On Spectral Deformations and Singular Weyl Functions For One-Dimensional Dirac Operators
On Spectral Deformations and Singular Weyl Functions For One-Dimensional Dirac Operators
On Spectral Deformations and Singular Weyl Functions For One-Dimensional Dirac Operators
WeylTitchmarshKodaira theory is the fundament of direct and inverse spectral theory for
ordinary differential operators. The classical theory usually assumes that one endpoint is regu-
lar. However, it has been shown by Kodaira,15 Kac,14 and more recently by Fulton,11 Gesztesy
and Zinchenko,13 Fulton and Langer,12 Kurasov and Luger,22 and Kostenko, Sakhnovich, and
Teschl1619 that many aspects of this classical theory still can be established at a singular endpoint. It
has recently proven to be a powerful tool for inverse spectral theory for these operators and further
refinements were given in Refs. 37, 10, and 20. The analogous theory for one-dimensional Dirac
operators was developed by Brunnhuber and three of us in Ref. 2 (for further extensions see also
Refs. 8 and 9). Nevertheless, such operators are still difficult to understand.
One approach, originating from ideas of Krein,21 is to use spectral deformation methods to
reduce a given spectral problem to a simpler one. In the case of one-dimensional Schrdinger oper-
ators, there is by now an enormous literature on this subject and we refer to Kostenko, Sakhnovich,
and Teschl18 for further references. Moreover in Ref. 18, the connection between these methods and
singular WeylTitchmarshKodaira theory was established and it is our present aim to do the same
for Dirac operators. However, here the situation is slightly different. In fact, since Dirac operators
are not bounded from below, a factorization of the type A A is not possible, and hence there is
no analog of the classical CrumDarboux method for Dirac operators. However, an analog of the
double commutation method was established by Teschl.25 Moreover, this method has been used by
Albeverio, Hryniv, and Mykytyuk1 to reduce the inverse spectral problem of radial Dirac operators
on a compact interval to the case of regular operators following the general idea of Krein.21 Here,
we will further extend these results in a more general setting. As an application, we will find a
representation formula for the singular Weyl function of radial Dirac operators and show that it is in
a generalized Nevanlinna class N0 with 0 = || + 21 , extending the results from Ref. 2.
Let I = (a, b) R (with a < b ) be an arbitrary interval. We will be concerned with
Dirac operators in the Hilbert space L 2(I, C2) equipped with the inner product
f , g = f ( y)g( y) dy, f 2 = f , f . (2.1)
To this end, we consider the differential expression
1 d
= 2 + Q(x). (2.2)
i dx
Here, the potential matrix Q(x) is given by
Q(x) = qel(x)1 + qam(x)1 + (m + qsc(x))3, (2.3)
where 1, 2, 3 denote the Pauli matrices
0 1+ 0 i + 1 0+
1 = * , 2 = * , 3 = * , (2.4)
, 1 0 - , i 0 - , 0 1 -
and m, qsc, qel, and qam are interpreted as mass, scalar potential, electrostatic potential, and anoma-
lous magnetic moment, respectively (see Ref. 26, Chap. 4). As usual, we require that m [0, ) and
qsc, qel, qam L 1loc(I) are real-valued.
We do not include a magnetic moment = + 2qmg (x) as it can be easily eliminated by a
simple gauge transformation = 1, where = exp(i qmg(r)dr).
If is in the limit point case at both a and b, then gives rise to a unique self-adjoint operator
H when defined maximally (cf., e.g., Refs. 23, 27, and 28). Otherwise, we fix a boundary condition
at each endpoint where is in the limit circle case. Explicitly, such an operator H is given by
and H(c,b) .
Our main object will be singular WeylTitchmarshKodaira theory which, for Dirac operators,
was developed only recently in Ref. 2. Hence, we will start by reviewing some relevant facts from
Ref. 2. We will need a system of real entire solutions (z, x), (z, x) of the underlying homoge-
neous equation u = zu such that (z, x) lies in the domain of H near a and W ((z), (z)) = 1. To
this end we introduce the following hypothesis:
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Hypothesis 2.1. Suppose that the spectrum of H(a,c) is purely discrete for one (and hence for
all) c (a, b).
Theorem 2.3 (Ref. 17, Theorem 4.1). Let M(z) be a singular Weyl function and its associ-
ated spectral measure. Then there exists an entire function g(z) such that g() 0 for R and
eg () L 2(R, d).
Moreover for any entire function g(z) such that g() > 0 for all R and (1 + 2)1g()1
L (R, d) (e.g., g(z) = e2g (z)), we have the integral representation
( )
1 d()
M(z) = E(z) + g(z) , z C \ (H), (2.12)
R z 1+ 2 g()
where E(z) is a real entire function.
