Acid Number Measurements of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Using ASTM D8045

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Acid Number measurements of crude oil

and petroleum products using ASTM D8045

Reproducible and accurate results in 60 seconds!

New method uses thermometric titration

02 Acid Number (AN) is an important crude oil quality para

meter used to determine a refining value for crude oil.
ween laboratories and often disputes regarding
the quality and the price per barrel of the crude.
Petroleum refining and transportation infrastructure is
also impacted by the accuracy of AN measurements as Metrohm has partnered with industry leaders to
these acidic compounds lead to corrosion. Until now AN develop an alternative to D664 for the measure
has been measured by ASTM method D664. However, ment of crude oil and petroleum products. The
when analyzing crude oils and heavy refinery fractions, resulting ASTM method D8045 describes the use
method D664 presents the analyst with a number of thermometric titration for this analysis.
of challenges leading to poor reproducibility bet

Thermometric titration is ...

more accurate and reproducible with an improved solvent

mixture that better dissolves difficult samples containing high
paraffinic content
uses less solvent saving you substantial costs for waste disposal
much faster because results are available in 60 seconds
without prior sensor conditioning and calibration required

See for yourself

ASTM D664 ASTM D8045

(Potentiometric) (Thermometric)
Titrant 0.1 mol/L KOH in IPA 0.1 mol/L KOH in IPA
Solvent Toluene/IPA/water Xylene/IPA
Solvent volume 125 mL 3035 mL
Titration time ~220 s ~60 s
Conditioning of electrode 35 min none
Solvent wash, rehydration,
Sensor maintenance IPA dip, refill with electrolyte, Solvent wash is sufficient
store in LiCl in ethanol
Sample size (expected AN
20 2 g ~10 g
of 0.05 <1.0 mg KOH/g)

The 859 Titrotherm is available as a walk-up analyzer or an automated configuration.

859 Titrotherm the best solution for ASTM D8045

The Metrohm 859 Titrotherm and ASTM D8045 is the What is thermometric titration?
best solution for the measurement of AN in crude oil and Thermometric titration uses a highly sensitive, fast res
petroleum products. The 859 Titrotherm is easy to use as ponding sensor to detect an enthalpy change at a single
it requires no sensor maintenance aside from a sol endpoint. Because all of your sample is dissolved, a con
vent rinse; this means no hydration, no calibration sistent, reproducible measurement with RSD values less
and no filling solutions. The entire system is operated than 2% is obtained. Whether you are using a walk-up
by tiamo, the worlds number one titration software analyzer or an automated systems the results are consis
where pre-defined methods make it easy to view and tent between operators or locations.
report results.

Our automated systems allow you to simply weigh your

samples and make the measurement. These systems also
reduce exposure to solvents and will safely operate in a
fume hood.

For a complete video demonstration visit

Get one, well-

Thermometric titration determines the endpoint (EP) via the

reaction enthalpy, i.e. the temperature change in the measuring

Metrohm offers dedicated analyzer configurations for ASTM D8045. Please contact your local sales office for
more information and ordering information.
Subject to change
Layout by Ecknauer+Schoch ASW, printed in Switzerland at Metrohm AG, CH-9100 Herisau, Switzerland
8.000.5199EN 2016-11

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