Shavuot The Harvest Festival 5777

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Feast of the Harvest

Shavuot falls right in the centre, between the Spring and Fall Festivals. The
main theme of Shavuot, from a Jewish perspective, is the receiving of the Ten
Commandments, and from a Christian perspective, the receiving of the Holy
Spirit. We are not going to look at either of those perspectives, but will shine
new light on this Feast, that will prove it is the pinnacle of all the Festivals, in
context of the end times. This year we are going to look at three main topics
that you might not have heard or considered before. We will:
Confirm the counting of the Omer, challenging tradition with Scripture
to give Shavuot its rightful place amongst the Seven Festivals.
Discover Shavuot as the Feast of the Harvest and why the wheat
harvest is significant.
Reveal Shavuot from a fresh point of view, from an End Time context,
underlining its importance to the last generation.

Confirm the Counting of the Omer

Lev 23:15 -16 And you shall count for yourselves from the day after
the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave
offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. 16 Count fifty days to the
day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering
to the Lord. (MKJV)

We are familiar with Lev 23 that specifies the counting of seven Sabbaths
and on the very next day, day 50, we celebrate the Feast of Shavuot. This
year I want to scrutinise the counting with the rest of Scripture to see if we
are interpreting this verse correctly. There is a slight difference between the
MKJV and the KJV regarding the same verse.
Lev 23:15 -16 And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the
sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering;
seven sabbaths shall be complete: 16 Even unto the morrow after the
seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days, and ye shall offer a new
meat offering unto the Lord. (KJV)
The MKJV stipulates that you count seven Sabbaths from the day after the
Sabbath (2nd day of UB, that is FF, 16th of First Month). Then it seems to
repeat the same information but counting 50 days. But seven Sabbaths adds
to 49 days, not 50 days? To make this work, verse 16 is interpreted to indicate
that you count to one day after the seven Sabbaths, confirming the 50-day
Question: Why repeat the same information twice in one verse?
The KJV, similar to the MKJV, stipulates that you count seven Sabbaths from
the day after the Sabbath (2nd day of UB, that is FF, 16th of First Month).
Verse 16 in the KJV stipulates that you count 50 days from the morrow ( the
day after) the seventh Sabbath, counting another 50 days, giving a total of 99
days. What is going on? Which interpretation is correct? Let's investigate and
find more witnesses to confirm either view.

Witness #1: The Count & The Mountain

We are going to track Israels footsteps and follow them as they travelled to
the Mountain and until the time Moses came down with the Two Tablets
containing the Ten Commandments, to confirm either view.

When did Israel Arrive at Sinai?

Exo. 19:1-2 In the third month after the children of Israel had gone out
of the land of Egypt, on the same day, they came to the Wilderness of
Sinai. 2 For they had departed from Rephidim, had come to the
Wilderness of Sinai, and camped in the wilderness. So Israel camped
there before the mountain.

Israel left Egypt the day after the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
that is the Feast of First Fruits, the day when the counting of the Omer begins.
Israel arrived at the Mountain in the Third Month (Sivan), the same day of the
month they left Egypt, namely the day after Unleavened Bread, the 16th of the
First Month (Nissan). Knowing this gives us the time frame to overlay with the
counting of the Omer as given in Lev 23:15-16. Remember, the Torah cannot
contradict itself, and this means that these two verses must harmonise with
the truth, confirming two witnesses. When you count from the 16th of the First
Month (First Fruits), then the 16th of the Third Month (Sivan 16) will be
day 59 of the Omer, calculated as follows:
15 (M1)+ 29 (M2) + 15 (M3) = 59
Assumption: Month 1 and Month 2 are taken as 29 day months (Make
the same assumption as in the Jewish calculation for Shavuot to land on
Sivan 6, that is day 50 according to the traditional omer count).
This does not line up with the Lev 23:15-16 interpretation of only counting 50
days, because if you do that, you end up celebrating Shavuot before even
reaching Mount Sinai.
Q Is there proof that confirms the second interpretation of 99 days instead of
50 days?

