As PF700S2 PositionFollower
As PF700S2 PositionFollower
As PF700S2 PositionFollower
Application Set
Application Set Title Position_Follower
Drive Product PowerFlex 700S Phase II Drive
File Name for (AS) AS_PF700SII_PositionFollower_A.dno
Date Firmware Rev. 02/06/06 - 3.01
Description: Position Follower application is designed to follow the encoder feedback from another
machine section (the master). The speed loop and position loop in the PowerFlex 700S Phase
II drive will be used to synchronize the speed feedback encoder of the follower PowerFlex
700S Phase II motor to the master encoder. Electronic gearing can be used to match the
speed of (2) machines with different gear ratios or electronic gearing can be used to make the
(2) machines run at different ratios.
Limitations: Requires that the motors connected to each PowerFlex 700S Phase II drive have encoders.
Options & Default configuration for 3Wire Control through digital inputs may be changed to 2Wire Control
Notes: or for operation through 20-COMM-x module.
After downloading *.dno file, the Fdbk Config, Pwr Circuit Diag, Direction Test, Motor Tests,
and Inertia Measure parts of the Startup routine should be performed to auto-tune the Power
Flex 700S Phase II drive to the motor.
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Drive Application Software
Application Set
Parameter Configurations
Changes from Default Parameter Settings
Par Name Value Link Description
Speed feedback from Encdr1 (master) becomes the
10 Speed Ref 1 241
speed reference for the PF700S2.
Sets the ratio between the master speed reference
11 Speed Ref 1 Div 1 and the PF700S2 follower. See notes on setting the
gear ratio and speed reference scaling.
29 Jog Speed 1 100 RPM Set per application requirements.
Set to a value lower than the master accel. Or the
32 Accel Time 1 speed ramp can be disabled by turning on bit 0 in
p151 [Logic Command].
Set to a value lower than the master decel. Or the
33 Decel Time 1 speed ramp can be disabled by turning on bit 0 in
p151 [Logic Command].
Gain of the speed loop. The speed loop should be
90 Spd Ref BW 10 tuned before enabling the position loop. See the
PowerFlex700S Reference Manual for tuning tips.
Bit 13 can be turned on/off to enable/disable the
151 Logic Command b13 = 1
position loop.
232 Encoder0 PPR 1024 Sets the PPR for the motor feedback.
242 Encoder1 PPR 1024 Sets the PPR for the master encoder.
Bit 1 is turned on to send the output of the position
740 Position Control b01 = 1
loop to the speed regulator.
1- Sets the position loop to follow the auxiliary position
742 Posit Ref Sel
AuxPosit Ref reference, which in this case will be Encdr1 Position.
Encoder counts from Encdr1 (master) becomes the
743 [Aux Posit Ref] 240
position reference.
This sets the multiplier for the position reference
745 PositRef EGR Mul 1 electronic gear ratio. The settable range is -2000000
to +2000000. See notes on setting the gear ratio.
This sets the divider for the position reference
746 PositRef EGR Div 1 electronic gear ratio. The settable range is 1 to
2000000. See notes on setting the gear ratio.
This sets a position offset to advance or retard the
follower if necessary. This can be set from a PLC and
753 Posit Offset 1 0
can be a positive or negative value. See notes on
using the position offset.
Sets the speed change used to advance or retard the
755 Posit Offset Spd 175 RPM follower when a value set in p753. Set per application
Sets the proportional gain for the position loop. Set to
768 PositRef P Gain 4
1/5th (20%) of p90 after tuning the speed loop.
Sets the negative speed limit for the output of the
position loop. This should be set the same as the
775 Xreg Spd LoLim -175 RPM
negative value of p755 [Position Offset Spd].
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Drive Application Software
Application Set
Par Name Value Link Description
147 FW Functions En b16=1 Enables the position regulator task.
Used to independently jog the PF700S2 follower when
827 DigIn3 Sel Jog 1
the position loop is disabled.
