to become a part of the recent
means and an end of language teaching and learning. It presents the most frequent
counterarguments in its favour. The thesis also discusses the actual practice of
translation as done by secondary school students and the resources used during this
carried out at seven Czech secondary schools. The quantitative data were gathered using
student questionnaires, and the data from the qualitative research were collected using
The findings suggest that the monolingual principle prevalent in the academic
discussion of language teaching has not greatly affected the teaching situation at the
secondary schools in the Czech Republic, since the mode of instruction is largely cross-
lingual with a fairly frequent use of translation. Further findings show that the students
language and translation skills. However, they do not avail themselves of all the
resources available to them when translating and do not distinguish between L1 and L2
translations, which may suggest that the students at Czech secondary schools do not
receive proper instruction in regard to the translation process and this fact,
Table 4 Textbooks Used at Secondary Schools in the Czech Republic and their Content of the Czech
Language .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Table 5 The Amount of Czech Spoken by English Teachers at Czech Secondary Schools ...................... 38
Table 6 The Need of Translation Skills by Czech Secondary School Students ......................................... 50
Table 7 Pair and Group Work in Translation Activities at Czech Secondary Schools .............................. 59
Table 12 Use of Monolingual Dictionaries when Translating according to the Year of Study ................. 74
Table 13 Use of Collocations Dictionaries among Czech Secondary School Students ............................. 75
Table 14 Use of the Thesaurus among Czech Secondary School Students ............................................... 76
Table 15 Use of Google Translate among Czech Secondary School Students .......................................... 78
Table 16 Use of Google Translate as a Dictionary among Czech Secondary School Students ................. 79
Table 17 Use of Corpora during Translation among Czech Secondary School Students .......................... 80
Fig. 2. De Swaans hierarchy of languages (adopted from V. Cook, Language User 58). ..................... 48
CA Contrastive Analysis
FL Foreign Language
GT Grammar Translation
MT Machine Translation
ST Source Text
TT Target Text
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................ 4
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 11
4 METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 COMMON ARGUMENTS AGAINST TRANSLATION...................................................................... 53
7.1.6 Translation Misleads Students into Thinking that Expressions in Two Languages Field Research 3The Use of Dictionaries by Czech Secondary School Learners ................ 71 Field Research 4The Use of Additional Resources by Czech Secondary School Learners . 77
7.1.7 Translation Prevents Students from Thinking in the Foreign Language ........................... 82
9 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................... 110
used in various forms and to varying extents for many centuries and, needless to say,
was first put into practice in the teaching of classical languages. The students were
lists and rules of grammar. The expected result was the improvement in the ability to
read and write with a particular aim at being able to read and translate literary works.
This method was later adapted to teach modern languages and in some parts of the
world still survives and remains popular. It does not, however, comply with modern
which is fed by continuous education and linguistic research. The needs of language
learners are nowadays distinctly different from the needs of learners instructed by
means of Grammar Translation several centuries ago. The grammar translation method
is undoubtedly out of fashion now, yet a time has come for translation to be revived and
employed within the communicative framework, since a large part of the research
community dealing with language pedagogy has started to recognise the role of the
teaching. A great deal of research has been done on the effects of the use of the mother
tongue in the classroom, however, a specific case for translation has been heard only
from a few lone voices. In 2007, Guy Cook called for research to be carried out in the
teaching should be a major topic for future applied linguistic research and discussion
(A Thing 396). Cook further mentions that almost all SLA research is on
English teaching around the world takes part in bi- or multilingual classrooms, where
Six years later, the situation seems to be rapidly changing, though it is far from
complete. A major turn around in ELT thinking on the way towards a rehabilitation of
translation came with the publication of the book Translation in Language Teaching by
Guy Cook in 2010. This book has sparked a heated debate even among the most active
proponents of monolingual instruction. Cook explains at length how the climate in ELT
has been changing in favour of bilingual instruction with many notable researchers
presenting arguments for the use of cross-lingual classrooms. However, the support for
the use of the mother tongue in the classroom does not always mean that translation is
supported as well. Arguments in which translation is the main focus of attention, rather
than bilingual teaching, remain few and far between (G. Cook, Translation 51).
This thesis strives to respond to Guy Cooks call and help fill the gap from within the
Czech secondary school perspective. It deals with translation, which covers not only the
process of translating a text from one language to another, but also the use of the mother
tongue for classroom instruction. The reasons for this are discussed in greater detail in
the section Defining Translation. The present thesis aims to achieve several main
objectives. First of all, it aims to explore the development of the belief that sees the use
of the mother tongue and therefore translation as the skeleton in the cupboard1 of
Prodromou qtd. in Hall and Cook.
English language teaching with negative perceptions of the issue maintaining a
stranglehold2 on teachers attitudes and beliefs (Hall and Cook 294). The history of
the vilification of translation in English language teaching (TILT) and the reasons
behind it will be explored and presented. Secondly, the main arguments against the use
of translation in language teaching, both derived from ELT theories and common
perceptions of how languages ought to be taught, are surveyed, and the thesis presents
Translation is defended both as a means and an end of English language teaching and
The present study also hopes to reveal the extent to which secondary school
teachers in the Czech Republic have been convinced by the monolingual movement not
to use translation in English language teaching. Furthermore, Hall and Cook pose the
often taken for granted by teachers and ELT theorists (296). The thesis aims to provide
valuable insights into attitudes of learners towards the use of translation in the
classroom. It is the learners, after all, who should co-operate on shaping the courses, if
any calls for humanistic education and learner-centred teaching are to be in accord with
current thinking. As G. Cook says: Students themselves are the ultimate arbiters of
success (Translation 120). Finally, the thesis concentrates on the level of Czech
secondary school students sub-skills, i.e. how they approach the process of translation,
which aspects of the text they focus on, which tools the students use and what
differences and similarities they notice and take into account when translating.
Prodromou qtd. in Hall and Cook.
The traditional terms used to describe the language known by the students and the
language they are endeavouring to learn are a part of the long-term discourse in the
fields of language teaching and second language acquisition. These established terms
usually reflect established views of the disciplines and are often not satisfactory for a
discussion of translation, since translation was for the several past decades not a part of
the discourse. The traditional terms used to describe the language the students know are
first language or L1, native language and mother tongue. The terms for the
language which is learnt are second language or L2, foreign language and target
language. The terminology used in this thesis is adopted from Guy Cook, who
suggested these terms be replaced by own language and new language (Translation
xxii). The reasons for this replacement are understandable. L1 and L2 are
learnt is approached may not be the first language the students encountered first in their
lives. Similarly, L2 would imply that the language being learnt is the second language
in order for the students, while many of them may already know several other
languages. The term native language is also problematic. Pokorn offers at least four
criteria on which a person can be regarded as a native speaker, and these do not
necessarily go together (6-9). Finally, mother tongue can again be defined according to
certain limitations and inadequacies can be attributed to any term. Multilingual people,
for instance, may approach the language being learnt through several of the languages
they already know. Which one is their own language then? Or does this mean that one
of their languages is more own then others? We may conclude that no terminology is
perfect. Own language and new language will be used throughout this thesis, as these
two terms are politically neutral and seem to carry the least controversy, at least so far.
However, the remaining terms are occasionally used as well for the sake of
convenience. Particularly when citing other authors or when speaking about specific
concepts, e.g. L2 translation. When one of these terms is used, they should always be
The word translation itself needs to be defined. For a discussion of this term, the
This thesis draws on theoretical works in the field of language pedagogy and SLA.
Furthermore, it contains field research that has been carried out at several secondary
schools in the Czech Republic. The research is twofold. The first part is quantitative in
nature and involves a questionnaire which was distributed among secondary school
teaching is used at Czech secondary schools, and to gauge students sub-skills and
The second part of the research involves a qualitative survey conducted among
eight secondary school students. Two questionnaires are devised for this purpose. Each
interview with the student follows. The questions were designed so as to comply with
the thesis aims i.e. to find out more about the attitudes of secondary school learners
towards translation, and to learn more about how they perceive and approach the
translation process itself. Special attention is also paid to what kind of resources the
The research consists of a questionnaire, which was chosen as the most convenient way
of addressing a large number of students across several secondary schools in the Czech
Republic. The Student Questionnaire (see Appendix 1) was distributed to seven schools.
Several teachers who are acquaintances of the author of the present thesis were asked to
administer the Student Questionnaires in the schools at which they are active. This
Secondly, it accounts for the geographical distribution of the schools included. Five
schools are located in Moravia, two schools are in Bohemia. Both technical schools and
(for the list of schools, see Appendix 2). All of the teachers participating in this research
are native speakers of the Czech language. The research method of a questionnaire was
also chosen for its easy administration and because it is not excessively time-consuming
for the respondents. All questionnaires were printed out and the teachers who
administered them were given clear instructions to pass onto the responding students.
The Student Questionnaire was anonymous and all the question items were in students
technical school students, and the remaining 74 come from students attending schools of
the gymnzium type (see table 1).3 The study covers thirteen teachers, and therefore
Table 1
Gymnzium Schools 74
Total 188
understanding of the question items by the respondents. Looking at the individual items,
the Student Questionnaire contains sixteen question items in the form of statements. The
first two question items are exceptions, as they are questions per se. The first question
item has the form of an open question; the second item is a multiple-choice question.
The rest of the Student Questionnaire, i.e. questions three to sixteen, are constructed
using a three-point Likert scale with possible answers never, sometimes and
often. The design of this scale ought to guarantee a reasonable level of validity and
Questions 1-6 generally seek to find out the extent to which the monolingual
approaches described in the first part of this thesis influenced the teaching of English at
translation in terms of its usefulness in their future lives and careers. The remainder of
Gymnzium schools are slightly overrepresented when compared to the distribution of schools in
general. According to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, there were 372 gymnzium type
the questions, i.e. questions 8-16, ought to shed light on the actual practice of translation
The research uses interviews with students. Six students from different schools were
selected for this survey. All of the students studied in the last year of secondary school
and were not informed in advance of the subject of the interview to ensure an equal and
A pilot study preceded the survey itself. Two first-year university students, not
studying English as their major subject, were interviewed to pilot the Interview
Questionnaire. Based on this pilot study, several questions were discarded as redundant.
As the results of the pilot interviews did not differ from the data gathered from the six
interviewed students, their responses are evaluated together. This means that the
The interviews took place in a quiet environment so that they could be recorded.
All of the students were interviewed individually. The students were set two translation
tasks. The first one was to translate a synopsis of a film (L1 translation), the other one
was to translate a short article providing tourists with information about a castle (L2
translation). The students were provided with a laptop and dictionaries and were
instructed to use any resources on the Internet they needed. They were given sufficient
time to produce the translations. After finishing the first translation, the students were
interviewed based on the Interview Questionnaire A. After the interview, the same
process followed with the second translation. The translation tasks and the Interview
Questionnaires are provided in the Appendix (see Appendix 3 and 4). The individual
question items are discussed in greater detail in the relevant sections of the present
This section maps the development of translation in language teaching and pedagogy
from its early history until today. It is essential to understand the position of translation
The long history of teaching languages is complicated by the passage of time and the
relatively few records kept. Compared with the abundantly documented research into
the issue of language teaching in the last two centuries, there is very little that we know
about language teaching in the two or three millennia prior to the nineteenth century.
Translation, however, was not unknown in early foreign language instruction. In the
Western world, foreign language learning in schools was synonymous with the
learning of Latin or Greek (Brown, Principles 26). Brown further notes that Latin was
plethora of grammatical rules, and finally on the translation of texts (Principles 26).
According to Howatt, Latin had dominated the school curriculum since the Middle
Ages and had shared this pre-eminence with Greek since the Renaissance (129).
Translation was still the popular method in the teaching of both the languages in
5.2 Grammar Translation
Classical languages were still taught at schools all across Europe at the beginning of the
education (Brown, Principles 26). According to Howatt, very few schools taught
foreign languages except as optional extras to the principal work of the school, the
however, started to change and by 1900 most secondary schools had altered their
curricula in order to teach one or more of the major European languages (Howatt 129).
The students as well as teachers naturally used techniques that they were familiar with,
and so the principles of the Classical Method were used to teach the new languages.
This proved to be a tall order for secondary school students. Traditionally, literary
works and classical texts were studied with the aim of gaining reading or writing
proficiency, or just for the sake of being scholarly, as Brown suggests (Principles 26).
The traditional scholastic techniques of the Classical Method were therefore adjusted
end of the eighteenth century (Howatt and Widdowson 151). The first grammar-
translation course for the teaching of the English language was published by Johann
Christian Fick, and was modelled on an earlier course in French written by the
originator of the method Johan Valentin Meidinger (Howatt 132). Ficks method used
specific grammatical points (Randaccio 78). Foreign language structures were graded
and presented in units; sentences for translation aimed to practice only vocabulary and
grammar encountered in the covered units (G. Cook, Language Teaching 117).
Prator and Celce-Murcia (qtd. in Mehta) listed the salient features of the
1. Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target
4. Grammar provides the rules for putting words together, and instruction often
5. Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in
grammatical analysis.
