Analisis Silibus Kimia
Analisis Silibus Kimia
Analisis Silibus Kimia
The aims of the chemistry curriculum for secondary school are to provide students
with the knowledge and skills in chemistry and technology and enable them to solve
problems and make decisions in every day life based on scientific attitude and noble
Students who have followed the chemistry curriculum will have a basic
foundation in chemistry to enable them to pursue formal and informal futher education in
science and technology.
The curriculum also aims to develop a dynamic and progressive society with a
science and technology culture that values nature and works towards the prevention and
conservation of the environment.
4. Apply knowledge and skills in a creative and critical manner to solve problems
and make decisions.
9. Realize the scientific discoveries are the result of human endeavour to the best of
his or her intellectual and mental capabilities to understand natural phenomena for
the betterment of mankind.
10. Be aware of the need to love and care for the environment and play an active role
in its preservation.
The Theme in Chemistry Syllabus:
• Introducing chemistry
• Matter around us
• Interaction between chemicals
• Production and management of manufactured chemicals
• Observing
• Classifying
• Measuring and using numbers
• Inferring
• Predicting
• Communicating
• Using space-time relationship
• Interpreting data
• Defining operationally
• Controlling variables
• Hypothesising
• Experimenting
• Manipulative skills
Students learn through experience, meaning that they gain the knowledge by
themselves by questioning or investigation. Teachers are just as a guidance to lead the
students to understand the science concepts.
Mastery learning
It is an approach that ensures all students are able to acquire and master the
intended learning objectives. If the students are given enough opportunities and allowed
to learn at their own pace they are able to master the knowledge.
Meaningful learning can occur if the students can relate their learning with daily
lives experience.
Introduction to chemistry
The structure of the atom
Chemical formulae and equations
Periodic table of elements
Chemical bonds
Acidic and bases
Manufactured substances in industry
ni Cuma utk form 4 jer tlg tmbahkn utk yg form 5…
There are three learning objectives in this topic, which are, synthesise salts,
synthesise qualitative analysis of salts, and practise to be systematic and meticulous when
carrying out activities. Actually, the learning objectives should be able to achieve when
this chapter is finished. It means that, students should achieve the learning objectives
after they learn the whole sub chapter of this chapter.
The learning outcome is the objectives for the sub chapter. Every sub chapter has
their own learning outcome which means that every student should be able to achieve the
learning outcome after they learn the subchapter. The learning outcome is more specific
than the learning objectives. Meaning that, they know what they should know for every
subs chapter that they are learning.