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2nd Circular

International Tropical Meteorology Symposium
Advancements in Space-based Earth Observations and Services
Weather and Climate

Organized by:

Indian Meteorological Society Ahmedabad Chapter

Space Applications Centre, ISRO

7-10 NOVEMBER 2017
Dr D Ram Rajak
. .

Organizing Secretary Intromet 2017 -

Room No 4104 .

Space Applications Centre SAC ( )

Ahmedabad 380015 India ,

Under the auspices of
Phone 91 79 2691 4104 O
indian meteorological society
: + ( )

Fax : 91 79 2691 5823


Email imsa sec gmail com

: . @ . new delhi, INDIA
background A very high resolution imager and sounder major themes
provide 3dimensional information of the The main areas of focus of the
Space observations have become an atmosphere in multiple spectral bands. The symposium are as follows
essential and integral component of weather data from this constellation is used operatio- (More details:
and climate monitoring and prediction. nally for providing a myriad of geophysical Space based observations in Monsoon
Satellites have provided observations over parameters for various applications includ- processes including land and ocean surfaces
a multitude of domains: inaccessible zones ing weather forecasting through assimilation
especially hazardous weather systems like in numerical models. The recently launched Use of Space based observations for Early
cyclone, extreme rainfall events, clouds and Scatsat-1 carrying Ku band scatterometer Warning of Hydro-meteorological Hazards
precipitation, large scale circulations, atmos- provides ocean surface winds. Synthetic
Extreme weather events
pheric chemistry, cryospheric studies, glob- Aperture Radar on-board RISAT-1 is used to

al warming, climate change and land-ocean- provide crucial climatic information regard-
Estimation of essential climate variables
atmosphere interactions. Further, the assimi- ing sea-ice displacement as well as other from space based earth observations data
lation of satellite data into numerical weather ocean parameters. Other Indian satellites
prediction models has enhanced the lead like Megha-Tropiques (SAPHIR, ROSA, SCA- Space based observations for agrometeo-
time and accuracy. A global satellite system RAB) and SARAL (Ka-band Altimeter) also rological and hydro-meteorological services
for weather and climate studies includes provide complementary observations. New
a constellation of operational geo- stationary avenues for weather forecasting are also Current and future instruments for meteoro-
satellites, a constellation of operational low- being explored through Global Navigation logical and oceanographic observations
Earth orbit sun synchronous satellites and Satellite System (GNSS) based techniques.
Calibration and validation of earth observ-
other advanced and specially designed
ation data
sensors like Scatterometers, Radar Altimete- With this background, Indian Meteorological

rs, Radio-occultation sounders, Earth radiat- Society, Ahmedabad Chapter (IMSA) with Assimilation of Satellite data in Numerical
ion budget instruments, LiDARs, Hyper- Space Applications Centre (SAC) has Weather Prediction
spectral Imagers and future generation planned to organize an International Tropical
satellite sensors. Meteorology Symposium (INTROMET-2017). Nowcasting & forecasting of met-ocean events
Theme of the symposium is Advancements integrating satellite and in-situ observations
India has been one of the front-runners in in Space-based Earth Observations and
the field of space based earth observation Services for Weather and Climate. The Cryosphere and global climate change
and weather monitoring. INSAT series of symposium will provide a forum for
Land- Ocean- Atmosphere interaction and
satellites, with Kalpana-1 being the first dedi- weather and climate scientists to present
climate change indicators
cated meteorological satellite and INSAT- their research, exchange ideas, opportunit-
3DR the latest one to join the geostation- ies for collaboration and discussion on the A few Special Sessions (e.g. Scatsat-1, INSAT-
ary club, provide 15 minutes temporal cover- current and futuristic aspects of space 3D/R, Monsoon - in memory of D. R. Sikka) are
age over India and surrounding regions. based weather and climate studies. also planned during the symposium.
International Advisory Committee (IAC) Symposium Organizing Committee (SOC) indian meteorological society

