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ZETTLER Medicall 800 Security

Cell call systems in the LON security network


Connection to fire or burglar alarm systems

Data exchange with the alarm system
Information can be forwarded to a wireless pager system,
a telecommunications system and a DECT system
Capacity - up to 4 areas with 15 wings each
Each answer station can monitor up to 85 system bus users
with LON nodes
Cells in each wing can be assigned to up to 5 groups
Every call is identified by alphanumeric information (wing and
group name, cell name, call category, additional 8-digit
alphanumeric information for every call line in the cell).
8 different wing combinations possible, each with up to 15
wings. ZETTLER Medicall 800 Security
4 different group combinations with up to 5 groups possible
for each wing. The vandal-resistant cell terminals and call combinations are
activated via the proven ZETTLER Medicall 800 LON
network. The advantage of this LON network is its
Cell call systems in the LON security network decentralized structure, i.e. no central units of any kind are
needed for the security-related parts. The transfer protocol
Modern cell call systems in prisons, forensic hospitals and police corresponds to the LONTalk protocol from Echelon. Interfaces
stations are increasingly taking on functions that facilitate the to external systems such as pager/DECT systems,
work of the officers, enhance security and improve telecommunications and intercom systems, fire and burglar
communication with the inmates. alarms, fault indication systems, entertainment sound
distribution systems and alarm management systems, IT
DIN/VDE 0834 (as at 1 April 2000) demands a very high equipment etc. can be connected at any point in the network.
standard of security (area of application B) for call systems in
prisons. The most important features that are required for the
cell call systems are:: Use in psychiatric institutions and forensic
- it must identify and report faults, hospitals
- be capable of monitoring itself,
- be able to monitor all means of transmission, call lines Extensive solutions can be configured for forensic hospitals and
and the parts required for making calls, psychiatric institutions by combining devices and functions with
- be fitted with an emergency power supply, the ZETTLER Medicall 800 call system for hospitals.
- guarantee that calls are stored in an event of interruption.

The ZETTLER Medicall 800 Security cell call system from

Tyco complies with all requirements of DIN/VDE 0834.

ZETTLER Medicall 800 Security

Vandal-resistant devices pagers of pager/DECT systems as well as telecommunications

The vandal-resistant cell terminals have inputs and outputs which systems via telecoms servers. "mediLog" logs all events in the
can be assigned various functionalities through software network and stores this log in a database for analysis.
configuration, e.g. different call categories, two presence "mediPers" manages prisoner details which are then compared
categories, call forwarding, cell light control, light withdrawal using a central IT system. The wing terminals can be combined
activation, socket withdrawal, internal and external sabotage into groups, with each wing terminal being able to perform all the
protection etc. The protective housing made from V2A steel functions of the wings in the group. Central terminals take on the
offers the cell signal lights optimal protection against vandalism. organisation, monitoring and functions of connected wings or the
This light can optionally be configured with LED display elements. entire building.

Wing and central terminals Organisational structure

Depending on how the system is set up, a variety of wing In mixed mode the ZETTLER Medicall 800 Security network
terminals can be installed. One wing display is sufficient for can organise up to four areas, each with 15 wings. Internal and
systems without voice communication. For systems with voice external central terminals can control both the entire system or
communication, there is a choice between compact answer just individual activated wings. The wing terminals can take over
stations and PC-assisted answer stations with a graphic user any number of wards within the four areas. Up to 8 preconfigured
interface. The "mediGraph Security" organises all call and interconnection variants can be selected. Four preconfigured
communication functions in tabular form or as a graphic display group interconnections are possible within the wings, each of
with layout plans of the building in the background. which permits up to 5 groups (combination of cells for more
Supplementary software tools such as "mediPage" manage intensive supervision).

Stock Items:
Item Description
Medicall 800 Security Room controller with signal light
Room controller without signal light
Security cover for signal light, vandal-resistant
Cell terminal, with call button (CB)
Cell terminal, with call and light button (CB/LB)
Cell terminal, with call button, light button and radio (CB/LB/RF)
Installation kit for cell terminal
Presence key switch, 2 positions (0/1/2)
Presence key switch, 3 positions (0/1/2/3)
Call panel, vandal-resistant, red
Presence panel, vandal-resistant, green
Light panel, vandal-resistant, yellow
Flush mounting box concrete/brickwork for call panel, vandal-resistant
Mounting frame with accessories for vandal-resistant call panel
Flush mounting box, 1 terminal, 100 x 100mm
Documentation Medicall 800 Security System description and planning advice
Medicall 800 Security Installation and assembly manual, sup-plement
mediGraph Security User Guide
NCS wing answer station for Medicall 800 Security - Operating manual

For further information on how ADT can help you, contact your local ADT Fire and Security office or phone free on 0800 010 999 or visit us at
Head Office: ADT Fire and Security plc, Security House, The Summit, Hanworth Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex TW16 5DB.

ADT reserves the right to modify or withdraw any product or service without notice

PSCC 014A Issue 1 April 2005

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