NCL QIPP - Project Initiation Document (PID)

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NCL QIPP - Project Initiation Document (PID)

QIPP Programme

Document history
Date Version Action Author Changes

The document was circulated to the following individuals for comments

Name Designation

Distribution list
Issued to Department

The up-to-date copy of this document is held in the following location:

[insert file path e,g, \\NCL.local\NAS\NAS Islington\ISL - Strat & Comm\]

Final Approval of Project Initiation Document & Plans

The PID and its associated attachments / appendices have been read and approved by the the following
sections for accuracy and completion:
Please tick

Project Initiation Document Parts A & B

Key milestones/deliverables table...........................
Financial Phasing Spreadsheet .........
Gantt Chart .........................
Communications Plan / EIA ..............................
Risks and issues log.................................
Signature of approver (SRO)

Project Board Approval Date

PMO Final (Parts A & B) Approval


NCL QIPP Programme <<Project ID & Project Title >> NCL PID Draft Template v0.3
PID Part A
1. Overview & Ownership

Project name Project SRO

Project manager Department/Directorate
Project board

Duration of project Start to finish length of project

Project team Name Job Title Role in project

2. Project Description

a) Background & context A paragraph/s explaining:

Context of the project including how you arrived at the current position of proposing it.

b) Project aim Strategic aim of what the project is trying to accomplish (1-2 sentences)

c) Project objectives Your objectives should demonstrate the undertakings required to support the aim. This should be a clear outline of
Should be SMART (Specific, what the project will achieve (should be measurable where appropriate e.g., Increase access to service by 10% by
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & project end).

d) Outline benefits (relating to In delivering the above objectives, what will the benefits be? Must be quantifiable

Quality Innovation Productivity Prevention

e) Scope & exclusions (defines In scope: Out of scope

boundaries of your project) What is included/ what your project is responsible for What is not included/ what your
project is not responsible for

f) Assumptions A list or paragraph/s containing all conditions that you believe to be the norm or parameters that you are working
within e.g. continuing support from other departments/stakeholders, no changes to workload, capacity, legislation,

g) Constraints and initial risks A list or paragraph/s identifying known restrictions on:
Time: e.g. external deadline that has to be met
Resources: e.g. people (must use current internal capacity only), funding (fixed budget, limitations to
carrying over unspent funding)
Quality: Requirements by governing bodies/ legislation e.g. NHS London, CQC
Initial risks, issues and assumptions/ interdependencies with other projects.

3. Anticipated Financial Outturn

a) Financial - Recurrent position 2011/12 2012/ 13 2012/ 13 2014/15

Cost of existing service (000)

Cost of new service (re-

provision) (000)

Estimated Cost Saving

4. High level Milestones & Key Products

A list of the expected and required key milestones and products that the project must deliver. These should cover the duration of the project.

Project Start
OPD to Programme Board
Gate 1 Review
Gate 2 Review
Gate 3 Review
Gate 4 Review

Estimated dates at project start up

PID sign off/implementation

Contract change completed

Earliest savings date

Project closure

5. Performance

a) Key Performance Indicators Estimated cost savings Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

(Please add or delete rows/columns
as appropriate)

Data Source/Notes Please use this space to note any relevant info for this metric i.e. data source, & expected time lags in availability of

Data Source/Notes

Data Source/Notes

Data Source/Notes

Data Source/Notes

b) Links to Finance / Information /


(insert narrative and formulae to show

how savings are to be calculated
using the above metrics)

6. Review & Acceptance of PART A by Key Departments

Department Authorising Officer Date sign off received




Public Health

Quality and Safety

Equality and Diversity

(Equality Act 2010 implications)

PART B Version control

Document history
Date Version Action Author Changes

1. Governance

a) Governance/monitoring How often will your project team meet? Project board?
eg. reporting lines / frequency What groups/committees will you report to?

b) Tolerances for escalation How much will you allow for the project budget/ deadlines to slip before escalating the issue? This should be considered
eg. budget/ metrics/timescales against the 3 Ms - Money, Metrics & Milestones - and reflected in numbers (days/weeks, %s, s).
in relation to sections: 1.1(f);
Money (budget)
Milestones (timescales)

c) Interfaces (with other A list of existing groups both internal and external that may have an interest/impact on the outcomes of this project (SMT, sub-
groups) committees, steering groups, voluntary sector, etc)

d) Dependencies (with other A list or paragraph/s containing other projects or programmes that your project will depend on, or will impact on, . This is
projects) so key contacts for each project can be identified and informed/ consulted about the interdependencies .

e) Outline Resources for
project Itemized breakdown Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
i.e. workforce requirements,
equipment, capital





f) Link to corporate goals Please delete those that are not relevant from following list:
1. Improve health of local people
2. Improve quality through patient experience
3. Ensure people and service work together to design and deliver the best care pathways that are safe and clinically
4. Improve and expand services delivered closer to home and commission acute and specialist hospitals to provide only
those services they do best
5. Drive NHS Finances to deliver greatest effectiveness and efficiency within available resources

2. Structure Chart

<Senior Accountable Group/ Committee>

<Project Board (to include SRO, relevant stakeholders as appropriate)>

<Project Manager>

Project Team

<Workstream <Workstream <Workstream

name & lead> name & lead> name &

3. Project Identifier

This section will be completed by the Programme Office upon approval of project

Project code

Project Management Plan All embedded documents are required to be completed for completion of Part B

6. Key milestones/ deliverables table

QIPP_Programme_Action plan_yyyy-mm-dd.docx

7. Financial Phasing Spreadsheet

MME_A00x_Project name_yyyy-mm-dd_v2.x.xlsx

8. Gantt Chart (Excel or MS Project)

2. NCL

9. Communications Plan/ impact of Equality Act

3. NCL
QIPP_Programme_Communications plan_yyyy-mm-dd.docx

10. Risk Log

5. NCL


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