If the endpoint a is regular, or at least limit circle, then, with the usual choice for and , the
Weyl function is a HerglotzNevanlinna function and we can choose g(z) 1 and E(z) = Re(M(i))
in the previous theorem. However, this will not be true in general. The following theorem gives
a criterion when the singular Weyl function belongs to the class N of generalized Nevanlinna
functions with no non-real poles and the only generalized pole of nonpositive type at (for further
information on generalized Nevanlinna functions we refer to Ref. 24, see also Ref. 19, Appendix B).
Theorem 2.4 (Ref. 17, Theorem 4.3). Fix the solution (z, x) and k N {0}. Then there is
a corresponding solution (z, x) such that M(z) N for some k if and only if (1 + 2)k1
L 1(R, d). Moreover, = k if k = 0 or (1 + 2)k < L 1(R, d).
012102-4 Beigl et al. J. Math. Phys. 56, 012102 (2015)
2 (1 )
Q (x) = Re 2u(, x)u(, x)
c(, x) i
u,1(, x)2 u,2(, x)2 u,1(, x)u,2(, x)
= 1 2 3 .
c(, x) c(, x)
Then, the main result from Ref. 25 states that H and H are unitarily equivalent up to possibly some
one-dimensional subspaces. More precisely, denote by P and P the orthogonal projections onto the
one-dimensional subspaces of H spanned, respectively, by u and u (set P, P = 0 if u, u < H).
Then, we have
Theorem 3.1 (Ref. 25). Let u(, x), R, and [u() 2, ] be given and define H as
in (3.2). If u() H, then we also require p (H).
Suppose first that u() < H.
(i) If > 0, then H and (1 P())H are unitarily equivalent. Moreover, H has the additional
eigenvalue with eigenfunction u,().
(ii) If = , then H and H are unitarily equivalent.
Suppose that u() H and p (H) (i.e., is an eigenvalue of H).
(i) If (u() 2, ), then H and H are unitarily equivalent.
(ii) If = u() 2 or , then (1 P())H and H are unitarily equivalent, that is, the eigen-
value is removed.
Furthermore, the solutions of the new operator H can be expressed in terms of the solutions
of H.
Lemma 3.2 (Ref. 25, Lemma 3.4). Let u ACloc(I, C2) fulfill u = zu, z C\{}, and set
u(, x)
v(z, x) = u(z, x) + W x (u(),u(z)). (3.4)
Then, v ACloc(I, C2) and v fulfills v = zv. We also note that if u, v are constructed analogously,
W x (v(z), v( z)) = W x (u(z), u( z))
c(, x)
z z
W x (u(),u(z))W x (u(), u( z)).
(z )( z )
012102-5 Beigl et al. J. Math. Phys. 56, 012102 (2015)
Remark 3.3. All the previous considerations still hold if one starts from the right endpoint b
instead of the left endpoint a. One just needs to interchange the following roles:
u(, x) u+(, x), c(x) u+(, y)u+(, y)dy. (3.7)
Proof. Using Lemma 3.2, it is straightforward to check that (z, x), (z, x) is a real entire
system of solutions whose Wronskian equals one. The extra multiple of (z, x) has been added to
(z, x) to remove the pole at z = . The rest is a straightforward calculation.
Note that in the previous theorem, the singularity at the left endpoint is not changed, which is
reflected by the fact that also the asymptotic behavior of the Weyl function is almost unchanged.
In the limiting case = , we obtain
Theorem 3.5. Let H be constructed from u(, x) = (, x), R, with = and set
(, x) = (, x)/c(, x). Moreover, if () H, we require p (H).
(z, x) = (z )(z, x) +
(, x)W x ((), (z)), (3.15)
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Proof. In the limiting case , the definition from the previous theorem would give
(, x) = 0 (see (3.10)) and we simply need to remove this zero. The rest follows as before.
Note that in this case, the singularity at the left endpoint is changed, however, the growth of
M(z) is increased, whereas it would be desirable to have a transformation which decreases the
growth. Hence, we need to invert the above procedure. To this end note that the new operator H
has (, x) = u,+(, x). So this shows that we should look at the case where H is computed from
u+(, x) = (, x) (cf. Remark 3.3). Let us also stress that the following result is essential for the
application to the perturbed radial Dirac operator in Sec. IV.
Theorem 3.6. Let H be constructed from u+(, x) = (, x) < H, R, with (0, ] and set
(, x) 1
(, x) =
, c(, x) = (, y)(, y)d y. (3.20)
c(, x) x
(, x) =
(, x). (3.23)
In particular, H satisfies again Hypothesis 2.1.
