Paper Feraboli

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Simulating laminated composites using LS-DYNA material model

MAT54 part I: [0] and [90] ply single-element investigation

Bonnie Wade, Paolo Feraboli

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195-2400

Morgan Osborne
The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA


A wide range of composite material forms are finding use in todays aerospace, automotive, and
other transportation industry segments. The Boeing 787 commercial airliner, unveiled in 2007,
features over 50% carbon fiber composites by structural weight, while the entire structure of the
Lamborghini Sesto Elemento supercar, unveiled in 2011, is made exclusively from carbon fiber
composites [1-2]. An attractive benefit of using composite materials is the ability of composite
crush structures to dissipate large amounts of energy which has been shown to exceed that of
their metallic counterparts [3]. If properly engineered, implementing composite crash
subcomponents in aircraft and cars, such as collapsible floor stanchions and frontal crush beams,
can substantially increase crashworthiness and vehicle safety. Such composite crash components
are featured in both the Boeing 787 and the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento.

The energy absorbing behavior of composites is the result of a complex combination of failure
mechanisms that occur within the material during crushing. While metallic structures loaded in
compression absorb energy by folding and hinging in a controlled collapse, composite structures
fail in a combination of fracture mechanisms which include fiber fracture, matrix cracking, and
interlaminar damage. These failure mechanisms can occur alone or in combination. In addition to
the complex series of these micro- and macroscopic failures, the overall response of the structure
is highly dependent on several parameters including geometry, material system, lay-up, and
impact velocity [3-4].

Because of these complexities, the majority of commercially available finite element (FE) codes
cannot capture the crush behavior of composites in a predictive fashion. It is well accepted in the
composites community that existing failure criteria for composites have several shortcomings,
making it a challenge to predict the onset and propagation of damage [5-6]. The critical need for
a predictive composite material model has driven international research efforts and produced an
abundance of literature on composite crash simulation in the last two decades [5-10].

The state-of-the-art FE codes used to predict damage of composite and metallic materials alike,
such as LS-DYNA, ABAQUS Explicit, RADIOSS, and PAM-CRASH, utilize an explicit
integration formulation which is computationally very expensive. For that reason, these codes
strictly utilize shell (2D) elements over the more onerous brick (3D) elements. For composites
specifically, the approach has been to use orthotropic shell elements with smeared material
properties. The plies of the laminate are grouped into one single shell element, which reduces the
level of computational effort but does not capture the interlaminar behavior such as
delamination. A single fully-integrated shell element, such as that used in this study, simulates a
composite laminate by regarding each lamina through the thickness as an integration point.

Commercially available FE codes implement material models created by the software developer
to define the elastic, failure, and post-failure behavior of the elements. These material models
account for physical properties of the material that can be measured by experiment (such as
strength, modulus, and strain-to-failure) but also include software specific parameters, which
either have no physical meaning or cannot be determined experimentally. The state of the art
modeling requires extensive tweaking and calibration of these material models in order to reach
an agreement between experiment and simulation. Because of these limitations, current FE
modeling strategies for composite materials are not deemed to be predictive as demonstrated by
efforts such as the Worldwide Failure Exercise round robin and the CMH-17 crashworthiness
numerical round robin [5-6].

Although several other codes are available, LS-DYNA has traditionally been considered the
benchmark for composite crash simulations and is extensively used in the automotive and
aerospace industries to perform explicit dynamic post-failure simulations [11-15]. LS-DYNA has
a handful of preexisting composite material models such as MAT22 and MAT54/55, which are
progressive failure models that use a ply discount method to degrade elastic material properties;
and MAT58, MAT158, and MAT162, which use continuum damage mechanics to degrade the
elastic properties after failure.

The LS-DYNA MAT54 material model is of interest for large full-scale structural damage
simulations because it is a relatively simple material model which requires minimal input
parameters. Not only does this reduce the computational requirement of a MAT54 simulation, it
also reduces the difficulty and amount of material testing necessary for input parameters.

The relative ease of use of the MAT54 material model, however, causes notable shortcomings as
a consequence of over-simplification of the complex physical mechanics occurring during the
failure of composite material systems. In order to fully characterize this material model, where
its shortcomings arise, and how to properly adjust for them, single element studies were
performed using MAT54 to simulate a carbon fiber/epoxy material system. The LS-DYNA
users manual provides information on MAT54 for ply and element failure that is unclear and
easily misinterpreted [16]. For this reason, an in-depth discussion of the MAT54 material model

is presented prior to the single element simulation results. This study concludes with suggested
modeling strategies for using MAT54 to simulate composite material systems.


MAT54 is a progressive failure model which is designed specifically to handle orthotropic

materials such as unidirectional tape composite laminates. To support the following discussion,
all of the input parameters for MAT54 are defined in Appendix A, and the LS-DYNA users
manual entry for MAT54 is reproduced in Appendix B.

In the elastic region, the material stress-strain behaviors for fiber (axial, 1-direction), matrix
(transverse, 2-direction), and shear (12-direction) are given by:
! = ! ! !" ! (1)

! = ! ! !" ! (2)

2!" = ! !" + !" ! (3)

In Eq. (3), the (ALPH in MAT54) input parameter is a weighing factor for the nonlinear shear
stress term. ALPH cannot be experimentally determined, but needs to be calibrated by trial and
error whenever shear is present.

Beyond the elastic region, MAT54 uses the Chang-Chang [17] failure criterion to determine
individual ply failure, as given by Eqs. (4-7). In the following equations, ef, ec, em and ed are
called history variables and they are failure flags which represent (respectively) tension and
compression for the fiber direction, and tension and compression for the matrix direction. XT is
the fiber tensile strength, XC is the fiber compressive strength, YT is the matrix tensile strength,
YC is the matrix compressive strength, and SC is the shear strength of the unidirectional ply.
These input parameters can be measured through testing of the unidirectional tape lamina. It
should be noted that all of these quantities assume that the 1-direction (axial) is the fiber
direction, while the 2-direction (transverse) is the matrix direction.

