Mythos Rulebook

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Mythos: Rulebook

Chaosium Inc. 28 Years of Chaos and still going strong!

Mythos Rules V4.1

February 7, 1997

These rules are identical to those found in the Mythos: The Dreamlands set, with the exception that a graphic has
been added to detail the Dreamlands region color bars.

Your Investigator
Description of the Cards
The Types of Playing Cards
Playing the Game
The End of the Round
Advanced Mythos

MYTHOS is a collectable card game based on the extraordinary tales of horror written by Howard Phillips Lovecraft
and other authors of the 1920s and 1930s. H. P. Lovecraft was a native of Providence, Rhode Island. He wrote or
collaborated on more than 65 tales during the '20s and '30s, using those years as the background for most of his
stories. In the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, Chaosium has further explored Lovecraft Country (the New
England region in which most of Lovecraft's tales are set) and other areas of the world.

In MYTHOS, each player portrays an ordinary person living an ordinary life. Your world is safe, sane, and well
ordered. During the course of play this ordinary person, called an Investigator, discovers dark secrets about the
world. Horrible creatures live in the most remote, inaccessible corners of the earth. They came here millions of years
ago, and once they ruled. Humanity rose after their downfall. Now they sleep and dream of the demise of
humankind, awaiting the day when they will again rule the earth.


The cards provided in MYTHOS: THE DREAMLANDS (hereafter referred to as simply THE DREAMLANDS) are
in all ways compatible with MYTHOS LIMITED EDITION cards (our original MYTHOS release), MYTHOS
STANDARD EDITION cards, and cards to come in future sets. In the Advanced Mythos Rules given at the end of
this booklet are instructions for creating customized decks to challenge your opponent(s). You may use cards from
any MYTHOS set when building a new deck. Every MYTHOS card is printed with the same back design.

There are some differences in the appearance of the face of the cards, but this does not affect card play. In THE
DREAMLANDS the rainbow-colored card border is different, to help you tell which set the card came from. The
Title Bar and special effects box also have a slightly different look, as do certain other elements.

There are also other elements included in THE DREAMLANDS to enhance playability with other card sets. There
are references to certain Languages, attributes, effects, or specific cards that are not included in this set, but make
customizing decks with the Advanced Rules more fun. These references in no way affect the playability of THE


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In the MYTHOS: THE DREAMLANDS starter box you received this rules book, double-sized Investigator Card,
and a deck of 60 playing cards. Each Investigator Card features two Investigators, printed front and back; there are
five different Investigator Cards.. You and your opponent will each use one Investigator when you play. You may
both use the same Investigators.

Take a few moments to look through the cards in your DREAMLANDS deck. Each of the eight different types of
cards included in this game are covered in detail shortly. Every card features a Card Type, Name, a few other words,
a big picture, and some small symbols. Locations are the key cards in the game. Many of the other cards can be
played only if you are at an appropriate Location. Being "at" a Location means that the card is on top of, and right-
side-up on, your Story Deck.

In MYTHOS you play an Investigator, a person from the 1920s and `30s who forms the center of your activities
during a game. The Investigator card describes the abilities of your Investigator: your beginning and maximum
Sanity points (very important numbers), your years of formal Education, the Languages you know, and how many
cards you may hold at the end of a Round.

Each player should use an Investigator featuring different Education values during any one game. If two or more
players demand to use an Investigator with the same Education, each should roll a die. High roller has more
"semesters" of Education. This is important only when determining which Investigator goes first at times when two
or more Investigators have the same Sanity value.

Use your Investigator Card to organize your cards as they are played. Build your Story Deck next to the words
"Story Deck" on the upper right. Your Story Deck will include the Location cards that you play, Events whose
effects have ended, Allies who are buried for one reason or another, and Artifacts, Spells, and Tomes that are buried.
Monsters are also buried in your Story Deck at the end of Combat. Cards belonging to an opponent are never buried
in your Story Deck.

Place your face-down Mythos Threat next to those words on the upper left. Find the words "Tomes & Artifacts,"
"Allies," and "Completed Adventures" also located around the rim of your Investigator Card.

Play most Event cards just outside of the cards surrounding your Investigator, oriented so that the Investigator who
is affected by the Event can easily read it.

A few Event cards are played differently. Travel Events are played face-up, right-side-up on your Story Deck.
Certain other events take effect immediately, and are then buried at the bottom of your Story Deck.

Your face-down Mythos Deck should be placed near at hand within easy reach should you need to draw cards. Your
Discards will be placed face-up beside it.

During Combat, you will move your Threat to the center of the table, pointed at the opposing Investigator that you
will attack. In multi-player games, you can split up your Threat as you wish, with each portion pointed at a target


Your Investigator's Sanity is the most important value in the game. Sanity Points reflect your Investigator's capacity
to withstand the shock of encountering the unutterable horrors that comprise the Cthulhu Mythos. Each Investigator
begins a MYTHOS game with the number of Sanity points indicated on his or her Investigator card.

Use some means of keeping track of your Investigator's Sanity: a 20-sided die, a piece of scratch paper, pennies or
other coins, or our favorite, a bag of 20 marbles.

Sanity will be gained and lost during the course of play. The Sanity cost or benefit of playing a particular card

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appears in the lower left corner of the card, in a small pentagram. Green pentagrams indicate Sanity gains, red
pentagrams a Sanity loss, and yellow the cost for when a Spell is cast. Apply Sanity effects for a Location only when
you arrive at that Location, not while you are walking to it. A Location card is not considered to be "played," and
does not count for an Adventure, until it is turned right-side-up, becoming your Current Location. Always tally
Sanity point additions before taking Sanity losses when more than one card affects your Investigator.

No Investigator may gain more than 20 marbles, nor may an Investigator lose more than "all his marbles." Any
points gained above 20 are lost, and points below zero are ignored.


The goal of each Investigator is to complete an Adventure. There are nineteen Adventure cards included in the THE
DREAMLANDS card array. Each Adventure card lists cards that your Investigator must either have played and are
either around your Investigator Card or in your Story Deck before the Adventure card may be played and the victory
points for that Adventure are earned. The order in which these cards are brought into play does not matter. A basic
game of MYTHOS ends exactly the moment that one Investigator completes an Adventure, or the moment that one
Investigator loses all Sanity points, whichever occurs first.

Add the value for the Investigator's completed Adventure and the value of any remaining Sanity points. Any other
players merely total their Sanity points. The highest value wins the game. If there is a tie and one of the tied players
has completed an Adventure, that player wins.


There are eight types of MYTHOS playing cards. The diagram on the facing page and the notes below explain
particular card features. Pull out any one card and take a look at it. Note which of the following features the card you
selected has.

TITLE BAR: Across the top is the Card Title. The Title is
the formal name of the card. When rules discuss having one
or more copies of 'a card' or 'the same card,' refer to the Card
Title. There are sometimes cards with the same Card Title
that have different effects.

CARD ATTRIBUTES: Location cards feature Location

attributes within the Title Bar below the Card Title. The Gate
symbol, found in place of a Card Value, is also a Location
attribute. These attributes apply to your Investigator when
the card is your Current Location (i.e., when it is the top,
right-side-up card on your Story Deck).

Ally cards feature Ally attributes in this position, Tome cards

indicate the language that the Tome is written in, and Event
and Spell cards reveal the card's target(s) here.

CARD VALUE: The upper left corner sometimes contains a

number which represents either the Card Value (for Allies, Monsters and some Artifacts), the number of Spells
found in a Tome, or the Victory Point value of an Adventure. Some Location cards feature a swirl in this corner,
indicating that the Location is a Gate at which Monster cards may be played. Events feature an exclamation point in
this position, and Great Old Ones and Outer Gods feature an Elder Sign here (presumably to protect us from them).
Spells feature Spell Icons, indicating which Tomes they can be found in.

ADVENTURE is found, in a bar on the left. Next to the Card Type, many cards feature a subtype. For Locations this
is referred to as a subregion. For example, there are many Locations in Kingsport, a city in Lovecraft Country. On a

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Kingsport Location card, the subregion "Kingsport" is found in a bar of green (for Lovecraft Country) next to the
word "Location." Similarly, "Weapons" and "Enchanted Weapons" are subtypes of Artifacts, "Phobias" are subtypes
of Events, and so forth.

PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES: Toward the lower left of some cards, especially on Locations, are small white circles
with pictures inside them. These are the Public Attributes (generalized topographical features of that Location).
There are only five Public Attributes: Water, Forest, Cemetery, Inside, and Outside. A Location will always be either
Inside or Outside, never both. The public attributes of the top card always affect an Investigator, except that when
Walking, an Investigator is always considered to be Outside (even if the card indicates Inside).

