Relocation Profile

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Text by Maritha Pottenger

Programming by Rique Pottenger

Chloe Armand

Born on Sep 7, 1961 at 6h 2m 0s Zone 8.00 DAYLIGHT time

Birth city: San Diego, CA 32N42 117W 9 Sun in Virgo
Relocation: Minneapolis, MN 44N58 93W15 Moon in Leo
Placidus cusps Tropical zodiac Birth location: Virgo Rising
Run on 1/16/ 1 27 35 Relocation: Virgo Rising

2001 Astro Communications Services, Inc. 1-800-888-9983

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Relocated Natal Chart

Chloe Armand
7 Sep 1961 6h 2m 0s PDT
Minneapolis, MN

Placidus 44N58 93W15

INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 LIFE AREA HARMONY/CONFLICT. . . Page 16
Money: Equal harmony equal conflict
PLANETS CHANGING HOUSES. . . . . . Page 1 Relationships: Less harmony less conflict
the Sun changes from the 1st to the 12th Work: More harmony more conflict
the Moon changes from the 12th to the 11th Self-expression: More harmony less conflict
Mercury stays in the 1st Home/Family: More harmony more conflict
Venus changes from the 12th to the 11th Health: More harmony less conflict
Mars changes from the 2nd to the 1st Spiritual Needs: More harmony less conflict
Jupiter changes from the 5th to the 4th Friendships: More harmony more conflict
Saturn changes from the 5th to the 4th Children/Creativity: Less harmony less conflict
Uranus changes from the 12th to the 11th Communication/Schooling: Less harmony less conflict
Neptune changes from the 3rd to the 2nd
Pluto stays in the 12th PLANETARY HARMONY/CONFLICT. .Page 17 

Ceres stays in the 9th Most harmony natally:  

Pallas changes from the 7th to the 6th Most conflict natally: 

Juno changes from the 7th to the 6th Most harmony relocated:  

Vesta stays in the 9th Most conflict relocated: 

Chiron stays in the 6th

Natal stellium in the 12th TOOLS FOR LOOKING AHEAD. . . . . . Page 18
Relocated stellium in the 11th Most to Least Harmony (no angles):


ANGLES CHANGING SIGNS. . . . . . . . .Page 7 Most to Least Conflict (no angles):

Midheaven stays in Gemini         ! " # $ %

Ascendant stays in Virgo

RULERS CHANGING HOUSES. . . . . . . Page 7

Ascendant ruler stays in the 1st
Midheaven ruler stays in the 1st

ASPECTS TO THE ANGLES. . . . . . . . . Page 7

Natal Ascendant Conjunct the Sun
Natal Ascendant Sextile Neptune
Natal Ascendant Conjunct Pluto
Natal Ascendant Square Vesta
Natal Ascendant Opposite Chiron
Natal Ascendant Square the Midheaven
Relocated Ascendant Conjunct Mercury
Relocated Ascendant Trine Jupiter
Relocated Ascendant Trine Saturn
Relocated Ascendant Trine Ceres
Relocated Ascendant Opposite Juno
Relocated Ascendant Trine Vesta
Relocated Ascendant Square the Midheaven
Natal Midheaven Trine Mercury
Natal Midheaven Quincunx Neptune
Natal Midheaven Square Pluto
Natal Midheaven Conjunct Vesta
Natal Midheaven Square Chiron
Relocated Midheaven Square Mercury
Relocated Midheaven Quincunx Jupiter
Relocated Midheaven Sextile Uranus
Relocated Midheaven Square Juno
Relocated Midheaven Trine Chiron


Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
& ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; <

INTRODUCTION of the relocated positions as another shading on

the hues of the natal horoscope.

This section of your Relocation Profile will

You never lose your natal chart; it is yours for look at each of your planets. Their house place-
a lifetime. When you move away from your ments will first be interpreted in your birth chart.
place of birth, however, your horoscope can be Then, if the planets occupy different houses in
"relocated" for that new place. The relocated the relocated horoscope, those positions will be
horoscope gives additional themes and issues delineated.
(like an overlay on the natal chart for your
birthplace) which are particularly relevant for that A later section will consider the significance
area. A relocated chart is only relevant while of rulership changes in the relocated chart.
you are residing in that area. If you move again,
you would look at the relocated chart for the new
city. For your birthplace, the Sun is in the 1st
This report will examine motifs which are
highlighted for the relocation you have chosen. Your creativity is impulsive and breaks new
It is divided into sections to discuss the items ground. You seek admiration for your whole
which change from your birthplace to the reloca- being (everything you do). Your children may be
tion. (A relocation changes your houses cusps, active and assertive. You are proud of (or
including the Midheaven and Ascendant. Thus, ashamed of) your independence and forthright-
planets may shift from one house to another, ness. Magnetism comes naturally to you. You
and the aspects to your Midheaven and rejoice in self-expression and pioneering activ-
Ascendant may change. You may get different ities. Your dramatic instincts flow spontaneously
signs on the Ascendant and Midheaven, shifting from within you. Love, for you, is active and
their rulers, and rulers may also change ardent. Risk-taking can be a form of self-
houses.) Your Relocation Profile will examine expression for you. Self-esteem is a central
each set of changes in turn and close with a focus of your experience.
summary of potentials in terms of life areas
(relationships, money, etc.) which are more For your relocation, the Sun is in the 12th
favorably configured (or less) in your relocation. house. You keep the above themes, but add
The final section also offers suggestions for the following overlay:
planning future relocations.
Your creativity is intuitive, gentle, global and
inclusive. You seek admiration for compassion,
empathy, sensitivity and gentleness. Your
PLANETS CHANGING HOUSES children may be sweet, idealistic, victims or
artistic. You are proud of (or ashamed of) your
ideals, dreams and visions. Magnetism is tied to
romance, illusions, glamor and beauty for you.
When you relocate, one of the major changes You rejoice in Unity, feeling a bond of love with
which can occur is that your planets may occupy all Life. Your dramatic spirit expresses easily in
"new" houses--different houses than the ones artistic or helping modes. Love, for you, is a
they occupied in the horoscope of your beautiful dream with total Oneness. Risk-taking
birthplace. You never "lose" your natal occurs through idealistic channels, your pursuit
horoscope. It is the basic essence that under- of perfection. Self-esteem is tied to your quest
lies everything. You continue to face natal for infinite love and beauty.
themes no matter where you live. The relocated
horoscope, however, indicates issues that will
be in higher focus for you in that location. Think

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
= > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S

