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BSI BS*2989 92 MM 2624669 0274011 b Me BRITISH STANDARD Specification for Continuously hot-dip zinc coated and iron-zinc alloy coated steel flat products: tolerances on dimensions and shape BS 2989 : 1992 va tt ANOS 1992 BSI BS*2989 92 MM 1624669 274012 8 mm ‘This British Standard, having bbeen prepared under the direction of the lon and Steel Standards Poliey Comsutiee was published ner the futhority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 28 February 1092 = Bs 192 Fiat published May 1958 Second edition Deveniber 1967 ‘Third edition Maret 1975 Fourth edition June 1982 Pith edition fly 199 Sixth elton Febriary 1992 ‘Tie following BSI vefevences relate ta the sork on this standard Committee referenee ISM 1D Draft annoninedl in BSE Nows August 1881 ISBN 0 580 20071 9 Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Iron and Steel Standards Policy Committee (ISM/-) to Technical Committee ISM/10, upon. which the following bodies were represented: British Railways Board British Steel Industry Cold Rolled Sections Association Institution of Production Engineers Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited ‘The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommittees and panels: British Welded Stee! Tube Association Coated Metals Limited Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency) International Tin Research Institute Metal Roof Deck Association National Association of Steel Stockholders Paintmakers Association of Great Britain Ltd. Zinc Development Association Amendments issued since publication ‘Text affected BSI BS*2989 92 MM 2b24bb9 0274013 T me BS 2989 : 1992 ———————————————————————— Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front page Foreword 2 Specification SSS oo 1 Scope 3 2 Definitions 3 3 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 3 4 Dimensional tolerances and geometrical deviations 3 5 __ Inspection and acceptance 6 Tables 7 1 Thickness tolerance (ineluding coating on both sides) 4 2 Tolerance on length 4 3 Tolerance on width 4 4 Maximum permissible deviation from flatness for plate and sheet in lengths up to and including 5 m 5 5 Outof-squareness for resheared material 6 Figures i, 1 Flatness of sheevplate 5 2 — Out-of-squareness. 5 3. Edge camber of sheet 6 BS 2989 1992 ~ «BSI 8S*2989 92 MM Yb24bb5 O2740L4 1 mm Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Iron and Steel Standards Policy Committee and is technically identical to BS 2989 : 1991 except for the deletion of the structural qualities together with any reference to them in the text This standard, together with BS EN 10147, supersedes BS 2989 : 1991 which is withdrawn, ‘The structural qualities are specified in BS EN 10147 which is published simultaneously with this standard. Work is going on in Europe to prepare a standard covering the dimensional tolerances for coated produets and when the project achieves European Standard status it will be published as BS EN 10143 and this standard will be withdrawn. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immuni legal obligations. from BSI BS*2989 92 MM 1624669 0274015 3 mm BS 2989 : 1992 — eee Specification 1 Scope ‘This British Standard specifies tolerances on dimensions and shape for hot-dip zine coated and iron- zinc alloy coated stee! flat rolled products as specified in BSEN 10142 and BS EN 10147, ‘This standard applies to products supplied in the form of wide strip. sheet or plate cut from wide strip and slit wide strip, NOTE 1. Various sutfae finishes of coating are available depending ‘onthe application, See AS EN LOL and BS EN TOL NOTE 2. The titles ofthe publications cefered to inthis standard ave listed onthe inside back cover 2 Definitions For the purposes of this standard the definitions given in BS EN 10079 apply, together with the following 2.1 product thickness ‘The thickness of the finished product after coating, 3 Information to be supplied by the purchaser To assist the manufacturer in supplying the correct dimensions and shape of materials, the following information should be given in the enquiry and order (a) the complete product designation in accordance ‘with BS EN 10142 and BS EN 10147, as appropriate; (b) the dimensions (see clause 4) of the material and any special requirements for resheared material (see tables 2,3 ancl 4) or fattened material (see 