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PAT Full Texts
PAT Full Texts
78133 October 18, 1988 under Section 20(b) and its income was subject to the
taxes prescribed under Section 24, both of the
MARIANO P. PASCUAL and RENATO P. National Internal Revenue Code 1 that the
DRAGON, petitioners, unregistered partnership was subject to corporate
vs. income tax as distinguished from profits derived from
THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and the partnership by them which is subject to individual
COURT OF TAX APPEALS, respondents. income tax; and that the availment of tax amnesty
under P.D. No. 23, as amended, by petitioners
De la Cuesta, De las Alas and Callanta Law Offices for relieved petitioners of their individual income tax
petitioners. liabilities but did not relieve them from the tax
liability of the unregistered partnership. Hence, the
petitioners were required to pay the deficiency
The Solicitor General for respondents
income tax assessed.
G.R. No. L-9996 October 15, 1957
Cruz, Grio-Aquino and Medialdea, JJ., concur.
Narvasa, J., took no part. and FRANCISCA EVANGELISTA, petitioners,
COURT OF TAX APPEALS, respondents.
Santiago F. Alidio and Angel S. Dakila, Jr., for
1 Annex C of the Petition, citing petitioner.
Evangelista v. Collector, G.R. No. Office of the Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla,
9996, Oct. 15,1957,102 Phil. 140. Assistant Solicitor General Esmeraldo Umali and
Solicitor Felicisimo R. Rosete for Respondents.
2 Penned by Presiding Judge
Amante Filler, concurred in by CONCEPCION, J.:
Associate Judge Alex Z. Reyes,
Associate Judge Roaquin dissented This is a petition filed by Eufemia Evangelista,
in a separate opinion. Manuela Evangelista and Francisca Evangelista, for
review of a decision of the Court of Tax Appeals, the
3 Supra. dispositive part of which reads:
1949 1,575.90
6. That in a document dated August 16,
1945, they appointed their brother Simeon Total including surcharge and P6,157.09
Evangelista to 'manage their properties with compromise
full power to lease; to collect and receive
rents; to issue receipts therefor; in default of REAL ESTATE DEALER'S FIXED TAX
such payment, to bring suits against the
1946 P37.50
defaulting tenants; to sign all letters,
contracts, etc., for and in their behalf, and to 1947 150.00
endorse and deposit all notes and checks for
them; 1948 150.00
1949 150.00
7. That after having bought the above-
mentioned real properties the petitioners Total including penalty P527.00
had the same rented or leases to various
1945 P38.75
8. That from the month of March, 1945 up to
an including December, 1945, the total 1946 38.75
amount collected as rents on their real
properties was P9,599.00 while the 1947 38.75
expenses amounted to P3,650.00 thereby
1948 38.75
leaving them a net rental income of
P5,948.33; 1949 38.75
9. That on 1946, they realized a gross rental Total including surcharge P193.75
income of in the sum of P24,786.30, out of TOTAL TAXES DUE P6,878.34.
which amount was deducted in the sum of
P16,288.27 for expenses thereby leaving
them a net rental income of P7,498.13; Said letter of demand and corresponding
assessments were delivered to petitioners on
December 3, 1954, whereupon they instituted the fund, with the intention of dividing the
present case in the Court of Tax Appeals, with a profits among themselves.
prayer that "the decision of the respondent contained
in his letter of demand dated September 24, 1954" be Pursuant to the article, the essential elements of a
reversed, and that they be absolved from the partnership are two, namely: (a) an agreement to
payment of the taxes in question, with costs against contribute money, property or industry to a common
the respondent. fund; and (b) intent to divide the profits among the
contracting parties. The first element is undoubtedly
After appropriate proceedings, the Court of Tax present in the case at bar, for, admittedly, petitioners
Appeals the above-mentioned decision for the have agreed to, and did, contribute money and
respondent, and a petition for reconsideration and property to a common fund. Hence, the issue narrows
new trial having been subsequently denied, the case down to their intent in acting as they did. Upon
is now before Us for review at the instance of the consideration of all the facts and circumstances
petitioners. surrounding the case, we are fully satisfied that their
purpose was to engage in real estate transactions for
The issue in this case whether petitioners are subject monetary gain and then divide the same among
to the tax on corporations provided for in section 24 themselves, because:
of Commonwealth Act. No. 466, otherwise known as
the National Internal Revenue Code, as well as to the 1. Said common fund was not something
residence tax for corporations and the real estate they found already in existence. It was not
dealers fixed tax. With respect to the tax on property inherited by them pro indiviso.
corporations, the issue hinges on the meaning of the They created it purposely. What is more
terms "corporation" and "partnership," as used in they jointly borrowed a substantial portion
section 24 and 84 of said Code, the pertinent parts of thereof in order to establish said common
which read: fund.
