Using Pesticides in Greenhouses
Using Pesticides in Greenhouses
Using Pesticides in Greenhouses
PB 1595
Using Pesticides
in Greenhouses
Table of Contents
Pesticide Application 3
Spray Application 3
Spray Application Equipment 3
Direct-spray versus Fixed-position Sprayers 3
High-volume versus Low-volume Sprayers 4
Granular Pesticide Application 5
Preparing Pesticides for Application 5
Dosage 5
Adjuvants 6
Tank Mixes 6
Water Quality 6
Application Technique 6
Calibrating Equipment 6
Pesticide Storage and Disposal 7
Storage Construction 7
Ventilation 7
Storage Operations 7
Chemical Shelf Life 8
Disposal 8
Human Safety 8
Pesticide Toxicity (LD50) 8
Worker Protection Standards 10
Worker 10
Handler 10
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 10
PPE Definitions 11
Filters/Cartridges 12
Restricted Entry Interval (REI) 12
Early Re-entry 13
Ventilation Criteria 13
Notification in Greenhouses 13
Decontamination Sites 13
Information at a Central Location 13
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 14
Worker and Handler Training 14
Table 1. Relationship Between Particle Size and
the Number of Droplets per Square Inch 3
Table 2. Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the
Different Spray Application Methods 4
Table 3. Methods of Low-Volume Pesticide Application 4
Table 4. Comparisons Among the Different Spray Application
Methods and Equipment 5
Table 5. Toxicity Categories for the Major Routes of Pesticide Exposure 9
Table 6. Restricted Entry Intervals (REI) for Insecticides and Miticides
Registered for Greenhouse Use 11
Table 2. Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Spray Application Methods
Fixed Position • Lower labor requirement. • Can not be targeted to a specific area.
• Lower pesticide exposure • Everything in the greenhouse gets sprayed.
to the applicator. • Difficult to spray undersides of leaves,
especially when plants are large.
• Relies on horizontal air-flow fans for
pesticide distribution.
The chemical is in a pressurized canister that produces a chemical fog when opened.
Electrostatic Applicators
The spray droplets are electrostatically charged, which results in the droplets being attracted to both sides of
the leaf surface. Handheld and unattended models are available.
Table 4. Comparisons among the Different Spray Application Methods and Equipment
Spray Application Application Droplet Advantages Disadvantages
Volume Method Type Diameter
High Hydraulic Direct 100 to 400 Can be used with many Large droplet size results in poor
pesticide formulations. coverage and waste.
Can be used for “ spot” Labor intensive.
treatment. Spray to runoff is subjective.
Relatively low cost.
Low Cold Direct 30 Can make “ spot Difficult to get coverage to leaf
Fogger/High- applications.” undersides, especially when
Pressure Hydraulic plants are large.
Low Air-assisted Direct or 40 Less spray drift than other Charged particles can be
Electrostatic Fixed Position LV application methods. attracted to charged surfaces
Good distribution to both other than leaves.
sides of leaves.
Low Thermal Pulse-Jet Fixed 0.5 to 50 Very effective with “ vapor- Can not perform “ spotspot
Fogger Position active” pesticides. applications.”
Can treat large areas quickly. Difficult to get distribution to
Can be sprayed from below leaf undersides.
porous benches to improve
lower leaf coverage.
Low Mechanical Fixed Position 0.5 to 15 No human applicator present. Difficult to get distribution to
Aerosol Generator leaf undersides.
Low Ready-to-use Fixed Position 15 Low labor requirement. Distribution depends on air
Aerosols Convenient for small movement ..
greenhouses. Difficult to get distribution to
leaf undersides ..
Adjuvants Water Quality
Adjuvants are materials added to pesticide sprays High water pH, above 7.0, can reduce the effec-
to increase pesticide contact with the plant foliage. tiveness of some pesticides. This is referred to as
The two common types of adjuvants used by growers alkaline hydrolysis. Most often high pH is a problem
are surfactants and spreader stickers. when pesticide solutions are mixed and then not
Surfactants are wetting agents that reduce surface immediately used. In general, pesticide solutions
tension and thus increase the spread of the pesticide should be used within a few hours of being mixed.
over the leaf surface. Spreader stickers, such as latex, Allowing a pesticide to sit overnight in high pH water
act as adhesives that increase the adhesion of the can cause the pesticide to break down, reducing its
pesticide to the plant. effectiveness.