SANITY GAIN/LOSS: In the very lower left corner of many cards is a pentagram of either red, yellow, or green.
Inside the pentagram is a +/- number. For red and green pentagrams this is the Sanity points gained or lost when
playing the card. Your Investigator must be able to immediately pay the Sanity point cost to play a card, or the card
may not be played. If paying the Cost drops your Sanity to 0, the game ends at once, and the Card does not take
effect. Cards with a yellow pentagram are Spells. The cost for a Spell is paid when the spell is cast, not when the
card is played. There is no cost to play a Spell card.

SPECIAL EFFECT BOX: This box provides the special rules that take effect while this card is in play. It may also
contain background or flavor information drawn from Lovecraft's stories. When more than one card provides for
overlapping special effects, the latest card played has the dominant effect (though consult the Great Old One &
Outer God rules).

DIMENSIONAL INDICATOR: Some DREAMLANDS cards contain a small blue star

near the lower left corner of the card, between the Sanity Gain/Loss and the Special Effect
Box. Any card lacking this blue star is of our Earth and dimension (referred to as the
Waking World). Cards featuring this star can only be played while your Current
Location is a Dreamlands Location. Cards other than Allies or Locations which do not
possess a Dimension Indicator may be found in any dimension.

UNIQUENESS DOT: Some cards feature a small red Uniqueness Dot located in the lower right corner. If the dot is
present, you may have only one copy of that card in your deck. When you construct decks for the Advanced Game,
you may include more than one copy of other cards in your Mythos Deck, but never more than four copies of any
one non-unique card (indicated by Card Title) in any one deck.


The following are complete summaries of the eight different types of playing cards found in MYTHOS.


Adventure cards provide a recipe of cards that you must play in order to qualify to play the Adventure and score the
Victory Points on the card. This recipe is provided in the form of a narrative, with certain words capitalized and in
bold type.

The capitalized words form a list of cards that you need to play. The words may refer to attributes, types, subtypes,
public attributes, or specific card titles. You do not need to play the cards in the order listed, but you must have all of
them either in your Story Deck or in play around your Investigator Card before you can score the points on the
Adventure. Cards in your Threat (except for Great Old Ones/Outer Gods) do not count until they become part of
your Story Deck. Part of a card title may not be used to fulfill the requirement of an attribute.

Uncapitalized words in bold are modifiers to the cards needed.

EXAMPLE: In the "Come Sail Away" Adventure, the Adventure card reads, in part, " saw a LIGHTHOUSE in
the distance, and finally landed at a PORT in a DREAMLANDS LOCATION." You must have played three different
cards to satisfy this portion of the Adventure: any Lighthouse, any Port, and any Dreamlands Location. Despite the

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story's phrasing, the Port does not need to be in the Dreamlands. If a hypothetical Adventure required a Port in the
Dreamlands, it would read "PORT in the Dreamlands." Finally, the three cards above may be played in any order.

The cards played to satisfy Adventure requirements must be your cards, not the cards played by another player. The
list sometimes includes very specific cards (THE KING OF ILEK-VAD), cards from a general area (ULTHAR), or
cards with certain attributes (A WATER LOCATION).

Each capitalized word in an Adventure must be matched by a separate card. One card can not meet two requirements
on the same Adventure card, but it could meet different requirements of different Adventure cards. Multiple copies
of the same card may each be used to satisfy different requirements on the same Adventure card.

You must come across the Adventure card during the game, have it in your Hand, and play it as a Turn. Score your
points and gain Sanity at the moment that you play this card. In the Basic Game, this ends the game.

You may not complete the same Adventure more than once in any particular Advanced Mythos game.


Ally cards represent personalities who aid your Investigator in the course of a MYTHOS game. Allies are found
only in particular places as indicated by the Ally card Region and subregion. Allies are always tied to Dimensions
unless the special effects dictate otherwise. If there is no Dimension indicated, then that Ally can only be played if
your Current Location is in the Waking World.

EXAMPLE: BARZAI THE WISE can only be played if an ULTHAR card in the West (of the Dreamlands dimension)
is your Current Location.

There are a few Allies who can be played in special circumstances, such as when your Investigator is OUTSIDE, at a
SITE or a HOUSE, or so forth. Some of these allies may be found in all Regions, as indicated by a n uncolored
Region color bar. There are three Allies appearing in the DREAMLANDS card array who can be found either in the
Waking World or in the Dreamlands. Finally, we have published a few powerful Allies who are found in specific
Locations in the PAST. These appeared in LIMITED EDITION MYTHOS and are mentioned only for
completeness' sake.

Allies are always labeled as being either STEADFAST or CORRUPT. Steadfast Allies are generally working
against the effects of the Mythos forces, while Corrupt Allies generally use the powers of the Mythos for their own
ends. It does not matter if your Investigator employs Steadfast or Corrupt Allies. Sometimes, though, one or the
other (or both) are called for as part of an Adventure Card. Note that these are opposites; if a Steadfast Ally becomes
Corrupt, he or she loses the Steadfast attribute. An occupation or special interest is also given. This is used in
Adventures, and to provide color in the game.

Allies frequently know Languages, sometimes very esoteric languages. Investigators are always considered to be
able to communicate with their Allies, even if both know different languages. The languages listed on Ally and
Investigator cards imply the deep understanding of that language needed to glean the horrible knowledge from
Mythos Tomes written in that Language. Allies may have other special abilities, as described in the special effects
box on the card.

If an Ally can know a Spell, it can be any Spell and is not limited to Spell icon restrictions. A Spell may be given to
an Ally on any Turn after the Ally has been played. Spells cast by Allies do not cost your Investigator Sanity, but the
spell is buried once cast. A Spell-casting Ally may later be given another Spell as your Turn.

All Allies are considered to be in the same Location as your Investigator and they travel with your Investigator.

CULTISTS: An Ally noted as a CULTIST may be played in a special way. He or she can be played normally,
alongside your Investigator as an Ally. A Cultist can also be played as a Monster face-down in your Mythos Threat,
at a Gate in a legal Location. Once played as a Monster, the card acts in all respects as a Monster. Ignore the special
effects of Allies played as Monsters. Allies played as Monsters are always considered to be Lesser Independents (a
class of Monster) unless the card classifies them differently (there are several Living Dead Allies).

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Some Allies may allow Joining. This means that they may be played from your hand at the same time as long as all
cards are still legal plays.

EXAMPLE: Brian has the MERCHANT OF ILL REPUTE in his hand. This is a Cultist that can be found in Dylath-
Leen. Since the STREET OF TEARS is in Dylath-Leen, and has a Gate, Brian can play the MERCHANT into his
threat there. This uses the gate. The MERCHANT OF ILL REPUTE now counts as a Lesser Independent until buried
after Combat.

Allies that have a current value of zero or have no listed value are immediately buried in your Story Deck.


Artifacts are special, usually magical, devices, machines, sculptures, and equipment. Artifacts are found in Locations
listing ARTIFACT among their attributes. Artifact cards can have many special effects, only a few of which are
explored in THE DREAMLANDS. MYTHOS NOW will feature quite a variety of Artifact effects.

Artifacts can function as Spell-casters, or can mimic the effects of Spells in their own right. When an Artifact can be
used for Spell-casting, any Spell can be placed beneath the Artifact as your play on your Turn; there are no icon
limitations to the Spell held by any Artifact. As with Spells cast by Allies, Spells cast by Artifacts do not cost your
Investigator Sanity to cast, but the Spell cards themselves are buried after use. An Artifact may later be given
another Spell.

Some Allies Join with Artifacts, and some Locations allow Artifacts to be Joined. Joined cards are played from your
Hand together, but are then separately placed either beside your Investigator or slipped beneath an Ally.

WEAPONS: Artifacts described as Weapons must be assigned to an Investigator's Ally. Each Ally may have only
one Weapon. The two cards, Weapon and Ally, then function as one card and their values are added together. If the
Ally bearing the Weapon is buried or discarded, the Weapon suffers the same fate.

ENCHANTED WEAPONS: Enchanted Weapons provide an additional benefit. Allies bearing Enchanted Weapons
may be placed, face-down, atop any of your Directed Threats when Allies are committed in Combat, adding to your
Threat's strength. The Allies lose any special effects listed on them (Weapon special effects are not affected), and are
buried at the end of Combat. They count as Lesser Independents unless they already have as an attribute one of the
Monster Types, such as Living Dead. Even when in the Threat, the Weapon and Ally act as one card for all
purposes. Defending Allies bearing Enchanted Weapons can see, and defend against, Invisible Monsters.

