The Jalayirids (Edinburgh2016)
The Jalayirids (Edinburgh2016)
The Jalayirids (Edinburgh2016)
The Royal Asiatic Society was founded in 1823 for the investigation of
subjects connected with, and for the encouragement of science, literature
and the arts in relation to Asia. Informed by these goals, the policy of the
Societys Editorial Board is to make available in appropriate formats the
results of original research in the humanities and social sciences having to
do with Asia, defined in the broadest geographical and cultural sense and
up to the present day.
Patrick Wing
For E. L., E. L. and E. G.
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
List of Illustrations vi
Acknowledgements vii
Abbreviations for Primary and Secondary Source Texts ix
Figure 2.1 The altn urgh: Chinggis Qan and his descendants 37
Figure 2.2 Ilkhan rulers 38
Figure 4.1 The Jalayir gregen relationship 66
Figure 4.2 Amr Chpn at the centre of the Ilkhanid ruling elite 68
Figure 4.3 Shaykh asan Jalayir and the Ilkhanid royal house 68
Figure 4.4 The Chubanids 69
Figure 5.1 Factions following Ab Sads death 76
Figure 6.1 The ancestry of Shaykh Uvays 102
Figure 9.1 Mirj-nma attributed to Amad Ms 188
Figure 9.2Abduction of Zal by the Simurgh, from a Shh-nma
manuscript 189
Figure 9.3 Dvn of Suln Amad, Baghdad, 1403 190
Figure 9.4 Wedding day of Humy and Humyn 192
The Jalayirids
Abbreviations for Primary and Secondary
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
are traced from their origins in the historical record in the tribal society
of the Mongol steppe, through their rise and claims to be the heirs to
theIlkhanate, and finally to the collapse of their authority and prestige in
theworld beyond their domains in the early fifteenth century. Although the
Jalayirid period did see its share of violent conflict, the story of howthe
Jalayirids came to power is illustrative of the political dynamics that
shaped much of the Mongol and post-Mongol period in the Middle East.
The relationship between the most significant elements of the Ilkhanid
ruling elite, the amirs and the court and household of the Chinggisid ruler,
comes into clearer relief when the focus of historical inquiry is taken off
the dynasty itself, and turned onto those non-royal elites who both sup-
ported and challenged the Ilkhanid political order.
The Jalayirid sultans sought to preserve the social and political order
of the Ilkhanate, while claiming that they were the rightful heirs to the
rulership of that order. Central to the Jalayirids claims to the legacy
of the Ilkhanate was their attempt to control the Ilkhanid heartland of
Azarbayjan. This province, and its major city of Tabriz, represented the
symbolic legacy and material wealth of the Ilkhanate, and became the
focus of the Jalayirid political programme. Control of Azarbayjan meant
control of a network of long-distance trade between China and the Latin
West, which continued to be a source of economic prosperity through
the eighth/fourteenth century. Azarbayjan also represented the centre of
Ilkhanid court life, whether in the migration of the mobile court-camp
of the ruler, or in the complexes of palatial, religious and civic build-
ings constructed around the city of Tabriz by members of the Ilkhanid
royal family, as well as by members of the military and administrative
In the years following the dissolution of the Ilkhanate after the death
of Ab Sad Bahdur Khan in 736/1335, the family descended from
the Jalayir tribal amir lg Noyan established themselves first as heirs to
the traditional governors of the Ilkhanates southwestern march lands,
an area that was home to large numbers of Oyrat tribesmen in Arab
Iraq and Diyarbakr, and later as rulers in the Ilkhanid imperial centre in
Azarbayjan. At the height of their rule, under Sultan Shaykh Uvays (r.
757/1356776/1374), the Jalayirids attempted to portray themselves as
heirs to the Ilkhanid political legacy, and continuators of the Ilkhanate,
albeit on a smaller territorial scale. Although the Jalayirids could not
claim to be direct heirs of the last Ilkhanid ruler, they nevertheless could
and did attempt to legitimise their claims to the Ilkhanid legacy through
their family ties to the Ilkhanid royal house, as well as their role as uphold-
ers of Islamic and Mongol dynastic justice, an ideological combination
Introduction and Sources
that had been part of the political programme of the later Ilkhanid rulers
In this endeavour, the Jalayirid sultans, beginning with Shaykh Uvays,
could count on representatives of the old Ilkhanid administrative and
bureaucratic elite. The continuation of the patterns of rule of the old order,
which the Jalayirids sought to uphold, was in the interest of those who
had served the Ilkhanate in Tabriz. Members of the Ilkhanid administra-
tive elite helped to construct the political programme and dynastic history
of the Jalayirids, which linked them to the Ilkhanid past. As a result, the
Jalayirids, ruling from their two capitals in Tabriz and Baghdad, came
to represent a continuation of the Ilkhanid political past, through control
of the territorial heartland of the Ilkhanate in Azarbayjan. This Ilkhanid
political ideal only began to break down when Tmr and his descendants
attempted to reconstitute a larger polity on the model of Chinggis Qans
world empire, of which the Ilkhanid domains were only one part. A shift
in political gravity from Azarbayjan to Khurasan and Transoxiana under
the Timurids in the ninth/fifteenth century marked the end of the Ilkhanate
as a principle for future political organisation. Deprived of Tabriz first by
Tmr, and later by the Qarquynl confederation, the Jalayirid dynasty
receded after the death of Suln Amad Jalayir in 813/1410.
At the heart of the history of the Jalayirids is the question of the rela-
tionship of tribal to dynastic authority in the Mongol and Islamic con-
texts in this period. To what extent did a tribal identity, however defined,
matter in the period after the expansion of the Mongol empire in the
thirteenth century, and the establishment of Chinggisid authority over the
non-Mongol populations of the Oxus-to-Euphrates region? The Jalayirids
rose to prominence in a period in which the dynasties ruled by descend-
ants of Chinggis Qan disappeared in Yan China and Chaghatayid central
Asia, as well as in the Ilkhanate. The tribal ancestors of the Jalayirid
sultans had constituted part of the foundation of Chinggis Qans empire.
Yet, the Jalayirids of the fourteenth century were not tribal chiefs. Instead,
they were products of a military elite that owed its structure and hierar-
chy to the Ilkhanid dynastic state. The amirs within this hierarchy owed
their status and position not to their tribes, but to their relationship to the
khan and the royal family. In addition, members of the Ilkhanid military
elite, like the Jalayirids, were often the sons of royal princesses, who had
been married to tribal amirs to secure political alliances. Thus, the status
enjoyed by one branch of Jalayir tribal amirs within the Ilkhanid imperial
hierarchy put them in a position to establish a new dynastic dispensation
in the eighth/fourteenth century. As this study illustrates, the Jalayirid
sultans owed their success not to their tribal origins or identities, but to the
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
Qan in the formative years of the Mongol empire. However, since it ends
during the reign of gdey Qaan, the Secret History provides no informa-
tion on the establishment of the Ilkhanate, the appanage state founded in
the Middle East by Chinggis Qans grandson, Hleg.
For the study of the Jalayir tribe in the Ilkhanate and the period of rule
by the independent Jalayirid dynasty to the year 813/1410, narrative histo-
ries written in Persian provide the most important sources of information.
Histories written for Ilkhanid rulers, which can be understood as repre-
senting the official dynastic view of the past, began in the early eighth/
fourteenth century. Perhaps the most important monument of Persian
historiography was the Jmi al-Tavrkh, written by Rashd al-Dn Fazl
Allh Hamadn (d. 718/1318).4 This universal history is a collection of
several sections on the history of the world and its peoples, including the
Oghuz Turks, Chinese, Franks, Jews and Indians. Of importance for the
Jalayir tribe and its relationship to the Ilkhanate is the section known as
theTrkh-i Ghzn, commissioned by Ghazan Khan, completed during
the reign of ljeyt (r. 704/1304716/1316), and devoted to the history
of the Mongols and the Ilkhanate. Rashd al-Dn was the Ilkhanid vizier,
sharing this position for a period with his rival, Sad al-Dn Svaj. The
Trkh-i Ghzn was written amid a series of centralising reforms initi-
ated during the reign of Ghazan Khan, aimed at limiting the power of
the tribal amirs and strengthening the central government. It is from this
perspective that Rashd al-Dn provides an account of several branches of
the Jalayir tribe within the Ilkhanate from the time of its establishment by
Hleg Khan in the late 650s/1250s. Particularly useful are the sections
covering the years between 680/1282 and 694/1295, when four khans
came to the throne, three of whom were deposed due to efforts by the
amirs, including prominent members of the Jalayir tribe.
A second major work of the Ilkhanid historiographical tradition is the
Tajziyat al-Amr wa-Tazjiyat al-Ar, better known as Trkh-i Vaf
after its author, Abd Allh ibn Fazl Allh al-Shrz Vaf (d. c. 729
/1329).5 In this history, Vaf deals with events in Iran and Anatolia from
the death of Mngke Qaan in 657/1259 through to the year 712/1312, and
including events in various provinces. Like the Trkh-i Ghzn, Vafs
history is important for its account of the conflicts between the Ilkhanid
dynasty and the amirs, as well as between branches of the Jalayir tribe
itself in the late seventh/thirteenth century.
Another early eighth /fourteenth-
century history is the Rawzat l
al-Albb f Tavrkh al-Akbir wa-al-Ansb, completed in 718/1318 by
Fakhr al-Dn Ab Sulaymn Dwd Bankt (d. 730/1330).6 Bankts
history is essentially a summary of Rashd al-Dns Trkh-i Ghzn, with
The Jalayirids
some extra information from ljeyts reign. ljeyts reign is more fully
dealt with in the Trkh-i ljyt of Ab al-Qsim Qshn, completed
after the year 718/1318.7 This regnal history provides a great amount
of detail in a straightforward style. Qshns work is important for the
information it provides about the Jalayir Amr usayn Grgn, son of q
Bq, who married his fathers wife, ljetey Khatun, sister of the sultan
The late Ilkhanid period produced the historian and financial direc-
tor amd Allh Mustawf Qazvn (d. c. 740/1340).8 Among his three
major works was the afar-nma, a work of verse emulating Firdawss
Shh-nma, and covering events up to 734/133334. Charles Melville has
pointed out the historiographic importance of the afar-nma, as a source
for the Timurid-era historian fi Abrs Zayl-i Jmi al-Tavrkh.9
Qazvn also wrote a prose history, Trkh-i Guzda, completed in 730
/1330. Although it depends in large part on older sources, it does contain
some original information for Qazvns own times. His third major work
is the Nuzhat al-Qulb, which provides important information on the
geography and demography of the late Ilkhanid period.10
Within this category of official Ilkhanid historiography can be identi-
fied a subcategory of regional histories written from the perspective of
the Ilkhanid western frontier in Anatolia. The earliest work from this
category is al-Avmir al-Aliyya f al-Umr al-Aliyya by Ibn Bb
(d. after 681/128283).11 This history of the Saljqs of Rm from c.
584/1188 to 680/1281 was composed in a transitional period in which
Anatolia was incorporated into the Ilkhanid polity, as Saljuqid author-
ity was weakened by pressure from both the Mongols and the Mamluks.
Ibn Bbs mother was employed as court astrologer at Konya during the
reign of the Saljq sultan Kay Qubd I (d. 634/1237).12 Following the
Mongol conquest of Saljq forces in Anatolia in 641/1243, and later, after
the arrival of Hleg Khan in Iran in the late 650s/1250s, the Mongols
attempted to bring the Saljq lands to the west under their control. As
part of this programme of Mongol influence in Anatolia, A Malik
Juvayn (d. 681/1283), Khurasanian administrative official, and author
of the Trkh-i Jahngushy,13 commissioned a history of the Saljqs
from Ibn Bb. Charles Melville has suggested that the commission for al-
Avmir al-Aliyya may have come around the year 676/127778, after
the campaign of the Mamluk sultan Baybars in Anatolia and the collapse
of the Saljq state there. This event would have created the need for a
work of history that asserted the ideas of justice, Muslim piety and ancient
Iranian kingship as a means of connecting the Ilkhans more closely with
Irans imperial past, and thus asserting the authority of the Ilkhans in their
Introduction and Sources
rivalry with the Mamluks.14 Ibn Bbs history is important for the details
it provides about the period of disorder after the Mamluk invasion and
the uprisings carried out against Ilkhanid rule in Anatolia. These revolts
involved several Jalayir amirs, and the eventual suppression of these
revolts contributed to the elimination of certain Jalayir families, as well
as the promotion of the family of the Ilgayid branch of the Jalayir, which
would later found the Jalayirid dynasty.
A second major work from the Anatolian perspective is the Musmarat
al-Akhbr wa-Musyarat al-Akhyr, written by Karm al-Dn qsary
(d.before 734/1333).15 Almost three-quarters of this universal history deals
with the history of the Mongols in Anatolia.16 It was written for the amir
Tmr Tsh, the son of Amr Chpn, the premier military commander and
political figure during the early reign of Ab Sad (717/1317727/1327).
qsary was a secretary and served as the administrator of religious
endowments (vaqf ) in Anatolia during the reign of Ghazan Khan.17 When
the young Ab Sad came to the Ilkhanid throne in 717/1317, the family
of Amr Chpn came to control the affairs of the state, and Tmr Tsh
b. Amr Chpn became governor of Anatolia. qsary composed the
Musmarat al-Akhbr in 723/1323.18 His accounts of the involvement
of Jalayir amirs in the Mamluk invasion of Anatolia in 675/1277, as well
as the involvement of other Jalayir amirs in the disorder there during the
reign of Ghazan Khan, are important for the activities of several branches
of the Jalayir tribe during the Ilkhanid period.
The histories mentioned above were all composed within the context
of Ilkhanid dynastic rule in the region roughly between the Oxus and
Euphrates rivers until the year 736/1335. Following the death of Ab
Sad in this year, the Ilkhanid territories began to fragment into regions
controlled by amirs and local elites, due to the fact that no commonly
recognised legitimate successor existed. Ab Sad did not have any male
offspring who may have ensured a smooth transition of political authority,
and the continuation of the Ilkhanid dynasty. Although many descendants
of the Ilkhanid rulers were alive, often available to serve as convenient
puppets for powerful amirs, the pattern of succession had been settled on
the descendants of Arghun Khan since his son Ghazan took the throne
in 694/1295. Thus, even though several princes descended from Hleg
Khan emerged as possible candidates, there was no unanimous agree-
ment on any of them among the various regional and tribal factions in the
In this situation, the pattern of history writing changed. With no
universally recognised Ilkhanid ruler, historians wrote for patrons rep-
resenting local dynasties that competed for claims to the Ilkhanid throne
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
sultans and the home region of the afaviyya Sufi order.85 Ardabil was
the hereditary territory of Suln Amad Jalayir, and was also under the
religious influence of Shaykh adr al-Dn (d. 794/1392), head of the
order that would become the ruling dynasty of Iran in the tenth/sixteenth
century. Documents drafted by the Jalayirid chancery also reveal informa-
tion about Jalayirid fiscal policies, as well as forms and titles used by the
Finally, literature written by foreign travellers who recorded their
observations of life in the Ilkhanid and Jalayirid territory is a rich source of
cultural, economic and political information. The Maghribi traveller Ibn
Baa passed through the Ilkhanate during the reign of Ab Sad, and
observed life in cities such as Tabriz and Baghdad.86 Later in the century,
the Bavarian crusader Johannes Schiltberger recorded his observations on
Tabriz, as well as reports regarding Tmrs conquest of Jalayirid Baghdad,
and the death of Suln Amad.87 Schiltberger had fought against Ottoman
forces at Nicopolis under King Sigismund of Hungary, and was captured.
He served under Sultan Byezd I from 798/1396 to 804/1402, and under
Tmr from 804/1402 to 807/1405. The Castilian envoy Ruy Gonzalez de
Clavijos account of economic life in Tabriz and Sultaniyya in the early
ninth/fifteenth century also contributes to our understanding of the com-
mercial importance of Azarbayjan to the Jalayirids and all other potential
successors to the Ilkhanate.88
Having provided an overview of some of the most important primary
source materials for the history of the Jalayirids, we turn now to consider
secondary literature which has informed this study. The primary mono-
graph on the Jalayirid dynasty is Shrn Bayns Trkh-i l-i Jalyir.
This work is essential for its survey of the political history of the Jalayirids,
beginning with Shaykh asan, down to the last Jalayirid princes in Iraq
in the ninth/fifteenth century, as well as for its discussion of the adminis-
tration of the fiscal and military departments that the Jalayirids inherited
from the Ilkhanate. Bayn draws extensively on the works ofAhr, fi
Abr, Zayn al-Dn Qazvn and Nakhjivn. She also devotes attention to
social and artistic life under the Jalayirids. While this work provides an
excellent survey of several aspects of Jalayirid history, it does not address
the processes that led to the rise and subsequent legitimation of political
authority of Mongol tribal descendants within the socio-political context
of the Ilkhanate. Tracing the factors that led to this development is an
important aspect of this study.
Works on the Jalayirid period in Arabic tend to follow the pattern set
by Bayn. Nr Abd al-amd ns 1986 work Al-Irq f al-Ahd al-
Jalir 89 gives a thorough treatment of Jalayirid rule in Iraq, including
Introduction and Sources
the Jazira and Diyarbakr, based on Arabic, Persian, Turkish and European
language sources. The work is divided into chapters on the political
background, the administration and its personnel, the military, geography
and land use, the arts, commerce and finance. Shabn Rab urrs
Al-Dawla al-Jaliriyya,90 published the following year, owes much to
Bayn in its organisation and content, also dealing with the history of the
Jalayirid dynasty by ruler, then dealing with state institutions, poets, and
the arts and sciences of the period. A less comprehensive work is Yumn
Riwns Al-Dawla al-Jaliriyya,91 published in 1993, which relies
almost exclusively on Arabic sources in its treatment of Jalayirid political
history, foreign relations, administration, economy, society, culture and
the arts. These studies, like Bayns work which they emulate, attempt to
provide a comprehensive view of all aspects of political, social and eco-
nomic life in the period of Jalayirid rule. They provide a good general, if
somewhat static, overview.
The Jalayirids are the subject of several other shorter articles, including
encyclopaedia entries92 and part of a chapter in the Cambridge History of
Iran.93 This literature provides a good general overview of the Jalayirids
and the political history of the post-Ilkhanid period, from 736/1335 to
approximately the period of Tmrs campaigns in Iran (780s/1380s).
These articles mention that the Jalayirid dynasty took its name from a tribe
that had its origins near the Onon river in Mongolia, and was founded by
descendants of this tribe.94 John Masson Smith, Jr points out that Jalayirid
genealogies usually begin with lg (or lk) Noyan, a follower of Hleg
Khan, and proceed through his descendants q Bq and Amr usayn to
Shaykh asan, who was the founder of the dynasty.95 Little attention is paid
to other members of the Jalayir tribe who were prominent figures in the
Ilkhanate, and the factors that led to the rise of Shaykh asan. The impres-
sion may be, then, that Shaykh asan was the chief among the Jalayir tribe
in Iran and Anatolia, and was thus in a natural position to re-establish the
Jalayir tribe when the Ilkhanid political structure broke down. However,
this does not seem to have been the case, as will be shown in subsequent
chapters. In fact, there were several prominent Jalayir families within the
Ilkhanate during its first few decades. It was not Shaykh asans role as a
leader among his fellow tribesmen, but rather the position he held within
the dynastic hierarchy of the Ilkhanid state, that served as the source of his
influence and authority. It was thus not the tribe but theIlkhanate which
provided the social and political context in which Shaykh asan was able
to lay the foundation for an independent dynasty in the eighth/fourteenth
century. senbike Togan and Charles Melville have suggested that the end
of the Ilkhanate resulted in a return to tribalism as the primary political
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
1. H. R. Roemer, The Jalayirids, Muzaffarids and Sarbadrs, in Peter Jackson
and Laurence Lockhart (eds), The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 6:
The Timurid and Safavid Periods (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1986), 3.
2. Scholarship supplementing the study of the Secret History of the Mongols
includes: Lajos Bese, Some Turkic Personal Names in the Secret History
of the Mongols, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
32:3 (1978): 35369; J. A. Boyle, Iru and Maru in the Secret History
of the Mongols, HJAS 17 (1954): 40310; Gari Ledyard, The Mongol
Campaigns in Korea and the Dating of the Secret History of the Mongols,
CAJ 9 (1964): 122; Hidehiro Okada, The Secret History of the Mongols,
a Pseudo-Historical Novel, Journal of Asian and African Studies [Tokyo]
5 (1972): 618; Nicholas Poppe, On Some Proper Names in the Secret
History, in G. Dcsy (ed.), Eurasia Nostratica: Festschrift fr Karl
Heinrich Menges, Band III (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1977), 1617;
N. P. Shastina, Mongol and Turkic Ethnonyms in the Secret History of the
Mongols, in Louis Ligeti (ed.), Researches in Altaic Languages (Budapest:
Akadmia Kiad, 1975), 23144.
3. Francis Woodman Cleaves (ed. and trans.), The Secret History of the
Mongols (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982); Urgunge
Onon (trans.), The Secret History of the Mongols: The Life and Times of
Chinggis Khan (Richmond: Curzon, 2001); Igor de Rachewiltz (trans.),
The Secret History of the Mongols: A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the
Thirteenth Century (Leiden: Brill, 2004).
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
in 1351 by the monk Jean le Long dYpres, as Traitiez des estas et des con-
ditions de quatorze royaumes de Asie.
77. Avedis K. Sanjian (ed. and trans.), Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts,
13011480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1969).
78. Tovma Metsobetsi, History of Tamerlane and His Successors, trans.
Robert Bedrosian (New York: Sources of the Armenian Tradition, 1987).
79. Vladimir Minorsky, Thomas of Metsop on the Timurid-Turkman Wars,
in The Turks, Iran and the Caucasus in the Middle Ages (London: Variorum
Reprints, 1978), XI, 126.
80. Bar Hebraeus, The Chronography of Gregory Abl Faraj, the Son of
Aaron, the Hebrew Physician Commonly Known as Bar Hebraeus Being
the First Part of his Political History of the World, trans. Ernest A. Wallis
Budge (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1932).
81. Abd Allh ibn Muammad ibn Kiy al-Mzandarn, Die Resl-ye
Falakiyy des Abdollh Ibn Moammad Ibn Kiy al-Mzandarn: Ein
persischer Leitfaden des staatlichen Rechnungswesens (um 1363), ed.
Walther Hinz (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1952).
82. Ferdn Amed Bey, Mecma-yi Mnset-i Seln (Istanbul: Dr al-iba
al-mira, 1848). See also Edward Granville Browne, A Literary History
of Persia, Volume 3: The Tartar Dominion (12651502) (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1956), 2046; Babinger/GdO, 1068 (no. 89).
83. Dawlatshh/Tazkira.
84. Storey/Persian Literature, 3:2501 (no. 426).
85. Gottfried Herrmann, Persische Urkunden der Mongolenzeit (Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004); Gottfried Herrmann and Gerhard Doerfer, Ein
persisch-mongolischer Erla des alyeriden ey Oveys, CAJ 19 (1975):
184; Gottfried Herrmann, Ein Erla des alyeriden Soln oseyn aus
dem Jahr 780/1378, in Erkenntnisse und Meinungen I herausgegeben von
Gernot Wiener (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1973), 13563.
86. Ibn Baa, Rilat Ibn Baa: al-Musamm Tufat al-Nur f Gharib
al-Amr wa-Ajib al-Asfr (Mir: al-Maktaba al-Tijriyya al-Kubr,
1964); Ibn Baa, The Travels of Ibn Baa, a.d. 13251354, trans.
H.A.R. Gibb (Cambridge: Hakluyt Society at the University Press, 1971).
See Brockelmann/GAL, 2:3323.
87. Johannes Schiltberger, The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger: A
Native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 13961427, ed. P. Bruun,
trans. J. Buchan Telfer (New York: Burt Franklin, 1970; reprinted from
London: Hakluyt Society, 1879).
88. Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, Embassy to Tamerlane, 14031406, trans. Guy
Le Strange (London: George Routledge and Sons, 1928).
89. Nr Abd al-amd n, Al-Irq f al-Ahd al-Jalir: 738814 h/1337
1411 M: Dirsa f Awihi al-Idriyya wa-al-Iqtidiyya (Baghdad: Dr
al-Shun al-Thaqfiyya al-mma, 1986).
Introduction and Sources
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirid dynasty takes its name from Jalayir, the name of a Mongolian
tribe from which it was descended. In order to understand the historical
factors that led to members of the Jalayir establishing an Islamic sultanate
in Iran and Iraq in the fourteenth century, we need first to examine some
aspects of tribal society in inner Asia. Foremost, we need to address the
question, what do we mean when we talk about tribes? This chapter
provides an overview of scholarship on inner Asian tribes, particularly
those in Mongolia on the eve of the empire of Chinggis Qan. In addition,
the impact of the Chinggisid empire on the tribes, and particularly on the
Jalayir, is explored. The foundation of the empire resulted in a Jalayir
diaspora, as members of this group were redistributed across Eurasia in
accordance with new imperial political and social institutions.
The Jalayirids
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
The Jalayirids
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
The Jalayirids
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
were determined by the historic processes that shaped the Mongol empire
and its successor states. For the descendants of the Jalayir tribe that
founded a dynasty in Iraq and Azarbayjan in the eighth/fourteenth century,
the tribe was replaced by the Chinggisid dynastic state as the source of
political ideology and the context in which political action was taken.
The Jalayirids
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
I Chinggis Qan
Jochid Khans
The Jalayirids
I Hleg (r.656/1258663/1265)
IX Ab Sa d (r. 717/1317736/1335)
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
The Jalayirids
political category after this process began. Jalayir individuals did not act
within the bounds of a Jalayir political organisation, but rather within the
framework of the ulses ruled by members of the Chinggisid family. We
can speak, then, of a Jalayir diaspora, in which individuals were sent to
various corners of the empire, under the command of different Chinggisid
Here we will discuss some prominent Jalayir amirs and officials who
are mentioned in historical sources particularly Rashd al-Dns Jmi al-
Tavrkh who served Chinggisids in China, Transoxiana and the steppe.
The Jalayir who served in the Ilkhanate in Iran will be discussed separately
in Chapter 3. As will be shown, the Chinggisid empire transformed the
social and political relationships of the Jalayir, ensuring that loyalties and
interests would come to rest not necessarily with fellow Jalayir tribesmen,
but with the Chinggisid royal family.
