Fee Schedule-2017

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The document discusses a fee schedule for empanelled legal services advocates working in different courts and quasi-judicial bodies.

The document discusses a fee schedule for legal services advocates working in district courts, magisterial courts, civil courts, and other quasi-judicial bodies. It provides fees for different types of cases and legal services.

The document provides fees for different types of criminal and civil cases in district courts, such as sessions court cases, bail/remand work, appeals, revisions etc. It also provides minimum and maximum fee limits for various cases.



Delhi State Legal Services Authority

Patiala House Courts, New Delhi

Title Pages


1". Part-L-A
I)istrict Courts & Quasi Judicial Bodies 7-9

Juvenile Justice Boards, Child Welfare Committees &
Child Right Cell 10

3. Part-L-C
Legal Services Clinics L1-12


4. Part-II
Misc. Legal Serviccs Work 13


5. Part-III
Lok Adalats with PLq., NLA & DCIA l4-Ls

6. General Conditions 16-18


Part-l-A (Legal Aid Wing)

Description of Work ruon erieitivi I

Effective Maximum Limit
Hearing of Fee (Per

sEssroNs couRTs
_::: _l Case)

Criminal Case punishable with a

Death, life or lmprisonment of Rs. 600/- Rs,1200/- Rs. 30,000/-
more than 10 years

Other Criminal Session Trial Rs.24,000/-

BaiURemand Work:-

a) Bail a) Rs.L200l- per application

Anticipatory /Regular
(Except during Trial)

b) Remand Work b) Rs. 7,8OOl- per month*

Appeals Rs.480/- Rs.1,800/- Rs.10,800/-

Minimum Fee is Rs. 3,600/- and other misc.

Charges. lf there are more number of effective
or non-effective hearings raising the bill to more
than Rs. 3,600f -, then the payment would be
made as per above fee schedule.

Revisions Rs. 1,500/-

Minimum Fee is Rs. 3,000/- and other misc.

Charges. lf there are more number of effective
or non-effective hearings raising the bill to more
than Rs. 3,0001-, then the payment would be
made as per above fee schedule.

Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077 Poge 7 of 78

Any other additional Legal
Services work assigned by the Rs.4B0l- Rs.720/- Rs. 9,600/-
Secretary for which no specific
fees is provided


Trial before Chief

Metropolitan Magistrate / Addl.
Chief Metropolitan Rs. 360/- Rs.720/- Rs. 18,000/-
Magistrate / Metropolitan
Magistrate (ln State Cases)
(Warrant Trial)

Trial before Chief

Metropolitan Magistrate / Addl.
Chief Metropolitan Rs. 360/- Rs.720/- Rs. L3,200/-
Magistrate / Metropolitan
Magistrate (ln State Cases)
(Summons Trial)

Criminal Complaint Case for Rs.72O/-

Complainant (Warrant Trial) Rs. 360/- Rs. 19,800/-

Criminal Complaint Case for Rs.720/-

Accused (Warrant Trial) Rs. 360/- Rs. 16,800/-

1,1. Criminal Complaint Case for Rs.72O/-

Complainant (Summons Trial) Rs. 360/- Rs. 14,400/-

17. Criminal Complaint Case for Rs.720/-

Accused (Summons Trial) Rs. 360/-

L3. Bai!/Remand Work:-

a) Bail a) Rs. 900/- per application

b) Remand Work b) Rs. 9,000/- per month*

Any other additional Legal

Services work assigned by the Rs. 360/- Rs. 600/- Rs. 6,600/-
Secretary for which no specific
fees is provided

(*) lncluding disposal of a case in Summary Trial e.g. Kalandra or Traffic Challan etc

Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2017 Poge 2 of 78

--ii-T-Tt'rl tJ;t" D',ttr,.t -iloep7

naot. District Judges/ ;,;. Rs. 900/- Rs. 21,600/-

I Family/Labour/lndustrial ln Cases of 'Divorce by mutual consent'