Some Artifacts say "Give this card to an Ally in play." Some Allies say "you may later assign ... one Artifact card."
In both of these cases, you assign the Artifact to an Ally in play, and they act as one card for all purposes, just as
Allies with Weapons do.

After Austin hits Brian's Allies with a BASILISK during combat, THE OLD WOMAN is flipped face-down. Because
THE WINE OF PNOTH and THE OLD WOMAN act as one card, the WINE is flipped face-down as well.

Other Artifacts work in a variety of ways. Most cost no Sanity, but a few say "Cost X points of Sanity to use." Some
Artifacts have limited uses. They may say "Flip this card when used," "Rotate this card when used," or "Bury this
card when used." A few Artifacts will constantly function as long as they are face-up. These say "This artifact has
constant effect." Refer to the special effect box on an Artifact for specific rules regarding it.


Event Cards feature an exclamation point in the upper left, and include a panoply of various effects with certain
common characteristics. Each effect is applied as described in the card's special effect box. No player can be
affected by more than one of the same Event card at the same time. If one Event adds to a particular card's value, and
a different Event subtracts from the value of the same card, always apply the addition before applying the
subtraction. Each Event special effect description follows a similar format. The Event first notes the Event effect.
Then it describes the means of ending the Event. Some take effect and are then immediately buried. Some remain in
effect until certain other cards are played.

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Travel Events (e.g., SKY GALLEON and YAK) are played on top of your Story Deck, face-up and right-side-up.
Some Travel Events allow you immediately to play another card, as described in the special effects box. Others
become your Current Location. The SKY GALLEON card, for example, is played on top of your Story Deck. On a
following Turn you can play a new Location, but while the Sky Galleon is your top card it is your Current Location.

THE DREAMLANDS introduces the Threat Event, a card played face-down to your Threat. Threat Events are
treated as Monsters of no subtype while in your Threat.

Bury Events at the bottom of your Story Deck when their effects cease. When removing a Phobia that affects your
Investigator, the opponent that played the Phobia buries that card in his or her own Story Deck.


Locations are particular cities and sites important to Investigators of the Cthulhu Mythos. Locations are grouped into
Regions, defined by colors. Locations always belong to a specific Dimension. If there is no Dimension indicator, the
Location belongs to the Waking World. If there is a 'Star' indicator, then that Location belongs to the Dreamlands

THE DREAMLANDS contains a few cards located in the Lovecraft Country region, and many located in various
regions in the Dreamlands. Other regions appear in MYTHOS LIMITED, MYTHOS STANDARD EDITION, and
future sets. Within each region color bar, a subregion is listed. This is a smaller area, such as a city or state.

Locations feature attributes (particular qualities important to that place. Certain Locations bear a swirl in the upper
left corner. This indicates that the Location features the GATE attribute. Gates are special places where the barriers
between humanity and the horrors of the Mythos are weak. You may play a Monster card only when your
Investigator is at a Location featuring the Gate attribute. Gates are one-use. Each player may add to his or her
Mythos Threat only one time at each Location featuring the Gate swirl in the upper left corner; pay any listed Sanity
point cost on the Monster or Cultist card as it is played. As a reminder that the Gate has been used, rotate your top
Location card so that it faces your opponent. This rotated card is still your Current Location, and still counts toward
the completion of Adventures. It does not count as the "orientation change" referred to in some card special effects.
You also might be able to discover one or more TOMES, ARTIFACTS, or ALLIES at Locations. Only one Tome,
Artifact, or Ally may be played per turn.

Many Locations feature special effects that affect other cards in play. Such benefits only affect your own cards, not
the cards of your opponents, unless otherwise noted in the special effects box.

Islands are special Locations found within Regions. You can not walk or use Travel By Land or Travel by Air cards
to go to, from or between Islands, unless special effects say otherwise.

Exotic Locations are the most mysterious places in the Mythos, and are sometimes located on other planets or in
other dimensions. All Exotic Locations require some special procedure before playing that Location card. For
example, you may play the CASTLE OF THE GREAT ONES ON KADATH location Card only if your Investigator
uses a TRAVEL BY AIR card while a STAR EVENT is in play. Exotic Locations are not affected by Events or
Spells that directly affect the top card of your Story Deck.

If your Current Location is ever discarded or buried, examine the card beneath. If it is not a Location, bury it.
Continue to bury cards until Location is revealed. This is now your new Current Location; ignore any Sanity gain or
loss indicated on that card. If there are no Location in your Story Deck, your Investigator reverts to being Outside.


Monster cards represent the creatures of the Cthulhu Mythos. During a Round you may accumulate a pile of face-
down Monster cards representing the Threat that will have to be faced by your opponents in Combat. Monsters cards
can be played only at Gate Locations. You must pay the Sanity point cost for the Monster card before you play it to
your Threat. Many Monsters have special effects that affect an opponent in some way (e.g., the LENG SPIDER eats
Lesser Monsters). These may only be used against the opponent that the Monster is directed towards, unless
otherwise noted. Great Old Ones and Outer Gods are the exceptions, since they typically affect all players.

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Some Monsters only affect opponents if they "survive the Cosmic Battle." These powers may not be used if the
Monster is summoned by a Summon/Control Spell, since there is no Cosmic Battle.

Monsters featuring multiple card values in the upper left corner of the card always count the higher value for
purposes of completing Adventures. (There are none in THE DREAMLANDS, but they do exist in MYTHOS
LIMITED, and may appear in future sets.) You will sometimes have the opportunity to play Monster cards as Allies.
This will usually use a Gate, though specific rules will be on the special cards which allow this. Monsters played as
Allies are placed face-up beside your Investigator card where Allies usually go. Monsters played as Allies are
always considered to be Corrupt. Monster abilities provided in the special effects box are not available to Monsters
played as Allies.

GREAT OLD ONES & OUTER GODS: Monster cards featuring an Elder Sign in the upper left corner instead of
a number are Great Old Ones or Outer Gods. These are the most powerful entities in the Cthulhu Mythos, and are
beyond mere card values. They feature special powers affecting every Investigator in the game. Both Great Old
Ones and Outer Gods are treated identically in this game, and are collectively abbreviated 'GOO.' To play a GOO
you must have in play and active (not just buried in your Story Deck) the two cards listed just below the card title,
and your current Location must feature the Gate icon. Place the GOO face-up beside your Threat. This uses the Gate.
Only one GOO can manifest in any one Threat at a time. Apply each GOO's effects immediately to every
Investigator in the game. GOO effects override the effects on any other card in the game. The effect remains as long
as the card is in play. GOOs may be used for Adventures as soon as they enter play, unlike other Threat cards.

EXAMPLE: Brian's Investigator is in the CAVERN OF FLAME, which is an Underground Gate Location. He
currently has POLARIS, a Star card, in play. Thus, he can summon NODENS, who has Underground and Star as
requirements. This uses the Gate. If Brian's opponent, Meghan, had a Star card out, but Brian did not, he could not
have summoned NODENS. The required cards must be put in play by the investigator trying to summon the GOO.

At the end of Combat in the Round in which the GOO is played, keep it out when all other Monsters are buried.
Rotate the card to face your opponent to indicate this. Bury the GOO card at the end of Combat in the next Round.

INVISIBLE MONSTERS: These entities bypass any Allies committed to defending your Investigator, unless those
Allies have some way of seeing invisible things (e.g., by using Enchanted Weapons). Invisible monsters will not
bypass Monsters in your Threat. Bypassed Allies are not Buried, and return to your Investigator's side.

MONSTERS THAT JOIN: Monsters that Join can be played together from your hand, as one play during one
Turn, at the player's option. Monster cards list the other Monsters with which they Join. Joined Monsters can be
divided as you like against your opponent(s) in Combat.

EXAMPLE: Brian has two LESSER SHANTAKS in his hand. He may play both Monster cards to his Threat at the
same time, because they Join (as described in their special effects box). Let us assume that he also had THE OLD
WOMAN OF THE ENCHANTED WOOD (a Corrupt Cultist) in his hand. All three cards could be played at the
same time even though her card says nothing about Joining, because the LESSER SHANTAK special effect box says
"Joins with Lesser Shantaks and Corrupt Cultists," and each two-card pair of the three cards can also legally Join.
If Brian had two Corrupt Cultists in his hand he could not play four cards at once, because the Cultist-Cultist pair
does not legally Join.


Spell cards represent the use of magical energy, knowledge, chant,

and motion to create changes in the world. Spells are generally
found in Tomes. Some Allies and Artifacts have the special ability
of knowing a Spell without the use of a Tome.