For your birthplace, the Moon is in the learn quickly, through action, but may be
12th house. impatient if ideas are slow to click in. Your inter-
actions with relatives may be independent,
Your emotional security is tied to the universe acerbic, aggressive or eager. You think about
and feeling Oneness with the whole. You nur- action, doing your own thing, liberty and anger.
ture/depend on anyone and anything. You Your communication style is rapid, spontaneous,
protect/conserve the highest, the most ideal, the direct and may be impulsive. Your surrounding
most beautiful in life. Your family breeds environment stimulates/challenges your asser-
imagination, artistry, saving instincts or tion, coordination, courage and pioneering spirit.
martyrdom. The past builds/challenges your You are curious about who you are, the new,
capacity to seek the beautiful and idyllic in life. bravery and independence. You can be
Your mothering style is beautiful, perfectionistic, lighthearted about your sense of self, anger and
assisting, or artistic; you could be a victim, a the pursuit of liberty. Your interests may include
martyr or an idealist. Your home/domestic sports or vigorous physical action, assertive self-
environment is beautiful, confusing, escapist or expression or courageous ground-breaking.
soothing. Your feelings are gentle, compas- You notice courage, initiative, vitality and
sionate, idealistic and sweet. You remember enthusiasm.
fantasies, visions, dreams and inspirations.
Your inner child is sensitive, intuitive, gentle and
seeks unity. For your birthplace, Venus is in the 12th
For your relocation, the Moon is in the
11th house. You keep the above themes, but You enjoy art, assisting the downtrodden and
add the following overlay: imaginative activities. You find comfort in
fantasy, dreams, visions and ideals. Security,
Your emotional security is tied to new age for you, comes through faith in the goodness of
knowledge, technology, friends or communal the universe. Your possessions may be
associations. You nurture/depend on friends, beautiful, illusory, fanciful or visionary. You may
causes and social networks. You protect/con- earn money through artistic, helping/healing
serve opportunity for all, humanitarian principles routes or anything connected to the infinitely
and tolerance. Your family breeds individualism, large, very small, or perception of patterns.
change, open-endedness and unusual Your partner could be artistic, attractive, es-
approaches. The past builds/challenges your capist, a savior type, gentle, compassionate or
uniqueness, humanitarian principles or open- empathic. You balance yourself through
ness to the new. Your mothering style is idealistic, artistic or helping activities. Your
equalitarian, erratic, open, friendly or social interactions are inclined toward privacy;
unpredictable. Your home/domestic environ- your feelings may be tender and soft. Justice,
ment is chaotic, unusual, ever-changing or full of for you, is inevitable, given lifes interconnec-
friends/concepts coming and going. Your tions. Equality, in your eyes, lies in the under-
feelings are detached, intellectualized and con- lying patterns linking us all; what hurts one even-
cerned with broad issues. You remember the tually hurts all.
new, the different, abstractions and changes.
Your inner child is rebellious, individualistic, For your relocation, Venus is in the 11th
unique and inventive. house. You keep the above themes, but add
the following overlay:

For both your birthplace and your reloca- You enjoy the new, the different, the unusual
tion, Mercury is in the 1st house. and the individualistic. You find comfort in
change, innovation and communal efforts.
Your consciousness is self-oriented, con- Security, for you, lies in the mind, the future and
cerned with independence and assertion. Your your friends. Your possessions are

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j

unpredictable, unconventional and unusual. For your birthplace, Jupiter is in the 5th
You may earn money through an unusual house.
career, have nonstandard hours or working con-
ditions or labor in a very different manner. Your You believe in/value excitement, creativity
partner could be unique, independent, cool, and doing more than you have done before.
humanitarian, weird or intellectual. You balance You trust (put your faith in) love, joy, power,
friends, social causes, humanitarian principles attention or magnetism. Your world view is
and the need for change in your life. Your social dramatic, confident and expansive. You seek
interactions are wide but casual; you can relate understanding of children, love relationships,
to many people but are likely to be close to only pride, shame and power. Your ethics/moral
a few. Justice, for you, is for all and demands principles revolve around love, pride and the
equal opportunity for everyone. Equality, in your human right to be recognized and appreciated.
eyes, is a fact of life; each one of us is unique Your humor is dramatic, exaggerated and could
and as irreplaceable as every other person. even be buffoonish. You teach/learn about
speculation, the limelight, entertainment and
self-esteem. You expand/enlarge/exaggerate
For your birthplace, Mars is in the 2nd your capacity for attention, admiration and
house. approval. You generalize about/assume you
understand creativity, love, pride, and ego
You are deliberate, determined and needs; dont jump to conclusions. You theorize
persistent. Your courage expresses in areas of about power, transcending the past and
sensuality, pleasure and money. Your sense of magnified emotions.
self is comfortable; you like who you are. Your
independence is easygoing, but immovable; no For your relocation, Jupiter is in the 4th
one pushes you around. Your will is powerful; house. You keep the above themes, but add
you strongly resist the influence of others. Your the following overlay:
energy is enduring; you have great
followthrough. You assert yourself in matters of You believe in/value warmth, compassion,
comfort, pleasure, beauty and finances. You get family and caring. You trust (put your faith in)
angry slowly, but are a bulldozer once your ire is blood ties, roots, security and protection. Your
roused. You push for physical gratification and world view is sensitive, protective and
material rewards. You initiate pleasurable preserving. You seek understanding of
sensations and gratifying experiences. dependency and nurturance needs. Your ethics/
moral principles are strongly influenced (pro or
For your relocation, Mars is in the 1st con) by your mother or mother figure. Your find
house. You keep the above themes, but add humor in domestic issues and family interac-
the following overlay: tions. You teach/learn about emotional ties,
mothering instincts and closeness. You expand/
You are open, spontaneous, direct and enlarge the home (literally) or family perspec-
independent. Your courage is marked. Your tives (through travel or broadening influences).
sense of self is highlighted; you want to do your You generalize about/assume you understand
own thing in life. Your independence is vital to your home and family; dont leap to conclusions.
your identity and self-expression. You are very You theorize about feelings, emotional needs
strong willed. Your energy is high; you bounce and heredity.
back easily. You assert yourself naturally. You
get angry quickly and get over it quickly. You
push for what you want in the world. You initiate For your birthplace, Saturn is in the 5th
easily; pioneering is natural to you. house.

You structure the expression of love and

admiration and must be wary of lowering your

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 

self-esteem. The law, in your eyes, is powerful, Whole. You change/reform your faith in life and
demanding and sometimes generous. You feel capacity for empathy. Your friends may be
responsible for children, loved ones and creative victim types, idealists, romantics, savior types or
acts. Your duties involve thrills, risk-taking, the artists. You challenge the status quo in regard
limelight or love. You are susceptible to guilt re- to ideals, hopes, wishes and dreams. You
garding love, power, drama and speculation. invent/originate easily with intuition and creative
You perceive authorities (including father) as imagination. You break the rules about selfless-
exciting, dynamic, arrogant, bombastic, ness, sacrifice and martyrdom. You revolu-
histrionic, generous or magnetic. You may feel tionize perspectives on unity and lifes intercon-
limited in your self-expression or creativity and nections. You can be tolerant of savior-victim
need to avoid "hiding your light under a bushel." games and philanthropic dreams. Freedom, for
Your career needs to involve power, excitement, you, is tied to the quest for an ideal, perfect
thrills, children, creativity, a special loved one or world; dont let frustrations build up because the
fame. Your karma affects your capacity to shine ideal is unreachable. The collective/humanity, in
and be significant and your interactions with your view, is passive, escapist, involved in
lovers and children. You can be realistic about fantasies and imaginative.
your need to be admired, noticed, and
applauded. For your relocation, Uranus is in the 11th
house. You keep the above themes, but add
For your relocation, Saturn is in the 4th the following overlay:
house. You keep the above themes, but add
the following overlay: You rebel against the old and promote the
new. You change/reform anything and
You structure your feelings and may over (or everything, eager for progress. Your friends
under-) control your nurturing instincts or desire may be individualistic, rebellious, detached,
to be taken care of by others. The law, in your intellectual, unusual or scientifically-minded.
eyes, should be compassionate, supportive and You challenge assumptions about
protective. You feel responsible for home, humanitarianism, community and the future.
family, roots and security. Your duties are You invent/originate unpredictably and often.
usually emotional, inclusive and may involve You break the rules about communities,
assisting others. You are susceptible to guilt re- perspectives and exploration. You revolutionize
garding your home, family and domestic needs. groups, friendships and new-age knowledge.
You perceive authorities (including father) as You can be tolerant of chaos, anarchy and
warm, caring, supportive, needy, clinging or change-in-the-making. Freedom, for you, is
sensitive. You may feel limited by your early paramount; you fight against any strings. The
environment or mother (or mother figure) and collective/humanity is explosive, chaotic, erratic
need to be realistic in your reactions. Your and unpredictable, in your viewpoint.
career needs to involve caretaking, assistance,
home and family, heredity, roots, or pursuit of
underlying patterns. Your karma affects your For your birthplace, Neptune is in the 3rd
capacity for emotional closeness and your inter- house.
actions with your mother or mother figure. You
can be realistic about your nurturing capacity You could idealize/romanticize thinking and
and your vulnerabilities. communication. You may avoid/ignore relatives
or concepts which do not fit your dreams. You
may delude (yourself or others) through poetic
For your birthplace, Uranus is in the 12th language or elusive, "magic" thinking. You
house. merge with others through inspiring communica-
tion or idealistic concepts. You might repress/
You rebel in your quest for infinite love and deny feelings about siblings, relatives or
beauty, in how you pursue Oneness with the neighbors which are unpleasant or do not fit

