Advances in Data Warehousing and OLAP in The Big Data Era

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Information Systems 53 (2015) 3940

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Advances in data warehousing and OLAP in the big Data Era

We welcome you to the special issue featuring the best table is large or when the cube has high dimensionality. A
papers presented at the 16th ACM Data Warehousing and key innovation is that a traditional SQL grouping is based
OLAP Workshop 2013 (ACM DOLAP) in Burlingame, CA, on the equality of tuples, whereas a cluster-based grouping
USA. DOLAP continues its tradition of being a high quality is based on a similarity measure. The authors propose a
forum where both researchers and practitioners in data fast incremental window-based k-means algorithm that
warehousing and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) allows the end user to provide the number of cluster k as
share their findings on theoretical foundations, current an input parameter, effectively controlling the output table
database design methods, new trends and practical experi- size. The paper provides an experimental evaluation
ences. In recent years, research in these areas has showing that their clustering approach produces a more
addressed many topics, covering all phases of the life cycle succinct summary than traditional cube queries. Moreover,
of data warehousing applications (user requirements, since clustering is done fast, queries remain interactive.
conceptual phase, ETL, logical phase, deployment phase, The paper titled CineCubes: aiding data workers gain
physical design, exploitation). However, the successful use insights from OLAP queries, by Dimitrios Gkesoulis, Panos
of data warehousing and OLAP technologies within orga- Vassiliadis and Petros Manousis proposes a HumanCom-
nizations has brought up new requirements and research puter Interaction extension to cube processing based on
issues, in particular to cope with non-traditional applica- the metaphor of movies given in acts to provide further
tion domains, such as text, blogs, tweets, etc. insights over the results of a traditional OLAP query. The
The DOLAP 2013 call for papers attracted 26 submis- proposed system, called CineCubes, receives an OLAP
sions. After careful review and discussion, the program query as input and enriches it with auxiliary, explanatory
committee accepted 7 full papers and 6 short papers. Out queries that give context and extra details to the original
of the 7 full papers, we selected 5 papers to be invited for one. Then, the results, along with important highlights
the special issue in the Information Systems journal. After that are extracted from them, are presented to the user as
a second round of reviews we finally accepted all these PowerPoint slides that are further accompanied with
papers, which attest to the quality of DOLAP papers. commenting text, which is transformed, into speech using
In general, research papers presented at DOLAP 2013 text-to-speech synthesis. The findings of a user study
show data warehousing is now a mature and well- assessing the system reveal novel usage patterns along
established computer science field, but still with many with a pressing need for concise results.
important research issues. ETL and modeling aspects The paper Advanced Topic Modeling for Social Busi-
remain challenging given the ever-changing nature of ness Intelligence, by Stefano Rizzi, Enrico Gallinucci and
databases, both in structure and in size. New applications, Matteo Golfarelli proposes to combine data with user
faster hardware and the Internet are making data ware- generated contents to allow decision makers to improve
housing technology evolve even further. Thus we expect their business activities. To do so, the authors propose the
research on data warehousing and OLAP to remain active meta-stars approach to model topic hierarchies in ROLAP
in the future. systems. The basic idea of the approach is to use meta
The paper titled Clustering binary Cube Dimensions to modeling coupled with navigation tables and with dimen-
Compute Relaxed Group by Aggregations by Carlos sion tables. The paper gives detailed formalizations of the
Garcia-Alvarado and Carlos Ordonez, proposes to replace meta-stars model as well as the querying expressiveness
a GROUP BY with several cube dimensions with another of the approach. The paper also provides an execution plan
GROUP BY clause, by grouping by a cluster identifier, strategy and a set of tests to validate the approach.
corresponding to groups of similar fact table records. Such The paper titled, Slowly Changing Measures, by
aggregation is useful when the cardinality of the output Mathias Goller and Stefan Berger gives a systematic view
0306-4379 & 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
40 Editorial / Information Systems 53 (2015) 3940

of the possible techniques for dealing with changes in the engine (i.e., Cloudera Impala), which clearly show the
way measures are computed. The authors use ideas for effectiveness and efficiency of INDREX in supporting in-
handling dimension changes as a foundation to handle database relation extraction.
changing measures. One of the merits of the paper is the
fact that it borrows techniques, which are already nor-
mally adopted by practitioners who have to face that Ladjel Bellatreche
problem. After discussing the pros and cons of these LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA Poitiers University, France
techniques, the authors present their method through a E-mail address:
representative set of examples. Each slowly changing
measure type is tested in a proof-of-concept prototype.
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
The paper titled INDREX: In-Database Relation Extrac-
DIA Department, University of Trieste, ICAR-CNR, Italy
tion, by Torsten Kilias, Alexander Loser and Periklis
E-mail address:
Andritsos, proposes INDREX, a complex system that allows
users to describe so-called relation extraction tasks across
documents and relational data stored in a RDBMS, allow- Il-Yeol Song
ing these tasks to be processed via SQL statements. College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University, PA,
INDREX provides built-in indexing structures and query United States
optimization techniques that enable fast response times. E-mail address:
Semantically, relation extraction tasks are enriched by
white-box user-defined functions to adapt extraction rules
with existing domain specific data from RDBMS. The
authors complement their analytical contributions by
means of a comprehensive experimental evaluation per-
formed in both a single pipelined DBMS (i.e., PostgreSQL)
and a columnar-based massively parallel processing query

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