YHVH Spoke the 10 Commandments

They had to cleanse themselves for three days before YHVH spoke to
them from the Mountain on the 18th of the Third Month (Sivan 18 Day
61 from FF). On the morning of the third day (16th is the first day, 17th
the second day and 18th is the third day, the 18th of the Third Month),
the Glory of YHVH descended upon Sinai in a dramatic display of
thunder, lightning, billowing smoke and fire, while Moses assembled
the people at the foot of the Mountain (Exo 19:15-19).
Q - So what is the problem?
If you count 7 weeks or 50 days from the day after Unleavened Bread (First
Fruits), you will end up on the 7th day of the Third Month (Sivan 7), 9 days
before they arrived at Sinai. The Jews count 50 days from the day after
Passover and come to Sivan 6, 10 days before Israel arrived at Mount Sinai.
(You have to take two 29 day months for the first and second Months to make
Shavuot land on Sivan 6, counted from Unleavened Bread-Day 1, as per the
Jews). Not only that, YHVH only spoke on the third day after they arrived, and
you will celebrate Shavuot 11 days and 12 days (Jews) too early.

If I interpret Exo 19:1-2 that they came to the Moutain on the 1st day of the
Third Month, then they had to cleanse themselves for 3 days, and on the third
day, the 3rd day of the Third Month, YHVH spoke to Israel from the Mountain.
This will then be on day #45 if you counted from the second day of
Unleavened Bread, (the day after the Sabbath 1st day of UB). This will be 5
days too early celebrating Shavuot!
From 16th of First Month (Israel left Egypt) to 16th of Third Month (Israel
arrived at Sinai) [Calculated on two 29d months, Rosh Chodesh days not
14 (Month 1) + 29 (Month 2) + 16 (Month 3) = 59 days (Israel Arrived)
Calculation: From 16th of Third Month to 18th of Third Month. Israel
prepared themselves for 3 days, YHVH spoke on the third day - Day 61
from First Fruits is the third day of the cleansing (59 = day one + 2):
59 + 2 = 61 days (YHVH Spoke 18th)

Moses Went up the Mountain for 40 Days

Upon hearing the Voice of YHVH, the people drew back in terror and begged
Moses to be their mediator before YHVH (Exo 20:18-20). After the people had
begged him to go, Moses ascended the mountain (still the 18th of Third
Month), and "drew near to the thick darkness" where YHVH began to explain
to him the laws of idolatry and the laws of the Altar (Exo 20:21-26).
Exo 24:4 And Moses wrote all the words of YHVH, and rose up early
in the morning, and built an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars,
according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
This was now the morning of the 19th, after receiving the various laws on
the 18th. YHVH told Moses to bring Aaron, his sons, and the 70 elders up
the mountain to ratify the terms of the covenant (Exo 21:1 - 24:2). Moses
then descended Sinai and told the elders everything YHVH had said.
Moses took Aaron (and his sons Nadab and Abihu), and seventy of the
elders of Israel up to Sinai to eat a "Covenant Affirmation Meal" to confirm
the Covenant between YHVH and Israel. The elders of Israel beheld the glory
of YHVH (Exo 24:9-11).
After returning from the mountain with the elders, YHVH commanded Moses
to once again go back up the mountain to receive the tablets of stone
inscribed with the Ten Commandments (Exo 24:12 - still the 19th of Third
Month). Moses then ascended the mountain, which was still covered by a
shining cloud of fire. He remained on the mountain for a total of 40 days and
40 nights while the Israelites waited for him at the camp down below (Exo
After 40 days, Moses returned with the Two Tablets on the same day Aaron
had completed the Golden Calf and was having a Feast unto YHVH. As
Moses rushed down the mountain, with the tablets in hand, he saw the people
dancing around the idol.

Calculation: Moses went up the Mountain for 40 days, the day after the 18th,
(the 19th), that counted as day 1 of the 40 days. He came down on day 40, the
day of the Feast:

61 +1+ 39 = 101 (Moses went up 19th, Moses

came down 101 days from First Fruits, 40
days from the 19th of the Third Month)

This is the day Aaron finished the Golden Calf, where they celebrated a Feast
unto YHVH, the day Moses broke the Tablets of stone. When? On the Feast
of Shavuot!
There is a descrepenct of 2 days (101-99) and that is because of how we
define a month and if the month was 29 days with Rosh Kodesh as the first
day of the month, that was not counted, or if it was 30 day months. The
variable comes in counting the first Seven Sabbaths that would disregard the
29 or 30 day month since only Sabbaths were counted. If Rosh Kodes was
excluded in this count, we would have two extra days in Month 2 and Month 3,
making the Seven Sabbaths = 51 days. If you add this to the 50-day count,
you will end up at precicely 101 days, confirming the counting from Lev 23
and the counting from Exo 19 plus the 40 days Moses was on the Mountain,
both equal to 101 days.
This proves that ancient Israel followed a different Calendar and even if we
follow the Jewish Calendar, we end up being 98% accurate (2 out of 99)
compared to the traditional 50 day count that is 78% accurate (11 out of 50).