For the tensile fiber mode where 11 0:

!!! ! !!" ! 0
! ! = + 1 (4)
!! !! < 0
Upon failure: E1 = E2 = G12 = v12 = v21 = 0.

The shear stress weighing factor (BETA in MAT54) allows the user to explicitly define the
influence of shear in the tensile fiber mode. For BETA = 1, the Hashin [18] failure criterion is
implemented, while setting BETA = 0 reduces Eq. (4) to the Maximum Stress failure criteria.

Selecting the right value of BETA is a matter of preference, and otherwise can be done by trial
and error.

For the compressive fiber mode where 11 < 0:

!!! ! 0
! ! = 1 (5)
!! < 0

Upon failure: E1 = v12 = v21 = 0.

For the tensile matrix mode where 22 0:

!!! ! !!" ! 0
! ! = + 1 (6)
!! !! < 0

Upon failure: E2 = v21 = G12 = 0.

For the compressive matrix mode where 22 < 0:

!!! ! !! ! !!! !!" 0
! ! = + 1 + 1 (7)
!!! !!! !! !! < 0

Upon failure: E2 = v12 = v21 = G12 = 0.

When one of the above conditions is exceeded in a ply within the element, the specified elastic
properties for that ply are set to zero. The mechanism by which MAT54 applies this elastic
property reduction, however, only prevents the failed ply from carrying increased stress rather
than reducing the stress to zero or a near zero value. The equations used by MAT54 to determine
1- and 2-direction element stress in the ith time step provides insight into this mechanism:
! ! !! !" !
! = + (8)
! ! !!! !" !! !
! !

When ply failure occurs in the ith time step, constitutive properties in the stiffness matrix C go to
zero, but the stress from the i-1 time step is non-zero. The ply stresses of a failed ply are
unchanged from the stress state just prior to failure. This produces a constant stress state in the
ply stress-strain curve following failure. The resulting plastic behavior, shown in Figure 1, only
occurs when the strength is reached before the failure strain. MAT54 applies property
degradation following failure in this way rather than degrading properties in the elastic
equations, Eqs. (1-3).

The MAT54 FBRT and YCFAC strength reduction parameters are used to degrade the pristine
fiber strengths of a ply if compressive matrix failure takes place. This strength reduction
simulates damage done to the fibers from the failed matrix. This strength degradation is applied
using the following equations:

= (9)

= (10)

The FBRT parameter defines the percentage of the pristine fiber strength that is left following
failure, therefore its value may only be in the range [0,1]. The YCFAC parameter uses the
pristine matrix strength YC to determine the damaged compressive fiber strength, which means
that the upper limit of YCFAC is XC/YC. The input value for the two parameters FBRT and
YCFAC cannot be measured experimentally and must be determined by trial and error.

The SOFT parameter is a strength reduction factor for crush simulations. This parameter reduces
the strength of the elements immediately ahead of the crush front in order to simulate damage
propagating from the crush front. The strength degradation is applied to four of the material
strengths as follows:

, , , = , , , (11)

where the asterisk indicates the pristine strength value. Reducing material strengths using SOFT
allows for greater stability to achieve stable crushing by softening the load transition from the
active row of elements to the next. The SOFT parameter is active within the range [0,1], where
SOFT = 1 indicates that the elements at the crush front retain their pristine strength and no
softening occurs. Since this parameter cannot be measured experimentally, it must be calibrated
by trial and error for crush simulations.

The failure equations described in Eqs. (4-7) provide the maximum stress limit of a ply, and the
damage mechanisms described in Eqs. (9-11) reduce the stress limit by a specified value given
specific loading conditions. None of these mechanisms, however, cause the ply stress to go to
zero, as would be expected of a failed ply. Instead, there are five critical strain values which
reduce the ply stresses to zero. These are the strain to failure values in the positive fiber direction
(tension) DFAILT, in the negative fiber direction (compression) DFAILC, in the matrix direction
DFAILM, in shear DFAILS, and a non-physical failure strain parameter called EFS. It is
important to note that in the matrix direction there is only one failure strain value which is used
for both tension and compression.

Four of the failure strains can be measured through coupon-level tests, but if they are not known,
LS-DYNA gives the user the option to employ a generic failure strain parameter, EFS (effective
failure strain). The EFS immediately reduces the ply stresses to zero when the strain in any
direction exceeds EFS, which is given by:

= !! ! + !! !! + !! ! + !" ! (12)

A critical EFS value can be calculated for any simulation by determining 1-, 2-, and 12-strains at
element failure and using them in Eq. (12). EFS values below the critical EFS will cause
premature element deletion. The default value for EFS is zero, which is interpreted by MAT54 to
be numerically infinite.

An element is deleted once all of the plies in that element have zero stress. The five critical strain
values which cause zero ply stresses also determine element deletion, which the strength-based
criterion given in Eq.s (4-7) cannot do.

Finally, element deletion can also occur when it becomes highly distorted and requires a very
small time step. A minimum time step parameter, TFAIL, removes distorted elements as follows:

TFAIL 0: No element deletion by time step

0 < TFAIL 0.1: Element is deleted when its time step is smaller than TFAIL
!"##$%& !"#$!!"#$
TFAIL > 1: Element is deleted when !"#$#%&' !"#$!!"#$ < TFAIL

Defining TFAIL to be very near or greater than the element time step will cause premature
element deletion since the element will violate the TFAIL condition in its initial state. If
significant element distortion is not a concern, it is recommended to choose an arbitrarily small
value that is two orders of magnitude smaller than the element time step for TFAIL.

Unlike the strength-based ply failure criterion in Eq.s (4-7), there are no history variables for ply
failure due to maximum strains or element deletion due to TFAIL. For this reason, it is
impossible to distinguish the failure mode which causes element deletion from the simulation


The material system used in this study was a T700/2510 carbon fiber/epoxy material system,
both the unidirectional (UD) tape and plain-weave (PW) fabric prepregs. The UD and PW
material properties are provided in Table 1. Four different lay-ups were considered: UD [0]12,
UD [90]12, UD [0/90]3s, and PW [(0/90)]8. The first two lay-ups are discussed in Part I of this
investigation, while the latter two are discussed in Part II.

