SFL Topics From Conference
SFL Topics From Conference
SFL Topics From Conference
S1/2nd COLLOQUIUM 'EVI' + PANEL SESSIONS (11:00- PLENARY LECTURE: Jorge Ars (11:00-12:15) PLENARY LECTURE: Adriana Bolvar (11:00-12:15)
CONFERENCE PHOTO (13:00) 13:15) 13:15)
16:30) 16:30)
S3/2nd COLLOQUIUM 'EVI' Round Table + PANEL
PLENARY LECTURE: Annabelle Lukin (17:00-18:15) (ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE IN TOWN; max. 25 visitors)
SESSIONS (17:00-18:00)
(time to be confirmed)
GT GUEST SPEAKER: Mick O'Donnell (18:15-19:30) AGM (18:30-19:30)
Wednesday 28 June, 2017
Pre-conference SFL Institute (Juan del Enzina building, Plaza de Anaya):
MORNING WORKSHOPS (9:00-13:30) (30 break)
Introduccin a la Lingstica Sistmica Funcional: perfil Systemic Functional Linguistics: An Introduction (Lise Advanced transitivity (Tom Bartlett, Cardiff University,
metafuncional del castellano (Jorge Ars-Hita, Fontaine, Cardiff University, UK) (introductory UK) (advanced workshop run in English)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espaa) (taller workshop run in English)
de introduccin impartido en espaol)
La metafuncin interpersonal en el discurso acadmico Introduction to Corpus Annotation with UAM Intonation in SFL: A Metafunctional Approach (Gerard
escrito (Adriana Bolvar, Universidad Central de CorpusTool (Mick ODonnell, Universidad Autnoma OGrady, Cardiff University, UK) (advanced workshop
Venezuela, Venezuela) (taller avanzado impartido en de Madrid, Spain) (introductory workshop run in run in English)
espaol) English)
9:15-10:30 Plenary Lecture: Experience makes mongrels of us all, but practice gives us pedigrees
Aula Magna,
Tom Bartlett (Cardiff University, UK)
Palacio de
Anaya Chair:
10:30-11:00 Coffee break at Hall, Juan del Enzina building (Facultad de Filologa)
Juan del Enzina
2nd Colloquium on Empirical SFL at Crossroads in SFL at Contrastive SFL at Crossroads in
Evidences and Theoretical Linguistics and Beyond Crossroads Linguistics and Beyond
Session 1 Assumptions in SFL
Chair: Lise Fontaine Chair: Chair: Chair:
Part 1: Challenging theoretical Miriam Prez-Veneros Kenichi Kadooka Linus Ng
Disseminating science in school: A Contrastive study of the Lets deal with this big fat lie once
Stella Neumann and Paula Niemietz Popularization articles as a Modality systems of English and for all: A linguistic analysis of
'projecting' tool in the EFL and Japanese deception in EU referendum
On the process of choosing in
translational logogenesis Christian Matthiessen M Jess Pinar
Fatma Benelhadj
Gordon Tucker Tense and aspects as The expression of interpersonal
Academic authors at the complementary models of meanings in political advertising
Lexis as Most Delicate Grammar or
crossroads: between individuality process time in languages
Grammar as Most General Lexis: A Lsmer Montecino
and the community around the world
Systemic Functional Response to (Im)politeness, social image and
Hoeys Theory of Lexical Priming Richard Awoshiri Kamai Paul White construction of fear and anger in
David Schnthal Analysing and teaching the Theme-rheme weighing in radio programs in Santiago de Chile
dynamics of terminology in English and Italian from the appraisal system
Empirical evidence of the textual
Nigerian and South African life
metafunction in the use of English Ann Montemayor-Borsinger Ruth Breeze
science textbooks: Perspectives
type-noun constructions & Ana Mara Coria
from Systemic Functional Graduation in populist political
Rebecca Wegener & Arianna Linguistics A contrastive analysis of the discourse: Some insights from
Maiorani texture of short stories in Appraisal
Florencia Figini & Norma English translated to Spanish
Instantiation in modelling multimodal Susana Rezzano
communication: challenges and
Scientific Literacy at University
EFL Courses: The rhetorical
structure and the construction of
Field in science popularization
Part 3: Roundtable discussion: SFL at Intercultural SFL at the Cutting Edge SFL at Crossroads in
Empirical evidences and Crossroads of Descriptions of Linguistics and Beyond
17:00-18:00 theoretical assumptions Language
Chair: Miriam Prez-Veneros Chair:
Session 3 Discussion among all speakers and Chair:
Martin Kaltenbacher Corinne Maxwell-Reid
any others present to discuss Karl Haloj
Cultural differences in evaluation How less experienced writers use
answers to the following questions: patterns. Appraisal in British and Ster ar Poentadur: Towards an embedding in nominal groups: the
German news reports and empirically sound description of argumentative texts of adolescent
1. What counts as relevant data
commentary the lexicogrammar of Breton L2 users of English in Hong Kong
and what are the parameters
related to this? Celia Marqus Amors Mara Dolores Garca-Pastor &
2. How should empirical data Isaac N. Mwinlaaru Agustn Reyes Torres
Soft spots in hard news.
