Cr1-5 Cadet Appointments and Promotions 19feb06

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CACC-HQ 20 February 2006

MEMORANDUM FOR all California Cadet Corps personnel and units

SUBJECT: Cadet regulation update

1. Effective immediately, the enclosed publication is hereby issued as an update to cadet regulation 1-5.

2. All personnel and units are directed to perform the following actions to all cadet regulation binders

a. Remove the obsolete cadet regulation 1-5 (CR 1-5), dated 30 Nov 87.
b. Insert the entire contents of the enclosed CR 1-5, dated 19 Feb 06.

3. Proponent and point of contact for this action is the Executive Officer, California Cadet Corps

COL (CACC) Larry VanZant

Phone: (559) 940-0221

/s/ signed electronically

Executive Officer
CR 1-5, dated 19 Feb 06
Cadet Regulation 1-5


State of California Military Department

Office of The Adjutant General
Headquarters, California Cadet Corps
Sacramento, California
19 February 2006

CR 1-5
Cadet Appointments and Promotions

* The ranks of Cadet Warrant Officer 1 and Cadet Warrant Officer 2 have been added.

* The rank of Recruit has been added.

* The ranks of Grizzly 1, Grizzly 2, Grizzly 3, and Grizzly 4 have been created for
elementary school students.

* A 60-calendar day maximum has been established for officer candidacy.

* Written promotion tests are now required for all grades from Cadet through Cadet
Staff Sergeant and are available on the Cadet Corps web site. Accommodations for
cadets with IEPs or 504 Plans are included.

* Promotion boards are now required for all ranks above C/SSG.

* The ranks of C/1SG, C/SGM, and C/CSM have been clarified.

* The promotion standards have been aligned with the new California Cadet Corps
Content Standards and Objectives.

* Revised CACC Forms 8A, 8B, and 8C have been created for the signatures of
promotion board members and concurring authorities.

* Cadets enrolled in a JROTC program may also be assigned and promoted in the CACC
even if their school district officers a JROTC program.

* Frocking has been expressly prohibited.

* The standards to meet the physical fitness requirement have been changed to
reflect the fact that California public schools now use the Cooper Institute
Fitnessgram to measure student fitness levels.
State of California Military Department *Cadet Regulation 1-5
Office of The Adjutant General
Headquarters, California Cadet Corps Effective 19 February 2006
Sacramento, California
19 February 2006

Cadet Appointments and Promotions

By Order of the Adjutant General Proponent and exception Suggested improvements. Users
authority. The proponent of this are invited to send comments and
WILLIAM H. WADE II regulation is the Executive Officer, suggested improvements in
Major General California Cadet Corps. The proponent memorandum form directly to
Adjutant General has the authority to approve exceptions Headquarters, California Cadet Corps
or waivers to this regulation that are ATTN: Executive Officer
Official: consistent with controlling law and PO Box 269101
regulations. The proponent may Sacramento, CA 95826-9101
delegate this approval authority, in
writing, to a field-grade M-day staff Development and revision
LARRY VANZANT officer or State Projects Officer. committee. The following committee
Colonel, California Cadet Corps Activities or units may request a members are recognized for their
Executive Officer waiver to this regulation by providing significant contribution to the revision
full justification that includes a full of this regulation
History. This regulation supersedes analysis of the expected benefits. All COL (CACC) Larry K. Morden
Cadet Regulation 1-5, dated 30 Nov waiver requests will be endorsed by the LTC (CACC) David B. Werner
87. This publication is a major update senior commandant officer of the LTC (CACC) Mark P. Ryan (Chair)
to reflect changes since this regulation requesting activity or unit and MAJ (CACC) Matthew L. M. Kus
was last published. Significant forwarded through their higher MAJ (CACC) Marco A. Abrego
revisions are listed in the summary of headquarters to the policy proponent. CPT (CACC) Kris R. Knutson
Supplementation. Supplementation Distribution. This publication is
Summary. This regulation prescribes of this regulation and establishment of available in electronic media only and
the policies, procedures, minimum command and local forms are is intended for all levels of the
requirements and the manner in which prohibited without prior approval, in California Cadet Corps organization
all cadets may be appointed, promoted writing, from the Executive Officer, and is authorized for public
and reduced in rank within the California Cadet Corps. Send a draft distribution. Printed copies of this
California Cadet Corps. copy of each supplement to publication may be provided, within
Headquarters, California Cadet Corps budget limitations, at the discretion of
ATTN: Executive Officer the Headquarters, California Cadet
Applicability. This regulation applies
to all commandant and cadet personnel PO Box 269101 Corps (HQCACC).
in active service or enrollment with the Sacramento, CA 95826-9101
California Cadet Corps. It applies to all
units organized within the California
Cadet Corps.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) Chapter 2

Appointment and Promotion Procedures
Chapter 1 2-1. Promotion requirements, page 2
General 2-2. Promotion through the ranks of the cadet non-
1-1. Authority, page 1 commissioned officer corps, page 2
1-2. Definition of terms, page 1 2-3. Appointment and promotion of cadet warrant officers
1-3. Appointment and promotion authority, page 2 and company grade cadet commissioned officers, page 6
1-4. Demotion and reduction in grade, page 2 2-4. Promotion to field grade cadet commissioned officers,
page 7

*This regulation supersedes Cadet Regulation 1-5, dated 30 November 1987.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 i

Chapter 3
Special Provisions
3-1. Waivers, page 8
3-2. Cadets enrolled in a Junior Reserve Officer Training
Corps program, page 8
3-3. Temporary promotions, page 8

Appendix A
Promotions requirements summary, page 10

Appendix B
California Cadet Corps standards, page 12

Appendix C
Promotion examinations, page 21

Appendix D
CACC Form 8A, Application for appointment or promotion
as a cadet non-commissioned officer, page 22

Appendix E
CACC Form 8B, Application for appointment or promotion
as a cadet warrant or company grade commissioned officer,
page 23

Appendix F
CACC Form 8C, Application for promotion as a cadet field
grade commissioned officer, page 24

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 ii

Chapter 1

1-1. Authority
Sections 503-507, California Military and Veterans Code (CM&VC).

