CV Bsriprahastuti

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Brian Sriprahastuti, MD, MPH

Jl. Holis, No. 214 G, Bandung 40212-INDONESIA
Phone: +62-22-6076704; +62-08122012641

Brian Sriprahastuti holds over 17 years of experience working on health programming in

Indonesia, particularly issues around maternal, newborn and child health. She currently serves as
the Project Manager for ChildFund Internationals Reaching for Equity in Access to Child Health
(REACH) Project implemented in Indonesia. In this role, Dr. Sriprahastuti leads the
implementation of a project funded by UNICEF focusing on a Community Integrated
Management of Childhood Illnesses (C-IMCI) approach to reach approximately 8,500 children
under five years old and 40,000 households in 40 villages in Central South Timor.

Professional Experience:

Project Manager REACH, ChildFund International, Indonesia, January 2011 Present

Mobilizes resources effectively to achieve the project goal respect to the approved planning
and budget as well as preparing project reports;
Develops training modules, EIC materials, and other relevant capacity building instruments
(supervision checklists, M&E matrices, and data management software);
Works with a research institution to design and implement operational research relevant to
the project;
Advocates to the national and local governments for support and adoption of the community
case management approach to diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria;
Builds a network with key stakeholders of the national working group for Community-based
Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (C-IMCI) and the MCHN partnership;
Represents the organization at relevant national meetings and events.
Senior Program Manager, ChildFund International, Indonesia, July 2010 December 2010

Supported the National Director during organizational restructuring and project clustering to
ensure better program management and effectiveness;
Developed the program component of the organizations Annual Operating Plan;
Facilitated partnership development;
Supervised 2 zonal offices on managing sponsor relationship programs consisting of 16
project clusters in 8 provinces;
Represented the organization at coordination meetings with the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Senior Technical Specialist (Consultant), ChildFund International, Indonesia, January
2010 June 2010

Conducted a technical assessment in 3 proposed districts for a child survival program and
aided project design and proposal development;
Liaised with donor for proposal submission and negotiation;
Represented the organization at national-level meetings with the Ministry of Health.
Health Specialist, UNICEF, Indonesia, July 2006 December 2009

Served as technical advisor to 4 District Health Offices for the implementation of the
Improving Maternal Health in Indonesia (IMHI) Program funded by DFID;
Reviewed partners Annual Work Plans and other administrative documents;
Effectively mobilized resources to achieve the project goal;
Provided inputs for donor reports.
Emergency Health Officer, UNICEF, Indonesia, June 2006 July 2006

Conducted assessments on IYCF practices following emergency caused by earthquakes;

Analyzed data collected by Gadjahmada University and INGOs/NGOs on child health and
nutrition for advocacy purposes;
Mobilized resources for emergency response support in the health sector.
Emergency Health Officer, UNICEF, Indonesia, January 2005 March 2006

Supported the Ministry of Health to develop a IMCI training system in Banda Aceh, Aceh
Besar, Bireuen, and Aceh Utara;
Supported the PHO for the adoption and implementation of EONC in 24 puskesmas and 11
district hospitals;
Oversaw the distribution of supplies for midwives to support midwifery service and newborn
National Consultant, World Bank, Indonesia, March 2004 June 2004

Conducted a national evaluation of in-service midwifery training in Indonesia;

Coordinated activities of four major donors supporting midwifery training in Indonesia
(UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, and the World Bank).
Assistant Program Officer, UNICEF, Indonesia, October 2002 October 2003

Reviewed partners Annual Work Plans and other administrative documents;

Effectively mobilized resources to achieve the project goal.
Health Program Coordinator, Catholic Relief Services, Indonesia, November 1999 August

Supported implementation of Interfaith Assistance Program Transitional Activities Program

funded by USAID.
Supplementary Feeding Program Supervisor, Catholic Relief Services, Indonesia,
November 1999 - December 2000

Supported implementation of Central Java Emergency Program funded by USAID.

Medical Officer, Ministry of Health, Indonesia, August 1996 July 1999

Provided health services in Community Health Centers (puskesmas) in Yogyakarta.


Currently studying in doctorate program in public health: Indonesia University (Depok,

Masters Degree on Public Health (Health & Behavior Promotion): University of Gajah
Mada (Jogjakarta, Indonesia).
Medical Doctor: University of Padjadjaran (Bandung, Indonesia).


Indonesia: Native
English: Fluent
Javanese: Fluent
Sundanese: Fluent


Evaluation of Midwifery In-service Training in Indonesia, WHO-UNICEF-UNFPA-World

Bank, 2005
Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (Integrated Management Childhood Illnesses), Revised
Module, MoH, WHO, UNICEF, Save The Children, Contributer, 2008
Efektivitas Konseling Kelompok dan Pendidikan Sebaya Remaja Putri dalam Pencegahan
Anemia (effectiveness of group counseling and peer education of adolescent girl for anemia
prevention), Thesis, author/researcher; Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2009
Pemanasan Global dan Kesehatan (Global Warming and Health), article, author, Pikiran
Rakyat, 24 November, 2010
Buku Pedoman Perawatan Esensial Bayi Baru Lahir (National Guidelines on Essential
Newborn Care), MoH, WHO, UNICEF, Save The Children; Contributer, 2011

1. Purnawan Junadi, dr, MPH, PhD

Academic Professor of Health Policy Study,
Public Health Faculty-University of Indonesia
2. Adang Bactiar, dr, MPH, Sc.D
Head of Indonesian Public Health Association (IAKMI)
Public Policy Study-Public Health Faculty
Universitas Indonesia
3. Agus Suwandono, dr, MPH, Dr.PH
Research Professor
Center for Biomedical and Health Technology
National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD)
Ministry of Health
4. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Sc. Ph.D
Head of Health Promotion and Behavior Center
Medical Faculty- Universitas Gadjah Mada
5. Dr. Robin Nandy, MPH
Chief of Child Survival and Development (CSD) Cluster
UNICEF Indonesia Country Office

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