Each Spell is coded with one Spell Icon. Each Tome is also coded with one or more Spell icons. Match the icons on
the Spell with the icons on a Tome to discover if a particular Spell can be contained within. You do not need to
memorize the meanings of the icons, just match them.

EXAMPLE: If a Spell bears the Eye icon, that Spell could be found in (played and slid underneath) any Tome also
bearing the Eye icon, even if that Tome also bears other icons. At the moment that you play a Tome card, you may

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Join appropriate Spells with it. You can also play a Tome, and then later spend a Turn and play a Spell card in that
Tome as long as the Spell icons match. Once Spells are played, they cannot be returned to your Hand or transferred
to another Tome or Ally.

Do not pay Spell Sanity costs (yellow pentagrams) when the Spell is played from your Hand to the Tome (or to an
Ally or Artifact). Spell Sanity costs are paid each time the Spell is cast.

Before a Spell can be cast, it must be in play. On a following Turn, instead of playing a card,
your Investigator can cast a Spell or have an Ally or Artifact cast a Spell. If your
Investigator does the casting (using a Tome), at the moment of casting your Investigator
must spend the Sanity points indicated on the Spell card, indicate the target of the Spell,
apply the Spell's effect, and then flip the Spell card over to show that it has been cast. Leave
the Spell under the Tome card. At the end of the Round, flip all face-down Spells to the
face-up position.

Spells that are cast by Allies or Artifacts are one-use; they are buried after being cast. There is no Sanity cost to the
Investigator for Spells cast by Artifacts or Allies.

Some spells have an instant effect, and others have an effect that continues over time. If a spell featuring an instant
effect is later cancelled (by means of another card), then that instant effect is undone. If a continuous-effect spell is
cancelled, its effect ceases at the moment of cancellation.

SUMMON/CONTROL SPELLS: Each of these Spells works on a specific class of Monsters and can be used to
either Summon or Control one Monster card. The Monster classes are: LIVING DEAD, LESSER INDEPENDENT,
spell in one of these two ways:

Summon: Cast the spell on your turn to play an appropriate Monster (not Ally) from your hand. Pay the Sanity cost
for the Spell and for playing the Monster (if any). The Monster then immediately attacks an opponent, who may use
Allies, but not Spells, Artifacts, or Threat, to defend. If the Monster may be used for travel, as indicated in the
Special Effects box, it may instead be placed right-side-up on your Story Deck. A Location appropriate to the
Monster's ability is then immediately played to your Story Deck as your current Location. Summon may only be
used during standard card play, not Combat. Certain special Locations allow immediate Summonings, and function
as described above.

EXAMPLE: Brian has EMBODY CHARNAL ODOR OF XURA in play, and wants to use it to Summon a Monster.
He casts the spell, spending the SAN and flipping it face down. He immediately brings a LESSER SHANTAK, a 2
point Monster, into play. If the LESSER SHANTAK had a Sanity cost, Brian would also have had to pay that. The
LESSER SHANTAK immediately attacks Brian's opponent, Meghan. Meghan gets no chance to cast Spells or use
Artifacts, and she may not block with Monsters. She is allowed to block with Allies, and announces that THE
CAPTAIN OF THE WHITE SHIP will block. THE CAPTAIN stops one point of damage (and is buried), and
Meghan's Investigator loses the remaining point. Then the Monster is buried.

Control: Cast the Spell during Combat and hope that the correct Monster class is in an opponent's Directed Threat.
If so, you gain control of a random Monster of that class. Add the Monster card to your own Threat (place it
crosswise). Return the card to your opponent for Burial at the end of Combat. Control may only be used during

EXAMPLE: Brian has EMBODY CHARNAL ODOR OF XURA in play. It allows him to Summon or Control a
Lesser Servitor Monster. Meghan is getting ready to attack him with a mass of Monsters, so Brian casts the Spell to
Control a Monster, spending the 1 SAN and flipping it face down. Meghan announces that there are two Lesser
Servitor Monsters in her Threat. Brian randomly takes one, discovers it is a NIGHTGAUNT, and places it sideways
in his own Threat. If Meghan had had no Lesser Servitors in her threat, Brian would have wasted his Spell.


Tomes are books that contain knowledge "that man was not meant to know." In MYTHOS, Tomes represent your
Investigator's accumulated knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos. Tomes are played on the table face-up, to the left of

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your Investigator. To play a Tome your Investigator must be in a location displaying the TOME attribute.

Playing a Tome requires that your Investigator or an Ally be able to read the language that the Tome is written in.
The language that a Tome is written in is listed on the individual Tome card. There are a few Tomes in the
DREAMLANDS card array that utilize more than one language. If, for example, a Tome is written in GREEK &
LATIN, then your Investigator and his or her Allies must among them know both Greek and Latin to play that
Tome. If, on the other hand, a Tome is written in ATLANTEAN OR HYPERBOREAN, then knowing either
language allows you to play that Tome.

Once a Tome is in play, it is always available (Spells may be cast and added) to the Investigator, even if the Ally
who translated the book is later lost.

Some Tomes provide additional special effects while they are in play, as listed on the Tome card. Tome benefits are
never cumulative.

Some Allies say "you may later assign ... one Tome card." In this case, you assign the Tome to an Ally in play, and
they act as one card for all purposes, just as Allies with Weapons do. Spells may be added to this Tome as per the
normal rules.

JOINING TOMES AND SPELLS: Any time that a Tome is played, appropriate Spells may be Joined with it. This
means that Spells in your Hand that match the Tome's Spell icons can be brought into play at the same time (i.e., a
Tome can be played with Spells already in it). You may later add Spells to a Tome, up to the Spell capacity listed in
the upper-left corner of the Tome card, one Spell per Turn, counting as your play for that Turn.


To begin playing a game of MYTHOS, first choose an Investigator. Then shuffle your deck well, and offer your
opponent (or the opponent to your right in a multiplayer game) the opportunity to cut your deck. Your opponents do
the same.


At the beginning of the game, and again at the beginning of each Round, you draw cards from your Mythos Deck
until you have 13 cards total in your Hand. You may look at them. These are the cards that you may choose from to
play on your Turn. You will usually not draw any additional cards until after the Round ends.

On your Turn you play one card from your Hand to the table top in front of you, or use a card that you already have
in play. On subsequent Turns you choose either to again play a card from your Hand, use a card already on the table,
or Pass.

At the end of the Round, after Combat has been resolved, you go through a Discard phase, and then refill your Hand
to 13 cards. Whether you may or must discard any cards is determined by the Minimum and Maximum values listed
on your Investigator card. If you have more cards in your Hand than your Maximum, you must discard any cards
you choose so that you have no more than your Maximum number remaining. You may discard down to your
Minimum. You must keep your Minimum number of cards.

However, if during card play you happen to end the Round with fewer cards in your Hand than your Minimum, then
you must keep all cards that remain. You may not discard any. Cards already in play do not count toward the number
of cards in your Hand.


The Investigator with the lowest Sanity begins play, which then proceeds to the left. If more than one Investigator in
the game has equal Sanity values, then the Investigator with the highest Education (of those tied) goes first.

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At the beginning of each game, and until the first Location card is played, an Investigator and his or her Allies are
considered to be OUTSIDE during the DAY. No other attributes apply.


In MYTHOS, you must play a Location card (in any Region or Dimension) as your first play. After all, all good
stories begin somewhere. Place it face-up, right-side-up as the first card of your Story Deck. You must obey all
instructions in the Special Effects box on that Location card.

Most other cards can only be played if your Investigator is in the proper Location (i.e., if the proper card is your
current right-side-up Location). Events are the most flexible, generally playable in any Location.


Following the play of your first card, you then have more options on your next Turn. If you have an Ally card in
your hand that lists the same subregion as your Current Location, then you can now play that Ally beside your
Investigator. If the Location features the Artifact or Tome attributes, then you can play an Artifact or Tome, as
appropriate, on your Turn.

Events are more flexible. You can generally play Event cards while your Investigator is at any Location. There are
some Events that provide specific instructions in their special effects box. Follow them.


