HTTP Compression - HttpWatch
HTTP Compression - HttpWatch
HTTP Compression - HttpWatch
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8. HTTP Compression
HTTP compression allows content to be compressed on the server before transmission to the client. For resources such as text this can
signicantly reduce the size of the response message, leading to reduced bandwidth requirements and download times.
Some content types such as zip les or gif images are already compressed and do not respond well to compression. In fact, attempting to
compress them can increase the size of the response message and waste CPU time on the server.
Compression is particularly useful where secure SSL connections are used, because it reduces the amount of content that has to be encrypted
on the server and decrypted by the client.
Two compression algorithms are commonly used - deate and gzip. HTTP clients indicate their support of compression using the Accept-
Encoding header as shown here:
A server will only compress content for clients that support compression and will set the Content-Encoding header so that the client knows
which algorithm to use when reading the response body:
If you look at the response message for a compressed page you will see that the response headers are in clear, uncompressed text and the
HTML content is in a compressed binary format:
Example 8
Question: How much dierence did compression* make to each of the following? 1/2
7/4/2017 HTTPCompression|HttpWatch
(* if you are accessing this page through a proxy server it may remove compression)
1. Open HttpWatch by right clicking on the web page and selecting HttpWatch from the context menu
3. Add a lter to capture only gzip compressed pages by adding a 'Response Headers Contain' condition with the value "gzip".
5. You can see the raw response message by clicking on the Stream tab and the compression savings are displayed on the Content
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