SEC. 24. Rate of tax on corporations.There 2. They invested the same, not merely not
shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid merely in one transaction, but in a series of
annually upon the total net income received transactions. On February 2, 1943, they
in the preceding taxable year from all bought a lot for P100,000.00. On April 3,
sources by every corporation organized in, 1944, they purchased 21 lots for P18,000.00.
or existing under the laws of the Philippines, This was soon followed on April 23, 1944, by
no matter how created or organized but not the acquisition of another real estate for
including duly registered general co- P108,825.00. Five (5) days later (April 28,
partnerships (compaias colectivas), a tax 1944), they got a fourth lot for P237,234.14.
upon such income equal to the sum of the The number of lots (24) acquired and
following: . . . transactions undertaken, as well as the brief
interregnum between each, particularly the
SEC. 84 (b). The term 'corporation' includes last three purchases, is strongly indicative of
partnerships, no matter how created or a pattern or common design that was not
organized, joint-stock companies, joint limited to the conservation and preservation
accounts (cuentas en participacion), of the aforementioned common fund or
associations or insurance companies, but even of the property acquired by the
does not include duly registered general petitioners in February, 1943. In other
copartnerships. (compaias colectivas). words, one cannot but perceive a character
of habitually peculiar to business
Article 1767 of the Civil Code of the Philippines transactions engaged in the purpose of gain.
3. The aforesaid lots were not devoted to
By the contract of partnership two or more residential purposes, or to other personal
persons bind themselves to contribute uses, of petitioners herein. The properties
money, properly, or industry to a common were leased separately to several persons,
who, from 1945 to 1948 inclusive, paid the To begin with, the tax in question is one imposed
total sum of P70,068.30 by way of rentals. upon "corporations", which, strictly speaking, are
Seemingly, the lots are still being so let, for distinct and different from "partnerships". When our
petitioners do not even suggest that there Internal Revenue Code includes "partnerships"
has been any change in the utilization among the entities subject to the tax on
thereof. "corporations", said Code must allude, therefore, to
organizations which are not necessarily
4. Since August, 1945, the properties have "partnerships", in the technical sense of the term.
been under the management of one person, Thus, for instance, section 24 of said Code exempts
namely Simeon Evangelista, with full power from the aforementioned tax "duly registered general
to lease, to collect rents, to issue receipts, to partnerships which constitute precisely one of the
bring suits, to sign letters and contracts, and most typical forms of partnerships in this jurisdiction.
to indorse and deposit notes and checks. Likewise, as defined in section 84(b) of said Code, "the
Thus, the affairs relative to said properties term corporation includes partnerships, no matter
have been handled as if the same belonged how created or organized." This qualifying expression
to a corporation or business and enterprise clearly indicates that a joint venture need not be
operated for profit. undertaken in any of the standard forms, or in
conformity with the usual requirements of the law on
5. The foregoing conditions have existed for partnerships, in order that one could be deemed
more than ten (10) years, or, to be exact, constituted for purposes of the tax on corporations.
over fifteen (15) years, since the first Again, pursuant to said section 84(b), the term
property was acquired, and over twelve (12) "corporation" includes, among other, joint accounts,
years, since Simeon Evangelista became the (cuentas en participation)" and "associations," none
manager. of which has a legal personality of its own,
independent of that of its members. Accordingly, the
lawmaker could not have regarded that personality as
6. Petitioners have not testified or
a condition essential to the existence of the
introduced any evidence, either on their
partnerships therein referred to. In fact, as above
purpose in creating the set up already
stated, "duly registered general copartnerships"
adverted to, or on the causes for its
which are possessed of the aforementioned
continued existence. They did not even try to
personality have been expressly excluded by law
offer an explanation therefor.
