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A guide to

Venture Capital
Fifth Edition

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Forewords by:
Regina Breheny, Director General
of the Irish Venture Capital Association 2
Dr Gerard OHare, Chair of EquityNetwork,
InterTradeIreland Board Member 4

An Introduction to Venture Capital 5

What is Venture Capital? 6

 ow do I make my company
attractive to a Venture Capitalist
or an investor in general? 7

Benefits of Venture Capital 8

 uestions to ask before
approaching a Venture Capitalist 9

The Business Plan 11

The Role of the Non-Executive Director 15

Sources of Venture Capital 16

Glossary of Terms 38

Irish Venture Capital Association

Council and Associate Members 46

EquityNetwork Steering
Committee and Executive 54

Useful Contacts 58

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Regina Breheny
Director General of
the Irish Venture
Capital Association

The Irish Venture Capital Association (IVCA) is the

representative organisation for Venture Capital
firms in Ireland and provides a range of services
to its members.

The IVCA contributes to many expert groups,

advisory committees and other consultative
bodies, which are involved in advising Government
Departments, the European Commission and others
about the venture capitalist views on many issues.
IVCA represents its members at international level
through its national membership of the European
Venture Capital Association (EVCA) and works
closely with all other European national bodies.

Irish venture capital firms have invested 1.5bn

in Irish SMEs in the last ten years and have
successfully leveraged a further 1.5bn from
international investors into the Irish market. Within
this period Government, through the Seed &
Venture Capital Programme, invested 250m as a
commercial limited partner. In effect Irish VC Funds
successfully geared up this commitment by a
multiple of 11-12 times.

The Irish Venture Capital industry has entered

its third investment cycle. Over 700m has been
raised and is available for investment. The size of
the venture capital funds has increased and the
skill set of Irish venture capitalists has deepened
considerably. However, a shortage of capital
worldwide for venture investment is creating
uncertainty about the continuity of the inflow
of international funds.

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Growth in the Irish economy has stalled mainly
due to the collapse in world trade and in domestic
consumption. In relation to industrial policy, the
focus has shifted to support and encourage the
development of innovation in the indigenous
sector. In particular government has announced
the establishment of the Innovation Fund and
committed capital of 250m to it to be matched
on a 50:50 basis by private sector commitments.
These funds are to be used to commercialise R&D,
to support start-up and early stage companies and
to fast track scaling opportunities.

In essence Ireland needs a well-funded VC industry

to provide capital:

 o develop indigenous high growth companies.
Existing VC backed companies, most of whom
operate in the high technology area, are exhibiting
high growth rates in revenues, employment, R&D
spend and exports;

 o commercialise the output from SFI
investments including PRTLIs, C-SETs, spin-offs,
start-ups and other state funded initiatives.

The capital currently available within the industry

and that committed through the Innovation fund
should meet the demands of SMEs for the next 3-5

A Guide to Venture Capital, published in

collaboration with EquityNetwork, provides
information to those seeking venture capital and is
a key component in the range of IVCA publications
and research. For further details see www.ivca.ie
It provides details of our members, useful contacts,
other sources of early stage funding and a glossary
of terms. It is an excellent resource also for
corporate financiers, accountants and lawyers.

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Dr Gerard OHare
Chair of EquityNetwork
Board Member

The islands two economies have been through

a roller coaster eighteen months as a result of
unprecedented economic turmoil on a global scale.
We are however emerging with more hope in the
final quarter of 2009. At InterTradeIreland, we remain
pragmatic and versatile, ready to increase the
competitiveness of SMEs across the island of Ireland.

This is an opportune time to be bringing out the latest

and fifth edition of the Guide to Venture Capital.
The 2007-2012 Seed Funding and Venture Capital
Scheme launched by Enterprise Ireland is now fully
under way. Earlier this year also saw the launch of
the Northern Ireland SpinOut Funds (NISPO) by Invest
Northern Ireland. The recapitalisation of some of our
major banks has also provided a welcome injection
of early stage investment capital into the system.
Across the island of Ireland funds are available for
high potential ventures and entrepreneurial activity
is buoyant.

Business angels continue to be an important source

of seed and early stage investment finance and this
year saw the re-launch of the Halo Business Angel
Network, the all-island umbrella group for all business
angel networks in Ireland with a special focus on
syndication and aiming to increase the availability of
risk capital for young innovative companies

InterTradeIreland and specifically, EquityNetwork are

as always delighted to partner with the Irish Venture
Capital Association on this and other initiatives.

I hope you find the Guide useful and if you are

sourcing equity finance to build your business, may
I wish you every success.

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An Introduction
to Venture Capital
Private Equity investment, and Venture Capital
in particular, is concerned with the commitment
of monies to unquoted, developing and immature
companies. Private Equity may be divided into
Venture Capital and Buyouts.

Venture Capital refers to the provision of capital

for growth and expansion to companies with
underdeveloped or developing products and
revenues at an early stage in their corporate
lifecycle. It also refers to the provision of
development capital to mature companies at a
later stage in their corporate life cycle. Typically,
investee companies are unquoted, small to medium
sized enterprises.

Buyouts refer to the investment, through the use of

leverage, in mature cash generative companies with
established business models, to finance expansion,
consolidation, turnaround and disposal.

The purpose of this booklet is to encourage you

to start planning early when seeking finance to
accelerate the growth of your business. It will
explain how a Venture Capitalist approaches
the process of investing equity in a business and
what you need to do to improve your chances of
raising equity. It gives guidance on what should be
included in your business plan, the most important
document you will produce when searching
for a Venture Capital investor. The guide also
demonstrates the positive advantages that Venture
Capital will bring to your business.

The main sources of Venture Capital on the island

are Venture Capital Funds, Business Angels (private
individuals who provide smaller amounts of finance
at an earlier stage than many Venture Capital

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firms are able to invest at), Government Agencies
(depending upon the sector your business operates
in, the presence of other investors and where the
business is in its development cycle) and Corporate
Venturers. Corporate Venturers can be product
related or service companies that provide funds and/
or a partnering relationship between mature and
early stage companies which may operate in the
same industry sector.

This Guides principal focus is upon Venture Capital

Funds. However, the investment criteria that both
Venture Capital Funds and Business Angels apply
when assessing potential investee companies is
often very similar - therefore the guide will benefit
entrepreneurs and their advisers looking for venture
capital from both these sources. In short, the aim is
to help you understand what Venture Capital Funds
are looking for in a potential business investment
and how to approach them.

What is Venture Capital?

Venture Capital; provides long-term, committed
share capital, to help unquoted companies
grow and succeed. If you are looking to start up,
expand, buy into a business, buy out a division of
your parent company, turnaround or revitalise a
company, Venture Capital could help.

Obtaining venture capital is very different from

raising debt or a loan from a lender, such as a bank.
Lenders, who usually seek security such as a charge
over the assets of the company, will charge interest
on a loan and seek repayment of the capital.
Venture Capital is invested in exchange for a
stake in your company and, as shareholders,
the investors returns are dependent on the growth
and profitability of your business. The investment is
unsecured, fully at risk and usually does not
have defined repayment terms. It is this flexibility
which makes Venture Capital an attractive and

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appropriate form of finance for early stage
and knowledge-based projects in particular.

How do I make my company

attractive to a Venture Capitalist or
an investor in general?
Many small companies on the island do not grow
and so do not provide upside potential for the
owners other than to provide a good standard
of living and job satisfaction. These businesses
are not generally suitable for Venture Capital
investment, as they are unlikely to provide sufficient
financial returns to make them of interest to an
external investor.