6. Often the only frills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from
Some of the weaknesses of Grammar Translation, such as the exclusive focus on the
competence, are readily visible even from this brief digest of the method, and it did not
Astute readers will have noticed that the name, the grammar-translation method,
itself draws attention to the two less significant aspects of the approach (Howatt 129).
the nineteenth century, the characteristics of the language learner had changed, given
the proceeding industrialisation. Howatt asserts that a new class of language learner
without grammar school education and therefore unable of learning languages by means
of traditional methods came into being (139). He further claims that [a] new approach
was needed . . . and it eventually emerged in the form of direct methods which
on the account of its relative complexity for learners whose aims were no longer to
become proficient readers of literary texts in the new language and for whom the
practices of the grammar-translation method were not well-suited. These learners often
lacked classical education and a detailed linguistic analysis of the target text was
beyond their capacities and, in fairness, beyond their needs. Grammar Translation was
originally developed to simplify the techniques of the Classical Method with the aim of
making life easier for the secondary school student, and as such was an important step
ahead in the development of language methodology. It was, however, not suitable for
the new emerging class of learners who needed the language to communicate
effectively when travelling for work. This marks the commencement of the Direct
The first voices against Grammar Translation, however, came from the Reform
Movement towards the end of the nineteenth century. Grammar translation was
criticized for ignoring the spoken language, for encouraging false notions of
equivalence, and for presenting isolated sentences rather than connected texts (Howatt
173). According to Randaccio, the Reform Movement was based on three fundamental
learning, and the priority of oral classroom methodology (79). Vermes considers these
criteria and maintains that the use of isolated, out-of-context sentences that are used in
written translation tasks hinder foreign language acquisition, as such exercises do not
Having studied English as a foreign language, however, the author of this thesis
isolated sentences is still in use at Czech secondary schools and to which extent, as it is
a controversial practice with several advocates and many critics. Question 5 of the
Student Questionnaire aims to find out more about the extent to which students
The basic assumption is that students usually translate isolated sentences, hence
the word sentences in the question item. The practice of translation at secondary schools
may arguably not be limited to the translation of sentences, however, the experience of
the author of the present thesis and of other teachers who were consulted reveals the
translation of isolated sentences as the most frequent and often the only practice of
The results of Question 5 are summarised in the table below (see table 2). By
interpreting the results, it can be said that only 6% of the students never translate at
remaining 30% of students translate often. In other words, almost a third of the
Adding the two values together, we can see that 93% of the respondents translate at
least sometimes. The differences between schools of the gymnzium type and technical
Table 2
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
5 187 74 113
a 12 6% 3 4% 9 8%
b 118 63% 46 62% 72 64%
c 57 30% 25 34% 32 28%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
Translation of isolated, artificial sentences had been one of the most frequent
advocate the translation of isolated sentences for teaching purposes. Perkins, for
instance, argues that the teacher can quite legitimately get students to translate L1
sentences designed to pinpoint and clarify structures and patterns the student still has
not assimilated (qtd. in Ross). Once a language learner himself, the author of this thesis
believes that this is a valid practice of translation, and if used moderately, it may
vocabulary. Dagiliene also supports the translation of isolated sentences and sees it as
an effective warm-up activity (127). The results of this research may imply that the
teachers of English working at Czech secondary schools recognise the positive effects
of translation, as most of them make use of such activities. The numbers may possibly
hide other uses of translation, such as translation of texts with context or oral
translation, therefore it cannot be claimed with certainty that the teachers believe in the
use of translation of isolated sentences as such, however, the results show a strong
linguists and phoneticians, and it is thus little wonder that they based their claims on the
new science of phonetics and on the primacy of speech (G. Cook, Translation 4).
Among the notable members of the Reform Movement were for example Otto Jespersen
and Henry Sweet, who were influential in Denmark and England respectively.
detractors were far from unanimous. Howatt and Widdowson see the essential role of
translation in language learning as twofold (191). Firstly, it is the use of the mother
tongue for grammar explanation and also for the so-called glossing, i.e. as a tool
unknown words. Most of the members of the Reform Movement considered glossing a
useful technique which secured more time for other activities and sped lessons up. Guy
Cook depicts the reformers as not excessive or fanatical in their attitude to translation,
acknowledging a role for it, and allowing for its judicial use (Translation 5). Henry
Sweet, one of the key figures of the Reform Movement, explicitly advocated the use of
translation for glossing: We translate the foreign words and phrases into our language
simply because this is the most convenient and at the same time the most effective guide
to their meaning (202). Others were more careful in their judgement of translation and
admitted its use as a necessary last resort (G. Cook, Language Teaching 118).
conversion of texts in the mother tongue into foreign-language texts with the same
meaning . . . (191). In this case the reformers were unanimous in their position. Such
191); this view attacked the practice of translating sentences found in most textbooks of
that time, a practice which is still popular among teachers, learners and publishers
Guy Cook assumes that the arguments presented by the Reform Movement were
largely based on academic and pedagogic reasons and that their chief concerns were
aimed at the education of secondary school learners (Translation 7). Meanwhile, the
harshest attack on the use of translation in language teaching came from the commercial
sector dominated by private language schools and publishers. Probably the most notable
was the network of language schools established by Maximilian Berlitz in the USA and
later in Europe. It was in the so-called Berlitz Method, G. Cook claims, that the first
true hard-line rejection of translation could be found (Translation 6). Berlitzs schools
focused on speaking, and employed only teachers who were native speakers of the
language they taught. The Berlitz Method still thrives today and is proudly presented on
the company webpage as the most efficient form of language learning yet discovered.
One of the advantages of the total immersion and natural approach of the method is, as
the Berlitz websites boast, that you learn faster and your learning progress is
significantly greater than in bilingual teaching sessions. A bold claim in the light of the
Although far from new,4 the monolingual principle of the Berlitz Schools came
exclusively native speakers, and so the typical learning situation appeared to disregard
whose agenda was to produce monolingual materials which could be marketed globally
without any alterations and additional information derived from speakers of other
languages (Hall and Cook 275). The emphasis in language teaching was shifting from
the written towards the spoken language with a complete exclusion of translation. Guy
Cook ascribes the term Direct Method to describe any and all teaching which excludes
use of the students own language from the classroom, whether for translation or for
explanation and commentary (Translation 7). This interpretation is used throughout the
present thesis. The no translation rule is characteristic of almost all approaches and
methods following the Berlitz Method well until late twentieth century (G. Cook,
Translation 7; Vermes 86). The Berlitz Method thus can be seen as the beginning of the
Guy Cook asserts that this movement away from the use of learners own
(Translation 22). Despite the fact that the language of instruction is now the new
instruction is carefully graded and presented to students gradually, and great emphasis is
Monolingual instruction was known even in medieval times (see Hall and Cook 274)
laid on form (G. Cook, Translation 22-23). The Direct Method thus can be seen as
5.4 Contrastive Analysis
The monolingual paradigm played a dominant role in leading English language teaching
literature from the late nineteenth century onwards. This, however, did not mean that
teachers and course designers lost interest in own language completely (Hall and Cook
276). Even though the knowledge of own language was discouraged from the
classroom, some fields of research admitted its usefulness. Such was the case of
comparison of two or more languages with the aim of establishing the differences and
similarities between them. The languages compared must have a common measure by
which they can be compareda tertium comparationis (Hoey and Houghton 46). CA
assumed that the learner transfers rules of his own language when learning the new
language, i.e. that L1 transfer affects the second language learning. This is the basis of
differences could predict the errors and prevent their occurrence. In the 1960s, it
became apparent that CA did not explain or predict all the errors occurring during
language learning, and it, therefore, lost popularity. However, the CAH using
perfect tertium comparationis, which may be used to compare words, sentences, texts,
languages and cultures (Leonardi 42). Even if we accept that own-language interference
does not account for all errors that may occur when learning a language, there are well-
documented cases in which it is so, and there is no reason why translation could not be
5.5 Second Language Acquisition Theories
In the 1970s and 1980s, the field of second language acquisition became the leading
theoretical basis of language teaching. SLA theories are derived from theories of
consequently linked to the CAH, as second language learners form their habits based on
their first language, and such habits may interfere with the new ones that they need for
the second language (Lightbown and Spada 34). Subsequent SLA theories, such as
meanings do not make use of the CAH, as it does not provide a viable explanation of
the occurrence of all learners errors (Lightbown and Spada 34; Odlin 17). SLA theories
minor source of errors (G. Cook, Translation 25). There is no space for a pedagogical
use of translation within the framework of these theories, just as in most SLA-
influenced teaching methods (G. Cook, Language Teaching 119; Leonardi 60).
The scope of the thesis does not allow the author to present a larger-scale probe
into the study of SLA in general. However, a brief overview of SLA approaches is
presented in the table below (see table 3) excerpted from Saville-Troike, according to
whom the inquiry into SLA can be categorised as based on linguistic, psychological or
Table 3
The two SLA theories introduced in the 1970s, the Natural Approach and CLT,
both believe that focus on the communication of meaning is more important than formal
accuracy. Both led to the second major revolution in language teaching theory in which
it was not only translation that was outlawed, but also other form-focused activities. The
two revolutions are clearly depicted in the following overview (see fig. 1) which is
Almost all the teaching methods derived from SLA theories are based upon the
principle of L1 avoidance (Leonardi 60). Nonetheless, there have been a few exceptions
Fig. 1. Major directions in English language teaching theory.
Butzkamm offers an example of a university language teacher who disregards all the
further reports that there are highly elaborated bilingual methods which have enjoyed
mentions these very techniques alongside two others, which also make use of
The American Army Method, formally known as the Army Specialized Training
Program, was developed after the entry of the USA into World War II for language
(Brown, Teaching 23). Angiolillo claims that the general principle of the Army Method
was based on the mediation of the unknown language through the known, and that
Total Physical Response developed by James Asher (1972) requires the students
to listen to a series of instructions, which they later act out without speaking (Lightbown
and Spada 146). Guy Cook likens this approach to intersemiotic translation as defined
by Jacobson, during which words are translated into gestures and vice versa
(Translation 24).
1979 was based on the assumption that the human brain could work more effectively if
the right conditions were provided (Brown, Teaching 27). Baroque music was used to
release the stress of the learners and create the ideal conditions for concentration.
understanding it.
introduced by Charles Curran who believed that learners in a classroom are not a class,
but a group in need of counselling (Brown, Teaching 25). The success of the method
depended largely on the translation expertise of the teacher (Brown, Teaching 27).
The four methods may have had their successes, but these were not attributed to
ignored. It is not the bilingual teaching techniques that are critical, but rather the
technique . . . not the translations. The success of the Army Method was ascribed to its
intensity and the high level of motivation of the students (Cherrington 27). Cook
concludes that these four methods have proved to be minor ones compared to
5.5 The Situation in Language Classrooms
In spite of the deeply entrenched position of the monolingual principle in SLA research
and language teaching theories which held sway until the late twentieth century,
learners own language and translation have remained a common practice in language
classrooms worldwide (Hall and Cook 277). Guy Cook aptly described the situation
noting that . . . although translation has long been glibly dismissed in the inner-circle
academic literature, it has rather stubbornly refused to die elsewhere, notably in locally
written syllabuses around the world, and in the teaching of languages other than
English (A Thing 397). Philip Kerr assumes that in the last thirty years there has
been a conspiracy of silence that translation should not be used in the classroom, and
that nobody agreed with this situation, which in turn was reflected in practicenobody
taught in English only. This radical break with tradition (G. Cook, Translation xv)
was evident in everyday teaching situations, but was largely ignored by academia.
Looking at some of the results of the quantitative study carried out as a part of this
thesis, we should be able to arrive at an informed opinion as to how deeply the strictly
It has been pointed out that one of the driving forces of the monolingual
approaches were the vested interests of textbook publishers, who helped to drive
marketed worldwide without any changes. Such a practice certainly secured vast profits.
However, the situation is believed to have changed with the turn of the twentieth
publishers . . . have since the 1990s also begun to integrate translation into activities
(G. Cook, Translation 148). The quantitative part of this thesis endeavours to reveal
whether any use of translation is present in the textbooks used at Czech secondary
schools. Let us now have a look at the first two questions of the quantitative research
whose aim is to map which English textbooks are used at Czech secondary schools, and
whether they contain any Czech-written partsat least as perceived by the learners
themselves, as a thorough analysis of the individual textbooks is well beyond the scope
of this thesis and may be the focus of further research. Question 2 ought to put the
abovementioned claim to the test within the context of Czech secondary schools. The
2. Does this textbook contain any Czech-written parts? Choose one or more
options: (a) a vocabulary list at the end of a unit or at the end of the book (b)
translation exercises (c) grammar explanation (d) instructions for exercises and
tasks (e) nothing (f) other (specify what is in Czech in the textbook).
The results revealed that the seven schools in which the Student Questionnaire
was administered use eight different English textbooks (see table 4). Question 2,
however, has proved to be very difficult to evaluate. In the vast majority of cases,
students were not unanimous in their description of their textbooks. The results are
therefore interpreted as the mode value, i.e. as the most frequent answer (see table 4).
The reasons why the answers were so varied may lie in the fact that most textbooks are
regard to the students book; others may have reflected the workbook as well. This fact,
however, does not hinder the interpretation of the results for the purpose of this
research, as the textbooks are used as a set, and it may be argued that it does not matter
whether the mother tongue parts are included in the students book, in the workbook, or
in both.
