Life Pak
Life Pak
Life Pak
Positioning Statement levels of key nutrients such as the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E
LifePak is a nutritional supplement with optimal levels of essential may increase the risk of several health conditions. Furthermore, the
micronutrients scientifically formulated to support longevity and researchers concluded that It appears prudent for all adults to take
wellness. LifePak provides a comprehensive array of antioxidants, vitamin and mineral supplements.
vitamins, and minerals typically lacking in the average adult diet.
In addition to meeting these common nutritional deficiencies, the Making a better effort to consume whole, fresh foods in the right
many health benefits of LifePak include powerful antioxidant proportions is an excellent start to improving ones nutritional health
support to protect cells, immune system support, promotion of status. But a nutritional foundation for optimal health and wellness 1
cardiovascular health, blood sugar metabolism support, complete should include a comprehensive dietary supplement program to fill
bone nutrition, and other anti-aging benefits. Used with Pharmanex in the nutrient gaps and act as insurance against nutritional deficien-
MarineOmega* , LifePak provides a nutritional foundation for a cies shown by studies to be common in even the best of diets.
long life-full of vitality and energy-free of debilitating conditions
associated with nutritional deficiencies. Convenient packaging of LifePak Dietary Supplement
four gelatin capsules in a small sachet make it easy for all adults Pharmanex LifePak is a comprehensive dietary supplement of impor-
to take LifePak every day with morning and evening meals.* tant antioxidants and phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other
metabolic cofactors that help promote longevity and wellness. Tar-
Concept geting needs at the cellular level, LifePak provides your body with
Enjoying excellent health and staying healthy throughout ones life- optimal levels of nutrients that are essential for vigor and vitality.
span begins with eating right. There is a growing mountain of LifePaks many health benefits include powerful antioxidant protec-
scientific evidence demonstrating the direct correlation of poor tion, immune system support, promotion of cardiovascular health,
nutrition with many degenerative conditions that were previously blood sugar metabolism support, complete bone nutrition, and
thought unrelated. As each new clinical report is published, people other anti-aging benefits.*
are reminded of the importance of eating a healthy diet. A growing
number are turning to more healthy food selections and sources, yet Additionally, LifePak also helps maintain healthy eyesight, promotes
our modern lifestyles often make it difficult to consume recommended healthy teeth and gums, supports weight management efforts, pro-
levels of key nutrients that are essential to our health and well-being. motes skin function and protection, supports energy metabolism, and
Dietary surveys continue to confirm a sad fact-the overwhelming helps maintain mental performance. These health benefits LifePak
majority of people do not consume optimal levels of key nutrients provides are the result of millions of hours of research and devel-
by diet alone. opment across the world.*
A nutritional survey completed in 1996 by the US Department of Proven ScienceThe Measurable Difference
Agriculture (USDA) showed that most people do not meet the There are more than 200,000 published studies on the antioxidants
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for most essential vitamins in LifePak and nearly 800,000 published studies on its compre-
and minerals. A more recent study published in the Journal of the hensive list of 59+ ingredients. Furthermore, LifePak has been
American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2002 reported that low
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
subjected to several clinical studies that have demonstrated specific LDL blood lipids from oxidation by free radicals. LDL-cholesterol
antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits from regular and consistent is the bad cholesterol that needs to be kept low and can become
use of LifePak.* oxidized in the body. LifePak is clinically proven to make LDL
particles more resistant against oxidation by free radicals.*
LifePak Addresses Specific Health Needs With Comprehensive
Formulas in One Product Helps Protect the Body Against the Symptoms of Aging
LifePak consists of individual product formulas scientifically combined -
LifePak contains proprietary Tegreen 97, one of the most powerful
into one convenient product. Each sachet contains one vitamin antioxidants on earth, to address the central cause of agingcellular
capsule, one phytonutrient capsule, and two mineral capsules. DNA damage. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is your genetic blue-
print from which new cells are created and healthy cells renewed.