1-2. Definition of terms and abbreviations

a. Appointment. Designation of an individual to a position of responsibility and trust, with the authority to influence or
exercise control over others.

b. Authorized position. Any position listed in Cadet Regulation 3-22 as authorized for the cadet's unit of assignment. Each
of these positions lists the highest rank a cadet may hold while assigned to the position.

c. Boards. Individuals or groups of individuals given authority to interview and examine cadets and recommend
appropriate action to be taken.

d. Commission. Official certificate of appointment as a cadet commissioned officer. The authorizing brigade headquarters
will issue this certificate at the time of commissioning to the grade of Cadet Second Lieutenant (C/2LT).

e. CR. Abbreviation for cadet regulation.

f. Date of rank. The effective date of the assumption of rank. It is the date from which time is computed for eligibility for
promotion to the next higher rank.

g. Grizzly. Classification category for cadets enrolled in a school organized primarily as an elementary school.

h. IAW. Abbreviation for in accordance with.

i . Officer candidate. A cadet who has been selected by brigade authorities for possible appointment as a cadet
commissioned officer.

(1) This is not a rank; it is a status that a cadet is placed in, on a local level, while a cadet is being considered for
appointment as a cadet commissioned officer. Cadets being considered for appointment as a cadet warrant officer may also be
placed in an officer candidacy status.

(2) Insignia of cadet officer candidates may not be worn at state activities with the exception of state-conducted or
sanctioned, summer encampments or officer candidate schools (OCS), at which status as a cadet officer candidate is an
integral part of participation in the OCS program.

j. School weeks. Those weeks within a school year when school is in session, used to compute time in grade requirements.
Summer vacation weeks and cycle breaks for year round school DO NOT count towards time in grade unless a cadet is
enrolled in summer or intersession type classes or is actively involved in Cadet activities which would equate to enrollment
in a Cadet Corps class.

k. Subject matter proficiency. Ability to demonstrate a working knowledge by written examination or performance testing.

l. Time in grade. The length of time a cadet has officially held a rank.

m. Unit level. Generally refers to individual battalions (school sites), but may also refer to larger entities such as regiments
or brigades.

n. Warrant. Official certificate of warrant as a cadet non-commissioned officer or cadet warrant officer.

(1) For cadet non-commissioned officers, the authorizing battalion headquarters will issue this certificate at the time of
appointment to the grade of Cadet Corporal (C/CPL).

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 1

(2) For cadet warrant officers, the authorizing brigade headquarters will issue this certificate at the time of appointment to
the grade of Cadet Warrant Officer 1 (C/WO1).

1-3. Appointment and promotion authority

The Adjutant General of the State of California has the authority to appoint and promote cadets in the California Cadet
Corps. This authority is delegated to various levels and units throughout the California Cadet Corps organization. CR 3-22
will be utilized to determine the maximum number of cadets any unit is authorized for any rank. Promotions will not be made
without consideration of an available duty assignment.

a. Unit level promotions. All battalion size units have the authority to appoint and promote cadets within that unit to the
ranks authorized for units of its size, with the exception of promotion to the ranks of cadet warrant officers and cadet
commissioned officers.

(1) Unit level promotions will be made "BY ORDER OF THE PRINCIPAL". Cadets promoted at the unit level serve at the
pleasure of the principal.

(2) Brigades are authorized to publish standard operating procedures (SOPs) which establish requirements greater than
those listed in this regulation. No unit or brigade may establish criteria which are lower than those set forth in this regulation.

(3) When a board is conducted to consider promotions, CACC Form 8A, appendix D, shall be used and a true, completed
copy must be returned and kept, along with authorizing orders, within the cadets 201 file.

b. Brigade level promotions. The brigade has the authority to appoint and promote cadet warrant officers and cadet
commissioned officers through the rank of Cadet Captain (C/CPT).

(1) Brigade level promotions will be made "BY ORDER OF THE BRIGADE ADVISOR" with consideration being given
to the recommendation of the commissioning board and the concurrence of the commandant of cadets and principal of the
unit to which the cadet belongs.

(2) CACC Form 8B, appendix E, shall be used and a true, completed copy must be returned and kept, along with
authorizing orders, within the cadets 201 file.

c. State level promotions. The Headquarters, California Cadet Corps (HQCACC) is the sole promotion authority for the
ranks of Cadet Major (C/MAJ) through Cadet Colonel (C/COL). All requests for promotion to field grade ranks shall be
effected in accordance with para 2-4 of this regulation.

(1) These promotions will be made "BY ORDER OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL" with consideration being given to the
recommendation of the commissioning board and the concurrence of the commandant of cadets, principal and Brigade
Advisor of the unit to which the cadet belongs.

(2) CACC Form 8C, appendix F, shall be used and a true, completed copy must be returned and kept, along with
authorizing orders, within the cadets 201 file.

1-4. Demotion and reduction in grade

Demotion of a cadet is a disciplinary matter in which a cadet has their rank reduced to a lower grade. Reduction in grade is an
administrative procedure in which a cadet has their rank reduced to conform to rank authorized IAW their assignment.

a. Demotion. Any cadet may be demoted and/or their commission revoked upon the recommendation of the principal and
commandant of the school and unit to which they are assigned for deficiency in academic studies, misbehavior, or for any
other reason deemed appropriate. The same authority that published the promotion orders will publish demotion orders.

b. Reduction. Any cadet who holds a rank higher than what is authorized for the position to which they are subsequently
assigned will be reduced to the rank authorized for that position. The unit of assignment will publish the reduction orders.

c. Distribution of demotion/reduction orders. As with all orders, a copy of demotion/reduction orders will be sent to the
brigade headquarters and HQCACC for review.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 2

Chapter 2
Promotion Procedures

2-1. Promotion requirements

In order to be eligible for promotion, a cadet must meet the prerequisites listed below. While this regulation identifies the
minimum requirements, each principal and/or Brigade Advisor may prescribe additional requirements deemed appropriate

a. Authorized position. A cadet must be assigned to a position authorized for their unit of assignment IAW CR 3-22. The
rank to which the cadet is to be promoted will not be higher than the one authorized for their position of assignment.

b. Proficiency and time in grade requirements. A cadet will meet the proficiency and time in grade requirements outlined
in appendix A of this regulation prior to being considered for promotion to the next higher grade.