Perhaps the most prominent Jalayir individual of the early period of the
Mongol empire was Muql, who became the supreme commander and
virtual ruler of northern China by the time of his death in 1223. Muql had
been given to Chinggis Qan as a personal servant by his father, and served
in the Mongol campaigns to break the power of the steppe confederations
of the Tatar, Kereyit and Nayman in the early 1200s.47 At the quriltay
of 1206, Muql was named tmen commander, that is, commander of
10,000.48 Muql served in the Mongol campaigns in China in the 1210s,
and in 1217 Chinggis Qan named him commander-in-chief of all of north-
ern China, and granted him the hereditary titles of grand preceptor (taishi)
and prince-of-state (gi-ong).49 In Persian sources, he was known as
Muql Guyang, derived from this Chinese title. In his tmen unit, Muql
commanded two hazras (units of 1,000) of Jalayir troops, as well as
Onggut, Qushiqul, Uruut and others. He was also assigned units of Khitan
and Jrchen auxiliaries (chark).50 Muqls son, Bool, succeeded him in
his role of gi-ong in northern China.51
In addition to Muql, other Jalayir individuals are mentioned in the
Secret History of the Mongols as allies of Temjin early on. These include
Seche Domoq and his sons Harqay and Bala. Following the Mongol
invasion of Khwarazm in the early 1220s, Bala was sent in pursuit of the
fleeing Khwrazmshh Jall al-Dn.52 Rashd al-Dn also mentions that
their relatives included a certain Ughn, a hazra commander posted to
Kirman in Iran.53 These were some of the first Jalayir tribesmen who came
to the Muslim lands west of the Jaxartes river.
Members of the Jalayir and other tribes were also assigned to the
service of the various sons and grandsons of Chinggis Qan. Both territory
and personnel were distributed to these princes as part of their share in
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
the empire. One of the most important of the princely households during
the early period of the Mongol empire was that of Chinggis Qans third
son and heir to the imperial throne, gdey. The sons of one of Chinggis
Qans Jalayir attendants named Qadan passed into gdeys service as
part of his inheritance. One of these sons, lg, had been gdeys tutor
(atabeg) during his childhood, and also commanded one of gdeys
personal hazra units.54 lgs son, Dnishmand, is also mentioned as the
envoy of Qaydu to the court of the Ilkhan Abaqa (r. 663/1265680/1282).
Qaydu was an gdeyid who held the dominant power in the central
Asian Chaghatayid uls during the last third of the seventh/thirteenth
century.55 This seems to indicate that Dnishmand continued to serve the
gdeyids after the accession of Mngke Qaan in 649/1251 and the sub-
sequent purge of many gdeyid princes.
lgs brother, lchdy, also served gdey and his family, and
was mentioned by Rashd al-Dn in his account of the civil war between
the gdeyids and the Toluids after 1248. lchdy objected to Mngke
Qaans accession to the imperial throne by saying:
You all decided and said that as long as there remains a piece of flesh from the
children of gdey Qaan, [even] if he is wrapped in grass a cow would not eat
that grass, and if he is wrapped in fat a dog would not eat that fat, we would
accept him as qan, and another would not sit on the throne. How is it that you
do otherwise?56
The lines in italics are spoken by gdey in the Secret History of the
Mongols, during Chinggis Qans consultation with his sons about who
should succeed him.57 Although one might assume that the appearance of
this text in Rashd al-Dns history is evidence that he had access to the
Secret History, Thomas Allsen has shown that this was not necessarily the
case.58 Rashd al-Dn worked from a collection of chronicles and other
historical documents, known as the Altan Debter, or Golden Register,
which is no longer extant. Although the Secret History and the Altan
Debter contained parallel passages, they were different texts. However,
both preserve the gdeyid point of view that succession should have
rightly continued with them, no matter how weak or unskilled their candi-
date may have been.
Rashd al-Dn was writing in a context in which the Toluids had
become the ruling family, and thus needed to account for the abrogation
of the previous agreement made between Chinggis Qan and his sons.
What is important to note for our purposes in examining the history of
the Jalayir is that lg and lchdys fortunes were tied to the fortunes
of gdeys personal household. These Jalayir brothers served gdey
The Jalayirids
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
the societies that were conquered by the Mongols. Tribes like the Jalayir
constituted the social and political order of the steppe. This order came
to an end in the early thirteenth century. The major consequence was
that most tribes were dismantled as political organisations in a process of
redistribution of land and personnel among Chinggis Qans family as the
Mongol empire expanded. Individuals maintained their tribal identities
and memories of their genealogies that traced the ties of kinship that went
back many generations. However, by the middle of the thirteenth century,
to be a Jalayir said more about ones familys past than about ones politi-
cal identity. Political allegiances had come to be defined by ones place
within the Chinggisid imperial order, which meant which Chinggisid
prince one served. Thus, members of the Jalayir tribe served Chinggis Qan
in China, gdey and his descendants, the Toluids and the Chaghatayids.
A number of Jalayir families also came to Iran to serve the uls founded
by Chinggis Qans grandson Hleg in the 1250s. The following chapter
is devoted to this aspect of the Jalayir diaspora, and examines how the
ancestors of the Jalayirid dynasty began their rise to power in the late
thirteenth century.
1. Philip S. Khoury and Joseph Kostiner, Introduction: Tribes and the
Complexities of State Formation in the Middle East, in Philip S. Khoury
and Joseph Kostiner (eds), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle
East (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), 4; Richard Tapper,
Anthropologists, Historians, and Tribespeople on Tribe and State Formation
in the Middle East, in Khoury and Kostiner (eds), Tribes and State
Formation in the Middle East, 56.
2. David Sneath, The Headless State: Aristocratic Orders, Kinship Society and
Misrepresentations of Nomadic Inner Asia (New York: Columbia University
Press, 2007).
3. See the review of The Headless State by Peter Golden, in Journal of
Asian Studies 68 (2009): 2936; David Sneaths rejoinder to this review
in Journal of Asian Studies 69 (2010): 65860; and Goldens response
to Sneaths rejoinder in the same issue, 6603. See also the review of
Thomas Barfield, in Comparative Studies in Society and History 51 (2009):
4. Peter Golden, review of David Sneath, The Headless State, in Journal of
Asiatic Studies 68 (2009): 295.
5. Sechin Jagchid and Paul Hyer, Mongolias Culture and Society (Boulder:
Westview, 1979), 247.
6. Anatoly M. Khazanov, Nomads and the Outside World (Madison: University
of Wisconsin Press, 1994), 143.
The Jalayirids
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
The Jalayirids
Evidence for the Early Use of the Title lkhn among the Mongols, JRAS
3:1 (1991): 353.
41. Amitai-Preiss, Evidence for the Early Use of the Title lkhn among the
Mongols, 354.
42. Amitai-Preiss, Evidence for the Early Use of the Title lkhn among the
Mongols, 353.
43. Thomas T. Allsen, Changing Forms of Legitimation in Mongol Iran,
in Gary Seaman and Daniel Marks (eds), Rulers from the Steppe: State
Formation on the Eurasian Periphery (Los Angeles: Ethnographics Press,
University of Southern California, 1991), 227.
44. Peter Jackson, The Dissolution of the Mongol Empire, CAJ 22 (1978): 235.
45. I. P. Petrushevsky, The Socio- Economic Condition of Iran under the
Ilkhans, in J. A. Boyle (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 5:
The Saljuq and Mongol Periods (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1968), 491.
46. Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Before European Hegemony: The World System a.d.
12501350 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989), 120.
47. Igor de Rachewiltz, Hok-lam Chan, Hsiao Chi-ching and Peter W. Geier
(eds), In the Service of the Khan: Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-
Yan Period (12001300) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1993), 34.
48. De Rachewiltz et al., In the Service of the Khan, 4.
49. De Rachewiltz et al., In the Service of the Khan, 5.
50. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 459.
51. De Rachewiltz et al., In the Service of the Khan, 8.
52. The Secret History of the Mongols, 257, 264.
53. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 71.
54. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 68.
55. Michal Biran, Qaidu and the Rise of the Independent Mongol State in
Central Asia (Richmond: Curzon, 1997), 32.
56. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 69.
57. The Secret History of the Mongols, 255.
58. Thomas T. Allsen, Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2001), 90.
59. Juvayn writes that in the time of the reign of Chingiz Khan, the area of the
country expanded. He assigned to everyone their place of residence (mawzi-i
iqmat) which they call yrt. See Juvayn, Trkh-i Jahn-gushy, 31.
60. On the office of yrghch and aspects of the Mongol legal system,
see Valentin A. Riasanovsky, Fundamental Principles of Mongol Law
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1965).
61. Denise Aigle, Le Frs sous la domination mongole: Politique et fis-
calit (XIIIeXIVe s.), Studia Iranica, Cahier 31 (Paris: Association pour
lAvancement des tudes Iraniennes, 2005), 85.
62. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 70.
63. Bar Hebraeus, The Chronography of Gregory Abl Faraj, the Son of Aaron,
Tribes and the Chinggisid Empire
the Hebrew Physician Commonly Known as Bar Hebraeus Being the First
Part of his Political History of the World, trans. Ernest A. Wallis Budge
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1932), 417.
64. When Oghul Ghaymish was brought before the tribunal (yrgh), Mingsr
stripped her naked. She was tried and then wrapped in felt and cast into the
river. See Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 839.
65. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 70.
66. One of the few references to Qshq Noyan credits him with bringing the
secretarial skills of a Khitan named Vazr to the attention of Chaghatay. See
Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 7734.
67. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 6067.
68. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 943.
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
The Jalayirids
crown and throne would have gone to the sons, and none of this turmoil ( fitna)
would have happened. God knows where this all will end.31
These words, of course, belong to Rashd al-Dn and not to Bq, and
reflect Rashd al-Dns own interested view that rulership in the Ilkhanate
belonged to Arghun, the father of his patrons Ghazan and ljeyt.
With Amad Tegder deposed, and eventually executed, and his own
candidate on the throne, Bq Jalayir was at the height of his power. Both
Rashd al-Dn and his contemporary Vaf make it clear that Arghun
owed his throne to Bq.32 Bqs influence was reflected in the fact that
he controlled both the military and the financial administration. He was
in charge of the army and the affairs of the royal household. Bq also
became the Ilkhanid grand vizier, and executed the ib-dvn, Shams
al-Dn, and replaced him with three individuals of his own choosing.33
Bqs authority was recognised by Qubilay Qan in China, to whom
the Ilkhans were still technically subordinate. Qubilays representative
arrived at the Ilkhanid court in 1286, with a decree (yrlgh) recognising
Arghun as khan and Bq as chancellor (chngsng).34 Bqs power was
formally recognised as virtually unlimited, for he was exempted from
being tried for up to nine crimes.35 He used his influence to protect his
family as well. In 685/1286, his brother Arq killed three men in Baghdad,
including the personnel (nch) of Arghun Khans brother Geykhatu.
Bq offered his brother sanctuary at the royal court, and refuge from
retribution from Geykhatu.36
Arq eventually returned to Baghdad, where, according to Rashd
al-Dn, he behaved less like an amir than like a king, withholding tax
receipts from the central treasury.37 These abuses by Bq and Arq bred
resentment among the other amirs and officials.38 Rashd al-Dn puts the
following indictment of Bq in the mouth of the future grand vizier adr
al-Din Zanjn:
Bq has arranged rulership for himself. Without an order from the pdishh or
counsel with the amirs he does whatever he wants, and he dispenses wealth the
way he wants. No one knows Arghun is the pdishh, rather its Bq. Things
have finally gotten to the point that whenever an envoy goes with a decree or
passport (yrlgh va piza) to Tabriz, Amr Al, who is the governor (vl) of
that place, doesnt pay any attention unless [the document] has the red seal of
Bq (l tamgh-yi bq), and he turns back empty-handed.39
Arghun Khan was not pleased with these reports, and punished Bq by
removing the financial registry from his possession and dismissing his
deputies and dependants from the royal council.40 Realising that he had
completely fallen out of favour with Arghun, Bq paid off a number
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
The Jalayirids
and the Ilkhanate. Togan cites Ibn Bbs report that the city of Erzincan
was incorporated into the personal property (inj=nch) of Abaqa Khan.46
When one also considers that over a third of Rashd al-Dns personal
property was located in Anatolia,47 the importance of this western prov-
ince to the Ilkhanid ruling elite is clear. The reason seems to have been the
significance of Anatolia for overland trade, which passed through Ilkhanid
territory in northern Iran on its way west. ljeyt, under whom Rashd
al-Dn served as vizier, constructed a new imperial capital at Sultaniyya,
southeast of Tabriz, in the early eighth/fourteenth century.48 As Togan
points out, Sultaniyya marked the central point along the Ilkhanid impe-
rial highway (shh-rh), extending from the Oxus to the Mediterranean. A
large portion of the western half of this route (shh-rh-i gharb) passed
through Anatolia, via Erzurum, Erzincan and Konya.49 Anatolia was more
than just a frontier march; it was an integral part of the Ilkhanid economic
Following Abaqa Khans accession in 663/1265, a son of lg Jalayir,
named Tq (or gh), had been appointed to the province of Rm as a
secretary (btikch), along with Tdn of the Sulduz tribe.50 They were
soon called upon by Abaqa to help put down the rebellion of Sharaf al-Dn
Masd b. Khar, who had challenged the authority of the Mongols
Saljq protectorate from his bases in Nide and Develi.51
Although the suppression of the revolt of Sharaf al-Dn Masd
helped to consolidate the position of the Saljuqid governor Mun al-Dn
Sulaymn, known as the parvna, in Anatolia, it had also demonstrated
that the parvna was dependent on Ilkhanid military support to maintain
that position. In an attempt to achieve a greater degree of autonomy, the
parvna sent emissaries to the Mamluk sultan Baybars, encouraging him
to invade Anatolia. Baybars, who had seized the sultanate after the Battle
of Ayn Jalut in 658/1260, and who had laid the foundation of the sultan-
ate through his campaigns against the Syrian crusader states, was eager to
extend his northern frontier into Anatolia. As the Mamluk forces headed
north in late 675/early 1277, Tq and Tdn left their winter resi-
dence at Krsehir to join the amir Qt, who was to arrive from Nide.52
However, when Tq reached the plain of Abulustayn (Elbistan), Qt
was not there, and Baybars forces soundly defeated the Mongols on 9
Dh al-Qada 675/14 April 1277.53 Baybars went on to Kayseri, where the
khuba and sikka were given in his name.54 Both Tq and Tdn, as
well as rght Jalayir, were killed at this battle.55
Mamluk supremacy in Anatolia did not last long. Baybars retreated
when he realised that Abaqa himself was preparing an expedition to deal
with the Mamluks and the parvna, who had not been at Abulustayn to aid
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
the Mongol troops.56 The Ilkhanid amirs Samghar and Kuhrgy soon
replaced Tq and Tdn as governors in this region.
Eastern Anatolia remained a stronghold for the Ilkhans under Jalayir
and Sulduz governors, the ancestors of the Jalayirid and Chubanid dynas-
ties of the eighth/fourteenth century. lg Noyans son q Bq, who
had become a favourite of Amad Tegder, served on the fringes of the
Ilkhanid political scene in Anatolia during the reign of Arghun Khan
and Bq Jalayir. Here, q Bq became attached to prince Geykhatu,
Arghuns brother.57 His time in Anatolia with Geykhatu meant that his
status rose after Geykhatu became khan in 690 /1291, leading to his
appointment as chief amir (mr-i mrn).58 During Geykhatus reign,
q Bq Jalayir played a prominent role in the administrative affairs of
the Ilkhanate. He became the patron (murabb) of adr al-Dn Zanjn,
Geykhatus grand vizier. He also carried out the execution of his own
brother ughn, who had supported Baydu to succeed Arghun Khan, and
had conspired with several other amirs against Arghuns vizier, Sad al-
Dawla.59 As one of Geykhatu Khans trusted amirs, q Bq was sent to
Tabriz in 693/1294 to introduce the new Chinese-inspired paper currency,
known as chao (chw).60 However, this fiscal experiment was short-lived,
as its introduction led to utter chaos and a standstill of economic activity
in Tabriz.61
Geykhatu ruled as khan from 690/1291 until 694/1295. He returned
to Anatolia following the investigations into his brothers death in 690
/1291, and spent most of his reign in that region.62 Geykhatu placed Iran
under the command of q Bqs brother, Shktr Noyan, as his deputy in
Iran,63 while q Bq remained at Geykhatus court in the west. During
his reign, Geykhatu seems to have dispensed with the title lkhn on his
coins, omitting at times even the name of the great qan Qubilay.64 Such a
policy indicates an attempt to establish the full independence of the uls
of Hleg by severing the nominal ties of allegiance to the eastern court of
the great qan, which had been at the foundation of the Ilkhanates political
identity since its establishment.
Despite these symbolic declarations of independent sovereignty,
Geykhatu faced a challenge to his authority similar to that which Amad
Tegder had faced a decade earlier. As lateral successors that is, broth-
ers of the previous khan they were both threatened by the existence
of the former khans sons as rallying points for political opposition. For
Geykhatu, this threat was represented not only by Arghuns son Ghazan,
who had inherited his fathers personal appanage in Khurasan, but also
by his cousin Baydu, the grandson of Hleg through his son araqy.
Several disaffected amirs, led by aghchr, gathered around Baydu in
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
The Jalayirids
1. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1008. lg Noyan, Kt Bq and Qdsn are also all
mentioned among Hlegs amirs in Rashd al-Dns genealogical work
Shuab-i Panjgna. lg Noyan is among the first names listed in the account
of the amirs in Hlegs time. lg is described as follows: lg Noyan
from the Jalayir was a great amir. He came here from that province (vilyat)
with Hleg. Kt Bq is listed two names below lg in the same column:
Kt Bq from the Nayman tribe was an amir of the army and extremely
respected. He conquered Syria and Damascus (shm va dimashq), and after
that was killed in battle with Egypt (dar jang-i mir). Qdsn (or Qudusn,
as his name is written in the Shuab-i Panjgna manuscript) was a respected
amir and was among the amirs who conquered Baghdad. See Rashd al-Dn/
Shuab, 139b140a.
2. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,019.
3. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,034.
4. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,036.
5. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,046.
6. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,059.
7. lg is listed among the top amirs during Abaqas time in the Shuab-i
Panjgna. He is described as a greatly respected amir (amr-yi bas
mutabar). See Rashd al-Dn/Shuab, 144b.
8. On the issue of extra-territorial possessions of the Chinggisid princes, see
Thomas T. Allsen, Sharing Out the Empire: Apportioning Lands under the
Mongols, in Anatoly M. Khazanov and Andr Wink (eds), Nomads in the
Sedentary World (Richmond: Curzon, 2001), 173; Paul D. Buell, Tribe,
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
Qan, and Ulus in Early Mongol China: Some Prolegomena to Yan History,
PhD dissertation, University of Washington, 1977, 125.
9. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,063.
10. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,124. Rashd al-Dn listed Shktr Noyan among
the top amirs during Amad Tegders reign in the Shuab-i Panjgna.
However, Rashd al-Dn also mentioned that Shktr did not pay much
attention to him (ziydat-i iltift nam-kard). See Rashd al-Dn/Shuab,
11. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,0256.
12. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,028.
13. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,085.
14. For an overview of Bqs career, see Jean Aubin, mirs Mongols et
vizirs Persans dans les remous de lacculturation (Paris: Association pour
lAvancement des tudes Iraniennes, 1995), 30.
15. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,110.
16. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 70.
17. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,110. The l tamgh was probably adopted by the
Mongols from Uyghur chancery practices. It was used for general imperial
decrees, while the altn tamgh (gold seal) was used specifically for finan-
cial documents or decrees. See Gerhard Doerfer, l Tam, Encyclopaedia
Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater (London and New York: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 1983), 1:7668.
18. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,125.
19. Jean Aubin has described Bq as leading a movement to return to Mongol
tradition in the events surrounding the succession in 1284. See Aubin, mirs
Mongols et vizirs Persans, 38.
20. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,125.
21. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,125.
22. For the meaning of mchalg, see TMEN, 1:5025 (no. 370).
23. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,126.
24. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,145.
25. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,140.
26. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,129; Rashd al-Dn/Shuab, 141b.
27. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,138.
28. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,138.
29. Rashd al-Dn records a clash between Amad Tegder and Bq; see
Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,140.
30. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,140.
31. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,145.
32. Vaf writes that since Arghun considered that he had become sultan thanks
to Bqs efforts, he conferred on him all but the name of khan. See Vaf/
Trkh, 230; Vaf, Tarr-i Trkh-i Vaf, ed. Abd al-Muammad yat
(Tehran: Muassasa-yi Mulaat va Taqqt-i Farhang [Pizhhishgh],
1372 [1993]), 129.
The Jalayirids
33. For the period of Bqs power at the head of the administration, see Aubin,
mirs Mongols et vizirs Persans, 3841.
34. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,161; Vaf/Trkh, 229. Vaf writes that the title
chngsng came from his majesty (az azrat), that is, Qubilay Qan. On the
meaning of this Chinese title, and for an analysis of this incident, see Thomas
T. Allsen, Notes on Chinese Titles in Mongol Iran, Mongolian Studies 14
(1991): 2830.
35. Vaf/Trkh, 229.
36. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,1623.
37. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,166.
38. Vaf/Trkh, 230.
39. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,167.
40. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,1678.
41. Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,171; Vaf/Trkh, 233.
42. Vaf/Trkh, 233. Bqs son, bch, was raised by his fellow Jalayir
tribesman ughn, a son of lg Noyan. ughn wanted to free him, and
brought him before Arghun to have him show allegiance (hljmsh).
Arghun was still angry about Bqs betrayal, however, and ordered ughn
to purge his family. bch and his brothers Malik, Tarkhn Tmr and
Qutlugh Tmr were killed. See Rashd al-Dn/Jmi, 1,171.
43. Claude Cahen, Pre-Ottoman Turkey: A General Survey of the Material and
Spiritual Culture and History c. 10711330, trans. J. Jones-Williams (New
York: Taplinger, 1968), 275.
44. Zeki Velidi Togan, References to Economic and Cultural Life in Anatolia
in the Letters of Rashd al-Dn, trans. Gary Leiser, in Judith Pfeiffer
and Sholeh A. Quinn (eds), in collaboration with Ernest Tucker, History
and Historiography of Post-Mongol Central Asia and the Middle East:
Studies in Honor of John E. Woods (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006),
45. For the main arguments concerning the authenticity of the letters of Rashd
al-Dn, see Reuben Levy, The Letters of Rashd al-Dn Fal Allh, JRAS
(1946): 748; A. H. Morton, The Letters of Rashd al-Dn: lkhnid Fact
or Timurid Fiction, in Reuven Amitai-Preiss and David O. Morgan (eds),
The Mongol Empire and its Legacy (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 15599; Abolala
Soudavar, In Defense of Rad-od-dn and his Letters, Studia Iranica 32
(2003): 77120. Gary Leiser thoroughly summarises the entire debate in the
introduction to his translation of Togans article; see Togan, References
to Economic and Cultural Life in Anatolia in the Letters of Rashd al-Dn,
46. Togan, References to Economic and Cultural Life in Anatolia in the Letters
of Rashd al-Dn, 90.
47. Togan, References to Economic and Cultural Life in Anatolia in the Letters
of Rashd al-Dn, 100.
48. On the founding of Sultaniyya, see Dvd ibn Muammad Bankat,
The Jalayirs and the Early Ilkhanate
The Jalayirids
In the preceding chapter, an attempt was made to trace the ways in which
several Jalayir tribal families participated in the formation of the Ilkhanate
and subsequent political events up until approximately the year 1300 ce.
Most branches of the Jalayir tribe, whose members had attained promi-
nent positions in the political hierarchy, had been eliminated by the end
of the seventh/thirteenth century. These included the family of the vizier
Bq, as well as a number of Jalayir amirs who had led revolts in Anatolia
against Ghazan Khan in the first years after his accession in 694/1295.
By the beginning of the eighth /fourteenth century, only the Ilgayid
branch of the Jalayir retained a strong position in the Ilkhanate. During
the reigns of the last three Ilkhan rulers, the descendants of lg would
ensure their influence in the post-Ilkhanid period through their status as
royal in-laws. By marrying into the Ilkhanid royal family, the Ilgayids
not only achieved a proximity to the channels of political power, but
also established an important aspect of their legitimising ideology which
would be developed during the reign of the Jalayirid sultan Shakh Uvays
(r. 757/1356776/1374).
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the relationship between the
Ilgayid Jalayirs and the Ilkhanid dynasty during the last forty years of
effective Hlegid rule (694/1295736/1335), and to analyse the factors
which enabled the Jalayirid amir Shaykh asan to establish a personal
base of political power after this period, and lay the groundwork for
the establishment of an independent Jalayirid sultanate. These factors
include the Jalayirs role as royal in-laws (grgn, gregen) at a time
when attempts were made to limit the influence of the amirs and centralise
authority in the Ilkhanate; the position of Shaykh asan Jalayir as military
governor in Anatolia; and the establishment of Shaykh asans control of
Arab Iraq and that regions Oyrat tribal military elite.
One of the most significant aspects of the reign of Ghazan Khan
(694 /1295703 /1304) was his programme of religious and economic
reforms.1 In an attempt to consolidate his power after coming to the
The Jalayirids
throne, Ghazan issued a series of decrees designed to give the royal court
and its cadre of fiscal administrators more control over economic affairs.
Ghazans programme was an attempt to reorganise what, from the point of
view of the administrators, had been a weakening of the political and eco-
nomic authority of the khan and a dispersal of wealth and resources among
the amirs. In the fifteen or so years after Abaqas death in 680/1282, fac-
tions of amirs had played a major role in determining who would accede
to the royal throne, leaving the khan beholden to his military backers and
weakening his authority. A sign of the authority of the amirs was the fact
that a Mongol, Bq Jalayir, had become the vizier, a position commonly
held by individuals from the non-military classes and the non-Mongol
Ghazans reforms covered a wide range of issues, but can be categorised
generally as addressing religious and economic concerns. Ghazan and all
of his amirs converted to Islam as a group in 694/1295.3 It has been a
matter of debate in modern scholarship, as well as in Ghazans own time,4
whether his conversion was a sincere act of faith or a political calculation.
