Singapore Property Weekly Issue 321
Singapore Property Weekly Issue 321
Singapore Property Weekly Issue 321
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Are you still staying at Jurong East? I Thats how the new landlord started the
shouldnt have started this. It was all my fault. endless complaints.
No, Ive moved to Toa Payoh did I tell you Since he didnt bargain, I agreed to pay for
that I finally bought a flat? the utility bill. But whenever hes at home, he
turns on the aircon at full blast. When he
Congrats! Its nice to have your own place.
takes a shower, he leaves the water running
I have a spare room so I decided to rent it non-stop for at least 20 minutes.
Never mind the fact that his room is a big
Good to have a tenant helping to pay the mess. But my living room, corridors and
loan. kitchen are all fully stuffed with his personal
Thats what I thought too. This young guy belongings. Its difficult for anyone to move
coming for flat viewing has good manners around the flat.
and a decent job. Whats more, he didnt I felt my hair at the back being trimmed from
bargain about the rent. left to right. Then the pair of scissors moved
Thats good. Its difficult to find a good again from right to left.
tenant, isnt it? Hes like a 10-year-old leaving behind left-
You are right. Its only after he moved in that over food, used utensils and dirty clothes,
I realized what a big mistake Ive made. waiting for others to clean up after him.
Dirtying and messing up the place are his mortgage, management fee, utility bill, cable
routine. Cleaning and tidying up become my TV, WiFi
The scissors went non-stop and I could feel
My tenant enjoys listening to music and more hair has gone.
watching TV at the loudest possible volume.
Could you stop
Not to mention his friends who like to visit any
time of the day I cant just stop the contract. Its one-year
fixed. To be honest, I cant even stand him for
As my hairdresser continued to whine, I felt
six months!
another round of trimming from left to right.
Oh no, save some of my hair! By the time the grumpy landlord was finally
done, I lost at least five inches of my hair.
I think its enough
I really cut a lot this time. The hairdresser
Enough? Ive had enough. I put it clearly in
said this while looking at my hair on the floor.
the contract that rent must be paid on the last
day of every month. But he has never been Yeah. I think I dont have to come back for a
punctual. He has a different excuse every few months. Thanks for helping me to save
time. You know I am the one who pay for the money.
2. Tenants who attract complaints State clearly in the rental contract that the
tenant is to be responsible for all minor
Ever receive any complaint about your tenant
repairs and routine maintenance of the
from a neighbor or the management office? It
premises not exceeding $150.
can be making too much noise, or cooking
curries too often. 3. Tenants who are always late
On the other hand, some tenants have a When landlords check with tenants for late
tendency to call their landlords every other rental payment, replies can range from I
week for all sorts of things unfriendly thought I had paid to sorry I forgot, let me
neighbors; how-to-use problems; aircon/water check with my company, very busy lately,
heater/light bulb/door lock not working currently out of town or having financial
Solution: Whatever the cause of complaint
about or from your tenant, landlords have the Whatever the excuse is, once the tenant is
responsibility to settle them immediately. allowed to slip payment once, it is very likely
Gather all the facts and find out the source of to become a repeated offense.
the complaint. Have a trusted property agent
Remember: The most important task of a
to act as the intermediary.
landlord is to collect the rent from the tenant
File and pass to the tenant the instruction on time. Any late or missed payment will
menu of all the appliances in the property. directly impact the ROI of the property.