Beautiful Buildings

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Ian Potter Gallery
buildings borne
from their site.
Arney Fender Katsalidis deep client relationships and
enables people to live, work ensuring the accessibility of
and play better. We do this by our Directors to every project.
creating beautiful buildings and This continuous connectivity of
inspirational interiors. We are Directors throughout the life of
a boutique global design firm our projects is a fundamental
with an integrated approach platform from which our firm
to architecture, interiors and is built.
art, based in London operating
across six regions. Over our 28 years of
continuous trading, we have
Formed in 1988, Arney Fender built a leading reputation in
Katsalidis has a quarter client service and design
century of collective, award- excellence. Globally, Arney
winning experience. However, Fender Katsalidis 200 design
we are young at heart and professionals work from three
nimble of mind. We have a studios London, Melbourne
specific focus on workplace, and Sydney. We operate
residential and cultural sectors as one firm we share our
to ensure we are specialists in experience, our people, our
what we do. financial resources and our
creative capital.
We do not strive to be the
largest global practice and Arney Fender Katsalidis has
work on every project. We projects across the United
do, however, strive to deliver Kingdom, in the USA, Canada,
the worlds best projects. Middle East, Asia and
We purposefully focus the Australia.
size of our firm to create
rich ground for fostering
Grosvenor House Apartments *
100 Bishopsgate
In collaboration with Allies and Morrison
100 Bishopsgate
In collaboration with Allies and Morrison
East London Tower
100 Fetter Lane *
110 Fetter Lane *
The Mansion
Interior Architecture by Arney Fender Katsalidis / Facade by DSDHA
St Helens Place
In collaboration with Allies and Morrison
Mill Hill
Mill Hill
Mill Hill
Tower Bridge Road
New York Tower
Dubai Tower
Tall buildings that become
inspiring icons for people
to live and work
Dubai Tower
London Tower
London Tower
Dubai Tower
Perth Tower
Perth Tower
30 Berkeley Square *
30 Berkeley Square *
Deloitte Bridge
Deloitte Bridge
120 Pitt Street *
world class buildings
of iconic beauty
well engineered

77 Eagle Street *
77 Eagle Street *
Tower Bridge Road
80 Queen Street *
The Advertiser
1 New Fetter Lane *
Southwark Tower
1 Threadneedle *
Fountain House *
Placemaking that redefines
the global skyline
405 Bourke Street *
Brookfield Place Calgary
Brookfield Place Calgary
Brookfield Place Calgary
Brookfield Place Perth *
300 La Trobe
Southwark Tower
Southwark Tower
Southwark Tower
PNB 118
Tower 108
Durrat Al Bahrain *
Republic Tower
Regent Tower *
Sculptures we live in

505 St Kilda
Eureka Tower
HMAS Apartments
NewActon Nishi
Rich materiality
created by an artful
play of textures,
reflectivity and

4 National Circuit
Garangula Art Gallery
New Acton East, Canberra
Acton South
Romsey House
Authenticity of materials
create identity and character
New Quay Docklands
Art is integrated to create
a sense of place, uniqueness
and identity
MONA Pavilions
80 Queen *
171 La Trobe Street
Scale and texture

Well proportioned spaces

Ian Potter Gallery
Art is employed to
uplift and delight

Eureka Tower
Sinuous forms respect view
corridors and create
brand identity
A democratic roofscape,
release the top of
buildings for all