828 DigIn4 Sel Start Start input for 3Wire Control.
829 DigIn5 Sel Normal Stop Stop input for 3Wire Control.
Notes for jogging the PowerFlex 700S Phase II follower drive independently:
Command Jog 1 through a digital input or communication network. During a jog command, the position loop
output of the drive is automatically disabled.
Notes for controlling the position offset of the PowerFlex 700S Phase II follower drive:
Before advancing or retarding the PowerFlex 700S Phase II follower drive, p755 [Posit Offset Spd] needs to be
set to a value other than 0. p755 [Posit Offset Spd] sets the speed change used to advance or retard the
follower. During the advance or retard operation it is added or subtracted from the speed the follower already
running. p755 [Posit Offset Spd] is in units of RPMs, and is set to a positive value. p755 [Posit Offset Spd] can
remain set throughout the PowerFlex 700S Phase II followers normal operation.
To advance or retard the follower using a relative position offset, perform the following steps:
1. Add a value (in counts) in p753 [Posit Offset 1]. For a positive move, add a positive value to p753. For a
negative move, add a negative value to p753. For example, with a 1024 ppr encoder, add a value of
4096 to p753 to advance the follower forward one motor revolution.
To advance or retard the follower using an absolute position offset, perform the following steps:
1. Set a value (in counts) in p753 [Posit Offset 1]. For a positive move, set p753 to a positive value. For a
negative move, set p753 to a negative value. For example, with a 1024 ppr encoder, set p753 to a value
of 4096 to move forward one motor revolution.
2. After the move is done, set p740 [Position Control], bit 5 X Offset Ref to a 1.
3. Set p753 [Posit Offset 1] = 0.
4. Set p740 [Position Control], bit 5 X Offset Ref to a 0.
p753 [Posit Offset 1] and p740 [Position Control] can be controlled over a communication network.
Notes for setting the gear ratio and speed reference scaling on the PowerFlex 700S Phase II follower
Example 1: Matching speeds of (2) machines with different gear ratios
In this example, the encoders are mounted on the motors. There is a gear box between each motor and each
machine. Each gear box has a different ratio. We want to match the speeds on the output side of the gear box
(machine side). Here is the given information:
PPRm = the PPR of the master encoder
PPRf = the PPR of the follower encoder
Inputm : Outputm = gear ratio of master gear box (number of input teeth : number of output teeth)
Inputf : Outputf = gear ratio for follower gear box (number of input teeth : number of output teeth)
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Drive Application Software
Application Set
Solving for the lowest common denominator, the 1024s on the top and bottom cancel out and the 533s on the
top and bottom cancel out so that:
p 745 236
p 746 163
Therefore, P745 [PositRef EGR Mul] = 236 and P745 [PositRef EGR Div] = 163. This will close the position
loop and the angular velocities of the master and follower will match exactly.
Notice that the encoder PPRs should not be included in the calculation for P11.
This parameter is rounded to the 4th decimal place. The position loop gear ratios will be exact, so that the
master and follower track exactly.
Example 2: Using electronic gearing to make the (2) machines run at different ratios.
In this example the encoders are mounted on the motors. The motors are directly coupled to the load and we
want the follower to run at 4 times the speed of the master.
PPRm = the PPR of the master encoder
PPRf = the PPR of the follower encoder
Ratiof : Ratiom = the desired ratio between the follower speed and the master speed
Solving for the lowest common denominator, the 1024s on the top and bottom cancel out so that:
p 745 4
p 746 1
Therefore, P745 [PositRef EGR Mul] = 4 and P745 [PositRef EGR Div] = 1. This will set up the position loop
of the follower to move 4 counts for every 1 count of the master.
Notice that the encoder PPRs should not be included in the calculation for p11.
This parameter is rounded to the 4th decimal place. The position loop gear ratios will be exact, so that the
follower tracks at 4 times the masters speed.
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