Before adding adjuvants, read the pesticide label.
Compatibility or lack of compatibility may be indi-
cated. In addition, some pesticides may already
Application Technique
contain adjuvants. For example, emulsifiable concen- Fixed-position sprayers require that an air flow
trates already contain some adjuvants; therefore, pattern be established prior to introducing the pesti-
adding additional adjuvants to these pesticides may cide into the greenhouse. The air flow pattern is
increase the probability of causing phytotoxicity. achieved by turning the sprayer fans on for 15 minutes
Adjuvants should always be added with some before application begins. The fans are also left on for
caution, since phytotoxicity is possible. Start by 30 to 60 minutes after the spray is completed. Fixed-
adding one ounce per 100 gallons. Continue adding position sprayers usually have timers that determine
one ounce at a time until adequate coverage of the the sequence.
foliage is achieved. Do not add more than 8 ounces Directed sprays require a skilled applicator to
per 100 gallons. Always test spray a few plants before achieve uniform and thorough coverage. LV sprays
applying the spray to the entire crop. Perform the test are more highly concentrated than HV sprays; thus,
spray under warm, sunny conditions which will be the applicator must continually be moving, since any
adequate in promoting phytotoxicity. This test should hesitation or stopping can result in a localized over-
determine if there are any potential problems. dose of a pesticide. In order to apply the correct
pesticide dosage, spray equipment must be correctly
calibrated. This will result in the applicator applying
Tank Mixes the correct amount of active ingredient in the green-
When two pesticides are mixed together, this is house.
referred to as “tank mixing.” Always check labels for
possible compatibilities or incompatibilities. When
mixing two pesticides: Calibrating Equipment
– Check for precipitates forming in the tank or for To properly apply pesticides, the spray equip-
color changes. Either indicates incompatibility. ment must be accurately calibrated. This will result in
– Spray the mix on a small group of plants to applying the appropriate volume of pesticide. Proper
check for possible phytotoxicity. pesticide application is a technique that must be
– Never allow the concentrated pesticides to learned. The following exercise can be used to cali-
come in contact each other. brate spray equipment and to train new applicators.
– Always dilute the individual pesticides prior to 1. Mark off an area to be practice-sprayed; for
tank mixing. example, 500 square feet.
– Add any adjuvants after the pesticides have 2. Determine the desired pesticide application rate.
been combined. 3. Use the sprayer to apply water for one minute
– Provide constant agitation. into a 2-gallon measuring container. The
Many entomologists discourage the use of tank mixes volume of water in the container after one
because of the increased rate at which a pest popula- minute measured in ounces provides the
tion can develop resistance to a pesticide. Also, there sprayer application rate in ounces per minute.
is increased potential for phytotoxicity to the crop. 4. Practice spraying the marked-off area.
5. Perform the following calculation for the time
required to properly spray the practice area:
Desired application rate (gal/10,000 sq. ft.)
Time (sec) = * Practice area (sq. ft.) * 0.768
Sprayer rate (ounces per min.)
Pesticide Shelf Life Disposal
All pesticides will break down over time. Al- The best way to minimize having to dispose of
though most pesticides will remain active for four to pesticides is to purchase only what is needed. In
five years, it is recommended that products be stored addition, mix only the amounts needed and apply
for no longer than two to three years. Note that a them to crops for which they are labeled. Check the
pesticide may be two or more years old before it is container label for disposal directions. Unless other-
purchased. Store pesticides in a dry, well-ventilated, wise noted, empty pesticide containers should be
cool area away from direct sunlight. This will maxi- triple or pressure rinsed. In addition, wash the outside
mize the shelf life of a pesticide. of the container, and puncture or crush to avoid reuse.