(sections 24 and 84 [b] from the connotation of the
term "corporation" It may not be amiss to add that
Although, taken singly, they might not suffice to
petitioners' allegation to the effect that their liability
establish the intent necessary to constitute a
in connection with the leasing of the lots above
partnership, the collective effect of these
referred to, under the management of one person
circumstances is such as to leave no room for doubt
even if true, on which we express no opinion tends
on the existence of said intent in petitioners herein.
to increase the similarity between the nature of their
Only one or two of the aforementioned
venture and that corporations, and is, therefore, an
circumstances were present in the cases cited by
additional argument in favor of the imposition of said
petitioners herein, and, hence, those cases are not in
tax on corporations.
Under the Internal Revenue Laws of the United
Petitioners insist, however, that they are mere co-
States, "corporations" are taxed differently from
owners, not copartners, for, in consequence of the
"partnerships". By specific provisions of said laws,
acts performed by them, a legal entity, with a
such "corporations" include "associations, joint-stock
personality independent of that of its members, did
companies and insurance companies." However, the
not come into existence, and some of the
term "association" is not used in the aforementioned
characteristics of partnerships are lacking in the case
at bar. This pretense was correctly rejected by the
Court of Tax Appeals.
. . . in any narrow or technical sense. It
includes any organization, created for the
transaction of designed affairs, or the petitioners herein constitute a partnership, insofar as
attainment of some object, which like a said Code is concerned and are subject to the income
corporation, continues notwithstanding that tax for corporations.
its members or participants change, and the
affairs of which, like corporate affairs, are As regards the residence of tax for corporations,
conducted by a single individual, a section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 465 provides in
committee, a board, or some other group, part:
acting in a representative capacity. It is
immaterial whether such organization is Entities liable to residence tax.-Every
created by an agreement, a declaration of corporation, no matter how created or
trust, a statute, or otherwise. It includes a organized, whether domestic or resident
voluntary association, a joint-stock foreign, engaged in or doing business in the
corporation or company, a 'business' trusts a Philippines shall pay an annual residence tax
'Massachusetts' trust, a 'common law' trust, of five pesos and an annual additional tax
and 'investment' trust (whether of the fixed which in no case, shall exceed one thousand
or the management type), an pesos, in accordance with the following
interinsuarance exchange operating through schedule: . . .
an attorney in fact, a partnership
association, and any other type of
The term 'corporation' as used in this Act
organization (by whatever name known)
includes joint-stock company, partnership,
which is not, within the meaning of the Code,
joint account (cuentas en participacion),
a trust or an estate, or a partnership. (7A
association or insurance company, no
Mertens Law of Federal Income Taxation, p.
matter how created or organized. (emphasis
788; emphasis supplied.).
For purposes of the tax on corporations, our National 'Real estate dealer' includes any person
Internal Revenue Code, includes these partnerships engaged in the business of buying, selling,
with the exception only of duly registered general exchanging, leasing, or renting property or
copartnerships within the purview of the term his own account as principal and holding
"corporation." It is, therefore, clear to our mind that himself out as a full or part time dealer in
real estate or as an owner of rental property Article 1769 of the new Civil Code lays down the rule
or properties rented or offered to rent for an for determining when a transaction should be
aggregate amount of three thousand pesos deemed a partnership or a co-ownership. Said article
or more a year. . . (emphasis supplied.) paragraphs 2 and 3, provides:
Wherefore, the appealed decision of the Court of Tax (2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not
appeals is hereby affirmed with costs against the of itself establish a partnership, whether
petitioners herein. It is so ordered. such co-owners or co-possessors do or do
not share any profits made by the use of the
Bengzon, Paras, C.J., Padilla, Reyes, A., Reyes, J.B.L., property;
Endencia and Felix, JJ., concur.
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of
itself establish partnership, whether or not
the person sharing them have a joint or
common right or interest in any property
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J., concurring: from which the returns are derived;
I agree with the opinion that petitioners have actually From the above it appears that the fact that those
contributed money to a common fund with express who agree to form a co-ownership shared or do not
purpose of engaging in real estate business for profit. share any profits made by the use of property held in
The series of transactions which they had undertaken common does not convert their venture into a
attest to this. This appears in the following portion of partnership. Or the sharing of the gross returns does
the decision: not of itself establish a partnership whether or not
the persons sharing therein have a joint or common
right or interest in the property. This only means that,
2. They invested the same, not merely in one
aside from the circumstance of profit, the presence of
transaction, but in a series of transactions.