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

your ideals. You heal/rescue others through You share/allocate visions, aesthetic urges,
words, ideas and information. You transcend spiritual drives and inspirational needs in order
through thinking, gathering knowledge and to further your quest for infinite love and beauty.
sharing information. You yearn for infinite love You test (yourself or others) against an ideal
and beauty in language and could be poetic. image and standard for infinite love.
Miracles/mysticism are natural in your percep-
tion and thinking. You imagination is easily
accessible to logic; you can blend objectivity and For both your birthplace and your reloca-
subjectivity, intuition and rationality. tion, Ceres is in the 9th house.

For your relocation, Neptune is in the 2nd Your mothering could be "perfect," perfec-
house. You keep the above themes, but add tionistic, moralistic, confident, philosophical,
the following overlay: independent or truth-seeking. Your work can
broaden your horizons. You can heal through
You could idealize/romanticize comfort, truth-seeking and truth-giving. You utilize con-
financial security and pleasure. You may avoid/ cepts, beliefs and values to get the job done.
ignore gratification and comfort needs which do You support the quest for understanding. You
not fit your dreams. You may delude (yourself improve your world view and beliefs about reality
or others) about money, possessions or on a regular basis. You produce optimism, con-
pleasures. You merge with others through fidence and visions. You serve long-range
sensual and artistic experiences. You might goals, ultimate values and a Higher Power.
repress/deny feelings about ownership and Your tasks call for trust, buoyancy and a broad
finances which are unpleasant or do not fit your perspective on life. Nurturing, for you, is an
ideals. You heal/rescue others physically or adventure.
monetarily. You transcend through sensuality,
artistic expression or enjoying life. You yearn for
infinite love and beauty in tangible form (and For your birthplace, Pallas is in the 7th
may be artistic). Miracles/mysticism take physi- house.
cal manifestation in your life. Your imagination
enhances/confuses your earnings and pleasure You affiliate/align with beauty, harmony,
from life. ease. You compete gracefully, diplomatically,
coolly. You negotiate fairly, legally, socially.
You decorate/beautify naturally. You balance
For both your birthplace and your reloca- relationships and seek a give-and-take. You
tion, Pluto is in the 12th house. seek equality in associations with others.
Justice, to you, should be balanced, harmonious
You seek to master your dreams, visions and and even-handed. You react cooperatively,
ideals. You intimidate/overpower through weak- competitively, cordially. You make contracts
ness, passivity, manipulation or "rescuing" with others people. You justify/fight for equality,
others. You probe/investigate fantasies, hopes, justice and fair play.
ideals and escapist urges. You control (or are
controlled by) your imagination and pipeline to For your relocation, Pallas is in the 6th
the Infinite. You eliminate dreams, imagination, house. You keep the above themes, but add
compassion or fantasy, escapism and the following overlay:
psychosis. You bond/feel intimate in a context
of sensitivity, empathy, merging, selflessness, You affiliate/align with organization,
compassion and beauty. You concentrate on cleansing, efficiency. You compete methodi-
ideals, beauty, union, spirituality and absolutes. cally, effectively, discreetly. You negotiate
You project (facets of yourself youd rather not modestly, pragmatically, dependably. You
face) onto fantasy figures, people you do not decorate/beautify handicrafts or in your job. You
see clearly, or bury them in your unconscious. balance work, healthy and service. You seek

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

equality on the job. Justice, to you, should be You fix your ideals, goals, principles and visions.
quiet, deliberate and without waste. You react You perfect your gathering of knowledge about
quietly, critically, efficiently. You make contracts the meaning of life. You take apart/pick at con-
regarding getting the job done well. You justify/ cepts, ideals, morals and ethics. You organize/
fight for health, productivity, growing things. order your quest for understanding the nature of
reality. You work on attaining ultimate under-
standing. You cleanse your philosophy of life
For your birthplace, Juno is in the 7th when new truths appear. Health, for you, means
house. the freedom to seek the truth. Efficiency/com-
petence, in your eyes, is an ultimate value.
Your partner/spouse/mate could be
indecisive, competitive, hypocritical or attractive,
courteous and pleasing. You agree with For both your birthplace and your reloca-
harmony, equality and cooperation. Symmetry, tion, Chiron is in the 6th house.
for you, means an equal sharing with others.
You compare and contrast in your one-to-one You expect a lot of colleagues, your job or
interactions with others. You may feel yourself as a worker. You experiment practi-
possessive of your partner. You may placate cally, measuringly, with a drive for useful appli-
associates. You are attracted to beauty, charm, cations. You generalize about work, health or
balance. You relate to/empathize with legalities, common sense. Your principles are practical,
aesthetics, compromises. Passions and organized and logical. You believe the big pic-
pleasures come primarily through your one-to- ture calls for patience, thoroughness and
one relationships. You see alternatives/choices/ service. You pursue democratic ideals at work.
dualities in your dealings with other people. Individual truth is subject to critical analysis in
your mind. You reform ideas through analysis,
For your relocation, Juno is in the 6th discrimination and flaw-finding. Group con-
house. You keep the above themes, but add sciousness may affect your work place or
the following overlay: routines on the job. Original thinking can con-
tribute to your productivity.
Your partner/spouse/mate could be nitpicky, ______
compulsive, ill or hardworking, practical and
dependable. You agree with the work ethic, Natally, you have a stellium in the 12th
skepticism, analysis. Symmetry, for you, is house. This indicates that you may focus a lot
related to shared efforts. You compare and con- on the affairs of this house. The following are
trast on the job. You may feel possessive of likely to be accented: mysticism, love of nature,
your job or health routines. You may placate co- quest for infinite love/beauty, escapist
workers. You are attracted to competence, tendencies, compassion, desire to merge/
efficiency, capability. You relate to/empathize experience Oneness.
with growing things, productivity, service. Pas- ______
sions and pleasures can come through a job
well done in your case. You see alternatives/ In your relocation, you have a stellium in the
choices/dualities in the way you handle your 11th house. This indicates that the affairs of this
tasks. house will be in higher focus while you live in
this locality. The following are likely to be
emphasized: groups, organizations, causes,
For both your birthplace and your reloca- anything on the cutting edge of change,
tion, Vesta is in the 9th house. individuality, desire for freedom/independence.

