Clinical Presentations of Cutaneous Tuberculosis: Original Article

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Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2014;24 (2):132-137.

Original Article
Clinical presentations of cutaneous tuberculosis
Najam-us Saher*, Zarnaz Wahid*, Ijaz Ahmed**, Sadaf Ahmed Asim*, Farzana Riaz

* Department of Dermatology, Civil Hospital Karachi and Dow University of health Sciences,
** Department of Dermatology, Ziauddin University, Karachi

Abstract Objective To determine the frequency of different clinical presentations of cutaneous tuberculosis in
a tertiary care hospital.

Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in the Department of Dermatology, Civil
Hospital, Karachi and Department of Dermatology, Ziauddin University, Karachi, over three years
th th
from 5 March 2007 to 4 March 2010. Patients of both sexes and all age groups suffering from
histologically-confirmed cutaneous tuberculosis for last 1 month to 10 years were enrolled. A
detailed history and examination were recorded on a predesigned proforma. The collected data were
computed and analyzed.

Results 57 diagnosed (biopsy proven) cases of cutaneous tuberculosis comprising 35 females

(61.4%) and 22 males (38.6%) were enrolled. The age range was 1 up to 80 years. Among these
subjects, half the patients were aged between 11-30 years. 17 patients (29.8%) had the disease for 1-
2 years constituting the highest frequency for the duration of illness. Most of the patients i.e. 33
(57.5%) had more than one lesion. The lesions were most commonly seen on limbs in 25 (43.4%)
patients, followed by face and neck, trunk and genitalia. Chronic discharging sinuses and plaques
were the most common presentations. Scrofuloderma was the most common tuberculosis cutis seen
in 35 (62%) patients followed by lupus vulgaris, warty tuberculosis and tuberculids. Overall
frequency was higher in females. However, some of the types were more frequent in females while
others in males. Mean age of presentation for scrofuloderma was 25.716.9 years, warty
tuberculosis 25.715.9 years, lupus vulgaris 29.416.5 years and tuberculids 3011.9 years

Conclusion Scrofuloderma is the most common clinical presentation of tuberculosis cutis seen in
our setting followed by lupus vulgaris, tuberculosis verrucosa cutis and tuberculids.

Key words
Cutaneous tuberculosis, scrofuloderma, lupus vulgaris, tuberculosis verrucosa cutis, tuberculids.

Introduction pulmonary tuberculosis and multidrug

resistance. Cutaneous tuberculosis has a
More than 2 billion people (about one-third of worldwide distribution with malnourishment and
the world population) are estimated to be low socioeconomic status being the main
infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.1 predispositions.
Cutaneous tuberculosis has re-emerged in the
last 15 years together with a higher incidence of M. tuberculosis can induce a spectrum of
cutaneous changes depending on the route of
Address for correspondence infection and immunological status of the host.
Prof. Ijaz Ahmad
Professor of Dermatology Primary infection of skin produces tuberculous
Department of Dermatology, Ziauddin chancre in a non-immune host, while
University, Karachi. tuberculosis verrucosa cutis occurs as a primary

Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2014;24 (2):132-137.

infection in an immunologically competent host. Methods

Post-primary skin lesion e.g. lupus vulgaris, is a
common presentation of cutaneous tuberculosis. Current, descriptive, cross-sectional study was
Scrofuloderma results from contiguous carried out in the Department of Dermatology,
involvement of skin overlying a tuberculous Civil Hospital, Karachi and Department of
focus e.g. lymph nodes, bones, joints or testicles. Dermatology, Ziauddin University, Karachi. The
Hematogenous spread can lead to miliary study was completed over a period of three
tuberculosis. Orificial, perioral or perianal years, spanning from 5 March, 2007 till 4th
tuberculosis can occur following ingested March, 2010.
mycobacteria. Tuberculids once attributed to
cutaneous immunological reactions to Patients were selected by non-probability
tuberculosis elsewhere in the body in an immune purposive sampling. After an informed consent,
host are now known to be true forms of patients of both sexes and all age groups
cutaneous tuberculosis.4 suffering from the disease for 1 month to 10
years were enrolled for the study. All the
Early diagnosis and treatment yields better patients were histologically proven cases of
outcome for the disease and if left untreated or cutaneous tuberculosis. Patients having any
misdiagnosed it can lead to complications like other concomitant dermatological or systemic
squamous cell or basal cell carcinoma especially problems were ruled out.
in lupus vulgaris (8%).5
After a detailed history and examination, the
The incidence of different forms of cutaneous findings were recorded on a predesigned
tuberculosis varies globally. Scrofuloderma has proforma. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed
been reported to be the commonest form from by biopsy and histopathology. Any relevant
UK6 and lupus vulgaris from South Africa. 7 In investigations were performed wherever
India, scrofuloderma had the highest frequency required. These included complete blood count,
in children while lupus vulgaris in adults. 8,9 In biochemical profile and urinalysis.
Pakistan, scrofuloderma has been reported to be
the most common form (64.9%). 10 Studies The data were compiled, tabulated and analyzed
carried out in our country reveal a limited data with the help of SPSS Program version 10.0.
regarding the frequency of different clinical Frequency and percentages were calculated for
presentations of tuberculosis cutis.10 categorical data like gender and clinical type of
cutaneous tuberculosis. Meanstandard
The current study was targeted to determine the deviation was calculated for numerical variables
frequency of different clinical presentations of like age. Frequency of clinical type of cutaneous
cutaneous tuberculosis in our part of the world. tuberculosis was also presented according to
The study will be helpful towards planning more gender, duration of illness and age in order to
strategies for awareness about tuberculosis cutis control effect modifiers.
for health care providers leading to early
diagnosis and preventing lethal complications. Results

A total of 57 diagnosed (biopsy proven) patients

of cutaneous tuberculosis were enrolled

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