inform how we support/refute Appraisal strategies in two British A Prosodic-systemic Analysis of Using systemic functional linguistics
theoretical assumptions? and two Spanish digital ASPECT in Dagaare in EFL writing instruction:
3. To what extent do process newspapers Implementing a genre-based
questions, such as what happens pedagogy with pre-service Primary
within and between individual Education teachers of English
speakers during language
processing and production,
integrate with the (social-
semiotic) system based models
of SFL?
Parte 1b: El aporte de SFL at the Cutting SFL at Contrastive SFL at Crossroads in SFL at Crossroads in
la LSF a los estudios Edge of Descriptions Crossroads Linguistics and Beyond Linguistics and Beyond
del discurso of Language Chair: Chair: Chair:
M Beln Grisola Chair: Sonja Starc Donna R. Miller & Canzhong Wu & Hailing
Agentividad y modo: Jonas Freiwald Antonella Luporini Yu
Representation of Theme in
negociacin de grados de The myth of the marked Slovene language A fine-tuned SSS as appliable What are we doing in
responsabilidad en mensajes
12:15-13:15 Theme in English pedagogical stylistics: A case Chinese government reports
automticos Sheena Gardner & Sylvia
study and their translations?
Session 5 Thomas Hestbaek Xiao Chen
Salvio Martn Menndez Andersen & Alexandra Rebekah Wegener & Laura Bo Wang & Yuanyi Ma
Thematic comparisons
Agentividad: Causalidad y Holsting Trienekens
across BAWE L2 genre- In Search of a Systemic
ejecucin. La proyeccin Clause complexing in discipline-level complexes Textual triggers for emotion Description of Censorship
discursiva de los procesos systemic functional in Poetry: Eye-tracking and and Translation in Mainland
lingustics towards an poetry reading China
alternative description
Plenary Lecture: Context of situation and context of culture: Ideology, semo-history, and the Salamanca School
17:00-18:15 Annabelle Lukin (Macquarie University, Australia)
* Reservations made when registering for the conference. If you did not plan to attend but now you do, ask on arrival at the Registration Desk if there
are still any tickets available to buy (45 Euros)
Saturday 01 July, 2017
Plenary Lecture
The crossroads between discourse and systemic functional linguistics: The grammar of fear in political discourses
Adriana Bolvar
Chair: Nora Kaplan
Parte 2b: La aplicacin de la SFL at Intercultural SFL at Crossroads in SFL at Crossroads in
LSF a los estudios Crossroads Linguistics and Beyond Linguistics and Beyond
contrastivos y de variedades
Chair: Chair: Chair:
y a la enseanza del espaol
Monica Turci Seyedeh Maryam Alavi Nia (Kevin) Long Li
Julia Lavid y Juan Rafael
Zamorano Fictional Biography at the Localizing Attitude: A reworking of A Multimodal Analysis of the
Crossroads. A SFL and Multimodal the Attitude system in Iranian Manipulation of Political Ideology in
El uso de anotaciones bilinges Analysis of Running in the Family by presidential debates Translation
12:15-13:15 para desvelar significados modales Michael Ondaatje
en ingls y espaol: una propuesta Miguel ngel Bentez-Castro & Mara Martnez Lirola
Session 8
basada en la Gramtica Sistmico- Yuanyi Ma & Bo Wang Encarnacin Hidalgo Tenorio Linguistic and visual strategies for
Funcional (LSF) A Systemic Functional Perspective You will love or perhapshate portraying immigrants as people
Diana Chamorro y Gillian Moss on Rabindranath Tagores Stray our proposal: On understanding and deprived of human rights
Birds and Its Chinese Translations redefining Martin & Whites
Patrones de compromiso
AFFECT taxonomy
heteroglsico en clusulas verbales
en espaol