You analyze beliefs, values and world views.

You may criticize the philosophies, religions or
spiritual approaches of yourself or other people.

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

ANGLES CHANGING SIGNS ity involves relationships, you will be working on

the balance in your associations with other
people. One danger is falling into savior/victim
associations. This can be any relationship
When angles change signs, you need to con- where one individual tries to "rescue" or "take
sider the nature of the relocated signs as over- care of everything" for the other. One party may
lays on the basic essence of the natal signs. be alcoholic, a drug addict, or simply not quite
You never lose your natal sign placements, but able to cope in some area. The other persons
get additional themes and issues when your "need to be needed" or desire to help goes over-
relocated angles change signs. This section will board.
consider the issues you are facing through the
signs on your Midheaven. (The next part will If the idealistic side wins out in relationships,
look at sign changes on the Ascendant/ you could be attracted to spacey people, or view
Descendant axis.) things unrealistically, falling for a fantasy, only to
be disillusioned later. If the realistic side wins
You must also consider the placements of out, you might be too critical and judgmental.
planets ruling the angles, particularly when the Flaws could be magnified. An integrated
relocated ruler occupies a different house than blending means you can be forgiving of insignifi-
the natal ruler does. (The themes must be com- cant foibles, glossing over human errors that are
bined in such cases.) Another section will unimportant, seeing the best in a partner overall,
discuss the rulership changes that occur with but practical and sensible enough to pay atten-
your relocation. tion to significant problems at work at improving

The sign on your Midheaven is the same in The signs on your Ascendant and
your relocation as in your birthplace. Descendant are the same for your relocation
and your birthplace.

The Ascendant/Descendant angle axis is a

significant key to issues you are learning to Rulers Changing Houses
balance in terms of interpersonal relationships.
The Ascendant signifies qualities you tend to
express yourself, through your personal action,
while the Descendant denotes attributes you The ruler of the Ascendant stays in the 1st
face in your relationships. Sometimes these house.
attributes will be shared with a partner. Other
times, another person may express the qualities The ruler of the Midheaven stays in the 1st
of the Descendant which seem foreign to your house.
being. The challenge is to balance the polar
opposites of the ascending and descending
signs. They point to inner needs that can
polarize and seem at opposite ends, yet need ASPECTS TO THE ANGLES
each other as natural partners.

Natally you have Virgo rising and Pisces

setting, highlighting the polarity of "the real" The zodiacal positions of the planets do not
versus "the ideal." Virgo concentrates on doing; change when you relocate, but the angles of the
Pisces focuses on dreaming. Virgo is practical horoscope (Ascendant, Descendant,
and uses common sense. Pisces is visionary Midheaven, IC) will be altered. Thus, your
and uses rose-colored glasses. Since this polar- aspects to the horoscope angles will also

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

change. You never lose the natal patterns, but endurance. You have a drive for self-mastery
must factor in the relocated ones as well. If and may transform yourself/others. Sexual
aspects were present natally and disappear in needs or issues may be central in your life; your
the relocation, those themes remain for you, but desires could be strong. You are capable of
are less relevant in that area. If aspects were great concentration and may sometimes obsess.
not present natally, but are in the relocation, You need to explore your inner depths (and
those are issues you will face in that region but Shadow side); you are an instinctive prober.
are not innate themes for you. If you move from Your intimacy instincts are strong. You may
natal harmony to relocated conflict, you have the face issues around resentment/forgiveness.
opportunity to prove your mastery of those You can be courageous and forceful (or cruel).
issues. If you move from natal conflict to relo- You may have challenges around learning to
cated harmony, you have a bit of "ease" in release (let go). You can understand the under-
facing the natal challenges, the potential of lying causes and patterns in life.
integrating some of your dilemmas.

This section will examine first any natal (and Natal Ascendant Square Vesta
then relocated) aspects from planets to angles.
Then, it will consider angle aspects in terms of Personal desires may conflict with a need for
the rulerships of the planets involved. efficient functioning. You may face health
challenges (or put lots of energy into health
maintenance). Flaw-finding instincts may affect
Natal Ascendant Conjunct the Sun your sense of self. Immediate actions may com-
pete with pragmatism. Work duties may clash
You need to shine. You have a high degree with your personal needs. You may feel torn
of vitality/life force. You are in touch with your between speed and exactitude. Personal needs
inner child. You are naturally creative. You may may conflict with organizational skills. Doing
be too proud (or too ashamed) of yourself. You your own thing may compete with a "fix-it"
have a strong drive for excitement and may approach. Immediate impulses may conflict
instinctively take risks. You have leadership with tunnel vision. Criticism could affect your
potential. You have natural magnetism/ self-expression; count assets as well as flaws.
charisma. Your funloving spirit is strong.
Enthusiasm and spontaneity come easily to you.
Natal Ascendant Opposite Chiron

Natal Ascendant Sextile Neptune You might seesaw back and forth in
satisfying your urge to know more. You may
You support idealism. You aid/assist the inhibit your actions with a quest for perfection (or
quest for infinite love and beauty. Grace and believe you can do anything). You might overdo
beauty energize you. You may be attracted to or underdo the urge to go beyond known
savior/victim entanglements. You appreciate/ boundaries. You might experience extremes in
enjoy compassion. Your immediate impulses terms of experiments or risk-taking. High
support the quest for Oneness/Union. Your expectations could influence your partnerships.
energy flows easily into healing/helping. Intui- Freedom issues could affect your relationships.
tion backs your personal action. Dreams/visions You are attracted to people who stimulate your
feed your assertion/courage. Visualization mind. Your partnership(s) will be strongly
comes easily to you. affected by ideals, values and beliefs. You seek
a sense of growth and expansion in your
associations. You are apt to be restless, crea-
Natal Ascendant Conjunct Pluto tive and progressive.