L- --rlhr-^/nnA T-:L.,,^-lnal
Tribunal/MCD/DDA Tribu
minimum fees is Rs. 1800/- and other
miscellaneous charges. lf there are more number
of effective or non-effective hearings raising the
bill to more than Rs. 1800/-, then the payment
would be made as per above fee schedule'

Rs.42ol' Rs.900/- Rs.13,200/-

Execution respect Rs,42Ol- Rs.72Ol- Rs.8,400/-
S.No. 15
18. Appeals/Matters before Rs.a20/- s'. ilU- Rs,13,200/-
Financial Commissioner Courts
Minimum Fee is Rs. 2,2501- and other misc'
Charges. lf there are more number of effective
or non-effective hearings raising the bill to more
than Rs. 2,250f-, then the payment would be
made as per above fee schedule.

1-9. Revisions

Minimum Fee is Rs. I,8OO|- and other misc'

Charges. lf there are more number of effective
or non-effective hearings raising the bill to more
than Rs. !,BOO|-, then the payment would be
made as per above fee schedule.

20. Any other additional Legal Rs.420l- Rs. 9,600/-


Services work in the nature of

main case, aPPlication,
execution or other work
the SecretarY for
assigned by
which no specific fees is


Rs,420l- Rs.720/- Rs, 18,000/-

Trial before SCJ/Addl.

2077 Poge 3 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA -
Judge/Distt. Consumer
Forum/ADM & SDM Courts/
Cantonment Board

22. Execution
Rs.420l' Rs. 6,600/-
in respect of S.No. 21

Misc. Application viz. order 9

420l- Rs. 600/- Rs.7,20Ol-
Rule L3 CPC, Review etc. (excePt Rs.

during trial)

Any other additional Legal

Services work assigned by the Rs.42Ol- Rs. 600/- Rs. 6,600/-
Secretary for which no specific
fees is provided



Law Board/lncome Tax Rs. 600/- Rs. 1,200/-
Appellate Tribunal/Debt
lVfini*u, Fee is Rs. 3,000/- and other misc'
Recovery Tribunal, SCDRC/ DST/
Trade Mark AuthoritY Charges. lf there are more number of effective
or non-effective hearings raising the bill to more
than Rs. 3,OOO|-, then the payment would be
made as per above fee schedule'

Rs. 900/- Rs. 10,800/-

applicable wtlnirurn Fee is Rs. 2,100/- and other misc'

Charges. lf there are more number of effective
or non-effective hearings raising the bill to more
than Rs. 2,1.OOl-, then the payment would be
made as per above fee schedule'

Rs.72Ol- Rs. 7800/-

27. Any other additional Misc. Court
work assigned bY DSLSA/DLSA
for which no sPecific fees is

Poge 4 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2017

For spot insPection;

To the Local
Receivers appointed for
partition of immovable
properties by meets and
bounds for Partition or
other similar civil
proceedings (including
TA/DA); or
For appointing Receivers
(including TAIDA).

(a) Order of the Courts of

a. Rs.10,000/-


(b) Order of the Courts of b. Rs.7,500/-


For recording of evidence bY

Local Commissioners:
(a) Order of the Courts of Rs. 7,500 (plus
DHJS. 1,000/- per
witness, , if
witnesses are
more than 6,
with a
maximum cap of
Rs. 10,000)

Rs. 5,000 (plus

(b) Order of the Courts of
500/- per
witness, if
witnesses are
more than 6,
with a
maximum cap of
Rs. 7,500)

Page 5 of 18
Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077

1. a) Effective Hearing Means: A hearing in a Criminal case where Charge or

Notice, as the case may be is framed against the accused.
b) lt is a hearing which results in recording of testimonies of witnesses in a
Criminal case including cross examination, recording of statement of the
accused uls 2BL or 3L3 Cr.P.C., examination of defence witnesses, if

arguments on any important Misc. application or final arguments.