Table 4
Textbooks Used at Secondary Schools in the Czech Republic and their Content of the
Czech Language
Textbook Mode
Headway a
Gateway e
Longman Exam Accelerator e
Maturita in Mind a
New English File a
Maturita Solutions a
New Opportunities a
Success e
These results suggest that the textbooks used in the Czech secondary schools
mostly contain some parts written in Czech, i.e. in students own language. According
to the students, five of the textbooks include a bilingual list of vocabulary. This could
mean that students own language is used in textbooks, however, it does not provide any
direct evidence of the inclusion of translation activities. In three cases, the students
believed that their textbook did not contain any instances of the Czech language. This
may partly indicate that some publishers distributing textbooks for the Czech secondary
however, we need to bear in mind that these are only students reflections and that the
actual situation may differ. A special study into the structure of textbooks and the
amount of Czech used in them would be in order. Guy Cook asserts that there is
always a tension for publishers between the desire for worldwide distribution, . . . and
the necessarily language-specific focus of TILT (Translation 148). This is probably the
case with textbooks used at Czech secondary schools, as they include a certain amount
of translation in the form of mother tongue inclusion, but do not go as far as to give
It has been argued above that even though translation had been ousted from
classrooms around the world (G. Cook, Translation xv; Kerr). Questions 3 and 4 of the
quantitative research are, then, aiming to discover whether this discrepancy between
theory and practice holds true at Czech secondary schools, or whether the monolingual
approaches hold sway in this context. In these two questions, translation is considered in
its broader sense as the use of the students own language by the teacher. This will
4. Our teacher speaks Czech in the English lessons, but only for administrative
A summary of the results for Questions 3 and 4 is provided in table 5 below (see
table 5). The most important finding when interpreting the results is that only 5% of
teachers at secondary schools in the Czech Republic use English (L2) exclusively,
whereas 19% of teachers speak Czech (L1) very often in English classes, and 76% of
teachers at least sometimes lapse into Czech in English lessons they teach.
Table 5
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
3 188 74 114
a 9 5% 0 0% 9 8%
b 143 76% 57 77% 86 75%
c 36 19% 17 23% 19 17%
4 187 74 113
a 21 11% 12 16% 9 8%
b 116 62% 44 59% 72 64%
c 50 27% 18 24% 32 28%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
It is also interesting to look at how the use of Czech differs when the two types
of schools are compared i.e. technical schools and schools of the gymnzium type.
Overall, the numbers are rather similar, but what is striking is that at gymnzium schools
not a single teacher uses English only, as reported by their students. At technical
schools, nine students responded that their teachers never use Czech in the English
lessons they teach. However, these data may be looked into qualitatively by examining
the responses of individual classes. Such an analysis shows that all these instances but
one were reported in a single class. This number may therefore be ascribed to the
teaching style of a single teacher. The majority of teachers at Czech secondary schools
Question 4 revealed that only 11% of the teachers speaking Czech in English
classes use it solely for administrative purposes. This may suggest that the remaining
89% of the teachers use Czech as a teaching tool of one sort or another, although this
evidence is only indirect, and therefore more or less hypothesis generating than
5.6 Proponents of Translation in Academic Literature
Admittedly, there were a few voices arguing for the viability of translation in language
teaching. Butzkamm for example relates the harsh attack on the ban of the use of the
mother tongue, which came in 1967 in the form of the book Language Teaching and the
method which inspired several researchers around the world to carry out experiments
comparing monolingual and bilingual methods. The latter were found to be superior. In
the 1980s, several specialists found a use for translation in the language classroom
(Randaccio 80). Duff, among others, realised that translation can be used as a
accuracy, clarity, and flexibility. It trains the learner to search (flexibility) for the most
appropriate words (accuracy) to convey what is meant (clarity) (7). One has to agree
with Duff particularly in regard to the first two. Clarity of the message conveyed is the
however, accuracy is often neglected. In translation, the learner has to find the most
Guy Cook regards these defences of translation as lone voices which made a
case for the use of translation in particular contexts, and maintains that they did not
The first decade of the twenty-first century was marked by a renewed interest in and
support of students own languages (G. Cook, Translation 37). This has been made
possible by changes that had taken place in the academic and political climate which
surrounds language teaching and learning (Hall and Cook 278). The arguments of the
proponents of own-language use are derived from many different perspectives. Early
SLA theories have now been largely discredited and the learning of a second language
is seen as different from first language acquisitionlearners clearly rely on their own
language when learning a new language (Hall and Cook 281). A new social turn is now
making its way into linguistics and SLA, and these disciplines consequently more
language learning (G. Cook, Translation 38). Butzkamm views ones own language as
the greatest asset people bring to the task of foreign language learning. This
bilingual reform (Hall and Cook 282) is, however, not completely identical with a
support of translation in language teaching and does not appear to be congruent with
happenings in the UK and the USA where the monolingual principle has a long-
standing tradition, as these are, in Kachrus terms, inner-circle countries with largely
English native-speaker populations. It is, then, little wonder that the use of own
speakers than by native ones (Leonardi 61). Moreover, according to Guy Cook TILT
has never ceased to be associated with Grammar Translation (Translation 37), and as
such is still kept at a distance by many advocates of bilingual instruction who refuse to
grant its comeback. Cook observes that the distrust of translation has become so deeply
rooted that using own-language for advocacy of translation is for many a step too far
(Translation 52). Guy Cooks book Translation in language teaching (2010) argues that
teaching and learning. A later section of this thesis will survey the most frequent
evidence that there is no reason why translation ought not to be incorporated into a
foreign language lesson, but first we should arrive at a consensus as to what is meant by
of those advocating its use, and to refute arguments of its objectors without first actually
expressing what is meant by the word. This is necessary, since many people concerned
in this discussion just take the word itself for granted or tend to generalise by
not nearly as easy as it may seem. Guy Cook asserts that its meaning is by no means
straightforward and that it is also rather slippery (Translation 54). Let us now
explore the term in order to, at least partially, grasp its meaning and specify what is
In the Western world, the word translate has Latin and Classical Greek origins
in the forms transferre and metapherein respectively (Leonardi 65). In these traditions,
its basic meaning denotes to carry across. Etymologically, it is also the origin of the
word transfer. If we accept this metaphorical and etymological point of view, it should
be remembered, however, that translation has not been associated only with the West,
and that other cultures, in the histories of which translation played an essential role,
examples can be found in Tymoczko who describes the common words for translation
in various countries. In India, for example, the words for translation are rupantar,
change in form, and anuvad, speaking after, following. The Arabic term is tarjama,
which means biography and which is likely to be connected to the focus of early
Syriac Christian translators on the Bible. The Chinese provide yet another way of
looking at translation; it is expressed by the phrase fan yi, which means turning over
and is linked to the concept of embroiderythe source text is the front side, and the
target text forms the back side of the same item (22).
The meaning of the word varies culture from culture, and there is a plethora of
impossible to select a single one. Leonardi concedes that it is often the case that
language to another (65). She mentions an example in the form of a definition from the
the one in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary which defines translation as the
process of changing sth [sic] that is written or spoken into another language. Such a
question remains as to what happens during this change. When something is changed, or
carried across, there is the inevitable danger of losing something on the way. This is
referred to in Translation Studies as the translation loss, and is one of the reasons why
most linguists discarded the notion of meaning transference and adopted the weaker
The idea of equivalence may be concisely explained as replacing the source text
with a target text which is its equivalent. There are, of course, several levels of
equivalence and the ST and TT may not be equivalent at all of them. These levels could
be categorised as linguistic, semantic and pragmatic,5 resulting in equivalence of
equivalence (G. Cook, Translation 57-74). Leonardi concludes that a precise definition
of equivalence is not needed for the purpose of her work, as she regards translation as a
tool for enhancing learners critical and analytical language skills i.e. she regards
translation as a means of language teaching and learning (81). The position of this thesis
is, however, congruent with Guy Cooks stance, in which translation is seen as both a
means and an end of language teaching. The notion of equivalence is important for this
position, as it is related to the question of what makes a good translation and what does
types of translation. Intralingual translation, i.e. rewording of verbal signs with different
verbal signs of the same language, interlingual translation, i.e. translation proper in
which verbal signs are interpreted using verbal signs of another language, and finally
intersemiotic translation in which verbal sings of a language are interpreted using sings
of nonverbal sign systems. The third type is also referred to as transmutation (114).
Translation in language teaching falls into the second category; it can be viewed as
The term translation can also be applied for the use of the mother tongue in the
classroom or for the inherent process of translation which occurs in a learners mind.
The notion of equivalence is one of the central concepts in Translation Studies and for this reason there
are several typologies. For the sake of convenience, this thesis follows Guy Cooks division of
equivalence. A useful overview of the issue of equivalence can be for instance found in the Routledge
Originally, the present thesis intended to disregard this view of translation and limit its
interconnected that they ought not to be treated separately. For this purpose, Hatim and
product, or TT, which results from that process and which functions in the
socio-cultural context of the TL. 3. The cognitive, linguistic, visual, cultural and
In the view of this definition, translation will be regarded as a cognitive activity which
is inherent to the process of second language acquisition and cannot be avoided. The use
of the mother tongue in the classroom does not play a central role in this research,
the heading of translation. The process and product distinction is maintained, however,
translation in this thesis is not seen only as textual transfer, but also accounts for oral
It has already been established that the translation employed in language teaching and
professionals. The former can be called pedagogical translation and the latter real
translation. Vermes argues that these two types of translation differ from each other on
three accounts: the function, the object and the addressee (83). In regard to function, the
proficiency, whereas in real translation the text is the goal of translation itself.
Secondly, the object of real translation is information about reality which is contained in
the source text. In pedagogical translation, on the other hand, the object is information
about learners level of proficiency. The addressees are also different in the respective
cases. With real translation, it is the target language reader who wishes to gain
information about the reality, whereas in pedagogical translation it is the teacher, who
looks for information about learners proficiency (83). Vermes, similarly to other
concludes that secondary schools and traditional foreign language departments of higher
institutions can only deal with pedagogical translation, while the teaching of real
translation should be left to translator training programmes (84). Contrary to this sharp
learning, there are reasons to believe that TILT ought to encompass both. Since most
translation proponents acknowledge the use of translation as a means and do not pay
much attention to its benefits as an end, a special case for translation as an end of
learning regard translation as a means through which learners language skills are
enhanced (Duff; Kerr; Leonardi; Malmkjaer). In this light, translation is often seen as
the fifth skill of language learning, accompanying the four traditional skills of
reading, listening, speaking and writing (Baker; Leonardi 25; Ross 61). Translation as
an end of language learning in itself is not given much attention. It may be partly caused
by the fact that the means and end dichotomy equals the division between process and
product for some researchers, with the product being the translated text. Kerr, for
asserting that traditional approaches to translation have usually focused on the product
of the translation process: the final, correct translated text. In more contemporary
approaches . . . the focus is now the process of translating itself. However, such a
distinction between a process and product is not satisfactory. The aim of language
of language learning ought to be viewed as the skills needed to produce translated texts
compared to translation as a means which is a tool for enhancing the remaining four
skills. Translation as the fifth skill of language learning is, therefore, both a means and
an end of language education. A lot is going to be said about the former, but is the latter
worth pursuing? Is it necessary to learn how to translate? The following lines should
is acknowledged that the good practice of translation is an end in itself for many
students (Language Teaching 119). He also asserts that translation as a skill in its
own right is traditionally assumed to be useful only for learners who would pursue a
career in translation and interpreting (Translation 109). This assumption does not seem
to apply any longer in the globalised world of today in which English serves as the
lingua franca for millions of people. Bilingualism and multilingualism are the norm in
many parts of the world and translation is a daily necessity in the personal and
professional lives of a great many of individuals. Still, not everyone is bilingual and a
lot of people have to rely on the translation skills of their friends, relatives or
colleagues. It would be nave to thinkto provide an example from everyday business
experiencethat the vast majority of companies use English exclusively as their official
language. Employees from the bottom strata of the corporate hierarchy often work with
their colleagues in their native languages and use an intermediate to translate for them
when they deal with the more senior staff. An email may arrive in English and then be
Much of language teaching has traditionally presumed that the primary goal and
and that the principal aim of a learner is to pass as a native speaker (G. Cook,
Translation 110). The actual situation is, however, markedly different. According to
Vivian Cook, English has a L2 user group of people across the world, . . . for whom
demonstrate his point, he uses De Swaans Hierarchy to define groups of languages and
groups of language users. The hierarchy of languages is depicted in the diagram below
(see fig. 2). In De Swaans division, languages are of four types: peripheral, central,
supercentral and hypercentral. Peripheral languages are used within a limited area for
Kurdish in Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Central languages are used in a given area between
different language groups mostly for education and government purposes, for example
English in India. Supercentral languages are used for cross-national communication for
a limited number of specific purposes, for instance Seaspeak English for mariners. The
final step in the hierarchy is occupied by hypercentral languages that are used mainly by
non-native speakers for wide selection of purposes. Nowadays, this group comprises
What is more important is the division of speakers into groups of language users
people using their first language with each other in the local area and is therefore the
only group containing only monolingual native speakers of the language. All the other
groups are second language groups, whose members use the language to communicate
both with its native speakers and with users of many other L1 languages (qtd. in V.
Cook, Language User 58-63). This hierarchy is far from perfect, as it does not
account for all the possible situations that may occur in the real world, which is much
used to illustrate the variety of language uses in the globalised world of today in which
Guy Cook presents another argument in favour of the use of TILT as an end in
arguments for the use of TILT. One of the educational perspectives is a technological
one which has practical aims of developing skills needed by both individuals and
used to mediate between speakers of different languages. Cook further develops his
argument and regards translation as a necessary skill and a frequent activity in the
personal and professional lives of many individuals, essential for the economic survival
Under the influence of everyday experience, one has to agree with this claim. It is also
born out by the results of the quantitative and qualitative survey which was carried out
The rationale for Question 7 is a simple assumption that learners will benefit
more from something they deem important for their lives. The respondents of the
7. I think I will need to translate in my life (outside school, in my job for example).
The results are unequivocal (see table 6). More than 93% of the students asked
believe that they will need to translate outside school at some point in their lives.