High potential businesses can be distinguished from

others by their aspirations and potential for growth,
rather than by their current size. Such businesses
are aiming to grow rapidly to a significant size.
As a rule of thumb, unless a business can offer
the prospect of significant turnover growth within
three to five years, it is unlikely to be of interest
to a Venture Capital investor. This usually means
that the market for the product and service will not
solely be on the island.

Venture Capital investors are interested in

companies with high growth prospects, enjoy
barriers to entry from competitors, are managed by
experienced and ambitious teams and have an exit
opportunity for investors which will provide returns
commensurate with the risk taken.

Venture Capital Funds normally agree their investment

criteria with those who have invested in the
fund, for example, preferred sectors and stages
of development. Business Angels also usually
prefer to invest in projects which reflect their own
skillsets or investment history. When approaching
a Venture Capitalist or a Business Angel, it is
important to understand if their investment criteria

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or preferences match your project.

Earlier stage projects normally reflect a higher level

of risk for equity investors, so its important that
entrepreneurs explore all possible sources
of finance when fundraising. The diagram below
highlights the likely sources of funds for businesses
at different stages of development.

Use and source of Venture Capital

in Business Development

Benefits of Venture Capital

In the current economic climate on the island,
most fast growth start-ups are knowledge based.
Given that these projects cannot offer tangible
security to traditional debt financiers or predictable
cashflows to service loans, Venture Capital is the
obvious source of finance to fill the financing gap.
Investment executives working with Venture Capital
Funds attempt to identify the best projects in order
to minimize their investment risk.

Research has shown that Venture Capital backed

companies grow faster than other types of
companies, employ more people and are more
profitable when benchmarked against their peers.
This is made possible by a combination of capital,
Venture Capitalists identifying and investing in
the best investment opportunities and input from

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Non-Executive and Executive Directors introduced
by the VC investor (a key differentiator from other
forms of finance).

Questions to ask before

approaching a Venture Capitalist
 oes my company have high growth
prospects and is my team ambitious
to grow the company rapidly?

 oes my company have a product
or service with a competitive edge
or unique selling point?

 an it be protected by Intellectual
Property Rights?

 an I demonstrate relevant industry
sector experience?

 oes my team have the relevant skills
to deliver the business plan fully?

 m I willing to sell some of the companys
shares to a Venture Capital Investor?

Is there a realistic exit opportunity

for all shareholders in order to realise
their investment?

 m I prepared to accept that my exiting
this business may be in the best interest
of all shareholders?

If your answers are yes, external equity is worth

considering. If no, it may be that your proposal
is not suitable for Venture Capitalists and it may
take additional work on your behalf to make the
proposal investor ready.

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When seeking to raise capital to accelerate the
development of a business idea, promoters must
explore all possible sources of funds. It is likely that
an equity investor will usually help the promoters
secure other sources of funds. This usually includes
debt finance from banks to finance working capital
and asset purchases, grant aid from development
agencies and, indeed, an equity investment
from the promoters. Such an investment from
the promoters/management team can help
demonstrate commitment to a project and may
attract fiscal incentives in the form of the Business
Expansion Scheme, Enterprise Investment Scheme
or Enterprise Management Incentives, depending
upon the jurisdiction the company is based in and
other criteria. Professional help should be sought to
confirm eligibility and benefits of these schemes at
an early opportunity.

The end result is likely to be a funding package

which includes a cocktail of funders secured with
the assistance of the Venture Capitalist. It is this
flexibility and value-added input from a Venture
Capital investor which differentiates them from
other funders.

Venture Capitalists look for capital gains from their

investments. They adopt a portfolio approach to
their investments which reflects their strategy to
mitigate the risk of investing unsecured funds in
early stage companies. Before they invest, VC
executives will consider the likelihood of realising
their investment. After all, they are responsible
for returning the cash invested in their fund with
interest to their investors.

The promoters ability to implement their business

plan in full is the obvious question, but just as
importantly, can the company in question be sold
to another trade player or find another way to
redeem the Venture Capitalists investment within a
reasonable time frame (usually between three and
seven years)?


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The Business Plan
The business plan is the most important document
for a company seeking to raise finance from
Venture Capital investors. It should demonstrate
what the business opportunity is, the amount of
funds required to deliver the business plan and
a management team capable of implementing it.
Venture Capitalists read numerous business plans
from a wide range of sources and they must invest
in the best projects. Their first impression of your
business plan will determine whether they take
their interest any further. It is absolutely essential
that your business plan demonstrates an investor
ready project.

The following section is intended to give you a

summary of what the business plan should include:

Executive Summary

This is the key part of the document which must

immediately and clearly articulate the investment
opportunity for the reader. The Executive Summary
should make a potential investor believe that your
unique proposition has the potential to make a good
return on their investment and that you and your
team have the ability to deliver what the plan says.

If this part of the Business Plan is not presented

with conviction and in clear language, you may
miss the opportunity of ensuring that a potential
investor takes the time to read your entire plan.


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The detailed plan should give full details under
the following headings:

1. The Product / Service

2. The Market
3. Management Team
4. Business Process / Operations
5. Financial Projections
6. Proposed Investment Opportunity

1. The Product / Service

In simple language, this should explain what
exactly the product / service offering is. This will
clearly demonstrate the unique selling point of
your offering, differentiation from other products,
barriers to entry etc and how your product / service
will add value to the purchaser.

2. The Market
A common mistake that entrepreneurs make
is to express their market in terms of a global figure
representing all activity within their sector. The
investor requires comfort that there is a commercial
opportunity for your product/service and that the
management team has the ability to exploit this

The marketing section should demonstrate

who the customer base is likely to be, how
the product / service will be priced, how it will
be distributed to customers, an analysis of
competitors and how you will deal with competing
goods and services.

It is unlikely that there will be no rivals in your

market sector and you should avoid comments like
there is no competition or, our product is totally
new. If no one has thought of offering a similar or
competing product, is it conceivable that there is
no demand for your product or that customers do
not realise that they need it?


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3. Management Team
Most Venture Capitalists will tell you that they invest
in people not ideas.

The management team must sell their experience

to investors as well as their understanding of the
market which they are targeting.

This section must convey the message that the team

has the full complement of skills required to deliver
the plan. Indeed, it is prudent to identify skill gaps
which must be addressed in order to deliver the
plan as new investors in a business can utilise their
networks to fill the gaps. Non-Executive Directors
(NEDs) are an obvious source of expertise for early
stage companies to address this issue and Venture
Capital Fund managers usually appoint a NED to
investor companies to help them avoid the pitfalls
of growing a business. Further details on NEDs can
be found in the next section of the guide.

4. Business Processes / Operations

This section explains how the business operates,
be that manufacturing products, delivering a service,
or both.

It should demonstrate that any necessary R&D can

be fully undertaken and that an appropriately skilled
workforce is available.

The location of the business and the physical

infrastructure will also be detailed. Care should
be taken to demonstrate that there is sufficient
flexibility within systems, facilities and human
resources to expand the business in line with
its projected growth.

Whilst there may be a market for the product /

service being offered, you must ensure that the
proposed location, process and utilisation of
resources (human and physical) are the best
available to exploit this opportunity.