Each player is entitled to one play during his or her Turn. A play is defined as one of the following actions:

PLAY A CARD (or cards) from your Hand and lay it on the table in front of you in the proper place around your
Investigator Card;

ROTATE A LOCATION card from a crosswise orientation on your Story Deck to a right-side-up orientation. At
this moment, apply Sanity gains or losses;

USE ONE ARTIFACT as described in the card's Special Effects box;

CAST ONE SPELL by spending the Sanity points indicated, naming the target, applying the Spell's effect, and
flipping the Spell card face-down;

FOLLOW CARD INSTRUCTIONS requiring your Investigator to lose a turn;

TAKE ANY ONE CARD ACTION requiring a Turn (i.e., Bury a Phobia at an appropriate Location);

FLIP ONE FACE-DOWN CARD face-up, right-side-up, except Spells;


EXAMPLE: Meghan goes to THE TEMPLE OF BOKRUG to get rid of her BATOPHOBIA. Upon arriving she gains
5 Sanity and then loses her next Turn (even if it is not during this Round). Following her lost Turn, she may spend an
additional Turn to bury a Phobia. Burying the Phobia is an action, costing Meghan her Turn, and she may not take
any other actions during that turn. In total, Meghan spent three Turns: one arriving at THE TEMPLE, one
performing the appropriate rites, and one burying BATOPHOBIA.

Playing More Than One Card: You can sometimes play more than one card during your Turn: see the Joining
rules and specific card instructions.

Pay the Sanity cost, or receive the Sanity bonus, at the moment that you play a card right-side-up. You must be able
to pay the entire cost. If you play a card that drives your Investigator's Sanity to zero, the card does not take effect,
and the game immediately ends.

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NOTE: Spell cards feature yellow pentagrams. A Spell's Sanity cost is not paid until the Spell is cast. Other cards
may also require you to spend Sanity points to activate the card, as indicated in the special effects box.


You may have only one copy of a specific card of the following card types in play at any one time: Allies, Locations,
Great Old Ones/Outer Gods, and Adventures. Additionally, each Investigator may be affected by only one card of
any specifically titled Event at a time. Cards buried in your Story Deck are not in play, though they can be used to
complete Adventures. It does not matter what cards your opponent has in play-in the case of Allies, for example,
assume that you have a similar circle of friends.

EXAMPLE: If your Mythos Deck includes four copies of RANDOLPH CARTER, only one of those cards may be in
play around your Investigator at any one time. If RANDOLPH CARTER is somehow lost (Buried in your Story Deck,
or Discarded), you may play another copy of RANDOLPH on a later Turn. Default Target of Card Effects: If a
card's Special Effect does not specify a specific target, then it only applies to your cards and cards affecting your
Investigator, Allies, Artifacts, or Tomes.

Card Rules Priority: Any information or rules printed on a MYTHOS card supersedes the rules given in this rules
book. In the event that one or more cards in play modify similar aspects of the game, the last card played has the
dominant effect. The effects of Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, however, override the effects of any other cards in
play, though a card could be played while a Great Old One or Outer God is in play that modifies the effect of that
Great Old One or Outer God.

Cumulative Effects: Card benefits are only cumulative for one of each card subtype affecting a particular card,
unless otherwise noted.

EXAMPLE: When combat begins Brian's Threat includes a GUG. He is facing a Directed Threat containing both a
GHOUL and a GHAST. Brian's GUG gains a +1 bonus, not +2, because both GHOULS and GHASTS are the same
subtype (Lesser Independent Monsters). If either Brian or his opponent was at an Underground Location, then
Brian's GUG would gain an additional +1 bonus (for a total card value of 5).


Your Story Deck provides a history of the places visited and the things that happened while trying to complete an

Buried cards are placed at the bottom of your Story Deck. Cards that have been Buried in your Story Deck are not
considered to be in play, though they still count toward the completion of Adventures. All cards revert to their
natural attributes once buried (i.e., a Corrupt Ally that was made Steadfast through card play becomes Corrupt again
once buried).

Conversely, some cards will force other cards to be discarded (placed on your Discard pile). They are out of your
story until they are again brought into play.

Before you play your Adventure card, you must have already played all of the listed cards, and they must now be
located either in play around your Investigator card or in your Story Deck. Briefly but colorfully narrate the essential
details of your Adventure, displaying the required cards in your Story Deck and arrayed in play around your
Investigator. Score the points listed on the Adventure card. Imagine this as completing a chapter in a horror story.


Location cards are divided into groups known as Regions. Once you play a Location card in one Region, subsequent
Location cards that you play must also be in that Region. You must play special cards (e.g., Travel By Sea or Travel
By Air Event cards) in order to later play a Location card in a different Region. Regions are further organized into
Subregions - those cities, towns, valleys, and the countryside that make up the character of the Region.

Each Location bears a color-code in the Region Color Bar on the left edge of the playing

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card. Within this bar is also a word or two. Together, the color and word describe the
Region and the Subregion to which that Location card belongs. As established in the
original MYTHOS LIMITED card array, the color GREEN indicates Locations in
Lovecraft Country, PURPLE Locations in Europe, RED the Middle East, and BLUE the
South Pacific. GRAY indicates Exotic Locations that have special requirements for travel
to or from, or existence at, that Location. All Locations (except for Exotic Locations)
within the same color group are considered to be in the same Region.

All of the Location cards published to-date are located in what we call the Waking World,
the world of reality with which we are all familiar. The Region Color Bar for all Waking
World Locations features a solid color, and all Waking World Locations lack a Dimension
indicator. A unique feature of this card array is the introduction of a vast new dimension
called The Dreamlands. The Dreamlands is a very magical and fantastic place, described
by Lovecraft and other authors as an aspect of the Cthulhu Mythos. It is the place that you
go when you dream. THE DREAMLANDS card set features a few Locations in or near
Kingsport (a green color bar), a city of artists located in Lovecraft Country where the veil
between the Waking World and the Dreamlands is thin.

Most Locations provided in this card set, however, are located in the Dreamlands, a new
dimension featuring its own five Regions (The West, The East, The North, The South, and
the Underworld). The Region Color Bars for the Dreamlands are rainbow-blends of colors
that varies for the five different Regions. There are also four Exotic Locations, each with special requirements for
their play as stated in their special effects boxes.

Travel Within A Region: An Investigator can walk between Locations within the same Region. Play the new
Location sideways, across the Story Deck, to indicate that your Investigator is walking. When you are walking, your
card loses the INSIDE but gains the OUTSIDE attribute (if applicable). Otherwise all other public attributes of the
new Location apply to your Investigator, as does the Region Color Bar (but not subregion) and the Dimension
Indicator. On a later Turn you must rotate the Location card to the right-side-up position to indicate arriving at
(bringing into play) that Location. Your Investigator may now use the Location attributes, including the Gate (if
any), and may now find Allies in that place if the Ally card is in your hand. Note that the top card of your Story
Deck does not become your Current Location until it is rotated right-side-up.

You must walk from, to, or between Locations in the COUNTRY, such as those in Mnar. If you walk between
Locations found in the same subregion, both possessing the CITY attribute, then play the new Location right-side-up
immediately. City travel is quicker. You must walk between Locations in different subregions.

EXAMPLE: Meghan is traveling from THE STREET OF PILLARS in Celephais to the TEMPLE OF THE GREAT
ONES in Rinar. Since Celephais and Rinar are different subregions, she must walk, and so places the TEMPLE
sideways. She will not arrive until she takes an action to rotate the TEMPLE right-side-up, probably on her next
Turn. On his Turn, Brian travels from THE GATE OF DEEPER SLUMBER to THE ENCHANTED WOOD. Though
the cards are both the same subregion (the Oukranos Wilds), they are both Country, so he must also walk (Brian
would have had to walk even if only one of his Locations was Country). A few Turns later, Meghan travels from the
TEMPLE OF THE GREAT ONES to HESPER PAYNE'S HOUSE. These Locations are both the same subregion
(Rinar) and are both City, so Meghan does not have to walk. She plays HESPER'S HOUSE face-up, right-side-up on
her Story Deck.

You may play Event cards, cast Spells, find certain Allies, and use Artifacts while walking. You may not use the
attributes of a Location listed under the card name, however, until the Location card is rotated right-side up.

While walking to one Location you might wish to play a different Location card instead. Your previous card never
became your Current Location, and is discarded. It is not part of your Story. You must play your new Location
crosswise on top of your Story Deck, replacing your previous card. This new Location must be in the same
Dimension as your previous Current Location.

EXAMPLE: While walking to the NORTH POINT LIGHTHOUSE, Meghan realizes that she meant to play the OLD
BRICK POWDERHOUSE instead. Rather than wasting a Turn getting to the LIGHTHOUSE, she discards that card

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and plays the POWDERHOUSE crosswise on top of her Story Deck.

If you play a Travel card intending to go to a different Region, and wish to change your mind about playing a card in
that new Region, your may Discard your Travel card and play a new Location in your previous Region, crosswise on
top of your Story Deck.