Always read the pesticide label to determine After following these procedures, dispose of pesticide
particular storage requirements. Preventing exposure containers in a sanitary landfill. The rinsate should be
to extremes of hot or cold is important for many applied to the labeled crop. Never burn pesticide
pesticides. Response may vary depending on formula- containers, dump pesticide concentrates on the
tions of the active ingredient. In general, high and low ground, bury them or flush pesticides down toilets or
temperatures accelerate pesticide breakdown, resulting drains.
in decreased shelf life. Volatile alcohols and flam-
mable solvents are common components of many
pesticides. As a result, they must not be exposed to
Human Safety
flames, sparks or hot surfaces. Some examples of The second objective of pesticide application is
flammable pesticides are Diazinon, Dibrom and to minimize human exposure. The Environmental
Azatin. Flammability varies with formulation of the Protection Agency has developed a list of regulations,
active ingredient. Low temperatures can result in called the Worker Protection Standards, that the
separation of pesticide components and reduce greenhouse managers must follow to properly protect
effectiveness. For example, the insecticides Azatin, greenhouse workers. Because these standards are
Decathlon and Mavrik should not be stored below 32 generalized, managers must still use common sense to
degrees F. Generally, dry pesticide formulations can prevent pesticide exposure to workers.
be stored for longer periods of time than liquids if the
containers are resealed tightly and protected from Pesticide Toxicity (LD50)
wetness. Always be aware of changes in the storage The health risks from exposure to a pesticide are
conditions and odors from pesticides. Improper determined by the toxicity, the length of exposure
storage can lead to pesticides not dispersing in water. time, and the route of entry into the human body.
Toxicity is any adverse effect resulting from exposure
to a pesticide. Acute toxicity is the immediate effect
resulting from short-term exposure to a pesticide.
Chronic toxicity, the long-term effect of repeated
exposures to a pesticide at lower concentrations, may
result in permanent damage to the human body.
The three major routes of pesticide entry into the
human body are oral intake through the mouth, dermal
or skin exposure, and inhalation. Oral exposure most
often occurs through failure to wash hands after
handling pesticides, which can lead to the contamina-
tion of food or drink. The dermal route accounts for a
majority of pesticide exposures. It may occur when-
ever a pesticide is mixed, applied or handled. Both dry
and wet pesticides may be absorbed through the skin.
Inhalation exposure occurs from breathing pesticide
vapors, dust or spray particles. It may occur when
protective equipment is not worn or is improperly
Many pesticide classes have similar modes of reducing their toxicity to mammals and beneficial
action. For example, organophosphates and carbam- insects when used properly in an integrated pest
ates interfere with activity of the nervous system management program. These include insect growth
leading to paralysis. The basic mode of action is the regulators, microbial insecticides, soaps and oils.
same in insects, humans and beneficial organisms. The United States Environmental Protection
Some of these pesticides are less toxic to humans than Agency (EPA) requires pesticide formulators to
others because they are quickly broken down into provide data on the toxicity of the active ingredient.
harmless products in humans. Others, like Malathion, This information is derived from tests conducted on
are inactive until enzymatically altered in the insect to animals that are physiologically similar to humans and
the toxic form. Malathion is quickly broken down to amenable to laboratory studies, such as rats, mice,
relatively harmless products in mammals. Some older rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs. Acute toxicity is
pesticides have been reformulated (i.e. microencapsu- determined by intravenous, oral inhalation and dermal
lation) to minimize toxicity to humans. Many new exposure. An LD 50 (the lowest dose of a toxin that
generation pesticides have alternative modes of action, kills 50 percent of the exposed organism in a test) is
established. The estimated toxicity to humans is in addition to the signal word DANGER. These three
extrapolated on a weight basis and expressed in categories of pesticide toxicity are based on oral,
milligrams of toxin per kilogram of body weight. The inhalation and dermal LD50; and eye and skin effects.
lower the LD50, the more toxic the pesticide. Chronic Toxicity categories and what they mean are presented
toxicity of pesticides is less well understood and not in Table 5.
often established.