other elements constituting partnership is necessary,
On February 2, 1943, they bought a lot for
such as the clear intent to form a partnership, the
P100,000. On April 3, 1944, they purchase 21
existence of a judicial personality different from that
lots for P18,000. This was soon followed on
of the individual partners, and the freedom to
April 23, 1944, by the acquisition of another
transfer or assign any interest in the property by one
real state for P108,825. Five (5) days later
with the consent of the others (Padilla, Civil Code of
(April 28, 1944), they got a fourth lot for
the Philippines Annotated, Vol. I, 1953 ed., pp. 635-
P237,234.14. The number of lots (24)
acquired and transactions undertaken, as
well as the brief interregnum between each,
particularly the last three purchases, is It is evident that an isolated transaction whereby two
strongly indicative of a pattern or common or more persons contribute funds to buy certain real
design that was not limited to the estate for profit in the absence of other
conservation and preservation of the circumstances showing a contrary intention cannot
aforementioned common fund or even of be considered a partnership.
the property acquired by the petitioner in
February, 1943, In other words, we cannot Persons who contribute property or funds
but perceive a character for a common enterprise and agree to share
of habitually peculiar the gross returns of that enterprise in
to business transactions engaged in for proportion to their contribution, but who
purposes of gain. severally retain the title to their respective
contribution, are not thereby rendered
I wish however to make to make the following partners. They have no common stock or
observation: capital, and no community of interest as
principal proprietors in the business itself
which the proceeds derived. (Elements of
the law of Partnership by Floyd R. Mechem, [G.R. No. 134559. December 9, 1999]
2n Ed., section 83, p. 74.)
This AGREEMENT, is made and entered into at Cebu FOURTH: That all general expense[s] and all cost[s]
City, Philippines, this 5th day of March, 1969, by and involved in the sub-division project should be paid by
between MR. MANUEL R. TORRES, x x x the FIRST the FIRST PARTY, exclusively and all the expenses will
PARTY, likewise, MRS. ANTONIA B. TORRES, and MISS not be deducted from the sales after the
EMETERIA BARING, x x x the SECOND PARTY: development of the sub-division project.
Whereas, the FIRST PARTY had given the SECOND SIXTH: That the intended sub-division project of the
PARTY, the sum of: TWENTY THOUSAND (P20,000.00) property involved will start the work and all
Pesos, Philippine Currency, upon the execution of this improvements upon the adjacent lots will be
contract for the property entrusted by the SECOND negotiated in both parties['] favor and all sales shall
PARTY, for sub-division projects and development [be] decided by both parties.
SEVENTH: That the SECOND PARTIES, should be given
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the an option to get back the property mentioned
above covenants and promises herein contained the provided the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND
respective parties hereto do hereby stipulate and (P20,000.00) Pesos, Philippine Currency, borrowed by
agree as follows: the SECOND PARTY, will be paid in full to the FIRST
PARTY, including all necessary improvements spent
ONE: That the SECOND PARTY signed an absolute by the FIRST PARTY, and the FIRST PARTY will be given
Deed of Sale x x x dated March 5, 1969, in the amount a grace period to turnover the property mentioned
THIRTEEN & FIFTY CTVS. (P25,513.50) Philippine
Currency, for 1,700 square meters at ONE [PESO] &
That this AGREEMENT shall be binding and obligatory ART. 1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent,
to the parties who executed same freely and and from that moment the parties are bound not only
voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein to the fulfillment of what has been expressly
stated.[10] stipulated but also to all the consequences which,
according to their nature, may be in keeping with
A reading of the terms embodied in the good faith, usage and law.
Agreement indubitably shows the existence of a
partnership pursuant to Article 1767 of the Civil Code, It is undisputed that petitioners are educated
which provides: and are thus presumed to have understood the terms
of the contract they voluntarily signed. If it was not in
ART. 1767. By the contract of partnership two or consonance with their expectations, they should have
more persons bind themselves to contribute money, objected to it and insisted on the provisions they
property, or industry to a common fund, with the wanted.
intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
Courts are not authorized to extricate parties
from the necessary consequences of their acts, and
Under the above-quoted Agreement, the fact that the contractual stipulations may turn out
petitioners would contribute property to the to be financially disadvantageous will not relieve
partnership in the form of land which was to be parties thereto of their obligations. They cannot now
developed into a subdivision; while respondent disavow the relationship formed from such
would give, in addition to his industry, the amount agreement due to their supposed misunderstanding
needed for general expenses and other of its terms.
