Ak Kaya 2009
Ak Kaya 2009
Ak Kaya 2009
78 April 2010 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.29, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
high levels of ammonium ions in leachate [8]. Addi-
tionally, MAP sludge is accepted as a valuable fertil-
izer because of its nitrogen, phosphorus, and magne-
sium constituents and low solubility [9, 10].
In the light of the above evaluations, it can be
seen that the applications of cascaded treatment
methods are a crucial and necessity for leachate treat-
ment. Hence, the aims of the present work were to
perform an experimental study investigating MBR sys-
tem and MAP precipitation as a post-treatment of
anaerobically treated landll leachate. Pretreatment of
raw leachate was carried out in an upow anaerobic
sludge blanket (UASB) reactor in the lab scale. Raw
leachate samples were obtained from the Odayeri
Sanitary Landll Site. The landll site receives munici-
pal waste from a population of about 10 million and
is a medium-age landll (12 yr). To our knowledge,
many researchers have generally been focused on the
treatment of young leachate of Odayeri landll [11,
12], but there is no study for leachate having me-
dium-age characteristics. Furthermore, with the
implementation of the mentioned post treatment
methods, the changes in COD and ammonium re-
moval of pretreated leachate samples were observed.
The effects of each method on the treatment perform- Figure 1. Simplied UASB/MBR/MAP system layout
ance are determined and discussed in detail. for leachate treatment.
Leachate Sample 5500 and12,070 mg/L, and BOD5 values ranged from
Leachate used in this study was obtained from 1250 to 5830 mg/L.
Odayeri Sanitary Landll Site located in the European
side of Istanbul, Turkey. Leachate was being col- Membrane Bioreactor
lected in a pond within a landll site. Samples were The MBR was used as a rst post-treatment step
transferred to the laboratory once a week and kept at following anaerobic treatment in order to remove the
48C in a refrigerator before usage. The leachate was residual organics and ammonium ion. The efuent
treated by using UASB, MBR, and MAP precipitation from UASB was fed simultaneously to the MBR and
methods. Raw leachate was pumped to the UASB re- these two systems were operated in continuous
actor without pretreatment applications such as pH mode. MBR consisted of an activated sludge bioreac-
adjustment, particle separation, etc. A diagram of tor, which was lled with biomass-supported material
treatment system is shown schematically in Figure 1. supplied from a domestic wastewater treatment plant
(Pasakoy), and a membrane unit submerged into the
Leachate Treatment System bioreactor. The reactor was made of a cylindrical
Plexiglas vessel with an internal diameter of 20.0 cm
Upow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor and a height of 50.0 cm. Therefore, its working vol-
The UASB reactor was made of Plexiglas with an ume was 9.0 L. A circular air diffuser, which was
internal diameter of 10 cm and a height of 125 cm. placed under the membrane module, maintained aer-
The working volume of UASB reactor was 9.0 L. The obic conditions and homogeneous distribution in
raw leachate was fed continuously through the bot- order to avoid membrane fouling. A cartridge lter
tom of the reactor using peristaltic pump and the gas membrane module made of polypropylene with a
liquid separator was equipped at the top of the reac- pore size of 1.0 lm and a ltration area of 0.5 m2
tor. The temperature of the reactor was maintained at was used. The efuent was withdrawn by a pump.
mesophilic conditions (358C) by pumping water from During the experimental studies, MBR reactor has the
an external thermostat through a water jacket sur- same ow rate with the UASB reactor and HRT was
rounding the reactor. The UASB reactor was seeded constant at 3 days. Inuent COD of MBR reactor was
with anaerobic sludge supplied from a full-scale an- ranged from 3675 to 7056 mg/L in the rst 30 days of
aerobic reactor treating brewery wastewater. During operation and average value was 4250 mg/L during
the 120 operational days, hydraulic retention time the experimental course.