The US EPA requires labeling that provides
information on pesticide toxicity. A label must carry
one of the signal words (DANGER, WARNING,
CAUTION) that represent the three general categories
of pesticide toxicity. Category I will have the skull
and crossbones symbol and the word POISON (in red)
Worker Protection Standards Worker
In 1992, EPA expanded the farmworker pesticide Worker employers must make sure that workers
protection regulations, the Worker Protection and other persons do not enter specific areas within
Standard (WPS). The WPS covers pesticide use in the the greenhouse during and, in some instances, after
production of agricultural plants on farms, forests, certain greenhouse applications.
nurseries and greenhouses. It requires a full range of
pesticide protection and training for pesticide handlers Handlers
and field workers. During any pesticide application in a greenhouse
Horticultural employers who use pesticides on or an adjacent structure that cannot be sealed, do not
their operation and who have one or more employees allow anyone other than an appropriately trained
are subject to all of the provisions of the WPS. equipped handler, to be in the primary area, plus 25
“Family” farmers and their immediate family feet in all directions.
members are exempt from many WPS provisions.
However, they must observe the appropriate
restricted-entry intervals (REIs) and must use the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
proper personal protective equipment (PPE) listed on PPE includes coveralls, respirators, protective
pesticide labels. eyewear (i.e., goggles), chemical-resistant suits,
FIFRA states that no pesticide may be used in a gloves, footwear, aprons and headgear. Following are
manner inconsistent with its label restrictions. This is guidelines for PPE use:
particularly important for purposes of the WPS. – Follow PPE requirements as stated on the
Pesticide users must comply with all the WPS pesticide label.
provisions listed on the pesticide label. Look in the – Be certain that respirators fit correctly. To test for
“Agricultural Use Requirement” section on the label correct fit, place a odorous substance, such as
of those requirements. banana oil, outside the respirator. If you can
smell it, then the respirator does not fit properly.
Individuals with beards can not legally wear
facial respirators.
– Provide a pesticide-free area for storing personal
clothing not in use.
– Do not allow PPE to be worn or taken home.
– Store and laundry PPE separately from other
– Regularly replace respirators and cartridges
according to manufacturer’s recommendations on
the pesticide label.
Handler employers must make sure Table 6. Restricted Entry Intervals (REI) for
that pesticide handlers: pesticides labelled for greenhouse use
– Are provided with the PPE that the pesticide PESTICIDE REI (hr)
labeling requires for the task,
– Wear the PPE for the entire handling task, and Adept 12
Akari 12
– Use the PPE correctly.
Astro 24
Attain 12
Handlers employers must: Avid 12
– Inspect all PPE before each day Azatin 4
– Provide handlers with clean places away from Botanigard 12
pesticide storage and pesticide use areas to: Cinnamite 4
Citation 4
• store personal clothing not in use,
Confirm 4
• put on PPE at the start of any exposure period, Conserve 4
• take off PPE at the end of any exposure period. Decathlon 12
– Take any necessary steps to prevent heat illness Dibrom 8 24
while PPE is being worn. Dipel 4
– Not allow any handler to wear home or take Distance 12
home PPE-contaminated with pesticides. Dithio 4*
Duraguard 24
– Clean and maintain PPE.
