Beauty Sleeps
Beauty Sleeps
Beauty Sleeps
Finding time to Sleep is crucial for youthful skin, health and beauty.
About Dr. Breus 3
Women, Hormones & Havoc 5
PMS & Your Biological Clock 6
Sleep Loss & Fat 7
Sleep Loss & Fat 10
Sleep Loss & Increased Appetite 12
Sleep Loss & Weight Gain 14
Sleep Deprivation, Skin Hair 17
Skin and Sleep 18
Sleep Apnea, or Look Young? 19
Good Night: The Sleep In addition to his private practice, he not only treats
Doctor's 4-Week
athletes and celebrities, Dr. Breus also trains other
Program to Better
Sleep and Better sleep doctors and consults with major airlines, hotel
Health chains, mattress manufacturers and retailers to provide
the optimum sleep experience for their customers.
Also available in
Spanish & Japanese For over 14 years, Dr. Breus has served as the Sleep
Expert for WebMD which includes a monthly column
called Sleep Matters. Dr. Breus also writes The
Dont Miss the PBS Insomnia Blog and is a regular contributor to The
Documentary Huffington Post, Psychology Today, MedPedia,
Organized Wisdom, and Furniture Today.
Women have more problems sleeping than men
do for two primary reasons:
hormones and aging.
4 Beauty Sleep
Hormones Wreak Havoc
Women have more problems falling asleep and staying asleep than men do and are also more likely to have
daytime sleepiness. Women have more sleep disruptions during the premenstrual and menstrual times of the
monthincluding difficulty getting to sleep, nighttime awakenings, sleep disturbances, and vivid dreams.
But why do these sleep disruptions occur? Your hormones. While the hormone estrogen, which is present in
both sexes but more abundant in women, increases REM sleep, the female hormone progesterone, which
rises at midcycle, after ovulation, causes feelings of fatigue and drowsiness. When menstruation begins and
the progesterone level begins to fall, women have greater difficulties falling asleep and often experience poor
sleep quality for a few days. As a womans cycle begins again, normal sleep (if not good sleep) usually
returns. Other consequences women must contend with include:
The susceptibility to hormone-related sleep problems waxes and wanes throughout a womans life; sleep
problems first surface during pregnancy and flare up again at perimenopause and menopause.
Along with female-specific sex hormones, imbalances of other sub- stances in the body that affect mood,
inflammation, and insulin balance can also contribute to poor sleep in women. Examples of these
substances include the amino acid tryptophan and the sleep hormone melatonin. Tryptophan is necessary
for the formation of serotonin, the neurotrans- mitter that has a calming influence in the brain.9 Melatonin
helps to regu- late sleep cycles and sets the brains biological clock. When levels of any or all of these
substances fluctuate, the result can be a miserable nights sleep.
Beauty Sleep 5
To add to the trouble, it is thought
that PMS also affects your
biological clock by throwing off the
timing of sleep, just as jet lag does.
Normally, melatonin is low during
Why Women Cant Sleep: The Menstrual Cycle the day and higher at night.
However, in women dealing with
According to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, about 70 percent of PMS, melatonin is thought to be
menstruating women say their sleep is disrupted during their periods by symptoms like higher during the day, making them
breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, and headaches.10 The menstrual cycle is divided feel sleepy at the wrong time.
into four phases:
While in the throes of PMS, some
women say they feel fatigued no
Menstrual phaseBetween the onset of your period (day 1 of your cycle) and its matter how long they stay in bed. In
end addition, a study showed that
Follicular phaseFrom the end of your period until ovulation at about day 14 women who experienced PMS
Early luteal phaseThe week after ovulation (days 15 to 21) rated their alertness as significantly
Late luteal phaseThe time until menstruation starts again (days 22 to 28 or so) lower during both menstrual phases
studied (the follicular phase and the
At the start of your menstrual phase (when your period starts), theres a decline in late luteal, premenstrual phase).12
estrogen (and a slowing of your metabolism) and you get sleepy. We now know that It may be that the lower level of
alertness is due to a tendency
the drop in estrogen leads to less REM sleep, which is when dreams usually occur.
toward poorer sleep in women with
Also, having a heavy period can lead to anemia from the lower iron level, which is a PMS. Studies show that women
primary cause of restless legs syndromethat uncomfortable creepy, crawly feeling have more awakenings, sleep
you may get in your legs when you lie down that forces you to keep moving your legs distur- bances, and vivid dreams
or walking around. with PMS than they do during the
rest of the month.
During the follicular phase, in the first half of your menstrual cycle, the brain signals
the pituitary gland to make follicle-stimulating hor- mone, which triggers a rise in PMS tends to occur more often in
estrogen. Thus, you no longer feel sleepyto the contrary, you may feel overly women from ages 26 to 42 who
have had at least one child and
stimulated and have insomnia. During the follicular phase, women tend to have more
have a family history of depression
light or poor-quality sleep (Stage 2) and an increase in REM sleep, often at the end of and/ or a past medical history of
the night, which may make it difficult to wake up in the morn- ing. So, its both hard to postpartum depression or a mood
fall asleep and hard to wake up during this menstrual phase leading to ovulation. disorder.13
During the early luteal phase, the week after ovulation, the hormone progesterone is Women with severe PMS (also
on the rise again. This will increase sleepiness and body temperature. Your circadian called premenstrual dysphoric
rhythm (which is controlled by melatonin) is affected. You will feel sleepy and want to disor- der, or PMDD) report even
go to bed earlier, but you will also wake up earlier. Your metabolism speeds up during more sleep-related complaints,
including having trouble falling and
this phase, so you will feel hungrier and eat more. Sleep will be lighter or of poorer
staying asleep, fatigue,
quality. sluggishness, and dif- ficulty
concentrating. In fact, sleep
In the final phase that leads up to menstruationthe late luteal phase, which is when disturbanceeither being sleepy all
many women experience PMSestrogen and progesterone levels begin to fall back to the time or having trouble getting to
normal, increasing awaken- ings and decreasing the amount of deep, restorative sleep or staying asleepis one of
sleep you get and crave the most. the defining criteria for a diagnosis
of PMDD.
Beauty Sleep
Women, Sleep and Age