The three UD laminates had 12 plies each, while the PW laminate had only 8 plies in order to
have a similar thickness to the UD laminates. The average thickness of the UD laminates
measured from experiments was 0.079 inches, and the average PW laminate thickness was
0.07286 inches. The size of the mesh considered was 0.1 inches.

A single square element for each laminate was subjected to tension and compression in the axial
direction, as shown by the schematic of loading and boundary conditions in Figure 2. For the
[90]12 laminate, the axial direction was considered to be the local 90-degree direction. The
transverse direction of each laminate was investigated by virtue of testing both 0-degree and 90-
degree UD laminates, and that simulation results in the axial and transverse directions for the UD
cross-ply laminate were identical. The difference in the results for the axial and transverse
directions of the PW laminate was slight, but will be noted.

A constant loading rate of 2 in/s was applied to nodes 1 and 4 of the single element, as shown in
Figure 2. As a part of this study, loading velocities from 1 in/min to 300 in/s were simulated for
each loading configuration, with each producing identical results throughout the range. This
demonstrated the strain-rate insensitivity of MAT54, which was expected since there are no
strain-rate sensitive parameters in the material model.

For each laminate and loading condition, parametric studies were performed by varying 20 of the
MAT54 input parameters defined in Table 2 along with baseline values for both material
systems. MAT54 parameters that are inactive or establish the local material orientation were not
investigated. The baseline MAT54 input cards for the AGATE UD tape and AGATE PW fabric
materials are given in Appendix C.

The design allowables report for the AGATE material system does not include strain to failure
values [19-20]. Instead, it is suggested by the report to use simple one-dimensional linear stress-
strain relationships to obtain corresponding failure strain values. For the MAT54 input
parameters shown in Table 2, failure strains were calculated by dividing the material strength by
the appropriate modulus as follows:
= !" (13)

= !" (14)

= !" (15a)

= !" (15b)

where DFAILM can be defined by Eqs. (15a-b) using either the tensile or compressive matrix
strengths. Since DFAILM defines the failure strain for both loading conditions, the value of
DFAILM which minimizes the error must be chosen.

Given the simplicity of the single element uniaxial loading conditions, many of the MAT54
parameters defined in Table 2 were found to have insignificant or no influence on the simulation
outcome. These included shear parameters, ALPH, BETA, DFAILS, GAB, and SC, as well as
parameters that require special loading conditions, SOFT, FBRT, and YCFAC. Finally, PRBA
was found to have a negligible effect on the results. None of these parameters will be discussed
in the results section.

The investigation of the EFS and TFAIL input parameters found that these two deletion
parameters are not uniquely influential among the single element simulations investigated and
will therefore also not be discussed in the results section. These parameters provide a utility in
MAT54 which can be applied to any laminate and loading condition, as described in the previous

The time step for the single element simulations was chosen to be 50% of the critical time step,
which is the maximum value determined by the Courant condition [21]. The baseline time step
was 2.846E-7 seconds. It was necessary to use a double precision solver for the single element
simulations in order to avoid some instabilities.

For all of the single element simulations, data was generated at three levels of scale: at the
integration point (ply), at the node, and at the element. While data was recorded in all directions,
for the purpose of this study only relevant data in the loading direction is reported. Data of
interest at each integration point were the ply stresses and strains. Reaction forces at the
boundary conditions on nodes 2 and 3 were recorded to generate the equivalent stress-strain data
for the element and verify reported element results. Displacements and velocities were recorded
on the free node, node 4, to monitor for unstable behavior. Finally, the total energy of the
element was recorded. History variables (Eqs. 4-7) were monitored at the ply and element level.
Since history variables only report stress-based failures, the data was not found to be useful as
many of the important MAT54 behaviors are strain-based.

Modeling parameters that were capable of significantly changing the stress-strain behavior or the
output energy of the simulation are discussed in the results section. Each laminate was first
simulated using the MAT54 input values found in Appendix C. These initial simulations
provided baseline numeric data against which data from the parametric studies were compared.


Given the material strengths and properties for the UD material system in Table 1, the expected
stress-strain behavior for the UD [0]12 and UD [90]12 lay-ups are plotted in Figure 3. Since all of
the plies in the laminate were in the same direction, these curves are representative of the ply
stresses and strains, as well as the cumulative stress-strain behavior of the laminate.

The expected strengths for the [0]12 and [90]12 laminates are given in Table 3. Because these lay-
ups had all plies in the same 0- or 90-direction, the expected laminate strength is equal to the
lamina strength input parameters for MAT54.

The expected failure strains were calculated using Eqs. (13-15) and the assumption of perfectly
linear elastic stress-strain behavior, as suggested by the AGATE design allowables [19-20]. The
expected failure strains for the [0]12 and [90]12 laminates investigated are given in Table 3. These
values are more precise than the MAT54 input parameter failure strains which were rounded up
to the nearest 1E-4 in/in.

Finally, the expected energy output for each loading condition was determined by calculating the
area under the linear force-displacement curve. Force was calculated by multiplying the stress by
the cross-sectional area of the element, and displacement was calculated by multiplying the strain
by the element length. The energy outputs expected of the baseline simulations are also given in
Table 3.


UD [0]12 laminate

The UD laminate loaded along the fiber direction produced ply stresses and strains which were
equal in each ply because this laminate was comprised of only one ply angle. As such, ply
behavior was identical to laminate behavior. The ply (and laminate) stress-strain curve is shown
in Figure 4. These results correlated perfectly with the expected linear elastic results shown in
Figure 3a. Parabolic behavior was observed in the output energy plot, shown in Figure 5. This
behavior was also expected since the stress-strain and load-displacement curves were linear.