Duraplex 24
– Replace respirator filters, cartridges or canisters Endeavor 12
at the proper time. Enstar II 4
– Properly dispose of the PPE. Floramite 4
– Give proper safety instructions to persons who Gnatrol 4
clean PPE. Hexygon 12
Insecticidal Soap 4
Kelthane 12
PPE Definitions Marathon 12
Chemical resistant - no measurable amount of Mavrik Aquaflow 12
chemical can move through the material during M-Pede 12
use. Mesurol 12
Naturalis O 4
Waterproof - no measurable amount of water (or
Nemasys 0
water-based solution) moves through the material Nicotine 4*
during use. Ornazin 12
Chemical-resistant suit - A loose-fitting, one- or two- Orthene TT&O 12
piece, chemical-resistant garment that covers, at Orthene 1300 24
the minimum, the entire body except head, hands Ovation 12
and feet. Pedestal 12
Plantfume 4*
Coverall - A loose-fitting, one- or two-piece garment
Precision 12
that covers, at the minimum, the entire body Preclude 12
except head, hands and feet. Made of fabric such Pylon 12
as cotton or cotton-polyester blend. Not chemi- Pyrenone 12
cal-resistant. Pyrethrum 12
Chemical-resistant apron - An apron made of Sanmite 12
chemical-resistant material that covers the front Scimitar 24
Talstar 12
of the body from mid-chest to knees. Tame 24
Gloves - Hand coverings or type listed on pesticide TetraSan 12
label. New pesticide labels may require certain Thiodan 24
types of gloves. If not specified, follow these Triact 4
general guidelines in selecting a glove: Ultra-Fine Oil 4
1. Barrier-laminate - Broad-spectrum chemical Vapona DDVP 4*
Vendex 48
resistance, limited dexterity
* Minimum REI, if venting requirements met
2. Neoprene - Excellent chemical resistance, through chemical cartridges are attracted to and held
limited dexterity to the surface of the carbon. Absorption capacity is
3. Nitrile - Excellent chemical resistance, limited so cartridges must be changed regularly.
excellent dexterity Mechanical filters are elements that provide
4. PVC (polyvinyl chlorine) - Good chemical protection against particulate matter such as dusts or
resistance, good dexterity mists. Particulate matter is physically trapped in the
5. Rubber - Fair-to-good chemical resistance fibrous filter material. Although mechanical filters
(depending on thickness), good-to-excellent increase in efficiency as they are used, they may also
dexterity become more difficult to breathe through. They should
Chemical-resistant footwear - Chemical-resistant be changed when breathing becomes uncomfortable.
shoes, chemical-resistant boots or chemical- (Note: All respirator manufacturers use the same
resistant shoe coverings worn over shoes or color-coding system for reference cartridges to
boots. Materials include PVC/Urethane, TYVEK specific applications. Pesticides are classified as
and latex. organic vapors. Black is the color code for organic
Protective eyewear - Goggles, face shield or safety vapors and yellow is the color code for combined
glasses with front, brow and temple protection. filters for acid gas and organic vapors.)
Chemical resistant headgear - A chemical resistant
hood or hat with a wide brim. Restricted Entry Interval (REI)
Respirator - A device that protects the respiratory The REI refers to the number of hours after a
system and prevents breathing pesticide dusts pesticide application that an individual may enter a
or vapors. Must be the type listed on the pesti- treated area. Pesticide labels will indicate the REI and
cide label and appropriate for the pesticide the PPE required for early re-entry. REI’s for com-
product being used and for the activity being monly used insecticides and miticides are presented in
performed. The label will contain the NIOSH/ Table 6.
MSHA “TC” approved number.
Air purifying respirator types: Five pesticide application scenarios:
1. Half mask, particulate, disposable (NIOSH 1. Fumigants. Workers are prohibited from entering
prefix TC-21C). Use for dust, pollen and mists, the entire greenhouse and adjacent areas not sealed
and certain pesticides applied in solid form. off from the treated areas until the ventilation
2. Maintenance-free, dual cartridge half mask, criteria are met.
disposable (NIOSH prefix TC-23C). Use for 2. LV Smokes, Mists, Fogs and Aerosols. Workers are
pesticides and ammonia. prohibited from entering the entire enclosed area
3. Dual cartridge, half mask, reusable (NIOSH until the ventilation criteria and the REI criteria are
prefix TC-23C). Change cartridge to match met.
contaminant. 3. HV Sprays. Sprayers are required to wear a respira-
4. Full-face, dual cartridge, reusable (NIOSH tor. Workers are prohibited from entering the entire
prefix TC-23C). Protects face, eyes and nose. enclosed area until the ventilation criteria are met
5. Power, air-purifying with helmet (NIOSH prefix and they are prohibited from the pesticide treated
TC-23C). Battery-powered fan pulls air through area until the REI is over.