While the complex issue of religious conversion will not be addressed
here,5 it seems clear that one aspect of Ghazans acceptance of Islam was
an attempt to align the Ilkhan amirs with him as members of a single reli-
gious community, and thus limit the threat of political opposition.
In terms of the state economy, Ghazans reforms aimed to regularise
tax collection, monetary measure and land tenure. These measures were
designed to centralise control over sources of income in the imperial
court, and eliminate multiple claims to land or property by amirs or other
members of the local elite who may have been granted rights to them
in the past. The architect of these reforms was Ghazans vizier Rashd
al-Dn, who represented those in the administrative corps who sought a
return to an order based on a prosperous state supported mainly by agrar-
ian sources of wealth and preserved by justice enforced by a powerful,
independent ruler. This vision of the proper political order, which looked
to past rulers such as the Sasanian king Anshirvn, or the Abbasid caliph
Hrn al-Rashd, as models for right government, contrasted with the tra-
ditional Mongol vision of the political economy, which relied upon wealth
in the form of movable animal stock and tax on commercial traffic, which
would be redistributed by a khan to his supporters (nkers).
In the seventh/thirteenth century this conception of legitimate authority
was combined with an ideology of Chinggisid royalism, whereby politi-
cal legitimacy derived from ones patrilineal descent from Chinggis Qan.
It was understood in the Ilkhanate, as well as in the Chaghatay khanate,
Golden Horde and Yan empire, that only a member of the Chinggisid
From Tribal Amirs to Royal In-laws
royal family had the right to rule. Within each of these Mongol states,
a secondary legitimising principle existed as well. In the Ilkhanate, this
secondary legitimising principle was ones descent from Hleg Khan,
and it was generally accepted by both the amirs and the administrators that
only a Hlegid that is, a member of the Ilkhanid royal family had the
right to rule. During Ghazan Khans time, under the tutelage of Rashd
al-Dn, the concept of Hlegid legitimacy became combined with the
concept of a strong, just, Islamic ruler in the pre-Mongol mould. Such a
rulers obligation was not to redistribute wealth to his nkers in exchange
for political support, but rather to consolidate wealth and authority in order
to maintain order and justice in his realm. As a result of this ideology and
the practical reforms that accompanied it, the amirs began to play less of
an independent role in the eighth/fourteenth century. This did not mean,
however, that the non-Chinggisid military elite were not influential in this
period. The amirs consolidated their own power within the context of the
existing royal structure. There were fewer open challenges to the authority
of the Ilkhans after Ghazan Khan than there were before him.
For the Jalayir (and, more specifically, the Ilgayid branch of the
Jalayir), their proximity to the Ilkhanid royal family, and eventual incor-
poration into it, allowed them to emerge as contenders to inherit the
Ilkhanid political legacy after 736/1335. In this period the Ilgayid Jalayirs
became incorporated through marriage into the Ilkhanid royal family, and
thus put themselves in close contact with the newly centralising Ilkhanate.
The descendants of lg Noyan Jalayir became powerful in the early four-
teenth century as a result of these processes. Their interests became those
of the Ilkhanid dynasty and the centralised state that was the aspiration of
administrators like Rashd al-Dn. In other words, they became part of not
a Jalayir tribal order, but the Ilkhanid dynastic order. This process is the
subject of what follows in this chapter.
The Jalayirids
Ghazan j
ljetey Sultan ==== q B q (d. 694/1295)
== Am r usayn (d. 722/1322)
Sultan (ljaty Suln), and after Ghazan took the throne, he gave his
sister to q Bqs son, Amr usayn.6 Through this match Amr usayn
acquired the title grgn (gregen), or royal son-in-law.7
Little is known about Amr usayns life during the reign of Ghazan.
However, after the accession of ljeyt in 1304, Amr usayn seems
to have acquired a prominent status within the Ilkhanid ruling elite. He
appears in the sources as one of the four keshig amirs under ljeyt, along
with Qutlughshh, Amr Chpn and Pld Chngsng.8 Vaf records
that when ljeyt came to the throne, he put Amr usayn in charge of
overseeing the crown lands. A document dating from 704/1305 confirms
that Amr usayn had conducted an inspection of crown properties in the
vicinity of Tabriz and Ardabil.9 In addition to his administrative duties,
Amr usayn also took part in the major military campaign in Gilan in
Amr usayn seems to have enjoyed a great deal of favour from
ljeyt, as reflected in his provincial command appointment in the years
after the Gilan campaign. Amr usayn was assigned to Arran in 712
/131213, while ljeyt personally led a campaign to secure the Syrian
frontier with the Mamluks.11 Arran was a major royal pasture region
between the Kur and Aras rivers, in modern-day Azerbaijan. The Ilkhanid
royal court made seasonal migrations from high-altitude summer pasture
(yylq) in Persian Azarbayjan, near Tabriz, to lower-lying winter pasture
(qishlq) in the north, in Qarabagh and Arran. Here, Amr usayn had
the opportunity to host the khan in his own home near Tabriz,12 as well
as host, on at least one occasion, a banquet for a visiting Jochid envoy.13
Thus, Amr usayns appointment to Arran meant proximity and access
to ljeyt Khan and the royal court, a privilege not afforded to amirs in
more remote provinces.
From Tribal Amirs to Royal In-laws
Family ties helped to secure and reinforce this access to the royal court.
Amr usayns daughter, Suyurghatmish, was married to ljeyt. At the
same time, Amr usayns wife, ljetey Sultan, was the khans sister. The
marriage to ljetey Sultan is particularly significant when we consider
the statement by the historian Ahr that ljeyt virtually shared rulership
with his sister.14 Ahr stresses that ljeyt was very fond of Amr usayn,
both because he was a gregen, and because he was of eminent birth and
always in his company.15 Some of Ahrs account can surely be considered
designed to glorify the ancestor of his own Jalayirid patron, Sultan Shaykh
Uvays. However, other sources confirm that Amr usayn did enjoy a
close and favourable relationship with ljeyt. In addition, Amr usayn
also had a close relationship with ljeyts vizier, Khwja Tj al-Dn Al
Shh, who had previously attended to Amr usayn in his own house-
hold.16 His personal connections with the vizier, the khan and the khans
influential sister all ensured high status and influence for Amr usayn and
his family within the Ilkhanate.
However, the status of Amr usayn and the other amirs was always
dependent on the favour of the Chinggisid khan. This dependence became
painfully clear to Amr usayn in 1316 when ljeyt died. His son and
successor, Ab Sad, was still a child, and real power in the Ilkhanate fell
to Amr Chpn of the Sulduz tribe. Like the Jalayirid amirs before, Amr
Chpn consolidated a great deal of power in Anatolia during ljeyts
reign, and was the only Ilkhanid governor who had any success in compel-
ling the tribes on the western frontier to submit to the khans authority.17
From ljeyts death in 1316 to his own downfall in 1327, Amr
Chpn was the de facto ruler of the Ilkhanate,18 a status confirmed by
titles bestowed by emissaries from the Yan dynasty and China.19 Like
Amr usayn, Amr Chpn had married into the Ilkhanid royal family.20
He also forged family ties with the Ilgayid Jalayirs, marrying his daughter
Baghdd Khtn to Amr usayns son Shaykh asan. This three-way
connection between the Ilkhanid royal household, the Ilgayid Jalayirs and
the Sulduz-Chubanids would constitute the nexus of political power in the
Ilkhanate through the 1340s.
The rise of Amr Chpn meant the marginalisation of Amr usayn
Jalayir, who was removed from his post in Arran to the eastern frontier.21
Here, he spent the last years of his life attempting to subdue Chaghatayid
incursions. Amr usayn no longer had access to the heart of government
at the Ilkhanid royal court, where he was replaced by Amr Chpn and
his son Dimashq Khwja as the real power behind the young Ab Sad
When Amr usayn died in 1322, his son Shaykh asan became the
The Jalayirids
head of the family of the Ilgayid Jalayirs. Shaykh asan was both a cousin
of Ab Sad and the son-in-law of Amr Chpn, the most powerful man
in the Ilkhanate. Yet the sources tell us very little about Shaykh asans
life under Amr Chpns rule. However, just five years later, Amr
Chpn and his sons would be overthrown, and Shaykh asan would
begin to lay the foundation of the independent Jalayirid dynasty. The
remainder of this chapter is devoted to these developments, from the fall
of Amr Chpn to the end of the reign of Ab Sad.
Reaction against Amr Chpns power came from the other Ilkhanid
amirs and from a maturing Ab Sad in 1327. The coup began when
Dimashq Khwja was accused of having an affair with ugh Khtn,
a wife of the late ljeyt Khan, and was executed.23 Soon after, Amr
Chpn was executed by the Kart malik of Herat. Amr Chpns son,
Tmr Tsh, had fled to Damascus after his brothers execution, and was
given refuge by the Mamluk sultan al-Nir Muammad (3rd r. 131041).
However, after Amr Chpn was killed, it was clear that the balance of
power had shifted in Iran, and the Chubanids would find no refuge in the
Mamluk sultanate. Tmr Tsh was executed in Cairo in 1328.24 Although
Arghun Khan
Shaykh asan Ab Sa d
Figure 4.3 Shaykh asan Jalayir and the Ilkhanid royal house.
From Tribal Amirs to Royal In-laws
Am r Ch p n
Ba d Kh t n Dimashq Khw ja T m r T sh
Di d Kh t n Shaykh asan Malik Ashraf
ind marriages of Shaykh asan Jalayir
first marriage to Baghdd Khtn
second marriage to Dilshd Khtn
his head was sent to Ab Sad,25 the fact that he was not killed in Iran,
combined with his own claims to have been the mahd, or messiah in
Islamic tradition, allowed for the rumour to spread that Tmr Tsh was
still alive. The consequences of this rumour will be discussed in the fol-
lowing chapter.
Shaykh asan Jalayir would eventually benefit from the fall of the
Chubanids. However, he too suffered initially, when Ab Sad forced
him to give up his wife, Baghdd Khtn, the daughter of Amr Chpn.
The young Ab Sad had long desired Baghdd Khtn, but Amr
Chpn had not allowed him to marry her, instead giving her to Shaykh
asan. According to the Mamluk bibliographer afad, Baghdd Khtn
controlled Ab Sad with her beauty, and thus acquired great power.26
Shabnkra writes that although the amirs, the vizier and other officials
warned Ab Sad that she had bad intentions and that women could not
be trusted, they became inseparable.27
However much Baghdd Khtn influenced Ab Sad, it was clear that
power had shifted back to the Ilkhanid house after 1327. Ab Sad had
come of age and was intent on preserving his personal authority against
threats from the amirs. Shaykh asan Jalayir did not openly challenge his
royal cousin, even after Ab Sad took his wife from him. Instead, Shaykh
asan replaced Tmr Tsh in Anatolia, where he began acquiring his own
power. His growing influence is evident in Mamluk records of messages
sent to Egypt in 132829 from Shaykh asan, who was recognised as
the khans deputy (nib).28 The following year, Shaykh asans envoys
arrived in Egypt with greetings from the Mamluk sultan, independent of
Ab Sads own messengers.29 Shaykh asan is also named among the
The Jalayirids
1. See Bertold Spuler, Die Mongolen in Iran: Politik, Verwaltung, und Kultur
der Ilchanzeit, 12201350 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1955), 31422.
2. As Jean Aubin has pointed out, Mongol amirs tended to take over the admin-
istration of the state following succession struggles. Bqs vizierate was
From Tribal Amirs to Royal In-laws
The Jalayirids
From Tribal Amirs to Royal In-laws
27. Shabnkra/Majma, 295: literally, he was with her in one garment, both
stuck their heads out from one collar (b vay dar yak jma m-bd har d az
yak garbn sar brn karda).
28. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:310.
29. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:320.
30. Avedis K. Sanjian (ed. and trans.), Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts,
13011480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1969), 75.
31. Melville surmises that this accusation originated with rivals centred around
Ab Sads mother, j Khtn. See Melville, The Fall of Amir Chupan,
32. fi Abr/ZJT, 142.
33. fi Abr/ZJT, 142.
34. fi Abr/ZJT, 142. In 1334, Ab Sad appointed Masd Shh, son of the
Injuid governor of Fars, Mamd Shh, as Shaykh asans deputy; see fi
Abr/ZJT, 143. Masd Shh had been deported from Fars after his fathers
failed attempt to oust Ab Sads chosen governor there. Yet, he was soon
released, and would remain an ally of Shaykh asan Jalayir in the years that
followed. On the Injuids in Fars, see Shabnkra/Majma, 296; J. A. Boyle,
ndj, Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edn (Leiden: Brill, 1971), 3:1,208.
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
Court faction:
Ghiy th al-D n Mu ammad, supported Arp , a descendant of Tolui
Sharaf al-D n Ma m d Sh h nj , supported S Beg, sister of Ab Sa d
Oyrat faction:
Al P dsh h and Oyrat tribe, supported M s, a descendant of Baydu
Figure 5.1 Factions following Ab Sads death.
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
Crisis and Transition (133556)
the right hand of the Ilkhanid uls. Since the death of the Saljq sultan
Masd II at Konya in 702/1303, and further after the death of Amr
Chpn in 727/1327, Ilkhan amirs in Anatolia had come to act with greater
autonomy.29 Such an increased regional independence was a common
phenomenon in other regions of the Ilkhanate, which began to come
under the control of local amirs and elite families. In Persian Iraq (Irq-i
Ajam), the Injuids held sway, while the Muzaffarids emerged in Yazd and
Kirman. At the same time, Ilkhan Iran became more profoundly divided
between two spheres of political activity. In the west, the royal migration
corridor between Sultaniyya and Tabriz in the south and Qarabagh, Arran
and Mughan in the north became the centre of political gravity, and the
area which all of the political contenders aspired to control.
During the rule of the Ilkhans, the city of Tabriz became the centre
of imperial government and international trade, and a site for monumen-
tal architecture. Because of its administrative, economic and symbolic
importance as the centre of Ilkhanid political authority, Tabriz remained
the most important city in western Iran until the transfer of the Safavid
capital to Qazvin in 955/1548. At the time of the conquests of Hleg in
Iran in the 650s/1250s, Tabriz was already an important city in the Mongol
imperial administration. It became the site of the new central mint in 650
/125253, making it the financial centre of the entire Mongol empire.30
After Hlegs arrival, it seemed as if Maragha would replace Tabriz as
the Mongol capital in Azarbayjan. Hleg constructed an observatory at
Maragha, as well as a castle on the island of Shh near the city, where he
was buried. According to amd Allh Mustawf Qazvn, Maragha was
the original capital (dr al-mulk) of Azarbayjan before Tabriz.31 However,
during the reign of Hlegs grandson Arghun (r. 683/1284690/1291),
Tabriz began to emerge as the primary Ilkhanid city. Arghun built an
urban quarter to the west of the city of Tabriz, at a place known as Sham
(or Shamb), beginning around 689/1290. The building project included
two palaces and a Buddhist temple, as well as a canal to encourage others
to build houses in the area.32 This quarter became known as Arghniyya,
and set the precedent for subsequent building and urban development by
members of the Ilkhanid ruling elite. Arghuns son Ghazan resided in the
palace of Arghniyya, and also began construction of his own tomb in
the district of Sham in 696/1297. Around his mausoleum, Ghazan built a
number of other public buildings, which came to form the core of the new
suburb (shahrcha) of Ghzniyya.33 These structures included a mosque,
two madrasas, a hospice (dr al-siyda), an observatory, a library, a
council chamber (dvn-khna) and several baths.34 The famous traveller
Ibn Baa camped outside Tabriz at the suburb of Sham during the reign
The Jalayirids
of Ab Sad, and described its madrasa and zviya where food was pro-
vided to travellers.35
The Ilkhan rulers were not the only patrons of urban development in
Tabriz. On the heights northeast of the city at a place called Valyn Kh
the vizier and historian Rashd al-Dn built his own quarter, known as the
Rab-i Rashd.36 Rashd al-Dns son, Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad, who
served as the vizier to Ab Sad, continued building in the Rab-i Rashd.37
Another important building project was the Dimashqiyya quarter, built by
Baghdd Khtn, the wife of Shaykh asan Jalayir and Ab Sad. The
area was named for Baghdd Khtns brother, Dimashq Khwja, who
died in 727/1327 amid the downfall of the Chubanid family. Little trace
remains of the Dimashqiyya quarter, which, according to a tenth/sixteenth-
century source, was situated on the east side of the city.38 Three sons of the
Jalayirid sultan Shaykh Uvays were buried in the Dimashqiyya.39
In addition to these four districts, which represented the efforts of the
Ilkhanid political elite to contribute to the flourishing of the religious and
civic life of Tabriz, as well as to glorify their own memories, other build-
ing projects were undertaken in the city in the eighth/fourteenth century.
One of the most important for the defence of the city was the extension of
the city walls by Ghazan Khan in 702/130203,40 an indication that Tabriz
was growing at the turn of the eighth/fourteenth century. One of the major
reasons for the urban growth during Ghazans reign was probably the eco-
nomic prosperity of the city as a centre of long-distance trade. The loca-
tion of Tabriz on the east-west route that passed from Khurasan, through
Qazvin, and into Anatolia to the Black Sea and Mediterranean ensured its
importance as a centre for commercial traffic. Parallel to this, the cities of
Baghdad and Basra suffered, due to the increased importance of Tabriz, as
well as the growth of a commercial route to Hormuz that bypassed these
cities and instead passed to the east through Iran.41 In addition to economic
decline, Arab Iraq suffered in terms of agricultural production following
the Mongol invasions. This decline, which had begun in Abbasid times,
was accelerated by the interruption of intensive cultivation that was only
possible through a highly organised and co- ordinated administrative
structure. At the same time, such a drop in production undermined the
financial basis for any such centrally organised state, as had existed under
the Sasanians and early Abbasids.42
The subsequent contraction of the economy in Arab Iraq due to the
decline of commercial traffic and agricultural production helps to explain
attempts by the Jalayirid amir Shaykh asan and Sultan Shaykh Uvays to
extend their authority beyond Iraq into Azarbayjan. The growth of trade
in Tabriz is reflected in another one of Ghazans building projects, the
Crisis and Transition (133556)
Ghzniyya market. Ibn Baa was impressed by the size of this bazaar,
as well as the quality of the items for sale, particularly the jewellery.43
The Castilian envoy Clavijo, who passed through Tabriz some sixty years
later, also commented on the great amount of merchandise and large
number of merchants in the city.44 Johannes Schiltberger, a Bavarian cru-
sader and captive of Tmr, wrote that the ruler of Tabriz was wealthier
than the most powerful Christian king, because so many merchants came
to Tabriz.45 Thus, during the eighth/fourteenth century, Tabriz was impor-
tant for its role in regional and long-distance trade, and in periods of politi-
cal instability in Azarbayjan, especially in the years 736/1335744/1343,
753/1352759/1358, and 786/1384809/1406, Tabriz became a target and
a prize for sultans and amirs who sought to profit from this trade.
In the eighth/fourteenth century, Tabriz remained the focus of politi-
cal and economic life in western Iran, even after the death of Ab Sad
and the collapse of the political unity of the Ilkhanate. The successors to
the Ilkhans continued to build in the city. The most important building
of the Jalayirid period in Tabriz was the palace complex known as the
dawlat-khna. Built by Shaykh Uvays after his conquest of Azarbayjan in
759/1358, the dawlat-khna served as the royal residence and home to the
central government administration. Clavijo described the dawlat-khna
as a great palace, surrounded by a wall, with twenty thousand rooms.46
The Qarquynl sultan Jahnshh later built what became known as
the new dawlat-khna at a place called ib-bd during his reign
An important consequence of the disintegration of political unity in
the Ilkhanate after 736/1335 was that the eastern Ilkhanid territory, par-
ticularly Khurasan, became significantly removed from the horizon of the
factions competing for Azarbayjan, and developed along its own course.
Of primary importance in Khurasan were the Kart maliks at Herat, the
Shii-Sufi-ayn condominium at Sabzavar, known as the Sarbadrs,48 and
the Mongol military elite under the leadership of aghy Tmr Khan. As
will be shown below, the Khurasanians made occasional contact with the
western leaders, but for the most part Khurasan and Azarbayjan remained
distinct political spheres until the rise of the Safavids in the tenth/sixteenth
century. Even Tmr and his descendants, who conquered all of Iran and
most of Anatolia, could not retain control over the west, which remained
effectively ruled by the Jalayirids, followed by the Qarquynl and
qquynl Turkman confederations.
Shaykh asans confrontation with Al Pdshh and the Oyrats was
the first step in the establishment of Jalayirid control over the western
regions. For Shaykh asan, however, the main issue may not have been
The Jalayirids
a matter of seizing power for himself, but rather of limiting the personal
power of Al Pdshh and ensuring consensus among the amirs. Before
confronting Al Pdshh in battle, Shaykh asan called on Al Pdshh
to give up his power and allow a sultan to be named by all the amirs.
He appealed to the custom of their ancestors, and their background in
a common Ilkhanid uls. This sentiment is recorded in Shabnkras
Majma al-Ansb, as well as the Zayl-i Jmi al-Tavrkh of fi Abr.
In Shabnkras version, Shaykh asan insists:
In the ys of Chinggis Qan, when it comes to the affairs of royalty (kr-i
khniyat), war is not permitted. Why did the army of the pdishh all fall into
the hands of discord and ruin on the pretense of opposition between the amirs?
Al Psh is an q. Be patient, for I will arrive. Let the qs and ns and
ladies hold a quriltay and establish someone from his lineage, and by him let us
bring the dignity ( jvir) of Tolui and Hleg nearer.49
fi Abrs version reflects the same concern for the tradition of consen-
sus lest order break down:
We have all been in one uls and we know one another. The customs of the
fathers and ancestors is clear. It is better that we all agree and seat a ruler on
the throne who is deserving of the sultanate, and that everyone stays on his own
path and custom.
Like this strife, that one seeks that which
Brings discord throughout the land
In order that unlawful (n-aqq) blood does not flow and the country
remains flourishing and inhabited,
The condition we give to you
Is to either heed my words or suffer.50
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
Crisis and Transition (133556)
and was killed. At this point, Shaykh asan Chbn suspected that Qar
Jur, the false Tmr Tsh, was plotting against him. He exposed him as a
Turkman beggar, not Tmr Tsh,72 and abandoned him. Qar Jur went
to Tabriz, but was routed there by Shaykh asan Jalayir, and eventually
went to Baghdad with the Oyrats.73
Shaykh asan Jalayir thus found himself in an extremely weak position.
He had lost much of his military backing, as well as his Chinggisid puppet
khan, and had been driven out of Azarbayjan. He fled first to Sultaniyya,
then further east to Qazvin. He returned to Sultaniyya after reaching a
truce with the Chubanids in 739/late 1338.74 Not only had he been driven
out of Azarbayjan, but he had also lost his original base of operations in
Anatolia, which was held by Shaykh asan Chbns brother, Malik
Ashraf. The Chubanids thus occupied the entire northwestern region of
the former Ilkhanate, while Qar Jur and the Oyrats controlled Baghdad
and Arab Iraq.
Shaykh asan Jalayir desperately needed a fresh source of military
manpower if he hoped to retake what he had lost in the western prov-
inces. For this, he looked to the east and the Khurasanians. Shaykh asan
Jalayir recognised aghy Tmr as khan, and invited him and his forces
to invade. It is likely that Shaykh asan thought that he could control
aghy Tmr the way he had controlled Muammad Khan. However,
when the Khurasanians reached Sultaniyya in mid-739/early 1339, Shaykh
asans followers resented their high-handed behaviour and resisted their
leadership.75 Needless to say, this did not help his position vis--vis the
Meanwhile, Shaykh asan Chbn was attempting to establish his
own legitimacy in Arran and Azarbayjan by recognising S Beg as
pdishh. Although it was fairly common for women to rule in the
Mongol political context, they were usually the wives of deceased khans,
who presided as regents or place-holders until a new male candidate could
be enthroned at a quriltay.76 It appears that S Beg was at first more than
a place-holder, and was intended by Shaykh asan Chbn to rule in her
own right, lending legitimacy to his amirate. S Beg was not an obscure
and distant cousin of the main line of Ilkhan rulers, as Arp, Ms and
Muammad had been. She was the daughter of ljeyt Khan, had been
betrothed to Amr Chpn, and had been married to Arp Khan. To further
bolster his claims to legitimate authority, Shaykh asan Chbn named
descendants of the two most important administrative families to the
vizierate, Rukn al-Dn Shaykh Rashd, and Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad
Alshh.77 Having taken Azarbayjan and installed as his allies represent-
atives of the Ilkhanates ruling elite, Shaykh asan Chbn turned to the
The Jalayirids
Khurasanians, who had been invited west by Shaykh asan Jalayir, and
were threatening Chubanid rule.
Instead of going to war, Shaykh asan Chbn concocted another ruse,
this time against aghy Tmr Khan. He promised to turn the province of
Arab Iraq over to the khan, in addition to the full support of his Chubanid
followers, provided aghy Tmr opposed Shaykh asan Jalayir.78
However, when aghy Tmr and the Khurasanian amirs arrived in
Sultaniyya in the summer of 73940/1339, Shaykh asan Chbn turned
the tables. He revealed to Shaykh asan Jalayir the Khurasanians pledge
to himself, along with his own assurance to the Jalayir amir that you are
my q, lord and kinsman.79 That is, Shaykh asan Chbn, by reveal-
ing the promises made to himself by aghy Tmr, created a rift between
the Khurasanians and Jalayirids. Shocked by aghy Tmrs treachery,
Shaykh asan Jalayir soundly rebuked him. The following day, aghy
Tmr and the Khurasanians returned to the east.80
Thus, by the summer of 73940/1339, Shaykh asan Jalayir had
lost Anatolia, Azarbayjan, and any possibility of Khurasanian military
support. However, he came to dominate the lowlands west of the Iranian
plateau, including Diyarbakr, Arab Iraq and Khuzistan, with his capital
at Baghdad.81 While it is not clear exactly how he was able to control
these areas, it is likely that he had secured the loyalty of the Oyrats, who
had dominated this region in the late Ilkhanid period. The Oyrats had lost
their chief, Al Pdshh, in 736/1336, followed by subsequent elite allies,
Ms Khan in 737/1337 and Qar Jur, the false Tmr Tsh, in 738/1338.
