2 History and Context: 1 See Discussion of The Washington Consensus' Below, Chapter 2, at N. 18
2 History and Context: 1 See Discussion of The Washington Consensus' Below, Chapter 2, at N. 18
2 History and Context: 1 See Discussion of The Washington Consensus' Below, Chapter 2, at N. 18
1 Introduction
In this chapter, I introduce and address the question what is judicial
reform? through a survey of its history over the past fifty years. I estab-
lish that judicial reform is a recent, substantial and iteratively evolving
endeavour. As a part of this survey, I showcase two exemplars of judicial
reform for the purpose of identifying key features which are influential,
if not characteristic, of development endeavour.
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30 2 history and context
2 Reference to USAID and the World Bank is indicative; reference will also be made to other
donor organisations, including ADB, AusAID, DfID, OECD and UNDP, as appropriate.
3 Using OECD data, it is estimated that judicial and legal reform may represent about 2%
of total official development assistance (ODA), comprising $2.6 billion of $119 billion
total ODA; see below at n. 9. In 2009, the total net ODA from members of the OECDs
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) rose slightly in real terms (+0.7%) to $119.6
billion; OECD 2010a.
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2 context and history 31
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32 2 history and context
human freedom. The role of judicial and legal reform shifted profoundly
during this period within the changing political and economic context of
development and an evolving vision of the role of the state in supporting
the market.10
This evolution has been variously described by other voices in the
literature.11 Jensen discusses this history in five waves. He sees the first
wave in the context of post-Second World War reconstruction, driven by
modernisation theory and aimed at making public institutions work more
effectively. The second wave was the law-and-development movement
that exported American legal institutions and curricula mainly to Latin
America, reaching its peak in the late 1960s, before being heavily critiqued
by Trubek and Galanter and by Merryman.12 The third wave rose in
the 1980s when USAIDs programs promoted democracy through legal
development, judicial independence and respect for civil and criminal
law. This was succeeded in the early 1990s by the fourth wave of the post-
Cold War renaissance. At that time, the rule of law movement became a
key element of the Washington Consensus approach to social, economic
and political change, addressing competing pressures for democratisation,
globalisation, privatisation, urbanisation and decentralisation. The fifth
wave started to rise in the late 1990s, centring on poverty-focused judicial
reform programs which include agendas of social and economic rights.13
Irrespective of its characterisation, the critical focus of analysis remains
on the central development policy concept of the state, its role and rela-
tionship with the market and the individual. Analysis of the reform work
of USAID, and later the World Bank, in Latin America since the 1960s
reveals the importance of this critical relationship and illuminates its
ongoing trajectory.
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2 context and history 33
Europe, as does Sharia law across the Middle East, and common and civil
law across the postcolonial world.14
For our purposes, the current history of judicial reform commenced
with American assistance to Latin American reform in the law-and-
development movement of the 1960s.15 The guiding assumption of the
law-and-development movement was that law is central to the develop-
ment process. A related belief was that law was an instrument that could
be used to reform society and that lawyers and judges could serve as social
engineers.16 The primary goal of law and development was, according to
Trubek and Galanter, to transform legal culture through legal education
and the transplantation of select modern laws and institutions, with an
emphasis on economic or commercial law and the training of pragmatic
business lawyers. They saw the movement as having rested on four pil-
lars, all of which subsequently crumbled. These pillars were a cultural
reform and transplantation strategy, an ad hoc approach to reform based
on simplistic theoretical assumptions, faith in spillovers from the econ-
omy to democracy and human rights, and a development strategy that
stressed state-led import substitution. This potent critique of USAIDs
hegemonic approach was influential in causing the movement to wane
for some years.17
14 Judicial and legal reform have more lengthy antecedents, of which some from the colonial
era are the subject of empirical analysis in the context of the discourse on transplantation
and the legal-origins debate; below Chapter 5, from n. 45.