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5. Financial Projections
An investor will always wish to review a detailed
set of integrated financial projections which
encompasses profit and loss accounts, balance
sheets and cashflow statements. These figures will
be supported by detailed assumptions which reflect
the content of the business plan.

The projections must be realistically achievable,

but they must also be sufficiently ambitious to
demonstrate that there is an attractive investment
opportunity. These projections will form the basis of
any term sheet which an equity investor may issue.

Negotiation with the Venture Capitalist over valuation,

future milestones and ultimate exit opportunities
will be influenced by the delivery of the financial
projections. Much consideration should be given
to this section to produce realistic projections and
indicate an openness to work with the investor
in the future to deliver a common goal
the maximising of value.

6. Proposed Investment Opportunity / Exit

This is the opportunity to identify the level of funds
required, how and when they will be spent, and
an outline showing how investors will receive a
return on their investment. As with the financial
projections the exit opportunity should be realistic
and take account of current market conditions.

It cannot be stressed too much that the

Business Plan is the single most important
document that you will provide for potential
Venture Capital investors. It must be coherent,
well presented and of a length which maintains the
interest of the reader. It is essential that you strike
a balance between providing the investor with
sufficient information to evaluate the investment
opportunity while not overloading them with
technical information.


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The Role of the Non-Executive Director

The considerable amount of media attention on

the issue of corporate governance has highlighted
the role of Non-Executive Directors. It is well
documented that Non-Executive Directors can
make a significant contribution to company
performance regardless of size. The use of
Non-Executive Directors is one way of accelerating
the development and growth of SMEs and whether
it is a longstanding traditional business or a
start-up seeking equity finance, non-executives can
bring added value with objectivity drawn
from their own experience and skills.

It is normal for Venture Capital investors to place a

Non-Executive Director on the Board of the investee
company to represent their interests. This can either
be one of its own fund managers or an individual
who has sectoral, market, or management expertise
which will help delivery of the corporate plan.

Most Venture Capitalists, however, recognise

that the chemistry and teamwork between the
non-executive and the existing management team
is crucial. As a result, the VCs Non-Executive
Director is there to play an integral role in the
development of the company rather than act as
a watchdog for their investment. This availability
of outside expertise to the management team
represents a valuable asset for most companies,
particularly start-ups, and is one reason why
Venture Capital is regarded as a value-added
source of finance for SMEs.


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Sources of
Venture Capital
4th Level Venture University
Seed Fund Limited Partnership
Drew OSullivan - Investment Manager
75 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 633 3604
Fax: +353 1 633 3857
Email: drew.osullivan@4lv.ie
Web: www.4thlevelventures.ie

Fund Size: E17m

Investment Range: E50,000 to E1.5m
Sectors: Clean Tech, Life Sciences, Material
Sciences, Technology & ICT

Notes: The fund was established to

commercialise the business opportunities
that arise from university research. Investees
will be high potential businesses in the seed
or early stages of their development arising
out of research in Irish third level educational

ACT Venture Capital Limited

John Flynn - Managing Director

6 Richview Office Park, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14

Telephone: +353 1 260 0966
Fax: +353 1 260 0538
Email: info@actvc.ie
Web: www.actventure.com

Fund Size: E170m


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Investment Range: E1m to E10m
Sectors: Information and communications,
technologies, medical devices, new
business and consumer services

Notes: ACTs funds are sourced from

leading domestic and international financial
institutions. Investments are made in
companies at all stages of their growth, with
a particular interest in backing ambitious
entrepreneurs who wish to build scaleable
businesses. With its extensive contacts
and experienced team, ACT plays an active
supportive role in helping companies to
expand into international markets

AIB Seed Capital Fund

anna Dibhis - Administrator

NovaUCD, Belfield Innovation Park,

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 286 6766
Fax: +353 1 286 6767
Email: eanna.daibhis@aibseedcapitalfund.ie
Web: www.aibseedcapitalfund.ie

Fund Size: E53m

Investment Range: Up to an initial investment
of E500,000
Sectors: Companies at the seed and early
stages of development across a range of
sectors throughout the Republic of Ireland

Notes: Enterprise Equity will evaluate all

investments outside the city and county of
Dublin, as well as investments that require


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in excess of 250,000 from the fund within
Dublin. Dublin Business Innovation Centre
(DBIC) will evaluate all investments within
the city and county of Dublin when the
initial investment amount required from the
Fund does not exceed 250,000

Alchemy Partners

Gavin Loughrey - Partner

25 Bedford Street, London WC2E 9ES

Telephone: +44 20 7240 9596
Fax: +44 20 7240 9594
Email: gloughrey@alchemypartners.com
Web: www.alchemypartners.com

Fund Size: E1.4billion

Investment Range: E25m
+ equity requirement
Sectors: All

Notes: Alchemy Partners specialises in

buyouts, buy-ins and the provision of later
stage development capital


Brian Long - Managing Partner

31 Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Telephone: +353 1 603 4450
Fax: +353 1 616 2421
Email: brian.long@abven.com
Web: www.abven.com


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Fund Size: E100m
Investment Range: Atlantic Bridge is a
private equity firm with offices in Dublin
and London, focusing on technology
investments in Ireland and across Europe,
with a strong emphasis on a transatlantic
business building and investment exit
model. We focus on making domain-
specific investments in mid and late-stage
venture capital, growth capital and buy-out
transactions of up to 15m.
Sectors: The Atlantic Bridge portfolio
currently consists of companies in
the communications technology,
semiconductor and software sectors. We
focus on companies with strong technical
leadership in the following sectors:
Semiconductor process technologies and
capital equipment, Enterprise and Mobile
Communication Software, Communications
Equipment, Telecommunications
Network Management Software, Internet
infrastructure and Services

Notes: Atlantic Bridge brings together a

unique team of technology entrepreneurs,
experienced managers, finance
professionals and investment experts. The
team contains a wealth of international
business experience across Europe, the
US and Asia. We have worked together in
various capacities for the last 10-20 years,
bringing a true partnership approach to our
firm and our investments. Our investors
include the founders, leading institutional


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investors and private investors with a
track record of investment in successful
technology companies

Bank Of Scotland (IRELAND)

Venture Capital
Joe Concannon - Investment Director
Bank of Scotland House,
124-127 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 267 4700
Fax: +353 1 267 4730
Email: joe.concannon@bankofscotland.ie
Web: www.bankofscotland.ie

Fund Size: Unlimited

Investment Range: E1m to E10m
Sectors: All sectors are considered

Notes: Bank of Scotland will invest

in companies requiring expansion/
development capital or where equity
funding is required for acquisitions, MBO/
MBI, restructuring/replacement capital,
pre-flotation and equity release

Clarendon Fund Managers

Dr Alan Mawson - Executive Chairman

12 Cromac Place, Belfast, BT7 2JB

Telephone: +44 (0)28 9032 6465
Fax: +44 (0)28 9032 6473
Email: info@clarendon-fm.co.uk
Web: www.clarendon-fm.co.uk

Fund Size: 10m Viridian Growth Fund.