The Weyl solutions of H are given by
1 1
(z, x), (z, x) = (z, x) + (, x)W x ((), (z))
z z (3.24)
= (z, x) + M(z)(z, x),
M(z) + Wb ((), ())(z ) 1
M(z) = (3.25)
(z )2 z
is the singular Weyl function of H.
012102-7 Beigl et al. J. Math. Phys. 56, 012102 (2015)
with respect to z and evaluating at z = . Hence, the pole of (z) at z = is removed and
the solution is entire. The claim about the Wronskian follows from (3.5). The rest follows by a
straightforward calculation as before.
Note that by (2.8), we have M() = 0 in the above situation. Moreover, the first summand
in (3.25) has no residue at z = since the residue of M(z) must be given by () 2 =
() 2 = 1. Furthermore, if H is limit circle at b and < then H will be again limit
circle at b by Ref. 25, Theorem 3.7 (clearly H is always limit point at b). In the limit circle case,
the boundary condition of H will be generated by (, x) = (, x) H and hence we can repeat
this procedure at every zero of
(), (z)) = 1 1
z Wb ( Wb ((), (z))
c(, b) z
(1 ) (3.26)
Wb ((), ()) Wb ((), (z)) .
Since we have u,+(z, b) = C(z) (, b) with a nonzero entire function C(z), this implies W (u,+(z),
(z)) = C(z)Wb ((), (z)). Now Eq. (2.8) implies that the zeros of this Wronskian coincide
with the zeros of M(z). But the residues of M(z) are always negative and hence there must be
an odd number of zeros between two consecutive poles of M(z). In particular, we see that the
above Wronskian has an infinite number of zeros and we can iterate this procedure which will be
important later on. We also mention that if the function E(z) in the representation (2.12) is zero,
then the derivative at every zero of M(z) is positive and there will be precisely one zero between
each pole.
Finally, one could also consider the case u+(, x) = (, x). In this case, is an eigenvalue
and the procedure coincides with the one from Theorem 3.4 if one makes the replacement 1
1 + () 2.
Lemma 4.1 (Ref. 2, Sec. 8). If 0, then the operator (4.1) has a unique real entire solution
(z, x) = x ..
/ + o(x )
* +/
, 2 ( + 1/2) -
as x 0.
In addition, this solution satisfies the growth restriction
Lemma 4.2 (Ref. 1, Appendix A). If > 21 , then (4.1) has a second real entire solution (z, x)
with W ((z), (z)) = 1 satisfying
1(z, x)
(z, x) = * +1 +, (4.5)
,x 2(z, x) -
1(z, .) C[0, b) and
with 2(z, .) L 1 [0, b).
|(z, y)|2 d y = x 2+1w(z, x), w
(z, .) W 1,1(0, c), w
(z, 0) > 0, (4.6)
Now our strategy is the usual one (cf. also Ref. 1): We iteratively apply the double commutation
method to lower until we end up in the limit circle case || [0, 1/2). To be able to satisfy
the requirement u+(, x) = (, x) from Theorem 3.6, we will assume that the right endpoint b is
Lemma 4.3. Let H be given by (4.1) with > 12 . Moreover, let H be constructed from u+(, x)
= (, x), R, with (0, ] as in Theorem 3.6. Then
1 d 1
H = + 1 + Q(x),
L 1 [0, b).
Q loc (4.7)
i dx x
Moreover, if 1 and (z, x) is normalized according to Lemma 4.1, then so is i2(z, x).
Proof. By (3.3) and Remark 3.3, the commuted operator is of the form H = H + Q , where
1(, x)2 2(, x)2 1(, x)2(, x)
Q (x) = 1 2 3
c(, x) c(, x)
c(, x) 22(, x)2 1(, x)2(, x)
= 1 1 2 3 .
c(, x) c(, x) c(, x)
By Lemma 4.2, the denominator is of the form
1 ( 1 )
c(, x) = |(, y)|2 d y = x 2+1 x 21 + w(x) ,
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with w W 1,1(0, b) and w > 0 on [0, b]. Note that since > 21 , the mapping x x 21 lies in
W 1,1(0, b) too and therefore c(, x) = x 2+1w
(x), where w
shares the same properties as w. Hence
c (, x) d 2 + 1 w(x)
= log(c(, x)) = + ,
c(, x) dx x w
with w /
w L (0, b). Using the properties of the singular solution from Lemma 4.2, one infers that
2(, .)2/c(, .) and (1(, .)2(, .))/c(, .) lie in L 1(0, b) too and the first part follows.
To see the last part, recall that every entire solution of H which lies in the domain of H near
a = 0 is of the form eg (z)(z, x). Since (z, x) z(z, x) as |z| , Eqs. (4.3) and (4.4) show
that g(z) 0.