You are intense and may have tremendous

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

Natal Ascendant Square the Midheaven are apt to seek power or a position of expertise.
You tend to be practical about yourself. You can
Personal desires may conflict with author- balance initiative and caution. You can throw
ities. Immediate impulses may compete with yourself into a career. Your natural instincts
career aspirations. Doing your own thing may reinforce (perhaps to an extreme) status ambi-
conflict with power drives. Independent action tions. The wisdom of experience contributes to
may compete with status needs. Self-expres- your personal actions. Your basic instincts
sion may conflict with reality demands. Personal blend well with discipline/effort. Mentors/author-
power may vie with societal power. You may ity figures may be helpful to you.
take on too much (or too little) responsibility.
Duties may compete with your desire for
independence. You may fight the limits (or give Relocated Ascendant Trine Ceres
up too soon) in life. Immediacy may vie with
caution; they need each other. You probably reinforce nurturing. You tend
to encourage competence. You may back up
and amplify healthy physical functioning. You
Relocated Ascendant Conjunct Mercury can be quite productive. You may feel energetic
when involved with routines at work. You can
You need to communicate. You are a natural be quite analytical. You may experience
talker/listener. You can be quite logical. You harmony with nurturing figures. Colleagues may
are adaptable/flexible. Learning comes naturally be helpful to you. Caretaking may raise your
to you; you instinctively gather information. You energy level. Your family may be supportive of
could be quite perceptive/observant. You are you.
likely to be curious and restless; you perceive
rapidly. Your mind works quickly; you can
debate well (and leap to conclusions). You can Relocated Ascendant Opposite Juno
aggress with word (biting, ironic, sarcastic, satiri-
cal). You identify with your mind and verbal Personal needs must be balanced with
skills. marriage/partnership instincts. You might over-
do or underdo the need for beauty (especially
visual). You may polarize between doing your
Relocated Ascendant Trine Jupiter own thing and sharing with others. You could
overdo, underdo or flip between assertion
Your actions tend to be goal-oriented. You versus grace/charm. Your self-development
probably encourage philosophy and religious needs to be balanced with the desire for a mate.
ideals. You act in accordance with your beliefs. You could seesaw between independence and
You naturally seek wider horizons, more intimacy. You may feel polarized between being
answers in life. You can be quite forceful in re- forthright and being tactful. Issues around
gard to morality/ethics. Your self-confidence is sharing sensually, sexually and financially are
likely to be good. You tend toward optimism likely in your relationships. You are attracted to
(perhaps too much at times). Your immediate an intense level of intimacy. You can balance
impulses amplify a quest for the truth/meaning. personal and interpersonal needs.
Education, ideals, knowledge or Higher Truth
may be helpful to you. You may expect a lot of
yourself. Relocated Ascendant Trine Vesta

You encourage efficiency. You may put lots

Relocated Ascendant Trine Saturn of energy into maintaining a healthy body. You
could instinctively find flaws. Your actions are
You tend to encourage personal responsibil- apt to be backed by pragmatism. Being or-
ity. You prefer to act in a realistic manner. You ganized can feed your vitality and willingness to

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

take action. A "fix-it" approach helps to build Natal Midheaven Square Pluto
your self-confidence. Your immediate impulses
may encourage tunnel vision on occasion. Power struggles with authorities are possible.
Colleagues may be of assistance to you. Work Your career may be affected by manipulation.
can revitalize you. You can balance initiative Sex may compete with professional aspirations
with sensible plans. (or vice versa). Debts/taxes could be an issue in
your work. Obsessiveness may affect your
realism quotient. Clashes are possible with
Relocated Ascendant Square the Midheaven business or other partners. Secrecy or hidden
matters could affect your status. You might be
See natal Ascendant interpretation above. either too compulsive or not thorough enough.
Money may be used as a form of power by you,
or others toward you. You are learning to
Natal Midheaven Trine Mercury balance intimacy and status needs.

Your capacity to learn may augment your

authority. Your information-gathering skills may Natal Midheaven Conjunct Vesta
enhance your career aspirations. Listening/
talking may contribute to your career ambitions. You have the capacity for single-minded
Casual contacts might be of assistance in your focus on success. You can be quite responsible
career aspirations. Adaptability/flexibility can and hardworking. You tend to want tangible
enhance your career. Relatives might make a results. Your career might involve health or
contribution to your career. The media might healing. You could have skills in science, busi-
promote your career aspirations. Your desire for ness or any detail-oriented work. You may
power may encourage your use of logic and succumb to nitpicking or supercritical
mental skills. Your perceptiveness and aware- tendencies. You can be quite efficient and
ness of everything around you can contribute to productive. You probably have organizational
your status. Your eagerness to learn will skills. You may do more than your share on the
increase your degree of realism. job. You are apt to be quite practical.

Natal Midheaven Quincunx Neptune Natal Midheaven Square Chiron

Idealism may be at odds with realism within Your need for variety may interfere with
you. Savior/victim situations might interfere with productivity. Your interest in far horizons may
your productivity. You could clash with author- compete with your desire for success. Your
ities over issues of faith, trust, dreams. You power drive may clash with your moral ethics
could feel torn between compassion and bottom- and principles. Your risk-taking, experimental
line pragmatics. Your imagination may be at side may be at odds with authorities. Spiritual,
odds with practical, worldly demands. Your metaphysical or truth-seeking activities may
quest for infinite love and beauty may pull you compete with your desire to make a living. A
away from achievement. You could be torn quest for perfection may make work satisfaction
between taking charge and going with the flow. more challenging. Intellectual desires may be at
Status demands may not easily combine with odds with the rules/roles of society. Your urge
your imaginative, romantic images. You may to go beyond the known may clash with the
feel torn between merging/unifying versus weight of traditions. Your freedom needs may
setting clear limits. Your intuition may be at compete with cultural limits/restrictions. You are
odds with practicalities until you integrate them. learning to integrate idealism and realism.

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
                  ! "

Relocated Midheaven Square Mercury independence and need for space may feed
your desire for power/control. Humanitarian
Authorities may clash with your thinking/com- instincts may enhance your worldly accomplish-
municating. Your practical/serious side may ments.
compete with your lighthearted side. Your voca-
tional aspirations may clash with your social
needs. Issues around communication may Relocated Midheaven Square Juno
challenge your ambitions. Your power drives
could conflict with your logic and rationality. A Equalitarian instincts may be at odds with the
need to control might compete with your adapta- desire for control. A partner or partnership may
bility/flexibility. Your critical/realistic side might compete with a parent or parenting duties.
inhibit your urge to communicate. Mental Intense emotions may create challenges to your
restlessness may challenge the drive to accom- productivity. You may clash with authorities
plish something tangible. Youthful attitudes may over power issues. Aesthetic interests may
clash with older, experienced approaches. clash with practical necessities. Worldly
Commerce, the media or paperwork may inhibit demands may compete with your desire for
career drives until sensibly managed. intimacy. You may feel torn between common
sense and intense emotions. You may feel
uncomfortable at trying to keep up appearances.
Relocated Midheaven Quincunx Jupiter Financial challenges may complicate your voca-
tional aspirations. Love needs may conflict with
Your ideals and goals may seem at odds with work demands until you can balance them.
authorities. Your beliefs and values may seem
at odds with the structure of the world. You may
feel pulled between faith and fear, optimism and Relocated Midheaven Trine Chiron
pessimism. Your drive for the truth may seem at
odds with your career aspirations. Moral Your willingness to take risks can enlarge
principles/ethics might seem at odds with your your career success. Your idealism and belief in
worldly ambitions. Your power drives may seem doing more may add to your status. Your
at odds with your philosophy/religion. Your real- attraction to far horizons could enrich your work.
ity quotient may seem at odds with your values. Your urge to know more may expand your
Your drive for expanded horizons may feel at power base. Your quest for truth and meaning
odds with your need for structure. Real world may augment your sense of authority. Your
limits may feel at odds with your hopes, dreams intellectual openness could enhance your status.
and visions. Status needs may challenge you Mentors may assist your ability to seek spiritual,
faith until you make them complementary. metaphysical, religious answers. Further
training/education is likely to add to your
success. Your high standards and quest for the
Relocated Midheaven Sextile Uranus best can increase your achievements. You have
the capacity to blend idealism and realism; vi-
Your individuality may assist your work. The sions and pragmatism.
future and "cutting edge" could contribute to you
professionally. Your inventiveness, objectivity,
detachment could be career assets. An open
mind facilitates your practical achievements.
Your need for freedom can fuel your status
ambitions. Your willingness to be different may
help you deal with duties/responsibilities. The
unexpected could contribute to your professional
accomplishments. Authorities may contribute to
your originality and new perspectives. Your