3m Nitech Growth Fund


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Investment Range: Viridian Growth Fund
50,000 - 700,000. Nitech Growth Fund
20,000 - 250,000
Sectors: Viridian Growth Fund 50,000 -
700,000. Nitech Growth Fund 20,000
- 250,000 Viridian Growth Fund High
growth sectors throughout Northern Ireland.
Nitech Growth Fund Research intensive
businesses in Northern Ireland
Notes: Viridian Growth Fund - Established
to provide early stage equity finance for
the entrepreneurial SME sector in Northern
Ireland. Nitech Growth Fund - Established
by Invest Northern Ireland, providing early
stage funding to take an R&D project to
proof of concept and commercialisation

CLARET Capital

Bryan Delaney Partner -

Chief Investment Officer

The Oval Building, 3 Shelbourne Road,

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 231 5888
Fax: +353 1 231 5889
Email: bmaloney@claretcapital.net
Web: www.claretcapital.net

Fund Size: N/A

Investment Range: Invests across various
stages from early stage VC to MBOs.
Investment range can vary from c. 3m to
50m. Can participate as a co-investor

Notes: Claret Capital invests across a range

of sectors which include healthcare,


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media, transportation, education, global
communications, financial services
and retail

Crescent Capital

Colin Walsh - Managing Director

7 Upper Crescent, Belfast, BT7 1NT

Telephone: +44 (0)28 9023 3633
Fax: +44 (0)28 9032 9525
Email: mail@crescentcapital.co.uk
Web: www.crescentcapital.co.uk

Fund Size: 22.5m

Investment Range: 250,000 to 1.5m
Sectors: Manufacturing, tradable services
and IT in Northern Ireland

Notes: The Fund is currently seeking

development capital opportunities for
younger or more mature businesses.
Interested Companies should contact Hal
Wilson, John Knapton or Deirdre Terrins

Delta Partners

Maurice Roche - General Partner

Media House, South County Business Park

Leopardstown, Dublin 18
Telephone: +353 1 294 0870
Fax: +353 1 294 0877
Email: maurice@delta.ie
Web: www.delta.ie
Fund Size: 105m (total funds under
management is 250m)


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Investment Range: 750,000 to 4m
Sectors: ICT and health care

Notes: Since 1994, Delta has invested in

over 60 early stage companies operating in
the ICT, health care and business service

Dublin Business Innovation Centre

Alex Hobbs - Funds Portfolio Manager

The Tower, TCD Enterprise Centre,

Pearse Street, Dublin 2

Telephone: +353 1 671 3111

Fax: +353 1 671 3330
Email: aibseedcapitalfund@dbic.ie
Web: www.dbic.ie

Fund Size: E36.5m

Investment Range: Up to 250,000 as sole
investor or co-investor in 1st investment
round of between 250k and 1m plus can
participate in follow-on rounds, up to a
maximum aggregate investment in any one
company is 1.5m

Notes: Dublin BIC is an investment general

partner in 30m AIB Seed Capital Fund
providing investment to start-up and early
stage companies in Dublin City and County.
Dublin BIC also manages Dublin Seed
Capital Fund


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Enterprise Equity
Venture Capital Group

Conor OConnor - CEO

Dublin Rd, Dundalk, Co. Louth,

Corporate House, Ballybrit
Business Park, Galway
NSC Campus, Mahon, Cork
Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford,
Dublin 18
Telephone: +353 42 933 3167, +353 91 764 614,
+353 21 230 700, +353 1 213 0720
Fax: +353 42 933 4857, +353 91 764615,
+353 21 213 0720, +353 1 213 0868
Email: info@enterpriseequity.ie
Web: www.enterpriseequity.ie

Fund Size: E22m

Investment Range: E250,000 to E1.5m
Sectors: All areas outside Dublin and all
sectors other than property, retail and hotels

Notes: Enterprise Equity is an investment

general partner in the AIB Seed Capital
Fund. Investments will be made in start
up and early stage enterprises with a
primary focus in the technology, technology
services, multimedia, wireless, financial
services, food sectors & medical devices
where there is a likelihood of a realisation of
investment within approximately five years


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Enterprise Equity Venture Capital
Group AIB Seed Capital Fund

Tom Shinkwin - Investment Executive

Arena House, Arena Road, Sandyford,

Dublin 18
Telephone: +353 1 213 0720
Fax: +353 1 213 0868
Email: info@enterpriseequity.ie
Web: www.enterpriseequity.ie

Fund Size: 30m

Investment Range: 1st round 250,000 -
Sectors: All geographic areas and all sectors
other than property, retail and hotels

Notes: Enterprise Equity is an investment

general partner in the AIB Seed Capital
Fund. Investments will be made in start
up and early stage enterprises with a
primary focus in the technology, technology
services, multimedia, wireless, financial
services, food sectors & medical devices
where there is a likelihood of a realisation of
investment within approximately five years


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Enterprise Equity Fund
Management (NI) Ltd

Aidan Langan - CEO

78a Dublin Road, Belfast, BT2 7HP

Telephone: +44 (0)28 9024 2500
Fax: +44 (0)28 9024 2487
Email: info@eeni.com
Web: www.eeni.com

Fund Size: 20m Evergreen Fund

Investment Range: 250,000 - 2m
Sectors: Enterprise Equity (NI) typically
provide equity capital for management
buy-outs, buy-ins and growth capital in
expanding businesses based in Northern

David Bateman - Director

1 Tenterden Street, London, W1S 1TA

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7907 2378
Fax: +44 (0)20 7907 2399
Email: dbateman@etvcapital.com
Web: www.etvcapital.com

Fund Size: E150m (Evergreen)

Investment Range: E1 to E15m
Sectors: IT, Life Sciences, Materials
Sciences, Precision / Specialist Engineering

Notes: ETV Capital provides venture debt to

Irish and other European-based technology
companies. The firm was founded in 1999
and has completed over 100 venture debt
transactions, with 13 of these being in the
Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland


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EVP Early Stage Technology Fund

Gerry Jones - Partner

Arena House, Arena Road,

Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18
Telephone: +353 1 663 9206
Fax: +353 1 213 0515
Email: gerry.jones@evp.ie
Web: www.evp.ie

Fund Size: E10m

Investment Range: E400,000 to E800,000
Sectors: High Potential Start ups (HPSUs)
in the ICT sector with emphasis on wireless

Notes: The fund invests in early stage

High Potential Start-ups (HPSUs)

E-Synergy Ltd

Claire Hodson - Fund Manager

Midtown Centre, 25 Talbot Street,

Cathedral Quarter, Belfast, BT1 2LD
Telephone: +44 (0)28 9082 3681
Email: c.hodson@e-synergy.com
Web: www.nispofunds.com

Fund Size: 5m venture capital fund 3m

Proof of Concept Fund
Investment Range: 5m venture capital
fund -Typically in the range 50k to 125k.
As a shareholder, the Fund can invest up
to a total of 250k. 3m Proof of Concept
Fund - Pre-commercial grants of 10k or 40k
Sectors: No specific sector


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Manus Rogan - Managing Partner

Guild House, 4th Floor Guild Street,

IFSC, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 522 5111
Email: manus@fh-partners.com
Web: www.fh-partners.com

Fund Size: 75m

Investment Range: 0.5m to 7m
per company
Sectors: Life science sector only

Notes: Fountain Healthcare Partners is a

life science focused venture capital fund
headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a
second office in New York, US. Fountain
specialises in making investments in
biotechnology, medical device, specialty
pharma and diagnostic companies and
allocates the majority of its capital to Europe
with a primary emphasis on Ireland

Growcorp Group Limited

Michael Donnelly - Chairman

3015 Lake Drive, City West Campus, Dublin 24

Telephone: +353 1 466 1000
Fax: +3531 466 1002
Email: grow@growcorp.net
Web: www.growcorp.net