Mr. A.S. Kiran Kumar, Secretary-DOS & Chairman-ISRO (Chairman) Mr. Tapan Misra, Director-SAC (Chairman)
Dr. Madhavan Nair Rajeevan, Secretary-MoES Dr. Raj Kumar, DD-EPSA SAC & Chairman-IMSA (Alt. Chairman) Indian Meteorological Society (IMS) is a non-
Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary-DST Dr. C.M. Kishtawal, SAC profit, professional scientific society, with its
Mr. Ajay Mittal, Secretary-MoIB Mr. Debajyoti Dhar, SAC
Mr. S.K. Pattanayak, Secretary-MoA&FW Ms. Arundhati Misra, SAC
Headquarter in New Delhi. It has more than 3,000
Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary-MoES Dr. Som Kumar Sharma, PRL Life Members drawn from more than 100 research
Mr. J.N. Singh, Chief Secretary, Gujarat Dr. Sanjib K. Deb, SAC
Dr. T.N. Krishnamurti, Professor Emeritus-FSU, Florida, USA Dr. Indrani Choudhury Singh, SAC
institutes, universities, user agencies, NGOs, indu-
Dr. Mark Allan Bourassa, Professor-FSU, Florida, USA Dr. Sasmita Chaurasia, SAC stry and students. The main objectives of the soci-
Dr. Detlef Stammer, Professor-University of Hamburg, Germany Dr. Bipasha Paul Shukla, SAC
Mr. Alain Ratier, Director-General, EUMETSAT
ety are
Mr. P. Jayaprasad, SAC
Mr. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, WMO Dr. P.K. Thapliyal, SAC 1. Advancement of meteorological and allied
Dr. Kamal Puri, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia Mr. S.A. Sharma, SAC
Prof. Peter Webster, Chief Scientist -CFAN, USA
sciences in all their aspects,
Mr. D.K. Singh, SAC
Mr. Christopher Velden, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Dr. Markand Oza, SAC 2. Dissemination of the knowledge of such
Prof. Jagdish Shukla, GMU, USA Mr. Pankaj Kanti Nath, SAC sciences both among the scientific workers
Dr. Ramesh Kakar, NASA, USA Dr. S.M. Bhandari, Retd. Scientist, SAC
Mr. Tapan Misra, Director-SAC, Ahmedabad (Convener) Mr. K.N. Mankad, Retd. Scientist, SAC and among the public,
Mr. V.K. Jain, Retd. Scientist, SAC 3. Applications of meteorology & allied sciences
Dr. Jayanta Sarkar, IMD, Ahmedabad
Dr. Narottam Sahoo, Science City, Ahmedabad to various constructive human activities, such
Symposium Steering Committee (SSC)
Dr. Vyas Pandey, Professor, AAU as, agriculture and land uses, irrigation and
Mr. Tapan Misra, Director-SAC (Chairman) Dr. Jayaprakash V. Thomas, ISRO HQ
Dr. Ajit Tyagi, President-IMS (Alt. Chairman) Mr. Piyush Verma, Controller-SAC
power development, navigation of sea and air,
Dr. K.J. Ramesh, DG-IMD Dr. M. Mohapatra, Vice President, IMS, Delhi engineering and technology, medicine and
Mr. D.K. Das, Associate Director-SAC Mr. S.C. Bhan, Vice Presdent, IMS, Delhi
Mr. Virender Kumar, Director-DECU Dr. D.R. Pattanaik, Treasurer, IMS, Delhi
public health etc.
Mr. K.S. Parikh, DD-SNPA, SAC Dr. V.K. Soni, IMS, Delhi The Society organizes National Conference
Mr. Rajeev Jyoti, DD-MRSA, SAC Dr A.K. Sahai, IMD Pune
Mr. N.M. Desai, DD-SNAA, SAC TROPMET every year and International Conference
Dr. Anand Sharma, Secretary-IMS, Delhi (Co-convener)
Mr. Soumya Sarkar, DD-SEDA, SAC Dr. D. Ram Rajak, Secretary-IMSA (Convener) INTROMET once in four years on themes related to
Mr. A.N. Bhattacharya, DD-ESSA, SAC
Mr. H.R. Kansara, DD-MESA, SAC advancements in meteorology and its applications
Prof. P.C. Pandey, Professor Emeritus, IIT Bhubaneswar in various sectors of the society. The society
Prof. A. Jayaraman, Director-NARL
Mr. P.L.N. Raju, Director-NESAC
publishes scientific journal Vayumandal.
Dr. Y.V.N. Krishna Murthy, Director-NRSC venue
Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Director-IIRS
Dr. Anil Bhardwaj, Director-PRL Space Applications Centre, ISRO The IMS was formed in 1957 and is completing 60
Dr. V.K. Dadhwal, Director-IIST years of its journey and TROPMET also completes
Dr. S.C. Shenoi, Director-INCOIS
Satellite Road, Jodhpur Tekra
its 25 years - first TROPMET was organised at SAC,
Dr. S.S. Ray, Director-MNCFC
Prof. S.K. Satheesh, Chairman-DCCC, IISc
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA, 380015 Ahmedabad. Thus, INTROMET-2017 is happy to be
Prof. Ravi S. Nanjundiah, Director-IITM
part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations for IMS
Dr. P.G. Diwakar, Scientific Secretary-ISRO
Dr. Radhika Ramchandran, Director-SPL and Silver Jubilee celebration of TROPMET.
Mr. Ashwagosha Ganju, Director-SASE
Dr. E.N. Rajagopal, Head-NCMRWF
Dr. M. Ravichandran, Director-NCAOR IMS Website:
Dr. T.P. Singh, Director-BISAG Email :
Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, DST
Dr. S.R.H. Rizvi, NCAR, USA Telephone: +91 011 24653728
Dr. Dev Niyogi, Professor, Purdue University, USA
Dr. Frederic Vitart, ECMWF, UK
Dr. Masato Sugi, Ex-MRI, Japan
IMS Ahmedabad Chapter (IMSA)
Dr. Shantanu Bhatawdekar, Director-EOS, ISRO Website:
Dr. Raj Kumar, DD-EPSA, SAC (Convener)
IMSA Email:
Telephone: +91 079 26914024
about space applications centre,
call for papers REGISTRATION
Registration fee for the symposium has
been fixed as given below: Space Applications Centre (SAC) is a
The Symposium will have plenary
Regular fee Late fee major research and development centre
sessions and invited talks to be delivered
(Before 15-09-17) (After 15-09-17) of the Indian Space Research Organi-
by international experts on various International
sation (ISRO). Located at Ahmedabad,
themes and contributory papers. Contri- participants: US $400 US $450
IMS members: Rs. 4000 Rs. 5000 SAC is spread across two campuses