Bold forms weathered well

Qantas 1st Lounge *
Bendigo Art Gallery
About us
Arney Fender Katsalidis deep client relationships and
enables people to live, work ensuring the accessibility of
and play better. We do this by our Directors to every project.
creating beautiful buildings and This continuous connectivity of
inspirational interiors. We are Directors throughout the life of
a boutique global design firm our projects is a fundamental
with an integrated approach platform from which our firm
to architecture, interiors and is built.
art, based in London operating
across six regions. Over our 28 years of
continuous trading, we have
Formed in 1988, Arney Fender built a leading reputation in
Katsalidis has a quarter client service and design
century of collective, award- excellence. Globally, Arney
winning experience. However, Fender Katsalidis 200 design
we are young at heart and professionals work from three
nimble of mind. We have a studios London, Melbourne
specific focus on workplace, and Sydney. We operate
residential and cultural sectors as one firm we share our
to ensure we are specialists in experience, our people, our
what we do. financial resources and our
creative capital.
We do not strive to be the
largest global practice and Arney Fender Katsalidis has
work on every project. We projects across the United
do, however, strive to deliver Kingdom, in the USA, Canada,
the worlds best projects. Middle East, Asia and
We purposefully focus the Australia.
size of our firm to create
rich ground for fostering
Edinburgh St James
how we
COLLABORATION environments sensitive to
All of our people are imbued place and culture.
with the Arney Fender
Katsalidis culture that ensures THE TEAM
collaboration is central to our Working for many years
firms DNA. on large and complex
projects has given us the
The collaborative nature experience, knowledge, skill
of our practice means that set and systems necessary to
experience, knowledge successfully carry out such
and skills are shared and work. Because of our low
enhanced globally. Thanks to staff turnover, that experience
our collaborations with allied stays with us. We operate
design practices from around from a purposefully focused
the world, we are continually base of three studios so we
re-energising and informing maintain our talent pool,
the firm with important exacting standards and
influences and exemplars. consistency of service.
This allows us to continuously
assess and reassess our
processes to ensure that
we create inspirational
Republic 300 La Trobe 100 The Cheesegrater Brookfield Place Manhattan Eureka The Shard Tower 108 Eiffel Empire State Merdeka
Tower Street Bishopsgate Tower Tower Tower Building PNB118

120 m 132 m 172 m 225 m 247 m / 266 m 297 m 306 m 312 m 324 m 381 m 510 m
178 m

Arney Fender Katsalidis and Fender Katsalidis Projects

Our architecture is a product of
collaboration and innovation.
We believe that architecture,
although bound by commercial
pressures, is a civic art within
the community of which it is a
component piece.

We work across a wide

spectrum of scales and
building types; from crafted
art galleries to full city blocks
with soaring 60-storey office
towers and vibrant winter
gardens. Regardless of scale,
with our clients we rigorously
interrogate solutions to arrive
at highly efficient, effective and
optimised environments that
seek an architectural balance
of humility and nobility.

* These projects were designed by Earle
Arney and Graeme Rapley while they
were Design Directors at Woods Bagot.

These projects were designed by

the sister studios Fender Katsalidis
in Melbourne and Fender Katsalidis
Mirams in Sydney.
Grosvenor House Apartments *
We believe that the quality of We also creatively understand
the spaces in which we live, the job that interiors have
work and recreate have the to perform; from creating
capacity to uplift and delight. highly efficient and elegant
We bring this belief to all our commercial workplaces that
projects and take great joy embrace new ways of working,
in crafting interior space, to spatially rich art galleries
whether for corporate offices, that delight, or luxurious and
retail spaces, performing expansive apartments that
arts facilities, art galleries, build a residential brand.
residential developments or
historic renovations.

Our team of Interior Designers

collaborates closely with our
Architects, Consultants and
Masterplanners. They believe
in a seamless experience
from inside to outside and
the power of holistic and
integrated environments.




Office Locations Project Locations

Calgary . Toronto . Montreal . London . Gibraltar . Madrid . Doha . Manama (Bahrain) . Dubai
Abu Dhabi . Abuja . Riyadh . Sao Paulo . Shanghai . Bangkok . Kuala Lumpur . Perth . Adelaide
Hobart . Melbourne . Bendigo . Canberra . Sydney . Brisbane . Darwin . Auckland . New York
44-46 Scrutton Street
London, EC2A 4HH, United Kingdom
T / +44 20 3772 7320

70 City Road, Southbank
Victoria 3006, Australia
T / +61 3 8696 3888

3 /414 Kent Street
Sydney 2000, Australia
T / +61 2 8216 3500


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