Fund Size: No limit

Investment Range: Up to 10m in any
single investment
Sectors: Product driven technologies with


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particular interest in life/bioscience, all
stages of development, early stage to
pre-IPO, MBO, and MBI

Notes: Funds managed are the European

Bioscience Fund I, Growcorp I and
Growcorp II, the fund will consider product
driven opportunistic businesses with a
defined customer base which has unmet
needs. Growcorp has led syndicates in
excess of 25m to take businesses to
commercial launch

Intel Capital
a division of Intel Corporation

Damien Callaghan - Director

MS- IR5-2-1, Intel Corporation,

Collinstown Industrial Park, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
Telephone: +353 87 989 6969
Email: damien.callaghan@intel.com
Web: www.intelcapital.com

Fund Size: N/A

Investment Range: We invest in all stages
of the funding process from seed to private
equity. Hence our investments can range
from E1m to E500m per funding
Sectors: Our sectors include -
Communications (including WiMax),
Consumer Internet, Digital Health, Enterprise
Platforms, Manufacturing/Memory/Emerging
Technologies, Mobility and Software &


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Ion Equity Ltd

Dee Carr - Office Manager

Huguenot House, 35-38 St Stephens

Green, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 611 0500
Fax: +353 1 611 0510
Email: info@ionequity.com
Web: www.ionequity.com

Fund Size: N/A

Investment Range: E50m to E500m
Sectors: General with a bias towards
energy, leisure, distribution and healthcare.

Notes: Geographic focus is predominantly

UK and Ireland

Kernel Capital

Orla Rimmington - Operations Manager

Rubicon Centre, Rossa Avenue,

Bishopstown, Cork
15 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 21 492 8974
+353 1 633 6829
Fax: +353 21 492 8977
Email: orla.rimmington@kernelcapital.ie
Web: www.kernelcapital.ie

Fund Size: Kernel Capital manage E100

across four Funds
Investment Range: E250,000 - E5m
Sectors: All sectors and all stages of a
companys development are considered.
Retail and Property investments are


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Life Sciences Investments are managed
by our Associate Firm Seroba Kernel Life
Sciences Limited

Notes: The Kernel team have been

instrumental in numerous corporate finance
and IP licensing transactions totalling
several hundred million Euros. Kernel
Capital Funds: The Bank of Ireland Kernel
Capital Partners Fund I The Bank of
Ireland Kernel Capital Partners Fund II The
Bank of Ireland Venture Capital Fund The
Bank of Ireland Seed and Early Stage Equity
Fund. Kernel Capital is regulated by the
Financial Regulator

NCB Ventures

Nicky Fitzgerald - Financial Controller

3 Georges Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1

Telephone: +353 1 611 5983
Fax: +353 1 611 5750
Email: nicky.fitzgerald@ncb.ie
Web: www.ncb-ventures.com
Fund Size: 94m comprising The Ulster
Bank Diageo Venture Fund & The Guinness
Ireland Ulster Bank Equity Fund
Investment Range: E1 - 5m
Sectors: The Ulster Bank Diageo
Venture Fund invests across all stages of
development and in a wide range of sectors
including, cleantech, ICT/ media, medtech,
leisure & consumer services, and business
support services

Notes: The Ulster Bank Diageo Venture


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Fund backs management teams that need
capital to expand their businesses into new
markets, develop and launch new products,
effect MBOs & MBIs, implement buy and
build strategies, and spin outs


Michael Aherne - Joint Managing Partner

Dublin Office: Level 1 Block D, ESB Head

Office, 27 Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 702 7905
Fax: +353 1 669 2438
Email: michael.aherne@esb.ie
Web: www.novusmodus.com

Fund Size: E200m

Investment Range: E2.5 - 10m
Sectors: Clean Energy and Energy

Notes: Our mission is to provide capital

support and knowledge to companies,
projects and management teams in the
clean energy and energy efficiency sectors,
against a transformation being brought
about by a large scale transition to a low
carbon global economy


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Powerscourt Investments

Sean Melly - Chairman

46 Upper Mount Street Dublin 2

Telephone: +353 1 247 4050
Email: info@powerscourt-investments.com
Web: www.powerscourt-investments.com

Fund Size: N/A

Investment Range: E250,000 - E5m
Sectors: Communications (Services &
Software), Medical Devices, General

Qubis Ltd

Panos Lioulias - Chief Executive

Northern Ireland Technology Centre,

Queens University Belfast,
Cloreen Park, Malone Road,
Belfast, BT9 5HN
Telephone: +44 (0)28 9068 2321
Fax: +44 (0)28 9066 3015
Email: info@qubis.co.uk
Web: www.qubis.co.uk
Investment Range: 10,000 - 50,000
Sectors: Early stage Technology companies

Notes: Established by Queens University.

It has a portfolio of 51 Technology
Companies based in Northern Ireland with
combined sales of 89m employing
975 people


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Peter Sandys - Managing Partner

15 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 633 4028
Fax: +353 1 677 9388
Email: contact@seroba-kernel.com
Web: www.seroba-kernel.com

Fund Size: E75m

Investment Range: Up to E7m
Sectors: Life Sciences and related

Notes: Seroba Kernel will consider

investment in companies involved in any
area of the life science and health sectors
and businesses servicing or selling into
these sectors. Companies at all stages of
development are considered for investment

TVC Holdings plc

John Tracey - CEO

Beech House, Beech Hill Office Campus,

Clonskeagh, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 205 7700
Fax: +353 1 205 7701
Email: john@tvc.com
Web: www.tvc.com

Fund Size: N/A

Investment Range: Can invest up to E40m
from own resources. Can invest larger sums
by bringing in syndicate partners
Sectors: All sectors


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Notes: TVC Holdings plc is a publicly
quoted company which provide equity
capital and strategic expertise to
companies. We are particularly interested in
companies seeking to grow by acquisition,
in management buy-outs and
in restructurings

University Challenge Fund (NI)

Panos Lioulias - Fund Manager

Northern Ireland Technology Centre,

Queens University Belfast,
Cloreen Park, Malone Road,
Belfast, BT9 5HN
Telephone: +44 (0)28 9068 2321
Fax: +44 (0)28 9027 3899
Email: info@qubis.co.uk

Fund Size: 2.75m

Investment Range: 50,000 - 100,000
Sectors: Seed-Technology related

Notes: Established by Queens and the

University of Ulster

UU Tech Limited

Sean Nelson - Manager of

Innovation Services

University of Ulster, Cromore Road

Coleraine, BT52 1SA
Telephone: +44 (0)28 7028 0073


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Fax: +44 (0)28 7028 0050
Email: s.nelson@ulster.ac.uk
Web: www.uutech.co.uk

Fund Size: N/A

Investment Range: 20,000 to 250,000
Sectors: Incubators and Intellectual

Notes: Established by the University of

Ulster. Only applicable to university

Western Development Commission

Gillian Buckley - Investment Manager

Dillon House, Ballaghaderreen, Roscommon

Telephone: +353 94 98 61441
Fax: +353 94 98 61443
Email: info@wdc.ie
Web: www.wdc.ie

Fund Size: E28m

Investment Range: E100,000 to E1m
Sectors: All sectors

Notes: The fund provides seed and Venture

Capital to new and existing businesses
across a range of sectors in the Western
Region (Counties Clare, Donegal, Galway,
Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo).
It will also consider MBOs/MBIs. Larger
investments are considered on a syndicated
basis with other private investors


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Other Sources of Funding
Enterprise Ireland
Enterprise Ireland is the government agency
responsible for the development and promotion of
the indigenous business sector. Enterprise Irelands
mission is to accelerate the development of world-
class Irish companies to achieve strong positions in
global markets resulting in increased national and
regional prosperity.