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
# $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Rulers Aspects to Angles acerbic, aggressive or eager. You think about

action, doing your own thing, liberty and anger.
Your communication style is rapid, spontaneous,
direct and may be impulsive. Your surrounding
Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 1st environment stimulates/challenges your asser-
(Mercury) to the IC. tion, coordination, courage and pioneering spirit.
You are curious about who you are, the new,
Your natural self-expression harmonizes with bravery and independence. You can be
your desire for a nest. You can nurture and be lighthearted about your sense of self, anger and
nurtured by family members or those upon the pursuit of liberty. Your interests may include
whom you depend. You are able to balance sports or vigorous physical action, assertive self-
independence and attachments. expression or courageous ground-breaking.
You notice courage, initiative, vitality and
Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 1st
(Mercury) to the MC.
Natally, conflict aspect from ruler of 3rd
Your immediate urges support your career (Pluto) to the IC.
efforts. You know how to fend for yourself as
well as fit into societys structures. You naturally Communication may be unclear, blocked or
put yourself into vocational achievements. inhibited with family members. Whether fear,
criticism, self-doubts, arrogance or other qual-
ities are involved, the challenge is to be objec-
Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 2nd tive and deal logically as well as sensitively with
(Venus) to the IC. important emotional issues.

Family members may contribute to your

capacity to enjoy the material or sensual world. Natally, conflict aspect from ruler of 3rd
Your home, parents or family could enhance (Pluto) to the Descendant.
your financial situation or bring more gratification
and pleasure into your life. Communication may be a challenge in rela-
tionships. Perhaps one person talks too much,
another too little. Perhaps there is a lack of clar-
Natally, conflict aspect from ruler of 2nd ity and a reluctance to confront touchy issues.
(Venus) to the Descendant. Work toward increased objectivity and empathy.

Partners may challenge your material/

financial picture. Clashes are possible around Natally, conflict aspect from ruler of 3rd
issues of comfort, sensuality or money. Differing (Pluto) to the MC.
viewpoints may call for compromise in terms of
pleasures and possessions. Communication clashes are possible with
authority figures. You may feel blocked or
inhibited by the criticism of others. Detachment
Natally, conjunction between ruler of 3rd allows you to learn what is useful from the situa-
(Pluto) and the Ascendant. tion and disregard the rest.

Your consciousness is self-oriented, con-

cerned with independence and assertion. Your Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 7th
learn quickly, through action, but may be (Neptune) to the Ascendant.
impatient if ideas are slow to click in. Your inter-
actions with relatives may be independent, You have the capacity to blend personal and

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
: ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P

interpersonal needs. You can be your own Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 10th
person and still share a warm relationship with a (Mercury) to the IC.
partner. Harmony between you and others is
implied; cooperation comes naturally. You can make your family and career
supportive of one another. Those closest to you
can support your working endeavors and your
Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 7th vocational responsibilities contribute to domestic
(Neptune) to the Descendant. well-being. You are able to make a comfortable
combination of caring and competence. You
Inner agreement is suggested in your can be warm and effective.
approach to partnerships. This could be
cooperative, competitive, protective, etc. (See
whole chart for the focus.) Grace, beauty and Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 10th
harmony are a potential focus. (Mercury) to the MC.

Ability and talent is suggested for handling

Natally, conflict aspect from ruler of 7th responsibilities and career demands. You can
(Neptune) to the MC. be practical, assess reality and do what is
necessary. You have the capacity to work
You may feel your relationships compete with toward more and more authority. Taking control,
your career--each taking time and energy from particularly vocationally, is a natural for you.
the other. Or, your partner may clash with you
about work, responsibility or power. An authority
figure might be at odds with a partner. You Natally, conjunction between ruler of 12th
need to make peace between your sharing side (the Sun) and the Ascendant.
and your side that wants control.
You could idealize/romanticize action,
courage, freedom and self-expression. You may
Natally, harmony aspect from ruler of 9th avoid/ignore freedom, openness and directness
(Venus) to the IC. when it doesnt fit your dreams. You may
delude yourself through rose-colored glasses.
You have the capacity to combine domestic- You merge easily and may unconsciously pick
ity and adventure. You can reach out into the up vibes (good or bad) from others. You might
world for more travel, education, understanding repress/deny feelings that are unpleasant and
or excitement, while still maintaining important dont fit your ideals. You heal/rescue naturally
emotional ties. You may broaden your home and instinctively (people--plants--animals). You
base and enlarge your comfort with new transcend through action, courage, assertion
experiences. and being true to yourself. You yearn to express
infinite love and beauty through your own
personal action (and could be graceful or
Natally, conflict aspect from ruler of 9th participate in beauty in motion). Miracles/
(Venus) to the Descendant. mysticism are a natural part of life for you. Your
imagination is strong and easy to tap.
Idealism is an issue in interpersonal relation-
ships. You may want more than is humanly pos-
sibly--or attract partners whose expectations are In relocation, conjunction between ruler of
very grand. Ethics, moral principles and 1st (Mercury) and the Ascendant.
religious/spiritual beliefs may require discussion
and compromise. Encourage the positive You are open, spontaneous, direct and
without falling into perfectionism. independent. Your courage is marked. Your
sense of self is highlighted; you want to do your

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g

own thing in life. Your independence is vital to In relocation, harmony aspect from ruler
your identity and self-expression. You are very of 4th (Jupiter) to the Descendant.
strong willed. Your energy is high; you bounce
back easily. You assert yourself naturally. You Sharing and caring are accentuated. Rela-
get angry quickly and get over it quickly. You tionships are important--on both an equal level
push for what you want in the world. You initiate and in terms of protecting or being protected.
easily; pioneering is natural to you. Harmony may flow between parents and
partner, or simply between your partnership side
and your nurturing side.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
1st (Mercury) to the IC.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
Your personal needs may seem at odds with 4th (Jupiter) to the MC.
family demands or domestic duties. You could
feel torn between independent action versus You may feel torn between achievement
dependency or nurturance roles. Emotional needs and domestic duties. Your time and
conflicts are possible until you make room for energy could be stressfully pulled between fami-
both freedom and close connections. ly and career. You can be both strong and
gentle, but need to find a middle ground posi-
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
1st (Mercury) to the Descendant.
In relocation, harmony aspect from ruler
You may clash with others on occasion. You of 4th (Saturn) to the Ascendant.
could feel torn between doing your own thing
and sharing life with someone else, or between See earlier text.
asserting yourself versus accommodating
another individual. A middle ground is essential.
In relocation, harmony aspect from ruler
of 5th (Uranus) to the IC.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
1st (Mercury) to the MC. Warmth and caring connections are high-
lighted. The focus is on loving and being loved,
You may experience clashes with authority and the desire for a family and loved ones to
figures, or between what you want and what share your world. You find it easy to create and
society demands (by law, convention, structures, to nurture your creations.
etc.). Avoid extremes of giving up too soon or
pushing too hard. Find ways to figure out the
basic rules and work within them for what you In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
want. 5th (Uranus) to the Descendant.

Ego clashes could affect relationships. You

In relocation, harmony aspect from ruler may experience partners and kids battling for
of 4th (Jupiter) to the Ascendant. attention or different people demanding your
love. The challenge is to integrate your thrill-
Mutual support is possible between you and seeking, risk-taking side with your desire for
family members. Nurturing figures may be of committed relationships and caring connections.
assistance to you and you may protect others.
You find it easy to pursue your own activities
and still have time for the people you care about.