By the time Shaykh asan Jalayir had given up on Khurasanian support,
he found new hope in Arab Iraq with the Oyrats. Here he crowned a new
Chinggisid khan, a descendant of Geykhatu Khan named Jahn Tmr.82
By the summer of 74041/1340, Shaykh asan Jalayir was ready to
challenge the Chubanids again for control of Azarbayjan. Shaykh asan
Chbn had become concerned that S Beg was plotting against him,
and enthroned a new khan, a descendant of Hleg through his son
Samat, named Sulaymn. The new Sulaymn Khan married S Beg,
thus keeping her symbolic presence at the court, but limiting her freedom
to take independent action against Shaykh asan Chbn. In Dh al-
ijja 740/June 1340, the Chubanid forces met Shaykh asan Jalayir and
the armies of Diyarbakr, Arab Iraq and Khuzistan at the Jaght river in
Azarbayjan. Once again, the Chubanids were victorious.83 Shaykh asan
Jalayir and Jahn Tmr retreated to Baghdad, and Shaykh asan Chbn
took up residence in Tabriz.
Despite this defeat, Shaykh asan Jalayir did not give up his attempts
to take back Azarbayjan. Although he had acquired considerable territory
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
It seemed that Shaykh asan Jalayirs diplomatic efforts had paid off.
He had agreed to exchange Arab Iraq and Diyarbakr for Mamluk military
support against Shaykh asan Chbn. However, the agreement soon
broke down due to a series of events in the summer of 74142/1341.
Differing accounts are given by Ahr, fi Abr and Maqrz. According
to Ahr, the Jalayirids and Chubanids met in battle, and both sides fell
back, with Shaykh asan returning to Baghdad.89 fi Abr writes that
Shaykh asan Jalayir actually withdrew when he mistook the migration
of a large number of Turks and Tajiks with their animals for the Chubanid
army.90 If this was true, it is understandable that the Jalayirid histo-
rian Ahr might suppress it. After the Jalayirids retreat, Shaykh asan
Chbn dealt with the Jalayirids ally j aghy. The Chubanid amir
attacked j aghy after offering to make peace with him. After isolat-
ing j aghy, Shaykh asan Chbn appointed Ibrhm Shh, his
nephew, over the Sutayids (styyn) in Diyarbakr.91
The question remains, however, why did the Mamluk army not arrive
to aid Shaykh asan Jalayir and j aghy? The answer may rest with
a report that reached al-Nir Muammad from the governor (ib) of
Mardin.92 This was the Artuqid governor of that city, al-Mlik al-li
(r. 712/1312765/1364). According to Maqrz, the dispatch from Mardin
informed the sultan not to bother sending an army to Tabriz, for Shaykh
asan Jalayir had sworn his allegiance to the Chubanids, and that the
Jalayirids and Chubanids had written to j aghy saying that they
would henceforth watch over the Euphrates as far as Syria.93 In other
words, the alliance between Shaykh asan Jalayir and j aghy had
been broken, and the Mamluks could no longer count on the assistance of
the Jalayirids. However, this is not the account given by Persian histories,
which report Shaykh asan had retreated to Baghdad, either as a result of
or before doing battle with Shaykh asan Chbn. What can account for
this discrepancy?
It seems likely that Shaykh asan Chbn engineered a diplo-
matic move of his own to neutralise the threat of a Mamluk invasion of
Azarbayjan. fi Abr reports that after Shaykh asan Chbn had
attacked j aghy, and began winning the Kurds and Sutayids of
Diyarbakr to his side, he arrived at Mardin, where he received comfort
and offerings of gifts from al-Mlik al li.94 Shortly after this, fi
Abr reports that Shaykh asan Chbn appointed Ibrhm Shh as gov-
ernor of Diyarbakr in the place of his uncle, j aghy.95 According to
afad, Ibrhm Shh had married the daughter of the Artuqid governor
of Mardin, al-Mlik al-li.96 It seems possible that, while in Mardin,
Shaykh asan Chbn may have promised al-Mlik al-li a place for
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
Crisis and Transition (133556)
between al-Nir asan and Malik Ashraf, but the potential for Chubanid
intrigue, both in Cairo and in Baghdad, probably seemed a dangerous pos-
sibility to Shaykh asan Jalayir, especially when his Chubanid rivals were
also his in-laws.
Shaykh asan Jalayir lived for five years after the death of Dilshd
Khtn. He made no further attempts to capture Azarbayjan, nor did he
promote any other Hlegid puppet khans. Shaykh asans capital of
Baghdad had undergone war, scarcity and disease during his rule. Many
people left the city for refuge in Mamluk Syria and Egypt. When Shaykh
asan died, almost a century after Hlegs conquest of Baghdad, the
former caliphal capital was a shadow of its former glory. The Ilkhanate
had raised Tabriz and Sultaniyya to the status of imperial cities and major
commercial centres. However, Tabriz itself underwent hardships similar
to those in Baghdad in the 740s/1340s and 750s/1350s, including the out-
break of plague. This was compounded by what the sources describe as
the capricious and ruinous administration of Malik Ashraf. In the coming
years, Tabriz would be conquered several times, including by Shaykh
asans son Shaykh Uvays, who founded a Jalayirid dynasty as heir to the
Ilkhanate in the traditional imperial centre.
Shaykh asan Jalayir had failed to take back the heart of the Ilkhanid
territory of Azarbayjan. Instead, he found himself in control of the
Oyrat heartland. Until the end of his life, his goal would be to recap-
ture Azarbayjan. However, the amirate he founded in Baghdad, as well
as around Mosul and Diyarbakr, would lead to new political networks
that would establish the upper Tigris region as a coherent political zone.
Although Shaykh asan did not succeed in claiming Azarbayjan and
the economic and political centre of the Ilkhanate, it can be argued that
Shaykh asan, as successor to the traditional Oyrat migration corridor
between Diyarbakr and Arab Iraq, was heir to the Sutayids in the fron-
tier region between Iran and the Mamluk sultanate. While this provided
Shaykh asan with a large territorial domain, and a significant military
force composed mainly of Oyrat tribesmen, the Jalayirid amirate fell short
of the prestige that accrued to the Chubanid lands to the north. Chubanid
rule in Azarbayjan and its capital city of Tabriz by Malik Ashraf b. Tmr
Tsh was the focus of post-Ilkhanid historical writing in Persian after 736
/1335. That is, the prestige of the former Ilkhan imperial centre was the
focus of history in the post-Ab Sad period, rather than any one ruling
family. Little mention of Shaykh asan Jalayir is made in Persian histo-
ries for the years after 744/1343. The Jalayirid amirate was given more
attention by Mamluk historians writing in Arabic, for whom Baghdad and
Diyarbakr retained their interest as part of the Mamluks eastern frontier.
The Jalayirids
An attempt has been made in this chapter to analyse the factors that
enabled Shaykh asan Jalayir to establish a basis for a Jalayirid dynastic
state in the mid-eighth/fourteenth century. The emergence of the Jalayirids
was not a consequence of retribalisation of pre-Ilkhanid Jalayir groups,
but rather a combination of circumstances related to the relationship of
the Ilgayid branch of the Jalayir to the Ilkhanid royal family in the early
eighth/fourteenth century. The marriage of Amr usayn to princess
ljetey Sultan established close ties with the royal court in a period when
attempts were being made by the central administration to limit the power
and influence of the amirs. In addition, the establishment of a power
base in Anatolia after the fall of Amr Chpn gave Amr usayns son
Shaykh asan a distinct advantage when central authority collapsed after
736/1335. Shaykh asans position as amr-i uls, and his independent
power base on the western frontier, enabled him to challenge rival regional
power brokers and eventually assume control of Arab Iraq and the Oyrat
tribal elements which formed the military elite in that region. Although
Shaykh asan did not declare his own political independence,106 instead
ruling through a series of Chinggisid protgs, the base he established in
Baghdad provided a launching pad for his son Shaykh Uvayss conquest
of Azarbayjan and an attempt to reconstitute the Ilkhanate in the west,
with its centre in Tabriz, under the independent authority of the Jalayirid
sultans. The historical and ideological aspects of this development consti-
tute the focus of the following two chapters.
1. fi Abr/ZJT, 143.
2. Charles Melville, Deld Ktn, Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan
Yarshater (London and New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1996),
7:255; afad/Ayn, 2:355.
3. Peter Jackson and Charles Melville, t al-Dn Moammad,
Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater (London and New York:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 2001), 10:598.
4. Shabnkra/Majma, 293.
5. Shabnkra/Majma, 293.
6. Shabnkra/Majma, 294.
7. fi Abr/ZJT, 145.
8. Shabnkra/Majma, 294; fi Abr/ZJT, 145.
9. fi Abr/ZJT, 147.
10. Shabnkra/Majma, 299. Arp countered, asking what the problem was
(chih ghamm), since he and Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad controlled the
original capital (takht-gh-i al) and the royal army (lashkar-i suln).
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
24. Claude Cahen has characterised Stys son, j aghy, as the chief
Oyrat who represented the principal surviving military force of the Mongol
regime in upper Mesopotamia in the 730s /1330s. See Claude Cahen,
Contribution lhistoire du Diyr Bakr au quatorzime sicle, Journal
Asiatique 243 (1955): 76. However, his conflict with Al Pdshh and the
Oyrats, according to fi Abr, was based on the ancient hatred (kna)
which he held in his heart for Amr Al Pdishh and the Oyrat tribe.
Because of this, he raised his head in opposition to them. He committed all
of his efforts to eradicating that tribe. See fi Abr/ZJT, 152. Due to this
conflict of j aghy with the Oyrat tribe, and based on this reason given
by fi Abr, it seems safe to say that j aghy, and hence his father
Sty, were not from the Oyrat tribe.
25. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:397.
26. smail Hakk Uzunarsl, Anadolu Beylikleri ve Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu
Devletleri (Ankara: Trk Tarih Kurumu Basmevi, 1988), 156.
27. fi Abr/ZJT, 152.
28. Das Mongolische Weltreich: Al-Umars Darstellung der mongolischen
Reiche in seinem Werk Maslik al-Abr f Mamlik al-Amr, ed. and
trans. Klaus Lech (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1968), 93 (Arabic text);
153 (German translation). Al-Umar writes that there were four umar al-
uls, the beglerbegi, and three others, known as the umar al-ql (amirs
of the centre). For a description of the four bey system in the context of
the Golden Horde, see Beatrice Forbes Manz, The Clans of the Crimean
Khanate, 14661532, Harvard Ukrainian Studies 2 (1978): 282309; Halil
nalck, The Khan and the Tribal Aristocracy: The Crimean Khanate under
Sahib Giray I, Harvard Ukrainian Studies 3/4 (197980): 44566; Uli
Schamilolu, Tribal Politics and Social Organization in the Golden Horde,
PhD dissertation, Columbia University, 1986.
29. Ren Grousset, The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia, trans.
Naomi Walford (New Brunswick, NJ, and London: Rutgers University
Press, 1999), 387. Grousset suggests that had it not been for the fall of Amr
Chpns family, they would have established an independent sultanate in
Anatolia, which would have hindered the expansion to the Ottomans. See
Grousset, The Empire of the Steppes, 388.
30. Judith Kolbas, The Mongols in Iran: Chingiz Khan to Uljaytu 12201309
(London and New York: Routledge, 2006), 153.
31. Qazvn/Nuzhat, 75.
32. Muammad Javd Mashkr, Trkh-i Tabrz t Pyn-i Qarn-i Nuhum-i
Hijr (Tehran: Anjuman-i sr-i Mill, 1352 [1973]), 449.
33. Qazvn/Nuzhat, 76.
34. Mashkr, Trkh-i Tabrz, 472.
35. Ibn Baa, Rilat Ibn Baa: al-Musamm Tufat al-Nur f Gharib
al-Amr wa-Ajib al-Asfr (Mir: al-Maktaba al-Tijriyya al-Kubr,
1964), 1:147; Ibn Baa, The Travels of Ibn Baa, a.d. 13251354,
Crisis and Transition (133556)
The Jalayirids
57. senbike Togan has suggested that the eighth/fourteenth century witnessed
a retribalization following the expansive phase of the Mongol army of
conquest. Tribalism, once the dynamic social element, was pushed to the
background as a reserve identity in the seventh/thirteenth century, as all
tribes came to identify their interests with the larger imperial enterprise. See
senbike Togan, Flexibility and Limitation in Steppe Formations (Leiden:
Brill, 1998), 1213. However, it is important to emphasise that the pre-
imperial tribes were not reconstituted in their former structure, but took on
new forms. Togan argues that in the post-Chinggisid era, the tribes, rather
than displaying structural differences and fighting among themselves for
different goals, became more uniform entities which attempted to establish
themselves around a centre in the person of a khan. See Togan, Flexibility
and Limitation, 146.
58. fi Abr/ZJT, 152; Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:404.
59. Shabnkra/Majma, 305.
60. fi Abr writes that the amir Al Jafar was the catalyst for the
Khurasanian invasion of Azarbayjan; see fi Abr/ZJT, 154. However,
Maqrz writes that Ms had fled to Khurasan after Al Pdshh was
killed, and had joined with aghy Tmr against Shaykh asan and the
sons of Dimur Dsh [Tmr Tsh]; see Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:431.
61. Temge Otchigin was Chinggis Qans youngest brother. See The Secret
History of the Mongols, 60.
62. fi Abr/ZJT, 155.
63. fi Abr/ZJT, 156; Shuj/Trkh, 1:23.
64. fi Abr/ZJT, 156.
65. fi Abr reports that san Qutlugh and Akrunj had embraced sufism (dar
z taavvuf raftand) and had returned to Shaykh asan through the interven-
tion of the shaykh al-islm Sharaf al-Dn Darkanz. Shaykh asan first
gave them full amnesty, due to the ruin and confusion in the kingdom, but in
738/133738 at the winter residence of Mughan, they were both executed.
See fi Abr/ZJT, 156.
66. As Shuj recorded, Muammad Khan remained on the throne, while
Shaykh asan governed the country (al-bild); see Shuj/Trkh, 1:23.
67. Ibn Taghr Bird, writing in the Mamluk sultanate, recorded in his biogra-
phy of Shaykh asan Chbn that he was a sly fox (dhiya), a master of
trickery, cunning and deceit. See Ab al-Masin Ysuf Ibn Taghr Bird,
al-Nujm al-Zhira f Mulk Mir wa-al-Qhira (Cairo: Mabaat Dr al-
Kutub al-Miriyya, 192972), 10:107.
68. fi Abr/ZJT, 156.
69. afad/Ayn, 2:115.
70. fi Abr/ZJT, 156. According to Shuj, the rumour was that Tmr Tsh
had not been executed in Egypt, but had escaped after switching places
with his prison guard (taayyala al al-sijjn l an khalaa). See Shuj/
Trkh, 1:36.
Crisis and Transition (133556)
71. afad writes that Tmr Tshs women and children also believed in this
deception; see afad/Ayn, 2:115. fi Abr reports that Shaykh asan
Chbn gave his mother to the false Tmr Tsh; see fi Abr/ZJT, 156.
72. fi Abr/ZJT, 158.
73. fi Abr/ZJT, 158.
74. fi Abr/ZJT, 159.
75. fi Abr writes that it became clear that the khan and his amirs were not
acting of their own accord, but were under the influence of the Khurasanian
administrators, led by Khwja Al al-Dn Muammad. He began a pro-
gramme of confiscating the property of the peasants and other officials in
western Iran, including Shaykh asan Jalayirs own hereditary possessions
he had held since the time of Ghazan and ljeyt. See fi Abr/ZJT,
76. Women who ruled the Mongol great qanate included Tregene Khatun, who
reigned after the death of her husband gdey Qaan, 639/1241644/1246;
Oghul Ghaymish, after the death of her husband Gyk Qaan,
646/1248649/1251; and Sorqaqtani Beki, the wife of Tolui Khan, who
acted as the head of Toluis personal uls, 630/1233649/1251, and played
a major role in establishing her sons Mngke, Qubilay and Hleg in high
positions in the empire. In the Chaghatay khanate, Orghina Khatun ruled
after the death of her husband Qara Hleg, 650/1252658/1260.
77. They were, as their names indicate, descendants of the Ilkhanid viziers
Rashd al-Dn (d. 718/1318) and Tj al-Dn Alshh (d. 724/1324).
78. fi Abr/ZJT, 160.
79. Shabnkra/Majma, 311. According to fi Abr, Shaykh asan
Chbn promised that once aghy Tmr attacked the Jalayirids, or
lkns, he would have him marry S Beg and the kingdom would
be theirs. However, when he received aghy Tmrs written promise,
Shaykh asan Chbn turned it over to Shaykh asan Jalayir. See fi
Abr/ZJT, 161.
80. fi Abr/ZJT, 161.
81. Ibn Baa reports that Shaykh asan captured the city of Hilla from
Amad b. Rumaytha, son of Ab Numayy, the amir of Mecca, who had
seized the city after the death of Ab Sad. See Ibn Baa, Rila, 1:139;
Ibn Baa, The Travels of Ibn Baa, 2:325.
82. fi Abr/ZJT, 162.
83. fi Abr credits the Chubanid victory to the bravery of Pr usayn
Chbn and the strength of the Chubanid left wing against the right flank of
the Baghdds.
84. afad/Ayn, 2:111; Ibn ajar/Durar, 1:307.
85. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:489.
86. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:517.
87. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:519.
88. Maqrz/Ziyda, 1:519.
The Jalayirids
This chapter examines the political history of the reign of the Jalayirid
sultan Shaykh Uvays (757/1356776/1374). This period witnessed several
developments in the dynamics of power and authority in the former
Ilkhanid realm. The most significant developments were the Jalayirid
conquest of Azarbayjan, Shaykh Uvayss claiming of independent royal
authority, and the elimination of the Chubanids as contenders for the
Ilkhanid throne. The eighteen-year reign of Shaykh Uvays represents the
height of the Jalayirid dynastys political power, and a critical turning
point between the disappearance of the Chinggisid Ilkhans and the rise to
power of Tmr and his descendants at the end of the eighth/fourteenth
century. While this chapter focuses primarily on a chronological analysis
of political events during Shaykh Uvayss rule, the following chapter
addresses the ideological aspects of his assertion of independent authority
as heir to the Ilkhanid tradition.
The Jalayirids
(Jalayir) (Ilkhanid Royal House) (Sulduz)
Hleg Khan
qB q Arghun Khan K njak Kh t n Am r Ch p n
Shaykh Uvays
q B q married Arghun Khans daughter ljetey Sultan. When he died in 694/1295, ljetey Sultan
married q B q s son Am r usayn.
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
The Jalayirids
The clear message is that the Jochids have no business in the Ilkhanid ter-
ritory, and that any claims they may make to Azarbayjan on the grounds
of Chinggisid lineage are illegitimate.
The forces of Jn Beg easily overran Azarbayjan and conquered
Tabriz. Malik Ashraf was captured after fleeing to Khuy, and was paraded
through the city of Tabriz, where people poured ashes on his head from
the rooftops.11 Jn Beg sent him back to Jochid territory, but was con-
vinced by Q Muy al-Dn and Ks, the Shrvnshh, that rebellion
and disorder would only increase if Malik Ashraf was allowed to survive.
Jn Beg thus allowed Malik Ashraf to be killed on the road, and his head
hung in the maydn in Tabriz.12 With the Chubanid amir eliminated, and
Azarbayjan under his control, Jn Beg left his son Bird Beg in the region
with 50,000 men, and returned to Saray with Malik Ashrafs son, Tmr
Tsh, and daughter, Sulnbakht.13
Although Jn Beg had successfully captured Azarbayjan, Jochid rule
there was short-lived. Soon after Jn Beg returned, he fell ill. Bird Beg
left Tabriz and eventually succeeded his father as khan.14 The departure
of the Jochids left a power vacuum that was filled by Akh Jq, a former
amir of Malik Ashraf who had entered the service of Jn Beg.15 According
to Zayn al-Dn Qazvn, Akh Jq was able to attract a group of support-
ers by distributing jewels that he found sewn into a garment belonging to
Malik Ashrafs sister. When Bird Beg left Azarbayjan, Akh Jq marched
to Tabriz, where he was welcomed by a large group of Malik Ashrafs
followers.16 The upheaval caused by the Jochid invasion created this
opportunity for Akh Jq to seize power, although it is doubtful that many
considered him as legitimate. Ahr describes the period after the Jochid
departure as the period of the cunning of Akh Jq (sharat-i akh jq).17
This derogatory characterisation contrasts with the way Ahr recorded
the reigns of the previous Chubanids in Azarbayjan, whom he considered
legitimate.18 Part of the dissatisfaction toward Akh Jq seems to have been
related to his continuation of Malik Ashrafs exploitative fiscal policies.19
The departure of the Jochids and the emergence of a former amir as
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
ruler in Tabriz was enough to convince Shaykh Uvays that the time was
ripe for the Jalayirids return to Azarbayjan. In Ahrs history, Shaykh
Uvayss conquest of Azarbayjan is of tremendous significance, for it
signals the real beginning of the reign of Shaykh Uvays.20 This event is
described in the following way in the Trkh-i Shaykh Uvays:
There was a rumor of the imperial banners and an auspicious constellation
which spread in the world, and that the sun of the sultanate would rise from
Baghdad and this darkness of oppression of Azarbayjan would set. By the
ray of light of its justice the world would be brightened, and the star of its
mercy would illuminate the surface of hearts with color and fragrance. From
the stronghold of the saints [Baghdad], the greatest king of kings, the ruler of
Islam, Sultan Shaykh Uvays, set out to struggle and fight with the oppressors
and the depraved.21
In the battle that took place in Shabn 759/August 135822 near Sty
mountain, the Jalayirid forces defeated what remained of the Chubanid
supporters.23 Although Akh Jq escaped, Shaykh Uvays entered Tabriz
and took up residence at the complex of Rashd al-Dn (imrat-i
rashd).24 A decree issued by Shaykh Uvays in Dh al-Qada 759/
October 1358, confirming the tax revenues to be paid to a dervish lodge in
Azarbayjan, indicates that attention was paid to the fiscal administration
of the region shortly after the conquest.25 Shaykh Uvays pardoned many
of the amirs, but executed forty-seven of the close allies of Malik Ashraf.26
The possibility of a Chubanid resurgence was one of the most danger-
ous political threats to Shaykh Uvayss authority. The Chubanids, or sons
of Tmr Tsh as they were commonly called in Mamluk chronicles,
were similar to the Jalayirids in terms of their origins and aims. They both
shared similar family backgrounds, descending from Ilkhanid royal sons-
in-law and Chinggisid princesses. Shaykh Uvayss mother was Dilshd
Khtn, daughter of the Chubanid amir Dimashq Khwja b. Amr Chpn.
Both the Jalayirids and Chubanids saw control of Azarbayjan as the key
to their success, and almost all of the major battles fought between 736/
1335 and 759/1358 took place in this region. Azarbayjan held significant
material and symbolic attractions, as a centre of trade, capable of sup-
porting large cavalry-based armies, and as the centre of the Ilkhanid royal
domains. This last factor was certainly related to the first two, but it also
carried with it a prestige of its own, as the two amir-gregen families the
Jalayirids and Chubanids attempted to reconstitute the uls of Hleg on
their own terms.
Those individuals loyal to the Chubanids and their new leader, Akh
Jq, were not completely eliminated in Shaykh Uvayss purge of the major
The Jalayirids
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
Tsh himself went to Ahlat and took refuge with the local governor, Khizr
Shh.37 Unwilling to harbour the Chubanid, Khizr Shh turned him over
to Shaykh Uvays for execution.38
The death of Tmr Tsh b. Malik Ashraf in 761/1360 marked the end
of any Chubanid revival in Azarbayjan. The Jochid invasion, the execution
of Malik Ashraf and the subsequent Muzaffarid invasion of Azarbayjan
had all weakened the Chubanids and greatly facilitated Shaykh Uvays in
conquering the region. With the dissolution of Chubanid power, Shaykh
Uvays became recognised in Azarbayjan, as well as by foreign rulers,39 as
the political authority in both Baghdad and Tabriz. The following section
examines the consolidation of Shaykh Uvayss authority through the con-
frontation and conciliation of individuals representing challenges to that
authority in the period between 761/1360 and 768/1367.
The Jalayirids
his emergence within the Ilkhanid territory in the 780s/1380s. This struc-
ture was followed by fi Abr and Fa Khvf.
The fact that these histories were written by authors sponsored by the
Timurids did not mean that they portrayed Shaykh Uvays negatively.
He ruled in Azarbayjan and Iraq before Tmr arrived there, and so did
not represent a threat to the Timurids claims to these provinces. At the
same time, however, we can know little about the specific ideological
claims made by Shaykh Uvays himself from the Timurid histories. For
fi Abr, these details were secondary to Shaykh Uvayss role as the
predecessor and placeholder for Tmrs inevitable conquests in the uls
of Hleg. Shaykh Uvays could thus be portrayed in a positive light by
fi Abr in a manner in which his son Suln Amad whose reign cor-
responded with that of Tmr in the Ilkhanid lands, and thus represented a
direct challenge to Timurid claims there could not.41
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
The Jalayirids
Khwja Mirjns pardon and reinstatement just two years later indicate
a desire on the part of Shaykh Uvays to establish his authority in Arab
Iraq through a show of force, while at the same time making the governor
Khwja Mirjn more dependent on himself as the sultan and sole arbiter
of justice there. Shaykh Uvays eliminated the amirs who gave support to
the rebellion, yet did not give in to calls from the urban elite to eliminate
Khwja Mirjn. Thus, Shaykh Uvays isolated Khwja Mirjn from any
local support in Baghdad, by removing his amir allies, and leaving him
among the ulam and ayn who were hostile to him. It is not surprising,
then, that Khwja Mirjn remained a loyal governor in Baghdad until his
death in 775/1374, for he would have been solely dependent on the sultan
against the local elite. In this way Shaykh Uvays ensured a relatively
stable situation in Arab Iraq after 767/1366, which would enable him to
be absent for long periods in Azarbayjan or elsewhere, without fear of
disobedience from his governor there. Baghdad does seem to have thrived
under Jalayirid rule, after a certain amount of neglect in the Ilkhanid
period. Hlegs sack of the city in 656/1258 did great immediate damage
to the welfare of Baghdad. However, even in the years that followed, as
the Ilkhanids worked to rebuild a flourishing state for themselves, Baghdad
remained a secondary urban centre, peripheral to Tabriz and Sultaniyya,
which became the primary focus of architectural patronage by the Ilkhans.