Corrects Nutritional Deficiencies As we age, our antioxidant defense system becomes weaker. At
LifePak improves the foundation of your daily health by supplying the same time, the large amounts of free radicals produced in the
the body with more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals for mitochondria damage mitochondrial DNA, which leads to dimin-
optimal health and energy. The 2005 USDA diet guidelines point ished energy production and also diminished cellular function and
to some persistent nutrient deficiencies (vitamins B12 and D for eld- regeneration. All of this leads to the appearance of aging symptoms.*
erly, iron for pregnancy, etc.) and the USDA has issued the following
recommendation: efforts are warranted to promote increased Protects Cells With a Powerful Antioxidant Network
dietary intakes of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and LifePak contains more than 40 antioxidants (including proprietary
fiber by children and adults and to promote increased dietary intakes -
Tegreen 97) for cell health. Pollution, stress, and run-down lifestyles
of vitamins A and C by adults.* produce free radicals that damage our cells. Our bodies are under
constant attack by these free radicals, and science has shown that
Balances Bone Nutrition a network of antioxidants (rather than a high amount of a single
Bone health is a growing concern globally, especially for women. antioxidant) has been shown to be more effective in combating
2 LifePak provides key bone nutrients in clinically significant amounts these damaging molecules. The body relies on a steady supply of
to strengthen and maintain bone health. Bone minerals calcium dietary antioxidants to maintain optimal health. LifePak includes
(500 mg) and magnesium (250 mg) are included in LifePak as all eight forms of natural vitamin E, buffered vitamin C, selenium,
the building blocks of bone health. LifePak provides vitamin D to copper, zinc, and manganese. Other antioxidants include six
regulate calcium and magnesium bone metabolism and vitamin K carotenoids, over 20 flavonoids (including catechins and over 10
to help transport calcium to the bone. Silicon, boron, and soy grape seed polyphenols), and alpha-lipoic acid.*
isoflavones work synergistically with other bone nutrients for max-
imum absorption and efficacy.* The Leader in Nutritional Supplementation
LifePak is the leader in nutritional supplementation with a complete
Balances Immune Support anti-aging dietary supplement that delivers important vitamin, min-
Vitamins A, C, E, carotenoids, vitamin B6, and zinc help to bolster eral, phytonutrient, and antioxidant micronutrients for the day-to-day
the immune system and give your body the nutrients to perform health needs of the human body. LifePak supplies these nutrients
optimally. LifePak contains optimal levels of these nutrients to in clinically significant amounts, with the most bioavailable formu-
support the normal function of the immune system and keep the las and ingredients. Used together, LifePak and MarineOmega
body healthy. LifePak has been formulated to provide the nutri- constitute the most comprehensive anti-aging supplement pro-
ents missing from diets that fail to include 5 to 7 servings of gram available.*
fruits and vegetables.*
Primary Benefits
Supports Blood Sugar Metabolism Offers superior anti-aging benefits and cell protection by pro-
LifePak maintains normal blood sugar levels, glucose tolerance and viding the body with important antioxidants and phytonutrients
insulin metabolism by supplying the body with optimum amounts such as alpha-lipoic acid and catechins*
of chromium, vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, Improves and supports your antioxidant defense network*
and zinc-important nutrients clinically shown to support normal Supplies a comprehensive blend of nutrients to support a
blood sugar metabolism.* healthy cardiovascular system*
Provides comprehensive bone nutrition support*
Helps Protect the Body with Cardiovascular Nutrients Promotes healthy immune function*
LifePak provides the optimum amounts of over 40 different antioxi- Supports normal blood sugar metabolism*
dant nutrients that work synergistically in the body to protect the Corrects nutritional deficiencies*
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
What Makes This Product Unique? (epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECg),
LifePak was the first comprehensive dietary supplement to show epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), DL-Catechin (DL-C), Gallocatechin
antioxidant benefits in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies gallate (GCG), all 8 forms of natural vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol,
LifePak provides clinically-significant amounts of essential beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-to-
vitamins and minerals typically lacking in the diet cotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, gamma-tocotrienol, delta-tocotrienol),
Lifepak promotes your entire antioxidant defense network to soy iIsoflavones (genistin, daidzin, genistein, daidzien), over 10
protect against free radical damage* grape seed polyphenols (catechin, epicatechin and gallic acid
LifePak provides a wide range of antioxidants for optimal benefit. epigatchin gallate, dimers, trimers, tetramers and their gallates
Provides significant doses of antioxidant vitamins, mineral co- pentamers, hexamers, heptamers and their gallates).