(1) Cadets being considered for promotion to ranks of Cadet (CDT) through Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSG) must pass a
written examination on the California Cadet Corps content standards for the rank, as specified in appendix A. The
examinations are available for commandant personnel to download from a secure area of the Cadet Corps web site.

(2) Cadets who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Special Education 504 Plans which authorize them to
have questions on exams read aloud to them have the promotion tests administered orally by a more senior cadet or adult
selected by the Commandant of Cadets.

(3) The minimum passing score on all promotion tests is 80%.

(4) Cadets being considered for promotion to the rank of Cadet Sergeant First Class (C/SFC) and above, including all cadet
warrant and commissioned officers, must successfully pass a rank-specific promotion board that asks questions to verify
proficiency at the appropriate content standards for the rank being sought as outlined in appendix A.

c. Grade level maximums. Cadets may not exceed the following ranks during the indicated grade levels except when the
commandant and principal concur that a cadets performance is exceptional and in the top 1% of all cadets in the unit. In no
case shall the cadet exceed their grade level maximum rank by more than one additional rank.

(1) Grade 5 or below Grizzly 4 (GZ4)

(2) Grade 6 Cadet Corporal (C/CPL)

(3) Grade 7 Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSG)

(4) Grade 8 Cadet Master Sergeant (C/MSG) or Cadet First Sergeant (C/1SG)

(5) Grade 9 Cadet First Lieutenant (C/1LT)

(6) Grade 10 Cadet Major (C/MAJ)

(7) Grade 11 Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (C/LTC)

2-2. Promotion through the ranks of the cadet non-commissioned officer corps
a. Recruit. All cadets entering the California Cadet Corps program, regardless of grade level, shall be classified for rank
purposes as recruits and shall wear the insignia of Recruit (RCT) as specified in CR 1-8, Cadet Uniforms.

b. Grizzly ranks. Cadets enrolled in elementary schools shall only be eligible for promotion to ranks of Grizzly 1 (GZ1)
through Grizzly 4 (GZ4) while they are in grades 5 and below. The grizzly ranks do not require written promotion
examinations or promotion boards. Individual commandants and principals shall determine requirements for promotion
through those ranks within the standards listed in appendix A. Cadets enrolled in grades 6 and above are eligible for
promotion to the rank of Cadet (CDT) and above.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 3

c. Promotion to the ranks of Cadet (CDT), Cadet First Class (CFC), Cadet Corporal (C/CPL), Cadet Sergeant (C/SGT) or
Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSG).

(1) Cadets in grades 6 or higher are eligible for promotion to the listed ranks.

(2) Cadets will be promoted, who show high integrity, adherence to the ideals of the cadet code and an ability to work
successfully with others.

(3) Promotion to these ranks requires the completion of a rank-specific written promotion examination, with a passing
score of at least 80%.

(4) At their discretion, a commandant and/or principal may also require a promotion board of at least three members
selected by the commandant from the school faculty and/or the cadet commissioned officer, warrant officer or senior non-
commissioned officer ranks. The board will conduct an interview to verify a cadets eligibility, competency and fitness for

(5) Regardless of whether a cadet is required to take a promotion test or satisfactorily complete additional requirements, the
commandant will forward all recommendations for promotion to the school principal. Upon the approval of the promotion by
the principal, the unit will publish orders announcing the promotion.

d . Accelerated promotion through Cadet Sergeant (C/SGT). Under unusual circumstances, a cadet may be promoted
through the rank of C/SGT without regard to the time in grade requirements provided all other requirements have been met.
Regardless of the circumstances, an accelerated promotion under this paragraph, will not be considered unless it also
contributes to the overall effectiveness of the unit.

e. Physical fitness requirement. Cadets being considered for promotion to all ranks above C/SSG must have met the
physical fitness requirement within the twelve calendar months preceding the date of a cadets promotion board. This
includes promotions to all ranks from Cadet Sergeant First Class (C/SFC) and higher, continuing through to Cadet Colonel

(1) Satisfying the physical fitness requirement is defined as performing no less than the minimum level standards of the
Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) on the Cooper Institute Fitnessgram for each of the following tests
(a) One mile run.
(b) Push ups or modified pull ups or pull ups or flexed arm hang.
(c) Curl ups.
(d) Trunk lift or sit and reach (both sides) or shoulder stretch (both sides).

(2) Reference CACC Training Aid 3-H-2 for the standards. The leftmost number in each box represents the minimum level
standards of the HFZ for each test at the age level and for the gender specified.

(3) A cadet must continue to meet the physical fitness requirement, for their age at the time of testing, as a continuing
requirement of further promotion.

f. Academic standards requirement. Cadets being considered for promotion to all ranks above C/SSG must maintain
satisfactory academic standing within all accredited classes.

(1) Determination. To be eligible for promotion, the most recent full academic grading period will be used as the basis for
determining satisfactory academic standing. This shall be evidenced by the official grade report recorded at the end of each
academic grading period. Academic grading periods may be semesters, trimesters, quarters, or any other period as used by
various school sites. The criteria below are not applied to cumulative (multiple semesters) grades or averages.

(2) Satisfactory academic standing is defined as a grade point average of 2.0 or higher (on a 4 point scale) in all classes
combined and no failing grades in any class, during the most recent recorded academic grading period.

(3) A cadet must continue to meet the academic standards requirement as a continuing requirement of further promotion.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 4

g. Promotion to the rank of Cadet Sergeant First Class (C/SFC) or Cadet Master Sergeant (C/MSG).