Witness #2 The Wheat Harvest Duration
Shavuot being in the 4th Month is confirmed by the agricultural
fact that if you planted the spring wheat, it would take 4 months
(110-120 days) to harvest. This agricultural fact is confirmed by
various sources.
Spring wheat is usually planted between March and
May and should be harvested (or simply dug up) between
July and September. That means a considerably shorter
maturity time than winter wheat, around four
Spring usually starts around March to April on a Biblical Calendar, and if you
plant wheat on the 1st day of the 1st Month, and count 4 months, it brings you
to the end of the 4th Month. This falls within the 110 120 days of the
agricultural cycle of the wheat harvest, when you count 101 days from the
feast of First Fruits, adding 15 days (first day of Unleavened Bread 15th of
1st Month), totalling 116 days.

Witness #3 The Harvest Count, Confirmed in

the Berit Chadashah (NT)
John 4:35 Do you not say, There are still four months until the
Harvest? I tell you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are
ripe for harvest.
This 4 month period, relates to the summer wheat duration, as discussed in
Section #2 above. This period of four months until harvest, Yshua referred
to in John chapter 4, is pointing to a time when the Feast of
Shavuot/Pentecost will be fulfilled in the future (Acts chapter 2), after Yshuas
ascension. The harvest Yshua referred to, is when the Holy Spirit will be
given as tongues of fire, similar to the fire on Mt Sinai when the
Commandments were given to Israel.
Q Can we find confirmation of this timeframe in the Book of John?
John 2 Passover: The answer is yes. The previous Feast Yshua attended
in Jerusalem (one of the big three), is mentioned in John 2:13, when Yshua
celebrated the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread.
John 5 What Feast???: Then there is mention of the next Pilgrim's Feast
Yshua attended, referred to in John 5:1; after this there was a feast of the
Jews, Yshua went up to Jerusalem What Feast was this, no detail is given
here except for the fact that it is preceded by the previous pilgrimage feast,
namely Unleavened Bread, mentioned in John Chapter 2. It could either be
Shavuot or Sukkot, but which one was it? To identify this Feast, we have to
read the preceding passages between John Chapter 2 and John Chapter 5.
These passages include our opening verse of John 4:35, mentioning the four
months until harvest, that is a wheat harvest since the barley harvest
coincides with the Passover.

This gives us the clue and evidence that the next feast, that is approximately
4 months from Passover, or the First Month, is the Feast of Shavuot, referred
to in both verses, John 4:35 and Exo 23:14, as the Feast of the Harvest,
stating the obvious.
Exo 23:14-16 Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the
year: 15 You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread (you shall eat
unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded you, at the time
appointed in the month of Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt; none
shall appear before Me empty); 16 and the Feast of Harvest, the
firstfruits of your labors which you have sown in the field; and the
Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you have gathered
in the fruit of your labors from the field.

Witness #4 3000 died on Shavuot, 3000 got

saved on Shavuot.
Shavuot is not celebrated when YHVH spoke the ten words from Mt Sinai
but is celebrated when Moses returned with Tablets of Stone from the
Mountain, 40 days later. This statement will be proven by the prophetic
fulfilment of the 3000 who were saved on the Feast of Shavuot / Pentecost.
Moses came down the mountain, 40 days after YHVH spoke, the time Aaron
finished the Golden Calf and celebrated a Feast unto YHVH. This was the
same day when the Two Tablets were broken, and 3000 died as a result of
the grievous sin (Exo 32:19).
Acts 2:38-41 Peter answered them, Every one of you must repent and
be baptised in the name of Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness of your
sins. Then you will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift. 39 For this promise
belongs to you and your children, as well as to all those who are
distant, whom the Lord our God may call to himself. 40 Using many
different expressions, Peter continued to testify and to plead: Be
saved, he urged them, from this corrupt generation! 41 So those who
welcomed his message were baptised. That day about 3,000 people
were added to their number.
On a future date, on Shavuot / Pentecost, after Yshuas ascension, His
followers who were gathered in the upper room, received the promise of the
Holy Spirit and that day, 3000 came to faith, reversing the effect of the first
defiled Shavuot celebration. What is interesting is, that in the time of Moses,
3000 were slain approximately 101 days after First Fruits, not 50 days after.
This is another confirmation that the outpouring of the Spirit that happened on
Shavuot, happened prophetically on the same day the 3000 died at Mt Sinai,
when Shavuot was defiled by the Golden Calf worship.