With the emergence of the Jalayirids as the major power in the western
Ilkhanid lands during the reign of Shaykh Uvays, Baghdad, which had
become the Jalayirid centre during the lifetime of Shaykh asan, enjoyed
a period of development and renewal.
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
asan had emerged as the dominant amir over the Oyrats following the
defeat of their chief, Al Pdshh, in 736/1336. Although the Oyrats
maintained a presence in this region, in the mid-eighth/fourteenth century,
in the northern regions of Diyarbakr, into eastern Anatolia, a confedera-
tion of Turkman tribesmen was emerging under the political leadership of
their own chiefs. In the 760s/1360s, the leader of this group, which would
become known as the Qarquynl, was a certain Bayrm Khwja, whose
brother Bird Khwja had come to power in Mosul.
Shaykh Uvays left Baghdad in the spring of 767/1366, and marched
north along the Tigris. After taking Tikrit, he came to Mosul and seized
Bird Khwja,57 before continuing north toward Bayrm Khwja. The
Turkmans were defeated by Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid forces on
theplain of Mus in the early summer of 767/1366. Following the battle, the
Jalayirids plundered the Turkmans population around Mus.58 The aim of
Shaykh Uvayss campaign against the Turkmans was very different from
that of his campaign against Khwja Mirjn in Baghdad, and thus it called
for different tactics. In Baghdad, the sultan had to deal with a city which
was his second capital, and which was an integral part of the Jalayirid
realm. Shaykh Uvays sought to preserve Baghdad, as well as its governor,
by treating him lightly, and thereby bringing him more closely under his
direct control. However, the Turkmans in Diyarbakr and eastern Anatolia
existed outside Shaykh Uvayss direct authority, and constituted a distinct
political entity with its own leadership. Shaykh Uvays recognised the
danger that a large, nomadic confederation on the fringe of Azarbayjan
and Arab Iraq could pose to his authority in these provinces. He thus
pursued a policy aimed at destroying the unity of the Turkmans by attack-
ing members of their leading family (Bird Khwja and Bayrm Khwja)
and pillaging the Turkman population. In 767/1366, the balance of power
favoured the Jalayirids, and Shaykh Uvays could afford a campaign of
general destruction against the Turkmans. As discussed in Chapter 8,
however, his successors were no longer able to subdue the Turkmans by
force, and instead were obliged to conciliate them with official recogni-
tion of their possessions of land and people in Anatolia, and eventually to
employ them as military auxiliaries in return for even further concessions.
Shaykh Uvays showed conciliation similar to that shown to Khwja
Mirjn when he faced the third major challenge in this consolidation
phase of his reign. It has been mentioned above that Shaykh Uvays had
intended to confront Ks Shrvn in 765/1363, before the rebellion of
The Jalayirids
Khwja Mirjn forced him to give it up. The Shrvnshhs had long been
semi-autonomous rulers in the region north of Azarbayjan. Their control
of Darband, the primary but narrow pass from the Qipchaq steppe south
into Iran, made them significant regional rulers. Although Shirvan was
nominally a vassal of the Ilkhanate, and later of the Jalayirids, the relative
independence of the Shrvnshhs, and their position as guardians of the
traditional entryway of the Jochids into the Ilkhanid territories, required
that they remain on friendly terms with whoever sat on the throne in
Azarbayjan. Since Shaykh Uvays had come to the throne, Ks Shrvn
had tested the resolve of the new Jalayirid sultan, and the limits of his
authority. While Shaykh Uvays had been occupied with Khwja Mirjn
between 765/1364 and 767/1366, Ks twice invaded Tabriz and caused
much of the population in Azarbayjan to leave the province.59
Shaykh Uvays returned to Tabriz in the summer of 767/1366 after
his campaign against Bayrm Khwja and the Turkmans. The following
spring he sent his favourite, Bayrm Beg,60 to Shirvan with a number
of amirs and troops to bring Ks to heel. After a three-month siege of
Kss stronghold, the Jalayirids forced the Shrvnshh to surrender.61
He was sent to the court of Shaykh Uvays, who kept him in confinement
for another three months. However, he then pardoned Ks, and entrusted
Shirvan to him again.62 Zayn al-Dn Qazvn and fi Abr report that
because of the favour and compassion the sultan showed to him, Ks
readily subjugated all of Shirvan and Darband for Shaykh Uvays, and
remained a faithful servant as long as he lived.63 When Ks died in 774/
137273, Shaykh Uvays confirmed his son, Hshang, as his successor as
Shrvnshh.64 We are told that Hshang had been attendant on Shaykh
Uvays at the time of his fathers death, indicating that the Jalayirid sultan
had kept Hshang away from Shirvan as an incentive for Kss loyalty.
As was the case with Khwja Mirjn, Shaykh Uvayss clemency toward
the previously rebellious Shrvnshh was coupled with the certainty
that he would remain loyal after the sultans show of force and eventual
pardon. While Shaykh Uvays had left Khwja Mirjn among those in
Baghdad who opposed him, he held Kss son hostage after returning
Ks to his position in Shirvan. Both tactics allowed Shaykh Uvays to
ensure servants remained loyal to his rule in the provinces without blood-
shed. The moderation and clemency shown by Shaykh Uvays contributed
to his reputation for compassion and justice in Timurid historiography.
Naanz described Shaykh Uvays as a
ruler of extremely passionate heart, and just. In his time, the common people
and the elite ( jumhr-i avmm va khav) were quiet and content ... at all
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
times, he was in the service of the tranquility of the populace, such that in the
times of his government, all of Azarbayjan was the envy of paradise.65
Shaykh Uvays was able to increase the degree of his personal authority
with regard to his provincial governors, and thus ensure the stability of his
regime. However, when faced with the threat of the Turkman confedera-
tion, Shaykh Uvays was not willing to bring their leaders into the Jalayirid
political structure, and instead attempted to destroy their leadership and
eliminate the Turkman presence in Diyarbakr and eastern Anatolia. The
Turkmans of the Qarquynl confederation would maintain a close but
uneasy relationship with the Jalayirids into the Timurid period, and would
eventually succeed the Jalayirid dynasty in Azarbayjan and Arab Iraq.
However, in the period from 768/1367 to his death in 776/1374, Shaykh
Uvays was at the height of his power after the period of conquest and con-
solidation. It was in these years that the royal power of the sultan in Tabriz
reached the extent that had existed during the period of the later Ilkhanid
The Jalayirids
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
advance beyond Simnan, and that Shaykh Uvays returned to Tabriz after
entrusting Rayy to one of his own men.74
The Jalayirid amirs did not favour extending the sultans authority
into Mazandaran, a fact that supports the view that the former Ilkhanid
provinces continued to maintain distinct political identities, as well as a
division between Khurasan and Azarbayjan as separate centres of politi-
cal authority. Such a division can perhaps be traced to the pre-Ilkhanid
Mongol administration, which comprised an imperial representative in
Khurasan, and another military governor in Azarbayjan. After a long
period of political unity under the Ilkhanate, this separation re-emerged in
the Jalayirid period. Despite his defeat in 772/1371, Amr Val maintained
his authority in Astarabad, without any further pressure from Shaykh
Uvays. The region of Rayy was established as the frontier zone between
the Jalayirids and Amr Val.
The peripheral position of Rayy, away from the central authority of
the Jalayirid sultan, perhaps contributed to the rise of the autonomy of
Amr dil, who would come to dominate politics in the Jalayirid realm
after Shaykh Uvayss death. Amr dil, who will be discussed further in
Chapter 8, became the Jalayirid governor of Rayy around the year 775/
1373.75 Amr Val continued to threaten the Jalayirid eastern frontier, and
in 774/137273 Shaykh Uvays prepared another campaign to confront
him. However, the operation was called off due to the death of Shaykh
Uvayss brother, as is discussed below. Shaykh Uvays did not carry out
another campaign against Amr Val, although he planned to shortly before
his own death in 776/1374.76 Later, Amr Val looked to the Jalayirids for
refuge and assistance against Tmr, who drove him from Astarabad and
installed aghy Tmrs son Pdishh Luqmn in 786/1384.
The success of Shaykh Uvays against Amr Val and the establishment
of Rayy as the Jalayirids eastern frontier helped to establish the territo-
rial limits of the sultans authority. The reluctance of the amirs to remain
in Simnan illustrates that Shaykh Uvayss authority was not absolute, but
still subject to some degree of consensus by the amirs. However, the mili-
tary elite was willing to recognise the Jalayirid sultan as the only source
of royal authority in the western Ilkhanid lands, and did not oppose his
assertion of independent authority.
Shaykh Uvayss growing power was also recognised by a representa-
tive of the Muzaffarids, another of the regional dynasties within the former
Ilkhanid provinces. Descended from an elite Arab family from Khurasan,
Mubriz al-Dn Muammad ibn Sharaf al-Dn Muaffar was recognised as
the Ilkhanid governor of Yazd by Ab Sad in 719/131920. In the years
that followed, he expanded his territory, taking Shiraz in 754/1353 and
The Jalayirids
Isfahan in 757/1356. That Mubriz al-Dn and his sons sought to incorpo-
rate Azarbayjan into their domains is evidenced by the several invasions
they made to the north between 758/1357 and 776/1375. As mentioned
above, after bringing all of Fars and Persian Iraq under his control,
Mubriz al-Dn claimed the caliphate for himself.77 He also attempted to
take advantage of the disorder in Azarbayjan following the invasion of the
Jochid Jn Beg Khan, and thwarted the Chubanid-revivalist aspirations
of Akh Jq in 758/1357. However, he soon had to withdraw after Shaykh
Uvayss conquest the following year. Mubriz al-Dn was deposed and
blinded by his sons, who henceforth shared political authority in the
Muzaffarid state.78
In the years following Mubriz al-Dns deposition and death, his
sons and nephews competed for control over Fars and Persian Iraq from
their bases in the cities of Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd and Kirman. During the
reign of Shaykh Uvays, Shh Mamd b. Mubriz al-Dn challenged
his brother, Shh Shuj, for leadership of the Muzaffarid family. The
Jalayirids became involved in the internal struggles of the Muzaffarids
when Shaykh Uvays gave his daughter in marriage to Shh Mamds
son in 771/136970.79 The alliance between Shaykh Uvays and Shh
Mamd Muaffar had the effect of neutralising Shh Shuj. However,
after Shaykh Uvays died in 776/1374, followed by Shh Mamd in 776/
1375,80 Shh Shuj was free to launch a campaign in an attempt to capture
Azarbayjan for the Muzaffarids.
In the same year that Shaykh Uvayss daughter married into the
Muzaffarid family (771/136970), Shaykh Uvays married his son Shaykh
asan to the daughter of Q Shaykh Al, the most prominent member
of the ulam in Tabriz.81 This marriage was probably an attempt to
strengthen the ties between the Jalayirids and the urban elite of Tabriz,
with the uprising of Khwja Mirjn in recent memory. Q Shaykh Al
naturally wanted his son-in-law Shaykh asan to succeed ShaykhUvays
as sultan. However, when Shaykh Uvays designated his son Suln
usayn as his successor, Q Shaykh Al protested, saying that Shaykh
asan is not bearing it. Since he is the elder brother, Suln usayn would
not be suited to the sultanate (bi-salanat suln usayn dar naszad).82
However, the amirs kept Shaykh asan confined, and executed him imme-
diately after Shaykh Uvayss death was confirmed.83 After the execu-
tion of his son-in-law, Q Shaykh Al remained a prominent figure in
Tabriz, and took part in a conspiracy against the new ruler Suln usayn.
In addition to forging ties with the family of Q Shaykh Al, Shaykh
Uvays also associated with religious figures of a more antinomian incli-
nation, including Fazl Allh Astarbd (d. 796/1394). Founder of the
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
The Jalayirids
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
chants from the Latin West to the Ilkhanate in the seventh/thirteenth and
eighth/fourteenth centuries. The result was that trade with Italian mer-
chants dropped off almost completely after the death of Ab Sad in 736/
1335.101 As a result of persecution of the foreigners in Tabriz, Genoese
merchants abandoned the route through Iran for their trade with China.
Instead, they followed a northern route, from Caffa in the Crimea, to
Tana (Azov), to Saray on the Volga, and then around the north side of the
Caspian Sea to Urgench.102 The year 74041/1340 seems to have been the
beginning of the Chubanids closing Tabriz to Italian merchants. While
the Genoese trader Marco Morosini had sent his agents to Sultaniyya in
73940/1339,103 Genoa declared a boycott of the Chubanid lands in two
decrees, issued in 74041/1340 and 74243/1342.104 Jean Richard has
written that Iran was closed to the Genoese in 74344/1343.105 Thus, if
we take the years between 74041/1340 and 74344/1343 as the height of
mutual hostility between the Chubanids and Genoa, it can be concluded
that Shaykh asan Chbn was responsible for the cutting-off of trade
with the Latin West.
After Shaykh asan Chbns death, the economic repercussions of
this policy began to be felt, prompting Malik Ashraf to send an emissary
to propose peace with Genoa, and to return Genoese goods that had been
seized.106 However, this overture did not succeed in bringing the Genoese
back to Tabriz.107 The reluctance of Genoa to trade in Chubanid Tabriz
may have been influenced by Malik Ashrafs reputation as an unpredict-
able and despotic ruler, who could have seized Genoese commercial
After he took control of Tabriz in 759/ 1358, the Jalayirid sultan
Shaykh Uvays attempted to revive trade with both Genoa and Venice.
The Genoese did not return,108 perhaps because the Tana-Saray-Urgench
route had proven secure and lucrative, under the protection of the Jochid
khans. This may have also been due to conflict between the Genoese and
Shaykh Uvays himself. According to Clavijo, writing thirty years after the
sultans death, tension arose between the Genoese merchants and Shaykh
Uvays when the Genoese began to construct a castle outside Tabriz on
land they purchased from the sultan.109 Accustomed to operating out of
their own strongholds on the Black Sea coast, the Genoese were extending
this practice to the Jalayirid city. However, Shaykh Uvays informed them
that it was not customary for merchants to build castles, before ordering
them to be executed.110
Shaykh Uvayss attempts to lure the Venetians were also unsuccessful.
In order to re-establish contact between the republic and Tabriz, Shaykh
Uvays named an envoy to Venice in 77071/1369.111 The Venetians in
The Jalayirids
Trabzond on the Black Sea coast responded to the sultan that they had
waited for two years to be granted passage for their caravan, and were
clearly reluctant to believe the Jalayirid sultans assurance. Shaykh Uvays
wrote to the Venetian bailo in Trabzond again in 77475/1373, in an
attempt to convince the Venetian merchants that the caravan routes from
the Black Sea to Tabriz were open and secure. The sultan gave his assur-
ances that he would punish anyone who would impede or pillage the cara-
vans. However, Venice did not respond to these overtures, unconvinced of
the promises of Shaykh Uvays.112
It is not clear whether the disappearance of the Italian merchants had
a negative effect on the economic prosperity of Tabriz. On the one hand,
the Genoese and Venetians had been the main agents of commercial
exchange with the Black Sea and Mediterranean economies in Iran. A shift
to a northerly route, passing through the Jochid uls, would have hurt the
Jalayirid economy. However, Tabriz continued to flourish in subsequent
years. This can possibly be attributed to a shift in the silk trade in the late
eighth/fourteenth century, as more caravans began carrying silk overland
from Tabriz to Ottoman Bursa.113 The European observers Schiltberger
and Clavijo both commented on the many merchants and the high volume
of trade in Tabriz around the turn of the ninth/fifteenth century, after the
trade with the Italian states had slowed. Even though Shaykh Uvays failed
to reopen trade channels with Genoa and Venice, Jalayirid Tabriz, as well
as Sultaniyya, continued to prosper.
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
1. This is according to Naanz, who gives his age as thirty-four at his death
in 777/137576. However, his death is commonly accepted as 2 Jumd I
776/9 October 1374. See Naanz/Aubin, 167.
2. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 184; (English translation), 83.
3. fi Abr/ZJT, 184. These lines are attributed to Salmn Svaj. See
Svaj/Kullyt, xxxxi.
4. Malik Ashraf married the daughter of al-Malik al-li in a lavish ceremony
in Tabriz. However, she was not to his liking, and he ignored her after their
first night together. See fi Abr/ZJT, 184.
The Jalayirids
5. Qazvn/ZTG, 57.
6. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 176; (English translation), 76.
7. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 1767; (English translation), 76; Qazvn/ZTG,
57; fi Abr/ZJT, 184; Samarqand/Mala, 1:289.
8. Qazvn/ZTG, 578; fi Abr/ZJT, 1845.
9. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 177; (English translation), 767.
10. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 177; (English translation), 77. The reference here
is to Malik Ashrafs puppet, Ghazan II. Little is known about this appar-
ent successor to Anshirvn, although several coins struck in his name
are known from the years 757/1356 and 758/1357. See Stephen Album,
Checklist of Islamic Coins, 2nd edn (Santa Rosa: S. Album, 1998), 110. My
thanks to Stephen Album for the reference.
11. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 178; (English translation), 78; Qazvn/ZTG, 62;
fi Abr/ZJT, 187.
12. Qazvn/ZTG, 63; fi Abr/ZJT, 188.
13. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 179; (English translation), 78. Ahr does not
mention the Chubanid hostages. See also Qazvn/ZTG, 64; fi Abr/ZJT,
14. Qazvn/ZTG, 645; fi Abr/ZJT, 189.
15. fi Abr mentions that Akh Jq was among the troops of Malik Ashraf.
See fi Abr/ZJT, 186. Shrn Bayn describes him as the governor of
Tabriz and deputy (nib) of Jn Beg. See Shrn Bayn, Trkh-i l-i
Jalyir (Tehran: Intishrt-i Dnishgh-i Tihrn, 1962), 34.
16. Qazvn/ZTG, 64; fi Abr/ZJT, 1889; Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 179;
(English translation), 79.
17. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 180; (English translation), 79.
18. Cf. Ahrs reference to the amirate of Malik Ashraf (imrat-i malik ashraf ),
in Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 171; (English translation), 72.
19. Qazvn/ZTG, 65: He was tormenting the people with unnecessary confis-
cation and exactions; fi Abr/ZJT, 189.
20. In Ahrs periodisation, the sultanate of Shaykh Uvays begins not when he
succeeds his father in Baghdad, but after the defeat of the Chubanids and
the conquest of Azarbayjan. See Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 182; (English
translation), 81.
21. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 180; (English translation), 7980.
22. Van Loon notes that the year of the battle has been left out of the manuscript
of Ahrs history, with only the last day of the month (salkh) of Shabn
indicated. Thus, the date is end of Shabn 759/early August 1358; see Ahr/
TSU, (Persian text), 181; (English translation), 80. Zayn al-Dn Qazvn,
and thus also fi Abr, have the end of Shawwl 759/early October 1358.
However, Shabn (August) must be correct, since at a later point in Zayn
al-Dns narrative he records the execution of the Ashraf amirs in Tabriz as
taking place on 28 Raman of that year (3 September 1358). See Qazvn/
ZTG, 667; fi Abr/ZJT, 189.
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
The Jalayirids
Charles Melville in his article amd Allh Mustawfs afarnmah and the
Historiography of the Late Ilkhanid Period, in Kambiz Eslami (ed.), Iran
and Iranian Studies: Essays in Honor of Iraj Afshar (Princeton: Zagros,
1998), 4.
41. The positive historical image of Shaykh Uvays was continued in the
Ottoman context as well. As Cornell Fleischer has pointed out, in Muaf
ls treatment of the Mongol successor states in his Ful-i all ve Ad,
Shaykh Uvays is praised as a ruler who used his wealth to patronise art
and learning, which served to glorify his memory. This positive image of
the Jalayirid sultan was incorporated into Muaf ls discourse on the
degradation of Ottoman institutions in the late tenth/sixteenth century, and
served a primarily rhetorical function in ls criticism of the situation
in his own time. See Cornell H. Fleischer, Bureaucrat and Intellectual in
the Ottoman Empire: The Historian Mustafa Ali (15411600) (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1986), 282, n. 22.
42. Qazvn/ZTG, 74; Naanz/Aubin, 167; fi Abr/ZJT, 192; Fa Khvf/
Mujmal, 96. Fa Khvf refers to Khvja Mirjn as Khvja Jawhar
Khdim, although he does refer to Khvja Mirjn as the successor to
Sulaymn Shh Khzin in Baghdad in 770/136869. See Fa Khvf/
Mujmal, 101. fi Abr describes Khvja Mirjn as the vl of Baghdad in
Zayl-i Jmi al-Tavrkh, 192; Naanz describes him as an atabeg (nisbat
bi- rh-i atbk dsht) and governor (kim) of Baghdad.
43. fi Abr/ZJT, 193.
44. Maqrz/Ziyda, 4:287.
45. Maqrz/Ziyda, 4:287.
46. This was Q Shaykh Al, whom Shaykh Uvays had entrusted with the
administration of Tabriz when he set out for Baghdad. See Qazvn/ZTG,
47. Maqrz/Ziyda, 4:288.
48. fi Abr has Quraysh Dam (band-i quraysh). See fi Abr/ZJT,
49. Qazvn/ZTG, 74; fi Abr/ZJT, 192.
50. Qazvn/ZTG, 756; fi Abr/ZJT, 1923. Zayn al-Dn Qazvn and fi
Abr mention Shaykh Uvayss son and successor Suln usayn for the first
time in the context of the plans for the assault on Baghdad.
51. Qazvn/ZTG, 77; fi Abr/ZJT, 193.
52. Qazvn/ZTG, 77; Naanz/Aubin, 167; fi Abr/ZJT, 193; Fa Khvf/
Mujmal, 96. Maqrz writes that Khvja Mirjn was blinded (saml aynayhi),
a detail not mentioned by the Persian sources. See Maqrz/Ziyda, 4:293.
53. Qazvn/ZTG, 78; fi Abr/ZJT, 194.
54. Qazvn/ZTG, 79; fi Abr/ZJT, 194.
55. Qazvn/ZTG, 83; fi Abr/ZJT, 195; Fa Khvf/Mujmal, 101.
56. Qazvn/ZTG, 83; fi Abr/ZJT, 195.
57. Qazvn/ZTG, 79; fi Abr/ZJT, 194; Faruk Smer, Kara Koyunlular
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
The Jalayirids
Shaykh Uvays and the Jalayirid Dynasty
The Jalayirids
By 1360, Sultan Shaykh Uvays had taken control of Azarbayjan, the first
step in consolidating Jalayirid rule over the lands of the western Ilkhanate.
In addition to this military conquest, and the consolidation of authority
as described in the previous chapter, the ideological foundations of the
Jalayirid sultanate were elaborated during the reign of Shaykh Uvays.
In this period, the servants and supporters of Shaykh Uvays created a
complex narrative and official image of the Jalayirid dynasty as the right-
ful successors to the Ilkhanids. Unlike previous Chubanid amirs like
Malik Ashraf, as well as Shaykh asan Jalayir, who had ruled in the name
of figurehead khans, Shaykh Uvays claimed a number of royal titles for
himself, including sultan, khan and ib-qirn (lord of the auspicious
conjunction). This ideological programme was created by individuals who
relied on the Jalayirid court for their livelihood, and had also served the
Ilkhanids and had a professional interest in the continuation of the Ilkhanid
political order. They stood to benefit from a royal patron who ruled from
the wealthy province of Azarbayjan and who patronised the urban liter-
ate religious and administrative culture in Tabriz. This chapter explores
some of the major aspects of Mongol imperial, Ilkhanid and Perso-Islamic
ideologies of legitimate rulership that came to be incorporated into works
of history, administrative protocol, poetry, architecture and art during the
reign of Shaykh Uvays. What we find is an ideology of legitimate ruler-
ship that looked to the Ilkhanid past while at the same time acknowledging
the unique nature of the Jalayirid sultans identity as the ideal upholder of
the values of the steppe, justice and Islam.
The Jalayirids
surviving work of history written for and about the Jalayirid dynasty, the
Trkh-i Shaykh Uvays, completed around 761/1360 by Ab Bakr al-Qub
al-Ahr. This work is a universal history, from the beginning of the world
down to the accession of Ahrs patron Shaykh Uvays. Ahr depends for
much of his information on the monumental universal history of the Ilkhan
vizier Rashd al-Dn (d. 718/1318). However, the final section of the work
is valuable for its account of the post-Ilkhan political situation from a
Jalayirid perspective.
Ahrs organisation of his account of the post-Ab Sad period is
significant. The history is arranged by the reigns of the Ilkhans. For the
years after the death of Ab Sad, Ahr continued to present a linear suc-
cession of sultans, and organised his information under the reigns of the
Chinggisid protgs installed by the amirs who held actual power. Thus,
while the Chinggisid puppet khans installed by Shaykh asan Jalayir are
given headings, Shaykh asan himself is not recognised as a legitimate
ruler. It was Shaykh Uvays, whose reign is given the heading the sultan-
ate of the supreme Ruler, lord of the necks of the populace (salanat-i
pdishh-i aam mlik-i riqb-i umam) Shaykh Uvays Bahdur Khan,
who was recognised by Ahr as the first legitimate Jalayirid sovereign.1
Thus, Ahrs work is not a history of a Jalayirid dynasty per se, with
Shaykh Uvays as the climax of a noble ruling family. Although Shaykh
Uvayss father and grandfather are given great respect, it is the Chinggisid
ruling family that provides the basis for Ahrs presentation of his univer-
sal history. Shaykh Uvays is of course the pinnacle and culmination of his
narrative; however, it is a narrative that conforms to a notion of the privi-
leged place of Chinggisid lineage, even when those who held power could
not claim this lineage for themselves.
Although Shaykh Uvays was not a Chinggisid though the lineage of
his father, Ahr emphasised his genealogical ties to female members of
the Ilkhanid royal house. The final section of his Trkh is dedicated to
Shaykh Uvayss noble lineage (naab-i sharfash).2 Here Ahr points
out that Shaykh Uvayss mother Dilshd Khtns own mother was
descended from the Ilkhan Amad Tegder. He also reminds his reader
that Shaykh Uvayss paternal grandmother was ljetey Sultan, the daugh-
ter of Arghun, another former Ilkhan ruler.3 Thus, Shaykh Uvays could
claim a place in the noble Ilkhanid family tree through two female lines,
relationships not commonly considered sufficient to make one a legitimate
Chinggisid prince. Ahr had to be careful to situate Shaykh Uvays into a
narrative which recognised the Chinggisid legitimising principle, despite
the fact that he was not only not a Chinggisid, but also did not claim to
rule in the name of a protg or puppet khan as his father Shaykh asan
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
had done. The ambivalence this created among those who served him
and helped to cultivate his imperial image is reflected in Ahrs work.
