DUA's 1
DUA's 1
DUA's 1
O Allah! Make useful Allahumma infa'nii bimaa اللّهمّ انفعْني بما علّمتني و
for me what You taught 'allamtanii
yanfa' unii
wa'allimnii maa
علّمني ما ينفعني
me and teach me
knowledge that will be
useful to me.
اللّهمّ إنّي أسألك فهْم النّبيّين و
Allahumma inii as'aluka
O Allah! I ask You for fahmal-nabiyyen wa hifthal
حفظ المرسلين المقرّبين
the understanding of the mursaleen al-muqarrabeen.
prophets and the
memory of the اللّهمّ اجْعل لساني عامرا
messengers, and those
بذكرك و قلبي بخشيتك
nearest to You. Allahumma ijal leesanee
'amiran bi thikrika wa qalbi bi إنّك على ما تشاء قدير و أنت
O Allah! Make my khashyatika. حسبنا اللّه و نعْم الوكيل
tongue full of Your Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u
remembrance, and my qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu
heart with consciousness wa na'mal wakeel.
of You. (O Allah!) You
do whatever You wish, ف بِ ْى فِ ْى تَي ِْسي ِْر ْ ُاللَّهُ َّم ْالط
and You are our Availer ُِّكلِّ َع ِسي ٍْر فَاِ َّن تَي ِْسي َْر ; ُكل
and Protector and the Allahumma Tufiltuf bi fi taysiri
kulli 'asirin, fainna taysirra
ْك يَ ِس ْي ٌَر
َ َع ِسي ٍْر َعلَي
best of aid. kuuli 'asirin 'alaika yassirun
يَا َعلِيم
O All-Knowing, grant Ya Alimu, alimni
َعلِّ ْمنِى
me knowledge