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15
h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

In relocation, harmony aspect from ruler close relationships. Your job may take you
of 5th (Uranus) to the MC. away from a partner or vice versa. Compromise
allows you to make room for caring and com-
Your creative, confident, zestful enthusiasm petence, sharing and success.
can enhance your career direction and/or your
relationships with authorities. Believing in your-
self and your ability to shine furthers your voca- In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
tional ambitions. Children and/or lovers might 10th (Mercury) to the MC.
contribute to your work (and vice versa).
Some conflict is possible around issues of
structure, authority and power. This might
In relocation, conjunction between ruler of include stress with authority figures, or simply
10th (Mercury) and the Ascendant. your own ambivalence about responsibility and
the degree to which you want or are willing to
You structure yourself and may over (or take control in life. Be sensible and work within
under-) control your self-expression. The law, in practical limits.
your eyes, is direct, immediate and may be
sharp. You feel responsible for yourself. Your
duties demand much energy, activity, initiative In relocation, conjunction between ruler of
and courage from you. You are susceptible to 12th (Mercury) and the Ascendant.
guilt regarding your desires and what you want
in life. You perceive authorities (including See earlier text.
father) as assertive (aggressive), active,
courageous, direct or self-centered. You may
feel limited in life, or hold yourself back through In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
self-criticism. Your career needs to be self- 12th (Mercury) to the IC.
directed and involve assertion or action. Your
karma affects your physical being and capacity Your idealistic caring may affect your home
for assertion and doing your own thing. You can and family. If overdone, sensitivity could be a
be realistic about who you are and what you can problem. You or those you care about might be
do. susceptible to escapism or martyrdom. If
integrated, you can make your home a
sanctuary, a place that feeds the soul.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
10th (Mercury) to the IC.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
You may experience some tension between 12th (Mercury) to the Descendant.
family and work demands, or a push/pull
between dominance and dependency or warm Your quest for infinite love and beauty may
caring and pragmatic performance. Com- challenge human relationships. If overdone, you
promise allows both sides expression. Find may want more than is possible or fall into
ways to make your career and domestic areas savior-victim (co-dependency) associations.
mutually supportive. You have a talent for imagining utopian
prospects; be sure you are sufficiently grounded
to help make them real.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
10th (Mercury) to the Descendant.
In relocation, conflict aspect from ruler of
You are working on the integration of love 12th (Mercury) to the MC.
and work needs. You may feel torn between
time and energy demands of a career versus Your yearning for the ultimate may challenge

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

your professional aspirations. If carried too far, More conflict means matters pertaining to
you could seek the "perfect" job that doesnt that life area (relationships, career, etc.) are apt
exist, or want more than is reasonable of your- to require more conscious effort, more com-
self as a worker. Your visions can be made promises, and more attention. You cannot just
real; just keep a balance between doing and "go with the flow." You have to exert effort.
dreaming. However, just as physical effort builds physical
muscles, so do mental, emotional and spiritual
effort build "muscles" and strengths on other
levels. We need a certain amount of conflict
Life Area Harmony/Conflict (friction if you will) in order to grab hold and
accomplish in life, but too much friction can be
painful. Conflict aspects point to challenging
areas, but also areas where you can accomplish
In seeking an overall sense of the shift a great deal.
between your natal and relocated positions, it is
worthwhile to analyze the aspect changes. This These "Aspect Tallies" include data which is
section will compare the aspects of your natal somewhat relative. We have chosen com-
chart to those of your relocated chart in terms of promise orbs to use (wider than some
various life areas. We will note whether your astrologers prefer, tighter than others would
relocated horoscope shows more (or less) con- like). We are not attempting to weight any
flict and more (or less) harmony in terms of particular aspects MORE than any others.
money, relationships, etc. Harmony and conflict Since the annotation is provided here, you may
assessments are based on a simple count of the choose to select out certain aspects as more
number of aspects. Some people may wish to significant than others according to your views
give different weights to different aspects, which on astrology. If you give more (or less) weight to
is why the number of each type of aspect to certain aspects, that could change the overall
each planet is provided at the end. judgment of whether you have more (or less)
conflict (or harmony).
Bear in mind that more conflict or more
harmony for any life area means that those Note, for example, that a square which is part
issues will be more intense for you in the relo- of a t-square or grand cross is more significant
cation. Added strength and intensity does not than a solitary square. Similarly, a trine which is
mean good or bad; it means more emotional part of a grand trine carries more weight than a
impact and issues for you to face. (You have a single, isolated trine. You may wish to give
fair amount of control regarding how positively or more weight to harmony when a grand trine
negatively you handle intense issues.) Similarly, exists and more weight to conflict when a grand
if you have less conflict or less harmony, those cross or t-square exists. We have therefore
issues will be less personally intense for you in included letters after planets that are part of con-
the relocation than they were in your place of figurations. A "G" after a planet means that it is
birth. part of a grand trine or grand cross, depending
on whether the aspect is a trine or square/
More harmony means matters pertaining to opposition. A "T" after a planet means that it is
that life area (money, self-expression, spiritual part of a t-square.
needs, etc.) are apt to flow a bit more easily in
the relocation. If that is carried to an extreme, Money: Natally, in 2nd , ; ruler of
however, you might be too relaxed, waiting for 2nd ; ruler of 8th , ; MCT. In
things to fall into your lap, or expecting
relocation, in 2nd , , ; ruler of 2nd
everything to go your way. Harmony suggests ; ruler of 8th , . Equal harmony
opportunities, but it will still be up to you to take and equal conflict.
advantage of those opportunities!
Relationships: Natally, in 7th , ;
Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical
Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

 ; in 12th * ; in 12th ' ,  , ' , * ;

in 7th , , ; ruler of 7th , , ,
Asc, MC; ruler of 8th , ; MCT. in 12th F , ,  T, S T, MCT; ruler of
In relocation, ruler of 7th , , ; ruler 12 t h , I ; A s c , M C ; A s c T ,
of 8th , ; AscT, MCT. Less   MCT. In relocation, in 9th j G, j G, ,
harmony and less conflict. AscG;, AscG; in 9th ' ,  G, * , * T, T,
ruler of 9th * ; in 12th  ,  ;

   12th  , , * T,  T; ruler of 12th  ,
Work: Natally, MC , MC , MC T, in
, MC; 0 AscG, 3 MC; - MC. More
,- . " # $ %'& () *'+
MC T, MC AscT; in 6th , , T,

/10 23 4 5 6
T, AscT, MCT; ruler of 6th , , , harmony and less conflict.
ruler of 10th , , MC; MC;
=?> @'A g
Asc; AscT. In relocation, MC , MC , Friendships: Natally, ruler of 11th ,
 S '
MC , MC T, MC , MC AscT; in 6th . In relocation, in 11th , ; in 11th
Z ,
[]\ ^_
; in 6th , ,
`ba ced f g
, AscT, MCT; ;  in 11th  ,  ,  ,
 , MC; ruler of
11th  ,  ;  MC. More harmony and more
u hi jlk mn o pq r's t
in 6th , , T, T, MC; ruler of

vxw yz { | }x~

6th , , ; ruler of 10th , , MC; conflict.