Moreover, 46% of the respondents believe that they will often need to translate. This
view is slightly more prevalent among students of the gymnzium type, out of whom
51% expect that they will translate often. Furthermore, all the eight subjects interviewed
for the qualitative study expressed their need to translate in the future. These are
significant numbers and they certainly provide further support for the case of translation
Table 6
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
7 188 74 114
a 12 6% 6 8% 6 5%
b 89 47% 30 41% 59 52%
c 87 46% 38 51% 49 43%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
improvement of translation skills (translation as an end). All eight subjects of the study
were unanimous in their answers to these two questions. Translation, according to them,
would improve their English in general. Moreover, all eight interviewees believe, to
quote one of them, that practice makes perfect and that their translation skills would
improve as a result of the inclusion of translation exercises into English lessons. These
opinions can, therefore, also be regarded as a part of the argument for the case of
translation used as both a means and an end of language teaching. These are students
opinions, and it would, therefore, be valuable to support them by showing how they
correlate with research findings. However, there are very few empirical studies dealing
with the effects of translation on the improvement of students language proficiency,6
and there are no studies, as far as the author of this thesis is aware, which would asses
translation skills is based on the traditional assumption that practice makes perfect and
language learning in its own right, as a set of skills needed to successfully function in
As we saw in the previous sections, translation was criticised on many fronts, but the
principal reason why it fell out of favour was its association with the grammar-
linguistics or educational theory (7). Grammar Translation was not criticised only for
this theorylessness, but for a number of other reasons, two of which stand out as the
most notorious traits of the method. Firstly, the practice of translation of isolated
sentences which played out the role of context and was miles away from using authentic
texts. Secondly, the medium of instruction was students own languages, which did not
For an overview of the existing empirical work on the topic, see Kllkvist, The Effect (164-165).
provide any room for the practice of listening or speaking skills resulting in a low
language was not the aim of the grammar-translation method. Using language for
communicative purposes lay at the heart of the Direct Method which superseded
Grammar Translation in many parts of the world. The Direct Method, however, had
flaws of its own. Leonardi mentions three features for which it was criticised; the Direct
Method required native or near-native teachers, its success depended more on the skills
of the teacher than on a textbook, and it did not take into account the fact that all
teachers were not proficient in language teaching (22). These arguments are somewhat
in itself that the whole method based on native-speakerism seems slightly dubious.
The third argument, however, cannot be taken seriously today. While the standards for
teachers still differ widely around the world, at least in Europe and the USA an average
speakers (if the term is viewed in terms of the criterion of proficiency), and this has
little to do with the teaching method the teachers apply. Nevertheless, the fact that
translation activities can be prepared in advance, and as such can be suitable for less
that the Direct Method was criticised for overemphasising and distorting similarities
widely accepted that first language and second language acquisition differ considerably.
either in its grammar-translation form or, more frequently, in its modified versions. The
term Grammar Translation has become so demonised and so distant from the practice of
translation this thesis endeavours to advocate7 that it will not be used hereafter.
There have been, unfortunately, many other voices inveighing against any use of
translation in language teaching. Newson (2004), for instance, sees the disadvantages of
accompanying interference
4. it gives false credence to the nave view that there is such a thing as simple
lexical items,
Translation as both a means and an end of language teaching and learning within a communicative
- the use of situationalized, contextualized language
items. The latter is not surprising since each translation task provides normally
only one (random) example of new language items; there is no repetition and
structuring. (63-64)
Malmkjaer includes some of Newsons points in her summary of the most common
3.translation takes up valuable time which could be used to teach these four
4. translation is unnatural
correspond one-to-one
The use of translation in language teaching is also often seen as unethical. Another
weighty argument, which has at least a partial justification, is that translation cannot be
Let us now survey the individual objections in greater detail, and present
skills, as a merely mechanic activity in which a text is translated from one language
into another (Leonardi 23). Translation is, however, much more complex and far from
product roughly equals the distinction between translation seen as a means and an end.
See the section dedicated to translation as a means and an end for further details.
language text (TT). This text has to fulfil a specific purpose for a specific readership,
readershipthe source text (ST). The translator engages in a minimum of five activities
prior to concluding the process. These are anticipation, resource exploitation, co-
operation, revision, and translating, i.e. activities that are commonly regarded language
learning activities (Introduction: Translation and Language 7). These four activities
encompass a great amount of reading, writing, listening and speaking, and as Malmkjaer
claims, translation cannot be done without them and is therefore not independent of the
four skills, but inclusive of them (Introduction: Translation and Language 8).
needs to be read before starting the translation proper, and the only difference between
translation and reading is in the degree of attention paid during the two processes. The
source text should be avoided (23). The second claim seems to be rather dubious, as it is
hard to envisage a situation in which a teacher would wish for their pupils to
misinterpret a text assigned for reading. Nevertheless, this makes the point that
translation is an excellent task for practicing reading skills any less true.
translating and on the strategies used to deal with them, can serve as an example (24).
Writing can be enhanced through translation in many more ways. In case of translation
from learners own language into their new language, i.e. L2 translation, translation can
even be seen as a very special variety of second language writing (Campbell 58).
English in general.
actual translation. Alternatively, the translated texts can be discussed afterwards. Using
institutions, the author of this thesis has experienced a solely uncommunicative use of
translation in language lessons. Even thought the individual activities differed from an
on-the-spot translation when the learners translated into L2 just as the teacher was
particular grammar point, none of them promoted communication in the new language
and the students worked independently of each other. Question 16 of the Student
16. When I translate at school, I work in groups or pairs with fellow students (i.e. I
originally defined by Swain in 1995 and her notion that the production of language
makes learners process the new language more deeply. It further leans on the notion of
Collaborative Dialogue as defined by Swain and Lapkin which promotes the co-
(Lightbown and Spada, 48). Individual learners may be novice users of the new
language when working on their own, but they gain access to their partners knowledge
and may temporarily become more expert users of the new language when working in
What is the situation at the schools covered in this research? Do the students
work individually or in pairs or groups? Table 7 shows that only 12% of the respondents
never use pair or group work when fulfilling translation tasks. The numbers are more in
favour of pair and group work at technical schools as compared to schools of the
gymnzium type. At the former schools, 8% of the students never work in pairs or
groups while engaged in translation activities, as compared to 19% of the students of the
latter. This difference may be explained by the fact that the students of the gymnzium
type are generally regarded as more independent learners, so their teachers perhaps rely
less on pair and group work when translating. This can be viewed as a mistake on the
part of the teachers, as they do not make use of the communicative strengths of
translation activities and its other advantages. The percentage of students working
individually is, however, relatively small. Overall, the results speak in favour of the use
of pair and group work for translation activities at Czech secondary schools. Results
which are contrary to the expectations of the author of the present thesis, and which are
Moving on from the real practice at schools, let us now consider what the
students actually think about a communicative use of translation activities. During the
interview, the eight students were asked if comparing and discussing the translated
passages with their colleagues would help them in any way to improve their English
discussing translations would have positive effects on their English. One of them
mentioned that this is actually done with their English teacher. One of the students did
not think that a discussion of translations with other students would be helpful. Having
observed the student in question in about ten lessons, the author of the present thesis
ventures to suggest that her opinion may be heavily influenced by the students personal
learning style. She preferred to work alone in most activities, and was known as the
quiet Tereza. One of the students believed that such a practice would be beneficial to
her English, however, not as a result of discussing translation itself, but because the
discussion would take place in English. There are two other interesting findings. Two
interviewees explicitly criticised the translation of separate sentences based on their
school experience claiming there was no context. Lastly, one student expressed
something which can be regarded as the essence of Collaborative Dialogue. She said
she could co-operate with her fellow students and use their knowledge, words she did
not know, to successfully complete the translation task. In Vygotskys words, the
Based on the interviews, it appears that secondary school students in the Czech
Republic mostly see translation practised communicatively in a positive light, and this
communication in the new language lies at the core of TILT, which strives to embed
or speak about grammar and the language itself is not that important after all, as long as
Table 7
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
16 188 74 114
a 23 12% 14 19% 9 8%
b 133 71% 49 66% 84 74%
c 32 17% 11 15% 21 18%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
7.1.2 Translation is Radically Different from the Four Skills
Several voices have been heard arguing against translation on the basis of this claim.
Lado, for example, did not recommend translation, as it is more complex, than
different from, and unnecessary for speaking, listening, reading, or writing (qtd. in
Randaccio 79). Translation may be slightly different in form from the traditional four
skills and learners and teachers may not be quite familiar with translation techniques,
since they are not usually included in textbooks and teachers who use them may have
only a limited stock of such activities to choose from, but this does not mean that
translation is more different from the other four skills than they are different from each
other. Furthermore, in the light of the previous section, which shows how translation is
inclusive of the four traditional skills, it would be wrong to think that translation is
radically different from them. Malmkjaer supports this view when she states: It is
misleading to suggest that translation is radically different from other language skills if
Lado argued that due to its greater complexity, translation should be regarded as
an independent skill that cannot be achieved without mastery of the second language,
and should only be taught after the second language has been learnt (qtd. in Randaccio
80). Vermes, however, puts forward evidence which refutes this claim. This evidence is,
according to him, provided by modern cognitive theories which describe the process of
speaking, listening, reading and writing as based on a kind of mental translation (88).
This claim seems very tempting for the proponents of translation and is partly supported
by the quantitative research of this thesis (see the discussion of Question 6 of the
and subsequent to the other four skills does not seem to have a substantial basis (88),
which is perhaps slightly exaggerating, but why not give our learners the opportunity to
practise what feels natural to them? Other authors are now calling for a closer co-
operation between language teaching and translator training in the belief that the
language learner may benefit from translating by improving their language skills, just as
as an additional skill, one that would enhance the remaining four skills and would be
One of the most frequent arguments of translation critics objects to the relatively large
amount of time needed to conduct translation activities. It is believed that the time
devoted to translation could be better used to teach the traditional four skills. These
objections are, in fairness, not completely invalid. It is, however, crucial that we
understand that such criticism stems mostly from people who regard translation as text-
bound and confined to reading and writing only. Such an approach to translation is, of
course, uncommunicative and does not include any oral interaction. The time and effort
spent on translation may in turn not be worth practicing these two skills only.
shown in the previous sections. Its greater time demands are therefore only relative and
the time and effort spent on translation activities are amply compensated for by the fact
that all four skills are practiced at once with a minimal use of materials. If we accept
that translation as the fifth skill is not only a means of language learning, but also an
end in itself, there are five skills developed concurrently when applied in language
See Carreres 1-18.
teaching. It is, however, essential to bear in mind that only a judicious use of translation
Leonardi mentions several practical ideas which serve for minimising the time
demands of translation in the language classroom. She proposes that only short text
(25). These are valuable practical ideas, and it is without doubt that teachers would
develop other strategies that would suit the particular need of their students and of their
teaching situation.
One of the key arguments of the Direct Method proponents is that translation is not a
language in order to imitate the process of first language acquisition. E.V. Gatenby
argues that: We as teachers are trying to bring our pupils to use English without
translating in their own minds, to say without hesitation the right things on the right
occasion. . . . Our aim is to get our pupils . . . to the stage where they can use English
without having to think (qtd. in philjkerr). Kerr then ridicules Gatenby for not wanting
his learners to think, which may sound unduly harsh, for what Gatenby probably had in
mind was nothing more than a call for his learners to automatise the use of some
TILT supporters, on the other hand, frequently point out that learners tend to
translate anyway, regardless of the teaching method within which framework they
receive instruction. The relatively limited teaching experience of the author of this
thesis tentatively supports this view. Lower-level students in particular tend to translate
regardless of their task. It happens quite frequently that a student being asked a question
first translates this question for themselves (often in a whispering voice), and only then
the answer is given. Danchev comes to the conclusion that learners translate from the
new language into their own language even when asked not to do so and supports the
use of TILT as a natural and universal feature of foreign language learning (qtd. in
Randaccio 82).
Question 6 of the quantitative research accompanying this thesis aims to test whether
Danchevs opinion holds true among Czech secondary school students, i.e. whether they
apply translation skills even in activities in which they ought not tothe author of this
thesis can testify that it is a common belief among many teachers that students should
viewed as an unwanted practice that slows down perception and learners are
Students answers to Question 6 (see table 8) show that only 7% of the students
who responded to this question never translate in their minds when reading or listening
to texts in English. This trend does not seem to be affected by the type of school the
students attend. It would also be very interesting to know whether the amount of in-
mind translation tends to decrease with students growing level of proficiency. The
present study cannot provide a definite answer to this question; it can only illuminate
what happens in the minds of the students who participated in this research. A much
simplification, but if we accept that fourth-year students are generally more proficient
L2 users than first-year students, then in the case of Czech secondary school students
responding to Question 6, the level of proficiency does not seem to play a role in the use
who never translate falls into the group of first-year students (see table 9). It has been
suggested above that these results are not statistically significant, and can therefore only
serve as a basis for further research. The numbers for the whole sample (see table 8),
however, support Danchevs view that translation is practised by learners more often
than not.