The Plaza
East Point Business Park
Dublin 3

Tel: (01) 727 2000


Invest Northern Ireland

Invest Northern Ireland is Northern Irelands
regional economic development agency. Its role is
to grow the economy by helping new and existing
businesses to compete internationally and by
attracting new businesses to Northern Ireland.

Bedford Square
Bedford Street

Tel: 028 9023 9090



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Glossary of Terms
Acquisition The act of one company taking
over a controlling interest in another company.
Investors often look for companies that are likely
acquisition candidates, because the acquiring firms
are usually willing to pay a premium on
the market price for the shares. This may be
the most likely exit route for a VC investor.

Angel Financiers The first individuals

to invest money in your company. For example,
friends, family. They do not belong to a professional
venture capital firm and do not have similar
monitoring processes. They often believe in
the Entrepreneur more than the actual product.
This capital is generally used as seed financing.

Anti-Dilution Protection In the event a

company sells shares in the future at a price lower
than what the VC paid, an adjustment will be made
to the % of shares held by the VCs.

Bootstrapping A means of finding creative

ways to support a start-up business until it turns
profitable. This method may include negotiating
delayed payment to suppliers and advances from
potential partners and customers.

Bridging Finance Type of financing used

to fill an anticipated gap between more permanent
rounds of capital investments. Usually structured
to enable them to become part of future rounds if
successfully raised.

Burn Rate The rate at which your company

is consuming cash, usually expressed on a
monthly basis.


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Business Angel High net worth individuals
who provide smaller amounts of finance at an
earlier stage than many Venture Capital firms are
able to invest. Angels usually contribute a lot
more than pure cash - they often have industry
knowledge and contacts that they can pass on
to entrepreneurs. Angels sometimes have non-
executive directorships in the companies they
invest in.

Capital Gains The difference between an

assets purchase price and selling price when the
selling price is greater. Capital gains are usually
subject to tax which may be mitigated by careful
tax planning.

Carried Interest The portion of any gains

realised by a Venture Capital Fund to which the
fund managers are entitled, generally without
having to contribute capital to the fund. Carried
interest payments are customary in the Venture
Capital industry to create a significant economic
incentive for Venture Capital Fund managers to
achieve capital gains.

Convertible Security A financial security

(usually preference shares) that is exchangeable for
another type of security (usually ordinary shares) at
a pre-stated price. Convertibles are appropriate for
investors who want higher income, or liquidation
preference protection, than is available from
ordinary shares, together with greater appreciation
potential than regular bonds offer.

Dilution The process by which an investors

ownership percentage in a company is reduced
by the issue of new shares.


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Due Diligence The process by which
VCs conduct research on the market potential,
competition, reference interviews, financial analysis,
and technology assessment. Usually divided into
commercial, financial, legal and commercial
due diligence.

Early Stage A fund investment strategy

involving investments in companies to enable
product development and initial marketing,
manufacturing and sales activities. Early stage
investors can be influential in building a companys
management team and direction. While early stage
venture capital investing involves more risk at the
individual deal level than later stage venture investing,
investors are able to buy company stock at very
low prices and these investments may have the
ability to produce high returns.

Exit Strategy A funds intended method for

liquidating its holdings while achieving the maximum
possible return. These strategies depend on the
exit climates including market conditions and
industry trends. Exit strategies can include selling
or distributing the portfolio companys shares after
an initial public offering (IPO), a sale of
the portfolio company or a recapitalisation.
(See Acquisition, Initial Public Offering)

Fund Focus (or Investment Stage)

The indicated area of specialization of a Venture
Capital Fund usually expressed as Balanced,
Seed and Early Stage, Later Stage, Mezzanine
or Leveraged Buyout (LBO). (See all of the
stated fund types for further information)

Fund Size The total amount of capital committed

by the investors of a Venture Capital Fund.

HIGH NET WORTH Individuals who provide

smaller amounts of finance at an earlier stage than
many Venture Capital firms are able to invest. Angels


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usually contribute a lot more than pure cash - they
often have industry knowledge and contacts that they
can pass on to entrepreneurs. Angels sometimes
have non-excecutive directorships in the companies
they invest in.

Hockey Stick Refers to a financial

projection which starts modestly for a number of
months and rapidly accelerates. How much of a
hockey stick is in the plan?

Investment Philosophy The stated

investment approach or focus of a fund manager.

Initial Public Offering (IPO) The sale

or distribution of a stock of a portfolio company
to the public for the first time. IPOs are often an
opportunity for the existing investors (often Venture
Capitalists) to receive significant returns on their
original investment. During periods of market
downturns or corrections the opposite is true.

Later Stage A fund investment strategy

involving financing for the expansion of a company
that is producing, shipping and increasing its
sales volume. Later stage funds often provide
the financing to help a company achieve critical
mass in order to position itself for an IPO. Later
stage investing can have less risk than early
stage financing because these companies have
already established themselves in their market and
generally have a management team in place.
Later stage and Mezzanine level financing are
often used interchangeably.

Lead Investor Each round of Venture

Capital has a lead investor who negotiates the
terms of the deal and usually commits to at least
50% of the round.


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Leveraged Buyout (LBO) A takeover of
a company using a combination of equity and
borrowed funds (or loans). Generally, the target
companys assets act as the collateral for the loans
taken out by the acquiring group. The acquiring
group then repays the loan from the cash flow
of the acquired company. For example, a group
of investors may borrow funds using the assets
of the company as collateral in order to take over a
company. Or the management of the company may
use this vehicle as a means to regain control of the
company by converting a company from public to
private. In most LBOs, public shareholders receive a
premium to the market price of the shares.

Limited Partnerships An organisation

comprised of a general partner, who manages
a fund, and limited partners, who invest money but
have limited liability and are not involved with the
day-to-day management of the fund. In the typical
Venture Capital Fund, the general partner receives
a management fee and a percentage of the profits
(or carried interest). The limited partners may receive
both income and capital gains as a return on their

Management Fee Compensation for

the management of a Venture Funds activities,
paid from the fund to the general partner or
investment advisor. This compensation generally
includes an annual management fee.

Management Team The persons who

oversee the activities of a Venture Capital Fund.

Mezzanine Financing Refers to the stage

of venture financing for a company immediately
prior to its IPO. Investors entering in this round
have lower risk of loss than those investors who
have invested in an earlier round. Mezzanine level


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financing can take the structure of preference shares,
convertible bonds or subordinated debt (the level of
financing senior to equity and below senior debt).

New Issue A stock or bond offered to the

public for the first time. New issues may be initial
public offerings by previously private companies
or additional stock or bond issues by companies
already public. New public offerings are registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(See Securities and Exchange Commission and

Option Pool The number of shares set aside

for future issuance to employees of a private company.

Portfolio Companies Portfolio

companies are companies in which a given fund
has invested.

Post-money Valuation The valuation of a

company immediately after the most recent round
of financing. This value is calculated by multiplying
the companys total number of shares by the share
price of the latest financing.

Preference Shares Form of equity which

has rights superior to ordinary shares. Most VC
deals use preference shares which may convert
to ordinary shares upon an IPO or Acquisition.