Witness #5 Shavuot and the Menorah Pattern
The Seven Festivals span over a seven month period,
starting with Passover / Unleavened Bread / First Fruits
in Month #1 and Shavuot / Pentecost right in the middle
on Month #4, approximately 3,5 months after Passover.
Then about 3,5 months after Shavuot, you will find the
Feasts of Trumpets / Yom Kippur / Sukkot, in Month #7,
fitting the Menorah Pattern perfectly, and well balanced
within the seven months of the year as well.
Conclusion: The tradition teaches to interpret the
Scripture in a certain way, celebrating Shavuot 50 days
from Passover (Jewish tradition Sivan 6), or 50 days
from First Fruits (Messianic view Sivan 8), one 11
days prior to arriving at Sinai and the other 9 days
before YHVH spoke from the Mountain. This is a fact
based on the Scripture in Exo 19:1-2, stating that Israel
arrived on the 16th of the Third Month.
Counting seven Sabbaths from the day after First Fruits plus counting 50 days
from the day after the seventh Sabbath, brings you to the same day counting
40 days from the 19th of the Third Month (the day YHVH spoke the ten words).
If you apply this to your calendar this year, it will place Shavuot on the 23rd of
July 2017 (starting the evening of 22nd July). This has been proven by 4
witnesses from Scripture as well as the 5th witness, based on the menorah

The Feast of the Harvest.

The Kinsman Redeemer
Shavuot is the Wheat Harvest, and the story of Ruth is
usually read during the celebration of this Festival. Ruth
was a Gentile, who observed the Torah and benefitted
from the Commandment of leaving the corners of the
field to the strangers.
The Book of Ruth is a story of love between a
Gentile woman and the Elohim of Israel. Ruth had
been married to a Hebrew man. When he died, her
mother-in-law Naomi encouraged her to go back to
her Moabite family and heritage. Ruth refused,
wanting to join herself to the people of Israel and serve their Elohim. Her
response to Naomi was, "your people shall be my people, and your Elohim,
my Elohim" (Ruth 1:16).
As Naomi and Ruth resettled in Israel, a part of the Mosaic Law became
unavoidable to Ruth. It was the law of the kinsman-redeemer, that would
redeem the name of her dead husband and provide a family for his inheritance.

There were three requirements for a man to qualify as the kinsman-redeemer
and take Ruth as his wife. He had to be the nearest kin (unmarried relative), be
able to perform this duty, and be willing to do it (Dt. 25:5-10). The closest
relative who met these requirements was Boaz. Boaz married Ruth, and
through that marriage, a child was born, and her son became the grandfather
of David, who carried the bloodline for the coming Messiah.
Spiritual Application: The Book of Ruth paints a
beautiful portrait of the truth of Shavuot. Yshua is our
Kinsman-Redeemer. We, both Jew and Gentile, are
condemned and separated from Elohim by our sin (Isa.
59:1-2). Yshua was willing and able to save us, being
Elohim. But He had to become our Kinsman to meet all
three requirements, and that He did when He became a
man. Through His redemption, both Jew and Gentile, are
placed together in the body of Israel, partakers of the
covenants by the Atonement or covering of the blood of
Yshua the Messiah (Eph. 2). Ruth (a Gentile) and Boaz
(a Jew) became one in marriage (Gen. 2:24). Jew and
Gentile become one in Israel through our Covenant with Yshua. The Book of
Ruth is always read and studied on Shavuot, what better picture could be given
of Messianic believers.