EXAMPLE: After boarding THE SHIP OF CLOUDS (a Travel by Air card) at THE GREAT BAZAAR (in The East
region of the Dreamlands), Meghan realizes that her hand lacks a Location card in a different Region. As her Turn,
she discards THE SHIP OF THE CLOUDS, and plays a new Location in The East crosswise on top of her Story
Deck. You can also use a Travel by Land card to travel between Locations within the same Region (i.e., within the
same color group, except Islands), following the instructions given on the Travel Card. Travel cards feature their
own attributes that affect your Investigator, and are always played right-side-up on the top of your Story Deck.

Travel Between Regions: Your Investigator can travel between Regions through the use of certain Event cards such
as Travel by Air, Travel by Sea, certain Monsters, and certain Spells. Investigators can not walk from one Location
to another in a different Region. Instructions on the Travel cards tell you when you may play your new Location
card and whether you may or may not play Locations in a new Region.

Travel To Islands: Islands are special Locations found within Regions. You can not walk or use Travel By Land or
Travel by Air cards to go to, from, or between Islands, unless special effects say otherwise.

Travel To Exotic Locations: Each Exotic Location is distinct and unique. Exotic Locations do not together form a
Region; treat each as its own Region for all purposes. You must Travel through Space, Travel Underwater, or travel
as otherwise indicated in the Special Effects box both to and from an Exotic Location. Some Exotic Locations have
other special requirements which must be met before they can be played.

EXAMPLE: Meghan wishes to play her FAR SIDE OF THE MOON card, an Exotic Location. This card's Location
Attributes tell her that the MOON is in Space, so she must use some means of Traveling in Space to get there (e.g.,
Summoning a Shantak). The MOON's Special Effects box also states that Meghan's Investigator may walk there if
she has the BASALT PILLARS OF THE WEST as her current Location, a second option for the play of that Exotic
Location card. She is still faced with the problem of how to survive in Space, once the FAR SIDE OF THE MOON
becomes her Current Location.

Travel Between Dimensions: A Dimension is a universe or time separate and distinct from the natural world as
expressed in the MYTHOS LIMITED and MYTHOS STANDARD editions. All cards belonging to a Dimension are
marked with a special symbol.Cards belonging to the Dreamlands dimension are marked with a small blue star
located between the Sanity Gain/Loss pentagram and the Special Effects box. In the upcoming MYTHOS NOW
booster collection, cards found in the Modern Day are marked with an Atom symbol. Cards belonging to the Waking
World lack a Dimension Indicator. In order to travel from one Dimension to another you must first play a card that
specifically allows you to play a Location in that new Dimension.

Allies, Locations, Tomes, Artifacts, Monsters, Events, and Spells belonging to a particular Dimension can be played
only while the top card of your Story Deck is also of that Dimension. Tomes, Artifacts, Monsters, Events, and Spells
lacking a Dimensional Indicator can be played in any Dimension.

A Dimension Indicator is not considered an attribute, and is not negated by other cards whose Special Effects ignore

EXAMPLE: Austin has built a MYTHOS deck using cards from both the LIMITED and DREAMLANDS editions. His
Investigator's Current Location is the STRANGE HIGH HOUSE IN THE MIST. He has the DISCOVER SECRET
CACHE and PAPYRUS OF ILARNEK cards in his hand. The SECRET CACHE allows you to play Tomes or
Artifacts at a Location regardless of that Location's attributes. However, the PAPYRUS is a Tome that can only be
found in the Dreamlands (it has the Dreamlands dimension indicator). Austin can not find the PAPYRUS, even using
the DISCOVER SECRET CACHE, as long as his top Story Deck card is not a Dreamlands Location.

MOVING LOCATIONS IN YOUR STORY DECK: Some cards allow you to move a Location Card from within
your Story Deck to the top, becoming your Current Location. Ignore any Sanity gains or losses listed on such
Locations unless otherwise specified on the card allowing you to alter your Story Deck. Gates on Locations moved
to the top of your Story Deck may be used again.

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If you have no cards to play, or if you want to try to thwart an opponent's powerful Hand, you may Pass. You may
Pass at any time to try to end a Round, but your opponent may have the opportunity for one more play.

Card play ends, and Combat begins, either when one player Passes twice on consecutive Turns, or if one player
Passes and a second player Passes before the first Passing player gets another Turn (i.e., one player Passes and
another player Passes that same Round before the Turn comes back to the first player to Pass). Passing one time does
not force the second Pass on the part of that player.

A player must Pass if unable to play a card.

EXAMPLE: Brian, Meghan, and Austin are near the end of a MYTHOS Round and Brian Passes. Meghan now has
the option of either Passing or playing. If she Passes, Combat begins. If she plays, then Austin can either Pass or
play. If he Passes, Combat begins. If he plays, the option goes back to Brian. If he does not Pass, the Round will
continue and now requires two fresh successive Passes to end.


In addition to your Investigator, each player also represents an aspect of the Mythos that opposes the other player(s).
During the course of each Round, you may build a Mythos Threat. Cards played to your Threat are not controlled by
your Investigator, though certain Spells allow your Investigator to take control of certain Monsters in your
opponent's Threat.

Your Threat is unleashed against the other player(s) at the end of the Round, during Combat. You are free to divide
the Monsters in your Threat against your opponent(s) as you see fit, though any one Monster card may only attack
one opponent's Investigator. All Monsters, except for Outer Gods and Great Old Ones, are played to the Threat face-
down - hidden from the other players and dormant until the end of the Round. Allies bearing Enchanted Weapons
may be placed, face-down, atop a Directed Threat when Allies are committed in Combat, adding to its value. The
Allies lose any Special Effects listed on them (Weapon Special Effects are not affected), and are Buried at the end of
Combat. They count as Lesser Independents unless they already have one of the Monster Types, such as Living
Dead. Even when in the Threat, the Weapon and Ally act as one card for all purposes.

A player's Threat never attacks his or her own Investigator unless forced to through the use of a Spell or Event.

Once card play has ended by Passing, Combat begins, even if there are no Threats present at the start of the Combat
phase. Combat consists of several steps which occur in the order listed.

Combat starts with the Investigator with the lowest current Sanity (or high Education if Sanity is equal) and then
proceeds to the left. Combat proceeds with the following steps:


Commit Monster cards to attack your opponent. All Monsters in a Threat must be used. Place these Monsters face
down, aimed toward your target. If playing against more than one opponent, the player chooses how his or her
Monsters are allotted against the opponents. Monsters played to the Threat as a group can be split up. A group of
Monsters allotted against an opponent is called a Directed Threat.


Once all players have committed their Threats, then each commits Allies to defend against a Directed Threat. These

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are your Defending Allies. Place Defending Allies face-up, in a stack behind your attacking Monsters. You may also
add Allies with Enchanted Weapons to Directed Threats at this time.

If playing against more than one opponent, you must choose which Directed Threat each Ally will defend against.
Allies will not absorb damage from Directed Threats they do not oppose.


Once all Monsters and Allies have been committed, each player can cast any one Spell or use an Artifact that is
currently available (is face-up and right-side-up). When all Investigators have had a chance to cast one Spell or use
one Artifact, then each gets a second chance, then a third, in order and so on until no Investigator chooses to cast any
more Spells or use any more Artifacts.


Monsters and Allies are now faced off against each other on the table, and are divided into separate Battles. Resolve
Battles beginning with the Investigator with the lowest Sanity. Each player resolves all Battles that involve him,
even those in which he does not have any Monsters committed, one at a time, in an order of his choice. Once one
Battle is resolved, the Investigator whose turn it is then chooses another Battle that he is involved in. If none, then
play passes to the left.

The players involved in a Battle look at their Monsters, and arrange them in any order from left to right. Lay down
your Threat so everyone can see, immediately declaring for Monsters that can be either visible or invisible, and
resolving immediately the effects of Events in play on the Monsters revealed. If questions about the sequencing of
Monster Special Effects arise, resolve these in order of low-sanity first, and left to right.


The Monsters then engage in the Cosmic Battle, fighting one another, outside the scope of normal human
perception. Once resolved, the remainder of the victor's Directed Threat value passes to the human plane of
existence to do Sanity damage to the loser's Defending Allies and Investigator.