4.4) and for thickness tolerances (see 4.1 and notes of table 6) or flatness tolerances (see 4.4 and notes 1 to 3 of table 4); (©) whether the material is to be inspected by the purchaser at the works of the manufacturer (see clause 5) 4 Dimensional tolerances and geometrical deviations 4.1 Thickness The thickness, including coating, shall be measured at any point located more than 40 mm from the edges and the tolerance on the thickness stall be as given in table 1 For strip or slit strip, the tolerance values given in table | shall apply {o the whole length, except in the region of strip welds where the values shall be doubled over a length to be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser In the case of slit strip and cut lengths having a width of 80 mm or less, the position of measurement shall be agreed at the time of ordering. 4.2 Length ‘The length shall be measured along one of the longer sides of the sheet or cut length and the tolerance on the length shall be as given in table 2. 4.3 Width ‘The width shall be measured at right angles to the Jongitudinal axis of the product and the tolerance on the width shall be as given in table 3, 4.4 Flatness ‘The deviation from flatness shall be measured as the maximum distance between the product (sheet or plate) and the flat horizontal surface on which it is placed (see figure 1). Except for coating types 2450 and 2600, the maximum deviation from flatness shall be as given in table 4, NOTE: For costing types 7460 and 2800, te maximum deviation fom flatness should be agroed botween mamifachirer and purebaser 4.5 Out-of-squareness ‘The out-of-squareness value, u, shall be measured as the orthogonal projection of a transverse edge on a. longitudinal edge (see figuro 2). Unless replaced by the requirement of 4.7, the out-of-squareness shall not exceed: (@) 1% of the actual width of the sheet, for non- resheared material; (b) the values given in table 5, for resheared mat 4.6 Edge camber ‘The edge camber shall be measured as the lateral departure of the edge of the material from a straight line, forming a chord, The edge camber shall be measured on the concave edge (see figure 3). ‘The measuring base shall be a distance of 2m, taken anywhere along the edge but if the sheet or cut length is less than 2m long, the measuring base shall be its length, Unless replaced by the requirement of 4.7, the edge camber shall: (@) not exceed 6 mm, for lengths of 2 m and greater; (b) be less than 0.3 % of the actual length, for lengths less than 2m, 4.7 Superimposement of dimensions By agreement at the time of ordering, the limits on out of-squareness (see 4.5) and edge camber (see 4.6) shall be replaced by a requirement that a perfect rectangle formed by the ordered width and length dimensions can be sheared from the sheets delivered, BSI BS*2989 92 MM 1624669 O2740Lb 5 ml BS 2989 : 1992 Table 1 Thickness tolerance (cluding coating on both sides) Nominal thickness Coating types other than 7450 and 2600 | Coating types 2450 and Z600 | Normal tolerance for coating type and a noniinal width of = 1200 mm | > 1200 mm to < 1500 mm 1200 mm [> 1200 mm to = 1500 mm mum mm mm mm mm |>035 to < 040 £005 | + 0.06 £007 | +008 > 0.40 to < 0.60 £006 | #007 £008 | +009 > 0.60 to < 0.80 007 | + 0.08 £009 | #010 > 0.80 to < 1.00 £008 |+ 0.09 #010 | 0.1 > 100 to < 120 010 | 011 £0.12 +013 > 120 to < 1.60 £012 £0.13 £04 + 0.15 >160t0<200 |+014 | + 0.15 £0.16 +07 > 2.00 to < 2.50 + 0.16 +017 + 0.18 £0.19 > 2.50 to < 3.00 +019 +020 +021 > 3.00 to < 4.00 +028 + 0.25 +025 > 4.00 to = 5.00 +024 + 0.26 + 0.26 NOTE |, Products with closer tolerances may be supplied by agreement between manufacturer and purchaser. NOTE 2, If thickness is specified asa minimum with tolerances all + the permissible variation is equal to the total tolerance For example, & ‘specified minimum thickness of 2.60 mam pers ~0, +0:58 mm (for material = 1200 mm wide) and the nominal thickness would be 270 mim, However, where, as atest the nominal hiceess thet falls within ie next higher range for nominal thicknesses, the tolerances for the higher range app, ei minimum thickness of 2.09 mum is ordered, ce tolerance range would be ~0, +046 min (for material £1200 mm wie) and the nominal thiekness wuld be 9.18 mm, “| Table 2. Tolerance on length z ‘Nominal length ‘Normal Resheared tolerance | < 1500 }0,+6mm | 0, +3 mm |= 1500 t0 < 2000 |0,+8mm — |, +4:mm. > 3000 0, +08 % of | 0, +0.15 % of actual length | actual length Table 8. Tolerance on width Nominal width [Normal | Resheared tolerance tolerance [fora sam [>3m mm. mun man mn = 1200 oro a2 fy y > 12000 <1s00|0.