Peak stress, strain, and energy values for the baseline simulation are given in Table 4, along with
the error of these values against the expected results. The maximum stress values from the single
element model were exactly the 0-direction strengths in tension and compression from the
material properties, producing no error. Because the failure strain inputs were rounded up to the
nearest 1E-4 from their expected value shown in Table 3, a small error was observed in the strain
predictions. The low error in energy indicated that the simulation behaved as expected.

UD [90]12 laminate

Just as the case of the [0]12 laminate, the UD laminate loaded in the matrix direction produced
stresses and strains that were the same in the ply and the laminate. The expected laminate stress-
strain behavior is reproduced in Figure 6a, next to the MAT54 stress-strain plot from the [90]12
laminate in Figure 6b. Simulation results in compression correlated perfectly with expected
results, but in tension the MAT54 results deviate completely from what was expected. Figure 6b
shows the unexpected perfectly plastic region following the linear elastic behavior in tension.

The plastic region in tension is a consequence of the way MAT54 computes the element stresses
after failure using Eq. (8), as illustrated in Figure 1. This behavior emerges only for the [90]12
baseline tension model because there is only one modulus and one failure strain parameter for
the matrix direction, which means only one strength value can satisfy Eqs. (15a-b). Since the
tensile and compressive strengths are different, the simulation reaches the tensile strength well
before the matrix failure strain, creating the plasticity in tension.

The energy curve was expected to be parabolic and in compression and initially in tension it was.
Following tensile matrix failure, the plastic stress zone caused the energy to increase linearly, as
shown in Figure 7. This behavior added a significant amount of energy to the output of the
baseline simulation.

Peak stress, strain, and energy values for the baseline simulation are given in Table 5, along with
the error of these values against the expected results. There was no error in the MAT54 stresses.
In tension, a very large error in the failure strain caused the output energy to be six times greater

than what was expected. In compression, the failure strain and energy results had acceptable
error compared with the predictions.


[0]12 laminate

The test matrix for the study of MAT54 parameters using the [0]12 UD laminate is given in Table
6. Results from parametric studies of each of the MAT54 input parameters were compared
against the baseline data presented in Figures 4-5 and Table 4. The parameters which exclusively
influenced the matrix direction, such as EB, DFAILM, YC and YT, are omitted from this report
since they were found to have no influence on the [0]12 simulations in the loading direction.

Changes of the constitutive property input parameters influenced the LS-DYNA simulation as
anticipated. The only constitutive property which affected the element behavior in the loading
direction was the fiber modulus, EA. This parameter determined the stiffness of the plies (and
element) in the loading direction. Using an EA value of 0 produced an immediate error in the

Changing the fiber strengths, XT for tension and XC for compression, changed the peak stress
limits of the [0]12 single element simulation. Element stress-strain plots for parametric studies of
XT and XC are shown in Figure 8.

Strength values larger than the baseline XT and XC values (such as XT = 400 ksi and XC = -300
ksi) changed the results by less than 0.1%. For these simulations, the element reached the failure
strain before the strength, which caused element deletion. When any of the material strengths
were set to zero, MAT54 defaulted to a numerically infinite value, producing the same results as
the simulations with the largest strengths.

When the fiber strength was lower than the baseline value, the stress reached a limit at the
strength, and then remained constant until the element was deleted at the failure strain value.
Recall that MAT54 applies elastic property reductions following ply failure using Eq. (8) such
that increased stress is prevented, and plasticity occurs as illustrated in Figure 1. The effect that
this added plasticity region has on the simulation is best demonstrated by the change in total

A simulation with pronounced plasticity in both tension and compression is used as an example
to further investigate the plasticity. The XT and XC strengths were reduced by approximately
100 ksi, and the resulting MAT54 stress-strain curves with plasticity are plotted in Figure 9a with
the baseline results. It is expected of a composite laminate that ultimate failure corresponds to
fiber failure, and the stress goes to zero in a brittle fashion upon fiber failure. This expected
stress-strain result is also plotted in Figure 9a. In Figure 9b, the total energy outputs of these
three cases are plotted.

The energy curves in Figure 9b reveal the great difference between the expected results and the
results given by MAT54 when plasticity is present. For the reduced strength simulation,
following fiber failure, the energy increased linearly until the failure strain was reached. When
the strength of the baseline simulation was reduced by 100 ksi, there was little change in energy
output, whereas it was expected that the energy would decrease by a factor of 2 if the laminate
had failed when the fibers failed. Table 7 shows that the MAT54 energy prediction for the 100
ksi reduced strength simulation was only 10-30% lower than the total energy output by the
baseline simulation. Furthermore, the MAT54 result was more than double the result expected of
linear elastic behavior.

While changing the material strengths noticeably altered the stress-strain response, the effect of
the XT and XC parameters on the total energy of the simulation was not as great of a change
from the baseline simulation as expected. Furthermore, the influence of the strength parameters
was not as pronounced as the effect of the failure strains, DFAILT and DFAILC. These
parameters were varied and showed that increasing the failure strain larger than the baseline
caused plasticity until the new failure strain was reached, as shown in Figure 10. Decreasing the
failure strain smaller than the baseline value caused deletion of the element before the material
strength was reached. Stress-strain curves for the parametric study on fiber failure strains are
shown in Figure 10. For simulations with especially large plastic zones, such as DFAILC = -0.03
in/in, it was necessary to decrease the time step in order to avoid minor instabilities.

The plasticity region caused by increasing failure strains had a much stronger effect on the total
energy than the plasticity regions induced by strength reductions, which were shown in Figure 9.
An example of the plasticity effect caused by enlarged failure strains is given in Figure 11a.
Here, the results from using failure strains of 0.03 in/in are shown along with the expected
linear elastic stress-strain result. The energy curves for these two cases are shown in Figure 11b.

After the material strength was reached in the simulation, the energy increased linearly. The
MAT54 energy prediction for the increased failure strain simulation was three times the total
energy expected from linear elastic behavior, as given in Table 8.