15 See Trubek and Galanter 1974, and Blair and Hansen 1994.
16 Messick 1999, 125.
17 Trubek and Galanter 1974; Trubek 1996; and 2003; and Merryman 1977.
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34 2 history and context
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2 context and history 35
21 Hammergren 2003. 22 Bhansali and Biebesheimer 2006, 306; see also Hendrix 2003.
23 USAID 2002, 6.
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36 2 history and context
By the 1990s, USAID had expanded its support for judicial and legal
reform into the post-Soviet transitional economies of Europe in what
has become termed the rule of law revival.25 This phase rested on what
Carothers describes as the orthodoxy of two controlling axioms: that the
rule of law is necessary for economic development and necessary for
democracy.26 He defines the rule of law as
a system in which the laws are public knowledge, and clear in meaning,
and apply equally to everyone. They enshrine and uphold the political and
civil liberties that have gained status as universal human rights over the
past half-century. In particular, anyone accused of a crime has the right to
a fair, prompt hearing and is presumed innocent until proved guilty. The
central institutions of the legal system, including courts, prosecutors and
police, are reasonably fair, competent and efficient. Judges are impartial
and independent, not subject to political influence or manipulation. Per-
haps most important, the government is embedded in a comprehensive
legal framework, its officials accept that the law will be applied to their
own conduct, and the government seeks to be law-abiding.27
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2 context and history 37
The notion of the rule of law is at its heart both politically evocative
and yet so technically ambiguous as to sometimes become meaning-
less. Others have attempted to pin down what it is supposed to mean.
Kleinfeld-Belton describes the rule of law as looking like the proverbial
blind mans elephant a trunk to one person, a tail to another.32 She
discerns a range of definitions that serve different purposes: government
bound by law, equality before the law, law and order, predictable and
efficient rulings, and human rights. These purposes which are mani-
fold, distinct and often in tension are usually conflated and confused in
practice. She observes that development agencies tend to define the rule
of law institutionally, rather than by its intended purpose, as a state that
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38 2 history and context
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2 context and history 39
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40 2 history and context
Though the precise channels of causation are complex and contested, there
is broad consensus that an equitable, well-functioning justice system is an
important factor in fostering development and reducing poverty . . . The
World Bank has supported the creation of robust investment climates,
underpinned by a sound rule of law, in order to encourage investment,
productivity and wealth creation as part of its main approach to combating
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2 context and history 41
44 Wolfowitz 2006. 45 Yusuf, Dervish and Stiglitz 2008; also World Bank nda.
46 World Bank 2002c, 1312. 47 Ibid., 129.
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42 2 history and context
At that point, the Bank described its approach to judicial and legal reform
as having evolved significantly to emphasise empowerment opportunity
and security in order to promote ways in which judicial programs can
distribute more equitably the benefits of economic growth to the poor.50
The potential significance of this emphasis on the social dimensions of
development in the Comprehensive Development Framework should not
be underestimated.51 As we have seen, Shihata had earlier stressed avoiding
the use of the term human rights because of the constraining effect of
the Banks mandate which prohibited political reform.52 Less than a
decade later, this position had evolved markedly when Danino, then chief
counsel, saw judicial reform as an indispensable component of alleviating
poverty through economic growth and social equity, which included a
strong human rights dimension.53 He built this argument on a broader
interpretation of the Banks evolving mandate:
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2 context and history 43
This shift was taken further by the next chief counsel, Palacio, who
observed in early 2006, The Articles of Agreement permit, and in some
cases require, the Bank to recognise the human rights dimensions of its
development policies and activities, since it is now evident that human
rights are an intrinsic part of the Banks mission.55
i. Towards equity?