(1) Cadets in the ranks of C/SSG and above will be promoted, who show high integrity, adherence to the ideals of the cadet
code and a strong ability to work successfully with others.

(2) A promotion board of at least three members selected by the commandant from the school faculty and/or the cadet
commissioned officer, warrant officer or senior non-commissioned officer ranks shall meet to determine the eligibility and
fitness of the candidate.

(a) The commandant will be responsible for ensuring that candidates for promotion are asked questions by the board which
verify their competency at the standards outlined in appendix A of this regulation.
(b) The promotion board will submit their recommendation for promotion of the candidate to the principal on CACC Form
8A, included in appendix D of this regulation.
(c) Upon approval of the promotion by the principal on CACC Form 8A, the unit will publish orders announcing the

(3) In no case shall a cadet be promoted to any rank above C/SSG without having successfully completed a rank-specific
promotion board.

h. Promotion to the rank of Cadet First Sergeant (C/1SG), Cadet Sergeant Major (C/SGM) and Cadet Command Sergeant
Major (C/CSM).

(1) Cadets who have attained the rank of C/MSG have demonstrated the highest level of subject-matter proficiency
required of a cadet non-commissioned officer.

(2) No additional promotion requirements exist for the ranks of C/1SG, C/SGM and C/CSM other than the availability of a
position authorized that rank and the determination by the cadets commandant, principal, and/or Brigade Advisor that the
cadet has demonstrated satisfactory leadership to justify assignment to that position and promotion to the appropriate rank.

(3) Normally cadets, who hold multiple concurrent duty assignments, including those at multiple headquarters levels, may
only be promoted to the lowest maximum rank of all positions held. This is intended to maintain the maximum rank
provision for all positions that the cadet holds. At the discretion of their home unit commandant, cadets who have attained
the rank of C/MSG and who hold multiple concurrent duty assignments may be promoted up to the rank of C/CSM, provided
that all of their active duty assignments allow for a maximum rank of at least C/MSG.

(4) All cadets with the rank of C/1SG, C/SGM and C/CSM hold that rank by virtue of the fact that they have completed the
promotion requirements for C/MSG and the positions to which they are assigned authorize the ranks of C/1SG, C/SGM or
(a) In the U.S. Armed Forces, a MSG and a 1SG are the same pay grade while a SGM and a CSM are a different pay
(b) In the California Cadet Corps, a C/MSG, C/1SG, C/SGM and a C/CSM are equivalent ranks distinguished by the
position held by the cadet.

(5) Cadets who are promoted to the ranks of C/1SG, C/SGM or C/CSM and are either subsequently assigned to a position
with a lower authorized rank, or are assigned to a concurrent duty assignment with a maximum rank lower than C/MSG, shall
have their rank administratively reduced to an appropriate level in accordance with para 1-4 of this regulation.

(6) Cadets may not be promoted to the rank of C/1SG, C/SGM or C/CSM unless they have satisfactorily completed the
requirements for promotion to C/MSG, including time in grade.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 5

2-3. Appointment and promotion of cadet warrant officers and company grade cadet commissioned
The appointment of a cadet as a warrant or commissioned officer is a privilege and not a right inherent with enrollment in the
California Cadet Corps. It is reserved for those special cadets who are in good standing in the school and community, who
maintain a satisfactory academic standing, who demonstrate proficiency through written and practical application in Cadet
Corps subject matter, and who are recommended and approved through the selection process. A cadet officer must be
prepared to assume the responsibility of their position and be worthy of the trust placed in them by their unit, school and

a. Authority. The Brigade Advisor is the final authority on appointing cadets to warrant officer or commissioned officer

b. Eligibility.

(1) Cadets shall normally be considered for appointment as a warrant or commissioned officer from the rank of Cadet
Master Sergeant (C/MSG) who have demonstrated high moral integrity and the ability to lead others.

(2) Outstanding non-commissioned officers who have reached at least the grade of C/SSG and have served a total of at
least twenty-two school weeks as a non-commissioned officer in the ranks of C/CPL or higher, may be considered for
appointment as a warrant or commissioned officer to fill an authorized unit vacancy for which another qualified officer is not
available, providing that they are otherwise qualified.

(3) A cadet who has not reached their fourteenth birthday will not be considered for appointment as a commissioned
officer; however, they may be considered for appointment as a warrant officer.

c. Rank upon initial appointment.

(1) Initial appointment as a cadet warrant officer shall only be to the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer 1 (C/WO1).

(2) Initial appointment to a cadet commissioned officer shall only be to the rank of Cadet Second Lieutenant (C/2LT).

d. Procedures. A cadet must be recommended for appointment as a cadet warrant officer or cadet commissioned officer, or
promotion to the next higher rank through Cadet Captain (C/CPT), by their home unit commandant and principal.

(1) Promotion application package. The application package must be forwarded to the Brigade Advisor and shall consist of
a CACC Form 8B, in appendix E, with the signature of the school commandant and principal and a current, true copy of the
cadet's service record (CACC Form 13). Incomplete packages will be returned for proper completion prior to the convening
of the board.

(2) Promotion board. The brigade shall convene a promotion board for the purposes of evaluating the candidates for
appointment and/or promotion.
(a) The board shall consist of at least three members selected by the Brigade Advisor. The candidate's commandant and
Brigade Advisor will normally not be members of the board.
(b) The board will interview the cadet candidate, review the candidate's application package, evaluate their performance as
a cadet, and make a recommendation regarding their fitness for appointment or promotion on CACC Form 8B.
(c) This recommendation form will be forwarded to the Brigade Advisor who shall have final approval authority. The
brigade will publish orders promoting the cadet and in the case of newly appointed warrant and commissioned officers,
forward an appropriate completed warrant or commission certificate to the new cadet officer.

e. Pre-commissioning program.

(1) Cadets otherwise eligible for commissioning may be designated officer candidates by the Brigade Advisor with the
concurrence of the school principal.