Table 8
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
6 188 74 114
a 13 7% 7 9% 6 5%
b 87 46% 32 43% 55 48%
c 88 47% 35 47% 53 46%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
Table 9
No. Answer Year of Study
1 % 2 % 3 % 4 %
Total 39 29 39 81
a 5 13% 0 0% 2 5% 6 7%
b 14 36% 13 45% 21 54% 39 48%
c 20 51% 16 55% 16 41% 36 44%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
There are psycholinguistic arguments to support the view that translation is a natural
phenomenon. Vivian Cook criticises the tenet which lies at the core of monolingual
coordinate bilingualism (V. Cook, Second Language 154).9 This contrasts with
compound bilingualism which suggests that two or more languages are interwoven in
cannot be the same as first language acquisition, for the learners own language plays a
central role in the development and use of their new language (Hall and Cook 281). V.
Cook asserts that the presence of the first language is the inescapable difference in L2
and new language(s) date back to theories of transfer in which learners own language
posed a major source of negative influence on the acquisition of the new language.
The concepts of compound and coordinated bilingualism were originally developed by Uriel Weinreich.
However, in the light of cognitive SLA research of today, learners own language is
accepted as a resource which learners actively use when learning the new language
(Hall and Cook 281). Butzkamm notes that successful learners benefit from all the
linguistic and world knowledge that they have gathered using their own language.
According to him, learners are aware of the meaning of words and concepts, as they
have encountered them in their own language, and that this holds even when the cultural
concepts of the two languages in question differ. It is better, then, not to reconceptualise
the world, but to extend our concepts of it. Learners own language, therefore, serves as
a kind of scaffolding. Scaffolding
The term scaffolding is used by various authors to denote different concepts. Its origins
have roots in the work of the psychologist Lev Vygotsky who saw it as social and
instructional support. Spada and Lightbown define it as: The language that an
Generally speaking, scaffolding means any support for students learning new concepts
and may, therefore, take several forms. For Butzkamm, scaffolding closely relates to
or second language learning provided by learners own language with learners engaging
in their own self-scaffolding. The learner can rely on the concepts in their own
language, until the new language firmly establishes a new framework for itself. In this
way, the scaffolding is not removed after the new concept is developed, but it remains a
part of learners knowledge. Learners are then aware of the differences and similarities
Cognitive psychology offers other reasons to believe in the usefulness of
linked to translation:
dual set of structures are activated: (a) the first language structure from which
the meaning or message is derived, and (b) the second language structure which
are constructed to match the message. Thus the translation process should entail
supports Hummels view. It is for example argued that by watching subtitled films,
learners retain the most vocabulary with reversed subtitles i.e. when the sound is in L1
and the text in L2 (L1-L2 Translation 185).10 This finding is rather surprising and
may have some practical implications, as the widely held assumptions among teachers
Guy Cook expands on this by saying that other researchers into the bilingual
(Translation 92). This issue can be summed up by saying that certain language tasks are
processed much faster by bilinguals than by monolinguals, and vice versa. This,
For more empirical support of the effects of subtitling on vocabulary retention see Kllkvist, L1-L2
Translation 185.
according to Cook, proves the popular belief that translation slows down
dimension to the naturalness of translation. Since such a large part of the population
translation should not be regarded as a natural skill in its own right and why it should
8). This claim also indirectly supports the use of translation as an end of language
Having read the present evidence, this section can be concluded by saying that
translation is a natural phenomenon which occurs in all language learners minds. It is,
therefore, unnatural to ask foreign/second language learners to think directly in the new
language and deprive them of their possibly greatest asset, of their own language.
In this connection, Guy Cook speaks about the concept of word-for-wordism which he
sees as related to transfer and interference that are to be produced by learners when
concepts claiming that transfer and interference are cognitive phenomena, whereas
word translation pairs seems to be unsubstantiated. Several authors express their support
in favour of translation. Michael Lewis, in his book Implementing the Lexical Approach
(2002), asserts that every teacher knows that learners have a tendency to translate
word-for-word (qtd. in Koppe 5). Leonardi maintains that any speaking or writing
activities may lead to word-for-wordisms, as learners always tend to refer to their own
Guy Cook ventures to suggest that word-for-word translations are not likely to
be produced by learners who have studied in educational contexts in which TILT was
used, but by those who did not encounter translation when studying (Translation 98-
99). This argument appears to be perfectly logical. Such learners are more prone to err
and produce word-for-wordisms, since they are probably confronted with translation for
the first time in real-life situations, having no experience translating. Students who have
studied a language with the support of translation activities have been systematically
theory warned of the dangers of word-for-word translation. Cicero (106-43 BC), for
The students interviewed for this thesis were asked about the differences in the
structure of Czech and English sentences in order to evaluate how aware they are of
Questionnaire). They were also enquired whether they exactly kept the structure of the
source text when producing the target text (Question 7) in order to assess the degree of
The issue of free and literal translation fed endless debates in Translation Studies. Some theorist had
opposing views and literal translation was the only option for them. The issue was particularly sensitive
in regard to Bible translation, with several translators coming to bitter ends on the stake for not being
word-for-wordisms in their translations. All of the eight students believed that the two
languages seemed to be different in terms of their word order. All of them tried not to
copy the original word order and adjust the target text to the norms of the target
language. It is, therefore, probable that the translations of these students would include
lies in comparing and contrasting the grammar, vocabulary and word order between
fact that translation activities make use of dictionaries. There is far more to using
dictionaries than resorting to the first word found in a bilingual lexicon. Leonardi
believes that translation raises learners awareness in regard to the use and importance
of bilingual as well as monolingual dictionaries (26). She expands on her idea by saying
that the actual practice in language classrooms is frequently different and that there
seems to be a widespread belief in FL classes that all you need to do when faced with
which was done as a part of this thesis shows that learners at the Czech Republic
secondary schools are not familiar with the advantages and limitations of monolingual
dictionaries and do not use them when translating. For a more detailed discussion of the
Lastly, to return to Michael Lewis, we shall conclude this section by referring to
him once more. He wrote that: We often complain that learners translate word-for-
word but rarely suggest a better way. The secret, of course, is to translate chunk-for-
chunk (qtd. in Koppe 6). As the present thesis does not call for a creation of a new
combination with other approaches, the ideas of the importance of the grammar of
vocabulary and chunks of language which are central in Lewiss Lexical Approach, may
be applied when using translation in the classroom and further help with tackling word-
In the teaching of foreign languages, the emphasis is often laid upon the exploitation of
grammar books and textbooks, while dictionaries receive less attention. Dictionaries
are, however, very useful tools for language learners. It is also certain that the
and that dictionaries present one of the most important tools for the translator
language learner and the language learner as a natural translator (18), and taking into
consideration Leonardis belief that by translation learners raise their awareness of the
importance of dictionaries and improve their dictionary using skills (26), it is self-
evident that translation and the use of dictionaries come hand in hand and that we need
to know how to consult and use dictionaries effectively in order to complete the
translation process with success (Snchez Ramos). Having been a long-life language
learner and a trainee translator, the author of this thesis recognises this importance of
using dictionaries both for learning and translating. Questions 8, 9, 14 and 15 of the
learners of English at Czech secondary schools use when translating, with the aim to
understand their approach to translation and their awareness of the various dictionaries
that are at their disposal. The use of dictionaries was also examined qualitatively during
the interviews with students. The results show a tendency of Czech secondary school
students to use bilingual dictionaries. The use of other types of dictionaries is limited.
Let us now turn our attention to the individual results in greater detail.
Questions 8 and 9 of the Student Questionnaire enquired about the use of the
two most common lexicons, i.e. the bilingual and the monolingual dictionary. Each of
them has its advantages and disadvantages. A good bilingual dictionary, according to
Fox and Potter, is suitable for non-advanced learners, since it offers a quick answer to
their enquiry which they can understand immediately without having to worry about the
complexities of a language they have not yet fully mastered. Monolingual dictionaries
are suitable for more proficient students. Rizo-Rodrguez notes that they can be made
use of as an aid for both productive and receptive purposes. The productive mode is
predominantly useful for writing and translation into English, and the receptive one is at
its strongest when reading and comprehending English texts (32). Questions 8 and 9
read as follows:
The research shows that Czech secondary school learners make a fairly frequent
use of bilingual dictionaries (see table 10). 54% of the respondents use them sometimes
and 38% use them often. Only 9% of the students replied that they never used bilingual
dictionaries when translating. It should be borne in mind that these 9% include the
students who never translate, so it is likely that the actual percentage of students using
that a smaller percentage of learners of English at technical schools often use bilingual
dictionaries than the learners at schools of the gymnzium type (33% versus 45%). The
reasons for this cannot be drawn from the data gathered for this research, and may be
Table 10
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
8 188 74 114
a 16 9% 6 8% 10 9%
b 101 54% 35 47% 66 58%
c 71 38% 33 45% 38 33%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
table 11). 70% of all the respondents never use them when translating and only 2%, i.e.
three students out of 188 in total, use monolingual dictionaries often. These numbers are
similar for both types of schools examined. This is an alarming finding, as the author of
this thesis can testify how invaluable the help of monolingual dictionaries is when
translating. There is little doubt that monolingual dictionaries are more suitable for
advanced learners. This is reflected in the results of the research. The percentage of
learners not using monolingual dictionaries at all when translating is lowest (63%) in
the fourth year of study (see table 12). However, the number is still too high and
suggests that not enough students recognise the benefits of using monolingual
dictionaries as an aid to achieve a better translation. This may be a consequence of not
enough emphasis being laid upon dictionary using skills by teachers, rather than a fault
on learners part.
Table 11
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
9 188 74 114
a 132 70% 49 66% 83 73%
b 53 28% 22 30% 31 27%
c 3 2% 3 4% 0 0%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
Table 12
No. Answer Year of Study
1 % 2 % 3 % 4 %
Total 39 29 39 81
a 29 74% 22 76% 30 77% 51 63%
b 10 26% 7 24% 8 21% 28 35%
c 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 2 2%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
namely the collocations dictionary and the thesaurus. Collocations are a key area of
lies in the fact that general monolingual learners dictionaries have a number of
shortcomings in covering this language area (Rizo-Rodrguez 38). The author of this
thesis makes a frequent use of collocations dictionaries when translating into English
and beliefs that they are particularly important when producing a text in the students
The thesaurus is also a valuable tool for text production in general and by
extension for translation. A good command of synonyms adds to the stylistic elegance
of a text. Are secondary school learners in the Czech Republic aware of the existence of
these tools and make use of them? The results of this research suggest that this is not the
case (see table 13 and 14). 72% of the learners never use collocations dictionaries and
almost 80% never use thesauri. In both cases, only two students answered they used the
respective tools often. The data are consistent for both types of schools examined. These
thesauri are fairly sophisticated tools, and if most of the learners do not use monolingual
dictionaries very often, they cannot be expected to use these resources. A question
remains whether secondary school students should be made aware of these advanced
tools and be encouraged to use them. They undoubtedly offer many features from which
Table 13
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
14 188 73 114
a 136 72% 52 71% 84 74%
b 50 27% 21 29% 29 25%
c 2 1% 1 1% 1 1%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
Table 14
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
15 188 73 114
a 149 79% 59 81% 90 79%
b 37 20% 13 18% 24 21%
c 2 1% 2 3% 0 0%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
The results as to the use of dictionaries calculated from the data gathered in the
part of this research. All the eight subjects were asked about the use of dictionaries and
monitored during their translation process. All of them were provided with two
electronic dictionaries. The first dictionary was a monolingual one, The Macmillan
English Dictionary for Advanced Students, the other one was a bilingual Czech-English
Fronek. All of the students were provided with a laptop with a connection to the
Internet and were instructed that they could use any other dictionary they wished. Six of
the eight subjects marked in their Interview Questionnaires that they sometimes used
monolingual dictionaries when translating. None of them did so during the interview,
with each of them preferring the bilingual dictionary. The subjects did not use any on-
that the use of dictionaries among Czech secondary school students is strictly limited to
bilingual dictionaries.
76 Field Research 4The Use of Additional Resources by Czech Secondary
School Learners
Apart from dictionaries, there are other tools which can be used in the language
classroom and when translating and which can be highly beneficial both to language
learning and to the quality of translation. The first category encompasses high-tech tools
such as mobile phones that can be filled with a plethora of useful applications, ranging
record their voice and receive an assessment of their pronunciation. This category
includes programmes used for machine translation (MT). The history of MT dates back
to the 1930s, but technology has come a long way since the first bizarre inventions of
Petr Smirnov-Troyanskii who patented the first translation machines. Fully automated
machine translation is now available for the general public, even though the resulting
target texts widely differ in quality, depending on many variables, such as the language
pair, the text type etc. One of the most commonly used programmes is the service
there are pitfalls and limitations that each user needs to be aware of. Questions 10 and
11 of the Student Questionnaire aim to reveal if and how Czech secondary school
secondary school students in the Czech Republic (see table 15). Only 6% of the
respondents confided that they never use the programme. In other words, 94% of the
students asked at least sometimes make use of the Google machine translation software.