The Three Harvests, Three Timeframes & The

End Time Harvest
Shavuot is a time of Celebration that is associated with the
symbolism of the Mountain, earthquakes, fire and the sound of
a great trumpet, followed by the Voice of YHVH speaking to
His people the Covenant Words known as the Ten
Commandments. Have you ever considered the possibility that
these symbols are repeated in the Book of Revelation, which
places Shavuot right in the context of End Time events known
as the Great Tribulation? We will have a closer look at Shavuot
with its symbolism to uncover its importance for us living in the
end times (I believe). Shavuot is one of the three main annual
Pilgrim Feasts, where the sons of Israel have to go up to
Jerusalem to celebrate them in the presence of YHVH.
Exo 23:14-16 Three times you shall keep a feast to Me in the
year: 15 You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread (you shall eat
unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded you, at the time
appointed in the month of Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt; none
shall appear before Me empty); 16 and the Feast of Harvest, the
firstfruits of your labors which you have sown in the field; and the
Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you have gathered
in the fruit of your labors from the field.

Every one of these Pilgrim Feasts has a distinct title and a specific harvest:
Passover / Unleavened Bread / First Fruits: These three Feasts are
bundled under the group name Unleavened Bread, associated with
the barley harvest.
Shavuot is called the Feast of the Harvest and is associated with the
wheat harvest.
Yom Teruah / Yom Kippur / Sukkot: These three Feasts are also
grouped together under the name Feast of the Ingathering and are
associated with the fruit harvest.
It is interesting to note that the Feast of Shavuot, the Feast of the Harvest, is
also associated with First Fruits. This is similar to the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, that is followed by the Feast of First Fruits, (falling on day #2 of
Unleavened Bread) starting the count of the Omer.

First Fruits connects the First Pilgrimage Feast with the Second Pilgrimage
Feast, connecting Unleavened Bread with the Feast of the Harvest (Shavuot).
If this is the case, then First Fruits is not a one-day celebration, but instead
begins at Unleavened Bread, and lasts for the full duration of time, up to
Shavuot, making it a stretched out Festival associated with the Counting of
the Omer period. This is similar to the concept we know as salvation, that
starts at a certain point in time, and last up to the time of when you actually
enter the Kingdom. This means that salvation is a process, not a day, just like
First Fruits.

Barley Bread Bread / Manna Wheat



This First Fruit period starts with barley and bread and ends with wheat.
Barley is a harvest associated with Egypt, and bread is associated with the
Wilderness where they received manna supernaturally (starting on the 16th of
the Second Month). Wheat is associated with Mount Sinai, connecting it to the
Covenant and the Presence of YHVH.
These periods can be associated with a larger timeframe that starts in a place
like Egypt, namely Babylon, then goes through the Wilderness (this life), and
leads up to the final event symbolised by the Mountain of YHVH (New
Jerusalem & Promised Land). We are in the timeframe of the Omer
(Wilderness), where we receive His Bread of Life (Manna = Word + Spirit),
on our way to the Mountain / Kingdom.

The final destination is connected to the Kingdom of YHVH, the Presence of
the King, and His Government according to the Covenant, His people and

The three Pilgrim Feasts are associated with three harvests representing
three phases in YHVHs restoration Plan. This includes the destruction of the
Kingdom of Darkness (Babylon), and the establishment of YHVHs Kingdom
of Light. Lets see what these three harvests represent:
1. Passover: Barley is the word seorah that comes from the root
word sa-ar, which means roughness.
Seorah is first used in Scripture in Exo
9:31 where the Barley was smitten during
the seventh plague (hail & fire) that hit
Egypt prior to Israel escaping Pharaohs
authority. This harvest is a picture of the
people coming out from under the authority
of the Serpent (Pharaoh), which starts the
refinement process that will take away their roughness or worldliness.
Roughness or sa-ar is first used in Scripture in Deut 37:17 where it
describes how Israel sacrificed to devils, not to YHVH (idol worship), as
well as engaging in abominable things, which provoked YHVH to anger.
The verse states that they worshipped to devils, not to YHVH, meaning
that they probably thought they worshipped YHVH, but worshipped devils
out of ignorance. This was the same issue they had when they worshipped
the Golden Calf, thinking they were worshipping YHVH. This roughness
needs to be addressed, so that YHVHs people who came from the nations,
can be transformed prior to entering the Kingdom. The barley harvest is the
first harvest that signifies the beginning of the journey, as you embark on
your travels through the Wilderness, heading for the Promised Land. It is
not the final harvest associated with the final destination.
Unleavened Bread: Bread is a type of harvest,
mentioned during the time of the Barley harvest.
As indicated previously, the new followers of
YHVH had to be refined, and the bread is
required to remove the roughness. This bread
does not have any leaven (sin) and relates to the bread from
heaven (manna), YHVH provided as they travelled for 40 years
through the Wilderness.