A special case arose when DFAILT was set to zero. Without the fiber tension failure strain to
determine element deletion, the fiber tensile strength, XT, instead determined deletion. For the
case where the element failed in the fiber tension mode, MAT54 implemented a special
degradation scheme for the ply stress which reached zero stress in exactly 100 time steps. Once
all of the ply stresses were zero, the element was deleted. The stress-strain plot which shows the
degradation of the cumulative element stress when DFAILT = 0 is shown in Figure 12.

This special case was only applicable to DFAILT and did not work for DFAILC or DFAILM.
For instance, using DFAILC 0 immediately terminated the simulation since the maximum
failure strain was interpreted to have been violated upon initiation of the simulation.
Furthermore, when DFAILT was set to zero but the loading case caused other failure modes (e.g.

fiber compression, matrix tension, matrix compression) the special case shown in Figure 12 did
not apply.

[90]12 laminate

The test matrix for the UD [90]12 parametric study is given in Table 9. The test matrix was
reduced by excluding parameters which exclusively influence the fiber direction, such as EA,
DFAILT, DFAILC, XT, and XC, none of which affected the [90]12 simulations in the loading
direction. The only constitutive property which affected the element behavior in the loading
direction was the matrix modulus, EB. This parameter dictated the stiffness of the plies in the
loading direction, as expected.

The matrix strengths, YT for tension and YC for compression, determined the peak stress limits
of the [90]12 single element simulation, similar to how the fiber strengths determined peak
stresses for the [0]12 laminate. The effect of the matrix strengths is shown in Figure 13.

Recall that in the baseline simulation, a large amount of plasticity existed in tension because the
tensile failure strain cannot be defined independently from the compressive failure strain. The
baseline simulation used the matrix compressive strength, Eq. (15b), to determine DFAILM,
thereby achieving a linear elastic curve in compression up to the strength of 28.8 ksi. Using this
value for the strength parameters gave linear elastic results for both tension and compression,
since the DFAILM and EB values do not change. Using strength values greater than 28.8 ksi for
both YT and YC caused perfectly linear elastic stress-strain behavior. Using strength values less
than 28.8 ksi caused failure followed by region of constant stress until the failure strain was
reached. These behaviors are shown in Figures 13a-b. A zero value for either strength parameter
caused MAT54 to consider the strength to be numerically infinite.

Changing the failure strain in the matrix direction, DFAILM, revealed a unique problem. Recall
that there are two ways to define DFAIM such that linear elastic results are produced, Eqs. (15a-
b). Each method gave a different DFAILM value which can only produce linear elastic results in
one loading direction, tension or compression. For the baseline simulation, the compressive
matrix strength was used to determine DFAILM = 0.024 in/in, thereby achieving a linear elastic
response only in compression. If the tensile matrix strength were used, DFAILM would be
0.00581 in/in.

The choice of whether to use the tensile or compressive matrix strength, Eq. (15a) or (15b), to
define DFAILM had dramatic effects on both the stress-strain curve and the total energy of the
simulation. Using Eq. (15a), the compressive matrix strength was grossly underestimated, shown
by the DFAILM = 0.00581 in/in curve in Figure 14. When Eq. (15b) was used, the tensile matrix
behavior was elasto-plastic, like the baseline curve which is also shown in Figure 14. Increasing
DFAILM such that it was larger than the baseline caused an elongation of the plasticity region in
tension, and the introduction of one in compression. For both of these loading cases, the material
strength was reached before the failure strain.

To further demonstrate the effect of the DFAILM selection, the energy outputs from the two
ideal DFAILM simulations and the expected energy result are plotted in Figure 15. The
incredible loss of energy from using the tensile DFAILM, and gain of energy from using the
compressive DFAILM are shown both in Figure 15 and in Table 10. Unfortunately, the DFAILM
parameter cannot be tailored to give ideal results like DFAILT and DFAILC, and will always
cause some error.

Choosing a zero value for DFAILM caused MAT54 to consider it to be numerically infinite. This
effectively meant that the matrix-direction failure strain could not be achieved, and the element
would only get deleted by the minimum time step violation, TFAIL. By using the default TFAIL
value, element deletion occurred at unfeasibly high strain values, 1 in/in in tension and -4 in/in in
compression, shown in Figure 16.


The single element studies of unidirectional [0]12 and [90]12 laminates modeled using the
material model MAT54 revealed the critical failure parameters and behaviors for this material
model. While a ply can fail by the stress-based Chang-Chang failure criterion, a failed ply still
carries a significant amount of stress and energy. Only once the failure strain is reached does the
stress go to zero and the element gets deleted. Material strength and strain-to-failure parameters
were found to have the most influence on the single element simulations.

While the material strength parameters affected the stress-strain output considerably, it has been
shown that changing material strengths has very little effect on the total energy of a simulation.
Instead the failure strain parameters, which not only affect the stress-strain output but also
determine element deletion, have a significant effect on the energy of a simulation when
changed. Failure strains are by far the most critical parameters of MAT54 with regards to output
stress, strain, reaction loads, and energy. Depending on how the failure strain inputs are defined,
whether to simulate a perfectly linear-elastic material or elasto-plastic material, Figure 17
summarizes just how these parameters will change the stress-strain curve of a ply.

The failure strain parameter in the transverse direction, DFAILM, defines the strain-to-failure for
both tensile and compressive loading, and the two cannot be defined separately. This ensures that
either the tensile or compressive transverse ply behavior will be erroneous, depending on how
DFAILM is defined. Because the behavior of a MAT54 element is so sensitive to the failure
strain parameters, the definition of DFAILM can alter ply failure, element deletion, and total
energy, all of which cannot be without error in both tension and compression.

The conclusions drawn from the two UD laminates lay the groundwork for understanding more
complex lay-ups where individual ply behaviors are expected to be different. In Part II of this
investigation, results from the [0/90]3s UD cross-ply and [(0/90)]8 PW fabric MAT54 single
elements will be discussed.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Mostafa Rassaian (Technical Fellow, Boeing Research &
Technology). They also would like to thank Dr. Larry Ilcewicz, Allan Abramowitz, Joseph
Pellettiere and Curt Davies of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).