The Banks policy approach was further refined in the World Develop-
ment Report 2006: Equity and Development, which focused on the issue
of inequality of opportunity as a new or more important dimension of
poverty reduction. This report built on the World Development Report of
2000 on poverty, and in particular on the work of Sen, which I will ana-
lyse in the next chapter.56 It recommended addressing chronic inequal-
ity traps by ensuring more equitable access to public goods, including
improved access to justice systems and secure land rights, among other
initiatives. With a focus on equity gaps, this report highlighted the consti-
tutive element of equity in poverty. Most importantly, it also introduced
the notion of redistribution to the current discourse:
Given that markets are not perfect, scope arises for efficient redistribution
schemes . . . Equity and fairness matter not only because they are comple-
mentary to long-term prosperity. It is evident that many people if not
most care about equity for its own sake.57
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44 2 history and context
This focus on equity is consolidated by Sage and Woolcock, who argue that
a rules system that sustains an inequality trap is a constituent element of
such traps, and can perpetuate inequities. They observe that there is near
universal consensus that most previous approaches to judicial reform in
developing countries have not yielded hoped-for results, and that it is
now time to reconsider the relationship between law and society:
Traditionally, the development industry, with its genesis in development
economics, has based its modus operandi and economic models and tech-
nical solutions . . . [on] markets [that] function without regard for differ-
ences in opportunities, treatment or circumstances, and their growth is
measured in aggregate terms, removed from individual circumstances and
distributional effects . . . Yet purely economic understandings of human
welfare have increasingly been brought into question. Rights-based advo-
cates, for example, highlight the disaggregated and/or distributional effects
of reforms . . . Moreover, development approaches have arguably failed
to achieve promised results after more than 60 years of development
59 Ibid., 175. The UNs latest Human Development Report emphasises the intersections
between environmental sustainability and equity, which are fundamentally similar in
their concern for distributive justice. UNDP 2011.
60 Sage and Woolcock 2006, 11. 61 Sage, Menzies and Woolcock 2009, 1.
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2 context and history 45
legal pluralism, decentralisation, land use, local and private business reg-
ulation and notions of executive justice.62 They separately argue that con-
cepts of justice systems are embedded in the social, economic and political
structures.63 For these reasons, the Banks new approach focuses on
creating new mediating institutions wherein actors from both realms can
meet following simple, transparent, mutually agreed-upon, legitimate,
and accountable rules to craft new arrangements that both sides can own
and enforce. That is, J4P focuses more on the process of reform than on a
premeditated end-state.64
62 See e.g. Sumner 2011. As at 2010, the Bank has established J4P country programs in
Indonesia, Cambodia, Timor Leste and Vanuatu, and is undertaking targeted research and
operational activities in Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Philippines,
among other countries. World Bank 2009c. It also collaborates with other donors, notably
AusAID, in land use in the Pacific. AusAID 2008.
63 Chirayath, Sage and Woolcock 2005; also Judt, who argues that rights describe the
space between helpless individuals and the all-powerful state, and after the collapse of
communism became a key means to address the Master Narrative of the twentieth
century being the expectation of social progress. Judt 2005, 559 and 567.
64 World Bank 2007, 1; and, World Bank 2006c.
65 Van Rooij expresses caution over bottom-up approaches becoming the new silver bullet
in development. See below, Chapter 3, at n. 54.