Pre-Money Valuation The value of the

company before VCs cash goes into the business.
VCs use the Pre-Money Valuation to determine
what % ownership they will have in your company.

Private Equity Private equities are equity

securities of companies that have not gone public
(in other words, companies that have not listed
their stock on a public exchange). Private equities
are generally illiquid and thought of as a long-term
investment. As they are not listed on an exchange,


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any investor wishing to sell securities in private
companies must find a buyer in the absence of
a marketplace.

Proprietary Information Any

information uniquely possessed by a company
which is not generally available to the public.

Prospectus A formal written offer to sell

securities that provides an investor with the
necessary information to make an informed decision.
A prospectus explains a proposed or existing
business enterprise and must disclose any material
risks and information according to the securities
laws. A prospectus must be filed with the SEC
and be given to all potential investors. Companies
offering securities, mutual funds, and offerings of
other investment companies (including Business
Development Companies) are required to issue
prospectuses describing their history, investment
philosophy or objectives, risk factors and financial
statements. Investors should carefully read them
prior to investing.

Secondary Sale The sale of private or

restricted holdings in a portfolio company to other

Seed Money The first round of capital for a

start-up business. Seed money usually takes the
structure of a loan or an investment in preferred
stock or convertible bonds, although sometimes
it is common stock. Seed money provides start-up
companies with the capital required for their initial
development and growth. Business Angels and
early-stage Venture Capital Funds often provide
seed money.

Stock Options There are two definitions

of stock options. The right to purchase or sell a
stock at a specified price within a stated period.
Options are a popular investment medium,


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offering an opportunity to hedge positions in other
securities, to speculate on stocks with relatively
little investment, and to capitalize on changes in
the market value of options contracts themselves
through a variety of options strategies.
A widely used form of employee incentive and
compensation. The employee is given an option
to purchase its shares at a certain price (at or
below the market price at the time the option
is granted) for a specified period of years.

Term Sheet Typically a 3-5 page document

which outlines the fundamental business terms
of a Venture Investment. This document serves
to drive at the final business agreement of closing
the deal. If you receive a term sheet from a VC
there is a high probability of closing and funding
the deal.

Venture Capital Money provided by

investors to privately held companies with perceived
long-term growth potential. Professionally
managed Venture Capital firms generally are
limited partnerships funded by private and public
pension funds, endowment funds, foundations,
corporations, wealthy individuals, foreign investors,
and the Venture Capitalists themselves.

Write-off The act of changing the value of

an asset to an expense or a loss. A write-off is
used to reduce or eliminate the value an asset
and reduce profits.

Write-up/Write-down An upward or
downward adjustment of the value of an asset.
Usually based on events affecting the investee
company or its securities beneficially or detrimentally.


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Irish Venture
Capital Association
John Tracey (Chairman)

Peter Sandys (Vice-Chairman)

Niall Carroll

Joe Concannon

Elaine Coughlan

Michael Donnelly

Desmond Fahey

Michael Murphy

Conor OConnor

Maurice Roche

Manus Rogan

Regina Breheny (Director General)
Telephone: + 353 87 051 7754
Email: reginabreheny@ivca.ie

Ciara Burrowes (Administrator)

IVCA, 3 Rectory Slopes, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Telephone: + 353 1 276 4647
Fax: + 353 1 274 5915
Email: secretary@ivca.ie


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AIB Corporate Finance
85 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 667 0233
Fax: +353 1 667 0250
Contact: Alan Doherty
Email: alan.j.doherty@aib.ie
Web: www.aibcf.ie

Arthur Cox
Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 618 0558
Fax: +353 1 618 0777
Contact: John Menton
Email: john.menton@arthurcox.com
Web: www.arthurcox.com

Aventura Venture Partners

NCI Business Centre,
Mayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 449 8715/6
Fax: +353 1 449 8749
Contact: Maura Moore
Email: mmoore@aventura.ie
Web: www.aventura.ie

BCM Hanby Wallace

88 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 418 6900
Fax: +353 1 418 6805
Contact: Feargal Brennan
Email: fbrennan@bcmhw.com
Web: www.bcmhw.com


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BDO Simpson Xavier
Beaux Lane House,
Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 470 0000
Fax: +353 1 477 0000
Contact: Paul Keenan
Email: pkeenan@bdosx.ie
Web: www.bdosx.ie

Beauchamps Solicitors
Riverside Two, Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 418 0600
Fax: +353 1 617 7056
Contact: Mire Cunningham
Email: m.cunningham@beauchamps.ie
Web: www.beauchamps.ie

Dillon Eustace
33 Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 667 0022
Fax: +353 1 667 0042
Contact: Adrian Benson
Email: adrian.benson@dilloneustace.ie
Web: www.dilloneustace.ie

The Old Gasworks Business Park,
Kilmorey Street, Newry
Co. Down, BT34 2DE
Telephone: +44 (0)28 3083 4151
Fax: +44 (0)28 3083 4155
Contact: Gary Stokes
Email: gary.stokes@intertradeireland.com
Web: www.intertradeireland.com


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 48 28/9/09 14:57:16

Ernst & Young
Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 475 0555
Fax: +353 1 475 0590
Contact: Adrian Browne
Email: abrowne1@ie.ey.com
Web: www.ey.com/ie

Eugene F. Collins
Temple Chambers, 3 Burlington Road, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 202 6400
Fax: +353 1 667 5200
Contact: Anthony E. Collins
Email: aecollins@efc.ie
Web: www.efc.ie

Molyneux House, Bride Street, Dublin 8
Telephone: +353 1 418 2000
Fax: +353 1 418 2044
Contact: Jim Mulqueen
Email: jim.mulqueen@fgspartnership.com
Web: www.fgspartnership.com

William Fry
Fitzwilton House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 639 5000
Fax: +353 1 639 5333
Contact: Alvin Price/Stephen Keogh
Email: alvin.price@williamfry.ie
Web: www.williamfry.ie


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 49 28/9/09 14:57:17

A & L Goodbody
IFSC, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 649 2370
Fax: +353 1 649 2649
Contact: Eithne Fitzgerald
Email: efitzgerald@algoodbody.ie
Web: www.algoodbody.ie

Horwath Bastow Charleton

Marine House, Clanwilliam Court, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 676 0951
Fax: +353 1 662 5105
Contact: Justin Baily
Email: justin.baily@hbc.ie
Web: www.hbc.ie

International Investment and Underwriting

IFSC House, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 605 4444
Fax: +353 1 605 4455
Contact: Jonathan Comerford
Email: jcomerford@iiu.ie
Web: www.iiu.ie

IBI Corporate Finance

40 Mespil Road, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 637 7800
Fax: +353 1 637 7801
Contact: Deirdre McEvoy
Email: deirdre.mcevoy@ibicorporatefinance.ie
Web: www.ibicorporatefinance.ie


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 50 28/9/09 14:57:17

Ion Equity
Huguenot House,
35/38 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 611 0500
Fax: +353 1 611 0510
Contact: Deirdre Carr
Email: deirdre@ionequity.com
Web: www.ionequity.com

1 Stokes Place, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 410 1240
Fax: +353 1 412 1240
Contact: Anna Scally
Email: anna.scally@kpmg.ie
Web: www.kpmg.ie

LK Shields
39/40 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 661 0866
Fax: +353 1 661 0833
Contact: John Olden
Email: jolden@lkshields.ie
Web: www.lkshields.ie