The results also show that the students of technical schools are more likely users of the
programme, as only 3% of them never use it, compared to 11% of students studying at
schools of the gymnzium type. This is hardly surprising. Who else should be adept at
using new technologies than the students of technical schools? Let us now address the
Table 15
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
10 188 74 114
a 11 6% 8 11% 3 3%
b 107 57% 42 57% 65 57%
c 70 37% 24 32% 46 40%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
The rationale for Question 11 is derived from personal experience with young
language learners and the data appear to confirm it. Table 15 above indicates that 37%
of learners use Google Translate when translating often. This rises to 46% when it
comes to using Google Translate to look up unknown words (see table 16). The results
are not conclusive, but they may suggest that many learners use Google Translate as a
dictionary. It is without question that this programme was not designed as a dictionary,
and certainly not as one for language learners at that. Even though its functions have
been considerably improved and it is now for instance possible to view alternative
translations of a word, Google Translate should not be used as a dictionary and our
learners should be made aware of this. This does not mean, on the other hand, that
Google Translate should be disqualified from the classroom. It can actually be used as a
what could have gone wrong. By doing this, students awareness of the differences
between the two languages is increased, as well as their ability to properly use the
software itself.
Table 16
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
11 188 74 114
a 10 5% 8 11% 2 2%
b 92 49% 42 57% 50 44%
c 86 46% 24 32% 62 54%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
The second category of resources is subsumed under the term corpora. A corpus
for linguistic study. . . . A corpus is planned . . . and it is designed for some linguistic
purpose (Hunston 2). There are many types of corpora, but the one which is of interest
to us in this thesis is a general corpus such as the British National Corpus (BNC).
Pedagogically, such a corpus may be used for a variety of purposes, such as studying
the collocations, connotations or prosodic features of words and phrases. Leaving aside
school learners in the Czech Republic avail themselves of this useful tool when
context in the Google search engine, which is not recommended by language teachers
and researches, as it displays results of unattested language. The results are summarised
in the two tables below (see table 17 and 18). It appears that secondary school learners
of English in the Czech Republic do not make frequent use of corpora, as 72% of all the
subjects of the survey responded they did not use corpora whatsoever. This does not
come as a great surprise, since corpora are fairly sophisticated tools and not many
students know how to use them even at the university level. What is more interesting
are the answers to Question 13. More than 50% of the respondents at least sometimes
use the Google search engine to look for examples of the use of words in context. This
may indicate continuing students need to find out how words are used. A question
remains whether this need arises as a result of students poor dictionary using skills, or
because the dictionary contains only a limited amount of information and the students
are forced to seek additional resources. The answers to Question 9, which revealed a
low use of monolingual dictionaries among Czech secondary school students, may
suggest that the former is true. Even if we confine the use of corpora for more advanced
learners and for the university level, our students should be made aware of the
shortcomings and limitations of googling words up, and offer alternative solutions to
their need.
Table 17
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
12 188 74 114
a 136 72% 53 72% 83 73%
b 44 23% 17 23% 27 24%
c 8 4% 4 5% 4 4%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
Table 18
No. Answer Total Percentage Gymnzium Technical
Total Percentage Total Percentage
13 187 73 114
a 85 45% 34 47% 51 45%
b 83 44% 33 45% 50 44%
c 19 10% 6 8% 13 11%
a) never b) sometimes c) often
students, they should be made aware of these tools. There are, however, other
techniques and practices that lead to a final translation of good quality. Mastering these
techniques can also be regarded as the aim of TILT. Any good translator, for example,
knows what they are going to translate and for whom. This information is derived from
the translation brief. The students interviewed for the qualitative part of this thesis
were given a translation briefthey were instructed what they were going to translate,
why and for whom. Based on this information, they should have approached the
translations. Not many of them did so. Questions 2 and 3 of the Interview Questionnaire
asked the students about two procedures which are done by professional translators after
reading the translation brief and before commencing the translation process itself. The
translator should predict the content of the translated text and how it relates to the target
text reader. The translator should also read the whole text before translating, at least
with such short texts. The interviews revealed that the students do not follow these
procedures, as none of them thought about the content of what they were going to
translate. This may be perhaps explained by the fact that they are used to translating
isolated sentences without the context, as they had revealed in their answers. None of
the eight students interviewed had read the text to be translated before they commenced
translating. This implies that they approached the text sentence by sentence, without
paying attention to the text as a whole. Moreover, none of the students read their
It seems that secondary school students in the Czech Republic are not aware of
the basic techniques and procedures of the translation process, perhaps because their
wish to improve the translation skills of our students, and to teach them more through
A very common argument against the use of translation in language learning and
teaching is that it prevents learners from using the new language automatically. Guy
Cook notes:
The process of translation is seen as a slow and laborious one, focused more
upon accuracy than fluency. . . . The person who has learnt through translation
will forever be locked into this laborious process, always condemned to start
It is not possible, however, to make learners think in their new language, as this is not a
translation has been discussed in an earlier section, and it is a feature of human mind
that simply cannot be switched off during language learning. Any attempts to do so will
Moreover, banning translation from the foreign language classroom, and
such as miming, drawing or describing the meaning of words by definitions, may even
prove harmful. As Butzkamm suggests, learners may be led to make wrong associations
the meaning of a word the class sighed in relief only when somebody shouted the own-
language equivalent of it. A frustrating situation for both the teacher and the students
indeed, but the result could have been even worse, had it not been for translation. The
students could have associated the meaning with a different word, which could in turn
have led to fossilising the error, which could one day perhaps even materialise in an
embarrassing situation. A sensitive use of translation can prevent all of this. Butzkamm
concludes that what is important is not rough comprehension, but precision of meaning.
Why do learners err? Why do certain errors tend to be more frequent than others? The
search for answers to these questions may be approached from many different
perspectives and many possible explanations exist. Nevertheless, a very common belief
There are of course good reasons to support these claims which are based on everyday
classroom observations and teachers experience. Perhaps the most immediately evident
and phonology have on learners pronunciation. The basic division of pronunciation
errors pertaining to a foreign accent may be twofold with errors resulting from phonetic
or phonemic differences (Odlin 113). The former mean that sounds in any two
languages often display different physical characteristics even though they seem to be
identical. A Czech learner of English for example often tends to pronounce English /r/
in the same way as the Czech /r/, when the two sounds, in fact, acoustically differ. The
latter, i.e. phonemic differences, result from different phonemic systems between two
pronouncing //, as this sound is not a part of the Czech phonemic system.
is lexical semantics. Learners often err when mislead by cognate vocabulary in cases
when there is only a partial semantic overlap or even when these are faux amis. A Czech
learner of English may thus be lured by the Czech expression sympatick into producing
a sentence like His friend is very sympathetic, when they actually mean likeable.
There is little doubt that such errors occur as a result of the influence of learners
general (Leonardi 27). Vermes argues that interference may be engendered by any
teaching procedure, with or without the use of translation, in any language learning
situation (89).
We must not forget that there is another side to interference, a positive one.
Own-language interference (i.e. positive transfer) may play a major role in the
forms . . . and . . . in word meanings, play a major role in how quickly a particular
expands on this and asserts that using lexical and syntactic parallels between learners
own and new language fosters retention and raises awareness of the historical
relationship of languages and cultures.12 It has been shown that if a word is explained in
terms of family resemblances, students are more likely to remember it for a longer
period of time, partly due to the fact that the semantic links may more easily intertwine
in their mind.
argument can be extended to cover other features of language. The more two languages
are related, the more positive transfer can take place during second language learning.
But even in cases of negative interference, translation can become a useful tool for
Czech to English faux amis example mentioned above, may as well go unnoticed in a
monolingual lesson. Here we return to the principles of Contrastive Analysis which may
help learners overcome the adverse effects of interference. Ross adds to this point that
the real usefulness of translation in the EFL classroom lies in exploiting it in order to
compare grammar, vocabulary, word order and other language points. The author of
this thesis views this, i.e. contrasting the aspects of the two languages, as the essence of
using TILT.
influence, and it therefore raises their awareness of such issues, which is not the case of
Butzkamms maxim is limited to the teaching of European languages.
85 Empirical Findings
observations, but do they have any empirical support? Schjoldager (Are L2 127-149)
verbalisations in L2 in order to find out whether learners who translate err more than
learners who write comparable picture verbalisations, and whether any such errors may
be caused by L1 interference. She selected two groups of students, the first one
of third-year university students of English. The results showed that there were
compared to freer production activities in which students are not forced to translate the
ST, but rather reformulate the ideas of the original. What is more interesting, though,
interference errors was detected only in the secondary-level students group. The
in picture verbalisation.
secondary-level students, but the evidence is inconclusive for more advanced students,
and actually showing tendency in the opposite direction. More empirical work needs to
be done to validate these findings, however, the results of Schjoldagers study suggest
that L2 translation used with learners at a higher-level of proficiency may tackle own
7.1.9 Translation is a Bad Test of Language Skills
In 1989, Duff wrote that: . . . translation is largely ignored as a valid activity for
language practice and improvement. And even where it is still retained, it tends to be
used not for language teaching, but for testing (5). While the context in academic
literature has nowadays considerably changed and translation is more frequently seen as
translation as a testing tool has been criticised in various sources. This, however, does
not mean that translation for testing purposes does not have any proponents.
Newson mentions two key areas of criticism of the use of translation as a means
of language command (64). Newson introduces a model for teaching translation, where
translation is used for testing L2 competence. He suggests that the limitations can be
used in examinations. These filters would include genre, subject matter, originality and
length of the text. Based on these filters a text to be translated can be limited according
to these criteria, and in this way control what the learners are expected to know (65).
language skills, and as such it presents a very comprehensive test for an assessment of
language skills (28). An objection can be raised to this opinion. Translation may be a
comprehensive test indeed, however, perhaps a little too comprehensive to be used with
lower proficiency learners. The time needed to design and correct a reliable translation
test is another issue that can be easily disposed of by the use of some other testing
There is also an empirical study by Gary Buck, who examined L2-L1 translation
as a test of reading comprehension. The subjects were English learners whose own
language was Japanese. The study included a comparison with other testing methods.
The results of the study showed that the reliability and acceptability of translation as a
testing tool of L1 comprehension was satisfactory, and its author proposed that its
is only fair to give space to those criticising it. In an empirical study, Klein-Braley
proficiency when compared with other means of assessment. The findings suggested
that even though translation tests measured language proficiency, their reliability and
validity was worse than the remaining tests (qtd. in Schjoldager, Translation 203). L2
translation tests were seen as the least satisfactory and least economical of the tests
Evaluating the evidence presented so far, it can be argued that the claim that
evidence both in favour of translation and against it in this respect, and to use
translation as a testing tool is, therefore, rather unreliable. If used for testing purposes,
Most translation and language teaching scholars concur that there is a difference
between the training of professional translators (i.e. translation pedagogy) and language
teaching (language pedagogy). However, there is also little doubt that the two
Malmkjaer, one has to be able to operate literately in more than one language, and most
people need at least some kind of language education to become literate in any language
translation pedagogy and language pedagogy are interconnected. Carreres criticises the
traditional division of these two disciplines and notes that the divide between the
been overemphasized to the point of preventing useful dialogue and exchange (12).
This brings us back to the issue of translation as a means and translation as an end. As a
develops translation skills. It has already been argued that in the world of today most
language learners need to be equipped with at least basic translation skills. This is
work, and language learners as natural translators who translate regardless of the
classroom rules. She concludes that the two disciplines, translation pedagogy and
influence one another (18). Similarly, Malmkjaer claims that language and translation
language learning does not, and should not, be kept neatly separated from translation as
an end in itself, i.e. as a tool for the development of translation skills. Students will
See the results of the qualitative research Question 7 discussed above.
7.1.11 Translation is UnethicalL1 versus L2 Translation
This strand of criticism is aimed at the practice of translation from learners own
language to their new language i.e. L2 translation. Whether a translator translates from
their mother tongue into a foreign language or vice versa is in Translation Studies
objection of many critics of TILT is based on a widely held assumption that translating
into L2 runs counter to a professional norm of only translating into L1. It is assumed
that only L1 translators reach professional standards, and by using L2 translation for
teaching purposes, students could be led to think that they are able to carry out such
translations professionally (Are L2 133). It is also argued that while translation into
learners own language is a natural activity which may be encountered in later life, L2
translation is totally unrealistic, and as such useless and pointless (Leonardi 18). There
is one more argument against the use of L2 translation in the classroom, which can be
accuracy and stylistic value, can never attain the qualities of the original presented by
scholars, according to Pokorn, share a conviction that only translation into ones mother
tongue guarantees good results (30). Baker, for instance, addresses the issue of
from a foreign language into his/her native language or language of habitual use (55).14
Newmark asserts that translators should translate into [ones] language of habitual use,
since that is the only way [one] can translate naturally, accurately and with maximum
However, practice is often strikingly different. Many translation agencies boast that they
employ only native speakers, but some even dare go as far as to vilify L2 translations,
as can be documented by the following extract from the web pages of a Czech
While most translation providers and agencies blatantly claim that they employ only
native speakers, the actual situation proves the contrary. How many English native
speakers with a good command of a minor language, let us say Czech, are there to work
as translators?
From early history, translation in the Western tradition was carried out into a
non-mother tongue (Pokorn 34). The smaller a language community is, the more it
needs to translate into its own language in order to be recognised. Pokorn concludes that
Terminology differs from author to author, but the basic distinction is L1 translation vs. L2 translation.
communities using one of the less translated languages15 must translate into a foreign
language if they want their works translated at all (35). Considering the global
situation in which English dominates as the global lingua franca, it could be said that a
great many languages can be categorised as less translated languages, including widely
used languages such as Arabic or Chinese. In the light of this evidence, L2 translation is
often necessary and does not deviate from the norm, at least as far as English represents
the L2.