Ahr and others who were patronised by the Jalayirid court attempted to
accommodate the non-Chinggisid Jalayirid dynasty as continuators of the
Chinggisid and, more specifically, the Ilkhanid tradition.
In addition to his genealogical ties to the Ilkhanids, attempts were also
made to present Shaykh Uvays as the logical successor to the last Ilkhan,
Ab Sad, despite the fact that Shaykh Uvays was not a direct descend-
ant of Ab Sad. The author of the manual of court protocol written for
Shaykh Uvays, Dastr al-Ktib f Tayn al-Martib, Muammad b.
Hindshh Nakhjivn, devoted a portion of his dedication in this work
to the praise and memory of the last Ilkhan ruler Ab Sad and his grand
vizier Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad.4 Here Nakhjivn describes how he
was commissioned to write his book:
In the days of the reign (dawlat) of the late fortunate sultan (suln-i sad) and
pious praiseworthy ruler (khqn-i amd-i mabrr) Al al-Duny wa-al-Dn
Ab Sad... the late august martyr (ib-i sad-i shahd-i maghfr) Khwja
Ghiyth al-aqq wa-al-Dn Muammad Rashd, may God cool his grave, and
the other pillars of state and assistants of His Majesty repeatedly sent the order
for the compilation of such a book.5
The Jalayirids
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
The Jalayirids
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
The Jalayirids
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
Dawlatshh Samarqand wrote that his family was always honoured by the
sultans.35 The career of Salmns father benefited from the fact that it coin-
cided with that of the most prominent native of Svah of the period, Sad
al-Dn Svaj, who served as vizier with Rashd al-Dn during the reigns
of Ghazan and ljeyt.36 Salmn himself was trained in the business of
the dvn and chancery script (ilm-i siyq va qf),37 but also began to
gain notoriety as a poet at the end of Ab Sads reign. His patron was
the vizier Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad, for whom he composed a qada
known as Badi al-Asr (or Abr).38
After Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad was killed in his conflict with Al
Pdshh and the Oyrats in 736/1336, Salmn sought the patronage of
Shaykh asan and his newly appointed vizier Shams al-Dn Muammad
Zakary. After Shaykh asan was forced to abandon Azarbayjan in 740/
1340 and settle permanently in Baghdad, Salmn followed him there, and
soon became poet laureate (malik al-shuar) of the Jalayirid court.39
According to Dawlatshh, Salmn was discovered by Shaykh asan
Jalayir while the poet was making his way to Baghdad from his home
town of Svah. Salmn composed a spontaneous verse about the amir
and his slave who was fetching the arrows that he was shooting. Pleased
with his work, Shaykh asan promoted Salmn, who became the darling
(qurrat al-ayn) of the Jalayirid family, and whose prestige reached the
highest level during the reign of Shaykh Uvays.40
The vast majority of Salmns odes (qaid, sing. qada) that survive
are dedicated to prominent members of the Jalayirid dynasty and their
ministers. In the following discussion of these qadas, attention has been
paid to the attributes, titles and qualities ascribed specifically to the sultan,
while less emphasis has been placed on the literary qualities of the odes.
In other words, what is considered here are aspects of the official image
and persona of Shaykh Uvays as expressed by the Jalayirid court poet, as a
way of understanding what elements went into the creation of the Jalayirid
dynastic image. Aspects relating to the artistic qualities of Salmns work
are not of primary concern here.
The panegyric of Salmn was probably not intended for a wide public
audience; it is assumed here that his work was intended for the ears of
the sultan and his entourage. However, it is likely that Salmns odes
were recited aloud in the restricted public forum of the royal court, which
included members of the royal family, administrative officials, religious
figures, and foreign travellers and envoys. What is suggested here is that
given the dearth of narrative historical sources representing an official
Jalayirid view of their own place in history and their relationship to the
Ilkhanid past, the poetry written for the Jalayirid court, about the sultan,
The Jalayirids
might help us to gauge more accurately what the Jalayirid view of their
relationship to the Mongol political past might have been.
One of the most prevalent images in Salmns qadas dedicated to
Shaykh Uvays is that of the sun. The sultan is commonly referred to as
the sun of the sultanate (ftb-i salanat),41 or a similar variation, such
as sun of the sky of the sultanate/power/rule (ftb-i smn-i salanat42
or ftb-i smn-i mulk43). Salmn employs other variations on this solar
imagery, referring to Shaykh Uvays as lord of the sun of (royal) glory
(dvar-i khrshd-i farr)44 and the noble sun (khrshd-i karam).45 The
sultan is also called the sun of justice protection (ftb-i adl-parvar),46
suggesting that his ability to dispense and enforce justice spread like the
rays of the sun throughout the kingdom. More will be said about Shaykh
Uvays and the issue of justice in Salmns qadas below.
Another major theme in Salmns praise of Shaykh Uvays is frequent
comparison to the historical and legendary pre-Islamic kings of Iran. In
these comparisons, Salmn claims that Shaykh Uvays is equal to or sur-
passes these great rulers in whatever attribute they are most famous for.
For example, Shaykh Uvays is likened to Anshirvn in justice, Ardashr
in bravery, and Jamshd in glory.47
Justice is a third major theme in Salmns odes to Shaykh Uvays.
The role of the ruler as a just and disinterested arbiter of the various
competing interests in society was central to the concept of legitimate
political authority in many pre-modern societies. Shaykh Uvays was not
a lawgiver, in that he did not introduce a new code of justice as part of
his political programme. Instead, he sought to uphold the Ilkhanid legal
tradition, which had come to involve a combination of Islamic (shara)
and Mongol dynastic law (ys). The Islamic legal tradition involved
more than just the theological debates and rulings of religious scholars and
jurisconsults. The tradition of dynastic decree or arbitration, often referred
to as malim, was also part of the legal tradition in Islamic societies in the
region ruled by the Ilkhanids.
Another common theme in Salmns praise and characterisation of
Shaykh Uvays is the sultan as the shadow of God (sya-yi khud,48
sya-yi aqq,49 ill-i aqq,50 sya-yi parvardagr 51). This was a common
title used by Islamic rulers since the time of the early Abbasid caliphs. It
placed Shaykh Uvays well within the caliphal tradition, as a ruler whose
right to rule depended on his role as a representative of Gods will on
earth. Variations on this title included shadow of Gods grace (sya-yi
luf-i khudvand 52 or sya-yi luf-i ilah 53) and divine shadow (sya-yi
In his verse in praise of Shaykh Uvays, Salmn made reference to
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
The Jalayirids
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
political figure. She also took an active role in the administration of the
government in Baghdad.76
The image of Dilshd as a political leader, and not just the wife of
Shaykh asan, is reflected in Salmn Svajs qadas dedicated to her.
She is the head and chief of the kings of the world (sar va sarvar-i
shhn-i jahn;77 also sar-i saln78) and lord of the sultans of the sea
and plain (khudygn-i saln-i bar va barr).79 Salmn even casts
Dilshd in the role of a conqueror, praising Dilshd Shh, a ruler veiled
by the glory of the king, seized the kingdom of Sanjar and broke the crown
of Heraclius (dilshd shh shh kaz farr-i malik muqanna bi-girift
mulk-i sanjar bi-shikast tj-i hirqil).80 In addition, just as Shaykh Uvays
and Shaykh asan are compared to the great pre-Islamic kings of Iran,
so Dilshd is compared to former queens, including Bilqs, the Queen
of Sheba, Qaydfa, Queen of Barda, and Drb, the eldest daughter of
Bahman in the Shh-nma.81
Finally, like her husband and son, Dilshd Khtn is portrayed by
Salmn as a supporter and defender of Islam. Thus, she is the supporter of
prophetic law (nir-i shar-i payambar) and guardian of the world and
religion (imat-i duny va dn).82 Salmn also describes Dilshd as the
kaba of the men of the state, [and] qibla of the lords of religion (kaba-
yi arkn-i dawlat qibla-yi arbb-i dn).83 Here, as with Shaykh asan, the
axis around which the heavens and circle of kingship turn, Dilshd too is
imagined as a fixed central focus (kaba) around which turn the affairs of
both the state and religion.
Salmn Svaj personally benefited from his close association with the
Jalayirids, and acquired a vast amount of land and property from Dilshd
Khtn and Shaykh Uvays. However, Salmns undoing was his unwill-
ingness to continue his loyalty to the Jalayirids after Shaykh Uvayss son
and successor, Suln usayn, was driven out of Tabriz by the Muzaffarid
prince Shh Shuj in 776/1375. Although Muzaffarid occupation in
Tabriz was short-lived, Salmns qadas in praise of Shh Shuj earned
him the ire of Suln usayn when he returned and restored Azarbayjan
to Jalayirid control.
The preceding overview of the relationship of Salmn Svaj to the
Jalayirid ruling family is intended to help understand the ideological foun-
dations of their rule in the former Ilkhanid domains in the period after Ab
Sad, and especially during the reign of Shaykh Uvays. Praise for Shaykh
Uvays and his parents, Shaykh asan and Dilshd Khtn, emphasised the
new dynastys image as conquerors, world rulers and preservers of past
traditions of both pre-Islamic Iranian kingship and Islam. The Jalayirids
patronised Salmn not only for his talents as a poet, but also for the ways
The Jalayirids
in which his verse reinforced the notion of Shaykh Uvays as a ruler very
much in line with the legacy of Ab Sad and the Ilkhanid state. While
Salmns verse was not necessarily for public consumption, its more
narrow focus on the ruler and his court was designed to establish a political
identity for the Jalayirids among the ruling class, and perhaps also among
the literary and administrative elites who had served the Ilkhans, and could
now hope to continue their livelihoods in the service of rulers who sought
to present themselves as the rightful heirs to the Ilkhanid regime.
The preceding discussion has been an attempt to identify and analyse the
ways in which legitimate political authority was conceived and expressed
in the post-Ilkhanid Islamic world in the eighth/fourteenth century through
an examination of the literary and material production of the court of the
Jalayirid sultan Shaykh Uvays. The Jalayirid dynasty was descended from
a Mongol tribal group that established itself among the ruling elite of the
Ilkhanate from the earliest days of that states existence. Although they
were not patrilineal descendants of Chinggis Qan, their privileged place
within the Ilkhan state, along with their matrilineal descent from two
Ilkhanid rulers, seems to have allowed Shaykh Uvays to claim to uphold,
if not the direct Chinggisid bloodline, then at least a more general notion
of Mongol heritage. At the same time, an image of Shaykh Uvays as the
dispenser and defender of justice in the name of Islam was also cultivated
by those who produced literature at his court in Tabriz. Such an image had
a long history in the Islamic world, and was one taken up by the Ilkhans,
particularly Ghazan and Ab Sad. The continuation of the rhetoric of a
ruler who upheld Islamic and Chinggisid traditions indicates a conscious
attempt on the part of the Jalayirid court, particularly after the re-conquest
of the Ilkhanid heartland of Azarbayjan, to re-establish the Ilkhanate,
albeit only in its western provinces and without a true prince of the blood.
In an age when the symbolic authority of both the caliph and Chinggis
Qans family were no longer viable bases on which to arrange the political
order, the expressions of the Jalayirid court under Shaykh Uvays represent
an ongoing attempt to reformulate the meaning of legitimate authority
among a ruling class which drew on both the glories of the conquests of
Chinggis Qan and the expectations of the Muslim community to fashion
its image and maintain its position.
The reign of Shaykh Uvays represented the height of royal authority
in the years after Ab Sads death. The Jalayirid sultan seemed to have
successfully established a dynastic state, founded on the principles upheld
by the Ilkhans. The survival of this state would be challenged in the years
following the death of Shaykh Uvays, first by a succession struggle among
his sons, and then by the Chaghatayid amir and conqueror Tmr. As will
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
1. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 182; (English translation), 81.
2. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 184; (English translation), 83.
3. Ahr/TSU, (Persian text), 184; (English translation), 83.
4. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 25.
5. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 245.
6. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 25.
7. Nakhjivn was a member of the Ilkhanid financial administration in the
mid-eighth/fourteenth century. He was a close associate of the grand vizier
Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad, who urged him to write a book of composi-
tion and correspondence protocol (insh) during the reign of Ab Sad.
However, he did not complete his Dastr al-Ktib until many years after
Ab Sads death, during the reign of Shaykh Uvays. See Nakhjivn/
Dastr, ix, xi, 245.
8. Nr al-Dn Azhdar, Ghzn-nma-yi Manm, ed. Mamd Mudabbir
(Tehran: Bunyd-i Mawqft-i Duktur Mamd Afshr, 1380 [2001]),
9. During the reign of Shaykh Uvays, coins were struck in his name through-
out the Jalayirid sultanate, in provinces that were directly under his rule
(Baghdad, Wasit, Khuy, Tabriz, Ardabil, Nakhjivan, Shirvan), as well as in
Persian Iraq and Fars (Kashan, Isfahan, Shiraz). See Shrn Bayn, Trkh-i
l-i Jalyir (Tehran: Intishrt-i Dnishgh-i Tihrn, 1962), 49.
10. Stephen Album, Studies in Ilkhanid History and Numismatics I: A Late
Ilkhanid Hoard (743/1342), Iranian Studies 13 (1984): 706, 847.
11. H. L. Rabino, Coins of the Jalir, ara oynl, Mushasha, and A
oynl Dynasties, Numismatic Chronicle 6:10 (1950): 101.
12. Rabino, Coins of the Jalir, 105; Bayn, Trkh-i l-i Jalyir, 49.
13. Sheila Blair, The Coins of the Later Ilkhanids: A Typological Analysis,
JESHO 26 (1983): 300.
14. Blair, The Coins of the Later Ilkhanids, 299.
15. Ilkhanid coins, and those struck after 736/1335, would often exhibit the
name of the ruler in Uyghur script. For example, coins struck in the name of
the Chubanid puppet Sulaymn Khan, as well as those struck in the name of
Shaykh Uvays, gave the rulers name in this form. See Rabino, Coins of the
Jalir, 105; Norman D. Nicol, Raafat el-Nabarawy and Jere L. Bacharach,
Catalog of the Islamic Coins, Glass Weights, Dies and Medals in the
Egyptian National Library, Cairo (Malibu, CA: Undena, 1982), no. 4,712.
There are also examples of coins struck in the name of Ghazan in which this
The Jalayirids
pattern is reversed, that is, the rulers name is written in Arabic script, while
the formula is in Uyghur script. See Blair, The Coins of the Later Ilkhanids,
16. Y. A. Godard, Bassin de cuivre au nom de Shaikh Uwais, Athr- rn:
Annales du service archaeologique de rn 1 (1936): 371.
17. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 14.
18. Tariq Jawad al-Janabi, Studies in Medieval Iraqi Architecture (Baghdad:
Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1982), 114.
19. Al-Janabi, Studies in Medieval Iraqi Architecture, 114.
20. Al-Janabi, Studies in Medieval Iraqi Architecture, 1356.
21. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 14.
22. See Charles Melville, Pdishh-i Islm: The Conversion of Sultan Mamd
Ghzn Khn, Pembroke Papers 1 (1990): 15977.
23. Sharaf al-Dn Muammad b. asan Rm, Ans al-Ushshq, ed. Musin
Kiyn (Tehran: Intishrt-i Rawzna, 1376 [199798]), 39.
24. Vincenzo Strika and Jbir Khall, The Islamic Architecture of Baghdad:
The Results of a Joint Italian-Iraqi Survey (Naples: Istituto Universitario
Orientale, 1987), 48. Arabic text taken from Nir al-Naqshband, al-
Madrasa al-Mirjniyya, Sumer 2 (1946): 48.
25. Al-Janabi, Studies in Medieval Iraqi Architecture, 1356.
26. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 13.
27. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 14.
28. Nakhjivn/Dastr, 1314.
29. Said Amir Arjomand, The Shadow of God and the Hidden Imam: Religion,
Political Order, and Societal Change in Shiite Iran from the Beginning to
1890 (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1984), 96.
30. Rm, Ans al-Ushshq, 39.
31. Murat Bardak, Maragal Abdlkadir: XV. yy. bestecisi ve mzik
nazariyatsnn hayat hika yesiyle eserleri zerine bir alsma (Istanbul:
Pan Yaynclk, 1986), 154.
32. Strika and Khall, The Islamic Architecture of Baghdad, 48.
33. Al-Janabi, Studies in Medieval Iraqi Architecture, 1356.
34. Svaj/Kullyt (Vafs introduction), vivii.
35. Dawlatshh/Tazkira, 286.
36. Svaj/Kullyt (Vafs introduction), viii.
37. Dawlatshh/Tazkira, 286.
38. Svaj/Kullyt (Vafs introduction), xi.
39. Svaj/Kullyt (Vafs introduction), xii.
40. Dawlatshh/Tazkira, 287.
41. Svaj/Kullyt, 89, 92, 198.
42. Svaj/Kullyt, 174.
43. Svaj/Kullyt, 176.
44. Svaj/Kullyt, 63.
45. Svaj/Kullyt, 84.
Dynastic Ideology during the Reign of ShaykhUvays
The Jalayirids
80. Svaj/Kullyt, 137. The references here are to the Saljq sultan Sanjar
(d.552/1157) and the Byzantine emperor Heraclius (d. 20/641).
81. Svaj/Kullyt, 6.
82. Svaj/Kullyt, 6.
83. Svaj/Kullyt, 6. In another example, Dilshd Khtn is that lofty kaba
and that qibla of excellence (n kba-yi al vn qibla-yi mal). See
Svaj/Kullyt, 137.
The period following the death of Sultan Shaykh Uvays was one of dis-
ruption of the central authority he had attempted to establish in Tabriz.
Between 776/1374 and 788/1386 the rule of the Jalayirid sultans was chal-
lenged by the power of the amirs, who rallied support around alternative
Jalayirid princes. The most powerful amir in this period was Amr dil
q, who enjoyed support from the Oyrat tribesmen, and whose author-
ity in Sultaniyya was confirmed by Tmr. Power in the sultanate became
divided between Tabriz, Baghdad and Sultaniyya, each home to a Jalayirid
contender for the throne. In addition, this period saw the rise in influence
of the Qarquynl Turkmans on the northwestern frontier, and the begin-
ning of their at times friendly, at times hostile relations with the Jalayirids.
The political situation was turned upside down after 788/1386, with
the first campaigns of Tmr in Iran, which fundamentally altered the
balance of power and challenged the Ilkhanid legacy as promoted by
the Jalayirids. Tmrs arrival was not immediately devastating for the
Jalayirid dynasty, however, and in fact Tmrs conquests served to
restore the authority of the sultan by eliminating his rivals. The long reign
of Suln Amad (r. 784/1382813/1410) was characterised by a seriesof
flights from Tmrs armies and subsequent attempts to regain control of
Tabriz and Baghdad. Although Suln Amad was severely weakened
by the Timurid campaigns, between 788/1386 and 813/1410 Jalayirid
sovereignty remained important for political actors who sought to oppose
or resist the Timurids. The Mamluk sultanate, the Ottoman beylik and
the Qarquynl confederation all looked to the Jalayirid sultan as the
embodiment of an alternative to Tmr in the late fourteenth century. For
the Qarquynl leader Qar Ysuf in particular, Suln Amad became
a link to the Ilkhanid legacy, which served as ideological capital with
which to make claims to legitimate authority in Azarbayjan and Iraq
in the early fifteenth century. Although the Jalayirid dynasty continued
until the demise of Suln Amads grandson, Suln usayn, in 835/
1432, the Qarquynl seizure of Tabriz following Suln Amads death
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
the nominal authority of the Jalayirid sultan, who could be more easily
controlled and manipulated. Once the Muzaffarid threat had passed, other
princes also offered opportunities for those opposed to the authority of
Amr dil. Suln usayns brothers Shaykh Al, Suln Amad and
Byazd were all potential candidates for the Jalayirid throne.
Shaykh Uvays had assigned his son Shaykh Al to govern Baghdad
before he died in 776/1374.33 He was not chosen to succeed as sultan,
despite the fact that he was older than Suln usayn. Following the
revolt of Khwja Mirjn in the 760s/1360s, it is likely that Shaykh Uvays
intended to prevent such uprisings in the future by leaving both Iraq and
Azarbayjan in the hands of his two sons. Iraq had regained its political
importance under the Jalayirids, after having become a secondary Ilkhanid
province. Iraq had been the base of Shaykh asans authority in the 740s/
1340s and 750s/1350s when Azarbayjan was under Chubanid control.
Under Shaykh Uvays and his successors, Baghdad remained the second
city in the Jalayirid realm, after Tabriz. By appointing Shaykh Al to
the government of Iraq, he ensured that this province would remain under
theauthority of the Jalayirid royal house.
Shaykh Al seems to have governed Baghdad quietly during the first
years of the reign of his brother Suln usayn. However, he became the
focus of an uprising in the year 780/1379,34 directed against the son of the
vizier Shams al-Dn Zakary, Vajh al-Dn Isml.35 The conspirators
were from among the entourage of Shaykh Al and Vajh al-Dn Isml
and had the backing of the prince, who had come into conflict with
Isml.36 They ambushed and killed Vajh al-Dn Isml, sending the city
of Baghdad into an uproar.37
The murder of the son of the vizier in Baghdad in the name of a
Jalayirid prince posed a challenge to the established order of Suln
usayn, Shams al-Dn Zakary and Amr dil. When the sultan got
word of the disorder in Baghdad, he appealed to his brother to remember
that Iraq had been their familys original stronghold, from where they
drew much of their power and support, and that he held his authority by
virtue of royal mandate (vayat-i pdishh) and was not dependent on
the amirs.38 Essentially, Suln usayn was urging his brother Shaykh
Al to bring the situation in Baghdad under control before the violence
However, the sultans message was not enough to bring order to the
region. Until the end of Suln usayns reign, the province of Arab Iraq
remained in the hands of a rebel governor named Pr Al Bdk (or Bvk),
who ruled in the name of prince Shaykh Al. Iraq and Azarbayjan, which
had been united by Shaykh Uvays, and which constituted the foundation
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
from the Muzaffarids, Bayrm Khwja took the cities of Srmel, Ala-
Kilise, Khuy and Nakhjivan, effectively severing the agreement he was
forced to accept in 767/1366.45
Suln usayn and Amr dil were able to turn their attention to
the west after Shh Shuj abandoned Tabriz in 777/1376. At a quril-
tay at Ujan that year, the Jalayirid amirs pushed for a campaign against
Bayrm Khwja.46 The army, led by Amr dil, headed first to Ercis,
where Bayrm Khwjas nephew Qar Muammad had taken possession
of the citadel. After securing a two-week truce with the Jalayirids, Qar
Muammad began digging a trench and fortifying the walls of his fortress.
He also used this opportunity to send for aid from Bayrm Khwja in
Erzurum. However, when the Qarquynl reinforcements arrived, fifty
of them were taken prisoner, and Qar Muammad was forced to submit
to the Jalayirid sultan.47
What is striking about this brief campaign is the leniency shown to
the Qarquynl at every stage. Amr dil held back from besieging
Qar Muammad, even though he must have realised such a delay would
enable him to seek help from Bayrm Khwja. The fifty Turkmans who
were captured and sent to the Jalayirid camp were not only spared, but
also assigned patents and grants (marsm va suyrghl) by the sultan.48
Finally, even Qar Muammad and Bayrm Khwja were rewarded for
their eventual submission, being assigned grants (suyrghl) after Qar
Muammad presented himself in Tabriz twenty days later.49 Amr dil
clearly did not want to direct too much energy to Anatolia, and was
content with nominal vassalage from the Qarquynl. The autonomy
enjoyed by the Qarquynl enabled Qar Muammad to consolidate his
power from Nakhjivan to Erzurum and around Lake Van, and eventually
played a decisive role in the succession to the Jalayirid throne after Suln
usayns death in 784/1382.
After Suln Amad seized the throne in Tabriz, he faced opposition
from Amr dil, as well as from his brother, prince Shaykh Al, and his
amir, Pr Al Bdk. As mentioned above, Suln Amad was routed by the
army of Baghdad led by Shaykh Al. In need of military support, Suln
Amad approached Qar Muammad and the Qarquynl near Nakhjivan.
According to Mrkhvnd, the Qarquynl leader agreed to help Suln
Amad on two conditions. The first was that Suln Amad and his men
not interfere and allow the Turkmans to fight in their own way (bi-arq-i
dat-i khvaysh). The second was that the Qarquynl would retain the
spoils taken in battle.50 Suln Amad had little choice but to agree to Qar
Muammads conditions. In the short term, Suln Amads alliance proved
successful. The Qarquynl defeated the army of Baghdad and killed
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
When the sultan [Suln Amad] took over the kingdom of Iraq, he extended
the hand of his wickedness and withdrew the wing of compassion and courtesy.
He began to behave unjustly himself and tyrannize his subjects, and spend his
days and nights in deviation and depravity.63
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
Barqq, putting in a good word for both Nuayr and Julbn, and request-
ing permission to come to Cairo. Barqq took counsel from his amirs, who
agreed that Suln Amad should be allowed to come.75
On 17 Rab I 796/20 January 1394, Suln Amad arrived at al-
Raydaniyya outside Cairo, and he spent the next month and a half as
Barqqs honoured guest. The hospitality shown to Suln Amad was
accompanied by grand public spectacles and ceremonies designed to
demonstrate Suln Amads dignity as a sovereign Muslim ruler, as well
as to illustrate Barqqs own majesty and beneficence as Suln Amads
protector against the threat from Tmr.