Unleavened Bread is connected to First Fruits, which relates to the
first fruits of this bread harvest, producing refined people of
YHVH. These are the ones resurrected to walk in the newness of
life, no longer walking in the roughness of their old nature.
2. Shavuot: Wheat is the word chitah , which is connected to
Shavuot. Wheat has the gematria of 22.
The number 22 is associated with the
Menorah that has 22 almond blossoms.
The almond represents the eye or
watchmen, looking for the One
approaching, as revealed in Isa 62:6.
These are the Watchmen on the Wall of
Jerusalem, who are looking for the One
approaching, if He is the Groom / Messiah, or the Anti-Messiah. Number
22 also relates to the following words:
o-yah means woe, grief, anguish, affliction. The
three woes of Revelation are the final judgments YHVH will
release on the evil inhabitants of the earth, to spur them to
repentance (Rev 9:20). The three woes are a time of great
anguish and affliction for those who have pledged their
allegiance to the Antichrist during the Tribulation.
dechee means stumbling or falling. This is associated with
the people stumbling because of the deception that leads to the
great falling away mentioned in 2 Thes 2:1-3, where the man of
sin (perdition / Apollyon / Anti-Messiah) will come on the scene.
This is none other than the Anti-Messiah Who will deceive the
ghid-yah means river bank. This is something we have
looked at earlier when we studied the word harvest.
Harvest is qatser , which means harvest (as reaped), the
crop, the time, the reaper, a limb (of a tree), branch, harvest
(man). Harvest is associated with the Gentiles coming into the
Kingdom, during the Age of the Gentiles. Qatser is also found in
Joshua chapter 3, in relation to the Ark of the Covenant:
Josh 3:15 It was the harvest season, and the Jordan was
overflowing its banks. But as soon as the feet of the priests
who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the rivers
edge, the water above that point began backing up a great
distance away at a town called Adam, which is near
Zarethan. And the water below that point flowed on to the
Dead Sea until the riverbed was dry. Then all the people
crossed over near the town of Jericho.
Jordan is the word yarden , which means descender and
river of judgement. As soon as the Priests feet touched the
water, it receded, just like the time when Israel travelled through
the Red Sea, and it opened up becoming dry land, from a town

called Adam (man) near Zerethan (their distress). The Harvest
links to the Feast of the Harvest, Shavuot, the time when the
wheat will be harvested, the time where adam will go through a
time of distress, better known as the Great Tribulation.
This links the Jordan, the river of Judgement, with the Harvest,
that is the Feast of Shavuot. This is when the wheat will be
harvested, crushed and separated from the chaff, as revealed by
John the Immerser in Matthew Chapter 3, who also revealed
Yshua as the Messiah. The time of the Harvest will also be the
time of the Revelation of Yshua the Messiah (Main title of the
Book of Revelation):
Matt 3:11-12 I baptise you with water for repentance, but
after me will come One more powerful than I, whose sandals
I am not worthy to carry. He will baptise you with the Holy
Spirit and with fire.
12His winnowing fork is in His hand to clear His threshing

floor and to gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn
up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
Shavuot is associated with the baptism of the Spirit and Fire,
the time when the tongues of fire descended on those in the
upper room, receiving the Holy Spirit (Shin s Fire).
Everything is coming together, pointing to the time of the end,
the time of stepping onto the banks of the Jordan, the time of the
Great Harvest, where the wheat will be gathered and placed in
the Barn (rapture), and the chaff will be burned (wicked judged).
Josh 3:15 states that those who were with the Priests who
carried the Ark of the Covenant (those in Covenant with YHVH),
travelled through the Jordan (time of judgement), and would not
be affected by the Great Tribulation. This is confirmed by the
passage in Rev 12:13-14, which says the Woman would be
looked after for 3 years during the reign of the Antichrist.