(HRT) was kept constant as 3 days and OLR changed
in the range of 1.844.03 kg COD/m3-day due to the MAP Precipitation
uctuations in COD content of the leachate. The Treatment performance of MAP process depends
COD concentration of raw leachate varied between primarily on the pH and ratio of magnesium, ammo-
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.29, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep April 2010 79
nium, and phosphate ions in solution. In the litera- Table 1. Characteristics of raw leachate used in the
ture, there are some articles dealing with the opti- study period.
mum pH for MAP precipitation. Zhang et al. studied
in the pH range of 8.511.0 for the treatment of land- Mean
ll leachate and maximum ammonium removal was Parameter Value range value Unit
obtained at pH 9.5, whereas Gunay and coworkers
COD 5,50012,070 9,134 mg/L
[12, 13] achieved the lowest residual ammonium con-
BOD5 1,2505,830 3,510 mg/L
centration in the efuent at pH 8.5. Ozturk et al. [14]
BOD5/COD 0.230.48 0.38
applied MAP precipitation to anaerobically pretreated
TKN 2,2183,260 2,280 mg/L
efuent and the highest removal efciency was
NH4 2,0832,980 2,514 mg/L
observed at pH 9.2. Similarly, Li et al. [15] indicated
Alkalinity 14,40017,120 15,920 mg CaCO3/L
that pH 8.59.0 is the optimum range for ammonium
Color 3,0205,540 4,013 Hazen
removal by chemical precipitation. According to these
Turbidity 1,3203,840 2,428 NTU
results, the effect of pH on the MAP process was
pH 7.88.4 8
studied in the range of 8 to 10 at the stoichiometric
molar ratio (Mg:NH4:PO4:1/1/1). Furthermore, the
effect of the molar ratios of MAP constituents was
investigated while pH was kept constant as pH 9.0. are characterized with high amounts of readily biode-
MAP experiments were performed in batch mode gradable organics and ratio of BOD5/COD is over 0.5
using the efuent of MBR reactor. Experimental stud- in the literature [1719]. However, the biodegradabil-
ies were carried out in 500 mL beakers using analyti- ity of the leachate reduces and ammonium concentra-
cal grade magnesium chloride (MgCl26H2O) and so- tion in leachate increases along with landll age. The
dium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO412H2O) as the medium-aged leachate usually contains COD ranging
magnesium and phosphate source. The leachate solu- from 5000 to 10,000 mg/L and BOD5/COD is
tion was mixed for 3 min rapidly after adding the between 0.1 and 0.5 [7, 2022].
magnesium and phosphate chemicals and pH adjust- Values in Table 1 indicated that the leachate was
ment was made using 10.0 M NaOH. Following the relatively stable and well buffered with alkaline pH.
slow mixing for 10 min, the solution was precipitated High concentrations of nitrogen compounds in leach-
for 30 min to separate the MAP sludge from the bulk ate ranged from 2083 to 2980 mg/L for NH1 4 and
liquid. Results of ammonium, phosphate, magnesium, 2217 to 3260 mg/L for total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN),
color and turbidity measurements, and settled sludge respectively. NH1 4 was dominant among the nitrogen
volume were used to evaluate the efciency of the concentrations and small differences between NH1 4
MAP process. and TKN designate the scarcity of organic nitrogen
content in the raw leachate. These concentrations are
typical values given in the technical literature for the
Analytical Methods characteristics of medium-aged leachate [6, 23, 24].
The performance of each system was monitored
using the experimental analysis of COD, ammonium Anaerobic Treatment of Leachate
(NH14 ), phosphorus, and turbidity. Measurement of
Raw leachate was anaerobically treated in the
pH was carried out with Jenway Ion Electrode
UASB reactor. The operation duration of 120 days
(Model 3040). Biogas production was measured volu- during the treatment process was taken into account
metrically using a wet-type Ritter 14724 Gerate-
in this study for evaluation. Inuent and efuent
nummer gas ow meter. Magnesium analyses were
COD concentrations of UASB reactor and the OLR as
performed using a Unicam Atomic Absorption Spec- a function of COD content of the raw leachate are
trophotometer (Unicam, Model No. 929A). All mea-
given in Figure 2. It is seen from this gure that dur-
surements were conducted according to Standard
ing the rst 50 days, organic loadings rates are rela-
Methods [16].
tively high and variable. This situation can be
explained with variable COD concentrations which
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION resulted from raw leachate characterizations and cli-
mate conditions within those times.