(2) Brigade Advisors may at their discretion require successful completion of a brigade or state-sponsored Officer
Candidate School (OCS) prior to selection as an Cadet Officer Candidate or officer.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 6

(3) Brigade orders will be published selecting cadets for officer candidacy for a period not to exceed 60 sequential calendar
days in a school year, during which time the officer candidate may perform duty assignments as an officer in the unit to
which assigned.

(4) Officer candidate status shall not extend beyond the brigade boundaries.

(5) Officer candidates shall wear insignia as prescribed by CR 1-8, Cadet Uniforms.

(6) The maximum 60 calendar day window of officer candidacy is intended as time for the candidate to have field
experiences in officer positions, apply for and be considered for promotion to Cadet Second Lieutenant (or Cadet Warrant
Officer 1) before the brigade promotion board, and either receive a commission (or warrant) or revert to their previous non-
commissioned officer rank. Brigade Advisors shall establish criteria to evaluate an officer candidates performance during the
60-day candidacy window.

2-4. Promotion to field grade cadet commissioned officers

The promotion of a cadet as a field grade commissioned officer is an exceptional privilege and not a right inherent with
enrollment in the California Cadet Corps. It is reserved for those special cadets who are in good standing in the school and
community, who maintain an excellent academic standing, who demonstrate very high levels of proficiency through written
and practical application in Cadet Corps subject matter, and who are recommended and approved through the selection
process. A cadet field grade officer must be prepared to assume the responsibility of their position and be worthy of the trust
placed in them by their unit, school, brigade, the statewide California Cadet Corps program and the Headquarters, California
Cadet Corps.

a. Authority. The Executive Officer of the California Cadet Corps is the final authority on promoting cadets to field grade
commissioned officer ranks.

b. Procedures. A cadet must be recommended for promotion as a cadet field grade officer, by their home unit commandant
and principal.

(1) Field grade officer promotion application package. The application package must be forwarded by the Brigade Advisor
to the HQCACC and shall consist of a CACC Form 8C, with the signature of the school commandant and principal, the
signatures of the recommending brigade promotion board members, the signature of the Brigade Advisor and a current, true
copy of the cadet's service record (CACC Form 13). Incomplete packages will be returned for proper completion prior to
HQCACC consideration.

(2) Promotion board. The brigade shall convene a promotion board for the purposes of evaluating the candidates for
appointment and/or promotion.
(a) The board shall consist of at least three members selected by the Brigade Advisor. The candidate's commandant and
Brigade Advisor will normally not be members of the board.
(b) The board will interview the cadet candidate, review the candidate's application package, evaluate their performance as
a cadet, and make a recommendation regarding their fitness for promotion as a field grade officer on CACC Form 8C.
(c) This recommendation form will be forwarded to the Brigade Advisor who shall have final recommending authority.
The Brigade Advisor will forward the completed form within the previously referenced application package to HQCACC for

c. Publication of orders. Headquarters, California Cadet Corps will review the package for completeness and compliance
with this regulation and publish orders promoting the cadet by order of the Adjutant General. The effective date of rank will
generally be the date of the orders promoting the cadet.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 7

Chapter 3
Special Provisions

3-1. Waivers
Under special circumstances, a waiver of a requirement for promotion may be granted. Waivers will be submitted in
memorandum form fully justifying the request. No more than one promotion requirement may be waived for a given
promotion. The request for waiver will be attached to the promotion documentation and forwarded to the promotion authority
for approval. Only one temporary and one permanent waiver are authorized during a cadet's career in the California Cadet
Corps. The availability of a special waiver for time in grade is outlined in para 3-2 of this regulation.

a. Temporary waiver. Temporary waiver of a requirement will be considered for any circumstance which precludes a cadet
satisfying a requirement in sufficient time for promotion, but for which the cadet will have the capability of satisfying the
requirement at a later date. The requirement for a cadet to be 14 years old prior to commissioning may not be temporarily

b. Permanent waiver. A permanent waiver of a requirement will be considered for any circumstance that precludes a cadet
from ever satisfying a requirement for promotion and that the cadet will never be capable of satisfying.

3-2. Cadets enrolled in a Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program

Cadets currently or previously enrolled in a Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program fall into two distinct
categories of consideration.

a. Cadets currently and concurrently enrolled in a JROTC program at the high school they are attending, may belong to the
California Cadet Corps and may be assigned, without restriction, to positions and promoted IAW this regulation. Promotions
in the California Cadet Corps must be in accordance with this regulation and similar experience or knowledge from outside
of the Cadet Corps must be verified and documented using the same procedures outlined in this regulation. Essentially the
cadet is merely a member of more than one program, much as they can be a member of multiple teams or organizations at the
same time.

b. Cadets who are current active members of the California Cadet Corps, and who have been previously enrolled in a
JROTC program may be offered a special waiver of the time in grade requirement, in consideration of their prior experience.
A cadet may have time in grade waived, up to a maximum of their time spent in exclusive enrollment in the JROTC program.

(1) Cadets in concurrent enrollment in JROTC do not qualify for a special waiver of time in grade.

(2) A memorandum from the senior instructor of the JROTC program, summarizing the cadets service record and
recommending them for consideration, must be submitted and included within the cadets 201 service file to take advantage
of the special waiver for time in grade.

(3) All other requirements must be satisfied, as outlined in this regulation, including physical fitness, academic standards,
Cadet Corps standards knowledge, and written tests and/or promotion boards appropriate to the rank being considered.

(4) Cadets with prior JROTC experience, who can secure a recommendation from their senior JROTC instructor and who
can fulfill all of the remaining requirements for any rank up to Cadet Second Lieutenant, may be promoted as such with a
special waiver for time in grade, provided the process and promotion occur within the first 20 weeks of cadets initial entry or
within 10 weeks of a cadets re-entry into the California Cadet Corps program.

