Business Plan - Sample Small Busines Plan in Kenya

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The key takeaways from the business plan are that it proposes starting a beauty shop and accessories business in Nairobi, Kenya. It provides details on the scope of work, proposed budget, financial forecasting and break even analysis, and marketing strategies.

The different business lines proposed in the business plan are a beauty shop selling beauty products, accessories like jewelry, and a clothing line.

The estimated break even period for the business based on the financial analysis is within 3 months if the 4 main business lines (beauty shop, clothing line, accessories) are run simultaneously.

Client Name: Naomi Kivala

Contacts: +971502894084
County: Nairobi (UAE)
21st /November/2015

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary
2. Scope of work
3. Budget and financials
4. Break even Analysis
5. Foresting and getting more money (loans) to boost revenue
Business Plan for Beauty Shop & Accessories

1.0 Executive summary:

Nairobi town is the fastest growing town in Kenya & Africa and the 14 th Largest city in Africa
currently (in terms of GDP) making it a great regional hub for business growth,

Population of Nairobi

2009 Census Ref KNBS Est. Population. 2014 December 45% Working population
(2.1 % yearly growth=2.1*5) Target Audience (55%
Unemployment rate )
3,168,000 3,500,640 1,575,288

This basically means that you have a huge working audience with disposable income

2.0 Scope of Work

The Beauty shop, the following merchandise:

1. Beauty shop merchandise (oil, Perfumes)

2. Accessories (Jewelry Bangles)

3.0 Budget and Costs Breakdown (Nairobi CBD Preferably Major shopping malls i.e Nakumatt
lifestyle, Former TSC building Moi avenue)

Item Quantity Total (KES)

Rent Fixed Cost based on 1 200,000
premises above
Beauty Shop, Accessories

Beauty products (I Prefer Haco I will share a list of popular brands that are 1,000,000
tiger brands well known in the fast moving (Miadi Products and Ingrams )
Aluminum seat seats - Sina- 5 (5000) 25,000
Tabu (attendees)
Designer clads (Just an Add 333(1500) 500,250
on )
Clothing line Imported from
UK (UK/China ) in Bundles
(333) Clothes @1500 KES
Accessories Earrings , 350,000
Bungles ,
Chains and Accessories (100,000)

Miscellaneous expenses Licenses & Registration (150,000) 90,000

Miscellaneous (10,000)
Employee Recruitments (10,000)
Customized Shop design and
renovation (200,000)
TOTAL WC 2,165,250

Prepared by Kennedy Nyabwala +254723418511

4.0 Break even analysis

Since the business will be running several business lines (i.e. Beauty shop, Clothing line)

Business Line Capital Est. daily Profit Net Profit 1st Net Profit Breakeven
Investment Income - Estimate Month (Avg 2nd Month analysis (KES)
(KES) Gross daily (25% of 30 Days) (Avg 30
Gross) Days)
Beauty Shop 2,165,250 50,000 20,000 600,000 1,200,000

Clothing Line & 2,165,250 35000 8750 262,500 525,000 2,165,250


TOTAL 2,165,250 125,000 40,300 1,209,000 2,418,000

Note: Breakeven possible within 3

months (2 months and 2 weeks) if
the 4 main businesses are running
simultaneously, the Business can
actively make 125,000/= in profits

Prepared by Kennedy Nyabwala +254723418511

5.0 Financials forecasting and record

5.1) Turnovers i.e. 1st day to 1 Year

Series of Gross income

Income Amount Daily deposit 1 Month 3 months 6 months 1 year

1 st Sale 125,000 125000 3750000 11,250,000 22,500,000 45,625,000

2nd Sale 156,250 156250 4687500 14,062,500 28,125,000 57,031,250

3rd Sale 195,313 195312.5 5859375 17,578,125 35,156,250 71,289,063

4th Sale 244,141 244140.625 7324219 21,972,656 43,945,313 89,111,328

From the Above table heres how you can easily qualify for a loan based on your

Deposits Loans Qualified for

Series of Gross income 3 months 6 months 1 year Loan Loan Loan
Income Amount (KES) (KES) (KES) (KES) Qualified ( 3 Qualified ( 6 Qualified ( 1
months ) months ) Year )
1 st Sale 125,000 3750000 11,250,000 22,500,000 45,625,000 22,500,000 45,000,000
2nd Sale 156,250 4687500 14,062,500 28,125,000 57,031,250 28,125,000 56,250,000
3rd Sale 195,313 5859375 17,578,125 35,156,250 71,289,063 35,156,250 70,312,500
4th Sale 244,141 7324218.75 21,972,656 43,945,313 89,111,328 43,945,313 87,890,625

Prepared by Kennedy Nyabwala +254723418511

6.0 Marketing and Awareness Creation
1. Facebook Page & Instagram pages (Sponsored) 1 week with a targeted approach to
reach a specific target market in Nairobi (100,000 People in one week) Approx. Fee =
USD 50 to 150 USD
2. Email marketing (sending out a batch of emails to Nairobi internet users (start with
Emails) - I can sell you some emails (relevant)
3. Flyers across various universities, malls and corporate areas.

Prepared by Kennedy Nyabwala +254723418511

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