3. Sukkot: Fruit is the word perey , which means fruitful, reward and
comes from the root word parah meaning fruitful and red heifer. The
red heifers ashes were used for the preparation of the purification waters,
that was used when someone was in contact with death. The red Heifer is
a symbol of Yshuas work, where He will purify His Bride, so that She can
be ready for the last part of the Marriage ceremony. (See detail in Parashah
39 Chukat) This last harvest is called the Feast of Ingathering which
confirms the symbolism of the gathering of the Bride, those who bear fruit.
She will enter the House Her Groom prepared, after the final stage of the
Marriage Covenant is complete. This is when the Bride will enter the New
Jerusalem and live with YHVH in the Kingdom forever.

Three Stages of the Harvest: The following sums up the three stages of
the restoration of humanity (Adam) and the establishment of YHVHs
Kingdom here on Earth. The Barley is associated with the beginning of the
refinement process that starts in Egypt, right after you entered into the
Covenant with YHVH, through the Blood of Messiah Yshua. Eating His
spiritual bread will refine you and remove your roughness (foreign
worship and abominable things). After that you will approach the time of the
Wheat Harvest, the time before the Final Harvest, where the Bride will be
gathered at the Feast of Ingathering.

All the Festivals Fulfilled Once Again

The Festivals of YHVH represent the Work

Rapture Renewed Bodies (1260d later)

of Messiah as well as the Restoration Plan
of His Creation and man is the centre of

Passover - Two signs: Sacrifices &

Arrival of Yshua after the Harvest

everything He created. Placing the Festivals

Sukkot Tabernacles Enter the

House & Bride live with the King
(Anti-Messiah rule starts 1260d)

Yom Kippur - Day of burning

First Fruits - New Born-Again
on a Menorah Pattern, gives us the

on nations prior to coming

Shavuot Pour out Spirit
sequence of events of the Work of Messiah

Abomination of Desolation

Yom Teruah Trumpets

chaff after The Harvest

Yshua, but this time, His final work before all

Leave Babylon / Egypt

is complete.

Unleavened Bread
All seven Festivals have a function in the

King - Joel 2
final events and will be fulfilled for the last
time. The Feasts are prophetic, just like

prophecies, and can have multiple cycles
of being fulfilled. A prophecy is like being
pregnant, and when you come to the end of
the last trimester, you will experience birth
pains that feel just like the real birth, but
only smaller. You might think the baby is
coming after a few pains, but the real event
might still be hours away. In the same way,
we see prophecies fulfilled, only to see
them featuring once again in our day. These
prophecies, like the Festivals, have cycles
of fulfilment preceding the actual event it
represents. For example, Passover is
fulfilled every time someone comes to faith, and leaves the things of this world
behind (Egypt), following Yshua (Moses / Joshua).
The Time of the End is no different, that is when all the seven Festivals will be
fulfilled for the last time, meaning that this will be the pinnacle of their
purpose, birthing the New Heavens and the New Earth, establishing the
people, the Land, the Government and the King.
1. Passover is the time to look for the two witnesses or two signs, spoken of
in Dan:9:27, Dan 11:31 and Matt 24:15. This will trigger the start of the 3
years reign of the Anti-Messiah, the time of the Great Tribulation, also
known as the Time of the Harvest, as depicted by Shavuot, the Feast of the