Tally the value of your Threat, using the values in the upper left corner of your Monster cards plus any bonuses due
to Special Effects. Tell your opponent this value. Each Monster in your Threat absorbs Sanity loss done by the
Monsters it is battling, one point per point-value listed on the Monster card. First lose points added to your Threat
because of cards that you have in play around your Investigator (e.g., Tomes that add to the value of your Threat if
certain Monsters are included). Then, determine the order in which the Monsters in your Threat absorb the Sanity
loss from your opponent. A Monster chosen to defend against an opponent's attack counters as much of that attack as
possible. Any remaining points, even from Monsters that have taken some Sanity loss, now affect Defending Allies
or the Investigator.


If your Threat has not been able to counter all of your opponent's attack, then Allies defending against that opponent
will now, in turn, absorb one point per point-value listed on the Ally card. You determine the order in which your
Defending Allies absorb the Sanity loss from an attacker's Threat. An Ally absorbs as much as it can before Sanity
loss can be applied to another Ally.

ASSAULT: If your opponent's Investigator is in the exact same Current Location (identical Card Titles, in the same
subregion) as your Investigator, then Allies defending against that opponent must attack as well. These assaulting
Allies are not considered to be a part of the respective Threats.

Total any remaining point value from each Threat after the Cosmic Battle, and add it to the value of the Defending
Allies of the appropriate player. Compare totals of both players. Monsters and Allies now in turn absorb one point
per point of opposition, as normal.


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Any remaining damage (including Sanity loss inflicted by Monsters who avoided combat with Allies) is taken from
the losing Investigator. Subtract the remaining point-value from your Investigator's current Sanity.


Certain Monsters might also have another effect, listed in its Special Effects box, such as the MINION OF
KARAKAL who will take (cause to be Buried) one Artifact per MINION card.


Bury in your Story Deck all cards from your Threat including Monsters, Cultists, and Allies bearing Enchanted
Weapons, whether or not they were eliminated during Combat. Your opponent(s) do the same. Bury any Allies who
absorbed any amount of Sanity loss.


Perform the following actions in the order presented.


Following the conclusion of Combat, each player should consult his or her Investigator Card. You must keep the
minimum number of cards indicated. If you have more than your minimum you may discard cards down to this
number. Should you have fewer than this minimum remaining in your Hand, then you must keep all cards that
remain in your Hand. Your Investigator Card also lists a maximum number of cards that you may keep. You must
discard any cards in excess of your maximum.


Flip face-up any face-down cards. They should end up face-up and right-side-up, ready to be used.


Your Investigator might occasionally suffer a terrible run of luck. None of your cards is playable; nothing in your
Story Deck is needed; your Sanity is plummeting; and life just sucks. Your best option then might be to undergo a
drastic operation: the Voluntary Lobotomy!

You may do this at the end of the Round, and only once per game. Your Investigator needn't be in any special
Location, or have any special cards in play.

Discard all cards in your Story Deck, except for your current Location. Discard all cards in your Hand. You may
keep only cards in play about your Investigator. Spend one Sanity point and reshuffle your Mythos Deck and all
Discards, then draw a new Hand.


Prior to drawing your new Hand, you might desire to reshuffle your discards back into your Mythos Deck to bring
those discards back into play. Spend 1 Sanity point and reshuffle. This point of Sanity must be spent if your Mythos
Deck is exhausted or runs out while you are drawing cards.


Draw until you have the number of cards listed for your Investigator's hand (usually 13). The next Round begins

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with the Investigator with the lowest Sanity. In the event that two Investigators have the same Sanity value, the
Investigator with the higher Education goes first.

There are a few options you may use to make your Mythos game more interesting. We use all of these, and they are
all required for Tournament Play.


Instead of playing a Location as your first card, you may also play other cards that you can legally play. For
example, before you have arrived at any Location (you are still considered to be Outside during the Day), you can
play a LUNAR ECLIPSE card. Playing this card does not require you to be at any particular Location, so its play is


All MYTHOS cards from any edition are compatible with one another. After playing the game a number of times
and mastering the various possibilities, you might want to get other cards either to make your deck more potent or to
change the nature or character of your deck. You may freely mix cards and create a new synthesis. There are more
than 45 different Adventure cards currently available, and other sets are planned in the near future. Your deck must
include at least 52 cards, but may include more. The more cards you add, though, the longer you will need
(generally) to complete your Adventures. Remember that you draw 13 cards for your hand. That is 1/4 of the cards
in a 52-card deck. If your deck features 70 cards, you will need to draw through more cards to get to any particular
card that you need. Try to keep your deck as slim as possible.

When choosing Adventure cards to put into your deck, try to find those that have certain overlapping features. If a
particular Adventure calls for a Corrupt Cultist, then find other Adventure cards that also require Corrupt Cultists.

Choose Adventure cards that total at least 20 points. Completing 20 points of Adventures is one of the ways of
ending the campaign game.

Once you have chosen your Adventures, then collect those cards needed for the Adventures. Usually it is a good idea
to have two of each required card. Frequently, one card can fill the requirements for more than one Adventure. If, for
example, you need a DREAMER in one Adventure, he could also be the STEADFAST ALLY in another. Try to
work with only a couple of cities and a few country Locations. The more focused your deck, the more smoothly it
will play. Make sure that your Allies come from the Locations that you are including. Also, if you are adding
Artifacts or Tomes, make sure that you include Locations where you can find them.

Be cautious about simply filling your deck with Sanitariums. Your opponent can win even if you are at maximum
Sanity if he or she completes more Adventures.

There are a number of places that allow you to bury Phobias afflicting your Investigator. Don't overlook them.
Phobias are nasty.

Add Monsters in addition to those needed by Adventures. Look for Monsters that Join (they play faster). Too many
Monsters will seem tempting, and will be dangerous for your opponent in a two-player game. With more players,
though, you will lose. You can't damage everyone fast enough.

Finally, round out your deck with Events, or other useful or fun cards that you run across. We recommend building
theme decks, based upon your favorite stories, Locations, or even Monsters. The decks can then be named. For
example, you could have a Dunwich deck or a Deep One deck.

Play your deck, and you will probably find a weakness or two. Fiddle with it (adding or subtracting cards) until it
plays smoothly.

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After playing MYTHOS a few times and becoming familiar with the system, we encourage you to play the

You may have more than but not fewer than 52 cards in your deck. There is no maximum, but let common sense
prevail. You must follow the MYTHOS uniqueness rule, including no more than four of any one card, and no more
than one of any card containing a Uniqueness Dot.

In a Campaign, you may complete more than one Adventure. A campaign ends at the moment that any Investigator
reaches zero Sanity, or the moment an Investigator accumulates 20 or more points in completed Adventures. For
longer or shorter games, simply adjust this total.

The moment that you complete an Adventure, discard all cards in your Story Deck except for your Current Location.
Your Threat, Tomes, Spells, Artifacts, Adventures, Events, and surviving Allies remain in place around your
Investigator card. All discards and the remainder of your Mythos Deck are then shuffled, at no Sanity cost to your
Investigator. You are now free to pursue the completion of a new Adventure, but with the benefit of having Tomes,
Spells, Artifacts, Events, and Allies already in play.

At the end of the game, each player totals the values for his or her Investigator's completed Adventures and adds the
value of any remaining Sanity points. The highest total wins the game. In the event of a tie, then the Investigator
with the most completed Adventure points wins. If these are equal, then the game is tied.

The following terms are important for the playing of MYTHOS.

ASSAULTING ALLIES: If, in the phase where Allies Defend in Combat, you and your opponent have exactly the
same Current Location, add any remaining point value from each player's Directed Threat to the value of the
Defending Allies of the appropriate player. Allies then battle Allies.

ATTRIBUTE: These are particular qualities of a card that affect how other cards can be played. Location attributes
dictate the cards that can be played while an investigator is at that Location. Public attributes are found as icons in
the lower left corner. The Gate attribute is indicated by a swirl in the upper left corner. On other cards, attributes are
found in the text box below the card name.

BURY: To place face-up at the bottom of your Story Deck.

BYPASS: Monsters which bypass combat with a Threat will not battle cards in the opposing Threat and instead add
their values when tallying the effect on the opposing Defending Allies or Investigator. Likewise, some Monsters will
bypass certain listed Defending Allies.

COMBAT: A phase of play occurring after card play ends in a Round.

COMMAND ABILITY: The ability of certain Defending Allies to raise the Card Values of other Defending Allies.

COSMIC BATTLE: Monsters in opposing Threats battle one another first, before affecting Defending Allies or an
Investigator. This Cosmic Battle occurs just outside of human perception.

CURRENT LOCATION: The Location card on top of, and right-side-up on, your Story Deck. Includes Locations
at which you have summoned Monsters and Locations whose Gate your have used, but not Locations to which you
are walking.

CURRENT VALUE: The sum value of a card plus modifications due to the Special Effects of any Weapons, other
Artifacts, or Events that modify that card.