Similarly, in Civil cases, it would be the date on which plaint/
written statement is filed or the issues are framed, witnesses are examined
by way of filing of affidavit or otherwise, cross examination or a stage on
which any important Misc. application is argued or final arguments'
d) Either one or both parties involved in case are heard bythe court resulting
in passing of an order that decides substantial legal right of the parties,
which may be challenged in Appeal or Revision, as the case may be.
e) provided that if the case is only adjourned or only interlocutory directions
are given or only judgement is delivered by the court, it would not
constitute an effective hearing but will be termed as non-effective hearing.
f) While evaluating any hearing as effective or non-effective, lenient view
shall be taken in favour of effective hearings'
Z. ln the event, two or more cases are pending trial before the same Court/Quasi
Judicial Body and are connected with each other or are such which involve
substantially identical or common question of law or fact or are between same
parties qua the same or similar cause of action or are qua same Suit prOperty,
paid full
only one suit shall be treated as main case for which the LSA shall be
fee. For the other connected cases, the fee payable shall be 1/4thof the
prescribed fee.

3. The fee schedule is devised in a way that provides financial incentives for
attending to more "effective heoring" lhen "non-effective hearing" but the
empanelled advocates shall be duty bound to appear on all "non-effective

in those
4. This fee schedule would be applicable, at Pre-Trial as well as Trial stage,
cases too wherein legal aid has been provided to the victims under
Protection of

Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), Survivors of Sexual Assault


Victims), or any other case where legal aid is provided in compliance of

Orders or otherwise.

5. ln State Cases - Trial on filing of Police Report, payment of Professional Fee

shall be paid as per the following slabs: -

Poge 6 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077
a) Not more than of the total fee on framing of charge/notice including
Rs.1,800/- which shall be payable in advance on assignment of the
case' ln

case of discharge while defending, LSA would be paid 30% of the

total fee'
b) Not more than 7O% of the total fee on conclusion of Prosecution Evidence
followed by statement of Accused u/s 3L3l2Bt Cr.P.C and Defence Evidence,
if anY.
c) Remaining30% of the total fee on final disposal'

6. ln criminal complaint cases, the payment shall be made as under:-

a) Not more than 20% of the total fee upto the stage of passing of summoning
order or dismissal of the complaint uls2O3 of Cr'P'C'
b) Not more than 30% of the total fee in case of discharge of accused

defending in Warrant Trial.

c) Not more than 70% of the total fee on conclusion of evidence of the
Complainant/prosecution followed by statement of the Accused and defence
evidence, if anY.
d) Remain ing30% of the total fee on final disposal'

7. ln civil cases (contested), the payment shall be made as under:-

a) Not more than the total fee on framing of issues (including Rs.1,000/-
20% of
which shall be payable in advance on assignment of the case)' However,

case of summary trials, 30% of the total fee shall be paid on dismissal
of leave
to defend resulting in a summary judgment. On acceptance of leave to
defend, 20% of the total fee shall be payable on framing of issues'
b) Not more than 70% of the total fee on conclusion of Plaintiff's Evidence/
Defendant Evidence.
c) Remaining 30% of the total fee on final disposal'

8. ln Rent/Eviction Matters, the payment shall be nrade as under:-

a) Not more than 20% of the total fee on disposal of an application for leave to
defend uls t4 (1) (e), 1'4A,148,14C and 14D'
b) ln other cases, 20% on completion of pleadings'
c) Not more than 7A% of the total fee on conclusion of Plaintiff's Evidence/
Defendant Evidence.
d) Remaining3O% of the total fee on final disposal'

ln Civil Cases (Uncontested), where the defendant/ opposite party is


2077 Poge 7 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA -
Stage/ Situation Maximum Limit of Fee tn Maximum Limit of Fee in
District Civil Courts Subordinate Civil Courts

Where the defendant is Rs.9,000/- Rs.7,2OO/-

proceeded ex-parte for Non Effective
Non Effective
refusal to accept Effective Hearing Effective Hearing
summons and/or where Hearing
written statement is not
filed or where defence Rs.42O/- Rs. 960/- Rs. 360/- Rs. 600/-
struck off on any