Upon Suln Amads arrival at al-Raydaniyya, the highest-ranking
amirs of Egypt greeted him before Barqq came down from his throne
(masaba) to receive him.76 He did not allow Suln Amad to kiss
his hand, but instead embraced him. According to al-Maqrz, they
wept together, and Barqq offered encouraging words, promising Suln
Amad that he would someday regain his throne. As they sat together,
Suln Amad was presented with several fine gifts, including a cloak and
a horse from Barqqs stable.77 They then rode in procession toward the
citadel, accompanied by the amirs and army.78 Suln Amad proceeded
to a residence that Barqq had prepared for him at Birkat al-Fil, where
the ustdr laid out a banquet, attended by all the amirs. After the amirs
had departed, Barqq sent 200,000 silver dirhams, 200 pieces of Skandari
cloth, three horses, twenty mamluks and twenty slave girls.79
Suln Amad was thus introduced to the Mamluk political elite as the
equal to Barqq as a fellow Muslim sovereign. Such a diplomatic choice
on the part of the Mamluk sultan served to elevate not only the status
of Suln Amad, but Barqqs own as well. Barqq used the occasion
of Suln Amads arrival to illustrate his distinction, not merely as the
most powerful member of the Mamluk military elite, but as a dynastic
founder, whose authority transcended the Mamluk political order, and
was on the same level as other dynastic rulers. The ceremonies that fol-
lowed Suln Amads initial reception provided further opportunity
for Barqq to distinguish both his guest and himself. On 19 Rab I/22
January, Suln Amad attended Barqqs khidma at the wn of the
dar al-adl.80 Suln Amad was seated directly to the right of Barqq, a
place of honour normally reserved for the amr kabr.81 Later in the week,
Barqq continued to show hospitality to Suln Amad by taking him on a
hunting trip outside of Cairo.82
During Suln Amads stay in Cairo, Tmrs envoy, Shaykh Svah,
arrived in Cairo. The message he delivered, as presented by Yazd, offered
a new interpretation of the balance of political power from Egypt to Iran:
The Jalayirids
Before this, the powerful rulers were from the lineage of Jingz Khn [Chinggis
Qan]. They contended with the rulers of these countries. Because of that,
trouble came to the people of Syria, and the inhabitants of that region. In the
end, successive messengers and messages were sent from them, and the situ-
ation turned out well. That matter required the security and trust of the world
and the people. When Ab Sad died, and from the lineage of Jingz Khn
there was no ruler who had the power to implement his authority in Iran, rulers
of various factions appeared. The world was thrown into confusion. Now,
since the precedent of endless favor, the mlik-i mulk, may he be glorified and
exalted, made all of the countries of Iran, as far as Arab Iraq, which neighbors
that country, submitted to our command, sound thought and good wishes of the
people require that, in accordance with neighborliness, the gates of correspond-
ence and diplomacy be opened, and envoys from both sides come and go, so
that the roads are secure and merchants of both sides are able to move in safety
and security. This could certainly be the cause for flourishing in the country and
tranquility for the subjects.83
In this Timurid view of Ilkhanid history, good relations with the Mamluks
were only established when the Ilkhanid rulers opened up diplomatic
channels with Syria and allowed merchants and envoys to pass freely.
However, after Ab Sad, the lack of a single strong ruler in Iran had led to
disorder of the kind experienced in the first years of Mongol rule. Now that
Tmr had established the singularity of his rule, the opportunity existed
for a new opening of communication, as well as the free and secure flow
of merchants between Iran, Syria and Egypt. Implied here is that Barqqs
protection of Suln Amad would be of little benefit to him, since the
Jalayirids were only one of the many post-Ab Sad factions that had upset
the previously established balance. Indeed, Tmrs diplomatic overtures
were probably aimed at eventually convincing Barqq to turn over Suln
Amad, who was now openly a rebel against Tmr. Barqq had different
ideas, however. When Tmrs envoy arrived in Cairo, Barqq convinced
Suln Amad to murder the shaykh. Yazd compares this killing of an
envoy which, he writes, is not permitted on the bases of religious or
common law (az qawid-i shar va siys), nor by royal or communal
custom (rusm-i mulk va mill) to the murder of Chinggis Qans envoys
by agents of Sultan Muammad Khwrazmshh in 615/1218.84
The dynastic charisma represented by the Jalayirid house and embod-
ied by Suln Amad was demonstrated by Barqqs marriage on 9 Rab
II/11 February to Tnd Khtn, daughter of Suln usayn b. Shaykh
Uvays.85 As Ann Broadbridge has pointed out, this was the first time a
Mamluk sultan had married a royal princess from an established dynasty
since al-Nir Muammad.86 The marriage created closer ties between
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
In mid- 804/
early 1402, when he learned that the Jalayirid sultan
had returned, Tmr did indeed attack. Tmrs grandson Ab Bakr b.
Mrnshh and the amir Jahnshh were sent to Baghdad and took Suln
Amad by such surprise that, according to one account, he jumped into
a boat dressed in only his shirt and fled down the Tigris. He met his
son Suln hir and a number of nkers, and together they travelled to
Hilla.118 Driven out of Baghdad for the second time in two years, Suln
Amad returned to the protection of Sultan Byezd, although it seems that
he left his son Suln hir in Hilla.
However, by the summer of 804/1402, the Ottoman sultan could no
longer offer any protection to Suln Amad. According to the histories
of spszde and Nesr, Tmr was urged to invade Anatolia by
several of the beys whose territories had been conquered by Byezd.119 In
late Dh al-ijja 804/July 1402, Tmrs army defeated the Ottomans at
ubukovas, outside Ankara.120 Byezd was taken prisoner,121 and Tmr
sent expeditions across western Anatolia to stamp out any remaining
resistance. One of these expeditions was led by prince Mamd Suln,
who proceeded to Bursa. Here he captured Byezds son Muaf and
the daughter of Suln Amad Jalayir.122 The Ottoman defeat at Ankara
marked the end of Byezds efforts to bring Anatolia under his control,
and in the twenty-year period after the battle, the regional beyliks that he
had attempted to eliminate returned, as Ottoman princes struggled among
themselves.123 For Suln Amad, the Ottoman defeat meant that he no
longer had an ally in Anatolia to look to for protection when he was threat-
ened in Iraq.
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
himself by the Timurids.132 Shaykh had made Qar Ysuf one of his own
amirs, no doubt pleased to count Qar Ysufs Turkman followers among
his own military forces. At the end of Jumd II 806/January 1404, Shaykh
received orders from Cairo to imprison both Suln Amad and Qar
Ysuf.133 Later, in Shabn/FebruaryMarch, he was directed to execute
them both. Shaykh did not comply, and instead requested verification of
the order.134 In opposition to the sultans command, Shaykh kept Suln
Amad and Qar Ysuf imprisoned in Damascus. It was here, according
to Timurid sources, that they made a pact to divide Azarbayjan and Arab
Iraq between themselves when they were released.135
Shaykh kept them incarcerated until events in Cairo drew him into
conflict with the sultan, and prompted him to mobilise his forces in Syria.
This confrontation was set in motion when the amir Yashbak al-Shabn,
who controlled most of the political affairs in Cairo, came into conflict
with Sultan Faraj, when he attempted to remove Farajs brother- in-
law,136 nl By b. Qajms, from his position as amr khr.137 In afar
807/August 1404, Yashbaks faction was defeated in battle by the sup-
porters of the sultan. Yashbak fled to Syria, and was received by Shaykh
in Damascus.138 Before Yashbaks arrival, Shaykh had already released
Qar Ysuf from prison, perhaps anticipating that his Turkman followers
would prove useful in any future hostilities. After his arrival in Damascus,
Yashbak convinced Shaykh to release Suln Amad as well,139 a signal
that the Mamluk sultans authority no longer extended to Syria. Shaykh
bestowed 100,000 silver dirhams and 300 horses upon each of them.140
Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf were no longer the sultans prisoners, but
members of Shaykhs own retinue.
Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf accompanied Shaykh on his campaign
against the Mamluk governor of Safad in Shabn 807/February 1405.141
However, when Shaykh went on campaign against Sultan Faraj in Egypt
in support of the amir Jakam, who declared himself sultan in Syria, Suln
Amad stayed behind in Damascus. He took the opportunity to leave
Damascus, on 16 Dh al-ijja 807/15 June 1405, and returned yet again
to Baghdad.142
Suln Amads refusal to fully submit to Tmr meant that parties
threatened by the spread of Timurid domination at the end of the eighth/
fourteenth century found him a symbol of opposition. Offering protection
to the heir to the Ilkhanate positioned Barqq, Byezd and Qar Ysuf
against Tmr and the Chaghatayid amirs. The fact that Suln Amad was
often a refugee from his home in Baghdad between 795/1393 and 806/
1403 meant that he was dependent on his protectors; when they removed
their protection, or were defeated, Suln Amad had to seek another
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
patron. Yet, despite Tmrs multiple campaigns into the former Ilkhanid
lands, the western Ilkhanate proved harder for the Timurids to rule than
Khurasan or Fars. The Qarquynl Turkmans, led by Qar Ysuf, and
not the Timurids, became the successors to the Jalayirids in Azarbayjan
and Arab Iraq. To understand how this occurred, we must examine two
historical developments. The first is how Qar Ysuf became the closest
ally of Suln Amad and acquired power and prestige on the basis of their
relationship. The second is the conversion of this relationship into ideo-
logical capital used by Qar Ysuf to present his family as the rightful
heirs to the Jalayirid house, and thus, ultimately, to the Ilkhanate.
The Jalayirids
the Jalayirids in Azarbayjan and Iraq. His close relationship with Suln
Amad over the preceding years formed the basis of these claims. Later
Timurid historians Mrkhvnd and Khvndamr emphasise the importance
of the relationship between Qar Ysuf and Suln Amad to the eventual
Qarquynl assertion of authority over the Jalayirid realm. According to
Mrkhvnd, while they were confined together in Cairo, Qar Ysuf and
Suln Amad had contact with each other (miyn-i shn ikhtil-i mad
va shud vqi m-shud).145 During their period in Cairo, Qar Ysufs
son Pr Budq was born. Suln Amad reportedly accepted Pr Budq
as his own son ( r bi-farzand qabl kard), providing the nurse of his
own son for him and looking after them (dya-yi farzand nazd-i khd
nigh dshta bi-taahhud-i shn mashghl shud). Suln Amad seems
to have assumed the role of godfather or uncle to Pr Budq. Qar Ysuf
later exploited this relationship to achieve a legalistic appropriation of the
Jalayirid sultanate for his own family.
In addition, Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf made a pact of friendship
and an agreement on spheres of influence each would maintain once they
left Egypt. They agreed that if they did manage to escape confinement,
they would not attack each other (agar az n vara khal yband qad-i
yakdgar nakunand), and that they would be united (muddath b ham
muttaid bshand). Tabriz would belong to Qar Ysuf and Baghdad
would belong to Suln Amad, and neither one would interfere in the
others land (tabrz az qar ysuf va baghdd az Suln Amad bshad va
hchyak mutaarriz-i mamlakat-i dgar nashavand).146 Suln Amad rec-
ognised the importance of maintaining an alliance with Qar Ysuf, and
probably saw his concession of Azarbayjan as a necessary expedient to
this end. He later attempted to regain Azarbayjan, in violation of this oath.
The relationship of Suln Amad to Pr Budq and the pact made with
Qar Ysuf provide the basis for the explanation by the Timurid historians
for why Qar Ysuf was subsequently justified in establishing Pr Budq
as a legitimate ruler (khn) in Azarbayjan, and for eventually killing Suln
Amad in 813/1410. First, Pr Budqs close relationship to Suln Amad,
a virtual father-son relationship, was given by Qar Ysuf as the justifica-
tion for enthroning Pr Budq as khan. Second, Suln Amads violation
of the pact he had made with Qar Ysuf made Qar Ysufs defeat of
the Jalayirid sultan, his appropriation of his patrimony and his execution a
legitimate act as well. In the Timurid narrative of these events, the period of
exile and captivity in Egypt of Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf was signifi-
cant for later attempts by Qar Ysuf to assert his own familys authority in
a way that recognised Jalayirid claims, while at the same time rationalising
the transferal of authority to the new Qarquynl dispensation.
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
put down the rebellion and spent the winter of 812/140910 in Baghdad.
The next spring, Qar Ysuf was drawn even further away to the west,
in order to quell an insurrection in Erzincan led by the local governor
Muahhartan and the qquynl chief Qar Usmn.160 The result of
Qar Ysufs campaign was that Mardin and Erzincan were both incor-
porated into the Qarquynl domains, as the rule of the Artuqids and
Muahhartan came to an end.
With Qar Ysufs attention in the west, Suln Amad made another
attempt to capture Azarbayjan in the summer of 813/1410. He made an alli-
ance with Shhrukh and his brothers Iskandar Suln and Khall Suln,161
as well as with the Shrvnshh Ibrhm al-Darband.162 Meeting no resist-
ance, the Jalayirid sultan made a triumphal entrance into Tabriz in August
of that year.163 Qar Ysuf had left his son Shh Muammad to defend
Azarbayjan, but he fled to Khuy when Suln Amads forces approached.
Qar Ysuf quickly set off back to Tabriz from Erzincan and faced off
against the Jalayirid army in late Rab II 813/August 1410. According
to al-Maqrz, the Jalayirid sultan commanded a force of 60,000 horse-
men.164 However, Suln Amads army was routed by the Qarquynl
near Shanba-yi Ghzn, the suburb founded by Ghazan Khan outside
Tabriz.165 Suln Amad was knocked from his horse during the battle,
and his weapons and clothes were taken by one of the Turkmans. Helpless,
Suln Amad crawled into a drainage ditch in a nearby garden (suln bi-
srkh-i bgh kih b az nj brn m-mad khazd).166
Samarqand reports that one of the lowly men (liym) of Tabriz named
Bah al-Dn Jlh revealed him to Qar Ysuf.167 Mrkhvnd recounts
a more colourful story of an old shoemaker (pr kafsh-dz) who had
climbed into a tree to watch the battle and had seen Suln Amad crawl
into the ditch. When the shoemaker called out to the sultan, he told him
to be quiet and not to give him up. That night he would make his escape
and reward the shoemakers silence with a suyrghl in the district of
Yaqbiyya. When the shoemaker went home and told his wife, she told
him that Yaqbiyya was too far away, and that they should report the
sultans whereabouts to Qar Ysuf. The shoemaker did so, and Qar
Ysufs men pulled Suln Amad out of the ditch. Wearing the clothes
of a beggar, he was taken to Qar Ysufs court. Here he was reminded
by his old ally Qar Ysuf that he had made an oath not to attack him.
Because he had broken the oath, Qar Ysuf forced Suln Amad to
sign an order (nshn) to the effect that the remaining Jalayirid princes in
Baghdad had to relinquish their claims there, and that henceforth Baghdad
would be ruled by Qar Ysufs son Shh Muammad.168
For the second time, Qar Ysuf had employed legalistic means to
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
transfer authority from the Jalayirids to his own family, this time forcing
Suln Amad to write the order with his own hand.169 The Jalayirid ter-
ritories had passed to Pr Budq and Shh Muammad, the sons of Qar
Ysuf Qarquynl. Mrkhvnd and Khvndamr report that Qar Ysuf
did not want to kill Suln Amad, but that the amirs of Iraq, led by Bism
Jgr, wanted him executed. To make their case, the amirs addressed
Suln Amad:
You brought ruin to the dynasty of Shaykh Uvays (khnidn-i suln uvays)
and you killed those who were left after his reign (dawlat). No suitable deed
has come from you, [and] we do not want to allow you to deceive Amr Qar
Qar Ysuf was convinced to allow Suln Amad to be killed. Even after
the execution,171 the amir Bism reported to Qar Ysuf that the common
people were insisting Suln Amad was still alive. In order to quell these
rumours, Suln Amads body was displayed to the public for three
days at a madrasa in Tabriz. Suln Amad was buried next to his brother
Suln usayn in the Dimashqiyya complex in Tabriz.172
Following Suln Amads execution, a purge began of the remain-
ing princes. Al al-Dawla was dispatched at the Adilceviz castle, and a
campaign was carried out by Shh Muammad in Arab Iraq to eliminate
the other surviving Jalayirids. Prince Mamd b. Walad b. Shaykh Al
b. Shaykh Uvays held out in Baghdad against the Qarquynl until 814/
1411, when Shh Muammads forces finally drove him out, and he took
refuge in Khuzistan. Mamd was eventually driven out of Khuzistan by
supporters of his brother Uvays, a child who was under the control of his
mother, Tnd Suln. This Shaykh Alid branch of the Jalayirid dynasty
was thus marginalised in Khuzistan, and was essentially overrun by the
Qarquynl. In fact, the defeat of Suln Amad in 813/1410 signalled
the end of effective Jalayirid claims to the old centres of Tabriz and
Baghdad. The Turkmans had inherited the traditional Jalayirid territories.
1. Qazvn/ZTG, 88; fi Abr/ZJT, 196.
2. fi Abr/ZJT, 198.
3. fi Abr/ZJT, 198.
4. Shaykh Uvays had gone to war with Amr Val in 772/137071 after he
rebelled. Shaykh Uvays eventually assigned Rayy to Amr dil. After
Suln usayn came to the throne, Amr Val sent him one of his daughters
as a sign of friendship. However, when Suln usayn saw her and did not
The Jalayirids
find her appealing, he refused to marry her. However, he gave Rayy back to
Amr Val as compensation; see fi Abr/ZJT, 204.
5. fi Abr/ZJT, 205.
6. fi Abr/ZJT, 206.
7. The suyrghl (soyurghal) in the Ilkhanid context has been charac-
terised most recently by Halil nalck as a grant guaranteeing absolute
proprietorship, total exemptions and immunities on land revenue and
peasant labour within a well-defined area, freed from the control of the state
and its agents. See Halil nalck, Autonomous Enclaves in Islamic States:
Temlks, Soyurghals, Yurdlu-Ocals, Mlikne-Muaas and Awqf ,
in Judith Pfeiffer and Sholeh A. Quinn (eds), in collaboration with Ernest
Tucker, History and Historiography of Post-Mongol Central Asia and the
Middle East: Studies in Honor of John E. Woods (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,
2006), 112.
8. fi Abr/ZJT, 207.
9. fi Abr/ZJT, 209.
10. fi Abr/ZJT, 209.
11. Following the conspiracy of the amirs, Amr dil took up residence at
Sultaniyya, while Suln usayn remained in Tabriz.
12. fi Abr gives the date 783/138182. See fi Abr/ZJT, 218. Mamd
Kutub gives the year for the start of this campaign as 781/137980. See
Kutub/TAM, 96.
13. fi Abr/ZJT, 218.
14. Kutub/TAM, 96.
15. fi Abr portrays this episode as a victory for Amr dil, explaining
that Shh Shuj sought a truce due to pressure from his own troops, who
were low on equipment and provisions. See fi Abr/ZJT, 219. However,
Mamd Kutub writes that it was Amr dil who asked for peace from
Shh Shuj, and that he paid off the Muzaffarids handsomely to go back
to Fars. See Kutub/TAM, 97. Perhaps realising that he could not count on
assistance from Amr dil, Shh Shuj concluded it would be futile to try
to take Tabriz, and that he would have to be content only with a share of the
treasure from Sultaniyya.
16. fi Abr/ZJT, 220.
17. fi Abr/ZJT, 21819.
18. Christoph Werner, Daniel Zakrzewski and Hans-Thomas Tillschneider, Die
Kuu-Stiftungen in Tabrz: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der elyiriden
(Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2013), 35.
19. Werner et al., Die Kuu-Stiftungen in Tabrz, 16.
20. Werner et al., Die Kuu-Stiftungen in Tabrz, 100.
21. Werner et al., Die Kuu-Stiftungen in Tabrz, 38.
22. According to the eleventh/seventeenth-century Safavid genealogical history
Silsilat al-Nasab-i afaviyya, Shaykh adr al-Dn was responsible for the
construction of a complex known as the Safavid khara in Ardabil during
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
his time as head of the order in the eighth/fourteenth century. Although the
afaviyya was still a local religious order, and would not emerge as the
ruling dynasty of Iran until the turn of the tenth/sixteenth century, under
the leadership of Shaykh adr al-Dn it was an influential organisation in
Ardabil at the time when Suln Amad had his hereditary appanage there.
See usayn ibn Abdl Zhid, Silsilat al-Nasab-i afaviyya, Nasabnma-yi
Pdishhn b Uzmat-i afav (Berlin: Chpkhna-yi rnshahr, 1343
[1924]), 39. Gottfried Herrmann has edited a decree from Suln usayn
to his brother Suln Amad in 780/1378, instructing Suln Amad and
a certain Sharaf al-Dn Mamd not to demand taxes from shops outside
a afaviyya zviya in Ardabil. The prestige of Shaykh adr al-Dn is rec-
ognised in this decree, which refers to the shaykh as the spiritual guide of
the general populace (murshid-i avif al-amm). See Gottfried Herrmann,
Ein Erla des alyeriden Soln oseyn aus dem Jahr 780/1378,
in Erkenntnisse und Meinungen I herausgegeben von Gernot Wiener
(Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1973), 13563.
23. Qazvn/ZTG, 106; fi Abr/ZJT, 220; Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:587.
24. Astarbd/Bazm, 1617.
25. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:588.
26. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:588.
27. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:588.
28. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:588.
29. When Suln Amads men, including amza, Ygh Bst and Ab Sad,
reached Tabriz, Abbs, Misfir and the ayn of Tabriz came out of the
city to formally receive them (rasm-i istiqbl). amza told his men that
since these individuals had submitted to Suln Amad, they would acquire
authority (ib-i ikhtiyr khvhand shud), and so it was in their best inter-
ests to kill them. See Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:588.
30. Shm/Tauer, 97; Shm/Lugal, 117.
31. Shm/Tauer, 97; Shm/Lugal, 117.
32. Naanz/Aubin, 166.
33. Shabnkra/Majma, 313. See also John Masson Smith, Jr, Al b.
Oways, Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater (London and New
York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983), 1:8534. A decree issued by
prince Shaykh Al has been edited by Gottfried Herrmann. The order,
which confers three villages in the Ardabil region on the disciples of Shaykh
adr al-Dn afav, was issued from Qarabagh in 766/1365, during the
reign of Shaykh Uvays. See Gottfried Herrmann, Persische Urkunden der
Mongolenzeit (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004), 1625.
34. fi Abr and Mrkhvnd give the year 780/137879 for the start of the
uprising, while Zayn al-Dn Qazvn gives the year 781/137980. See
Qazvn/ZTG, 101; fi Abr/ZJT, 209; Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:582.
35. Vajh al-Dn Isml had been given authority in Baghdad in 776/1374 by
Shaykh Uvays following the death of the previous governor, Khwja Sarvar
The Jalayirids
Khzin, from grief (az ghua ranjr shud va namnd) after the city was
devastated by a flood. See fi Abr/ZJT, 197; Fa Khvf/Mujmal, 108.
Zayn al-Dn Qazvn describes Vajh al-Dn Isml as ib-qirn of the
time; see Qazvn/ZTG, 101.
36. Qazvn/ZTG, 101; fi Abr/ZJT, 209; Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:582.
37. fi Abr/ZJT, 211; Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:583.
38. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:583.
39. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:589.
40. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:589.
41. In his autobiography, court musician Abd al-Qdir Margh referred to
Shaykh Al as shh-i lam, or king of the world. The use of this title
seems to indicate both that Margh was in the entourage of Shaykh Al
during the succession struggles following Suln usayns death, and that
Shaykh Al had pretensions to leadership of the Jalayirid house as the suc-
cessor to Shaykh Uvays. See Murat Bardak, Maragal Abdlkadir: XV. yy.
bestecisi ve mzik nazariyatsnn hayat hika yesiyle eserleri zerine bir
alsma (Istanbul: Pan Yaynclk, 1986), 28, 155.
42. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:587.
43. Faruk Smer, Kara Koyunlular (Baslangtan Cihan-Saha kadar), I. Cilt
(Ankara: Trk Tarih Kurumu Basmevi, 1962), 42.
44. Smer, Kara Koyunlular, 42.
45. Smer, Kara Koyunlular, 43.
46. fi Abr gives two dates for possibly two different quriltays, in spring
of 777/1376 and spring of 779/1378; he writes that the matter of Bayrm
Khwja was discussed at both. See fi Abr/ZJT, 203. Mrkhvnd gives
only 777/1376 for the quriltay. See Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:579.
47. fi Abr/ZJT, 204; Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:579.
48. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:579.
49. fi Abr/ZJT, 204.
50. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:589.
51. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:589.
52. Mrkhvnd/Rawza, 5:589.
53. fi Abr/ZJT, 241.
54. Qazvn/ZTG, 122; fi Abr/ZJT, 242.
55. Qazvn/ZTG, 148.
56. Beatrice Forbes Manz, The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1989), 142.
57. Yazd/afar-nma, 2:368.
58. Yazd/afar-nma, 2:369.
59. Yazd/afar-nma, 2:402.
60. Shaykh Al, who had been proclaimed sultan by the elites of Baghdad
when Suln Amad killed Suln usayn, was killed in battle with Suln
Amads forces in 786/138485. See Ghiyth/Tarkh, 1023.
61. Astarbd/Bazm, 17.
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
the Nujm al-Zhira. See Ibn Taghr Bird/Manhal, 1:255; Ibn Taghr Bird/
Nujm, 6:44. Maqrz has 2 Shawwl. See Maqrz/Ashr, 3:1,020.
100. Maqrz/Ashr, 3:1,020; Ibn Taghr Bird/Manhal, 1:255.
101. Maqrz/Ashr, 3:1,020; Ibn Taghr Bird/Nujm, 6:44.
102. Maqrz/Ashr, 3:1,020; Ibn Taghr Bird/Nujm, 6:44.
103. Ibn Taghr Bird/Manhal, 1:255.
104. Maqrz/Ashr, 3:1,023.
105. According to fi Abr, Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf began to quarrel
at Bahasna, after which Qar Ysuf stayed behind and Suln Amad pro-
ceeded to Anatolia. See fi Abr/Zubda, 893.
106. Yazd/afar-nma, 2:196.
107. fi Abr/Zubda, 894; spszde, Tevr-i l-i Osmn, ed. l Bey
(Istanbul: Mabaa-yi mire, 1332 [191314]), 249.
108. fi Abr/Zubda, 894.