buting authors are invited to submit their
Non-IMS members: Rs. 5000 Rs. 6000 having multi-disciplinary activities. The
original contributions in the form of Students: Rs. 1000 Rs. 1500
core competence of the centre lies in
extended abstracts in English, confor-
ming to any of the above themes with The registration fee may be paid by way development of space borne and air
major focus on the research, technology of a Demand Draft (DD) in favour of borne instruments or payloads and their
and / or field applications. ''Intromet - 2017'' drawn on any applications for national development
The extended abstract shall be limited Nationalized / Scheduled Bank payable and societal benefits. The centre designs
to 1000 words including references at Ahmedabad. It may be paid ONLINE to and develops the optical and micro-
with text in Arial font of size 12 and the symposium account. The Current wave sensors for satellites, signal and
line spacing of 1.5, having maximum 2 Account No is 36430721073 at State Bank image processing software, GIS software
figures. The title of the paper, sub-theme, of India, Jodhpur Tekra, ISRO, Ahmeda- and many applications for Earth Observ-
names of the authors, proposed present- bad (IFSC code SBIN0003967, Swift code ation (EO) programme of ISRO. These
er, corresponding author, mailing addr- for SBI SAC ISRO Branch: SBININBB252). applications are in diverse areas of Geo-
ess, phone / fax numbers, email ID of Duly filled-in registration form along sciences, Agriculture, Environment
all authors and presenter may be clearly with DD or ONLINE transaction details and Climate Change, Physical Oceano-
indicated. has to be submitted ONLINE. The graphy, Biological Oceanography, Atm-
DD should reach the Organizing osphere, Cryosphere, Hydrosphere etc.
submission of papers Secretary at the address given below SAC has active collaborations with
A softcopy of the abstract, along with latest by 10 September 2017. industry, academia, national and inter-
registration form duly completed should national institutes for research and
be submitted ONLINE to intromet-2017 important dates development. The centre also has state-
symposium website : of-art in-house and mobile exhibitions
Submission of extended abstracts &
on or before 30 June 2017. Our further registration form: 30 June 2017 and conducts various training program-
communication to the corresponding Notification of acceptance of abstracts: mes like CSSTE-AP, SMART and TREES
authors will generally be through the 15 July 2017 for propagating space technology and
website and / or email Registration with prescribed fee: applications amongst students and
15 September 2017 public.
call for sponsorship & HOW TO REACH AHMEDABAD about ahmedabad
exhibitors BY FLIGHT
There are regular flights from other major Colloquially referred to as the
cities of the country to Ahmedabad. Manchester of the East, owing to the
INTROMET is a forum for exploring the
Airport(s): Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel thriving textile trade, Ahmedabad
frontiers in space science and technology
International Airport (SVPIA) (IATA: AMD, holds a great commercial and cultural
directed toward meteorological applicat-
ICAO: VAAH) is among Indias topmost importance. The city is also a hub of
ions. This conference will be attended by Information Technology, education and
pioneers in the field including scientists airports. It is located in the Hansol region
industries catering to the need of
and engineers from academia and indus- of Ahmedabad, at a distance of about 10
scientific products among others. Fou-
try. It offers the most recent and comple- km from the city center. The airport is also
nded by Sultan Ahmad Shah in 1411
te view of space based techniques in well-connected to several international
AD, Ahmedabad, in the state of Gujarat,
weather and climate perspective, with destinations such as Singapore, Abu
has grown into one of the most
the widest coverage of application fields. Dhabi, Dubai and New York.
important modern cities of India. Strad-
Sponsors and exhibitors of INTROMET- BY TRAIN
lling the Sabarmati river, this prosper-
2017 will benefit from exposure to Ahmedabad is well connected to other ous city of six million is a delight for
delegates: decision-makers, profession- major cities of the country via regular archaeologists, architects, anthropolo-
als, academics , theorists , engineers, trains. Railway Station(s): Ahmedabad gists, historians, traders, sociologists,
researchers and students involved in Junction (ADI), Maninagar (MAN) and bargain hunters, and tourists.
the broad field of meteorology. Sabarmati Junction (SBT/SBI). The weather condition of Ahmedabad
in November is pleasant. Temperature
INTROMET- 2017 will offer sponsors and TRAVEL MAP FOR VENUE
exhibitors a unique opportunity to varies from minimum 15C to maximum
target their message specifically to 33C approximately. November offers a
mild windy moderate climate and a
attendees through high visibility medi-
pleasant ambience for traveling.
um such as conference souvenir and
stalls. Different sponsorship categories
(Platinum, Diamond, Gold and Silver) are
available for Government and corporate
sectors as per their requirements.

For further information and discussions

regarding sponsorship & exhibition
opportunities, please contact:

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