Practice thus favours L2 translation, moreover, there are now theoretical works
supporting it. Pokorns theoretical assumptions and empirical findings have waived the
coming from major and central linguistic communities in which L2 translation is not
the present thesis. During the interviews with students, eight students were given two
translation tasks. The first one was a translation into their own language, the other one
was an L2 translation. The most important finding is that the students did not
distinguish between these two types of translation activities. The L2 translation was
administered after the L1 translation, and the answers gathered after the L2 translation
did not offer any new data when compared to the answers gathered after the L1
translation task. Translation directionality, therefore, does not seem to play any role for
students. This finding is in accord with Lonsdales claim that laymen and general public
Less translated languages are those which are less often the source of translation in the international
exchange of linguistic goods, regardless of the number of people using these languages (Branchadell 1).
make no distinction between translating from L1 into L2 and vice versa. Professional
translators as well as translation researchers are, on the other hand, aware that linguistic
teaching practice in this finding. Knowing that the two types of translation are markedly
different, teachers subscribing to TILT should bear in mind that the two activities will
lead to different results, and they should also address the issue of directionality so as to
raise students awareness of the possible dangers and advantages of the individual types.
frustrating activity for learners, this may be partly true and there are differing views of
this issue. What is certain is that L1 translation differs from L2 translation, and the
expected output would have to be different in both cases (Carreres 7). The problems that
learners need to overcome when translating into their new language are consequently
different. In the former, students, and translator in general, do not struggle with the
comprehension of the ST, the main difficulty lies in the production of the TT. In the
latter, the situation is reversed. If teachers draw students attention to the respective
areas of difficulty and help the students in overcoming these, the students will benefit in
all respects. Their production skills will be enhanced as a result of the treatment of L2
translation difficulties, and their general receptive skills will be improved by focusing
7.2 Other Arguments in Favour of Translation
Monitor Model which was described in terms of five hypotheses. Krashens model of
acquisition, and crystallized in notions which stated that learners acquire the new
language following the same sequence (natural order hypothesis) and that conscious
learning is not necessary to acquire the new language when the learners are exposed to
comprehensible input (input hypothesis) (Lightbown and Spada 37). Guy Cook
students may gain more when noticing and when exposed to focus-on-form instructions
(Translation 89). Form-focused instruction can be of two basic kinds. Firstly, focus-on-
form, i.e. occasional explicit attention to form when a need arises in otherwise meaning-
centred activities (G. Cook, Translation 89), and focus-on-formS, which according to
assumed that translation is a focus-on-formS activity par excellence. It has already been
established that explicit attention to form has its advantages, but it is interesting to see
what effects such an instruction may have on students when compared with other kinds
meaning-centred curriculum on learners L2 morphosyntactic accuracy (L1-L2 182-
202). The subjects of the study were Swedish (L1) university students of English (L2)
and the focus-on-formS activities were translation activities, and fill-in-the-blank and
transformation exercises. The students were divided into two groups. The first one
followed translation exercises only, the other one fill-in-the-blank and transformational
exercises. The instruction the groups received was identical. There was also a third
group of students who did not receive any form-focused instruction. All these groups
were tested before, during and after a thirteen-week-long semester. The results have
shown that students involved in focus-on-formS exercises, i.e. the first two groups,
outperformed the third group of students in all three tests. These results confirm the
grammatical accuracy is enhanced when such exercises are used, at least when the gains
are measured in terms of test-like elicitation tasks (Kllkvist, L1-L2 197). The study
has also shown that the type of focus-on-formS exercise makes a minor difference, as
most of the subject record a greater gain when the test was of the same type as the type
of exercise they had worked with throughout the semester. It is suggested that learners
(Kllkvist, L1-L2 198). The study carried out by Kllkvist presents further evidence
be achieved through other types of form-focus activities, but if we accept that students
will need to communicate in situations which require translation, there is no reason why
7.2.2 Vocabulary Building and Retention
fashion, this part will endeavour to provide evidence for translation being beneficial to
It is very common that even advanced learners commit errors in the choice and
use of vocabulary. By this stage, the learners have usually acquired a substantial number
of vocabulary items. Two kinds of problems may arise. Firstly, the process of
vocabulary development grinds to a halt and the students are reluctant to learn new
vocabulary. Heltai suggests that this is caused by the fact that advanced learners have
circumlocutions strategies that allow them to avoid lexical problems (288). The second
type of problem arises when students indeed possess a vast knowledge of vocabulary,
but when the knowledge is only superfluous. Machida suggests that in such cases
learners either overgeneralise one meaning of a word and use it in other contexts in
which this meaning does not apply, or simplify the meaning of an L2 word by
identifying it with an L1 word (744). It is believed that both problems can be remedied
by the use of translation. In the first case, translation exercises force students to search
for particular words that they otherwise may not encounter or that they would tend to
avoid. In the second case, translation acts as scaffolding which helps to integrate the
new words into an existing framework of knowledge, i.e. when the students translate
into their own language, they base the foreign language words on the knowledge they
already posses in their own language. Later, when they translate from their own
language into their new language, translation helps learners realise that the originally
established relation between words may have certain constraints and needs to be
reconceptualised. A judicious use of translation may therefore foster gradual vocabulary
translation may be a useful tool. Laufer and Girsai, for example, conducted a study in
which they taught identical vocabulary to three groups of high school students using
instruction and contrastive analysis and translation. The groups were then tested on the
retention of the vocabulary items by two batteries of tests aimed at passive and active
recall respectively. The results were that the contrastive analysis group, which used
translation, significantly outperformed the other two groups in all tests (694). The
results of this study are fairly convincing and suggest that translation activities
these results, which provide far more convincing evidence compared to Kllkvists
valuable for the teaching of vocabulary, as vocabulary learnt with the use of translation
one of the very few studies dealing with the effects of translation as a contrastive form-
focused instruction of vocabulary, and the validity of its results should not be
One of the arguments against the use of translation listed by Newson (see above)
(64). This is one of the most common objections, and is valid in teaching situations in
which translation is used slavishly, with little or no context, and with overwhelming
research, which when dealing with the effects of translationin the few cases it
may be documented by Kllkvists and Laufer and Girsais studies above. Guy Cook
suggests that SLA research did not research all the possibilities of using translation in
language teaching and took monolingual instruction for granted (Translation 91). There
is, however, much more that translation can offer to language learners than an explicit
attention to grammar and accuracy. It is fortunate that recent research has started to
before, during or after the act of translation itself, which is eminently valuable for
(Languaging 218). The term languaging has been used by various authors in several
disciplines, but here it is used as defined by Swain who sees it as the process of
making meaning and shaping knowledge and experience through language (98). Swain
viewss this concept as occurring during any learning when language is used to mediate
problem solutions but she is particularly concerned with languaging about language
which she views as one of the important strategies leading to learning (96). The effects
of languaging have been examined in various studies, but it is beyond the scope of this
thesis to review the results of all of them.16 Nevertheless, one study dealing with
translation was used and compared it to languaging resulting from four other tasks
focusing on grammar. The results showed that translation tasks had the effect of
remaining four tasks. This pattern seemed to break the traditional initiation-response-
feedback pattern (IRF), and translation activities thus commonly led to the creation of
discussions about the English language. The other finding of Kllkvists study is that
the translation tasks led to a weaker focus on the target grammar, as students attention
itself does not have to be seen as a serious disadvantage of translation tasks in general.
The grammar of vocabulary is now seen as an important part of language teaching and
may help the students immensely. Translation provides an opportunity to focus on this
in greater detail.
The results of Kllkvists study seem to be in accord with the beliefs of the
students interviewed for the qualitative part of this thesis. The students were enquired
about the most difficult aspects of translation, based on the text they had translated
that unknown vocabulary was the most difficult aspect of translation for them. This was
mostly in relation to the source text comprehension. One of the students regarded the
comprehension of the source text as the most difficult aspect of translation. When
translating into L2, vocabulary was again the most difficult aspect for most of the
For an overview of the different effects of languaging on language learning, see Kllkvist,
Languaging 218.
respondents (five). This time the difficulty lay in the finding of a proper equivalent in
the target language. These difficulties with vocabulary could be tackled by improving
students dictionary using skills, as none of the interviewees used any other resource
than the bilingual dictionary. Alternatively, collaborative learning and dialogue could
also provide the students with a richer vocabulary stock than they would have if
Interview Questionnaire). Only one of the eight students reported that translating could
The results of Kllkvists study may have strong implications for language
pedagogy. It is suggested that other types of form-focused activities are preferable when
the aim of the instruction is the teaching of complex morphosyntax, and that the focus
on grammar when using translation can only be successful when the texts to be
implication is, and here it becomes interesting, that translation may be particularly
useful when engendering learners activity, as the students are less likely to follow the
traditional IRF sequence during translation tasks. The implication of the study therefore
is that translation may lead to more active students, and as such it is a very useful
argument thus does not seem to be valid when translation is used communicatively.
7.2.4 Introverted Learners
because they do not have the sort of imagination or personality that such
This is a valid observation and many a teacher would agree with it, offering examples
from their experience with learners. Penelope Sewell discusses this issue and offers
reasons why translation is better suited for certain learners than communicative
translation dominates over communicative approaches: the need for confidence and
self-esteem, the need not to loose face, the need to be rewarded, and the need for
certainty, for closure, for autonomy (153). (a) Sewell maintains that: role-play can
seriously damage our self-image and confidence when we assume roles in which we
face-threatening acts; (c) the results of role-play are not fully dependent on the learner,
are unpredictable, and when successful, they need to be shared; (d) role-play does not
put the learner in charge of their own learning (154-158). Sewells argument is further
extended by considering learning styles and personality traits. She concludes that all the
four aspects are in negative correlation with introversion and that communicative
traits and low levels of interaction (159). Sewells opinions are supported by research
on the effects of personality on speech production which bears out the favouring of
translation by introverted learners only indirectly. Quantitative data as to what activities
learners of different personality traits actually prefer would shed more light on this
issue. However, with the evidence we have at our disposal, it is safe to say that
differences. The text used in the qualitative part of the thesis can be used as an example.
The students were asked about the differences between Czech and American culture.
Six of the eight interviewees were able to locate the difference in using metrical as
opposed to imperial units in the translation (miles and feet mentioned in the text). None
of them thought about converting them in their translations. Noticing these differences
is great in itself, but teachers could do even more by providing the students with
instructed to convert imperial units into metrical ones based on the translation brief. In
monolingual teaching, on the other hand, such differences may remain unnoticed.
as one of the most serious drawbacks of the approach. Another limitation to the use of
TILT is when the teacher does not speak the language(s) of their students, be it a single-
language or mixed-language class. These problems may not be as serious as they seem
to be at first glance. A substantial part of language teaching all around the world takes
place in a bilingual setting with single-language classes and bilingual teachers. The
limitations of TILT, therefore, apply only in some contexts, and even in these teaching
situations (for example language schools in the UK or USA) TILT may still be
integrated into the lessons. Its use will certainly be limited compared to single-language
(Translation 151). For example, pair and group work may still be practiced in classes in
which there are more speakers of a certain language. Students sharing common own
language may be divided into groups and translate for each other. The problems
encountered during translation may then be discussed with the whole class in order to
share knowledge and compare how they are similar or different from the translation
Let us now consider the more frequent teaching settingclasses with students sharing a
single language, i.e. students whose own language is the same. What characteristics
should an ideal teacher using TILT have? According to Newmark, a teacher using
2. Be confident, admit mistakes, teach students more gifted than the teacher thanks
to experience;
6. Listen to students suggestions;
This appears to be a very reasonable list. Some of the points listed by Newmark are
valid for any language teacher in general, not only for those applying a translation
approach to teaching. Particularly points one, two, four and six describe skills any good
teacher should posses. Points three, seven and eight, on the other hand, are more
Starting from the end, the eighth point prescribes that a teacher has a good
expected to have proficient knowledge of both their native language and the language
they are going to teach. A problem arises with monolingual teachers, the teachers who
are the native speakers of the students new language. The knowledge of students own
language among these native speakers differs widely. Some have no knowledge of it
whatsoever, while others may have a working knowledge which would allow them a
limited use of it in the classroom, yet, an extensive use of the language for contrastive
analysis purposes is beyond their capabilities. Translation is, arguably, not particularly
suitable for these teachers. Even though there are translation activities which may be
done in the classroom taught by a monolingual teacher, their strengths lie elsewhere.
Guy Cook suggests that what is needed is an accommodation between intra-lingual and
can be used in mixed language classes and by monolingual teachers (Translation 128).
While such an integration of both approaches seems fruitful, the use of translation
activities per se by monolingual teachers should not be supported. Let them do what
they are good at. The latest statistical data gathered by esk koln inspekce (the Czech
School Inspectorate) reveal that the number of native speaker teachers of foreign
English (80). Arguably, when a native speaker is available, they should not be wasting
time on activities which can be carried out by bilingual teachers, and the little time
students have for contact with native speakers ought to be used more wisely.
teacher is a better candidate for using TILT than monolingual teachers. The situation is,
however, more complicated. Looking at Newmarks list, points three and seven state
that an ideal teacher should have translators skills and consider translation as a form of
linguistic exploration. There are two main types of teachersthose with university
education from teacher training institutions, and teachers with qualification based on
teacher trainee courses like Cambridge CELTA and DELTA. The former are likely to
come across translation during their teacher training only in translation seminars which
they take in order to improve their translation proficiency. Such courses do not in any
way instruct these teacher trainees in how translation could be used in teaching. The
latter group largely consists of native speakers, but there are notable exceptions.