109. Yazd/afar-nma, 2:268.
110. Although Yazd writes that both Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf were
with Byezd at Erzincan, Shukr Allh reports that Suln Amad had
already returned to Baghdad by this time, and that Byezd originally
turned the city over to Qar Ysuf. However, Muahhartan was returned
to power only sixteen days later, because Qar Ysuf could not get along
with the people of Erzincan (bi-qawm-i arzinjn sz-kr natavnist
kard). See Seif, Der Abschnitt ber die Osmanen in krllhs per-
sischer Universalgeschichte, 96. Nesr provides an identical account
(erzincn alle mumele demeyb). See Nesr, Kitb-i Cihan-nm,
111. Yazd/afar-nma, 2:268. Little is known about Muahhartan before he
became the amir of Erzincan in 781/1379. In the Timurid-era histories of
Shm, Yazd, Ibn Arabshh and fi Abr, as well as in the Ottoman
sources written by Nesr and spszde, his name is written as
ahartan (or ahirtan). However, Yasar Ycel has argued that the
version used by Astarbd in Bazm u Razm (Muahhartan) is probably
more proper, since Astarbd, as the historian of Q Burhn al-Dn in
Sivas, would have been the source closest to the events in Erzincan in this
period. In addition, in the contemporary tavm written in Erzincan, the
amirs name is also given as Muahhartan. See Yasar Ycel, Anadolu
Beylikleri hakknda Arastrmalar: Eretna Devleti, Kad Burhaneddin
Ahmed ve Devleti, Mutahharten ve Erzincan Emirlii, II (Ankara: Trk
Tarih Kurumu Basmevi, 1989), 2534.
112. Yazd/afar-nma 2:268; Nesr, Kitb-i Cihan-nm, 3345.
113. A series of four missives and responses between Tmr and Byezd are
preserved in Ferdn Amed Bey, Mecma-yi Mnset-i Seln (Istanbul:
Dr al-iba al-mira, 1848), 11819, 1236, 12630, 1303. On the
correspondence preserved by Ferdn Amed Bey between Tmr and
Byezd, Suln Amad and Qar Ysuf, see Edward Granville Browne, A
The Jalayirids
Challenges to the Jalayirid Order
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
manuscript painting and the art of the book. Yet, is it accurate to speak of
Jalayirid painting, and, if so, what does it mean?
Jalayirid Tabriz and Baghdad were indeed important centres of book pro-
duction,4 although there is some scholarly debate about the extent to which
we can refer to a definitive Jalayirid school of painting. Several scholars
have argued that the Jalayirid workshops at Tabriz and Baghdad produced
works with a distinctive style, which were influential on Timurid painting in
the fifteenth century.5 In a 1939 article, Eric Schroeder surmised that when
Muammad b. Muaffar occupied Tabriz for two months in 760/1359, he
may have acquired some illustrated manuscripts, which he then would have
taken back to Shiraz. The appearance of such manuscripts in Fars would help
to explain the inspiration of a Shh-nma, produced in Shiraz in 772/1370
71, which resembled Jalayirid works but was quite different from earlier Inju
and Muzaffarid paintings.6 Schroeder described the Jalayirid style as charac-
terised by an innovative representation of nature, stylised as a large system,
in contrast to earlier paintings in which nature was not a subject for the
artist.7 Ernst Grube identified Jalayirid painting as the source of modern
Persian-Islamic painting, through the Jalayirid influence on Timurid paint-
ing.8 For Grube, the difference between Muzaffarid and Jalayirid painting
was quite distinct, with very few points of comparison between them.9
Furthermore, works done under Inju or Muzaffarid patrons were of only
local importance.10 Stefano Carboni has written that the Jalayirid style of
painting was characterised by lyrical scenes, with many graceful small
figures set in lavish interiors or in gardens in full bloom.11 Jalayirid paint-
ings feature pastel colours, integrate lines of text into the painting itself, and
tend to take as their subjects romantic Persian poetry, rather than epic works.
Deborah Klimburg-Salter has also identified the extension of the painting
into the margins of the page, as well as the use of drawings in the margins, as
among the major innovations of Jalayirid painting.12
Other scholars have been more cautious about identifying a particularly
Jalayirid school of painting, suggesting that dynastic patronage had little
to do with the choices artists were making in the fourteenth century. As
Sheila Blair has pointed out, artists of the period moved from city to city
in search of patronage and according to changing political circumstances,
making it difficult to assign dynastic labels to artistic schools.13 Christiane
Gruber has followed this way of thinking, arguing that artistic schools
were still forming during the fourteenth century, and that when scholars
have discussed schools, they are often referring to the work of one or two
individuals who served a particular dynastic patron. In addition, artistic
styles may have been more determined by a works subject, rather than a
particular school.14
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
Figure 9.1 Mirj-nma attributed to Amad Ms, Tabriz, 131735. Topkap Palace
Museum ms. H.2154, fol. 107r.
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
Figure 9.2 Abduction of Zal by the Simurgh, from a Shh-nma manuscript, Tabriz,
c.1370. Topkap Palace Museum ms. H.2153, fol. 23a.
The Jalayirids
Figure 9.3 Dvn of Suln Amad, Baghdad, 1403. Freer and Sackler Galleries,
Smithsonian Institution.
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
al-Dn with a place to stay in his house and the necessities of life in
return for the masters teaching.24 Abd al-ayy went on to become the
most prominent painter during the reign of Suln Amad, and became
the Jalayirid sultans teacher.25 When Tmr conquered Baghdad in 795/
1393, Abd al-ayy was captured and sent back to Tmrs capital at
Samarqand, where he remained for the rest of his life.26 We know little of
Abd al-ayys work, beyond the fact that he specialised in ink drawings
such as those illustrating the dvn of Suln Amad.27 Figure 9.3 shows a
page from the dvn, with the illustrations in the margins depicting human
figures, animals and landscape features.
This dvn manuscript is noteworthy for its marginal pen and ink
illustrations (in a style known as qalamsiyh), consisting not of minia-
ture illumination, but of decorative scenes not always connected with the
poetic text.28 Klimburg-Salter has argued that these illustrations fall within
a period of experimental transition that saw the movement of the graphic
image from the centre of the page to the margin.29 Klimburg-Salter also
contends that the prevalence of images of birds in the dvn represents a
conscious visual reference to the work of the Sufi poet Fard al-Dn Ar
(d. 627/1230), the Conference of the Birds (Maniq al-ayr).30
Suln Amad was a connoisseur and active patron of painting. His
workshops in Baghdad were active until Tmrs attack on the city in
803/1401, and produced several well-known works of art.31 Following the
death of Tmr in 807/1405, Suln Amad attempted to regain control of
Tabriz, and in the process continued to patronise painters in the city. After
the fall of Tabriz to the Qarquynl in 813/1410, artists who had worked
in the Jalayirid ateliers there tended to migrate to Shiraz, where they
sought the patronage of the Timurid prince Iskandar b. Umar Shaykh.32
Other works of visual art produced during the reign of Suln Amad
have been the subject of art historians. Stefano Carboni has described a
late eighth/fourteenth-century illustrated astrological treatise, also attrib-
uted to the workshop of Suln Amad. This treatise features illustrations
of the mansions of the moon, lunar-planetary conjunctions, and a treatise
on the zodiac, a so-called Book of Nativities (Kitb al-Mawlid).33
A more recent study has focused on illustrations contained in a Book
ofMarvels copied for Suln Amad in 790/1388.34
One of the finest examples of book illustration during the reign of
Suln Amad can be found in a manuscript of Khwj Kirmns Khamsa,
produced in Baghdad in 1396.35 The paintings are attributed to one of
Shams al-Dns students named Junayd. The illustration of the wedding
day of Humy and Humyn (Figure 9.4) bears his signature, the earli-
est recorded signed Persian miniature painting.36 We know nothing about
The Jalayirids
Figure 9.4 Wedding day of Humy and Humyn, from the Khamsa of Khwj
Kirmn, Baghdad, 1396, with the signature of the painter Junayd. British Library
Add. 18113, fol. 45v.
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
Shaykh in Isfahan, and was later taken to Herat by Shhrukh.45 Like the
painters Abd al-ayy and Khwja Al, Khat-i Baghdd began his
career in the service of the Jalayirids and finished it under the Timurids.
We know little about individuals who produced metalwork for the
Jalayirids, such as the copper basin from Ardabil bearing the name of
Sultan Shaykh Uvays.46 However, Linda Komaroff has identified simi-
larities between this vessel and contemporary metalware produced in
Mamluk Syria.47 Alison Ohta has identified Jalayirid influence on Mamluk
filigree bookbinding as well,48 which seems to indicate a general pattern of
artistic exchange and interaction between artists and craftsmen on either
side of the Euphrates by the fifteenth century. Doris Behrens-Abouseif has
suggested that contact between the Jalayirid and Mamluk courts, and the
growing number of Iranians in Cairo in the fifteenth century, may account
for artistic exchange between Iran and Syria in the period.49
How, then, can we sum up the artistic legacy of the Jalayirids? Given
the available evidence, it seems that when we talk about Jalayirid paint-
ing in particular, we refer to a handful of artists working in Tabriz and
Baghdad, continually developing and innovating a style of painting that
emerged toward the late Ilkhanid period, inspired by Chinese influences,
available due to the intensive cross-cultural interactions made possible
and encouraged by the Mongols. Given the paucity of examples, and
ongoing debates among historians, it seems best to consider painting done
under Jalayirid patronage not as a distinct school of painting, but as part
of an ongoing process of experimentation and creativity among artists
who moved between cities and dynastic courts, and whose work would
continue to influence painters of the Timurid and Safavid periods. What
must be kept in mind as we consider the artistic legacy of the Jalayirids is
that even as we focus on a single dynasty and courtly patronage, the reality
of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries was that artists, as well as schol-
ars and holy men, moved in circles not constrained by the political power
of any one ruling family. The Jalayirid sultans, like their contemporary
rulers in Cairo, Shiraz and Samarqand, offered material reward for artists
works, but in a cultural context in which the religious, literary and visual
forms of their work were common to a community much larger than the
frontiers of any single polity.
The complete history of artistic production, patronage and stylistic
influences under the rule of the Jalayirids demands its own thorough
study. The brief preceding summary can only highlight some of the most
important points in a growing literature on manuscript painting and artistic
culture in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The purpose of the present
study has been to trace the processes of dynastic state formation and
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
of the former Ilkhanate under the control of the Jalayirid house, it also
brought a number of administrators, littrateurs and others who had for-
merly served the Ilkhanate into the service of the Jalayirids. The men of
the pen who became associated with the court of Shaykh Uvays, and who
benefited from Jalayirid patronage, had an interest in the continuity of
central sultanic authority in Tabriz on the pattern of the later Ilkhanate. It
seems that for this reason, those in the service of Shaykh Uvays helped to
construct an ideological foundation for the authority of the Jalayirids in
the former Ilkhanid uls. The contemporary texts and material artifacts
tend to present Shaykh Uvays as the inheritor of what we can call the
Ilkhanid legacy. This ideology was based on the Jalayirid sultans genea-
logical relationship to members of the Hlegid house, and a rhetorical
presentation of Shaykh Uvays as a dispenser of royal justice in the name
of Islam, similar to how the later Ilkhans, such as Ghazan and Ab Sad,
had been. For the military and urban elites of Azarbayjan, the uls of
Hleg continued to provide the framework in which legitimate, Muslim
royal authority was conceived. It was not important if the sultan was not a
Chinggisid prince of the blood; the ideology was flexible enough to adapt
to the political reality. Shaykh Uvays could be made a rightful Mongol
khan and Muslim sultan, as long as the patterns of patronage and courtly
life around Tabriz were maintained. However, once the notion of Jalayirid
royalty was established during the reign of Shaykh Uvays, the doors were
opened to challenges to dynastic authority by the amirs, who could organ-
ise opposition around one of several Jalayirid princes. Thus, the sultanate
that Shaykh Uvays had established was, on the eve of Tmrs campaigns,
divided between amiral power at Tabriz, Baghdad and Sultaniyya.
The campaigns of Timur in Iran fundamentally altered the balance of
power in the uls of Hleg, and challenged the Ilkhanid legacy as pro-
moted by the Jalayirids. The reign of Suln Amad b. Shaykh Uvays was
defined by the threat from Tmr, not just to Jalayirid rule, but also to the
political order from Oxus to Nile. The Mamluk sultanate, the Ottoman sul-
tanate and the Qarquynl Turkman confederation all suffered to varying
degrees from Tmrs campaigns. Suln Amad sought protection from
the rulers of each of these polities. On the occasions when he found refuge
(with Barqq in 1394, with Byezd in 140002 on two separate occa-
sions, with Qar Ysuf on several occasions), Suln Amad was accom-
modated because of what he represented in symbolic terms, more so than
any material advantage he could provide for his host: he was the rightful
heir to the uls of Hleg, and had not submitted to Tmr. In the period
of the Timurid campaigns, Suln Amad was an alternative, a symbol of
opposition and commitment to the Ilkhanid tradition, as opposed to the
The Jalayirids
1. Ernst J. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century: A Research
Report (Naples: Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 1978), 1.
2. Basil Gray, A Timurid Copy of a Chinese Buddhist Picture, in Richard
Ettinghausen (ed.), Islamic Art in The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New
York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972), 35.
3. Gray, A Timurid Copy of a Chinese Buddhist Picture, 36. The ink draw-
ings found in the dvn of Suln Amad are often cited as clear examples of
Chinese influence in the Jalayirid period. See David J. Roxburgh, Persian
Drawing, ca. 14001450: Materials and Creative Procedures, Muqarnas 19
(2002): 55; Sheila R. Canby, Persian Painting (Northampton, MA: Interlink,
1993), 48.
4. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 22. We actually know
very little about the activity that went on at the ateliers and libraries of
Tabriz and Baghdad. In the case of Tabriz, it has been suggested that book
production at Rashd al-Dns library may have continued to function into
the Jalayirid period, despite the fact that the Rab-i Rashd was plundered
twice in the first half of the fourteenth century. See Thomas W. Lentz and
Glenn D. Lowry, Timur and the Princely Vision: Persian Art and Culture
in the Fifteenth Century (Los Angeles and Washington, DC: Los Angeles
County Museum of Art, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
and Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989), 51.
5. Eric Schroeder, Ahmed Musa and Shams al-Dn: A Review of Fourteenth
Century Painting, Ars Islamica 6:2 (1939): 115; Grube, Persian Painting in
the Fourteenth Century, 23.
6. Schroeder, Ahmed Musa and Shams al-Dn, 11618.
7. Schroeder, Ahmed Musa and Shams al-Dn, 11618.
8. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 46. According to Grube,
the elements of Timurid painting developed from a distinctively Jalayirid
school of painting. See Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century,
9. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 23.
10. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 46.
11. Stefano Carboni, Synthesis: Continuity and Innovation in Ilkhanid Art,
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
in The Legacy of Genghis Khan: Courtly Art and Culture in Western Asia,
12561353 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002), 223.
12. Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter, A Sufi Theme in Persian Painting: The Diwan
of Sultan Ahmad Galair in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.,
Kunst des Orients 11 (197677): 579.
13. Sheila Blair, Artists and Patronage in Late Fourteenth-Century Iran in the
Light of Two Catalogues of Islamic Metalwork, BSOAS 48:1 (1985): 589.
14. Christiane Gruber, The Ilkhanid Book of Ascension: A Persian-Sunni
Devotional Tale (London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2010), 25.
15. Wheeler M. Thackston, Album Prefaces and Other Documents on the
History of Calligraphers and Painters (Leiden: Brill, 2001), 4; Gruber, The
Ilkhanid Book of Ascension, 24.
16. Thackston, Album Prefaces, 12.
17. Thackston, Album Prefaces, 1213; Priscilla P. Soucek, Amad Ms,
Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater (London and New York:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984), 1:6523; Filiz aman and Zeren Tannd,
The Topkap Saray Museum: The Albums and Illustrated Manuscripts, ed.
and trans. J. M. Rogers (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1986), 70;
Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 33.
18. For the provenance of the Bahrm Mrz album Mirj-nma paintings,
I follow Gruber in her The Ilkhanid Book of Ascension. On the scholarly
debate surrounding the dating of these paintings, see Gruber, The Ilkhanid
Book of Ascension, 25 and notes 1478.
19. Canby, Persian Painting, 41; Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth
Century, 312, 34.
20. Schroeder, Ahmed Musa and Shams al-Dn, 132. Schroeder wrote that
it was highly probable that Amad Ms, along with the contents of the
Tabriz library, were transferred to Baghdad when Shaykh asan Jalayir
moved his court there in 1340.
21. aman and Tannd, The Topkap Saray Museum, 70.
22. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 41.
23. Grube, Persian Painting in the Fourteenth Century, 33; Schroeder, Ahmed
Musa and Shams al-Dn, 129; Priscilla P. Soucek, Abd-al-ayy, Kvj,
Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater (London and New York:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982), 1:115.
24. Thackston, Album Prefaces, 13.
25. Schroeder, Ahmed Musa and Shams al-Dn, 129.
26. Thackston, Album Prefaces, 13; Soucek, Abd-al-ayy, Kvj, 115.
27. Soucek, Abd-al-ayy, Kvj, 115; Lentz and Lowry, Timur and the
Princely Vision, 52. Deborah Klimburg-Salter has argued that Abd al-ayy
was the likely artist for the illustrations from the dvn found in the Freer
Gallery. See Klimburg-Salter, A Sufi Theme in Persian Painting, 769.
28. Bernard OKane has pointed to the similarities between the pen and inkdraw-
ings in the dvn of Suln Amad and the mysterious so-called siyh-qalam
The Jalayirids
Conclusions and the Legacy of the Jalayirids
Map 1 Jalayirid dynasty.
Map 2 Jalayirid dynasty, c. 1353.
Map 3 Jalayirid dynasty, c. 1400.
Kinship relationship
Marriage relationship
Am r usayn (d. 1322) ljetey Sultan Am r Ch p n (d. 1327) ljeyt (d. 1316)
Shaykh asan (d. 1374) Sul n A mad (d. 1410) B yaz d (d. 1384) Shaykh Al (d. 1382) Sul n usayn (d. 1382)
Sul n hir (d. 1403) Al al-Dawla (d. 1410) Sul n Walad (d. 1411) T nd Barq q
Primary Sources
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The Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
Ab Bakr b. Mrnshh (Timurid), 158, 166, 6970, 7681, 83, 869, 94, 102, 111, 113,
1712 132, 1556, 158, 164, 166, 169, 196, 198
Abaqa Khan, 38, 41, 49, 501, 54, 57, 64, 74, Ankara (battle), 166
102, 104, 208 Anshirvn Khan, 92, 102, 122n
Abbs q, 151 q Bq Jalayir, 6, 17, 51, 53, 558, 62n, 656
Abbasid, 38, 489, 64, 80, 1356, 138 q Khvja (battle), 51, 56
Abd al-ayy see Khwja Abd al-ayy qquynl, 81, 174
(painter) Arab Iraq, 2, 8, 63, 778, 80, 83, 878, 904,
Ab Sad Bahdur Khan, 1, 2, 78, 10, 12, 102, 10911, 113, 139, 143, 153, 1589,
1416, 57, 6770, 746, 78, 801, 83, 86, 162, 165, 1679, 171, 173, 175, 196
91, 93, 104, 107, 113, 115, 119, 1303, Ardabil, 15, 16, 66, 103, 139, 151, 176n, 177n,
137, 1402, 162, 187, 1967 194
Ab Sad b. Muammad, 10 Arghun Khan, 7, 38, 503, 557, 59n, 60n, 66,
Abghn, 42 68, 79, 102, 130, 208
dil q see Amr dil q Arghniyya, 79
gh Frz, 166 Arigh Bke, 37, 42, 75
Aghachk, 157 Arp Khan, 758, 82, 85, 87, 94n, 95n
Amad Ms (painter), 1878 Arran, 35, 667, 72n, 79, 87, 151
Amad Tegder Khan, 38, 503, 557, 101, Arq, 512
130, 140 al-Ashraf Shabn (Mamluk sultan), 109
Ahr, Ab Bakr al-Qub, 8, 16, 67, 90, 1037, Assassins see Nizr Ismls
1303 atabeg, 41, 124n
Akh Jq, 1046, 108, 116 yna Beg, 567
Akrunj, 77, 85 Azarbayjan, 23, 89, 11, 1416, 35, 39, 48, 51,
Al al-Dawla b. Suln Amad Jalayir, 160, 53, 57, 66, 745, 7981, 83, 8594, 1018,
173, 175 11016, 118, 121, 129, 132, 137, 1413,
ldgh, 83, 85 147, 1514, 1579, 16874, 1967
Aleppo, 1314, 89, 160, 164, 167 Azhdar, Khwja Nr al-Dn, 8, 1313
Al Pdshh, 768, 814, 88, 111, 137, 196
Al Pltan, 106, 108 Baghdad, 3, 1011, 13, 16, 1820, 39, 489,
Al Shh, Khwja Tj al-Dn, 67 523, 56, 70, 72n, 768, 8094, 95n,
altan urugh, 36, 37, 77 10513, 117, 121, 122n, 124n, 125n, 126n,
Amr dil q, 113, 115, 14757, 159 1337, 1401, 14751, 15360, 16370,
Amr Chpn, 7, 57, 6670, 75, 789, 867, 1725, 177n, 178n, 179n, 180n, 181n,
912, 94, 103, 1056, 120, 140, 196 183n, 1857, 1904, 1967, 198n, 199n,
Amr usayn Grgn, 4, 6, 17, 65, 66, 67, 71n, 200n
72n, 94, 140, 196 Baghdd Khtn, 67, 6970, 80, 83
Amr Muammad Pltan, 108 Bah al-Dn Jlh, 174
Amr Qsim, 118 Bahrm Mrz, 187
Amr Val, 10, 11315, 118, 149, 151, 175n, Bala, 40
176n Blt, 567
Amr Zhid, 118, 126n Barq Khan, 42, 50
amr-i uls, 824, 86, 94 Bard, Q Muy al-Dn, 103
Anatolia, 57, 9, 1112, 17, 50, 537, 63, 67, Barhashn b. j aghy, 89
Barqq (Mamluk sultan), 15964, 1678, 183n, Euphrates, 1, 3, 7, 35, 389, 48, 53, 90, 164,
197 167, 171, 1945
Batu Khan, 37
Byazd b. Shaykh Uvays Jalayir, 148, 1534 Faraj, al-Nir (Mamluk sultan), 164, 1678
Baybars (Mamluk sultan), 6, 54, 61n Faraj Jalayir, 165
Baydu Khan, 38, 557, 61n, 62n, 65, 76, 95n Fars, 8, 73n, 103, 116, 143n, 169, 176n, 187
Byezd I (Ottoman sultan), 1112, 1516, 159, Fazl Allh Astarbd, 116, 117, 139
165, 182n, 197
Byezd II (Ottoman sultan), 1112 Genoa, 11820, 127n
Byj Noyan, 53 Geykhatu Khan, 38, 52, 557, 65, 71n, 88
Bayrm Beg, 112, 118, 125n Ghazan Khan, 5, 78, 38, 52, 558, 62n, 636,
Bayrm Khwja, 11012, 114, 148, 1545, 178n 71n, 74, 7881, 99n, 104, 1312, 134, 137,
Bysunqur Mrz, 10 142, 143n, 174, 1957
Bird Beg Khan, 104 Ghzniyya, 79, 81
Bird Khwja, 111 Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad Alshh, 87
Bism Jgr, 175 Ghiyth al-Dn Muammad Rashd, 8, 14, 72n,
btikch, 54 747, 80, 94n, 95n, 97n, 131, 137, 143n
Brte, 36 Golden Horde, 22n, 49, 64, 85, 103, 139
Bq Jalayir, 503, 557, 60n, 634 Great Mongol Shh-nma, 185
Burhn al-Dn, Q, 11, 13, 151, 179n, 181n grgn (gregen), 63, 667, 71n, 105, 196
Bursa, 120, 164, 166 Gyk Qan, 37, 42, 99n
The Jalayirids
The Jalayirids
Tabriz, 23, 16, 1920, 39, 52, 547, 66, 74, Tnd Khtn (Suln), 1623, 175
7781, 83, 8791, 934, 1037, 10910, Tuqtmsh Khan, 160
11220, 121n, 122n, 124n, 126n, 127n, Tq (gh), 546
129, 133, 1412, 143n, 14757, 159, 165, Trsun Khtn, 101, 140
170, 1725, 176n, 177n, 183n, 1859, 191,
1934, 1967, 198n, 199n, 200n Ughan, 40
aghchr, 557 guly Qrch, 50, 56
aghy Tmr Khan, 18, 81, 85, 879, 98n, 99n, Ugulayids, 53, 56
11315 Ujan, 118, 127n, 149, 155
Tahmsp (Safavid shah), 187 uls, 4, 3643, 45n, 489, 55, 70, 79, 824, 86,
tamghch, 501 99n, 1038, 120, 125n, 139, 1578, 185,
Tana, 119 1957
araqy, 38, 55 Ulus Chaghatay, 139, 154, 156
Tatar, 40 Umar b. Mrnshh, 158, 171
Tyj, 56 rght Jalayir, 54, 56
Temjin see Chinggis Qan Uvays (rebel in Baghdad), 173
Tmr, 1, 3, 811, 1317, 19, 22n, 81, 101, Uyghur, 31, 59n, 77, 132, 143n, 144n
1078, 113, 115, 142, 1478, 152, 154,
15669, 1713, 180n, 181n, 182n, 191, Vaf Qutlugh, 156
193, 1978 Vajh al-Dn Isml b. Shams al-Dn, 153,
Tmr Tsh b. Amr Chpn, 7, 689, 869, 91, 177n, 178n
98n, 99n, 1056 Venice, 11820
Timurids, 1, 3, 6, 911, 1314, 1820, 1012,
1078, 11213, 117, 120, 123n, 136, 147, Xiongnu, 31, 345
152, 15660, 1623, 165, 16772, 180n,
181n, 1857, 191, 1934, 197 yrghch, 42, 46n
Tolui Khan, 36, 37, 42, 75, 76, 82, 99n yrlgh, 52, 103
Toluids, 379, 413, 195 Yashbak al-Shabn, 168
Tregene, 37, 99n Yazd, 8, 79, 103, 116
Trabzond, 120 Ysr Noyan, 42
Transoxiana, 3, 9, 11, 356, 38, 40, 45n Yan dynasty, 3, 37, 64, 67, 72n
Tdn Sulduz, 54, 55, 61n
ugh Khtn, 68 al-hir Barqq see Barqq (Mamluk sultan)
ughn, 53, 556, 60n, 61n Zakary, Khwja Shams al-Dn, 83, 97n, 134,
tmen (tmn), 40, 778, 95n 153