Evs Unit Question Paper

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(Approved by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University)

B. Pallipatti, Bommidi, Pappireddipatti (T.K), Dharmapuri Dt. Tamilnadu-635301
Environmental Science & Engineering (GE 6351)

Internal Assessment Test I

PART A -2 marks
1. List out the biotic and abiotic component of an ecosystem
2. What are the major threats to biodiversity?
3. Define Biodiversity
4. List out the characteristics feature of food webs
5. What are food chains?
6. What is an abiotic Environment?
7. What is endangered species?
8. What are GPP and NPP?
9. What is the type of bio-diversity?
10. What is the significance of bio-diversity?
11. What are the abiotic components of an ecosystem?
12. Name various ecosystems
13. What are hotspots of biodiversity? Mention criteria for hot spots
14. India is a mega diversity nation-Account
15. Differentiate between In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
16. What are ecological pyramids?
17. What is ecological succession? Mention its types.

PART B 16 marks
1. What is an eco system? Describe the structure and function of an eco system (16)
2. What do you mean by hot spot of biodiversity that extend in India? (16)
3. What do you mean by conservation of biodiversity? State and explain the basic approaches to
wild life conservation (16)
4. what are the major causes of man-wild conflicts Discuss the remedial steps that can curb the
conflict (16)

8 marks
5. Define ecosystem, Give an account of structure and function of grassland ecosystem (8).
6. What is biodiversity? Discuss the values and significance of biodiversity (8).
7. With a neat sketch discuss the nitrogen cycle (8)
8. What are the different type of ecosystems and explain their structure and function(8)
9. (i) Discuss the value of biodiversity (ii) Explain the role of biodiversity in india (8)
10. Describe the types, characteristic features, structure and functions of aquatic ecosystems (8)
11. (i) Explain the following (1) Ecological succession (2) Ecological pyramid (8)
12. Explain the major factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity (8)

Subject Incharge HOD Vice Principal Dean

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