Characteristics of the Leachate During the rst 30 days, COD removal rates of
The leachate used throughout the study was col- UASB reactor remained relatively low due to the high
lected from the Odayeri Sanitary Landll located on organic loadings. However, performance of subse-
the European side of Istanbul. Table 1 shows the quent days was not adversely affected by variation of
composition of raw leachate used during the experi- organic loading, and COD removal rates changed lin-
mental period. The COD concentration varied early with the variation of inuent COD. This circum-
between 5500 and 12,070 mg/L, and BOD5 values stance is clearly observed in Figure 3. For example,
ranged from 1250 to 5830 mg/L. The BOD5/COD the lowest removal efciency obtained was 32% for
ratios ranging from 0.23 to 0.48 values indicate the the inuent COD of 5500 mg/L and as the COD of
biodegradability for the medium-aged samples. When raw leachate increased to 12,070 mg/L, the removal
comparing these values with those of young leachate, efciency of COD in the UASB reactor reached a
it is seen that BOD5/COD ratios of the medium-aged maximum value of 71%. During the last 90-day pe-
samples are lower. In fact, young landll leachates riod for the performance of UASB reactor, the efuent
80 April 2010 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.29, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 2. COD removal in the UASB reactor.
Figure 4. Effect of membrane fouling on the COD
removal of MBR.
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.29, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep April 2010 81
Figure 5. Ammonium removal in the UASB and MBR Figure 7. Effect of molar ratios on the performance of
reactors. MAP.
82 April 2010 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.29, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
COD and color removal from the leachate. The main 7. Ahn, Y.T., Kang, S.T., Chae, S.R., Lee, C.Y., Bae,
drawback to this approach is that chemicals used in B.U., & Shin, H.S. (2007). Simultaneous high-
the MAP process are the main cost of the treatment strength organic and nitrogen removal with com-
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8. Kim, D., Ryu, H.D., Kim, M.S., Kim, J., & Lee, S.
CONCLUSION (2007). Enhancing struvite precipitation potential
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centrated leachate, a combined post treatment of ll leachate, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 146,
MBR and MAP precipitation is applied to the anae- 8185.
robically pretreated efuent. During the anaerobic 9. Barnes, D., Li, X., & Chen, J. (2007). Determina-
treatment, COD removal of 51.8% and NH4 removal tion of suitable pretreatment method for old-in-
of 7.9% were achieved by UASB reactor alone. Inte- termediate landll leachate, Environmental Tech-
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formance of the UASB reactor, and COD and NH1 10. Shu, L., Schneider, P., Jegatheesan, V., & Johnson,
removal efciencies reached 65.6% and 40.1%, J. (2006). An economic evaluation of phosphorus
respectively. MAP precipitation was applied as a nal recovery as struvite from digester supernatant,
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96.6% of ammonium was treated successfully at opti- 11. Altinbas, M., Yangin, C., & Ozturk, I. (2002). Stru-
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13. Zhang, T., Ding, L., & Ren, H. Pretreatment of
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ammonium removal from landll leachate by
This research has been supported by the Yildiz chemical precipitation, Journal of Hazardous
Technical University Scientic Research Projects Coor- Materials, in press.
dination Department. Project Number: 26-05-02-02. 14. Ozturk, I., Altinbas, M., Koyuncu, I., Arikan, O.,
The authors would also like to thank the ISTAC, Man- & Yangin, C.G. (2003). Advanced physico-chemi-
agement Ofce of Odayeri Landll site for providing cal treatment experiences on young municipal
the leachate samples. landll leachates, Waste Management, 23, 441
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