Integration Vs Inclusion PDF
Integration Vs Inclusion PDF
Integration Vs Inclusion PDF
Is There a Difference?
By Bryan Harman
As our children with labels enter the education How can you tell the difference?
system, we often hear the words integrated or
The biggest clue for determining whether a school is
included to describe the classroom setting they
integrating or including students is in the language
will experience. In some cases the terms are
that is being used. If school personnel talk about
used interchangeably, referring to children being
extra adaptations or services to help the child fit
integrated into a regular classroom and included
into a classroom, it is integration. References to
into a regular classroom. There are, however,
overcoming problems, acquiring functional abilities
significant differences between the two. Knowing
and support worker for the child will be used.
these differences can help us advocate for an
Look at the Individual Education Plan (IEP). If the
inclusive environment that will help all children
IEP focuses on strategies to help a child fit into a
classroom, this is integration.
Inclusive schools and classrooms talk about helping
everyone. School personnel will emphasize how the
classroom/school will be changed to support the
success of a child. The talk will be about how the
extra adaptations and services will benefit everyone.
Celebrating diversity, helping everyone and having
a support worker for the class are key. When looking
at the IEP, strategies will be used to adapt and
improve the classroom so that all students achieve
success. Inclusion is about helping everyone.
Integration vs Inclusion
needs of special students rights of ALL students
changing/remedying the subject changing the school
benefits to the student with special needs benefits ALL students
professionals, specialist expertise, and informal support and the expertise of
formal support mainstream teachers