factors, broad spectrum carotenoid blend, over 20 flavonoids,
and scientifically advanced antioxidants, such as alpha- What is an antioxidant network?
lipoic acid. There are hundreds of different antioxidants that can help fight free
LifePak is scientifically proven radicals and reactive oxygen species. Researchers have found that
Conveniently packaged sachet goes with you and your the body utilizes a broad range of antioxidants that work together
busy lifestyle to provide the body with optimal free radical protection. It has been
found that if just one or two of these antioxidants are deficient,
Who Should Use This Product? other antioxidants in the body are not able to function properly.
Every adult 18 to 40 years of age concerned with improving their Because of this antioxidant network, humans have a need to
health should take LifePak supplement a broad range of antioxidants into the diet, as found
in the LifePak 40+ antioxidants.*
Did You Know?
The DNA in each cell of your body receives 70,000 free radical What is the difference between LifePak, LifePak Prime,
hits per day LifePak Women, and LifePak PreNatal?
Today, people are living 30 years longer than a century ago Based on studies that have shown significant and differing nutritional 3
Almost 80% of females do not get the recommended daily needs in different demographics, Pharmanex has developed LifePak
amount of calcium formulas to meet the specific needs of men and women at differ-
More than 9.8 billion LifePak capsules and tablets have ent stages of life.
been sold since 1992 LifePak is recommend for adults 18-40 years of age.
LifePak Prime has been formulated to meet the specific needs
Frequently Asked Questions of men age 40 and older and post-menopausal women.
Why should I take LifePak with MarineOmega? LifePak Women is formulated for pre- and perimenopausal women.
LifePak supplies the body with essential micronutrients typically LifePak PreNatal is formulated for pregnant or lactating women.
deficient in modern day diets, while MarineOmega* supplies the
body with the essential macronutrients EPA and DHA typically Key Scientific Studies
deficient in modern day diets. In addition to providing a compre- 1. Smidt CR, Seidehamel RJ, Devaraj S, Jialal I. The effects of a
hensive nutritional foundation, MarineOmega* works synergisti- nutritionally complete dietary supplement (LifePak) on antiox-
cally with LifePak by enhancing nutrient bioavailability and idant status and LDL-oxidation in healthy non-smokers.
absorption for maximum health benefits. FASEB. 1999;13(4):A546.
2. Kaats G R; Wise J A; Morin R; Pullin D; Squires W; Murrieta T G;
Why is it important to take LifePak twice a day? Hesslink R. Reductions in DEXA measurements of body fat with
The LifePak Family products are comprehensive multivitamin/ different levels of involvement in a weight loss program using
mineral/phytonutrient supplements that contain a potent blend dietary supplements [LifePak]. Journal of the American
of nutrients. It should be taken twice daily to provide your body Nutraceutical Association. 1998; 1(2):19-26.
with optimal saturation and absorption of vitamins and minerals. 3. Fletcher RH, Fairfield KM. Vitamins for chronic disease preven-
Twice daily delivery also provides your body 24-hour antioxi- tion in adults: clinical applications. J Am Med Assoc. 2002 Jun
dant protection. 19; 287(23):3127-9.
4. McKay DL, et al. The effects of a multivitamin/mineral supple-
What are the 40+ antioxidants in LifePak? ment on micronutrient status, antioxidant capacity and cytokine
Beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, production in healthy older adults consuming a fortified diet.
zeaxanthin, buffered vitamin C, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, J Am Coll Nutr. 2000 Oct; 19(5):613-21.
quercetin, naringenin, hesperidin, alpha-lipoic acid, 6 catechins
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.