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DEFENDING ALLY: An Ally card chosen to defend your Investigator during Combat.

DIMENSION: A vast, self-contained collection of Regions, identified by the presence of a Dimension Indicator.
You may start a MYTHOS game in any Dimension. You may travel between Dimensions only by playing a card
that specifically allows you to later play a card in a new Dimension. Locations and Allies are always tied to a
Dimension. Other cards are tied to a Dimension only if they possess a Dimension Indicator.

DIRECTED THREAT: A portion of a Threat pointed at a specific person in the Combat phase.

DISCARD: Discard when told to by other cards played and at the end of the Round. Discards are out of play, and
may not be used in Adventures, until they are brought back into play by reshuffling.

DREAMLANDS: This is another dimension, distinct from the Waking World, that place that you may go when you
sleep and dream. You may play a Dreamlands Location as the first card that you play, but you may travel to the
Dreamlands from a Waking World Location (or vice-versa) only through the use of special cards. Once in the
Dreamlands, you may only then play Allies and Locations featuring the Dreamlands Dimension Indicator. You may
travel back to the Waking World again only through the use of special cards.

FACE-UP, FACE-DOWN, RIGHT-SIDE-UP: Most cards are played near your Investigator card face-up and
right-side-up, so that you can easily read them. Some Location cards are played sideways, across your Story Deck,
to show that your Investigator is walking to that Location. Rotate the card on a later Turn to right-side-up, to indicate
your Investigator's arrival. Occasionally a card is flipped over, face-down, with the MYTHOS card back showing.
These cards are still in play: they may be used to complete adventures, and Spells and Events may target them.
However, their Special Effects and attributes are not otherwise available to the Investigator (e.g., an Ally's
Languages may not be used). Face-down cards automatically turn face-up at the end of the Round, and cards other
than Spells may be flipped face-up as an action.

HAND: The collection of cards that you hold. At the beginning of a Round draw cards into your Hand until have 13
total. You will play one or more cards from your Hand to the table top on your Turn.

JOINING: Cards that Join can be played together, as one play during one Turn. You must still meet all the normal
conditions for playing these cards. Joining has no effect once cards are in play, and the two formerly Joined cards
may be separated unless other rules supersede this (e.g., Tomes and Spells must be kept together, as must Weapons
and Allies). Two cards may Join as long as one of them allows this in its Special Effects box. More than two cards
may Join as long as every combination of two cards in the group Joins.

JUST CAST: A Spell cast since your last Turn in the current Round and that has not been affected by any other
Card play.

JUST PLAYED: A card played since your last Turn in the current Round and that has not been affected by any
other Card play.

LOST: When card instructions refer to 'cards that are lost' it means cards that are either Discarded or Buried.

MYTHOS DECK: Your shuffled deck of cards from which you will draw during the game. If you run out of cards
in your Mythos Deck, you lose a point of Sanity and must reshuffle your discards.

NEXT TURN: An effect on a played card indicating that something happens "next Turn" refers to your next natural
player Turn, even if that Turn occurs in the following Round.

PAST: Some MYTHOS LIMITED Allies can be played only if your Investigator travels to the Past. The Past can be
reached through the use of some Artifacts and Spells.

REGION: A large area which may be traveled by walking or using Travel by Land cards. Denoted by the region
color bar.

ROUND: A sequence of player Turns beginning with Redraw and ending with Combat and discard.

STORY DECK: A stack of cards summarizing the places that your Investigator has visited and the things that have

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occurred during the course of play.

SUBTYPE, SUBREGION: A subdivision of Type, located just below it. For Allies and Locations, this is a
subregion, and it is in a region color bar.

SUMMON: To play, by means of a Spell or some other card, a Monster card from your hand and immediately
attack with or use that Monster.

THREAT: A stack of face-down Monsters that will attack your opponents during Combat. During the Combat
phase, after you have pointed Monsters at various opponents, your Threat becomes composed of several Directed

TOP CARD: The card at the top of your Story Deck, which will either be crosswise or right-side-up (see Current

TURN: Your opportunity to play one or more cards from your Hand, or manipulate or use a card on the table.

TYPE: One of the eight kinds of playing cards (Adventure, Ally, Artifact, Event, Location, Monster, Spell, and

WAKING WORLD: The term Waking World refers to normal reality, that place with which we are all familiar,
where we live and work. Compare this to the Dreamlands (above). Allies and Locations lacking a Dimension
Indicator are part of the Waking World.

WALKING: Traveling to a far-away location by playing it crosswise on your Story Deck. When you are walking,
your Investigator is affected by that card's Public Attributes, except that you are always Outside. Apply Sanity
effects for a Location only when you arrive. A Location Card is not considered to be "played" and does not count for
an Adventure until it is right-side-up.



DREAMLANDS PRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT: Shannon Appel, Sam Shirley, Eric Rowe, Eric Vogt,
Charlie Krank.

MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Dave Ackerman, Kerie Campbell, Chris Hanrahan, Jenkin, Brian Krank-McLean,
Anne I. Merritt, Janice Sellers, Greg Stafford, Chris Williams, Lynn Willis, and a few curious others.

DREAMLANDS ARTISTS: Chris Adams, Thomas Garrett Adams, Randy Asplund-Faith, Stephen Barnwell,
Edward P. Beard Jr., Brian Booker, Barry Chambers, Alan Clarke, David Day, Dennis Detweiler, Mark Ferrari,
Scott M. Fischer, Dan Frazier, Lee Gibbons, Justin Hampton, Paul Prof Herbert, Heather Hudson, Mark Jackson,
Andrew T. Kalichack, Frank Kanach, Michael Kellner, Michael Kimble, Stephen King, Scott M. Kirschner, Brian
Krank-McLean, Meghan Krank-McLean, Michael Kucharski, Lissanne Lake, KC Lancaster, Anson Maddocks,
Heather McKinney, Jeff Menges, Darrell Midgette, Lee Moyer, Mark Poole, Michael Powell, Roger Raupp, Ron
Rousselle II, Sam Shirley, Douglas Shuler, John Snyder, Strephon Taylor, Susan Van Camp, Eric Vogt, Jason Voss.

PLAYTESTERS: David Ambrose, Edward Andrews, Mark Angeli, Marion Anderson, Catherine Bodine, Kerie
Campbell, Suzanne Corteau, Bob Covey, Dylan Coyle, Rebecca Cullinan, Andy Davis, Jim DeGon, Tony DeMaria,
Gunter Doil, the Duckmaster, Daniel Eastland, Tatiana Falk, David Firestone, Don Frew, Tara Gallagher, Todd
Gregory, Ian Grutze, Greg Hahn, Chris Hudnall, Sam Johnson, Ron Jones, Oliver Juang, Ken Kaufer, Fester
Kegdaemon, Drashi Khendup, Alex Klessen, Meghan Krank-McLean, Donald Kubasak, Pierre LePage, Jessie Liu,
Dana Lombardy, Mike Lutjens, Michael MacLean, Indy Martinez, Ben Masek, Dave McKenzie, Eric K. Larkhan,
Tim Maroney, Jose Matthews, Nick Miller, Ramond Min, Hal Moe, James Nance, Austin Padgett, Derek Pearcy,

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Aaron Pulaski, Rory Root, Judy Routt, Liam Routt, Josh Sawyer-Long, Matt Sawyer-Long, Robert Schroeder,
Michael Schwartz, Michael P. Shea, Kornelis Sietsma, Jennifer Starling, Cheil Stefanski, Marcus Thomas, Dylan
Triebull-Baireuther, Michael Trout, Stephanie Wagner, Dylan Walker, Chris Williams, Kevin Wong, Dustin Wright.
Special thanks to Clay's Comics & everyone at Even Better Games: Kim, Dan, Sean, Phil, Steve, Jason, Jay, Jake,
and Tina.

RULE PROOFREADERS: Janice Sellers, Donald Kubasak.

FETISHES & MEDICINE BAGS: Treesa, Brian, and Meghan.

EXCESSIVE PATIENCE: Jennifer and Rosemarie.

MYTHOS: THE DREAMLANDS is published by Chaosium Inc., and is 1997 by Chaosium Inc., all rights

Unless otherwise agreed to, all artwork original to MYTHOS is copyright by the artists. H. P. Lovecraft's works are
1963, 1964, 1965, 1970 by August Derleth and are quoted for purposes of illustration.

FOR A FREE CATALOG: Chaosium Inc., 950 56th Street, Oakland CA 94608-3129


These rules are 1996-7 Chaosium Inc.

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