Where the defendant is Rs.12,000/- Rs. 9,000/-

proceeded ex-parte
Effective Non Effective
after filing of Written Non
Effective Hearing
Statement or on Effective Hearing
completion of pleadings Hearing Hearing
and/or framing of
Rs. 1,800/- Rs. 360/- ns. L,zool-
issu es.
Where defendant is Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 12,000/-
proceeded ex-parte at
Non Effective | ruon I Effective
the stage of recording Hearing I effectire I Hearing
of evidence of the Hearing I Hearing
parties. t_-l_ I

Rs.1,200/- In'. soo/-

ll | *r.s6ol-

Payment shall be made in the rr Para No. 6 above,

10. ln case of a Criminal or Civiltrials, revision or appealthe billing for "non-effective

hearing" shall not be for more than 07 occasions in the life time of the matter.
Further, 40% payment of the total fee shall be paid during the pendency of
Appeal or Revision while remaining 60% shall be paid after final disposal of the
Appeal or Revision.
11. lf the matter is referred to Mediation or Plea Bargaining, then after certification
from Mediation Centre or Plea Bargaining Court, as the case may be, about
effective and non-effective sittings, then fees shall be paid for such sittings too if
the effective hearings at the respective forum are more than two' While making
payment of fees under this clause, the incentive clause of payment of Rs' 2,4O0
for such matters would not be applicable.
L2. ln the event of a case assigned to Legal Services Advocate only for legal opinion
or where a Legal Services Advocate opines that no case is made out he/she shall

Fee Schedule, DSLSA- 2017

Poge I of 78
advance paid for
be paid a consolidated fee of Rs. L,2ool-; and in such case any
case preparation same shall be adjusted'
legal aid counsel
13. ln cases, where the legal aid beneficiary does not turn up after
has drafted the pleadings but the case was not filed before the
then fees of Rs. 1200 and other miscellaneous charges shall be paid on
production of draft Pleadings.
On assignment of an application for anticipatory bail by the Ld'
Secretary' DLSA
to an empanelled advocate, payment shall be made only once even for multiple
accused persons. on assignment of a case, payment for moving an

for regular bail before filing of charge sheet, shall be restricted to only two
applications per accused or multiple accused percase, asthe case may

For moving additional bail application in the nature of anticipatory


bail at pre chargesheet stage, the empanelled Legal services Advocates shall
seek prior approval of the Ld. Secretary, DLSA concerned, except in emergent
situation viz. illness, bereavement in family, etc'
15. lnspection of Court Record:
During trial of any case, if legal aid counsel conducts inspection of court
then he shall be paid fees at the rate of Rs. 300/- per inspection and maximum
for three (3) occasions in the life time of the matter'
16. visit to Jail for meeting with the Legal Aid Beneficiary/lnmate:
lf legal aid counsel has to visit a jail to have a meeting with respective accused
who has availed/ has been granted legal aid, then he shall take prior approval
Member Secretary, DSLSA/Special Secretary, DSLSA/Additional Secretary'
Secretary, DlSA/concerned court. For such visit, he may be paid fees
Rs. 2000 including conveyance charges.

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Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077
_ 2OL7



Part-l-B (Legal Aid Wing)

Description of Work Fee Schedule

Juvenile Justice Board (JJB)

Rs. 1,900/- per day

Rs.22OOl- per daY

lnspection of Observation Homes by Legal Services


Advocate (x).
o lnspection of OHB/OHG if it is within 05 Km of JJB I

Rs. 750/-
Rs. 1,250/-

4. I Legal Services Advocate attending cases before the

cwc Rs. L,900/-

lnspection of Children Homes by Legal Services

Advocates (x).

.lnspection of Children Home if it is within 05 Km Rs. 750/-

of CWC
o lnspection of Children Home if it is beyond 05 Km
from CWC Rs. 1,250/-

All lndia Legal Aid Cell on Child Rights (CRC)

Legal Services Advocate duty at CRC Rs.2,000/- per daY with a caP
of maximum 04 visits in a
Legal Services Advocate attends Trials of Rescued Ar p"i Fee Scheduie ,na.t-
Children in Courts Part-l-A

(*) The payment or ,rbpct to the condition that they

shall put in atleast two hours of services on such visit beyond Board/Committee working
It shall be payable for not more than 04 visits in a month to each OHB/OHG and one visit in a
r o $tr] q-gq!! qlE re! -I el!-ei : : ls[gq ]9- t h 9!]
2017 Poge 70 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA -

Part-l-C (Legal Aid Wing)

Description of Work Fee Schedule

Legal Services Counselling of Rape a) Rs.1,800/- per matter including

Victims (Khem Chand's case) conveyance.