filters and circulates air through helmet. 4. Other Spray Applications. Workers are prohibited
6. Canister-type gas mask (NIOSH prefix TC- from the pesticide-treated area plus a 25-foot buffer
14G). Large canister gives greater protection surrounding the treated area until the application is
than standard dual-cartridge respirators. complete, and they are prohibited from the pesticide
7. SCBA-Air supplied (NIOSH prefix TC-13F). treated area until the REI is complete.
Self-contained breathing apparatus. Breathable 5. Other Application Methods. Workers are prohibited
air supplied by cylinder on back of applicator. from the pesticide-treated area until the REI is
Chemical cartridges are elements that are filled with
specially treated activated carbon, which has a very
high absorption capacity. Gases and vapors passing
Early Re-entry containing an upraised hand on the left and a stern
Worker early re-entry during the REI is allowed if: face on the right must be near the center of the sign.
– At least four hours have passed since the
application, inhalation exposure level listed on Decontamination Sites
the label is reached, and the ventilation criteria Decontamination sites provide a safe area for
have been met. workers and handlers to use routinely or for emergen-
– The worker is wearing the required PPE cies. The following regulations are for the design and
indicated on the label. function of decontamination sites:
– The worker performs “limited contact” tasks – Provide water for routine and emergency whole
for up to eight hours in any 24-hour period. body washing and eye flushing.
(Note: “Limited contact” activities include – Provide clean coveralls, safe drinking water
watering.) and one pint eye flush water for each pesticide
handler. Eye flush water should be
Ventilation Criteria immediately accessible.
See the pesticide label for specific ventilation – Decontamination sites must be within 1/4 mile
requirements. If none, then provide one of the of all employees.
following: – Worker decontamination sites can not be in
• Two hours of mechanical ventilation with fans areas that are being treated with pesticides or in
• Four hours of passive ventilation with vents a REI area, whereas handler decontamination
• Eleven hours with no ventilation followed by sites may be within areas being treated with
one hour of mechanical ventilation or two hours pesticides or an area that has a REI in effect if:
of passive ventilation 1. it is in an area where the handler is doing
• 24 hours with no ventilation handling tasks.
2. the soap, single-use towels, and clean
changes of clothing are in closed
Notification in Greenhouses
All treated areas must be posted. If the pesticide
3. the water is running tap water or is in a
labeling requires both types of notification, you must
closed container.
also notify workers orally.
Oral warnings need not be given to any worker
or treated area posted, if workers will not be in the Information at a Central Location
greenhouse during a pesticide application or while a Greenhouse owners are required to maintain a
restricted-entry interval is in effect; or, any worker Centralized Bulletin Board that is accessible to all
who applied (or supervised the application of) the employees and contains the following information:
pesticide and is aware of all the information required 1. The Worker Protection Standards (WPS) safety
to be given in the oral warning. poster (Request the “WPS Quick Reference Poster”
Post the signs so they can be seen from all points from Gempler’s. The phone number and Web site
where workers usually enter the treated area, address are at the end of this publication.)
including doorways, aisles and other walking routes. 2. Emergency Medical Information: (Name, address
The signs must be posted 24 hours or less before and phone number of nearest medical facility).
the scheduled application and removed within three 3. Pesticide Application List. The following pesticide
days after the end of the REI. application information is to be maintained for 30
The signs must be least 14 inches by 16 inches, days following the application:
and the letters must be a least 1 inch high. You may – Product name, EPA registration number and
use smaller signs if the treated area is too small to active ingredient.
accommodate 14- by 16-inch signs. For example, – Location and description of treated area.
when a single potted plant needs to be posted, a – Time, date of the pesticide application
smaller sign would be appropriate. and the REI.
The required words for the signs are “DANGER 4. TOSHA requires two posters be placed on the
– PELIGRO” AND “PESTICIDES – PESTICIDAS” Centralized Bulletin Board: “State of Tennessee
must be located at the top of the sign and “KEEP Public Employee Safety and Health Protection on
OUT – NO ENTRE” at the bottom. A circle the Job” and “State of Tennessee Hazardous
Chemical Right to Know.” For more information publications to explain responsibilities and comply
contact the Tennessee Dept. of Labor, at 615-741- with WPS, including the training of employees.