3-3. Temporary promotions

a. Summer camp. The 10th Brigade Commander, with the consent of the Summer Camp Commandant Advisor, is granted
the authority to temporarily promote a cadet attending the camp to the next higher rank, for which they are eligible and
qualified, in order to provide balance and clear cut lines of authority within the command.

(1) Cadets temporarily promoted under this paragraph will immediately revert to the rank held at the time the temporary
promotion was granted the day following the end of the summer camp. Temporary promotions may become permanent when
confirmed by the commandant having promotion authority over the cadet during the normal school year.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 8

(2) Temporary promotions to Cadet Major and above will not become permanent until
(a) The promotion is approved in memorandum form by the commandant and principal of the unit/school to which the
cadet is normally assigned.
(b) A request for publication of promotion orders, in memorandum form, and a copy of the unit approval document is
received by HQCACC with the endorsement of the Brigade Advisor.
(c) State orders are published.

b. Other. All other types of temporary promotions, sometimes known as frocking, are not permitted at any time in the
California Cadet Corps program.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 9

Appendix A

Promotions Requirements Summary


Recruit (RCT) q Initial entry rank

Grizzly 1 6 1A p 3A p 3F p NO q Commandant of Cadets

(GZ1) 1B p 3B p 4H p recommends
1F p 3C p q Orders published By Order of
the Principal

Grizzly 2 6 1G p 5C p 8B p NO q Commandant of Cadets

(GZ2) 3D p 5D p 8C p recommends
3E p q Orders published By Order of
the Principal

Grizzly 3 6 1C p 2O p 4C p NO q Commandant of Cadets

(GZ3) 1H p 4A p 5E p recommends
2M p q Orders published By Order of
the Principal

Grizzly 4 6 2D p 2J p 4G p NO q Commandant of Cadets

(GZ4) 2E p 4B p 5N p recommends
2H p q Orders published By Order of
the Principal

Cadet 6 1E p 2Q p 3B m Written test required q Commandant of Cadets

(CDT) 2B p 3A m 3F m recommends
q Orders published By Order of
the Principal

q Cadets enrolling for the first

time in a CACC program in
grades 6 and above need not
have held Grizzly ranks

Cadet First Class 9 1D p 3G m 5P p Written test required q Commandant of Cadets

(CFC) 1F m 5C m 8F p recommends
2B m 5K p^ q Orders published By Order of
5L p^ the Principal

Cadet Corporal 9 1C m 4A m 6L p Written test required q Commandant of Cadets

(C/CPL) 1D m 4B m 7B p recommends
1E m 5A p 7D p q Orders published By Order of
2F p 5D m 8A p the Principal
3E m 5N m 8C m
3J p

Cadet Sergeant 9 1A m 5B p 7A p Written test required q Commandant of Cadets

(C/SGT) 2A p 5E m 7C p recommends
2G p 5J p 7E p q Orders published By Order of
2I p 5K m^ 8A m the Principal
2N p 5L m^ 8B m
3C m 5M p 8L p
3M p 6B m
6E m

^ as permitted by local authorities

Note that ALL standards are cumulative.

(e.g., A Grizzly 3 must have met the standards for Grizzly 1 and Grizzly 2. A Cadet Sergeant must meet standards for
Grizzly 1 through Cadet Sergeant. A Cadet Colonel must have mastered all standards for all ranks.)

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 10

Appendix A

Promotions Requirements Summary


Cadet Staff 9 1G m 4I p 7D m Written test required q Commandant of Cadets

Sergeant (C/SSG) 2C p 5F m 7F P recommends
2E m 5G m 7G P q Orders published By Order of
2F m 6A p 7H p the Principal
2L p 6F p 7I p
3D m 6G p 7J p q In exceptional circumstances,
3H p 6H p 8F m cadets may advance from
3K p 7B m C/SSG to C/WO1 or C/2LT if
they have met all other
requirements for promotion

Cadet Sergeant 9 1H m 4C m 6J p Board required q Commandant of Cadets

First Class 2A m 4D m 6N p recommends
(C/SFC) 2H m 4E m 7A m q Orders published By Order of
2J m 4F m 7C m the Principal
2P p 4H m 8M p q Must meet physical fitness
3M m 5A m requirement
6C p q Must meet academic
6D p standards requirement
6I p

Cadet Master 9 1B m 3I p 6H m Board required q Commandant of Cadets

Sergeant 2C m 4G m 6L m recommends
(C/MSG) 2D m 5B m 7E m q Orders published By Order of
2G m 5J m 7F m the Principal
Cadet First 2I m 5M m 7G m q Must meet physical fitness
Sergeant 2K m 5O p 7H m requirement
(C/1SG) 2L m 6A m 8E p q Must meet academic
2N m 6F m 8H p standards requirement
Cadet Sergeant 3H m 6G m 8K p
Major q C/CSM only authorized at
(C/CSGM) brigade level; those orders By
Order of the Brigade Advisor
Cadet Command
Sergeant Major q See para 2-2g & h for
(C/CSM) clarification of these ranks

Cadet Warrant 9 2M m 4J m 6J m Board required q Commandant of Cadets and

Officer 1 2P m 5H m 8G p Principal recommend
(C/WO1) 2R m 5O m 8M m q Orders published By Order of
3K m 6I m the Brigade Advisor
q Must meet physical fitness
q Must meet academic
standards requirement

Cadet Warrant 9 2O m 6C m 7J m Board required q Commandant of Cadets and

Officer 2 4K m 6D m 8H m Principal recommend
(C/WO2) 4L m 6N m q Orders published By Order of
4M m 7I m the Brigade Advisor
q Must meet physical fitness
q Must meet academic
standards requirement

^ as permitted by local authorities

Note that ALL standards are cumulative.

(e.g., A Grizzly 3 must have met the standards for Grizzly 1 and Grizzly 2. A Cadet Sergeant must meet standards for
Grizzly 1 through Cadet Sergeant. A Cadet Colonel must have mastered all standards for all ranks.)