+7 [asa |} BSI BS*2989 92 MM 1624669 0274017 7 BS 2989 : 1992 Table 4. Maximum permissible deviation from flatness for plate and sheet in lengths up to and Hineluding 5m ‘Nominal wide Maximum permissible deviation ‘Not specially flattened plate and sheet, all fades except Fe E5506” fora nominal | except Fe F850 G® and Fe E580 G, for a : hanes in nun) of ‘nominal thiekaoss (in mim) of ‘= 070 |> 020 |>120 |>200 |>8.00 | 0.70 |>0.70 |>120 |> 200 |>a.00 i wo lo lt to lo dt | e120 [€200 [2300 | 120 |<2.00 |= 3.00 mm mm fmm fmm fmm fmm fmm fmm fmm fmm | = 1200 wz jw |s fio jis js ja |s fo [8 < 1200 to < 1500 Peat ee SS ae ee ‘Maximum deviations for grade Fe F550 G should be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. ‘Special maxima for grade Fe E NOTE. plate or sheet cut from strip by a purchaser is require to have special maximum deviation, or if strip is used directly for 8 Special purpose. an agreemient on maximum deviations should be reached between manufaesier and pirchaset. The agreed maximum desiations teil only be obtained i the puchaser cartes out adequate Naltening wile sheating, 50 G may be availble, subject to agreement between manufacturer and parchaser. W is the width of sheevplate 1. isthe length of sheevplate F sete deviation from Datness Figure 1. Flatness of sheet/plate BSI BS*2989 92 MMH Ub24eb9 0274018 9 me BS 2989 : 1992 Table 5. Out-ofsquareness for resheared material Nominal wideh | Maximum out-of-squareness, w ‘Nominal le mm, mm mm < 3000 < 1200 2 = 3000 > 1200 3 < 1500 > 8000 < 1500 my L | W is the width of sheet E, isthe length of sheet inthe edge camber Figure 3. Edge camber of sheet 5 Inspection and acceptance Ete purchaser lets ots and inet the product after delivery, any specimen that does not appear to ‘The purchaser or his representative shall have my, any oo" : : 1 comply withthe requirements ofthis standard shal be reasonable access tothe works of the manufacturer for Soy aside, properly and correctly identified and carried out this shall be stated when placing the order Sdequately protected The manufacturer shall be (see 2.2 (c)). The inspector shall have all reasonable "formed so that he may investigate, facilities to determine that the produet is being supplied in accordance with this standard NOTE in cominios hot-ip costing practice lore ae mij tha diesen of especon a esting it deal tha he ‘extemal inspector uses the avallable manufacturer's records Wherever possible 6 BSI BS*2989 92 MM 1624669 0274015 0 BS 2989 : 1992 Publication(s) referred to BS EN 10079 Definition of steel products BS EN 10142 Specification for continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming ; technical delivery conditions Specification for continuously hot-dip zine coated structural steel sheet and strip — ‘Technical delivery conditions BS EN 10147 BS 2989 : 1992 BSI 2 Park Street London WIA 2BS BSI Linford Wood Milton Keynes MKI4 6LE 9202—5—2k—B BST BS*2989 92 MM Lb24b69 0274020 7 mm BSI — British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Contract requirements A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. Any person who finds an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard should notify BSI without delay so that the matter may be investigated swiftly. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying British Standards Orders for all British Standard publications should be addressed to the Sales Department at Milton Keynes, Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library, the Standardline Database, the BSI Information ‘Technology Service (BITS) and its Technical Help to Exporters vice. Contact Customer Information at Milton Keynes: Tel: 0908 221 166. Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact the Manager, Membership Development at Milton Keynes: Tel: 0908 220022. Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This, does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of details such as symbols and size, type or grade designations. Enquiries about copyright should be made to the Copyright Manager, Marketing at Milton Keynes, Iswi10

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