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Table 1. Material properties provided by the AGATE Design Allowables [19-20] for T700GF
12k/2510 unidirectional tape (UD) and T700SC 12k/2510 plain weave fabric (PW).
Density 1.51-1.57 g/cc 1.48-1.52 g/cc
F1tu 319 ksi 132 ksi
E1 18.1 Msi 8.11 Msi
v12 0.309 0.043
F2 7.09 ksi 112 ksi
E2t 1.22 Msi 7.96 Msi
F1cu 210 ksi 103 ksi
E1c 16.3 Msi 8.09 Msi
F2cu 28.8 ksi 102 ksi
E2c 1.47 Msi 7.77 Msi
F12su 22.4 ksi 19.0 ksi
G12 0.61 Msi 0.609 Msi

Table 2. MAT54 parameters investigated and their baseline UD and PW values.

Baseline Baseline PW
UD value value
EA Axial Youngs modulus [psi] 1.81E+7 8.11E+6
EB Transverse Youngs modulus [psi] 1.22E+6 7.89E+6
GAB Shear modulus [psi] 6.10E+5 6.09E+5
PRBA Minor Poissons ratio 0.02049 0.043
XT Axial tensile strength [psi] 314000 132000
XC Axial compressive strength [psi] 210000 103000
YT Transverse tensile strength [psi] 7090 112000
YC Transverse compressive strength [psi] 28800 102000
SC Shear strength [psi] 22400 19000
DFAILT Axial tensile failure strain [in/in] 0.0174 0.0164
DFAILC Axial compressive failure strain [in/in] -0.0116 -0.0127
DFAILM Transverse failure strain [in/in] 0.024 0.014
DFAILS Shear failure strain [in/in] 0.03 0.03
EFS Effective failure strain [in/in] 0 0
TFAIL Time step failure value [s] 1.153E-9 1.153E-9
FBRT Fiber tension damage factor after matrix failure 0.5 0.5
YCFAC Fiber compression damage factor after matrix failure 1.2 1.2
SOFT Crush-front damage parameter 0 0
ALPH Factor for the non-linear term in shear stress 0.1 0.1
BETA Shear factor in fiber tension 0.5 0.5

Table 3. Expected baseline strength, failure strain, and output energy values for the AGATE UD
material system.
Expected Result
F1 319 ksi
F2tu 7.09 ksi
F1cu -213 ksi
F2cu -28.8 ksi
1tu 0.017337 in/in
2tu 0.005811 in/in
1 -0.011576 in/in
2cu -0.023607 in/in
Energy1 0.24682 J
Energy1c 0.11004 J
Energy2 0.00184 J
Energy2c 0.03034 J

Table 4. Peak stress, strain, and energy values for the baseline [0]12 MAT54 simulation and the
error with the expected values.
Expected MAT54 Error
F1tu 319 ksi 319.0 ksi 0.0%
F1 -213 ksi -213.0 ksi 0.0%
1tu 0.017337 in/in 0.01738 in/in 0.3%
1 -0.011576 in/in -0.01158 in/in 0.0%
Energy 0.24682 J 0.2501 J 1.3%
Energycu 0.11004 J 0.1095 J 0.5%

Table 5. Peak stress, strain, and energy values for the baseline [90]12 MAT54 simulation and the
error with the predicted values.
Predicted MAT54 Error
F2 7.09 ksi 7.087 ksi 0.0%
F2cu -28.8 ksi -28.799 ksi 0.0%
2 0.005811 in/in 0.023988 in/in 313%
2cu -0.023607 in/in -0.023984 in/in 1.6%
Energy 0.00184 J 0.01351 J 635%
Energy 0.03034 J 0.03083 J 1.6%

Table 6. Parametric test matrix for the MAT54 [0]12 lay-up, baseline and investigated values.
Variable Parametric values
EA 1.81E+7 0 9.2E+7 36.8E+7
XT 314000 0 200000 400000
XC 210000 0 50000 100000 200000 300000
DFAILT 0.0174 0 0.01 0.03
DFAILC -0.0116 0 -0.005 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03
EFS 0 0.001 0.01 0.017821
TFAIL 1.153E-9 2.835E-7 2.840E-7 2.846E-7

Table 7. Total energy output values from simulations in Figure 9b.

Energy Compression Tension Total
Baseline 0.1095 J 0.2501 J 0.3596 J
Reduced MAT54 0.0787 J 0.2153 J 0.2941 J
Strengths Expected 0.0243 J 0.0975 J 0.1218 J

Table 8. Total energy output values from simulations in Figure 11a.

Energy Compression Tension Total
Baseline 0.1095 J 0.2501 J 0.3596 J
Increased MAT54 0.4543 J 0.6158 J 1.0701 J
Strains Expected 0.1095 J 0.2496 J 0.3591 J

Table 9. Parametric test matrix for the MAT54 [90]12 lay-up, baseline and investigated values.
Variable Parametric values
EB 1.22E+6 0 6.1E+5 1.83E+6
YT 7090 0 3545 25000 29280 40000
YC 28800 0 14400 21600 40000
DFAILM 0.024 0 0.00291 0.00581 0.012 0.02361 0.035

Table 10. Energy output values from ideal DFAILM simulations in Figure 15.
DFAILM Compression Tension Total Error
Expected 0.0308 J 0.0018 J 0.0327 J -
Ideal tension 0.00581 in/in 0.0018 J 0.0018 J 0.0037 J -89%
Ideal compression 0.024 in/in 0.0308 J 0.0135 J 0.0443 J +36%

Figure 1. Elastic-plastic stress-strain behavior of MAT54.

Figure 2. Schematic of the single element MAT54 simulations for tension (left) and compression
(right) load cases.

[0]12 [90]12
400 400
300 300
200 200
Stress [ksi]

Stress [ksi]

100 100
0 0
-100 -100
-200 -200
-300 -300
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
(a) Strain [in/in]
(b) Strain [in/in]
Figure 3a-b. Stress-strain curves from (a) [0]12 and (b) [90]12 quasi-static coupon tests.