Legal Services Counseltor duty at b) Rs. L,50Ol- per

Front Officex (12:00 Noon to 5:00 P.M.)

Visit to Legal Services Clinics from 03 PM to 07 PM

Rs. 2000/- per visits
in Jails subject to maximum of three visits in a
week. Payment will be on the basis of proof
of attendance and a brief report of work
done. Legal Services Advocates are required
to visit the LSC from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

05-20 minutes relaxation for late report

would be granted to the Legal Services
Counsel for visiting the jail and no partial or
full deduction would be made on that count.
Visit to Legal Services Clinics at An honorarium of Rs. L,200 for minimum two
U n iversity/Colleges etc. hours and additional Rs. 400 per hour if visit
extends beyond two hours shall be paid
subject to maximum payment of Rs. 2000 per
sitting. Similar fees would be applicable for
duties assigned to Legal Services Advocates
such as duty at Legal Services Camp, any legal
services to be provided to any beneficiary and
assistance of Legal Aid Advocate is required
for the purpose etc.

Legal Services Advocate duty at Front Rs. 1-,800/- per sitting

Office (10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.)

Legal Services Advocate attending Rs. 6,600/- per month

Helpline No. 1515 beyond office hours
and on holidays

Drafting 1i3t of th; t;tal f;rnclrolne clerkage given

to the Legal Services Counsel. Subject to
maximum of Rs. 3,000/-.

Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077 Page 77 of 78

Minimum payment
pa of charges for drafting of
substantive,e pleadings such as Suit,
Matrimonialial Proceedings such as Divorce,
Maintenancence, Custody, Restitution etc.
Succession,'r, Probate, Memo of APPeal,
Revision, Written Statement, RePlY,
Replication etc. will be Rs.1200'
Rejoinder,, Rt

:ing miscellaneous application(s)

For draftinl
'nore than 10 Pages, minimum
bearing mo
rill be Rs. 500. lt is clarified that in
charges will
respect off other
o miscellaneous applications,
drafting fee would be L/3 of rates of
rearing applicable on such case'
effective he;

7. Typing Charges Rs. 20l- per page

8. Photocopy Re.1/- per page

9. Translation Rs. rer page. However, in excePtional

40/- pe
ual expenses nfaY be Paid at
case, actui
discretion of
o DSLSA/concerned DLSA.

10. Attestation Rs. 20/- per document

(*) lncluding any written advice given by the Legal Services C ou nsellor.

2077 Page 72 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA -
Miscellaneous Legal Services Work

Part-ll (Legal LiteracY Wing)

Description of Work Fee Schedule

Resource Person in Legal Literacy/ Awareness


a. Former Judge of Supreme Court of lndia

Rs. 3,750/- (for 1(a)to 1(e))
b. Former Judge of High Court
c. Senior Advocates
d. Professors
e. Secretary/Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of
lndia/Govt. of States & Union Territories

f. Judicial Officers
g. Associate Professors Rs. 3,000/- (for 1(f)to 1(h))
h. Joint Secretaries

i. Assistant Professor Rs.2,25Ol- per lecture (for 1(i)).

j. Providing Translator, lnterpreter or Sign

Rs. 2,250/- Per lecture or Court
Language Expert or any other expert during the
appearance or any other activity (for l(j)).
course of providing legal services to the
beneficiary as per S. 1"2 of The Legal Services
Authorities Act, 1987.
Rs. 1,200/- per Lecture (for 1(k))
k. Legal Services Advocate/Counsellor
(while assigning duty of resource person to
any legal aid counsel/counsellor for legal
awareness programme beYond 5 km of
office of concerned DLSA, then he must be
paid conveyance charges of Rs. 4001-.1

(i) Rs. L,\OO|- per Lecture (for 1(l))

l. ParaLegalVolunteers
(ii) Rs. 600 to Rs. 1,800/- per person in the
discretion of the Member Secretary/
Secretaryfor engagement in any Legal
Services Work such as Awareness
Canrpaign, Street Plays, Surveys etc.