2. Unleavened Bread is the Feast that will be fulfilled by people, of all nations
leaving Babylon, just like in the day of Moses when they left Egypt.
3. First Fruits will be fulfilled by thousands of new babies or new Believers
being born into the Kingdom as a result of the Great Tribulation and
prophecy coming true in their day.
4. Shavuot has a similar function to when it was fulfilled as described in Acts
2 with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This time will be a greater
outpouring revival if you like, when YHVH will pour out His Spirit on all the
nations, those who have entered into Covenant with Him through accepting
Yshua as their Messiah, rejecting the present Anti-Messiah.
The pouring out of His Spirit is one of the final events that will happen
towards the end of the Tribulation, setting the stage for the King to appear.
Joel 2:28-32 Then it will come about at a later time that I will pour
out my Spirit on every person. Your sons and your daughters will
prophesy. Your elderly people will dream dreams, and your young
people will see visions. 29 Also at that time I will pour out my
Spirit upon men and women servants. 30 I will display warnings
in the heavens, and on the earth blood, fire, and columns of
smoke. 31 The sun will be given over to darkness, and the
moon to blood, before the coming of the great and
terrifying Day of YHVH. 32 And everyone who calls upon the
name of YHVH will be delivered. For as YHVH has said, In Mount
Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, the survivors
whom YHVH is calling.
This outpouring is the actual birth event connected to a time before the
terrifying Day of YHVH. This will be a massive outpouring of His Spirit all
over the world, all at the same time, before Him appearing in the clouds, as
prophesied in Matthew 24.
5. Trumpets / Yom Teruah is when the sound of the trumpet will be heard,
and the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens. When?
Immediately after the Tribulation, 1260 days (3 years) after Passover, on
the Feast of Trumpets. This is when the Time of the Harvest is complete
and the seed will be placed in the barn so to speak, when YHVH will
gather His Bride (wheat) and take Her prior to the 1000 year period called
the Winepress (my interpretation), as described in Isa 24, where they will
be placed in a dungeon or prison.
Isa 24:21-22 So it will happen in that day, That YHVH will punish
the host of heaven on high, and the kings of the earth on earth. They
will be gathered together like prisoners in the dungeon, and will be
confined in prison; and after many days they will be punished.
Dungeon is the word bore that comes from the root word ba-ar
meaning to declare. Ba-ar is first found in Scripture in Deut 1:5, which
states that Moses declared YHVHs Torah to the people, on this side of the
Jordan, in the land of Moab. This side of the Jordan depicts the other
side of the Great Tribulation (river of judgement), when the world systems
are destroyed and those who are left, are imprisoned in this desolate place
(Moab depicting Babylon being destroyed).

Those leaders (kings) and their followers who are left, will hear the
declaration (ba-ar) of YHVHs Torah during the 1000 year winepress
period. After many days (end of 1000 years), there will be a final separation
of the Harvest, and the rebellious ones will be punished, like chaff they
will be consumed by Fire. (See explanation of Zec 14:12 in the next
6. Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur is part of the time concluding the
Harvest and will play out from the day of the appearance of Messiah
Yshua, until the end of the 1000 year period, when the chaff will be burned.
There will be those who were not gathered with the Bride, who are left
behind in this desolate place, but YHVH will yet again extend His hand of
mercy to the nations that are imprisoned:
Isa 27:12-13 In that day YHVH will start His threshing from the
flowing stream of the Euphrates to the brook of Egypt, and you will be
gathered up one by one, O sons of Israel. It will come about also in that
day that a great trumpet will be blown, and those who were perishing
in the land of Assyria and who were scattered in the land of Egypt will
come and worship YHVH in the holy mountain at Jerusalem.
These are the ones that will join Judah, assembling in Jerusalem and
worshipping YHVH on His holy mountain. These are the people who will be
attacked by the wicked ones who yet again, submit to the deception of the
Serpent, who will be released at the end of the 1000 years. These wicked
ones are the chaff who will be burned as described in Zec
Zec 14:12-14 And this shall be the plague with which YHVH will strike
all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve
while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets,
And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths. 13 It shall come to pass
in that day that a great panic from YHVH will be among them.
Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbour, and raise his hand
against his neighbours hand; 14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem.
7. Tabernacles / Sukkot is the final Feast that will be fulfilled after the 1000
year peace, when the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven, and
the people will go up year after year, to celebrate the Feast of Sukkot,
celebrating the time when the King will tabernacle with His people forever.
Rev 21:1-3 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first
heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2I saw
the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from
Elohim, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3And I heard a
loud voice from the throne saying: Behold, the dwelling place of
Elohim is with man, and He will live with them. They will be His
people, and YHVH Himself will be with them as their Elohim.
Zec 14:16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all
the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to
year to worship the King, YHVH of hosts, and to keep the Feast of
Tabernacles (Sukkot).

May we be prepared and ready for the time of The Harvest and may we be
equipped to help those who enter the Kingdom during the time of distress, so
that we all can stand before the throne of YHVH in white clothing.
Rev 7:9-10, 13-14 After these things I looked, and behold, a great
multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples,
and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed
with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, 10 and crying out
with a loud voice, saying, Salvation belongs to our Elohim Who sits on
the throne, and to the Lamb! 13 Then one of the elders answered, saying
to me, These are the ones who come out of the Great Tribulation, and
washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.


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