Stress [ksi]



-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Strain [in/in]
Figure 4. Ply stress-strain curve for the baseline [0]12 single element simulation.



Energy [J]




-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Strain [in/in]
Figure 5. Baseline [0]12 single element output energy curve.

40 40
30 30
20 20
Stress [ksi]

Stress [ksi]

10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20
-30 -30
-40 -40
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
(a) Strain [in/in] (b) Strain [in/in]
Figure 6a-b. (a) Expected and (b) MAT54 stress-strain results for baseline [90]12 laminate.


Energy [J]
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Strain [in/in]
Figure 7. Baseline [90]12 single element output energy curve showing unrealistic energy

XT = 400 ksi
Stress [ksi]

XT = 319 ksi,
150 baseline
100 XT = 200 ksi
0 0.01 0.02 0.03
(a) Strain [in/in]

-50 XC = -300 ksi

Stress [ksi]

-100 XC = -213 ksi,

-150 XC = -200 ksi

XC = -100 ksi

-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0
(b) Strain [in/in]

Figure 8a-b. Stress-strain curves resulting from changing the MAT54 parameters for fiber
strength in tension, XT (a) and compression, XC (b).

400 0.3

300 0.25

Energy [J]
Stress [ksi]


-200 0.05

-300 0
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
(a) Strain [in/in] (b) Strain [in/in]
Figure 9a-b. Expected results and the MAT54 results when the strength is reduced by 100 ksi: (a)
stress-strain and (b) output energy.

DFAILT = 0.03 in/in
Stress [ksi] 250
200 DFAILT = 0.0174 in/in,
150 baseline
DFAILT = 0.01 in/in
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
(a) Strain [in/in]
-150 DFAILC = -0.03 in/in
Stress [ksi]

-200 DFAILC = -0.0116 in/in,

-250 baseline
DFAILC = -0.005 in/in
-0.04 -0.03
Strain [in/in] -0.02 -0.01 0
Figure 10a-b. Stress-strain curves resulting from changing the MAT54 parameters for fiber
failure strain in tension, DFAILT (a) and compression, DFAILC (b).

400 0.7
300 0.6
Stress [ksi]


Energy [J]
-100 0.3

-200 0.2
-300 0.1
-400 0
-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
(a) Strain [in/in] (b) Strain [in/in]

Figure 11a-b. Expected results and the MAT54 results when the failure strain is increased to
0.03 in/in: (a) stress-strain and (b) output energy.

400 400
350 350
300 300
Stress [ksi]

Stress [ksi]

250 DFAILT = 0.0174,

200 baseline 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.0172 0.0174 0.0176
Strain [in/in] Strain [in/in]
Figure 12. Stress-strain results showing stress degradation when DFAILT = 0 in [0]12 tension.

YT 28.8 ksi

Stress [ksi]
20 YT = 25 ksi

15 YT = 7.09 ksi,
YT = 3.545 ksi
0 0.01 0.02 0.03
(a) Strain [in/in]

Stress [ksi]

YC 28.8 ksi,
-20 baseline
-25 YC = 14.4 ksi
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0
(b) Strain [in/in]
Figure 13a-b. Stress-strain curves resulting from changing the MAT54 parameters for (a) matrix
strength in tension, YT and (b) in compression, YC.

DFAILM = 0.035 in/in
Stress [ksi]
0 DFAILM = 0.024 in/in,
-10 baseline
DFAILM = 0.00581 in/in
-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Strain [in/in]

Expected result
Stress [ksi]

0 DFAILM = 0.024 in/in,
-10 baseline
DFAILM = 0.00581 in/in
-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Strain [in/in]
Figure 14. Stress-strain curves resulting from changing the MAT54 DFAILM parameter.

Energy [J]

Expected Result
0.015 DFAILM = 0.024 in/in
(ideal compression)
0.01 DFAILM = 0.00581 in/in
(ideal tension)
-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Strain [in/in]
Figure 15. Energy output results from simulations using the two ideal DFAILM values.


Stress [ksi]
DFAILM = 0 in/in
-30 (Possible
(Possible TFAIL
Deletion) Deletion)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Case 1: 1: Case 1: Case
Strain [in/in] Case
Case 2: 2: 2:
DFAILM Figure 16.
DFAILM = Stress-strain of single DFAILM
< with DFAILM = 0. <
0 0 0 YT/EB


Low failure strain Linear-elastic failure strain High failure strain

Case 2:Case
2: 2: Case 2: Case
Case 4: 4: Case 4:






= Element
= Element Deletion
Deletion MT= Strength-based
fail (em)(em) failure
MT fail
= Element= Deletion = MT fail (em)
Figure 17. Three basic stress-strain behaviors dependent on the MATA54 failure strains.
Case 4:


= MT fail (em)


Variable Definition Suggested Value

MID Material identification number Any arbitrary integer
RO Mass per unit volume* from material properties*
EA Youngs modulus in longitudinal direction. E1, from material properties
EB Youngs modulus in transverse direction. E2, from material properties
EC Youngs modulus through the thickness Not used
PRBA Minor Poissons ratio, vba = v21 Calculated using v12 , E1 and E2
PRCA Minor Poisson's ratio, vca = v31 Not used
PRCB Minor Poisson's ratio, vcb = v32 Not used
GAB Shear modulus, Gab G12, from material properties
GBC Shear modulus, Gbc Assumed equal to Gab
GCA Shear modulus, Gca Assumed equal to Gab
KF Bulk modulus of material Not used
AOPT Material axes option parameter AOPT = 0
XP YP ZP Material axes coordinates for AOPT = 1 Not used
A1 A2 A3
Material axes coordinates for AOPT = 2 Not used
D1 D2 D3
MANGLE Material angle in degrees used when AOPT = 3 Not used
V1 V2 V3 Material axes coordinates for AOPT = 3 Not used
DFAILT Max strain for fiber tension DFAILT = (F1tu / E1) [DFAILT > 0]
DFAILC Max strain for fiber compression DFAILC = (F1cu / E1) [DFAILC < 0]
Max strain for matrix straining in tension and
DFAILS Max shear strain 0 < DFAILS 0.1
EFS Effective failure strain EFS = 0
TFAIL Time step size criteria for element deletion 0 < TFAIL < (t/10)
ALPH Shear stress non-linear term 1E-3 ALPH 1
SOFT Crush front strength reducing parameter Must be calibrated for crush simulations
Softening factor for fiber tensile strength after
matrix failure
Softening factor for fiber compressive strength
after matrix failure
Weighing factor for shear term in tensile fiber
XC Longitudinal compressive strength |F1cu|, from material properties
XT Longitudinal tensile strength F1tu, from material properties
YC Transverse compressive strength |F2cu|, from material properties
YT Transverse tensile strength F2tu, from material properties
SC Shear strength F12tu, from material properties
Failure criterion used (MAT54 Chang-Chang,
CRIT Assign value of 54 or 55
MAT55 Tsai-Wu)
*For English units, must be divided by a gravity factor to convert from pound-weight to pound-mass.