5. Pesticide Label/Material Safety Data Sheets Gempler’s
(MSDS). EPA requires that greenhouse managers 1-800-382-8473
make pesticide labels available to workers, while
TOSHA requires MSDS be maintained at the
centralized bulletin board. MSDS are available WPS Reference Guide. Includes complete addition of
through your pesticide suppliers. EPA’s “How to Comply Manual” plus technical
information on pesticide safety in English.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
MSDS are required for businesses dealing with For Workers: “Protect Yourself from Pesticides Guide
hazardous pesticides. The purpose is to provide a for Agricultural Workers.” Bilingual (English/
means of communicating information concerning the Spanish). Also available in seven other foreign
hazardous materials used on the premises. MSDS are language translations.
available from pesticide companies or their suppliers.
Employees must have access to them, and if neces- For Handlers: “Protect Yourself from Pesticides Guide
sary, be shown how to read and understand them. The for Pesticide Handlers.” Available in both English and
following information is found on the MSDS: Spanish.
1. The pesticide’s physical properties
2. Procedures for mixing and loading pesticides ATTENTION
3. Fire and explosive information 1. Read the label of any pesticide before applying.
4. Health hazard information, including acute and 2. Do not rely on pesticides alone; employ all cultural
chronic toxicity symptoms methods of control.
5. Protective equipment (PPE) required
3. Regulations and guidelines concerning use of
6. First aid treatment
7. Spill, leak and disposal information pesticides are subject to change without notice.
8. Procedures for accidents Consult the label of the product for usages and rates
9. Storage and handling procedures before applying. If recommendations in this manual
conflict with the label, please follow the label
Worker and Handler Training instructions.
Workers - Defined as persons employed to work 4. When a range of rates and application intervals are
with greenhouse crops. For example, harvest, weed recommended, use the lower rate and longer
and water. Workers must be provided some pesticide interval for mild-moderate infestations and the
safety information before entry into a treated area.
higher rate and shorter interval for moderate-severe
They must be fully trained about pesticide safety
within five days after employment. (Contact your infestations.
county Agricultural Extension office concerning 5. Use of trade or brand names in this manual is for
assistance in providing the WPS training.) clarity and information. The Tennessee Agricultural
Handlers - Defined as persons who mix, load, Extension Service does not imply approval of the
apply or do other tasks that bring them into direct product to the exclusion of others which may be
contact with pesticides, such as cleaning pesticide similar, suitable composition, nor does it guarantee
application equipment or handling open pesticide or warrant the standard of the product.
containers. Handlers must be trained about pesticide
6. Please ready the label before using a product.
safety and handling prior to performing any handling
Keep in mind that this publication is only a
summary of the WPS standards. For a more complete
source of information, refer to the following three
publications available through Gempler’s. Every
greenhouse manager should have a copy of these
Precautionary Statement
In order to protect people and the environment, pesticides should be used safely. This is everyone’s
responsibility, especially the user. Read and follow label directions carefully before you buy, mix, apply,
store, or dispose of a pesticide. According to laws regulating pesticides, they must be used only as directed
by the label. Persons who do not obey the law will be subject to penalties.
Disclaimer Statement
Pesticides recommended in this publication were registered for the prescribed uses when printed.
Pesticides registrations are continuously reviewed. Should registration of a recommended pesticide be
canceled, it would no longer be recommended by the University of Tennessee.
Use of trade or brand names in this publication is for clarity and information; it does not imply ap-
proval of the product to the exclusion of others which may be of similar, suitable composition, nor does it
guarantee or warrant the standard of the product.
911 - Medical emergency, police-sheriff and fire
1-800-288-9999 - Poison Control Centers for Tennessee
1-800-424-9300 - CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center)
1-800-262-8200 - CHEMTREC Information Line
The Agricultural Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race,
religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN
AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and county governments cooperating in furtherance of Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
Agricultural Extension Service, Charles L. Norman, Dean