Maples and Calder

75 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 619 2000
Fax: +353 1 619 2001
Contact: Colm Rafferty
Email: colm.rafferty@maplesandcalder.com
Web: www.maplesandcalder.com

Mason Hayes+Currran
South Bank House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4
Telephone: +353 1 614 5000
Fax: +353 1 614 5001
Contact: David ODonnell
Email: dodonnell@mhc.ie
Web: www.mhc.ie


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 51 28/9/09 14:57:17

Matheson Ormsby Prentice
70 Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 232 2000
Fax: +353 1 232 3333
Contact: Fergus Bolster
Email: fergus.bolster@mop.ie
Web: www.mop.ie

Oyster Capital Partners

Oyster Point, Temple Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
Telephone: +353 1 279 9549
Fax: +353 1 279 9589
Contact: Martin Scully
Email: martin.scully@oyster-tech.com

Philip Lee Solicitors

7/8 Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 237 3700
Fax: +353 1 678 7794
Contact: Andreas McConnell
Email: amcconnell@philiplee.ie
Web: www.plee.ie

One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
Telephone: +353 1 792 6000
Fax: +353 1 792 6200
Contact: Aidan Walsh
Email: aidan.walsh@ie.pwc.com
Web: www.pwc.com/ie

RBK Corporate Finance

96 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 644 0100
Fax: +353 1 64 0190
Contact: Chris Ball
Email: cball@rbk.ie
Web: www.rbk.ie


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 52 28/9/09 14:57:17

Whitney Moore
Wilton Park House, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 611 0000
Fax: +353 1 611 0090
Contact: Mark Ryan
Email: mark.ryan@whitneymoore.ie
Web: www.whitneymoore.ie

Who 42
Benson Street, 77 Sir John Rogersons Quay,
Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 1 640 1843
Fax: +353 1 640 1899
Contact: Neil Pope
Email: neil@who42.com
Web: www.who42.com


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Steering Committee
Sean Gallagher
Board Member - InterTradeIreland
CEO - Smart Homes

Dr. Gerard OHare

Chairman EquityNetwork
Board Member - InterTradeIreland
Managing Director - Parker Green International

Colin Walsh
Managing Director - Crescent Capital

Des Doyle
Manager - Growth Capital Department,
Enterprise Ireland

Helen Kirkpatrick
Corporate Finance Executive -
Invest Northern Ireland

Conor OConnor
Chief Executive - Enterprise Equity

Liam Nellis
Chief Executive - InterTradeIreland


Margaret Hearty Gary Stokes

Grainne Lennon Bob McGowan-Smyth
Caroline Sweeney


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 54 28/9/09 14:57:18

EquityNetwork is a major initiative of
InterTradeIreland, the Trade and Business
Development Body. InterTradeIrelands mission
is to enhance the global competitiveness of the
economy of both jurisdictions for mutual benefit,
through co-operative business, policy and research
programmes, partnerships and networks.

EquityNetwork offers the

following services:
 Value added information services to businesses
to assist in making them investor ready

Signposting for businesses seeking

equity finance

An annual private equity conference

 An annual all-island regional Seedcorn business

competition with a prize fund of 360,000 for
the best early stage businesses on the island;

 An island-wide education programme to raise

awareness of the availability and benefits of
using private equity (including master classes,
round tables, seminars and publications).

 EquityNetwork has supported the development

of Halo business angel networks in Northern
Ireland and Ireland.

For full details on all InterTradeIrelands

programmes visit www.intertradeireland.com

InterTradeIreland, The Old Gasworks Business Park;

Kilmorey Street, Newry, Co. Down, BT34 2DE
Telephone: +44 (0)28 3083 4151
Fax: +44 (0)28 3083 4155
Email: equity@intertradeireland.com
Web: www.intertradeireland.com


2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 55 28/9/09 14:57:18

Business Angel Networks
EquityNetwork initiated the establishment of two
Business Angel Networks on the island. They are
designed to provide support and facilitate financial
assistance to entrepreneurs who are keen to grow
their business through business angel funding.
These businesses need to have high growth
potential and be willing to give shares for equity
investment. They should be investor ready i.e.
have a credible plan, route to market and most of
their key team in position.

The network in Northern Ireland is jointly funded

with Invest NI and in Ireland with Enterprise Ireland.

Companies are encouraged to apply to the

network nearest to them, however once this has
been exhausted it is possible to apply to the other

Halo Ireland
Diane Roberts - National Director
Halo Business Angel Network
51-52 Fitzwilliam Square West, Dublin 2
Tel: +353 (0) 1 665 0420
Fax: +353 (0) 1 665 0480
Email: diane@hban.org
Web: www.hban.org

Halo Business Angel Network (HBAN) is an

all-island umbrella group for business angel
networks. We are dedicated to promoting
angel investment and supporting the early stage
entrepreneurial community in Ireland. We work to
create an eco-system that promotes and supports
the early stage investment market.


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We are actively working to increase the number
of angel investors who are interested in investing
in early stage companies. We will lead the
development of new angel syndicates and support
the formation of new and existing angel networks,
both regionally and internationally, and within
industry sectors. HBAN also acts as a voice to
Government, stakeholders, business and the media
to promote the interests and needs of the angel
and early stage investment community. HBAN
is a joint initiative between InterTradeIreland and
Enterprise Ireland.

Business Innovation Centres BICs continue to

operate across the country dealing with angel
investments less than 250,000.

Halo Northern Ireland

Alan Watts - Director
Halo NI
The Innovation Centre
Northern Ireland Science Park Foundation Ltd
Queens Road, Queens Island, Belfast BT3 9DT
Tel: +44 (0)28 9073 7814
Email: Alan.Watts@nisp.co.uk

Halo NI deals with investments in the range of

50,000 - 500,000.

Full details of the requirements for angel investing,

the process and on-line application forms can be
found at www.nisp.co.uk

Follow the links on the InterTradeIreland website



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Useful Contacts
The Irish Venture Capital Association


The European Venture Capital Association


The British Venture Capital Association


The Institute of Directors in Ireland


The Institute of Directors Northern Ireland


The Office of the Director of Corporate


Halo Ireland

Halo Northern Ireland


The authors of the guide would like to acknowledge
the contribution of the Council of the IVCA, the
EquityNetwork Steering Committee and the British
Venture Capital Association in preparing the Guide.


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Please note that the authors of the guide
have made every effort to ensure the
accuracy of the information contained in
this section of the guide. However we are
not in a position to give any guarantee as
to the accuracy of the information.

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2402 ITI Guide to Venture Capital NN12.indd 60 28/9/09 14:57:19
This publication is available on
request in alternative formats
including Irish language, Ulster Scots,
Braille, disk and audio cassette.

For more information,

please contact:
Communications Department
Telephone: +44 (0)28 3083 4100
Textphone: +44 (0)28 3083 4169
Email: equality@intertradeireland.com

Inside Back Cover

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The TradeandBusiness Development Body
The Old Gasworks Business Park
Kilmorey Street
Co Down
BT34 2DE

Telephone: 028 3083 4100

(048 from Ireland)
Fax: 028 3083 4155 (048 from Ireland)
Textphone: 028 3083 4164
(048 from Ireland)
Email: info@intertradeireland.com
Web: www.intertradeireland.com

Irish Venture Capital Association

3 Rectory Slopes
Co. Wicklow

Telephone: +353 1 276 46 47

Fax: +353 1 274 59 15
Email: secretary@ivca.ie
Web: www.ivca.ie

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