Nonetheless, these courses very often ignore or frown upon the use of translation for
teaching purposes. It is, therefore, unlikely that most bilingual teachers, regardless of
their education background, will possess translators skills and the knowledge of
methodology for applying TILT. Given the raising interest in TILT in current EFL
literature and the support it has received from teachers in practise, these two
Teachers are indeed perfectly capable of experimenting with new approaches and
testing for themselves how they work in their classes. However, they need to learn
about these approaches and trends first. Discussion of translation at teacher conferences,
sharing experience in discussion forums for teachers, and further education of teachers
The previous section discussed the skills needed by teachers who subscribe to the use of
TILT. In order to offer a complete picture of the issue, it is necessary to survey the other
side of the barricade, i.e. the learners. Parallel to the teachers requirements above,
Newmark lists the following skills for learners in ELT settings using translation:
1. Sensitivity to language;
6. Common sense;
7. Discrimination;
8. Speed in working;
Again, these skills are rather a general account of what is required of any learner, such
as sensitivity to language or common sense. Moreover, some of the skills can be taught
text, however, (re)search skills can be trained for the students to be able to obtain
information about an unknown cultural concept. Mastering the text being translated is
closely connected to good reading knowledge. Both skills are developed through
translation. The same can be said about the speed of translatingit is improved with
practice. The practice of translation thus increases the level of competence and skills
required of the students. Translation may again be viewed as a means and an end of
language teaching.
This, however, does not mean that translation is a uniform activity suitable for
all learners. Just as Guy Cook asserts, . . . the type, quantity, and function of translation
activity must vary with the stage which learners have reached, with their ages, and with
with lower levels of proficiency (Carreres 14). Presently, however, many researchers
accept the usefulness of translation for all levels of proficiency (Carreres 14;
Cunningham; G. Cook; Dagiliene 125; Machida 744). Such translation, however, must
naturally take different forms. Here we shall return to the question of equivalence
adumbrated in the section Defining Translation. For a better orientation of the reader, let
us now reiterate the types of equivalence. They are: equivalence of meaning, pragmatic
Beginners do not know much of the new language by definition, and it is,
therefore, quite impossible for them to concentrate on the more sophisticated levels of
equivalence when translating, when they use up most of their attention for decoding and
encoding of the meaning of the text. Guy Cook argues that beginners attention should
This seems perfectly logical. Once the literal meaning is understood by the students, i.e.
on the way from intermediate to advanced levels, focus can be shifted onto the
discoursal and pragmatic equivalence. This, according to Guy Cook, reflects the
division between translation as a means and an end of learning (Translation 74). When
the focus of translation is to enhance students knowledge of their new language, i.e. in
translation as a means, it is usually best to ensure that the students understand the
meaning before dealing with issues beyond the semantic equivalence. When the aim is a
analyse the text much more rigidly than just on the level of semantic equivalence.
encompasses own-language use in the classroom, it needs to be said that there should be
a natural twofold tendency in the use of TILT. At the beginning levels, translation will
tool which may be approached as needed by the teacher and the learners. Its particular
advantage will lie in its psycholinguistic value (see Section 7.1.5). As the level of
proficiency of the students develops, this use of translation gradually makes way to the
The discussion presented in this section implies that the requirements for
translations done by students must clearly be different from requirements for translation
done by professional translators. Not only are these demanding on all levels of
equivalence, but they also include other factors and skills needed to succeed as a
word processing skills, competence in using the Internet and various translation tools,
on jointly by several translators, and, not surprisingly, marketing ability (32). Some of
these specialised skills may be developed from an early age (touch typing, word
processing etc.), but in general, they should be reserved for the education of
professional translators or for other classes (marketing abilities can be dealt with in
economics, word processing in IT classes etc.), as they are beyond the capacities of
The aim of this thesis is not to advocate a replacement of Direct Method teaching with a
teaching based on translation. That would be a step in the wrong direction which would
in due time probably result in the same rejection, as the grammar-translation method
once did. The real aim is to show the potential benefits of translation integrated into a
constitutes the optimal amount of translation and own-language use in the classroom.
There is the elusive notion of judicious use which is frequently mentioned by authors
dealing with TILT (Hall and Cook 293; Kllkvist, Languaging 217; Schweers 13),
unfortunately none offers a precise definition or amount which could define this vague
Hall and Cook suggest that there is an absence of clear research findings which
would provide clear guidelines for teachers, and that there are consequently two views
on this issue. The first one is concerned that teachers, having no guidelines, would make
arbitrary decisions in their use of code-switching and translation. The other one justifies
teachers and learners in making such decisions, as they are the ultimate arbiters of what
suits their particular classroom best (293). While the consequences of an arbitrary
arguably be the ones to make decisions for the teaching of their students. However, the
decisions should be based on a system the teacher creates for their own teaching
situation. The teacher ought to be at all times aware of what they are doing and why
they are doing it. We should not go as far as is suggested by Kerr, who believes that a
policy on the use of translation should be discussed in schools (as well as on the level of
the individual teacher). This would be a step too far considering that there is not enough
empirical evidence. The decision should rest with teachers for the time being, until
The present thesis aimed at answering multiple questions concerned with the use of
answers. The thesis offers a theoretical discussion of the issue of translation in language
teaching based on a wide selection of academic literature dealing with the topic.
Furthermore, the methods employed include qualitative and quantitative research in the
forms of the Student Questionnaire, which was administered at seven secondary schools
in the Czech Republic, and interviews with eight students based on the Interview
language teaching and the development of the vilification of own-language use and
TILT which resulted in a global preference for monolingual language instruction. The
data gathered from the Student Questionnaire revealed that the monolingual principle
does not seem to hold sway at secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Even though
the research maps the situation in thirteen different classrooms and as such its results
cannot represent the secondary schools in the Czech Republic as a whole, the
geographical and typological variety of the schools represented ensures at least a partial
The thesis also discussed the most frequent arguments against the use of
TILT. Translation was viewed as a holistic activity through which all four skills of
language learning could be developed. It was also regarded as the fifth skill, and
theoretical evidence as well as on the beliefs of the respondents of both the quantitative
and qualitative research. The vast majority of the students believed that they would need
to translate at least from time to time in their lives. Translation was thus confirmed as a
purposeful and useful activity which can positively stimulate students motivation to
The research also revealed how students proceeded when translating and what
resources they used. In most cases, the students showed a preference to consult bilingual
dictionaries as opposed to monolingual ones. The results further suggested that Czech
secondary school students did not make extensive use of other resources available to
them, including collocation dictionaries, corpora and thesauri. On the other hand, most
of the students tended to use Google Translate, either for the translation of whole
sentences, or as a dictionary.
Other notable research findings revealed that the students interviewed for the
qualitative part of the research did not distinguish between L1 and L2 translation.
Translation directionality, therefore, did not seem to play a role. A striking revelation
was that none of the eight students interviewed read their translations after finishing
can be summarised by concluding that the students at the secondary schools in the
Czech Republic do not avail themselves of all the resources they have at their disposal
when translating. They are not aware of the merits and limitations of the individual
resources and of the specific traits of the translation process. This lack of awareness
may deprive them of valuable opportunities for an improvement of their skillsboth
linguistic and translational. One recommendation emerging from this research is that
teachers ought to devote some time not only to including translation activities into their
classes, as they can be highly beneficial to their learners, but also to the raising of
students attention in relation to the resources available and the translation process
itself. It should be also borne in mind that translation is not a suitable activity for all
learners and learning contexts. It is only one of the tools in the teachers toolbox which
can be used depending on the needs of a particular class. Nevertheless, in the light of
translation activities into the language classroom, since translation is, to lend Guy
Cooks words, not only the fifth skill of language learning, but also a dimension of
every skill, as it can be used to enhance and practice the learning of any of the four
2. Je v tto uebnici nco psno esky? Vyberte jednu nebo vce monost:
nikdy obas asto
11. Kdy neznm njak slovko, vyhledm ho tak, e jej zadm do Google
13. Kdy chci zjistit, jak se njak anglick slovo pouv, vyhledm je v Googlu a
podvm se, jak se pouv ve vtch.
15. Kdy potebuji najt synonymum njakho slova, abych jej znovu neopakoval(a)
kvli zachovn dobrho stylu, pouiji tezaurus.
VO a SP umperk
Gymnzium Boskovice
Gymnzium ternberk
Pette si tuto synopsi filmu 127 hodin a pot ji pelote do etiny. Pedstavte si
napklad, e dan film jet nen v eskch kinech a chtli byste obsah filmu peloit
pro kamarda, kter neum anglicky. Po dokonen pekladu prosm zodpovzte nkolik
127 Hours is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralstons remarkable adventure to
save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated
canyon in Utah. Over the next five days Ralston examines his life and survives the
elements to finally discover he has the courage and the wherewithal to extricate himself
by any means necessary, scale a 65 foot wall and hike over eight miles before he is
finally rescued. Throughout his journey, Ralston recalls friends, lovers, family, and the
two hikers he met before his accident. Will they be the last two people he ever had the
chance to meet?
V peklad:
1. Slyeli jste nkdy o filmu 127 hodin?
2. Po peten nzvu lnku, zamysleli jste se nad tm, jak informace me obsahovat?
a) slovnk aj-j
b) vkladov slovnk (jednojazyn)
c) vyhledvn v Googlu nebo jinm vyhledavai
d) peklad pomoc sluby Google Translate
e) jin (uvete konkrtn):
9. Kdybyste mli monost danou pas srovnat s peklady vaich spoluk a diskutovat o
nich, pomohlo by vm to ke zlepen anglitiny?
10. Myslte si, e by vm zaazen rznch pekladovch cvien (jako je toto nebo
napklad peklad e-mailu od znmho atd.) do hodin anglitiny pomohlo zlepit vae
jazykov schopnosti? Pokud ano, jak?
11. Kdyby podobn cvien byla soust hodin anglitiny, byli byste schopni lpe
pekldat, kdybyste to ve svm budoucm ivot i povoln potebovali?
zahrani, kte neum esky, a na zmek by se rdi vypravili, ale nic o nm nevd.
Zmek Buovice
sdla, ale o realizaci originlnho projektu italsk pozdn renesann stavby typu
Projektoval jej Jacopo Strada, vzdlan znalec umn, historik a architekt, kter byl
Rudolfa II.
V peklad:
1 Po peten nzvu lnku, zamysleli jste se nad tm, jak informace me
a) slovnk aj-j
b) vkladov slovnk (jednojazyn)
c) vyhledvn v Googlu nebo jinm vyhledavai
d) peklad pomoc sluby Google Translate
e) jin (uvete konkrtn):
9 Kdyby podobn cvien byla soust hodin anglitiny, byli byste schopni lpe
pekldat, kdybyste to ve svm budoucm ivot i povoln potebovali?
Works Cited
1992. Print.
Baker, Philippa. Jumping the Language Barrier: The Fifth Skill. English Teaching
Brown, Douglas H. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 5th ed. White
Butzkamm, Wolfgang. We Only Learn Language Once. The Role of the Mother
Campbell, Stuart. Translation into the Second Language. London: Longman, 1998.
Cherrington, Ruth. American Army Method. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language
Teaching and Learning. Ed. Michael Byram. London: Routledge, 2004. Print.
Cook, Guy. Translation in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. Print.
---. An Interview with Prof. Guy Cook. By Bao Tianren. Sina Corporation, 21 Oct. 2010.
---. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. 3rd ed. London: Arnold, 2001.
Czech Republic. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Statistick roenka kolstv
Fox, Gwyneth, and Elizabeth Potter. Using Bilingual Dictionaries in the Classroom.
Hall, Graham, and Guy Cook. Own-Language Use in Language Teaching and
Heltai, Pl. Teaching Vocabulary by Oral Translation. ELT Journal 43.4 (1989): 288-
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Vron zprva I za koln rok 2011/2012. esk koln inspekce. esk koln
Tato diplomov prce se zabv uitm pekladu ve vuce anglickho jazyka a jeho
prce si klade nkolik hlavnch cl. V prv ad obhajuje peklad jako prostedek i cl
byl peklad uvn pro vuku klasickch jazyk. Nstupcem klasickch pstup
jazyka. Prce se dle pokou zjistit, do jak mry monolingvn doktrny ovlivnily
uitele psobc na stednch kolch v esk republice. Prce rovn pin cenn
argumenty pro i proti uit pekladu ve vuce jazyka. V neposledn ad tato diplomov
skutenosti pistupuj studenti stednch kol v esk republice. Zvltn draz je kladen
The present thesis deals with the use and status of translation in English language
teaching. The discussion draws on theoretical and empirical research in the fields of
Second Language Acquisition, language pedagogy and Translation Studies. The thesis
the Czech Republic; the results of this research accompany the theoretical discussion of
the issue in question from the Czech secondary school perspective. The thesis has
several main aims. Firstly, it aspires to defend translation as both a means and an end of
language teaching. Secondly, it strives to map the historical development of the position
translation in language teaching is provided, with the early periods in which translation
was used for the teaching of classical languages taken as the starting point of the
classical approaches and as the main reason for the vilification of translation, which
came to be stigmatised with the emergence of the Direct Method around 1900 and of the
the current situation, which is marked by a renewed interest in the use of translation for
teaching purposes. Furthermore, the extent to which the monolingual doctrines have
influenced Czech secondary school teachers is examined. The thesis also aims to
provide valuable insights into attitudes of learners towards the use of translation in the
classroom. Secondly, the thesis presents the most frequent arguments against the use of
Finally, the present thesis sheds light on the actual practice of translation as done by
secondary school students. It particularly surveys which resources the students avail