Echipamente Nurse Call
Echipamente Nurse Call
Echipamente Nurse Call
Stock Items:
Item Description
Medicall 800 Security Room controller with signal light
Room controller without signal light
Security cover for signal light, vandal-resistant
Cell terminal, with call button (CB)
Cell terminal, with call and light button (CB/LB)
Cell terminal, with call button, light button and radio (CB/LB/RF)
Installation kit for cell terminal
Presence key switch, 2 positions (0/1/2)
Presence key switch, 3 positions (0/1/2/3)
Call panel, vandal-resistant, red
Presence panel, vandal-resistant, green
Light panel, vandal-resistant, yellow
Flush mounting box concrete/brickwork for call panel, vandal-resistant
Mounting frame with accessories for vandal-resistant call panel
Flush mounting box, 1 terminal, 100 x 100mm
Documentation Medicall 800 Security System description and planning advice
Medicall 800 Security Installation and assembly manual, sup-plement
mediGraph Security User Guide
NCS wing answer station for Medicall 800 Security - Operating manual
For further information on how ADT can help you, contact your local ADT Fire and Security office or phone free on 0800 010 999 or visit us at
Head Office: ADT Fire and Security plc, Security House, The Summit, Hanworth Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex TW16 5DB.
ADT reserves the right to modify or withdraw any product or service without notice