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 11

Appendix A

Promotions Requirements Summary


Cadet Second 9 2Q m 6K p 8G m Board required q Commandant of Cadets and

Lieutenant 2R m 8D m 8J p Principal recommend
(C/2LT) 3L m 8E m q Orders published By Order of
the Brigade Advisor
q Must meet physical fitness
q Must meet academic
standards requirement

Cadet First 9 3J m 8I p 8L m Board required q Commandant of Cadets and

Lieutenant 4I m Principal recommend
(C/1LT) q Orders published By Order of
the Brigade Advisor
q Must meet physical fitness
q Must meet academic
standards requirement

Cadet Captain 12 3I m 6K m 8K m Board required q Commandant of Cadets and

(C/CPT) 5I m 8I m Principal recommend
q Orders published By Order of
the Brigade Advisor
q Must meet physical fitness
q Must meet academic
standards requirement

Cadet Major 12 All cadet field grade officers must have Board required q Brigade Advisor recommends
(C/MAJ) mastered all CACC Standards with input from Commandant
and Principal
q Orders published By Order of
Cadet Lieutenant 12 Board required the Adjutant General
Colonel q Must meet physical fitness
(C/LTC) requirement
q Must meet academic
Cadet Colonel 12 Board required standards requirement

^ as permitted by local authorities

Note that ALL standards are cumulative.

(e.g., A Grizzly 3 must have met the standards for Grizzly 1 and Grizzly 2. A Cadet Sergeant must meet standards for
Grizzly 1 through Cadet Sergeant. A Cadet Colonel must have mastered all standards for all ranks.)

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 12

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #1:

Cadets participate in patriotic activities and develop a spirit of patriotism.


A) Cadets know the meaning of as well as proper care and display of the American Flag.

B) Cadets sing a variety of patriotic songs.

C) Cadets participate in a flag detail to raise and lower the flag.

D) Cadets participate in Color Guards to present the colors.

E) Cadets march in parades.

F) Cadets know the Pledge of Allegiance and proper honors to the flag and National Anthem.

G) Cadets know the significance and history of important American symbols and documents

(e.g. U.S. Constitution, Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, The White House, Washington

Monument, Declaration of Independence, Medal of Honor).

H) Cadets know important events in U.S. and California History, especially as they relate to the

California Cadet Corps.

I) Cadets know the five democratic values of liberty, equality, justice, majority rule, and

minority rights.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 13

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #2:

Cadets learn strategies to improve school performance and be good citizens.


A) Cadets know how to properly take notes.

B) Cadets learn academic vocabulary that is used across academic disciplines.

C) Cadets know test-taking strategies.

D) Cadets use the writing process to communicate their ideas.

E) Cadets learn conflict resolution and anger management strategies.

F) Cadets know strategies to work effectively with others.

G) Cadets use a variety of study strategies.

H) Cadets learn to take personal responsibility for their actions.

I) Cadets know the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

J) Cadets know techniques for effective listening.

K) Cadets know the different learning styles and how they affect success in the classroom.

L) Cadets know the seven citizenship skills of cooperation, patience, fairness, respect, strength,

self-improvement, and balance.

M) Cadets practice reading comprehension with a variety of texts.

N) Cadets know about current local, state, national, and international events.

O) Cadets develop their oral speaking skills.

P) Cadets know techniques for planning and presenting lessons to other cadets.

Q) Cadets develop skills of sensitivity to different cultures and gender roles in society.

R) Cadets develop skills of personal organization, time management and planning.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 14

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #3:

Cadets learn basic military subjects.


A) Cadets know the history, objectives, and motto of the California Cadet Corps.

B) Cadets are able to use the principles of military courtesy.

C) Cadets know the rank structure of the Cadet Corps and all branches of the United States


D) Cadets know and use the Chain of Command as well as the NCO and Staff Support


E) Cadets know the Cadet Code and live by its components.

F) Cadets can properly wear the Cadet Corps Uniforms.

G) Cadets know the General Orders and proper execution of Guard Duty responsibilities.

H) Cadets know skills for bivouacking, including shelter set up, food preparation, and field

hygiene and sanitation.

I) Cadets know techniques of surviving in mountain, desert, ocean, and snow wilderness


J) Cadets know the contributions of important military and civilian leaders in American


K) Cadets know rules of Hunter Safety.

L) Cadets participate successfully in marksmanship activities.

M) Cadets learn about various career options, including all branches of the United States


CR 1-5 19 February 2006 15

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #4:

Cadets participate in a variety of fitness and wellness activities.


A) Cadets know all the dimensions of personal wellness, monitor their personal wellness, and

plan and implement a personal wellness plan.

B) Cadets understand the concept of the Healthy Fitness Zone on the Fitnessgram test.

C) Cadets know the components of a fitness program (warm-up, conditioning, cool-down) and

plan and implement a personal fitness regimen.

D) Cadets enhance their level of overall flexibility.

E) Cadets enhance their level of overall strength.

F) Cadets enhance their aerobic capacity and physical endurance.

G) Cadets know the rules and proper techniques for playing a variety of team sports.

H) Cadets take the California Physical Fitness Test each semester in which they are enrolled in

the program.

I) Cadets understand the impact of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on the body and are taught

strategies to avoid their use.

J) Cadets become critical consumers.

K) Cadets understand the impact of various media (e.g. TV, music, advertising) on people

L) Cadets are able to effectively manage personal and business finances.

M) Cadets learn the signs, symptoms, and modes of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases


CR 1-5 19 February 2006 16

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #5:

Cadets participate in Drill and Ceremonies.


A) Cadets know how to use their command voice.

B) Cadets know how to teach individual and unit drill to others.

C) Cadets can properly execute close order drill.

D) Cadets can properly participate in squad drill.

E) Cadets can properly participate in platoon drill.

F) Cadets can properly participate in company drill.

G) Cadets can properly command a squad.

H) Cadets can properly command a platoon.

I) Cadets can properly command a company.

J) Cadets correctly participate in a Pass in Review.

K) Cadets can properly execute the Manual of Arms.