costs. Furthermore, the income from the said project
would be divided according to the stipulated
percentage. Clearly, the contract manifested the Alleged Nullity of the Partnership Agreement
intention of the parties to form a partnership.[11]
It should be stressed that the parties
implemented the contract. Thus, petitioners Petitioners argue that the Joint Venture
transferred the title to the land to facilitate its use in Agreement is void under Article 1773 of the Civil
the name of the respondent. On the other hand, Code, which provides:
respondent caused the subject land to be mortgaged,
the proceeds of which were used for the survey and ART. 1773. A contract of partnership is void,
the subdivision of the land. As noted earlier, he whenever immovable property is contributed
developed the roads, the curbs and the gutters of the thereto, if an inventory of said property is not made,
subdivision and entered into a contract to construct signed by the parties, and attached to the public
low-cost housing units on the property. instrument.
Respondents actions clearly belie petitioners
They contend that since the parties did not
contention that he made no contribution to the
make, sign or attach to the public instrument an
partnership. Under Article 1767 of the Civil Code, a
inventory of the real property contributed, the
partner may contribute not only money or property,
partnership is void.
but also industry.
We clarify. First, Article 1773 was intended
primarily to protect third persons. Thus, the eminent
Petitioners Bound by Terms of Contract Arturo M. Tolentino states that under the aforecited
provision which is a complement of Article
1771,[12] the execution of a public instrument would
Under Article 1315 of the Civil Code, contracts be useless if there is no inventory of the property
bind the parties not only to what has been expressly contributed, because without its designation and
stipulated, but also to all necessary consequences description, they cannot be subject to inscription in
thereof, as follows: the Registry of Property, and their contribution
cannot prejudice third persons. This will result in
fraud to those who contract with the partnership in
Liability of the Parties
the belief [in] the efficacy of the guaranty in which the
immovables may consist. Thus, the contract is
declared void by the law when no such inventory is
made. The case at bar does not involve third parties Claiming that respondent was solely responsible
who may be prejudiced. for the failure of the subdivision project, petitioners
maintain that he should be made to pay damages
Second, petitioners themselves invoke the equivalent to 60 percent of the value of the property,
allegedly void contract as basis for their claim that which was their share in the profits under the Joint
respondent should pay them 60 percent of the value Venture Agreement.
of the property.[13] They cannot in one breath deny
the contract and in another recognize it, depending We are not persuaded. True, the Court of
on what momentarily suits their purpose. Parties Appeals held that petitioners acts were not the cause
cannot adopt inconsistent positions in regard to a of the failure of the project.[16] But it also ruled that
contract and courts will not tolerate, much less neither was respondent responsible therefor.[17] In
approve, such practice. imputing the blame solely to him, petitioners failed to
give any reason why we should disregard the factual
In short, the alleged nullity of the partnership findings of the appellate court relieving him of
will not prevent courts from considering the Joint fault. Verily, factual issues cannot be resolved in a
Venture Agreement an ordinary contract from which petition for review under Rule 45, as in this
the parties rights and obligations to each other may case. Petitioners have not alleged, not to say shown,
be inferred and enforced. that their Petition constitutes one of the exceptions
to this doctrine.[18] Accordingly, we find no reversible
error in the CA's ruling that petitioners are not
Partnership Agreement Not the Result of an Earlier Illegal Contract entitled to damages.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED and
Petitioners also contend that the Joint Venture the challenged Decision AFFIRMED. Costs against
Agreement is void under Article 1422[14] of the Civil petitioners.
Code, because it is the direct result of an earlier illegal SO ORDERED.
contract, which was for the sale of the land without
valid consideration. Melo, (Chairman), Vitug,
Purisima, and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur.
This argument is puerile. The Joint Venture
Agreement clearly states that the consideration for
the sale was the expectation of profits from the
subdivision project. Its first stipulation states that
petitioners did not actually receive payment for the
parcel of land sold to respondent. Consideration,
more properly denominated as cause, can take
different forms, such as the prestation or promise of
a thing or service by another.[15]
In this case, the cause of the contract of sale
consisted not in the stated peso value of the land, but
in the expectation of profits from the subdivision
project, for which the land was intended to be
used. As explained by the trial court, the land was in
effect given to the partnership as [petitioners]
participation therein. x x x There was therefore a
consideration for the sale, the [petitioners] acting
in the expectation that, should the venture come into
fruition, they [would] get sixty percent of the net