Blankenhagen-Larson-Taylor Stroke Brochure
Blankenhagen-Larson-Taylor Stroke Brochure
Blankenhagen-Larson-Taylor Stroke Brochure
What is a Stroke?
A stroke, also called a If the lack of blood lasts
cerebral vascular accident longer than 10 minutes,
(CVA), occurs when there is there may be brain death. Warning Signs
damage to or a block in a A stroke can leave a person of a Stroke
blood vessel that leads to the fully or partly paralyzed.
brain. This block lowers the Paralysis is when a person Trouble walking
amount of blood that gets to cannot feel or move parts Slurred speech
the brain. of their body. Feeling dizzy
The blocked vessel
stops blood from
getting to part of Blurry or lost
your brain. vision
Blocked blood
Authors: Grace Blankenhagen, SPT, Stephanie Larson, SPT, Margaret Taylor, SPT; Central Michigan University
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