ruler of 10th

, ; MC; AscG;
Children/Creativity: Natally,  in 5th  ,
AscG; AscG. More harmony and more 
conflict. G,  , "! G; # in 5th $&% , '( G, ) Asc; *
ruler of 5th +&, , -. G, / Asc. In relocation, 0
ruler of 5th 132 , 4"5 , 687 , 9: , ; MC. Less
l  9
Self-expression/Personal Action: Natally,

e ?
Asc , Asc , Asc T, Asc T, Asc MCT; harmony and less conflict.

in 1st , ; in 1st , , MC; ruler
Communication/Schooling: Natally, < in
of 1st , , MC. In relocation, Asc G,
IJ =?> , @BA , CED , F Asc, G MC; H ruler of 3rd
G ' '
Asc G, Asc G, Asc T, Asc G, 3rd
YZ , KML , NPO T, QSR T, T MCT; U in 9th VXW G,
Asc MCT; in 1st , , MC; in 1st ,
; ruler of 1st , , MC. More ikj G, []\ , ^_ ; ` in 9th ab , cd G, e]f , g]h T,
harmony and less conflict. T, l AscT; m ruler of 9th nko ; p"q MC. In relo-
cation, r ruler of 3rd st , uwv , x3y T, z|{ T; } in
G,Home/Family: Natally, ruler of 4th , ] ~? G, G, 3 , , AscG; in 9th  ,
G, DD ,,  G,
G. In relocation, in 4th ,
G,  ,  T,  T, AscG; ruler of 9th  ;
G, AscG; ruler AscG, MC; in 4th , MC; AscG, MC. Less harmony and
 G, AscG, MC; ofruler 4th ,  G, ,
of 4th , G,
less conflict.
AscG. More harmony and more conflict.


Health: Natally, Asc , Asc , Asc T, Planetary Harmony/Conflict
Asc T, Asc MCT; in 1st , ; in 1st
, , MC; ruler of 1st   
, , MC; in 
, , T, 
T, AscT, MCT; ruler
of 6th , !" #$ %'& (*) +-,
, , ; AscT. In relocation, Another way to look at overall themes is to
Asc .0/G, Asc 132 G, Asc 435 G, Asc 687T, tally all the aspects to all your planets (both na-
Asc 9;: <
G, Asc MCT; in 1st = >;? @'A B
, , MC; C tally and in the relocation). We have done this.
in 1st DFE GIH J
, ; ruler of 1st K;L M'N O
, , MC; P Below, we tell you which of your planets have
in 6th QSR TFU V
, ; in 6th WIX YFZ [I\ ]
, , , AscT, the most harmony aspects and which have the
MCT; in 6th _ `ba c-d egf hji k
, , T, T, MC; l most conflict aspects. This suggests certain
ruler of 6th mjn oqp r-s tvu
, , ; AscG; wyxAscG. issues will be easier or more challenging for you.
More harmony and less conflict. The houses ruled by those planets also have
}-~ Spiritual Needs: Natally, z in 9th {y| G,
 G, , j q
; in 9th , - G, j j T,

T, AscT; ruler of 9th ;  in 12th S ,
Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical

Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

The planets with the most harmony natal- The planet with the most conflict relo-
ly are Jupiter, Neptune and Ceres. cated is Uranus.

This suggests possible ease in terms of: your This suggests challenges in terms of your
big dreams and schemes, seeking for TRUTH, unpredictability, progressiveness, humanitarian
tendency to overgeneralize, large plans/long- attitudes, attraction to surprises, friends, intellec-
range goals, optimism/overconfidence, trust, tuality, coolness/detachment, recognition of
idealism, ability to make a leap of faith and urge multiple options, participation in groups, support
to broaden your influence or horizons; your for causes, New Age involvements and
sensitivity, intuition, search for Union, urge to resistance to limits.
merge through art/mysticism/religion, escapist
activities or imagination, confused/deluded vi- Since Uranus rules the 5th house in the new
sions or inspired dreams, compassion, empathy, location, conflict could involve your creativity,
desire for perfection, Higher Self, fantasies and desire to shine/be admired, drive for excitement,
healing potential; your mother or mother figure, romantic needs, children, urge to take risks/do
home or work focus, competent compassion, more than before.
effective caretaking, concern with children/
growing things and nurturing issues.

Since Jupiter rules the 4th house natally, Tools for Looking Ahead
harmony/talent could involve your home, family,
nurturing parent, ability to care and be cared for,
need for emotional security, attachment to the
land/country/roots/public. This final section is to help you in planning fu-
ture relocations. Generally, you would tend to
Since Neptune rules the 7th house natally, prefer relocations that place planets with more
harmony/talent could involve your partner(s)/ harmony in key houses, or ruling key houses.
partnership, cooperation/competition, visual arts, (There are times when you may wish conflict
legal matters, appreciation of polarities, drive for aspects to focus on certain issues, and the lists
justice/equality. we provide here will help you to identify conflict

The planet with the most conflict natally is This section tallies aspects only in terms of
Chiron. planets to planets. That is constant--no matter
where you move. The first list rank orders the
This suggests challenges in terms of your planets from most to least number of harmony
need to know more, quest for perfection, urge to aspects. This allows you to easily select the
go beyond known boundaries, healing potential, planets you wish to feature in key areas of a
freedom needs and mental restlessness. relocation. The second list rank orders the
planets from most to least number of conflict
aspects. The subsequent lists give the number
The planets with the most harmony relo- of aspects for each type of aspect (trine, square,
cated are again Jupiter and Ceres. etc.) to each planet, for those people who want
to focus on a particular kind of aspect (e.g., they
Since Jupiter rules the 4th house in the new are dealing a lot with polarities, with comparing
location, harmony/talent is emphasized for the and contrasting so want their relocation to fea-
themes of that house ture oppositions).

Remember, this section is only considering

planet to planet aspects. Your natal and relo-
cated angles are disregarded. Wherever you

Chloe Armand 9/ 7/1961 6: 2 zone 8.00 DST Placidus Tropical

Relocated from 32N42 117W 9 to 44N58 93W15

consider relocating, you must add in the May your relocation be rewarding, allowing
appropriate angle aspects to the planets you to make the most of your opportunities and
involved. Planning harmonious angle aspects to to turn challenges into accomplishments.
relevant planets would be part of your relocation

Planets from most to fewest harmony


Planets from most to fewest conflict aspects:

Semisextiles (1 degree orb):

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0


0 0
(Semi-squares) (1 degree orb):
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0   0 0

1(3 degree
 1  0  20  00  01  1  0  0  1 
Sextiles orb):

 0  0(6 degree
" 1 # 0 $ 00 %  31 &  10  0  0  2 1 !
Squares orb):

' 0 ( (60 degree

1 2 2 0 3 ) 01 4 * 20 5 + 10 , 2 - 1 . 0 / 1 0
Trines orb):

6 0 7 0 (Sesqui-squares)
@ 0 A 0 B 8 00 C 9 00 D : 00 ; 0 < 1 = 0 > 0 ?
Trioctiles (1 degree orb):

E 0 F 1 G 1(3 degree
O 0 P 1 Q 1 R H 00 S I 10 J 1 K 0 L 2 M 0 N
Quincunxes orb):

T 1 U 0 V 0(6 degree
^ 0 _ 1 ` 0 a W 00 b X 10 Y 0 Z 0 [ 0 \ 0 ]
Oppositions orb):



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