Remark 4.4. The new operator H has a negative angular momentum if > 1. In this case, we
employ the gauge transform 2 H2, resulting in a positive angular momentum. The correspond-
ing system of fundamental solutions is given by i2(z, x) and i2(z, x). Note that we again
have W (i2(z), i2(z)) = W ((z), (z)) = 1 and the formula (3.25) remains unchanged. If
(1/2, 1], then 1 [0, 1/2) but (z, x) will not be normalized according to Lemma 4.1 but
will correspond to a different boundary condition (e.g., for = 1 it corresponds to the boundary
condition (z, 0) = (1, 0)).
In order to iterate this procedure, we will assume that our operator is regular at b. Then H will
again be regular at b as long as (0, ). Moreover, by the discussion after Theorem 3.6, there will
be another choice such that u,+() = () (i.e., such that () satisfies the boundary condition
of H at b).
Since the singular Weyl function in the limit circle case will be a Herglotz function, combining
these results with Theorem 3.6, one obtains by induction:
Theorem 4.5. Let H be given by (4.1) with > 12 , + 12 < N, and let b be regular. Assume also
that (z, x) is normalized according to Lemma 4.1. Then there is a singular Weyl function of the
M(z) = P+ 1 (z) M0(z)
cn Pn (z)2(n z), (4.8)
where M0(z) is a HerglotzNevanlinna function and
cn = n1 Wb (n (n ), n (n )), (4.9)
Pn (z) = (z j ), P0(z) = 1, (4.10)
depend on the choice of n and n in every step of Lemma 4.3. The corresponding spectral measure
is given by
d(t) = P+ 1 (t)2d0(t), (4.11)
where the measure 0 satisfies R d0(t) = and R 1+t 2 < .
Proof. As pointed out before, we can reduce by 1 using the above method until we reach the
case (1/2, 3/2). If (1, 3/2), the above procedure will lead us to [0, 1/2) with a properly
normalized and the theorem is proven. In the case (1/2, 1), Lemma 4.3 will give us an
operator H of type (4.1) with 1 . Moreover, as in the proof of the previous lemma, we see
(, x) = x 1 * + + o(x 1),
C , 0,
and by inspection of (3.21) (see also (3.23)) we see
(z, x) = x 1 * + + o(x 1).
012102-10 Beigl et al. J. Math. Phys. 56, 012102 (2015)
Corollary 4.6. Let H be given by (4.1) with > 12 , + 12 < N, and let b be regular. Then, there
is a corresponding system of entire solutions (z, x), (z, x) with as in Lemma 4.1 such that
M(z) N0 with 0 = + 12 .
Proof. Combining (4.11) with (1 + t 2)1d0(t) < and d0(t) = , the claim follows by
applying Theorem 2.4 with 0 = + 12 .
Remark 4.7. It is easy to see that the assumption that b is regular is superfluous. Indeed,
observe that Lemma 7.1 from Ref. 2 shows that the asymptotics of M(z) as Im(z) depends
only on the behavior of the potential near a = 0. Furthermore, Ref. 17, Lemma C.2 shows that the
required integrability properties of the spectral measure d depend only on the asymptotics of M(z)
and hence also depend only on the behavior of the potential near a = 0.
This generalizes Theorem 8.4 from Ref. 2 where the bound 0 was given.
Remark 4.8. There is a straightforward connection with the standard theory for radial Schr-
dinger operators if our Dirac operator is supersymmetric, that is, qel = qsc = 0 (see Ref. 2, Sec. 3).
Using the results of this section, we can extend Theorem 4.5 from Ref. 19 to Schrdinger operators
defined in L 2(0, b) by differential expressions
( )( )
d d
= aq aq B
+ + qam(x) + + qam(x) . (4.12)
dx x dx x
Note that in the case qam L 2loc[0, b), this differential expression can be written in the potential form
d2 ( + 1) 2
= + + q+, q+(x) = qam (x) + qam (x)2 qam
(x), (4.13)
dx 2 x2 x
where q+ is a Wloc [0, b) distribution. For further details, we refer to Ref. 9.
We are very grateful to Annemarie Luger for helpful discussions. A.B., J.E., and G.T. gratefully
acknowledge the stimulating atmosphere at the Institut Mittag-Leffler during summer 2014 where
parts of this paper were written during the workshop on Modern aspects of the TitchmarshWeyl
m-function and its multidimensional analogues. Research supported by the Austrian Science Fund
(FWF) under Grant Nos. J3455, P26060, and Y330.
012102-11 Beigl et al. J. Math. Phys. 56, 012102 (2015)
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