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Tugas Besar: Makalah Retinoblastoma Modul Hematologi Onkologi

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dr. Dian Mutiasari

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I.1 Definisi
Retinoblastoma merupakan suatu keganasan pada intraokular yang paling sering
ditemukan pada kasus anak dan menunjukkan persentase sebesar kurang lebih 4% dari semua
kasus keganasan yang terjadi pada anak-anak.
I.2 Epidemiologi
Setiap tahunnya persentase terjadi kasus retinoblastoma di wilayah Amerika Serikat
diperkirakan sekitar 1 dari 15.000 sampai 20.000 kelahiran. The average age at diagnosis is 18
months, with unilateral cases being diagnosed at around 24 months and bilateral cases before 12
months. Out of the newly diagnosed cases of retinoblastoma only 6% are familial while 94% are
sporadic. It is bilateral in about 25-35% of cases. Bilateral retinoblastomas involve germinal
mutations in all cases. Out of the unilateral cases, approximately 15% are caused by germinal
mutations while the 85% are sporadic.
I.3 Etiologi
Sekarang ini diketahui bahwa retinoblastoma can be inherited as a familial tumor in
which the affected child has a positive family history of retinoblastoma or as a nonfamilial
(sporadic) tumor in which the family history is negative for retinoblastoma. Approximately 6%
of newly diagnosed retinoblastoma cases are familial and 94% are sporadic. All patients with
familial retinoblastoma are at risk to pass the predisposition for the development of the tumor to
their offspring, but the manifestations are only 80% penetrant.
I.4 Patofisiologi
I.5 Manifestasi Klinik
Manifestasi klinik dari retinoblastoma vary with the stage of the disease at the time of
recognition. In its earliest clinical stage,a small retinoblastoma,ie,less than 2 mm in basal
dimension,appears ophthalmoscopically as a subtle, transparent or slightly translucent lesion in
the sensory retina. Slightly larger tumors lead to dilated retinal blood vessels that feed and drain
the tumor. Some larger tumors show foci of chalk-like calcification that resemble cottage cheese.
Any retinoblastoma of any size can produce leukocoria.The larger tumors more often present
with this leukocoria (Fig 2). This white pupillary reflex is a result of reflection of light from the
white mass in the retrolental area. Retinoblastoma growth patterns are subdivided into


intraretinal,endophytic,and exophytic (Fig 3). Intraretinal tumors are those listed above,limited to
the substance of the retina. Endophytic retinoblastoma is one that grows from the retina inward
toward the vitreous cavity. Hence, it is characterized by a white,hazy mass with obscuration of
the retinal blood vessels. Because of its friable nature, an endophytic tumor can seed the vitreous
cavity and anterior chamber and simulate endophthalmitis,especially toxocariasis,a parasitic
disease found in young children.
An exophytic retinoblastoma is one that grows from the retina outward into the subretinal
space. Such tumors produce a progressive retinal detachment, with the retina often displaced
anteriorly behind a clear lens (Fig 4). An exophytic retinoblastoma can clinically resemble
Coats disease or other forms of exudative retinal detachment. Occasionally, a retinoblastoma
can assume a diffuse infiltrating pattern,characterized by a relatively flat infiltration of the retina
by tumor cells without an obvious mass. In such cases, the diagnosis may be more difficult, and
this pattern can simulate uveitis or endophthalmitis. Less frequently, the presenting feature can
be pseudohypopyon due to tumor seeding in the anterior chamber, hyphema secondary to iris
neovascularization,vitreous hemorrhage, or signs of orbital cellulitis.


II.1 Anamnesis
II.2 Pemeriksaan Fisik
II.3 Pemeriksaan Penunjang
II.4 Diagnosis
Diagnosis is usually clinical, aided by USG B-scan of the eye revealing tumor extension
and intralesional calcification.4 Computed tomogrophy (CT) scan and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) are reserved in cases with atypical presentation, extraocular extension or those


having diagnostic dilemma. CT scan helps to delineate tumor extension and co-existent
pinealoblastoma can be detected (trilateral tumor). MRI is useful when optic nerve or intracranial
extension is suspected. Intralesional calcification on CT scan or USG B-scan is highly suggestive
finding for retinoblastoma. On histopathology, poorly differentiated tumor consists of small to
round cells having scanty cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. Well-differentiated tumors
show rosettes and flueretes formation, which is highly suggestive of photoreceptor differentiation
of tumor cells. Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes consist of columnar cells arranged around a lumen
and are highly characteristic of retinoblastoma.
II.5 Penatalaksanaan
The most important objective in the management of a child with retinoblastoma is
survival of the patient, and the second most important goal is preservation of the globe. The
currently available treatment methods for retinoblastoma include intravenous chemoreduction
(sometimes combined with subconjunctival chemoreduction),thermotherapy,cryotherapy,laser
photocoagulation, plaque radiotherapy, external beam radiotherapy, enucleation,orbital
exenteration,and systemic chemotherapy for metastatic disease.
a. Chemoreduction
b. Subconjunctival Chemoreduction for Retinoblastoma
c. Focal Therapies
d. External Beam Radiotherapy
e. Enucleation
II.6 Prognosis
If left untreated, the mortality rate of retinoblastoma is about 99%. The major factor in
mortality rates for patients with retinoblastoma is whether or not the tumor is confined to the eye.
Extraocular spread increases mortality rates markedly. If there are tumor cells at the cut end of
the optic nerve (with an enucleation), the mortality rate is much higher. Even if tumor is in the
lamina cribrosa but the cut end of the optic nerve is free of tumor, mortality rates are elevated.
However, when tumor is confined to the globe when enucleated, survival rates are greater than
II.7 Edukasi



III.1 Kesimpulan



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