Prostitution Graded
Prostitution Graded
Prostitution Graded
Professor Vyvial
Engl 1301
25 June 2017
The legalization of prostitution, which is the trade of sexual favors for payment, is one
of the most hotly disputed issues of this century. Given that prostitution and human trafficking
go hand in hand, most people have conflicting ideas on the issue. With Houston being the third
leading city in regards to human trafficking, Americans must decide whether the legalization of
Prostitution is illegal in every state in the United States of America except Nevada. In
Nevada, there are currently 11 counties where prostitution is legal, and there are 18 brothels that
operate inside of these counties. Prostitution in Nevada is disputed constantly, which creates
never-ending lawsuits for the businesses. This has caused many strict laws to come into place in
Nevada regarding these so-called red light districts. In these areas, the use of latex condoms is
required, and there are many restrictions on where brothels may be located. Specifically, brothels
cannot be located near a school, playground, church, or area with a large population like the Las
Vegas strip. These limitations are designed to protect the community and the prostitutes. For
example, during World War Two, propaganda targeted prostitution in Nevada. The reason for
this is that, money that could have been used to buy war bonds was consumed in prostitution.
Propaganda targeted the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to
persuade the public to oppose legal prostitution. This pushed Nevada to place laws forcing
prostitutes to be regularly checked for STDs and to use latex condoms during all sexual activity.
This is to protect prostitutes and their customers from contracting STDs. The prostitution in
Nevada gives insight into what America could look like if prostitution were legalized.
There are many reasons for why people believe that prostitution should be legalized, but the
most important of those reasons include reduced crime, improved health, and allowing women to
do what they want with their bodies. Proponents of legal prostitution believe that it would reduce
crime against prostitutes in the street. According to Erin Fuchs, Eighty- two percent of prostitutes
working on the streets in Colorado Springs were assaulted, 68 percent were raped, and they
were 18 times more likely to be murdered. If prostitution were legal, prostitutes would be more
willing to reach out to the police if they were assaulted or raped. To protect their workers and
their reputation, brothels would report violence against prostitutes as well (Fuchs). At the
moment, violence against women of the night is almost never documented, but with more legal
freedoms, women would be more willing to step forward regarding violence. Another reason that
people advocate for the legalization of prostitution is that they believe that the spread of STDs
would be reduced. If prostitution were legalized, states would be able to better control the testing
of STDs and the use of condoms by prostitutes. The laws of Nevada are examples of this
regulation of disease. Finally, defenders of prostitution believe in giving women the right to
control their own bodies. They believe that women should have the right to use their bodies in
any way they see fit because prostitution is a victimless crime. Many escorts in Nevada and
countries in Europe believe that prostitution gives women the opportunity to become more
confident, be their own boss, and make enough money to release themselves and their families
from violence.
religious organizations, and victims of human trafficking are just a few of those who are
opponents of prostitution. Those who are against the legalization of prostitution believe that it
will increase human trafficking and promote the oppression of females by males, which will in
turn cause more violence against women. Today, human trafficking is called Modern Day
Slavery. According to What Are the Statistics on Human Trafficking of Children? the average
victim of human trafficking is age 11 to 14 and the average life span of these victims is only 7
years. After which, many victims are reported to be found dead from attack, abuse, HIV and
other STDs, malnutrition, overdose, or suicide ( What Are the Statistics on Human Trafficking
of Children?). With the rate and devastation of human trafficking rising, opponents to
prostitution believe that legalizing the oldest profession will lead to exponential growth in the
sex slavery of men, women, and children. This is because if prostitution were legal, it would be
easier for underground crime organizations to transport, find, and exploit victims. Another belief
of opponents, is that human trafficking will cause men to believe that women are objects instead
of people. If males are able to buy females, women will be seen as items and treated as such.
They believe that all women will suffer abuse, harsher social oppression, and greater sexism than
Prostitution is becoming more contested in the United States which means that the
American people must consider if prostitution should become legal or remain underground in all
states except Nevada. The pro-legalization side believes that making prostitution legal in the
United States will allow for a decrease in the spread of STDs, reduced violence against
prostitutes, and more rights for women in their use of their body. However, the opposition
suggests that the legalization of prostitution will increase the rate of human trafficking and
promote abuse toward women. People on both sides look towards Nevada for an example of
Works Cited
Fuchs, Erin. 7 Reasons Why America Should Legalize Prostitution. Business Insider, Business Accessed
27 June 2017.
What Are the Statistics on Human Trafficking of Children? Ark of Hope for Children,