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46 2 history and context
justice has been a part of the reform menu since its inception in the
law-and-development movement, concerns over state fragility, failing
states, terrorism and the breakdown of states capacity to control crime
have grown markedly over recent years. Most recently, the events of
11 September 2001 have galvanised the attention of governments and
donors to the relationship between security and conflict and the devel-
opment of political, economic and social goals. This has led to reform
efforts which consolidate the internal (criminal) and external (terrorist)
capacity of the state to provide security. This rendition is evident in the
Guidelines on Terrorism Prevention (2003) and the Guidelines on Secu-
rity System Reform and Governance (2004) issued by the developments
umbrella body, the OECD-DAC. These guidelines are directed to over-
come state fragility and conflict by reducing armed violence and crime,
thereby creating secure environments which are conducive to other polit-
ical, economic and social developments. This approach aims at achieving
four intermeshing objectives: (a) establishing effective governance, (b)
improved delivery of security and justice services, (c) developing local
leadership and ownership of the reform process and (d) sustainability of
justice and security-service delivery.66
Under intensifying scrutiny, it is not surprising that there is increasing
recognition of the importance of justice and the need to improve devel-
opment approaches.67 Many donors are now preoccupied with searching
for evidence of success in their endeavours.68 Others are reviewing their
approaches to justice reform, some going so far as inviting lessons to be
drawn from their mistakes.69
Most recently, growing recognition of the importance of improving jus-
tice reform is evidenced in the World Development Report for 2011, which
repositions justice more centrally in development. WDR 2011 focuses on
exploring the links between security and development outcomes. Its cen-
tral message is that strengthening institutions and governance to provide
citizen security, justice and jobs is crucial to break cycles of state fragility,
conflict or violence. Institutions and governance, which are important for
development in general, work differently in fragile situations. Investing
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3 conclusions 47
3 Conclusions
In this chapter, I have surveyed the history of judicial reform to chronicle
the evolution of the relevant discourse and spotlight a range of critical
issues for analysis. This survey has established the following contextual-
ising propositions.
First, judicial reform is at a formative phase of endeavour. Its growth
has been recent, rapid and very substantial over the past twenty years in
Second, this endeavour has been variously justified on the basis of eco-
nomic, political, social and human rationales. These major justifications,
which may be theoretically interconnected and conflated in practice, are
on occasion ambiguous and sometimes in conflict:
r Economic the oldest and most pervasive justification has two manifes-
tations: first, the creation of wealth, based on notions such as trickle-
down economics, which involves the state supporting the markets to
lift all boats, even the smallest; and second, more recently, the reduction
of poverty, based on an alternative notion of empowerment by assisting
the poor and the disadvantaged.
r Political the promotion of democracy has been inextricably linked
to enabling participation and inclusion in social affairs, freedom of
opportunity and self-destination, and more recently to strengthen-
ing the governance and integrity of state institutions to oversee the
polity through the rule of law, judicial independence, transparency
and accountability.
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48 2 history and context
r Social this justification emphasises consolidating state capacity to
provide the fundamental public goods of civic order, safety and security
to citizens from internal threats of crime and, notably after 9/11, external
threats of terrorism and state failure, sometimes termed securitisation.
r Humanistic this justification rests on the validation of promoting
fairness and access to justice based on an emerging concept of poverty as
deprivation of opportunity and of the human rights of the individual.71
This survey of the experience of USAID and the World Bank demonstrates
the variously formed, dynamic and evolving nature of the judicial reform
endeavour. From the outset, the universal rationale has consistently been
to support economic growth. This instrumental justification has at times
been visibly affiliated to Western liberal conceptions of capitalism, namely
the Washington Consensus, and is in that sense ideologically hegemonic.
This remains overarching, though it has now been largely reconceptu-
alised through the political science discourse of good governance. Most
recently, we have seen a growing recognition of the equitable and poten-
tially distributive dimensions of reform which are both instrumental
and constitutive in their rationale. There is an emerging recognition that
equity is fundamental to development. Recognition that equitable growth
is both constitutively and instrumentally important is starting to reframe
this discourse.
In the next chapter, I will analyse key aspects of these developments
more closely to show that they mark the tectonic plates of the core contest
over the theory for this endeavour. For now, I observe that this his-
tory is best seen as a journey which is characterised by punctuations of
disillusionment that impel ongoing innovation, irrespective of whatever
rendition is emphasised. Throughout this journey, however rendered, the
state remains the defining focus of endeavour, being the provider of pub-
lic goods, including justice.72 This history reveals the constant process of
adjustment in the states moderation of the tension at the core of liberal
society between the collective and individual interests, whereby theories
are formed and refined to better understand the past as the means of
guiding ongoing endeavour.
71 This configuration is articulated in various ways in the literature; see e.g. Samuels 2006.
72 This argument, which rests on institutionalist and new comparative economic notions,
most immediately on the work of North, will be developed in greater detail below in
Chapter 4, at n. 37 ff.
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