2077 Page 73 of 18
Fee Schedule, DSLSA -

For Lok - Adalats with PLA, NLA & DCLA

Part-lll (Lok Adalat Wing)

Description of Work Fee Schedule

. ._. _=1_._.__--
po*in"nt Lok Adalat (10:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P'M')

iEJ. Hon'ble High Court Judges (Serving or Retired) Rs. 9,000/-

Offlcers of the Delhi Higher Judicial Service

(serving & Retired) Rs. 6,300/-

Counsellor at PLA
(12:00 Noon to 5:00 P,M.)

lVational Lok Adalat (10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M')

Member Secretary, DLSA and Secretary, High Court Le:gal Rs.

Services Committee (Officers of the Delhi Higher Jud icial


Dtelhi Rs. 4,500/-

Judicial Service)

s;.;;i;*;;-Di;ii. G.i s"i"rc"i-n,ir,"iitv, o''tt- L egal Rs. 4,500/

Services Committees (Officers of DelhiJudicial Service )

Rs. 4,500/
Doctors / Associate Members
Rs. 3,600/-
Additional Public Prosecutor

Administrative Officer/Sr' Accounts Officer/Accou

Office r/Su peri ntendentT Rs. 1,980/-
Officer/Asstt. Accounts
Judicial Assistant/Sr. PA/Sr. Assistant/ Sr, Reader/

Stenogra ph er/Assista nt/Person a I Assistant/ Jud

Rs. L,800/-
Assista nt

UDC & Jr. Stenographer/Jr. Judicial Assistant/Data E

Rs. l-,500/

Poge 74 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 20L7
L2. I toc /oriver
13. I VtS/Peon/ Orderly to Judges

Pre-sitting of Lok Adalat (4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.)

i4. Rs. 1,200/-

I oittri.t Judge, Additional District and Sessions Judges

ers of Delhi
iudicial Service)

Legal Services Advocate/Counsellor duty as Associate

Members with Judicial Officers

L7. Stenographer, Reader or Ahlmad

Rs. 300/-

2077 Poge 75 of 78
Fee Schedule, DSLSA -

Preparation of Bill:-

ln all the Legal Aided cases, Legal Services Advocates shall submit fee bill only on the
basis of number of hearings as per Schedule l-A. ln case a matter gets decided or
disposed of at an interim stage or otherwise and prior to a case touching the
maximum upper fee limit of the case category, the payment shall be made
commensurate with the attended effective/non-effective hearings as per Schedule l-A.
Likewise, in case a matter requires additional hearings beyond the maximum upper
limit, the only maximum fixed fee shall be payable.

It is provided that in case a LSA, LSC or PLV is found to have furnished false bill
malafidely, it would be treated as sufficient ground for immediate depanelment.

Limitation period for filing of Professional Bills:-

Professional bill shall be submitted by a Legal Aid Counsel within one year of final
disposal of case by the concerned Court/Tribunal or of discharge of advocate in the
respective case, as the case may be. The Secretary DLSA/Member Secretary, DSLSA
may, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the time limit not exceeding
one year, if he/she is satisfied that the circumstances were such which prevented the
counsel from submitting the bill within the limitation period.

ln respect of other activities mentioned in the fee schedule, bill shall be submitted by a
Legal Aid Counsel/Resource Person within six months of carrying out or completion (in
case the same is of continuing nature) of the respective activity, as the case may be.
The Secretary DLSA/Member Se'cretary, DSLSA may, for the reasons to be recorded in
writing, extend the time limit not exceeding six months, if he/she is satisfied that the
circumstances were such which prevented the counsel from submitting the bill within
the limitation period.