These models are very close in their formulations. Material 54 uses Chang matrix failure
criterion (as Material 22), and material 55 uses the Tsay-Wu criterion for matrix failure.

Arbitrary orthotropic materials, e.g., unidirectional layers in composite shell structures can be
defined. Optionally, various types of failure can be specified following either the suggestions of
[Chang and Chang, 1984] or [Tsai and Wu, 1981]. In addition special measures are taken for
failure under compression. See [Matzenmiller and Schweizerhof, 1990]. This model is only valid
for thin shell elements.

The Chang/Chang criteria is given as follows:

for the tensile fiber mode,

(Eq. 4)

Upon failure: E1 = E2 = G12 = v12 = v21 = 0

for the compressive fiber mode,

(Eq. 5)

Upon failure: E1 = v12 = v21 = 0

for the tensile matrix mode,

(Eq. 6)

Upon failure: E2 = v21 = G12 = 0

and for the compressive matrix mode,

(Eq. 7)

Upon failure: E2 = v21 = v12 = 0 = G12 = 0

Xc = 2Yc for 50% fiber volume


For =1 we get the original Hashin [1980] in the tensile fiber mode.

For =0, we get the maximum stress criterion which is found to compare better to experiments.

Failure can occur in any of four different ways:

1. If DFAILT is zero, failure occurs if the Chang/Chang failure criterion is satisfied in

the tensile fiber mode.

2. If DFAILT is greater than zero, failure occurs if the tensile fiber strain is greater than
DFAILT or less than DFAILC.

3. If EFS is greater than zero, failure occurs if the effective strain is greater than EFS.

4. If TFAIL is greater than zero, failure occurs according to the element time step as
described in the definition of TFAIL.

When failure has occurred in all the composite layers (through-thickness integration points), the
element is deleted. Elements which share nodes with the deleted element become crashfront
elements and can have their strengths reduced by using the SOFT parameter with TFAIL greater
than zero.

Information about the status in each layer (integration point) and element can be plotted using
additional integration point variables. The number of additional integration point variables for
shells written to the LS-DYNA database is input by the *DATABASE_BINARY definition as
variable NEIPS. For Models 54 and 55 these additional variables are tabulated below (i = shell
integration point):

Description Value
Variable History Variable

1. ef(i) tensile fiber mode 1

2. ec(i) compressive fiber mode 2

1 elastic
3. em(i) tensile matrix mode 3
0 failed
4. ed(i) compressive matrix mode 4

5. efail max[ef(ip)] 5

-1 element intact

6. dam damage parameter 10-8 element in crashfront 6

+1 element failed


The following components, defined by the sum of failure indicators over all through-thickness
integration points, are stored as element component 7 instead of the effective plastic strain:

Description Integration point

() 1


() 2


() 3



B-1. Chang, F.K., Chang, K.Y., Post-Failure Analysis of Bolted Composite Joints in Tension or
Shear-Out Mode Failure, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 21, pp. 809-833, 1987.

B-2. Tsai, S.W., Wu, E.M., A General Theory of Strength for Anisotropic Materials, Journal
of Composite Materials, Vol. 5, pp. 58-80, 1971.

B-3. Matzenmiller, A., Schweizerhof, K., Crashworthiness Simulations of Composite Structures

A First Step with Explicit Time Integration, Nonlinear Computational Mechanics A State of
the Art, edited by P.W. Wriggers, et. al., Springer-Verlag, 1991.

B-4. Hashin, Z., Failure Criteria for Unidirectional Fiber Composites, Journal of Applied
Mechanics, Vol. 47, pp. 329-335, 1980.


Table C-I. Baseline MAT54 material card for the AGATE unidirectional tape material

mid ro ea eb ec prba prca prcb
1 1.50E-4 1.84E+7 1.22E+6 0.0 0.02049 0.0 0.0
gab gbc gca kf aopt
6.10E+5 6.10E+5 6.10E+5 0.0 0.0
xp yp zp a1 a2 a3 mangle
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v1 v2 v3 d1 d2 d3 dfailm dfails
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.024 0.03
tfail alph soft fbrt ycfac dfailt dfailc efs
1.1530E-9 0.1 0.0 0.5 1.2 0.0174 -0.0116 0.0
xc xt yc yt sc crit beta
213000 319000 28800 7090 22400 54 0.5

Table C-II. Baseline MAT54 material card for the AGATE plain-weave fabric material

mid ro ea eb ec prba prca prcb
2 1.50E-4 8.11E+6 7.89E+6 0.0 0.043 0.0 0.0
gab gbc gca kf aopt
6.09E+5 6.09E+5 6.09E+5 0.0 0.0
xp yp zp a1 a2 a3 mangle
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000
v1 v2 v3 d1 d2 d3 dfailm dfails
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.014 0.03
tfail alph soft fbrt ycfac dfailt dfailc efs
1.1530E-9 0.1 0.0 0.5 1.2 0.0164 -0.013 0.0
xc xt yc yt sc crit beta
103000 132000 102000 112000 19000 54 0.5


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