L) Cadets can properly march with arms.

M) Cadets know how to properly form units from the Brigade Level down to the Squad Level.

N) Cadets are able to march to music and cadences.

O) Cadets know how to conduct a military inspection.

P) Cadets participate in a variety of competitive drill events.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 17

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #6:

Cadets know principles of First Aid and CPR.


A) Cadets know general principles of triage, head-to-toe exams, standard precautions and body

substance isolation.

B) Cadets know how to stop bleeding.

C) Cadets know how to perform CPR on infants, children, and adults.

D) Cadets can help conscious and unconscious choking victims.

E) Cadets know the signs and symptoms and how to treat for shock.

F) Cadets know how to properly care for burns.

G) Cadets provide appropriate first aid treatment for sprains, strains, and broken bones.

H) Cadets know how to treat head, neck, and spinal injuries.

I) Cadets know how to treat asthma attacks, diabetic emergencies, allergic reactions, stroke,

poisoning, bites, stings, and food-borne illness.

J) Cadets know how to treat heat and cold injuries.

K) Cadets know how to use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

L) Cadets know how to correctly activate the Emergency Medical System.

M) Cadets receive certification by the American Heart Association and/or American Red Cross

at Basic First Aid and Infant, Child, and Adult CPR.

N) Cadets know strategies to prepare themselves and their families for natural disasters and

public emergencies.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 18

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #7:

Cadets know how to read and use a variety of maps and compasses.


A) Cadets know how to read road maps.

B) Cadets know the marginal information on a map, including the symbols and colors used on

topographic maps.

C) Cadets can read six and eight digit coordinates on a topographic map.

D) Cadets know how to use the scales on topographic maps to measure distances.

E) Cadets know how to use magnetic and lensatic compasses.

F) Cadets know the three types of north and how to calculate and use the differences between

them using declination diagrams.

G) Cadets know how to measure direction using an azimuth.

H) Cadets know how to identify the major and minor terrain features on topographic maps and

can read contour lines and elevation markings.

I) Cadets know how to read an orienteering map.

J) Cadets can successfully complete an orienteering course.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 19

Appendix B

California Cadet Corps Standards

Standard #8:

Cadets know and apply theories of leadership.


A) Cadets know the definition of the traits, principles and indicators of leadership.

B) Cadets know the conditions of followership necessary to be an effective leader.

C) Cadets know the definition of a leader and leadership and know the Cadet Leaders Code

from memory.

D) Cadets experience a variety of practical leadership scenarios.

E) Cadets know the responsibilities of Cadet Staff members.

F) Cadets know the roles and responsibilities of non-commissioned officers.

G) Cadets know the roles and responsibilities of officers.

H) Cadets properly utilize Cadet Corps regulations.

I) Cadets correctly perform a variety of cadet staff functions.

J) Cadets experience the responsibilities of command.

K) Cadets employ leadership counseling techniques.

L) Cadets use problem-solving strategies with their peers.

M) Cadets know the leaders code and apply its principles.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 20

Appendix C

Promotion Examinations
State standardized, official written promotion examinations are available on the California Cadet Corps web site at Access to the examinations is restricted to commandant personnel with required user names and
passwords. Further information on how to obtain access is available on the web site.

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 21

Appendix D






We certify that the above named cadet has appeared before this board and recommend the following action

|__| Recommend promotion. We find them fully qualified for promotion in accordance with Cadet Regulation 1-5 (CR 1-5).

|__| Deny promotion.



(with rank and/or position, if applicable) (with rank and/or position, if applicable) (with rank and/or position, if applicable)



We concur that the above named cadet is eligible for promotion to the non-commissioned officer rank indicated. The
individual has performed all assigned duties in a satisfactory manner, is in good standing within the school and unit, and is
deserving of this promotion. We certify to the best of our knowledge that all qualifications under the provisions of CR 1-5
have been met, and authorize that this cadet be promoted.



CACC Form 8A (19 Feb 06)

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 22

Appendix F






Request the above named cadet be considered for promotion to the rank indicated. The individual has performed all assigned
duties in a satisfactory manner, is in good standing within the school and unit, and is deserving of this promotion. We certify
to the best of our knowledge that all qualifications under the provisions of CR 1-5 have been met, and recommend that this
cadet be promoted.




We certify that the above named cadet has appeared before this board and recommend the following action

|__| Recommend promotion. We find them fully qualified for promotion in accordance with Cadet Regulation 1-5 (CR 1-5).

|__| Deny promotion.



(with rank and/or position, if applicable) (with rank and/or position, if applicable) (with rank and/or position, if applicable)



Concur that the above named cadet is eligible for promotion to the rank indicated. The individual has performed all assigned
duties in a satisfactory manner, is in good standing within the brigade, and is deserving of this promotion. To the best of my
knowledge all qualifications under the provisions of CR 1-5 have been met.


CACC Form 8B (19 Feb 06)

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 23

Appendix F






Request the above named cadet be considered for promotion to the rank indicated. The individual has performed all assigned
duties in a satisfactory manner, is in good standing within the school and unit, and is deserving of this promotion. We certify
to the best of our knowledge that all qualifications under the provisions of CR 1-5 have been met, and recommend that this
cadet be promoted.




We certify that the above named cadet has appeared before this brigade-level board and recommend the following action

|__| Recommend promotion. We find them fully qualified for promotion in accordance with Cadet Regulation 1-5 (CR 1-5).

|__| Deny promotion.



(with rank and/or position, if applicable) (with rank and/or position, if applicable) (with rank and/or position, if applicable)



Concur that the above named cadet is eligible for promotion to the rank indicated. The individual has performed all assigned
duties in a satisfactory manner, is in good standing within the brigade, and is deserving of this promotion. To the best of my
knowledge all qualifications under the provisions of CR 1-5 have been met. Recommendation is made to Headquarters,
California Cadet Corps for promotion.


CACC Form 8C (19 Feb 06)

CR 1-5 19 February 2006 24

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