This limitation aspect shall be applicable for all bills to be raised against duties/work
performed under previous fee schedules as well. lt is clarified where the case has
already been disposed of, Legal Aid Advocate has already been discharged or any
other activity (as mentioned above) has been performed by Legal Aid Counsel prior to
coming into force of revised schedule, then he shall file the respective bill within
aforesaid limitation period commencing from coming into force of this Fee-Schedule.

Promoting ADR:-

tf a Civil, Criminal Compoundable or other case is settled/compromised in Lok Adalat,

Mediation or Conciliation or in plea bargaining proceedings under Chapter XXVI A of
the Cr.P.C., a provision is made for additional payment g|ts. 1,490/:gygEld above

Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077 Page 76 of 78

the fee payable upto that stage.

lf a Civil, Criminal Compoundable or other case is settled/compromised in the Court

itself, an additional payment of Rs. L,20O/- over and above the fee payable upto that

Case Preparation Advance:-

At the time of assignment of the cases both civil, criminal or other Quasi Judicial
Bodies an amount of Rs. L,500/- shall be credited in the account of nominated LSA
towards case preparation charge/miscellaneous expenses subject to adjustment as per
schedule under Part-l-A.


ln case cost is awarded by any Court to a Legal Aid Beneficiary, the cost shall be
deposited by Legal Aid Beneficiary or by Legal Services Advocate with the concerned
District Legal Services Authority only. ln case of deliberate non-compliance of this
provision within two months of receipt of the cost, Legal Aid may be withdrawn from
Legal Aid Beneficiary or Legal Services Advocate would be liable for depanelment, as
the case may be.

Court Fee:-

Court fee will be realized, if the Court so directs on disposal of a petition filed for an
indigent person.

Clubbed Cases:-

Appeals/Revisions or Petitions arising from one common judgment/order

considered as one case, if issues are same.

When misc. Applications are filed in a pending case, including transfer petition only
drafting and typing charges will be payable and no separate fee will be payable.

Supporting documents:-

ln respect of the payment of the fees, the Advocate will be required to submit soft
copy scan of the work done form after getting it verified by Reader/Ahlmad of the Trial
Court apart from sharing the weblink of Judgement/order if any. The advocate may
also produce certified copies of the proceedings of the respective case.

ln the event of any doubt or difference of opinion regarding the honorarium payable,
the decision of the Member Secretary shall be final and binding. However, while

Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077 Page 77 of 78

processing the professional bills of legal aid counsel, DLSAs would follow the
procedure mentioned in circular of Ld. Member Secretary, DSLSA dated !9.t2.2O15.


The revised rates of the Fee/Honorarium shall be applicable for work done
w.e.f. 01.06.2017 Fee bills already settled will not be re-opened, (unless notified by
the Authority).

Court Fee:-

The Secretary Legal Services Authority shall be empowered to decide

of District
applications pertaining to payment of court fee upto Rs. 15,000/- in a given case, ln
case where Court Fee exceeds more than Rs. L5,OOOI-, approval of Chairperson of
concerned District Legal Services Authority shall be obtained.

Publication Charges:-

ln case where an order is passed by any Court for Summoning of party through
publication of summons/notice in any local newspaper or more, the Legal Services
Counsel shall file the prescribed Process Fee within 07 days of the issuance of the
order, obtain copy of the order and after self attestation by the Legal Aid Beneficiary,
submit the same with the concerned DLSA and the charges of the Publication shall be
payable by the concerned DLSA by means of RTGS after obtaining the IFSC Code of the
Publisher/Newspaper concerned, by Cheque or Pay Order or as the case may be'

Absence of Remand Advocate:-

lf the Court with whom Remand advocate has been attached is working as Duty MM on
Sunday/Holiday, then he/she shall be available in the respective Court on that day too
positlvely. Absence of remand advocate without having sought prior permission from
the respective court/DLSA on any day would attract deduction of fees at the rate of
Ll15 of total monthly fees for one day absence.

Fee Schedule, DSLSA - 2077 Poqe 78 of 78

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